"Dreams of something more." One coincidence per million

"Dreams of something more." One coincidence per million

At all times, sleep was rightly perceived by people not only as a necessity, but also as the greatest good. It is no coincidence that various variations of the expression “slept sweetly” are found in many languages ​​of the world.

However, at the same time, sleep as a special state of the body in which a person, even for a while, is completely defenseless and vulnerable in a world full of dangers and enemies, frightened and aroused alarm. Dreams were perceived as the journeys of a soul that went beyond the body, and there were times when people seriously feared that one day she would not be able or would not want to return. Therefore, it was not recommended to abruptly wake sleeping people.

In Hellas, the sleep god Hypnos (Somnomus among the Romans) was the son of the night goddess Nyukta and personifies the eternal darkness of Erebus, the twin brother of the death god Thanatos.

Adolf Senff. Night and Her Children - Death and Sleep, 1822. Alte und Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin

Hypnos gave a dream, but it could have killed (especially those who fell asleep at the post - for example, Palinur, the helmed Trojan of Aeneas).

Sleep God Hypnos, British Museum

His other brother was Charon, sisters - Nemesis, Eris and Moira.

Dream interpretation

People have always sought to understand what exactly the gods wanted to tell them, sending this or that dream. For interpretation, people turned to “specialists” (oniomancers). In Babylon, the best onyromancers were considered Chaldeans - priests who observed the movement of stars.

In the Old Testament there is one of the first descriptions of a dream - the famous dream of Jacob, in which he saw a staircase descending from heaven.

William Blake Jacob's ladder

Their "schools" of the interpretation of dreams were in India and China. In Hellas there were temples, the priests of which performed the rituals of "ritual dreams", which they themselves later interpreted.

But there were not so many onyromancers - much less than people who had dreams and wanted to get their explanation. Therefore, already about 2000 years BC. e. in Egypt, the world's first dream book was written (a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the future based on a dream): it contained the interpretation of 200 dreams and a description of magic rituals to protect against evil nightly spirits.

In the II century BC e. Artemidor Daldiansky wrote a five-volume One-Criticism, in which he divided dreams into ordinary and "visionary." The visionary dreams, in his opinion, could be direct-contemplative (they contained direct predictions of the future) and allegorical (spoke of the future in allegorical form). The fifth volume of this study contained examples of the interpretation of various dreams.

And in the "Dream Book of Daniel" written by an anonymous author (around the XNUMXth century), dream plots and interpretation options for the convenience of readers are presented in alphabetical order.

But in Hellas, the first skeptics appeared, which included Aristotle and Diogenes. In ancient Rome, Cicero had a negative attitude to the interpretation of dreams. Later, Newton and Leibniz made attempts to explain dreams by natural causes.

But the voices of skeptics were almost inaudible to the general public, who with great enthusiasm bought up more and more “dream books”, among which was a book written by Michel Nostradamus.

Russian dream book published in 1883

Z. Freud in his work "Interpretation of Dreams" divided dreams into three categories: 1) associated with reality, requiring interpretation; 2) logical and understandable, but not connected with reality; 3) "images and symbols that are not interconnected and not amenable to simple logic."

He attached particular importance to the dreams of the last category, believing that they can explain a person’s behavior and provide an opportunity to assess his mental state.

The Bible explicitly prohibits any attempt to find out the future, but even some famous theologians of the Middle Ages believed that dreams could contain “divine revelation” - for example, Tertullian, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas.

But special attention has always been paid to the dreams of kings and generals. In what spirit were their dreams usually interpreted? This is well described in the Avar tale:

A certain khan, seeing in a dream that he had lost all his teeth, except for the wisdom tooth, ordered the Alim (“knowledgeable”, “knowledgeable”) to be called, who were instructed to explain the meaning of this dream.

The first of them said that all the relatives of the khan would die, for which he received one hundred punches.

The second said that the khan would live longer than anyone else in his family, for which he received a horse and gold.

What did famous people dream about at different times and in different countries? And what interpretation of dreams did they receive? Were these divinations useful to them? Let's see what is written about this in various historical sources.

