Minsk. Yanukovych syndrome


Let's start with Ukraine

The deepest mistake of many Russians who commented on the Ukrainian events was the conviction that "there are exactly the same Russians, but with Ukrainian passports." Well, in the sense, with the exception of a narrow group of paid Bandera, people think almost like in Russia. Based on this, an analysis of the situation in Ukraine has been conducted for many years. And very, very naive people, observing the harsh crackdown of demonstrators somewhere in Europe / USA, immediately begin to post a photo of a surprised Yanukovych with a note: “But what, was that possible?”

Funny to horror. So, the dispersal of demonstrators in the winter of 13-14 did not solve any problem in Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians were very clearly aimed at European integration. But we are stubbornly trying to ignore this sad fact. And buses with Crimean demonstrators who returned from Kiev were not attacked by “individual extremists,” as many would like to think.

After four years of war in the Donbass, we still want to talk about some extremists paid by the State Department, who are to blame for everything. That is, an attempt is being made to ignore objective reality, which is quite a reality. No, extremists had a place to be, as well as the intervention of American intelligence services, of course, this is so. But there was quite a mass Ukrainian nationalism, without which it was all completely impossible. There were millions of Ukrainian nationalists who supported the Maidan.

This is reality. And "the evil State Department, which is to blame for everything," is a bit of a fairy tale. And the truth is in the mass support of the Maidan and in millions of Ukrainians who are ready to shed blood for the sake of the triumph of the “European victory”. Life has proved it. Until now (!) In Ukraine there are no mass anti-war sentiments. No, our propagandists really want to see them ... and periodically “find” them, but in fact they are not.

It was not for nothing that smart people said that in the case of the “successful” occupation of Ukraine in the summer of the 14th, we would have received half the indifferent, but unkind citizens, a small number of “like supporters” and millions of people who are ready to fight with weapons in the arms (at least shoot in the back). And all this booth would have to be kept at our expense.

This truth is very inconvenient for those who have been investing in Kiev for 25 years, so it is ignored. In February 2014, Yanukovych did not have (as many of us think) a simple and beautiful way to disperse the demonstrators by force. It was too late, even such a successful operation did not solve anything: there were both oligarchs and a significant part of the population against it. Moreover, it was Maidan-2 that showed the illusory nature of the "policy of richness of vectorism."

In fact, the Russian version was only a theoretical alternative to use it in negotiations with the West. And while everything was "theoretically and hypothetically," it seemed to roll through. But when Yanukovych really postponed the signing of a magic treaty with Europe, a tsunami wave immediately arose, which carried him to hell with his grandmother. That is, he did not manage to sign anything with Putin in 2014 and did not make any special concessions, but this did not save him. It is categorically unprofitable for many to admit that Maidan-2 had powerful internal Ukrainian reasons. Like, "Aunt Nuland came running with cookies and vulgarized everything."

Richness of vector means the ability to make moves in one direction or the other. So, Yanukovych did not have this opportunity, it was not at all. His "rapprochement with Russia" was nothing more than a tactical maneuver to get his own price in the West. But already this attempt to “bargain a little” provoked a catastrophe. In Russia, millions of naive citizens sacredly believe in a possible option of dispersal of the Maidan and Euro-Asian integration for Ukraine. Naive.

Lukashenko. Time to be determined?

So, this is Ukraine. With Belarus, the situation is no better. Hundreds (thousands!) Of times I met in the comments an open appeal to Lukashenko that "it would be time to decide already." These calls were a little late. It was not for nothing that the ancients advised the kings, so to speak, “re-assuming office,” so that they would make the same decisions on the same issues so as not to bring confusion to the minds of their subjects. A stupid, but predictable solution for the masses is much better than a brilliant, but unexpected.

There is also such a thing as the “duckling effect” (what you saw first is better). That is, it was from the very beginning and it was precisely Lukashenko who had the option of creating a pro-Russian ideology in Belarusian society. And there was everything for this: both culture and story, and language, and family ties, and economics ... But he decided totally different. He just relied on nationalism and Russophobia. Those Belarusian nationalists whom he defeated when he came to power, he defeated not because they were "nationalists", but because they were personally beyond his control. Feel the difference.

We will not analyze here all the reasons and arguments for choosing just such a path for the development of Belarusian society, the fact is that it was such a choice that was made thenalready in the late 90s. In general, of course, the “choice” is very, very exotic: the “complete scoop” in the field of economics, its basis is the industrial giants and collective farms of the Soviet era, which are in full state ownership; Well, in the field of ideology - the maximum throwing of mud at Russia and from it (so dirty and bad) complete distance.

To date, the system in the Republic of Belarus is finally formed and ossified. It can no longer be radically reformed. Each system has the limits of permissible transformation, and so, in Belarus they are very small. The Belarusian state propaganda loves to stick out (for the Russian reader) to the forefront the very same “preserved Soviet economy”. Moreover, the fact of its complete and continuous loss-making is diligently diluted, but this is not so bad.

Rђ RІRѕS, ideological Belarusian propagandists hate to demonstrate the basis of modern Belarusian society to “fraternal Russians”. Because it’s “trash and waste”. During the reign of A.G. Lukashenko fully formed and took shape just the pro-Western and anti-Russian basis of the “Belarusian ideology”. That is, you are persistently poked in the nose with "preserved factories", and you better not read newspapers ... Belarusian newspapers. Why get upset?

In Belarus, a consensus seemed to have formed long ago, where Poland is much better than Russia. That is, there is no special difference between the government and the opposition for us, at least from the point of view that both are in fact oriented towards the West. Now everything is bad in Belarus (the golden years are long gone!), And the fight for power is serious. It just takes on exotic forms (doctors ’deal!). Mass arrests of senior officials, allegedly for corruption ... For us, using the words of Lenin, we can say that "both are worse." What is power, what is opposition. Or rather, this: that "power", that "opposition." In Belarus, these things must be quoted.

Yes, the opposition does not try to win Russia over to its side at all - it is completely pro-Western (pro-Polish-American). Which, based on the Ukrainian-Armenian experience, raises serious questions about the reasonableness of our foreign policy. Should I put all the eggs in one basket? Especially when this basket bursts at the seams, and the “basket man” is regularly rude to you? No, our diplomats are “on top”: in Ukraine, Georgia and Armenia we put power in power, and the opposition came to power, and we are so “offended”.

It is not necessary to be offended, but to protect Russian national interests. As Babich’s experience showed, the Belarusian opposition is in principle not ready to talk with Russia. Russia is bad, Russia is totalitarian, Russia supports Lukashenko. It’s more convenient for them. That is a complete lack of contact. We can only congratulate our diplomacy, which has been “hilling” Shklov’s genius for 25 years. The results are inspiring. The West does not invest money in Belarus, but ... it works with the opposition and has a serious political influence on Minsk (unlike sponsored Russia). Learn, gentlemen.

But the “official Minsk”, as the experience of the same Babich has shown, is absolutely not ready to talk with Russia today! When Babich tried to organize a press conference on the anniversary of the annexation of Crimea, she was ignored by both official and opposition media. That is, they did not come and did not ask “sharp questions”; they simply pointedly “ignored” her. There is such a “Belarusian paradox” here: in general, we have almost all our friends there, but individually everything is quite the opposite.

Why is Lukashenko “pro-Russian”

Everything is quite simple here: “pro-Russian” is a stigma in modern Belarus. Like in Russia - “foreign agent” or in the 90s “family” - about the Yeltsins. And it is precisely this stigma that is actively used in the political struggle (that is, in the struggle for power), and just in the struggle for power there is such a beautiful trick as "branding" an opponent with something unworthy (a thief, an alcoholic, an agent of the State Department, a liberal, a "catophobe"). Wherein absolutely not importantwhether it is so in reality.

That is, “legs grow” from here. In Belarus, “pro-Russian” is bad, therefore it can be used in the political struggle, capturing a significant part of the “electorate”. As we all know, political propaganda is not at all obliged to rely on reality. It can exist "on its own." So, the “wise Lukashenko” in order to maintain power and protect against the “Anschluss” once gave the go-ahead for the promotion of anti-Russian propaganda. And it worked!

And now, the opposition, using these developments, is aiming to hit Lukashenko’s regime, accusing him of “surrendering the country to Putin for cheap oil.” But did Belarus receive tens of billions of dollars from Russia? And here Lukashenko must say thanks to his propaganda: he convinced Belarusians that independence is everything, it is sacred; and Russian billions, oil, gas, the market - this is so, nonsense ...

And today he can’t say: yes guys, I have “eaten” 100 billion bucks for you! This is not playing. Using the experience of Lukashenka’s state propaganda (Russia is obliged to help!), The opposition drove him into a corner (and there he carefully “stumbles”). Today, the “Union State" in the Republic of Belarus is seen as the clearest example of undermining sovereignty and attempted national independence. And there is nothing to cover Lukashenko (that is, he already lost).

At the same time, since he is “pecking” him from all sides for pro-Russian character, he considers himself to be “an innocently injured ally of Russia”. Why an ally? So still they peck him for it! The tragedy of Lukashenko is that today, being terribly unpopular and having a collapsed economy in his hands, he is forced to retain power in a country with powerful pro-Western / anti-Russian sentiments. And the economy depends on Russia! And in the West, his regime is stigmatized as dictatorial. That is, a man of 25 years has driven himself into a corner.

Prospects for the “struggle”

Lukashenko, incidentally, has much worse prospects than Yanukovych. Yanukovych was quite legally and democratically elected, the power did not hold by force and could well resign / not be re-elected. The economy in Ukraine-2013 was not state subsidized long ago, Yanukovych did not carry out mass arrests and landings, and so on. Nevertheless, in February 2014, he was in a dead end (they drove him there). The economy is weak and heavily dependent on Russia, and the politically active part of the population looks only at the West.

That is, in Ukraine there was and could not be any “Yanukovych regime”. In contrast to Belarus, where the “regime of the name of one person” just takes place. And in Belarus, just like in Ukraine, things in the economy, frankly, are not important. That is even worse. But if in Ukraine there were some “options” and some “prospects”, then in Belarus everything simply and quietly died: both factories and collective farms. Everything, everything is dead. What we have the good fortune to observe is a fierce fight in the ruins of the economy. Reforming it is too late. You cannot reform what is no longer there.