"I slept a little, but dreamed in a dream"

The very first account of the interpretation of dreams can be found in the Old Testament Book of the Prophet Daniel.

As a teenager, Daniel fell into Babylonian captivity (about 606-607 BC), but nothing bad happened to him there, he was even recognized as “fit to serve in the royal palace,” received a new name Belshazzar and during For three years he studied "books and the Chaldean language." And everything would be fine if it were not for the oddities in the behavior of King Nebuchadnezzar II.

Nebuchadnezzar II, image on the Babylonian cameo

The Bible tells us that once the king woke up in an anxious mood because he had some unpleasant dream. It would seem, with whom does not happen? It was unusual that the king did not remember this dream, but really wished that "secret experts, fortune-tellers, fortune-tellers, sorcerers and Chaldeans" remembered and interpreted this dream for him:
“I had a dream, and my spirit is troubled; I want to know this dream. "

The task was posed with a very large "asterisk" - the level of "go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what."

The Chaldeans (who were traditionally considered great experts in the interpretation of dreams) were very surprised and told him:
"King! live forever! tell a dream to your servants, and we will explain its meaning.
The king answered and said to the Chaldeans: the word departed from me; if you don’t tell me the dream and its meaning, then you will be cut into pieces, and your houses will be turned into ruins. ”

Having received no answer, Nebuchadnezzar ordered "to exterminate all the sages of Babylon," among whom already included Belshazzar (Daniel). But for some reason, Daniel did not want to be "exterminated", and therefore he composed a suitable dream for Nebuchadnezzar very quickly and successfully interpreted it.

It turned out that the king dreamed of a huge statue, the head of which was made of gold, the chest and arms were made of silver, the stomach and hips were made of copper, the legs were made of iron, the feet were made of iron mixed with clay. A large stone, rolled down from the mountain, destroyed this statue, striking the lower part, made of iron and clay.

Erhard Altdorfer. The dream of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. Engraving from the Bible, published in Lübeck in 1533.

Daniel identified the golden head with Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom. Then there was to appear "another kingdom below yours, and another third kingdom, copper, which will rule over all the earth." Daniel called the fourth kingdom strong, like iron: "just as iron breaks and crushes everything, so it, like an all-crushing iron, will crush and crush." The fifth kingdom is “divided, and there will remain several fortresses of iron ... the kingdom will be partly strong, partly brittle ... iron mixed with clay pottery ... mixed through human seed, but will not merge with one another, as iron does not mix with clay” .

It is difficult to say exactly what conclusions and assumptions Nebuchadnezzar made from this interpretation, and whether one can trust the story of the “rich gifts” to Daniel and his appointment to the position of “chief chief over all the wise Babylonians”. But in the moat with the lions of the prophet threw, nevertheless, not he, but the Persian king Darius.

Later interpreters of the Holy Scripture confidently recognized the kingdom of the Medes and Persians in the silver part of the statue, the copper belly and hips, in their opinion, personified Greece, the iron legs - Rome. Well, clay mixed with iron is Europe, formed after the fall of the Roman Empire, some of whose states are rich and strong, others are poor and weak.

The prophecy of Daniel, according to tradition, ends with the prediction of the end of the world, the symbol of which is a stone rolling down a mountain. And the new, eternal kingdom will not be erected by people, but by God.

This dream, of course, was worthy of the great king, and its interpretation is beyond praise, but skeptics have some doubts about whether the dream belongs to Nebuchadnezzar. However, here we are talking about Faith, which, according to theologians, should be stronger than reason.

“I believe, for it is absurd,” Tertullian once said.

Soon Nebuchadnezzar also saw a second dream, which, unlike the first, he was able to remember: a saint who descended from heaven ordered to cut down a tree as high as the sky and with many fruits, leaving only the main root in the earth. In addition, he took a human heart from this tree, giving in return an animal - "for seven times." This dream was also interpreted by Daniel, who said that for pride Nebuchadnezzar would be punished by the loss of power and excommunicated for seven years.

Nebuchadnezzar allegedly later lost his mind and, imitating animals, ate grass for seven years, but then his mind returned to him.

Talking about this, it must be borne in mind that modern scholars are confident that the Book of Daniel was created in Palestine in the middle of the II century BC. e. - almost 500 years after the events described in it.

Now we will pass from sacred texts to historical sources.

Ancient authors claim that the trip of the Persian king Xerxes to the Peloponesse (480 BC) was provoked by constant dreams in which a certain Spirit demanded to start a war, warning that, otherwise, Xerxes would lose power, and then completely, began to threaten to gouge out his eyes. In this war, the Greeks won victories in the battles of Salamis, at Plataeus and at Cape Mikale, the Persians lost Byzantium, Rhodes, part of Cyprus, Chersonesus of Thrace. Another consequence of this war was the creation of an aggressive Delos alliance led by Athens.

King Xerxes, bas-relief. National Archaeological Museum, Tehran

Unlucky with the “prophetic dream” was another Persian king - Darius III. He dreamed that the phalanx of Alexander was engulfed in flames, and the Macedonian king himself at first served him in the clothes that Darius had previously worn as an acting messenger, and then entered the temple of Bel and disappeared into it. Mages, of course, predicted the victory of Persia, but everything turned out the other way around. Then I had to rethink the prophecy in the spirit that the Macedonian warriors would perform brilliant feats, Alexander would take possession of Asia in the same way as Darius, a former messenger, but who had become king.

Alexander the Great attacks the Persian king Darius III, mosaic from the city of Pompeii, National Museum, Naples

Alexander the Great also saw a “prophetic” dream during the siege of the city of Tire: he dreamed of a satyr whom he caught in the forest. It would seem, what does this “night adventure” in the fantasy style have to do with current affairs? But the regular royal soothsayer Aristander from Telmesos divided the Greek word “satyros” into two: “sa” and “tyros” - it turned out “Your Tyr”. Of course, there is not the slightest doubt that Alexander would have taken Tire without any dreams, but anyway, it turned out well.

And here is how he once deceived the dream of the Carthaginian commander Hamilcar (most likely this is another Hamilcar - not Barca) during the fighting in Sicily: a voice in a dream predicted that he would have dinner in the city that besieges. Hamilkar immediately threw his troops into the assault, but was defeated and captured. So he had a chance to have dinner in this city, but not as a winner, but as a prisoner.

Julius Caesar once had a dream that it wouldn’t even occur to a normal person to talk about: as if he had "shared a bed with his mother." Nevertheless, he told about this dream and received a promising “decoding”: Caesar’s mother, allegedly, symbolized the “mother city” of Rome, which this ambitious person will have to master.

And here is a story about a ghost that appeared to one of Caesar's killers - Mark Junius Brutus. Roman authors write: "waking up, I saw" (his Brutus). But with a high degree of probability it can be argued that everything was the opposite: "woke up when he saw."

The ghost called himself an evil genius and said that for the second time Brutus would see him at Philippi. However, October 3, 42 BC e. Brutus' troops won a decisive victory over the army of Octavian, capturing the enemy camp and almost capturing the enemy commander, the Caesarian losses were twice as large as the republican. Moreover, Brutus sent part of his cavalry to help the army of Cassius, which was crowded by the troops of Mark Anthony. But Cassius, a man in military affairs much more experienced than Brutus, mistook this unit for the enemy. Seeing him, he panicked and committed suicide. So the ghost, probably, should have come not to Brutus, but to Cassius. In the next battle, Brutus' flank was again close to overturning the enemy, but on the other flank again the soldiers who had previously been commanded by Cassius fled. The Caesarians did not pursue Brutus' retreating army, and the war had not yet been lost, but a trusted man sent to assess the condition of the troops accidentally died on the way. Without waiting for him, Brutus threw himself on his sword, confident in complete defeat and catastrophic defeat.