And for the 25 years of Lukashenko’s rule, the Belarusian elite has fully formed, ready to work only in conditions of tough conducting. The market is unacceptable to them, they will not give up power. There such an “original” impasse is being observed now: a group of people (it’s not only Lukashenko) are struggling to hold on to power. Market reforms for them are unacceptable precisely for this reason - the loss of power, and therefore they will not be, do not wait. Unification with Russia is also a loss of power, so there will never be any “unification”.

We somehow underestimate the difference in systems: in Russia it is not at all necessary to be in the power structures in order to have enough. In Belarus this is exactly so. Only power provides a reliable piece of bread. A kind of feudalism. Therefore, no one there will ever give up even a piece of power. And for any movement (towards the market, towards Russia) it is necessary to give up this power. No one will ever do this. Everyone wants to eat.

That is, for very objective and deeply internal reasons. none “Internal reforms” in Belarus are impossible in principle. And no “movement” is possible anywhere either. But the economy is collapsing (prefeudal and not adapted to feudalism) and popular anger is growing. And here it is necessary to look for ways and loopholes where to direct this anger. Well, not for Lukashenko? And the throne begins to fall ... you can’t delay.

Given the focus of the “previous” propaganda, the solution is simple: Russia is to blame for everything! Her oligarchs, her "tax maneuver", her "wrong foreign policy." Seeds fall on “fertilized soil” - Belarusians have been accustomed to this for many years. And then "Yanukovych’s syndrome" begins. Only Russia can / is ready to provide economic assistance, but any steps towards it are perceived by the population as sharply hostile (surrender of sovereignty!).

And it turns out that there is no “room for maneuver” for the rich-vector Lukashenko. Generally no. What he wants and what he does not want is not so important today. His "Wishlist" here do not play a role. The elites of the Republic of Belarus and the population today, in principle, are not ready for a serious rapprochement with Russia. That is, everything is like in Ukraine in the winter of 13-14. Dead end. He cannot get normal international loans, he cannot reform the economy, he cannot get closer to Russia. He has no moves. And the situation is rapidly deteriorating (zugzwang is called - when any further move only worsens the situation).

By the way, flirting with the junta, among other things, bore a populist character - it was a kind of attempt to set up the opposition on its field. That is, as if Lukashenko confronts the empire together with the entire civilized world. Power is terribly unpopular; therefore, desperate measures are needed. Because - like this. Lukashenko - he seems to be living and working in Belarus, and the mood in Vitebsk, and not in Smolensk, is important to him. And in Belarus - yes, in Belarus, cooperation with Poroshenko added certain popularity. You are not for the "cotton wool"? Well, in Ukraine, he raised his popularity (to the heap). True. And this is no longer whims, this is a struggle for political survival. First, the dog turns its tail, then the tail of the dog ... That is, today it does not matter if he wants to turn to Russia. He cannot do this with all his will. He’ll just be demolished.

That is, his flirting with Ukrainian nationalists is not stupidity, it is also a struggle for power and influence. What to do if among the Belarusian electorate Azov is more popular than Sparta? Supporting the militia, Lukashenko would not have gained any political points in Belarus. In fact, in order to “beat” the opposition, he is forced to play on its field and run “ahead of the main Bandera”, accusing the same opposition of trying to organize the Maidan and the invasion of the “green men”. When there is a struggle for power, it’s not up to sentiment.

And it is simply impossible to engage in political propaganda in Belarus today without using a “pinch of Russophobia”.

Conclusions for Russia

And here just the most difficult and unpleasant begins. In the upcoming political confrontation of Russia, there is simply no one to bet on. Alas and ah. In the Republic of Belarus, it is so bad with "pro-Russian" that there simply is no such "axis of coordinates." As a matter of fact, such a question simply baffles Belarusians. They are “all pro-Russian” (theoretically), or all “independent and European” (when it comes to making decisions), which shows confusion in the minds ... It's like a mathematical team from the Republic of Belarus called “Union State” with the BCH flag.

People sincerely do not understand what is at stake. That is, even Mr. Babich did not meet any understanding from the Belarusians. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia did not meet any understanding among Belarusians. In general, no (a pro-Russian country!). We have been "trumped" for many years by the fact that the head of this country is "exclusively a pro-Russian president." Say, what the hell do you still need?

Then, when the president turned out to be not entirely pro-Russian, it turned out that on the next “steps” no one was pro-Russian at all. No ministers, no politicians, no journalists, no one at all. No, there is! Recently dug up: as many as two figures with an interesting surname Draco. Seriously: Yuri Draco and Valery Draco. One simply writes adequate texts about Russia, the second promotes (unsuccessfully!) The Immortal regiment. Searched for a long time, and now - found! Happy immensely.

And if you consider that in Belarus there is a pro-Western opposition named Dracohrust, then you can make a bold conclusion about the habitat of the last dragons in Europe.

But seriously, the "pro-Russian figures" in Belarus are almost as rare as fairytale dragons. Oddly enough, this at first glance dramatically eases our task of helping Belarus. Indeed, it is possible (according to the American example) to help not the whole country, but politicians that are interesting to you (Saakashvili will not let you lie). To help public figures.

If you take them all "in bulk", then all one will succeed much more economicalthan one "emperor Lukashenko." The problem, oddly enough, is that at the moment in the Belarusian socio-political space there are very few figures of interest to us and there is especially no one to help. That is, even with a radical change in the leadership of the Republic of Belarus (which, in the conditions of an economic collapse, seems quite probable), one does not have to wait for any progress in Russian-Belarusian relations. Neither the security forces, nor the business community of Belarus are pro-Russian. Neither in general nor separately. That is, roughly speaking, that very “national unity” in the Republic of Belarus in some form was formed. A sense of "community" arose. But for some reason this “unity” turned out to be anti-Russian and pro-European. It’s like reality.

It is no coincidence that Mr. Lukashenko is rushing and rushing to the Kremlin “in the same face”, that is, apparently, there are no other “informal ties” between the leadership of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. Thus, there is Mr. Makei (head of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry), who represents the "pro-Western wing." But to name a high-ranking official of the Republic of Belarus, representing the "pro-Russian wing", simply does not work. Apparently, there are simply none. Apparently bad for a career. But the scheme turned out to be unbalanced, one-winged.

Classics of the genre: there are “Lukashnik soil workers,” there are “Westernist nationalists,” there is a struggle, but the pro-Russian group is completely absent (that is why Russia's interests are defiantly ignored). By the way, it seems that the single control over all politics has been lost, and foreigners have long been tightly controlled by the Westerners. In principle, if you formulate the national strategy in the key “Russia is the enemy, Europe is a friend”, it is not surprising that sooner or later foreign policy will be completely shaped precisely by the “Westerners”.

Therefore Lukashenko is so furious. Because the economy “remained behind him” as a “strong business executive” and the economy depends on Russia. And Russia is primarily interested not in “factories and collective farms”, but in the foreign policy of the Republic of Belarus, which Lukashenko, apparently, no longer controls or does not control at all.

That is, Lukashenko today can’t turn around for Russia for one simple reason: there are no pro-Russian elite groups in Belarus, there are no pro-Russian sentiments among the people, and such a “reversal” technically impossible, even if we leave aside the personal preferences of the president himself.

Minsk. Yanukovych syndrome
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  1. +24
    15 January 2020 15: 10
    Millions of Ukrainians were very clearly aimed at European integration.

    They were well prepared for this, and then only pushed!
    And note that they DON’T WANT to change anything fundamentally, otherwise, no power would have stayed there.
    Those. like relatives there IS, of course, but even among them, the autonomous idea has strengthened, is driven in tightly.
    What will be the next generation, most probably guess !!!
    1. +21
      15 January 2020 15: 21
      How much is boiled up in the fooling of Ukrainians only by the Americans do not even know * in their * Congress, because it was paid from different pockets, including private traders closely affiliated with the CIA. How much the EU has swelled into fooling Ukrainians, they are not even trying to calculate. Apparently, the costs have already paid off many times, because they are losing interest in Ukrainians both in the USA and in the EU, they don’t see what else they can have from them. But the boobies remained and continue to be fooled by force of habit.
      1. +6
        15 January 2020 15: 52
        How much is swollen in fooling

        Well, it was said about 5 lard .. the amount is not small, you can believe ..

        From our side, the "debt of Yanukovych" + the December fine of Gazprom already outweigh this amount .. And God only knows how much has been thrown in there in 20 years ..
        So the point is not specifically in the amount ..
        1. +6
          15 January 2020 19: 56
          and the foreign policy of Belarus, which Lukashenko, apparently no longer in control or not at all in control (from text) In my opinion, the author suffered! belay Batko does not control foreign policy, he does not control “collective farm enterprises,” that is, a subsidized economy. And who controls it, if not the state? She is not profitable! What then does the “last dictator of Europe” control in general? request
          1. +5
            15 January 2020 20: 16
            The Belarusian economy, according to the author, is in collapse! And why is this “unprofitable" economy showing steady GDP growth? That that Batko did not let plunder BelAZ, MAZ and other engineering enterprises, the author blames him. request But the looting of ZIL and AZLK is probably a smart marketing move?
            1. +5
              16 January 2020 09: 26
              Show me MAZ, they have not been on Russian roads for several years. And I am glad of this, KAMAZ has enough competitors in the face of foreign cars. ZiL already in the 1980s did not have any intelligible new model range and was located in the center of Moscow => Its closure was only a matter of time. The same GAZ for some reason in the late 90s with its "GAZelle" simply carried out all foreign cars of this class. And no one jokes about the basins for a long time.
          2. +1
            16 January 2020 09: 29
            If the state. the economy is unprofitable, but the private one is not, or is it insignificant, then where do the subsidies come from? Yes, from there, from Russia. Gas to them at "fair prices", sales markets. So it turns out that Rygorych does not control anything, since he receives it from Russia.
      2. +7
        15 January 2020 17: 17
        Russia swelled dozens of times more, but not in that!
    2. +13
      15 January 2020 21: 35
      I live in Minsk, among my friends everyone understands that we live at the expense of Russia ... (except for some young people) The opposition is everywhere, is it worth it to judge the whole country by the people who bought the meeting?
      1. +11
        16 January 2020 00: 10
        Quote: RVAPatriot
        I live in Minsk, among my friends everyone understands that we live at the expense of Russia ... (except for some young people) The opposition is everywhere, is it worth it to judge the whole country by the people who bought the meeting?