The death of Brutus. Illustration for Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar", 1802, British Museum

Probably, the phenomenon of the "ghost" still had an impact on the state of the psyche of Brutus. He then calmly answered him: “I will see,” but, of course, the “sediment” in the soul remained.

Druz Claudius Nero, brother of the future emperor Tiberius and father of the future emperor Claudius, commanding the Roman troops, refused to cross the Elbe, seeing in a dream a woman who told him:
“Friends! Where are you going? Aren't you tired of winning? Know that you are on the edge of your existence! ”

Druz Claudius Nero Elder, bust, Vatican Museums

Septimius Severus saw in a dream Emperor Pertinax falling from a horse, on which he then sat himself. This dream was interpreted to him as a sign that he would replace Pertinax, becoming the next emperor. Septimius did not forget about this prediction, and when Pertinax was killed in Rome, he opposed Didius Julian, proclaimed emperor by the Praetorians, and then against other pretenders: the Passion of the Niger and Claudius Septimius Albinus.

Septimius Severus, bust. Rome, Capitoline Museums, New Palace, Hall of Emperors

If you believe the Life of St. Dominic, his mother saw in a dream that her baby was lit a lamp that lit up the whole world, and then also a dog with a torch. She took her dreams more than seriously, and thanks to the upbringing she gave her son, Dominic grew up a religious fanatic. He condemned the death of thousands of Cathars during the Albiguian Wars and organized a monastic order, whose members took an active part in the work of the Inquisition Tribunals.

His contemporary and antipode, St. Francis, hearing a voice in a dream calling him to restore the "house of God", left home and founded the order of mendicant monks, and at the same time contributed to the emergence of the female monastic order of the Poor Claris.

The ousted Japanese emperor Go-Daigo (reigned 1318-1339) saw in a dream a tree around which ministers and aristocrats sat, and only on the south side was an empty seat, which two children called the throne. Waking up, he folded the hieroglyphs “south” and “tree”, and received a new symbol - “camphor tree”, sounding like “bites”. The emperor asked: does anyone know a person with that or a similar name? The right person was found - it turned out to be Kusunoki Masashige. His Go-Daigo and appointed commander of his troops. Masashige honestly fought for the emperor, but could not win. In 1336, he was defeated by the army of the future Shogun Asikagi Takaudzi and committed suicide. Komyo was soon proclaimed the new emperor, so Go-Daigo had to move from Kyoto to Yoshino. However, Kusunoki Masashige went down in the history of the country as an example of a faithful vassal.

Kusunoki Masashige Monument in Tokyo

Thirteen-year-old Joan of Arc, a girl from the village of House Remy, saw in a dream the archangel Michael, accompanied by Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret, who called on her to save France. And she remembered Merlin's prophecy, which said that one day the virgin-savior would come from a village in Lorraine, near which an oak forest grows. Everything coincided: the order of the archangel, pagan prophecy, she was a virgin, and the oaks around her native village grew in sufficient quantity. There was no way out, Jeanne went to save France - and saved her.

Allen Douglas, "Saint Joan of Arc in the War on the British"

But then the highest hierarchs of the French Catholic Church and the most authoritative professors of the Sorbonne explained to the girl that the voices calling for her to defend her homeland belonged to the demons Velial, Behemoth and Satan. On May 30, 1431, Jeanne was excommunicated and sentenced to be burned at the stake. Before the execution, she asked for forgiveness from the British and the Burgundians, whom she ordered to pursue and kill. Only two people tried to help her somehow: Gilles de Rais, who, at the head of a detachment of soldiers hired for his own money, wanted to break through to Rouen, but was late, and the nameless English warrior rushed into the fire to give Jeanne a wooden crucifix.

Execution of Joan of Arc, medieval miniature

“The Lion of the North”, the Swedish king Gustav Adolf, on the eve of the Battle of Lutzen, saw in a dream a huge tree that grew before his eyes from the ground, covered with leaves and flowers, then withered and fell at his feet. The dream was clearly auspicious and foreshadowed the victory (which the Swedes won the next day), perhaps this deprived the king of due caution - he was killed during this battle.