        Rather yes than no. Oddly enough, these "bought" ones sometimes turn the country upside down.
        And "those who understand" first pretend that they share the winning sentiments. Just to keep my face intact.
        And then they convince themselves that this is true. Just not to start despising yourself for cowardice.
        1. -5
          17 January 2020 16: 40
          Quote: Flood
          Rather yes than no. Oddly enough, these "bought" ones sometimes turn the country upside down.
          Because they are most likely "purchased" really in quotes. And it's pretty easy to spot. For example, when, in the bulk of the unarmed, the Maidanites began to shoot (we do not touch a variety of possible controversial conspiracies, only a fact) and they did not scatter, we can already conclude that these are not bought people, for 500 hryvnia with a wooden shield for bullets and criminal liability do not climb. Kiev "Antimaydan" ran away at the first problems, while everyone knew that he was bought and he was not assigned any tasks, as a maximum of someone to beat the crowd and stand behind the Berkut's back, but something serious with a risk - no no. In the same way, then spontaneous demonstrations began in Donbass, I do not think that they were paid for, since it was clearly visible - people emotionally rushed to the armed military.

          Quote: Flood
          And "those who understand" first pretend that they share the winning sentiments. Just to keep my face intact.
          And then they convince themselves that this is true. Just not to start despising yourself for cowardice.
          Perhaps this is true.
      2. +1
        16 January 2020 09: 31
        Well, let's say you understand what your actions are? To go to Russia? Fight in your country for a U-turn to Russia and moving to it with a suitcase, a train station and all Minsk? Or just wait until the Russian 90s come and have to survive at the expense of the garden.
  2. +19
    15 January 2020 15: 13
    Like, "Aunt Nuland came running with cookies and vulgarized everything."

    That's it, she ran in ... the Iranian ambassador also ran in Iran ... the protégé of Washington Guando also ran in Venezuela ... the author of the article is a little cunning thinking that millions of Belarusians and Ukrainians are all Westerners ... it’s not.
    Most likely the elite of these republics is fully or partially pro-Western ... how it happened is easy to see by looking at the biographies of their political figures ... many of them feed from the feeders of Western grants.
    Lukashenko is now on the razor's edge ... one careless step and he can repeat the fate of Yanukovych.
    1. -2
      15 January 2020 15: 27
      And if you consider that in Belarus there is a pro-Western opposition named Dracohrust, then you can make a bold conclusion about the habitat of the last dragons in Europe.

      Interestingly, if he had the surname Ivanov, Petrov, or Yegorov, what "bold conclusion" would the author have made?
      1. 0
        20 January 2020 14: 04
        Quote: Rich
        And if you consider that in Belarus there is a pro-Western opposition named Dracohrust, then you can make a bold conclusion about the habitat of the last dragons in Europe.

        Interestingly, if he had the surname Ivanov, Petrov, or Yegorov, what "bold conclusion" would the author have made?
        Watch the vigil! soldier He also saw in this humor a manifestation of the author’s tendentiousness, the desire to thicken colors with rhetoric. As an optimist, I believe that a serious problem of elites in the Republic of Belarus exists and may be more acute than in the Russian Federation, but if in the near future there will be a purge of elites in Russia, then it will become easier in Belarus to clear its managerial structures of anti-people and anti-state elements , if Old Man will show interest in this process.
    2. +11
      15 January 2020 15: 53
      the author of the article is a little cunning thinking that millions of Belarusians and Ukrainians are all Westerners ... this is not so.

      The author only shows that one should not be cunning, and think that all these millions are pro-Russian ..
      1. +1
        15 January 2020 17: 19
        The main question is: are they Russian or not? The risk of the collapse of the Belarusian economy and the state is great and growing. And sooner or later you have to decide: WITH WHOM? There will be no resources for self-resurrection.
        1. +1
          15 January 2020 17: 55
          There isn’t any risk of collapse of the state, but the risk to the economy
      2. +6
        16 January 2020 10: 22
        The author says that Westerners in Belarus went too far. Already beautifully wrote that many are against Russia. Belarus, both in the USSR and now, is completely tied up with Russia. Well, there was an assembly shop and now raw materials, components from the Russian Federation, back the final products. Take a cut off the hand of a person who sews another, it certainly won’t work. And so it happened with Ukraine. An independent population survey is not hard to do about integration. In the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, I think many people understand that the Belovezhskaya’s three divided against their will.
        1. 0
          18 January 2020 00: 49
          In the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, I think many people understand that the Belovezhskaya’s three divided against their will.

          About 15 years ago I would agree with you. Even when Yanukovych was elected, they had a 50/50 alignment. And so - exactly 50 for Russia, and in the remaining half part for independence, but not in NATO and not with the West. Yanukovych is an indecisive coward, but ours at that moment behaved like mumblers. Now a generation has grown up - time is gone. Now most of them are "Ukrainians" from birth. As well as Belarusians. Basta. "Snotty kiss on time"
          1. -2
            18 January 2020 09: 00
            About 15 years ago I would agree with you. Even when they chose Yanukovych, their alignment was 50 to 50. And so - 50 for Russia, and in the remaining half, part for independence

            Not once: there even the Communists looked to the West
            About 10 years ago I looked at the situation in the country of Ukraine and made a very simple conclusion that it makes no sense to speak with them.
          2. +2
            18 January 2020 12: 11
            Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus are countries of the 3rd world, and it is possible to escape from there only with integration with stronger countries. Europe is not needed because see freeloaders and a sales market. The RF was more needed, given the availability of a resource base, there is a lack of qualified human resources. Ukraine was torn off. Belarus is still being pulled to the west, but the Russian Federation does not want to concede. Divide and Conquer. Nezalezhnosti (imaginary) is the word for "snotty".
    3. +10
      15 January 2020 17: 13
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Lukashenko is now on the razor's edge ... one careless step and he can repeat the fate of Yanukovych.

      Shaking the situation, he thinks that he will keep the situation at its peak and roll back. Yanukovych also thought so. But at the right moment, the situation was pushed in the right direction. The result is visible to us.
      1. +4
        15 January 2020 17: 55
        Yanukovych ruled for 3 years with difficulty and Lukashenko has held power for 25 years
        1. +3
          15 January 2020 19: 48
          Quote: Kronos
          Yanukovych ruled for 3 years with difficulty and Lukashenko has held power for 25 years

          Yes, there is a difference.
      2. +10
        15 January 2020 20: 09
        Situations are not the same:
        The BASIC force that opposes Lukashenko (the Litvin movement) was created 20 years ago, not without the help of the Old Man himself, in contrast to Ukrainian nationalists.
        The siloviki are completely under control. What didn’t Yanukovych have?
        The welfare of the Belarusian elite depends on state-owned companies and on Russian assistance.
        Belarus, unlike Ukraine, refused to help the IMF.
        Lukashenko defeated the pro-Russian opposition, which was practically absent in Ukraine.
        And the rest of the time will show.
    4. +1
      16 January 2020 09: 32
      If you can swap a country with Nuland alone with cookies, then why is such a country needed?
  3. -39
    15 January 2020 15: 19
    Modern Russia is attractive (economically and politically) except for African countries. ... request
    1. -26
      15 January 2020 16: 38
      Sorry minusers, really still the countries of Central Asia ... laughing
      1. +20
        15 January 2020 16: 51
        Modern Russia is attractive (economically and politically) unless for Africa

        Sorry minusers, really still the countries of Central Asia.

        Yes nivapros - girls from all democratic Eastern Europe work as prostitutes in the Bundesrepublic
        But because it is attractive.
      2. 0
        15 January 2020 20: 30
        Do not be offended by minusers. It was worth adding Latin America. By the way, about the same list of continents will be for the United States, and a little shorter for Canada.
    2. +1
      18 January 2020 12: 52
      This is probably why, without exception, all EU countries, China, Turkey, South America, the Middle East, Africa, etc. seek to establish relations with Russia or stake out on the Russian market - they see a perspective unlike you. And this prospect is growing with the extinction of the world hegemon. The trend. Very stable.
  4. +4
    15 January 2020 15: 19
    There is only one conclusion: it is impossible to sit between two chairs - maybe the anus can crack.
  5. +14
    15 January 2020 15: 20
    In Czechoslovakia in 1968, they did not favor Moscow either, but as we remember then, the authorities kept their finger on the pulse and did not allow the eastern block to be destroyed.
  6. +17
    15 January 2020 15: 21
    "And" the evil State Department, which is to blame for everything, "is a bit of a fairy tale."
    Well yes. Far more "fabulous". V.Nuland was not on the Maidan. And she didn't hand out the cookies, nor did McCain. Biden didn't sit at the head of the table.
    V. Nuland did not appoint Klitschko as mayor of Kiev and Yatsenyuk as prime minister. Are there many fairy tales for Ukraine?
    With whom to be Belarusians is their choice. With one of the USSR grave digger Shushkevich they (Belarusians) did not stay long.
    Lukashenka was chosen. And for many years as it turned out. He is going to run again. If the Belarusians have not learned anything from the "experience" of the Ukrainians,
    what's "better" with the West. Flag in their hands.
    1. +7
      15 January 2020 16: 23
      Quote: Andrey Chistyakov
      "And" the evil State Department, which is to blame for everything, "is a bit of a fairy tale."
      Well yes. Far more "fabulous". V.Nuland was not on the Maidan. And she didn't hand out the cookies, nor did McCain. Biden didn't sit at the head of the table.
      V. Nuland did not appoint Klitschko as mayor of Kiev and Yatsenyuk as prime minister. Are there many fairy tales for Ukraine?