Carl Wahlbom. The death of Gustavus Adolphus at the Battle of Lutzen

Oliver Cromwell on the eve of the execution of Charles I had a dream, as if an executioner was putting a crown on his head made of bones of the dead. No wonder: what the man was thinking about (about the power that awaits him after the execution of the king), he dreamed.

Paul Delaroche. Oliver Cromwell at the tomb of Charles I

But Charles X (brother of two Louis XVI and XVIII, the king of France from 1824 to 1830) had completely different thoughts, and therefore on the night of June 25-26, 1830 he saw in a dream a boar who wounded him during hunting. A little later, the boar was identified with the rebellious subjects, who forced him to abdicate on August 2 of that year.

In the diary of Abraham Lincoln, there is a curious entry about a dream that he saw 10 days before his murder: in one of the rooms of the White House, soldiers stood guard on a closed coffin. To the question: “Who died?”, They answered him: “President.”

What can I say? Someday the law of large numbers had to work, and at least one such coincidence in a million other unfulfilled dreams had to happen.

The famous dream of the Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu (Zhuang Zhou), in which he saw himself as a butterfly, as a result of which he thought that, “if Chuang Tzu can become a butterfly in a dream, then perhaps the butterfly fell asleep and dreams that she is Chuang Tzu. " Thus, a new doctrine, imbued with skepticism, was created, stating that life is limited, and knowledge is unlimited.

Night flights of the Witches

Talking about dreams, one cannot but mention the famous flights of witches, which they also performed in a dream, but not ordinary, but narcotic. The materials of the Vedic processes indicate that, going to bed, these women rubbed an ointment in the chest, temples, under the armpits and in the groin area, which included aconite, belladonna, speckled hemlock. Opium poppy, hemp, wormwood, juniper, white water lily, yellow capsule could be added to them in various combinations and combinations.

Beladonna. Delirious and hallucinating substances are found in all parts of this plant.

Aconite. Extremely poisonous plant, which sometimes is planted in suburban areas as a decorative

Hemlock hemlock, in folk medicine tincture of its leaves and seeds is used as an anesthetic

Different recipes also indicate such additional ingredients as incense, flies, wine, vegetable oil, salt, bat blood, deceased fat (or fox, wolf or badger), cat's brain, rust, soot.

There was no single recipe for “witch ointment”, only the basis was common.

In V. Bryusov’s novel “The Fiery Angel”, the heroine speaks during an interrogation by the inquisitors:
“We took different herbs: a saucer, parsley, calamus, branchberry, nightshade, bleached, infused from a fighter, added oils from plants and bat blood and cooked it, pronouncing special words that were different for different months.”

This, by the way, is one of the authentic recipes for the “flying ointment” of the German “witches”.

“In the evening, at night, when the Sabbath was gathering, we rubbed our bodies with a special ointment, and then we either had a black goat that carried us through the air on its back, or the demon himself, in the form of a gentleman dressed in a green camisole and a yellow vest, and I held on to his neck while he flew over the fields. If there was no goat, no demon, you could sit on any object, and they flew like the most greyhound horses. "

Here the author also does not deviate from the truth: a typical testimony of a medieval “witch” is given, in the archives of the Inquisition Tribunals you can find many similar ones.

Mass psychosis in a nunnery caused by the appearance of the heroine of the novel “Fiery Angel”: “Unhappy girls, one after another, suddenly fell with a groan and fought terribly against stone slabs of the floor ... calling the archbishop himself a servant of the devil, or ... magnifying his sister Mary as the bride of a heavenly angel” .

The hallucinations caused by the use of "witch ointment" were unusually realistic. Here is how Knight Ruprecht, the protagonist of this novel, describes its action:
“Until now, having already moved a far distance from that day, I can’t say with complete certainty whether everything I experienced was a terrible truth or an equally terrible nightmare, the creation of imagination, and whether I sinned before Christ with word and deed, or only thinking ...