      It's just that the author formulated a little unsuccessfully. It would be more correct to say:
      "The evil State Department, which one to blame for everything, ”is a bit of a fairy tale.

      Nuland's cookies fell on the prepared soil. And the actions of the State Department were massively supported by the Ukrainian side - by those who are considered to be "fraternal people" and "adequate Ukrainians" in our country.
      Moreover, it all began long before Profesor. Remember at least the Maidan, which brought Yushchenko to power. Or even the times of the USSR - 1990:
  7. +18
    15 January 2020 15: 24
    it surprised me too .. like in 45 millionth Ukraine, a bunch of Bandera did everything they wanted. the peoples of Ukraine for the most part. was and supported Maidan. and that is a fact. we just Russians could not and did not want to take this fact. but no matter how this mutual hostility was tied up with blood in the Donbass. and this is for a long time. Anglo-Saxons have achieved something .. what did not dream of. Why was the GDP recognized an illegitimate government, and the election of Poroshenko?
    - Why was it necessary to stop traffic to Kharkov and other cities of Little Russia? there are many questions .. but there is a problem with intelligible answers.
    1. -6
      15 January 2020 15: 29
      Perhaps I wanted to exchange Ukraine for the Crimea. And he succeeded.
    2. +10
      15 January 2020 15: 33
      Edward in the 90s themselves barely survived. With such as EBN, and before him Gorbachev. There was no time for Ukraine. Their "Donbass" was organized by people with "bright" persons. I'm talking about liberals. In the form of a war in the Caucasus.
    3. -1
      15 January 2020 17: 08
      Why, it was said "... only with the greatest, maximum support of the population ..." Well, whoever did not support, I am not to blame (I deserve it).
    4. +3
      15 January 2020 17: 26
      Well, business interests dictated politics. Putin believed in the ghostly hand of the market that he would steer the brains of races in a rational way. Naive ... He, by his own admission, believed amers and persuaded a yanuk to take Berkut from the square ... He just killed him with such a confession .. This is not a crime, this is a much worse mistake!
      1. +1
        16 January 2020 10: 28
        I agree, but then there was no Donbas and Lugansk, but there would be Lviv and Volyn
        1. +2
          16 January 2020 10: 58
          Agree, there would not be so much grief and suffering for the Russians of the southeast, and the Zapadents would remain Zapadents ..
    5. +2
      16 January 2020 02: 40
      There is nothing strange that a well-organized minority rules. But the majority ... in Ukraine then dreamed that we would conclude an agreement with the EU (it simply did not understand the essence) and begin to live like in a fairy tale. Well, in Russia there were such illusions in 91.
  8. +14
    15 January 2020 15: 28
    Let me, as a person living in Belarus, express my point of view.
    1) The economic situation of the population, as in Russia, is better in the capital and worse in the periphery.
    2) Politics for Belarusians in second place (here is the politicized Russians, how strange it is still a question)
    3) People for the most part support the Old Man, since the established social and economic system is stable.
    That is why the current government will remain in power as long as the average Belarusian will have his own "dalyarau for a month." This situation is only possible when oil is resold. Otherwise, the people will start "grumble". In principle, no "nationalist ideas", even among young people, are interesting among the population, but there is an irresistible desire to get a "Pole's card", which gives the right to work and study there.
    My forecast: integration is inevitable, but Russia will sooner gain territory with industrial resources and pensioners, but young people (and alas, not the worst part of it) will leave for Poland and Germany.
    1. -1
      15 January 2020 16: 30
      integration is inevitable

      O RLY? where such confidence?
      1. +1
        15 January 2020 19: 46
        Watch the New Year’s speech by the Belarusian president.
    2. +2
      15 January 2020 16: 58
      Quote: Romka
      Let me, as a person living in Belarus, express my point of view.

      I’m like a person living in Belarus would have spoken, but not destiny, it's time to run to spend your hard-earned "pizzot" (just like in paragraph 2 of your "comment"). I agree with you more, but on some points there are objections, however, as well as on the article as a whole.
    3. -2
      15 January 2020 17: 54
      let as Belarus object:
      1. everything is right here
      2. only pilots and security officials are political. Belarusians want to be friends with the Russian Federation, but kiss on the gums and be part of the Russian Federation with its laws and government.
      3. do not lie - after raising the retirement age, even the majority of pensioners and those who were soon retired quietly hate the mustachioed, and even the security forces on the sidelines discuss how he was tired of everyone. And where do you see a stable social and economic system? Forget it bursting at the seams. And no one is calling him Old Man, the whole father came out - the Tsar remained.
      It will not receive any territory of the Russian Federation with or without Lukashenko. As correctly written in the article - he has no options .... everything will be finished soon.
      And youth is interested in nationalism, do not lie !! But only healthy nationalism, and not what the Belarusian Popular Front offers, these are generally clowns, such as the right sector in Ukraine. BPF is no longer taken seriously.
      1. +2
        15 January 2020 19: 40
        Regarding the political apathy of the population.
        2. The most popular site of the Republic of Belarus is onliner.by. (even among pensioners is a success) This is not a political site, but the most popular on the forum today 15.01.19/XNUMX/XNUMX:
        Religion. Your attitude.
        Residential Properties. General trends
        How much does it cost to build a HOUSE?
        World of Tanks 287K game lovers club
        Parcels from abroad: together we are waiting for our parcels
        Egypt - relaxation and experience

        Today, among the articles top No. 1 and No. 2: "Emigration to the USA without rose-colored glasses" and "Three options for wedding budgets"
        3. You can continue to quietly hate even the Pope, but for some reason you went out into the street against the pension reform in France. angry
        And about nationalism: among my entourage (there are about 700 numbers in my working phone only) "I don’t get rid of any Belarusian kamounaga".
        1. -5
          15 January 2020 21: 48
          and what? to be a patriot of Belarus, you must know Belarusian? what nonsense.
          1. -4
            15 January 2020 22: 16
            Madness. Adsutnasts zhadannya vedats mov prodkau gavoryts abyakavstsi and history piles of Radzima. Geta vybar senyashnyay moladzi. My niece is a teacher at YSU (Vilnius). So, according to her words, the department of the Belarusian language was dismissed there. And why study him in Lithuania if he is not interesting to anyone in Belarus? My son has been taught Belarusian since the first grade, but he will never apply it in the future. And yes, today Belarusians are against integration mainly because "there may be discomfort." Everything will happen here much faster than in Crimea. Our swamp is the quietest.
      2. +1
        16 January 2020 09: 18
        But only healthy nationalism

        oh how, already and healthy nationalism has appeared. but let me clarify what in your understanding this means ???
      3. +5
        16 January 2020 14: 10
        It will not receive any territory of the Russian Federation with or without Lukashenko.

        And why did you decide that Russia needs a territory?

        Belarusians want to be friends with the Russian Federation, but kiss on the gums and be part of the Russian Federation with its laws and government.

        What is "friendship" in the Belarusian understanding?
        And can you give similar examples from the modern realities of such "friendship" outside the CIS?

        these are generally clowns, such as the right sector in Ukraine

        The right sector (banned in Russia) - yes, they are clans, but bloody ...
    4. +9
      15 January 2020 17: 57
      This situation is possible only with the resale of oil.

      Allow me, as a person living in the western part of Belarus, to express my opinion. Well, firstly, our oil is not resold, refined products are sold and sold. With a Pole card ... someone got it, now they don’t know what to do with it, because you won’t get a job with the civil service in the Republic of Belarus (I know specific cases). Someone moved, settled normally in Poland, someone spat and returned, not everything is sweet there. The nephew returned, the salary is 1000 greens, 500 for life and no guarantees. With his qualifications, he gets more here, overseas heifers - half, but cut the transport. The rest I agree, there are few zmagars and svyadom. Integration will be, but when, here's the question. It’s hard to combine a hedgehog and a snake ... Russian private property and Belarusian state property, basically. As for the territory with industrial resources and pensioners and without youth, you, in my opinion, have gone too far. There is no industry without youth, and we have industry, so not everyone leaves. hi
      1. -4
        15 January 2020 19: 45
        You know, you don't need to connect a snake and a hedgehog - someone will "just have a good lunch." Yes . And youth probably, yes - will be. From Asia.
    5. +1
      16 January 2020 14: 15
      2) Politics for Belarusians in second place (here is the politicized Russians, how strange it is still a question)

      Interesting movie:

      In exchange for recognition of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the Republic of Belarus proposed the continuation of all the preferences and, like, 2 billion from above (according to Lukashenko)
      He proudly refused!
      The result is an economic crisis, and devaluation, turning into a political crisis.

      The price of "non-recognition of Crimea" is the same $ 10 billion of "tax maneuver"

      but Belarusians proudly refused ... stop

      It seems that you have the first, second and third policies ...

      European values ​​instead of butter.
      1. -2
        17 January 2020 09: 34
        Do not confuse warm and soft. Such decisions are made by the country's leadership, by specific people, and not by the people in a referendum. For an ordinary Belarusian man in the street, it is much more important "will he then be allowed to go to Ukraine if he has been to Crimea," and whose he is there is absolutely "violet" to him. As it is, sorry. Regarding the recognition itself: Russia is neither cold nor hot from the fact that Belarus is there, that it has recognized or not recognized, but then RB sanctions "just do not want to."
  9. +1
    15 January 2020 15: 34
    This truth is very inconvenient for those who have been investing in Kiev for 25 years, so it is ignored.
    It may be ignored, but the events developed with this "truth" in mind.
    That is, they did not come and did not ask “sharp questions”; they simply pointedly “ignored” her.
    This is quite consistent with the "two chairs" version.
    And it turns out that there is no “room for maneuver” for the rich-vector Lukashenko.
    Those. in order to remain in politics and at least with some power, only unification remains?
  10. +7
    15 January 2020 15: 36
    Very good and real analysis and article. Yes, the whole situation is that in Ukraine and Belarus everyone is looking at the fact that their neighbors in the EU eat good and tasty. Work, houses with flowers and the minimum wage in Poland this year will be 980 euros. And that’s all. Everything else recedes into the background. Economics drives. This is the most important weapon in people's minds today.
    1. +3
      15 January 2020 17: 11
      And a little to the side to the outskirts of the city-EVERYTHING !!!! There is the most relish. If we talk about ECONOMY, it is necessary to cover both Income and Expenditure. Debit with credit. And so "noodles for fish soup".
      1. +1
        15 January 2020 18: 00
        If you study expenses and incomes, it may turn out that prices and expenses are higher in Russia with much lower wages
      2. +3
        15 January 2020 19: 04
        If we talk about ECONOMY, it is necessary to cover both Income and Expenditure. Debit with credit. And so "fish soup".

        Alex, this is not about good economic analysis, which I, as an economist, would be interested to see. No, here we are talking about the subjective perception of people and nothing else. And I do not say they are right or wrong. They feel that "there" is better, the grass is greener and they want that. And whether it is real or not, it does not matter in the case.
    2. +4
      15 January 2020 20: 04
      Very good and real analysis and article. Yes, the whole situation is that in Ukraine and Belarus everyone is looking at the fact that their neighbors in the EU eat good and tasty. Work, houses with flowers and the minimum wage in Poland this year will be 980 euros. And that’s all. Everything else recedes into the background. Economics drives. This is the most important weapon in people's minds today.

      You see, I also have a house with flowers, it’s not work, however, it’s already a pension, we eat well and tasty. You need to compare not the minimum, but what remains after the payment of mandatory payments, utilities. A couple of months ago, very opposition here. bye. walked along the Lithuanian side of the Belarusian border and made a video report. So, for example (figures are fictitious-comparative), a Lithuanian is asked about a pension. Says 500 euros, utilities - 600 euros. The correspondent asks how you live. Answers - and we live. True, I did not understand what housing and communal services in the village, personally, in Belarus I pay light, gas, water, this is a penny. You can search here.by. this report, everything is very informative.
    3. +5
      16 January 2020 21: 23
      Quote: Keyser Soze
      Poland this year will be 980 euros.

      "It" is also necessary to understand that just like that no one will pay the minimum wage of 1000 euros, it is necessary, you see, to produce goods or services for at least 2000 euros, so that it would be paid, all the more for a guest worker. You need to sweat in a foreign land ...
      It would also be necessary to explain to the masses that it was Poland (and not, for example, mired in the debts of Sin) received the largest financial injections from the EU. Including with the aim of being a "showcase" of the West for the Ukrainians and Belarusians, to give them the opportunity, albeit, as a rule, "dirty, but incomparably higher-paid jobs than what they can offer in their homeland. Thus, trying to tie these countries to yourself and tear yourself away from Russia.
      But no one will contain the former republics of the USSR like Poland. And everyone will not be able to go to work in Germany, etc., even young and smart, Even by prostitutes, they are already a fig in the European Communities. laughing
      A way to achieve a high standard of living in your own country only one: development of own economy .
      But such a development is possible (not only for Belarus) only in close and mutually beneficial integration with the neighbors. Integration is also the loss of some part of sovereignty, as, by the way, in the EU and in other economic and political unions.
      It is a pity that these banal truths do not always and do not reach everyone, despite not living examples: independent, Moldavians, etc.
      1. 0
        16 January 2020 21: 34
        It is a pity that these banal truths do not always and do not reach everyone

        Well, yes, more or less you. are right. hi
  11. -11
    15 January 2020 15: 49
    In Russia, millions of naive citizens are holy believe in a possible overclocking option Maidan and Eurasian integration for Ukraine. Naive.

    Well, it’s just that in Russia we periodically see this .. but someone also feels on himself ..
    Therefore, we "believe" that one has only to lean out - and all the latest technology in the hands of the so-called Rosgvardia will begin to pay for itself ..

    And the article as a whole is very interesting !!
  12. -3
    15 January 2020 15: 50
    Yes, in principle, the report has already gone. The deadline is 2024. Blazes no worse than in Kiev.
    1. +9
      15 January 2020 16: 53
      Yes, in principle, the report has already gone. The deadline is 2024. Blazes no worse than in Kiev.

      Bandera mini is not a friend
      Zmagar too request
      1. +1
        15 January 2020 19: 29
        The Kremlin did not work with the people, and Luka against this is an example with Babich
        Slyas sly tagged no oil
  13. +4
    15 January 2020 15: 50
    They fled at 91 because of nationalism, and it only grows stronger among former brothers and sisters, otherwise it is impossible to blame the successes ... none of the former in terms of living standards and economics, at least Switzerland did not become ... They remember the Maidan .. and the Natsiks ... and no one remembers the events on Tuzla, under Kuchma, when he shouted with foam at his mouth, we will not give up a piece of Ukrainian territory and the Ukrainians, all as one will stand up and will not give up their native land, their beloved Syracuse (s). .. It turns out the following: Associate professor, you have a mom, dad was? Was. Why angry as a dog? Eeeh Vasya ... (c) .. Not all white and fluffy, that Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, think how to snatch more from each other .. "This adder is called Business" (c) .. Although something turns out. ..Ukraine and Russia jointly the Sea of ​​Azov was de-fish for 10 years ... from 1991 to 2001 ..
    1. +2
      15 January 2020 18: 09
      Not all white and fluffy, that Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, think how to snatch more from each other .. "This adder is called Business" (c).

      This aspid has specific faces and surnames, and this is not Ukraine, Belarus and Russia. Personally, I, a Belarusian, have many relatives in Russia and Ukraine. I don’t need to share anything and tear anything from them, I can help, and I help those who need it. And Ukraine, Belarus and Russia are white and fluffy, especially in spring, when poplars bloom wink
      1. +3
        15 January 2020 19: 35
        But they don’t call you business? .. And I don’t have anything to share with you either, and I have nothing to snatch from you, and unnecessarily .. By the way, do you remember why they fled? It turned out we feed each other, Russia, all the brothers and sisters, Ukraine and Belarus with the other sisters and brothers Russia .. laughing
        1. +2
          15 January 2020 19: 45
          No, in Ukraine, Russia, all the fat was consumed. As far as I remember, Belarusians did not make any claims against the Russians. And by the way, only now I learned from the Internet that only Russia and Belarus were donors to the USSR, the rest, so to speak, consumers wink And yes, they drove this mantra about feeding into the head of a layman - and away we go.
  14. +5
    15 January 2020 16: 01
    It’s all the more stupid to continue investing in Lukashenko with his Banderaites, it’s time to stop feeding the Republic of Belarus and other independent countries at the expense and expense of the Russian Federation, and the politicians who did this in the Russian Federation send to the dump of history
    1. -26
      15 January 2020 16: 22
      Learn the history, elder brother, we did not have Bandera, from the word at all !!!
      See the travel guide and dancing further under the Vlasov flag ....
      1. +8
        15 January 2020 16: 25
        The flag of Russia was introduced not by Vlasov, but by Peter the Great ... The Soviet nationalities served in the ROA, hoping for independence, and not the Russians ... Use my flag of the Principality of Lithuania to go my sartirs ... and forget the way to Russia, a creature with Russophobia
        1. +2
          15 January 2020 22: 20
          The flag of Russia was introduced not by Vlasov, but by Peter the Great

          The current State Flag of the Russian Federation is the flag of the Russian-American Trading Company, if my memory serves me .. And the flag of the Petrovsky Russian Empire was different. It can be easily found in the internet, and not only in the internet ...
          Sincerely, hi
          1. 0
            21 January 2020 01: 36
            Your memory is cheating on you. The Russian-American Trading Company had a flag with a coat of arms. But the white-blue-red cloth was the flag of the Russian merchant fleet. In Repin's painting "Barge Haulers on the Volga" (1870) he is clearly visible. True, there it is upside down, but that's another story. After the abdication of Nicholas II and the proclamation of the republic, the same flag was used as the flag of the Russian republic.
      2. +1
        15 January 2020 17: 14
        Yes you sho !!! wassat Wuxia country jumps over kuev dancing. Parasha ValtsmanTV for the whole Kuev marches with gays and gays (here is just a bad word). Suck on Roshenka further.
      3. +1
        15 January 2020 19: 32
        Come on until the age of 54 in western Belarus, gangs terrorized the population of onliner bye, here byte nehta all this is Polish intelligence services oversee for English money
        1. +2
          15 January 2020 20: 18
          Come on until the age of 54 in western Belarus, gangs terrorized the population of onliner bye, here byte nehta all this is Polish intelligence services oversee for English money

          It was like that, but on the Lithuanian borderland, the "green brothers" raged. At our house, I remember, hawks with weapons gathered, but I don't remember banditry in our area (20-30 kilometers from the Lithuanian border).
          1. +1
            15 January 2020 20: 24
            Well, in the Gomel region, Bandera was in woodland in the same
            1. +4
              15 January 2020 20: 43
              Well, in the Gomel region, Bandera was in woodland in the same

              So this is in the Gomel region of Bandera, and now they consider most of the Gomel region and Brest to be their own. And we are a Grodno woman, we had Lithuanian forest brothers.
        2. -5
          15 January 2020 21: 50
          what is mixed in your head? mixed everything in a heap .... circus.
          1. +1
            15 January 2020 22: 03
            And you have the emblem of the feudal lords
      4. +1
        16 January 2020 09: 30
        we did not have Bandera, from the word completely

        Well, at least look into pedagogy, do not disgrace laughing
        Learn the story

        dancing further under the Vlasov flag

        really, you need to know the story ... the flag of the ROA army was the Andreev flag, while the tricolor was used by volunteer Cossack units under the command of von Panwitz
      5. +1
        17 January 2020 07: 50
        Russian tricolor has 400 years of history, unlike your banderlog ... under which they zig and minecamph enjoy
    2. +3
      18 January 2020 23: 33
      It’s all the more stupid to continue investing in Lukashenko

      it's time to stop feeding RB

      These are two statements that are opposite in meaning.
      In general, it is necessary to invest in the Republic of Belarus, not with oil deals, but, for example, free quotas for Belarusians in higher educational institutions in Russia, establish grants for cultural exchange, etc., as well as mutually beneficial economic ties. But for this it is necessary to plan an appropriate policy, and ours are accustomed to "decide" everything for the money.
  15. +10
    15 January 2020 16: 04
    The melancholy sadness, Russia is not going to, but on the contrary breaks even more.
    But nothing can be done, let them live without Russia in Belarus, without our resources and without marketing their products on our market.
    Only after they live truly separately and they will understand who is closer and dearer to them.
    And to climb into their affairs now only more Belarusians are against Russia.
    1. +11
      15 January 2020 16: 38
      Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
      And to climb into their affairs now only more Belarusians are against Russia.