The ointment burned the body slightly, and its smell quickly started to make my head spin, so soon I was not well aware of what I was doing, my hands hung helplessly, and my eyelids dropped into my eyes. Then the heart began to beat with such force, as if it were bouncing off my chest on the rope an entire elbow, and it hurt ... when I tried to rise, I could no longer think: all the tales about the Sabbath were nonsense and this miraculous ointment is only an euthanasia "a potion, - but at the same time everything faded for me, and I suddenly saw myself or imagined myself high above the ground, in the air, completely naked, sitting astride, like a horse, on a black shaggy goat."

This description is not a figment of the author’s imagination, it is taken from the original protocols of the inquisition courts.

Night flight of the witches on the Sabbath, engraving

In the book “The Long Journey: A History of Psychedelia” (2008), a modern British researcher Paul Devereaux claims to have tried to test the effect of “witch ointment” made according to one of the medieval recipes. He describes his feelings as follows:
“I had wild dreams. Those who danced before my eyes were terrible at first. Then I suddenly felt like flying through the air for miles. The flight was repeatedly interrupted by rapid falls. ”

Visions of medieval “witches” were determined by the mood and expectations of women who applied this ointment. Now they would probably see themselves not flying on a black goat or on a broomstick on the Sabbath with the devil, but in the "flying saucer" of aliens. Or, they imagined themselves to be an elven archer from Warcraft III, who attacks an orc wyvern on a hippogryph.

By the way, the fact that the defendants flew to the Sabbath only in a dream was, as a rule, not a mitigating factor for the inquisitors.

You have probably heard of the so-called "sleeping prophet" Edgar Cayce. You could write about him in this article, but I moved this story to the next, in which we will talk about the “Messiahs of recent days,” be patient a little.

In conclusion, it must be said that sleep is an extremely complex physiological state, which also has two completely different phases - “slow” (deep) sleep and “fast”. Lack of sleep is no less fatal than starvation and thirst. A dream is not just a vacation: it has a huge number of other functions, the study of which is devoted to hundreds of scientific works, and it is unlikely to be able to talk about it in a nutshell. But modern somnologists (specialists who study sleep and its disturbances) assure that in a dream the brain does not establish “astral connections” with anyone and with nothing and does not receive new information, but tries to deal with the one that was received during the day. The brain seems to be "rebooting", trying to remove excess and unnecessary, as well as negatively colored information, and systematizing useful information. This happens during the REM sleep phase. It is in this phase, when the information received during the day is being processed that the person sees some more or less plot-related images, which he then recalls only as an exception - ideally, the person should not remember dreams. And if he still woke up, remembering the dream he had, our brain, as if embarrassed by its “rough” work, as a rule, very quickly deletes these memories - after half an hour of vigorous activity, we forget about the details of this dream, and then about it itself.

If a person has been thinking hard about something for a long time, during sleep his brain can continue to work in this direction, but already “without brakes”. This interferes with a good rest, but sometimes it helps to find the right solution - therefore they say that “morning is wiser than evening” and “I will think tomorrow with a fresh mind”. But much more often the result of such overstrain is not “insights”, but nightmare obsessive dreams. And the brain is resting, unlike the rest of the body, only in the phase of “slow sleep” (but it was at this time that the pituitary gland began to produce the extremely important hormone somatotropin). The lack of "slow sleep" is often perceived as insomnia. This condition is well described in a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky:
“I dreamed that it smelled of burning.
Dreaming, blizzard chalk,
She dreamed that she was different.
waiting for you at the subway ...
Another sat next to her.
Her cheeks were pale ...
If all this is not true,
Why then dream?
Why do I need - say mercy -
to know the smell of her hair?
But I didn’t dream of anything.
I just could not sleep. "

Of course, all this woman was painfully jealous of her husband in a dream. The lack of a phase of slow sleep led to the fact that these visions did not disappear from her memory and the perception of sleep itself was disturbed - a sensation of painful insomnia arose.

And nightly changes in the hormonal balance in combination with an increase in the tone of the parasympathetic system in young and healthy people sometimes cause erotic dreams.