      It's like if, in 1990, they began to convince the people that by their actions they would destroy the Union, deprive themselves of their jobs, that everyone would not have wages as under capitalism and socialism as under socialism (when working as under socialism), that engineers would go to sell second-hand goods. -hand that no West will help us (there will be no investments, no modernization of production, and the most delicious will be stupidly bought for a penny), that their idols and "fighters against the rotten regime" Yeltsin and his team are striving for power not to transform the RSFSR to the "second Sweden", but only to plunder the country, and the people will simply be given a voucher in the mouth.

      In those days, secluded, now almost epic even a video recording of the speech of deaf Yeltsin in the United States and a description of his adventures did not lead to a decrease in his support, but to popular outrage at the media, who dared to slander the purest and most decent person who just tired (with subsequent purges in these media).
  16. +7
    15 January 2020 16: 14
    Rake of the USSR only on a smaller scale, to rob the Russians in favor of the "pro-Russian" just in case, did they teach you nothing? The Russian state should first of all help its citizens and invest in itself. Russia stands for a multipolar world, which means it is necessary to rethink the old clichés. Who needs to feed all sorts of "pro" in the old fashioned way, let them feed. Trump is right, do you want to be pro-American? Pay laughing
  17. -2
    15 January 2020 16: 26
    Quote: Ratmir_Ryazan
    The melancholy sadness, Russia is not going to, but on the contrary breaks even more.
    But nothing can be done, let them live without Russia in Belarus, without our resources and without marketing their products on our market.
    Only after they live truly separately and they will understand who is closer and dearer to them.
    And to climb into their affairs now only more Belarusians are against Russia.

    A Rubik's cube is going to be ...., and to assemble the lands of the RUSSIANS, a sound policy and a very thin algorithm of actions are needed.
    In the meantime, I want to! want Want! and no more...
    And Oleg is all one of ours (Belarus) wrote in the compote ...
    1. -1
      15 January 2020 19: 34
      You look if Russia returns the western lands to Poland you do not have time to drape
  18. -11
    15 January 2020 16: 30
    But why in general does Russia need Belarus?
    What is the meaning of integration?
    The absurd expansion of undeveloped land.
  19. -3
    15 January 2020 16: 41
    The whole story with Belarus is a mouse fuss. Then Merkel came the other day. The political and economic axis of Beijing-Moscow-Berlin is being prepared. Paris and Rome are ready to join. Belarus and Ukraine will have nowhere to go.
    1. +1
      15 January 2020 16: 57
      The political and economic axis of Beijing-Moscow-Berlin is being prepared.

      Tempting ... lol
    2. +2
      15 January 2020 18: 05
      Oh these guardian dreams
      1. -2
        15 January 2020 19: 23
        However, immediately after negotiations with Merkel, Putin spoke on the phone with Macron and Conte.
  20. -2
    15 January 2020 17: 17
    Quote: Sapsan136
    The flag of Russia was introduced not by Vlasov, but by Peter the Great ... The Soviet nationalities served in the ROA, hoping for independence, and not the Russians ... Use my flag of the Principality of Lithuania to go my sartirs ... and forget the way to Russia, a creature with Russophobia

    Well, what to take from the serf ...
    If there are no arguments, insult / naughty big mind is not necessary ...
    Forgive, because ignorant sister of uneducation. Learn primer.
    1. 0
      15 January 2020 19: 37
      The story of the "landing" stop in Minsk continues. The plate with the image of the US Airborne Forces and American helicopters was removed from it. Photos of the updated sign were published by the Radio Svaboda website.

      Read in full: https://news.tut.by/it/668803.html
    2. +1
      16 January 2020 23: 21
      Calm down zmagar.
  21. +3
    15 January 2020 17: 18
    “Nothing can be done” and “Yanukovych didn’t take care of reliable people in law enforcement agencies” are different things. There was an economic crisis in Venezuela, a pro-Western part of the population, support for the opposition from abroad, up to the threat of invasion, but the government held out.
  22. +3
    15 January 2020 17: 53
    The author is lying that they would shoot if they joined Russia. So they took Crimea and that there are no dissatisfied types of Crimean Tatars from the Mejlis? But nobody shoots so why in the rest of Ukraine it would be different?
    1. +1
      16 January 2020 09: 43
      Tatars there are about 10 percent of the population, when dill they were actually outside the state, now the mafia of the Mejlis has been put to the mainland, it sits in Kiev. And to the ordinary Tatar against what to protest? Even though they are a much bigger problem than the Volga Tatars, who are 500 years old in Russia, and have no problems with living here. Another couple of generations, and they will write themselves in the passport as Russian except for a handful of stubborn ones.
  23. +1
    15 January 2020 18: 00
    In the neighboring madhouse, they also screamed for their independence, only who will feed you the independent ones? Really think Trump, yes to hell you surrendered to him. Poles and tribals thought they would supply them on the coffin of life, everything, the lafa for them ends, but it will not start for you.
  24. +4
    15 January 2020 18: 18
    He began to read, understood, looked at the author, quit reading. Expert here.by Oleg Egorov. Nothing further to read, fan. I read the comments.
    1. +4
      15 January 2020 19: 59
      Similarly. I read the name of the author and did not read. I wonder who pays him for such articles?
    2. +3
      16 January 2020 23: 16
      These experts live in their own little world, where they have nationalists all around and "Poland is better than Russia." Complete nonsense.
  25. 0
    15 January 2020 18: 18
    In general, Lukashenko has two ways out. Either buy a plot in Rostov, or integrate on the proposed terms. A third is not given, everything is quite running.
    1. -2
      15 January 2020 18: 40
      He needs to look at a little house in Smolensk;
  26. +2
    15 January 2020 18: 55
    = Millions of Ukrainians were very clearly targeted at European integration. =
    I didn't read further ... Because .... millions of Ukrainians were very clearly focused on the "Customs Union".
    But the European integrators received support from the EU and the United States, and not only in the form of cookies, and those who supported the "Customs Union" received a donut hole from Russia. The result is obvious. Today we are spending more on Ukraine than we would have spent keeping Ukraine behind us.
    1. +1
      19 January 2020 06: 00
      hi That's right, comrade aka Krasnoyarsk! The Author of the Article does not have a clear understanding of what was happening in Ukraine, nor does he have a clear understanding of the current post-Maidan situation — he is clearly mistaken in his counts and messages! request

      And the fact that Russian non-bourgeois (including ALL Russian business plenipotentiaries, all these "chernomyrdins-Zurabovs") kissed the gums with the "Ukrainian" pro-Western Russophobes in Kiev, their colleagues in the "biz schemesдincurring ", jointly" sawing "and" rolling back (for example, the characteristic loud scandal with the "gas" crook and the Russian generals "pumped out" by her, the losses from the selfish "activities" of which were then quietly shifted onto the shoulders of ordinary Russian taxpayers!) " Russian subsidized hundreds of billions "yec ", of course, at first it caused surprise and bewilderment among the Russian and Russian-speaking population in Ukraine, but then we realized that the Russian" grabber "to the" Ukrainian "grabber" would not get his eyes out - they always sniff and the key word of their "teorok" is "uninterrupted gas transmission "and there, even though the grass won't grow (even if a bloody ethnogenocide of Russians is being carried out by an open Banderonazi regime)! request
      Likewise, hand in hand, the Russian klepto-bourgeois in collusion with the Ukrainian klepto-bourgeois (mostly "z / Bandera") crushed and in every possible way (including the removal and murder of people's leaders) emasculated our passionary Russian Spring, with her, frightened thieves' "fraternity", the first slogan of nationalization of our Unjustly "grabbed" our National Property!, preventing it from spreading to the borders of the Russian Federation and "embarrassing" the robbed Russian workers with its primordial righteousness ??! winked

      This is mainly on the Russian hundreds of billions of dollars thrown into Ukrainian "business partners", and not on the pitiful State Department only "5 billion", ALL the years of "independence" the Washington anti-Russian "project" Ukraine "was built!
      The same mistake made by the Kremlin "business strategists" occurred with the Belarusian pro-Western "father" and his Russophobic "ilite", who was always presented to the Russian inhabitants as allegedly "pro-Russian" (as the Russians were supposedly "pro-Russian" of the same Chernomyrdin "old friend" - Kuchman and the Jews of Mazepa "Yaneka-Azarov", who, by flirting with compromise with the Russophobic Bandera minority and "uncontested European integration," basely betrayed their pro-Russian voters - the Russian-speaking majority of the Ukrainian population!) what he breathes "! No.
  27. +2
    15 January 2020 19: 07
    The author is an ignoramus and amateur, he simply sucked the article from his finger. The Dunning-Krueger effect.
  28. 0
    15 January 2020 19: 26
    Polish Harya in the photo
  29. 0
    15 January 2020 20: 15
    Quote: Sewer Krainiy
    Very good and real analysis and article. Yes, the whole situation is that in Ukraine and Belarus everyone is looking at the fact that their neighbors in the EU eat good and tasty. Work, houses with flowers and the minimum wage in Poland this year will be 980 euros. And that’s all. Everything else recedes into the background. Economics drives. This is the most important weapon in people's minds today.

    You see, I also have a house with flowers, it’s not work, however, it’s already a pension, we eat well and tasty. You need to compare not the minimum, but what remains after the payment of mandatory payments, utilities. A couple of months ago, very opposition here. bye. walked along the Lithuanian side of the Belarusian border and made a video report. So, for example (figures are fictitious-comparative), a Lithuanian is asked about a pension. Says 500 euros, utilities - 600 euros. The correspondent asks how you live. Answers - and we live. True, I did not understand what housing and communal services in the village, personally, in Belarus I pay light, gas, water, this is a penny. You can search here.by. this report, everything is very informative.

    And I live in Belarus - light + water + gas + telephone (landline) + telephones / Internet + TV = 310 rubles.41 kopecks. Today I personally paid ...
    1. +2
      15 January 2020 20: 58
      And I live in Belarus - light + water + gas + telephone (landline) + telephones / Internet + TV = 310 rubles.41 kopecks. Today I personally paid ..
      So I wrote about paying for a house in the village. And for the urban two-room apartment: gas - 5, Internet - 20, communal apartment - 33, all phones - 20, TV -10, electric - 18. In total - 108 rubles. Light bulbs, however, are all LEDs, and since we don’t particularly save anything. 108 r 50 kopecks paid 13.01. Internet banking.
      1. 0
        15 January 2020 21: 18
        By the way, I asked my wife: a three-room apartment of 130 Belarusian rubles for everything. And I don’t know how to get 150 dollars? what
      2. -12
        15 January 2020 21: 56
        because of people like you, the mustachioed is still in power. you have a normal communal? everything is fine with you. well then good luck in the future.
        1. +2
          15 January 2020 22: 06
          [i] because of people like you, the mustachioed is still in power. you have a normal communal? everything is fine with you. well then good luck in the future. [/ i
          Thanks for the wishes, and the same to you. And something concrete from the bad. I gave specific numbers - you only have words. Who do you propose for the presidency: former unemployed candidates, so they can’t find work for themselves, the parasites that live on the porch, I suppose, are standing with outstretched hands.
      3. 0
        16 January 2020 09: 52
        and how much is it in Russian rubles?
        1. 0
          18 January 2020 10: 24
          Somewhere 10000+
          1. -1
            20 January 2020 07: 32
            wow, a communal apartment of 10 thousand
        2. 0
          21 January 2020 21: 11
          Somehow, they didn’t quite correctly answer you ... consider for yourself, the green buck is equal to two Belarusian rubles. Therefore, consider: 108 Belarusians are 54 green, 130 - 65 green. Multiply by the dollar exchange rate at your place - and you’ll get it in Russian rubles. I counted the dollar in Russia on average 65 each, it turned out that for my two-room apartment in Russian rubles I paid 3100. Regards.
          1. -1
            22 January 2020 08: 25
            thank you, not expensive if with central heating
            1. 0
              23 January 2020 16: 25
              thank you, not expensive if with central heating
              With central hi
    2. 0
      16 January 2020 23: 12
      310 rubles, this is well for such mansions. I have a 3-bedroom apartment, a communal apartment in the winter with heating 150r.
      1. 0
        18 January 2020 10: 27
        And I have only one gas (and there were no frosts yet) for 100 rubles ...
        1. 0
          21 January 2020 21: 19
          Adjust (replace) the boiler, sensors. You can break a finger with a fool.
          And I have only one gas (and there were no frosts yet) for 100 rubles ...
  30. 0
    15 January 2020 21: 20
    So the President of Russia dismissed the Medvedev government, maybe the progress in the Union Treaty will go. They did not report an expert about this, therefore ... at 23.15 we will look at the box.
  31. +1
    15 January 2020 22: 32
    Quote: RVAPatriot
    I live in Minsk, among my friends everyone understands that we live at the expense of Russia ... (except for some young people) The opposition is everywhere, is it worth it to judge the whole country by the people who bought the meeting?

    Foreigners know how to ... lure! Both the top and everyone else. One method of self-preservation is KNOWLEDGE! To know history, to know modern realities, all this is enough for a normal person to understand that there is CHEESE, odorous and tasty, that lies in the MOUSE TRAP!
  32. +6
    16 January 2020 09: 46
    In the upcoming political confrontation of Russia, there is simply no one to bet on.
    Of course. The reason is as simple as an egg. WHAT EXACTLY is Russia offering? What is the "Russian way"? At the moment, we are opposing the United States (and with them the West) because the West intends to devour us, to support its capitalist system for another 20-30 years.
    Our "elites" were forced to embark on this path, realizing that only a militarily powerful Power is capable of preventing their robbery and then physical destruction. Yes, most of our "elitists" continue to doubt this and do not believe for themselves personally, because they sent their children and grandchildren to the West (it is now clear - hostages, so as not to confiscate their stolen money), yes, they piously carried out orders from the West, yes, many of them simply have a subscription to cooperate with the Western special services ... but nevertheless, the realization was born - all this will not save, they will be devoured too.
    I had to start defending myself. But what does it look like and what is it? Russia is opposed to the United States. It is very likely that the United States will simply attack, and the hot phase will flare up, with millions of deaths, both in military operations and from military viruses, chemistry, climate, seismic ... For what should be hit with the Russians?
    What is the idea of ​​the Russians? Economy? The management of our economy is not just inefficient. More precisely, it is effective ... our "economy" is built on primitive principles. Instead, I stress, INSTEAD of production and trade, we have built effective schemes that allow their owners to enrich themselves. The chain looks like this. Resource rent - "economic projects" - withdrawal of rent funds abroad. It's not economics at all. Our "industrial enterprises" and other firms, associations, etc. imitate economic activity rather than conduct it. They just don't need it. Their purpose is to launder the stolen pieces of resource rent and that's it. Hence the tiny salaries of all who WORK in the country and the monstrous income of those who have never heard of work, hence everything.
    Why would anyone else copy THIS? Who, in their right mind and strong memory, would agree to this? No one else in the world simply has such a gigantic storehouse of natural resources to plunder it like that. It is impossible to join this robbery, our "economists" do not have enough themselves, besides, to join at the risk of getting hit by the US, even if only in the form of economic sanctions? Dismiss ...
    Ideology? First, it is banned in Russia. Second, what is the ideology? Our "ideology" today is that the elite robs, the people do not interfere. Tempting, but what about hitting the US? Nafig-nafig ...
    What else does Russia have that would attract allies to us? You can poke around for a long time. Here are just one answer. NOTHING.
    At the same time, all comers see perfectly that the people no longer support our elitists and our power. Our Masters worked for thirty years to push people away from themselves, and now they do not stop this hard work. Previously, in a military alliance with Russia, it made a lot of sense - Russian soldiers could protect anyone. And now? Yes, we have the strength and people for local operations. Bye there. But in case of global problems? The battle cry FOR MONEY AND THE POWER OF OUR RICHES !! will not raise the Russians to attack. This is understood by the Russians, and it is understood in the WORLD. To enter into an alliance in the upcoming global fight with those who cannot rely on their own people? Hehe ...
    We have no prospects.
    1. -3
      16 January 2020 13: 04
      Of course, what are our prospects, we are like earthlings in that comedy about blue-skinned on another planet, "Avatar", it seems that they have nothing to give, they don't need either jeans or cola, they feel good in the primitive order, and when their teeth hurt , they don't need a dentist, and when a predator eats, a ne treba rifle. What the hell are you eating to work with us? Sit in your independent camps and continue to believe that if the Americans start fighting with Russia, they will spare you. I'm only afraid that they will think about fighting with Russia with its missiles, but you will die, whether under humanitarian bombing or in a local massacre.
      1. +4
        17 January 2020 08: 54
        Do I look like Svidomo? And he did all this text for the purpose of “blackening” and inciting "? And the United States, in which we are a bone in the throat, are ALREADY not at war with us ?! It's just that the phase is still cold ...
        Opensource projects It is impossible to argue with this level of analysis. Enlighten me. You are welcome. What is the "Russian idea" for the sake of which it is worth defending "your way of life" instead of fulfilling the demands of the West and surrendering your country right now?
  33. +1
    16 January 2020 10: 09
    That is, even Mr. Babich did not meet any understanding from the Belarusians.

    The population has not yet fully Belarusianized. But another 5-10 years of inaction on the part of the defenders of the inviolability of the “Lenin / Stalin borders” in the Russian Federation and we will have a second Ukraine.

    Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text.

  34. 0
    16 January 2020 20: 02
    Traveled in 70-80 g and in the outskirts and Belarus. On the outskirts in those years they were already opposed to us, I heard what they said about us, nor what good. In Belarus, there was nothing like this. And the dad had to be immediately determined, and not hang out like Mr. But in the hole.
  35. +3
    16 January 2020 22: 37
    Think and figure out what will happen to the geopolitical position of the Russian Federation when Ukraine and Belarus become branches of Poland (and Poland is not only a member of NATO, but the most pro-American member)?
    1. +1
      17 January 2020 06: 24
      So this is your question, not ours. Do you want to become branches of Poland or not? Or where will the wind blow? What do you decide for yourself? As for Russia, nobody thinks about Poland here. It does not exist in geopolitical alignments. So ... the stink from under the European breeches, no more. Therefore, it is up to you to decide with whom to be, and we are not accustomed to dig trenches close to the Capital. But Moscow seems no longer ready to subsidize the budget of Belarus. Or true integration. And this is the recognition of Crimea, with a full armful of sanctions and the privatization of unprofitable state-owned enterprises, and a single tax code and a single currency in the medium term and much more. But then, and resources at Russian prices.
      Or ... live on your own. In this case, of course, there is no talk of folding the EAEU.
      Anyway, bye ...
  36. +5
    16 January 2020 23: 05
    He lived in the Republic of Belarus for more than 30 years, he saw the regular zmagars only in the newspapers, where they gather their meetings in Minsk for 100-200 people. On the Internet there is an appearance of their mass character since they are active on the online player and tutbai, but in reality there are very few of them.
    1. 0
      19 January 2020 19: 18
      I saw only Zmagars in newspapers

      look, Gomel is not too tolerant of those? https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/29639554.html
  37. -1
    17 January 2020 12: 36
    I completely agree with the analysis. It’s a pity our billions, Belarusians will take an example from the Ukrainians and refuse to return them.
  38. -3
    17 January 2020 18: 25
    I would very much like for the Ukrainian scenario to be repeated in the Byalorussian territory (I cannot call this country a self-coined education). For independence, you need to pay, and yourself and for yours.
    all the same are the same - they hate Russia and the Russian world. Some obviously, others secretly. Let them live on world oil prices and European prices for gas, a closed Russian market. Let them enjoy independence from Russia.
    1. +3
      17 January 2020 19: 06
      You have some kind of manic hatred for Belarusians. I thought at first that you had a bad day, but then I looked at your previous comments .... and 59 out of 60 are dedicated to US! Belarusians! What attention, however! As the hero of one movie said "Now I know who you are."
    2. +3
      18 January 2020 17: 06
      The absolute majority of the Belarusian people look at integration positively, unlike the authorities. The opinion of the people is ignored and replaced by an opinion from above. Your proposal may not give the effect that you expect. Let the pros do this. In Russia, they are not extinct.
  39. +2
    17 January 2020 22: 02
    in general terms, I agree with the author; the Russian Foreign Ministry lost in the net both in Ukraine and Belarus.
    Belief in some Slavic unity, it is virtuality, but in fact people vote with their stomachs, and since Russia is not so good, they choose what is richer as guidelines. Russia cannot feed all its allies, but it must be a standard and model for them. But the standard let us down.
    Conclusion for the solution of foreign economic problems, in Russia it is necessary to restore order within itself.
  40. +4
    18 January 2020 01: 27
    No politics and high ideals. There is a global hybrid war of the West over resources. The results of this war are destroyed countries, Iraq, Yugoslavia, Libya, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukraine. The next one is Belarus. There is a powerful brainwashing of the natives. They come to life when their homes and families collapse. China, India and the Russian Federation are still a lump on the path of a muddy global flood. God grant that they stand in the salvation of all mankind.
  41. +1
    18 January 2020 13: 08
    I do not agree with the conclusions in the article that the Belarusian people agree with the policy of Russophobia or negatively regarding integration with Russia. The vast majority are wonderful towards Russia. All Russophobia is planted on top and replicated in all the media, which, including the opposition, are absolutely controlled by the authorities. And all this will blow like smoke under understandable conditions ... The trouble is that there are no alternative / pro-Russian media in Belarus at all, the Russian media are still silent, although their blitzkrieg would not leave stone unturned from this Russophobia. The fact that many Belarusians prefer integration without becoming part of Russia is true - propaganda has also tried, but there are questions for Russia. And the understanding that you need to be with Russia in Belarusian society is absolute, no matter what Belarusian publications write.
  42. +1
    18 January 2020 23: 25
    Again olezhki threw a provocative article. I remember his past opuses about the crumbling Belarusian factories.
    What, did the old woman get a goldfish? Doesn’t want to be a queen, but wants to be the mistress of the sea?
    So take her (Lukashenko) to yourself.
    They themselves supported him for a quarter of a century, turned a blind eye to what he was doing in the elections, and now the Belarusian people are to blame again.
    We did not vote for him!
    And further. For most people, politics is up to one place. We are not fighting either the Russians, the Poles or the Americans. We work, pay taxes, a mortgage and a communal apartment, take children to school, get treatment in clinics, refuel cars and relax in nature.
    We fight only with prices. And all these years to no avail.
    The same thing in Russian will be told to you in Russia, and Ukraine, and in Belarus.
  43. +2
    19 January 2020 01: 36
    Earlier in Ukraine, nationalism never existed, and the current generation is the children of the nineties who brought up and brought up what they are today, it was financed by colossal funds from the West and unfortunately no one prevented it
    1. 0
      19 January 2020 06: 33
      Quote: vavilon
      Earlier in Ukraine, nationalism never existed, and the current generation is the children of the nineties who brought up and brought up what they are today, it was financed by colossal funds from the West and unfortunately no one prevented it

      hi Unfortunately, this "Ukrainian" Russophobia of the "highest level" was financed mainly by the enormous subsidies received from Russia uncontrollably by the pro-Western Kiev klept authorities, alas! request
      It is sad that the Russian authorities are so careless and indifferent to this uncontrolled spending and, unlike the mercantile-scrupulous West ( always watching only his interests!), did not really think about and were not interested in the possibility of anti-Russian "targeted use" of their multi-decade mega-generous "infusions", did not ask for a strict report from the sponsored "Ukrainian" Russophobes ?! No.
      The same thing happened and is happening with the decades-long Moscow sponsorship of the quasi "pro-Russian" Russophobic pro-Western regime of the "last dictator of Europe"! request
  44. 0
    19 January 2020 10: 23
    As I understand it, people in Belarus are tired of their managers and officials, they want Polish-American-German ones. They forced people to work according to Western standards, accepted migrant workers to compete with the Ukrobitans, and the territory itself would be turned into a NATO base and hunting grounds in Belovezhskaya Pushcha for use in trophy hunting by rich idlers from all over the world. This is a "healthy" desire of the "citizens" of many former Soviet republics, which became ... independent territories in 1991. How can this be prevented? - the question is wrong. Should we interfere with this? I think it's worth it, because Belarusians are not strangers to us. Not strangers yet. You just need to remind them one thing: when a country is under actual occupation by other states, then the people fall under the double oppression from their officials and officials, and all sorts of rabble who come to control the territory from aliens, these very occupying states. In the United States, it became cramped for such people, they, like a tomato splashed in their fist, scattered all over the world in a spray, the Germans in life consider the whole of Eastern Europe their ostland (though they do not need the aborigines), and the Poles, from a narrow mind and arrogance due , do everything to just do something, otherwise they themselves will be turned into nothing. The choice is for the Belarusian people. You just don’t need to touch the Russians, otherwise you will not succeed, guys, in terms of transforming your country into a “hot dog”.
  45. +2
    19 January 2020 13: 04
    Dill has always been like that. Only before no one paid attention to it. Bandera caught the wave and headed. Jews financed. For example, in the platoon, the Donetsk people kept me apart from the rest of the Ukrainians, but I wondered why. Although I must say that the accession of Ukraine was the most tragic Russia's mistake.
    1. 0
      19 January 2020 19: 17
      Although I must say that the accession of Ukraine was the most tragic mistake of Russia.

      hi The most tragic mistake was the Stalinist decision to add the Russophobic "polished" Galicia, the so-called Western Ukraine, to the Ukrainian SSR in 1939!
      It is in Galicia and in the hereditary Austro-Polish slaves (who hate everything Russian and Little Russian!) The whole root of Evil, and not in the annexation of Little Russia to Russia in 1654 !!!

      And after the pro-American Maidan coup d'état in 2014, with the help of Fashington and the Fashington-Assassin Common Europe, this eternal Western bydlo occupied the entire former Ukraine (ex-Ukrainian SSR) and established a cave-like Banderonazi apartheid, with racial segregation and ethnogenocide of the indigenous Russian population, in the very heart of Europe historical borders of the Russian Empire!
  46. 0
    20 January 2020 08: 52
    As far as I know, pro-Russian from Belarus survived. They even put me in jail. And we were silent.
  47. 0
    20 January 2020 09: 13
    An interesting lecture. BUT! If I, no one called anyone, immediately after the collapse of the USSR, I realized that there weren’t any fraternal republics, but no matter how much money there would always be little, and all these brothers had never seen RUSSIA, and therefore would betray, it wasn’t structures where in my mind there should be competent people, this is not understood. I am sure that they understood, but they were buoying and this time they are buoying a lot of money anyway, and they continue to push us about one people. That's where the real betrayal is. Ukraine and Belarus are our enemies, and our authorities have made them like that. There are no friends for money.
  48. +1
    20 January 2020 09: 15
    Russia is advancing on the same "rake" as the USSR. Comrade was engaged in ideology there. Suslov, a senile man who did not understand that everything was changing and it was necessary to "tear the ass off the chair" and work. We profuked Ukraine and Belarus, or rather already profuked. Why? Because, like the USSR, they did not even try to oppose anything to "lace panties" and "freedom". Well, except for "keep and not let go"
  49. -1
    20 January 2020 13: 37
    The author is generally right. There is no economy, and some will be surprised if they find out that MAZ is almost bankrupt. But not about that.
    The author did not say what to do.
    What is our mother’s dependence on Russia? AND? A hungry person thinks faster.
    Putin is right in one thing, the West did not give free money to Ukraine. And Belarusians will not. The author did not mention the strongest division of society (between west and east, as in Ukraine.)
    My opinion is this. With the blockade on the part of Russia, the people living in these lands will simply want to eat in order to survive. But there will be problems with this without Russia.
    The question arises, when the Westerners are divided, they will shed blood, and whether Putin will throw the eastern regions, and the fight for them will be serious, there is an oil refinery.
  50. 0
    21 January 2020 15: 14
    I am writing what I saw myself on January 10, 2014 in Kiev. (That is, a few days before the massacre) It was possible to "leak" freely on foot along Khreshchatyk and Maidan. Some mummers were sitting at the entrance to the tent camp, but there were no documents or interviews. Of course, I didn't dare to take pictures. I just examined this camp. It was about 12 o'clock in the afternoon, and mostly on the apparently rubbish sofas and other rubbish, characters dressed in assorted clothes hung out. As the saying goes, the Galician dialect was heard more often and the type was clearly "migrant workers". Although the Russian-Ukrainian "surzhik" had a place to be. They were just handing out some kind of brew from the boiler and a queue lined up at the boiler looking like "homeless people". Tents, barrels and flags are clumsily painted with anti-Putin and anti-Russian words. Those. during the day this camp clearly did not look like a "revolution of the Kievites". By the evening, probably after work, and they pulled themselves up. But "they picked it up and warmed it up", first of all, local uk ... r. the capitalists who fled from under Yanuca and "foreign aunt-uncle" not only have seriously invested money. But they also tied the "Christosik-boar Yanuca", who sat in the bushes until he escaped. And as a "wick" it is clearly not in vain that snipers killed several "bloody victims". I really wanted to arrange a coup d'etat, not like in 2004, but "with blood". Succeeded. bully
    Separately about the role of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation - Zurabov ... Mokritsa and an empty space, "before, and during, and after" ... You cannot trust such a valuable cadre and selmag in the wilderness, and not that the embassy has a then strategic partner ! hi
    1. The comment was deleted.
  51. The comment was deleted.