K. Bryullov. "The dream of a young girl before dawn"

In the Middle Ages, for such a dream in which a young woman allegedly entered into relations with an incubus, they could have burned her like a witch.

The Fiery Serpent (Lyubavets, Volokita, Lyubostay) is an old Russian incubus that visited girls, wives and widows at night, and is visible only by the “victims” of its “lust”. This is how the "demon" of female masturbation was presented to our ancestors

Now about some of the causes and mechanisms of nightmares. Sleep is so important for the human body that there are protective mechanisms, the purpose of which is to allow a person to rest and sleep, without waking up due to some uncritical situations - uncomfortable position of the arm or leg, unexpressed and non-dangerous pain in the back, stomach or in the heart . But, since the impulses about pain and discomfort, nevertheless, reach the brain, he reacts to this not with awakening, but with a certain dream - unpleasant and even nightmare. For example, that a person cannot get out of a snowdrift or from an ice hole - if his leg is frozen, with which the blanket slipped. Or - that someone is chasing after him, if there are heart problems and there is an episode of shortness of breath. A pronounced heartburn in the brain during sleep can be associated with a fire.

In this picture of Johann Heinrich Fussley, a woman sees a nightmare because she sleeps in a very uncomfortable position

In any case, in a dream it is impossible to get new information, to see a stranger or to "get" to a completely unfamiliar place (in which a person has never been and never heard of). Therefore, to build some kind of guesses about the future, relying on their dreams, is at least naive and unreasonable.

In the final article of the cycle, we will talk about the "visionaries" and "prophets" who have recently revealed themselves to the world, and try to answer the question: can their talents be used to benefit society and the motherland?
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  1. +3
    2 January 2020 06: 17
    Excuse me, but why and why is this boring and absolutely unnecessary article published here ??? The mentioned military commanders are related, but everything else ....
    1. +21
      2 January 2020 07: 51
      Dear Andrey, let me correct you. The work of Valery criticized by you is read in one breath and has the right to be in the History and VO column today and now. Especially in the real world when a purely military confrontation goes by the wayside, giving way to hybrid wars.
      One seasoned human being said, "war is a continuation of politics." A century before him, another lived cynic wrote - “the legs of the war are growing from the“ fifth point ”: greed (economics), envy (human ambitions and power) and women.” So “prophetic dreams”, “prophets” and “the search for fortune” - this will only lead to the problems of the latter and her family in the housewife, and throwing of leaders and rulers entails storms of a completely different order !!!
      Example - Delphic oracle!

      Having asked the commandments of the gods,
      Having received the permission of the magi,
      Olaf threw forces to the east,
      Admiring your prophetic dreams!

      Sincerely, good day to all!
    2. +1
      3 January 2020 03: 19
      This is to draw attention to the development of BOW based on psychedelics. Ergot will eat, just not dream ... Well, the profile of the Germans tried. Now through Kosovo, Afghan heroin has flooded the entire geyropu. Let it be for now.
  2. +5
    2 January 2020 06: 41
    against other bidders: The Nesger's Passion
    Author! Worthy of censure! How can you write "Niger" when everyone has known for a long time to write "African American"? (Well, or at least, "Afro-Roman")
    1. +18
      2 January 2020 08: 19
      A real dialogue in 1999 at a meeting of colleagues from the USA (Kazan)!
      Vasya (drilled in the second generation living in the Volga region), I wonder, will there be blacks in the delegation? African Americans speak correctly. Vasily freezes, then after five minutes he gives out “- is that, according to their logic, am I a Tatar-Mongol or Euro-Asian”?
      Three days later, in the bathhouse after the "symposium", Vasya tortures the captain of the station (approximately rank - colonel of the police).
      Joni - are you black?
      Yes (yes)!
      And how is he different from an African American?
      Vasa is the troubles of white boys (guys). You and I are a colored boy, poor Niger and poor Indian do not understand them! They come and take their own!
      Vasya hangs again, then grunting a glass of vodka - gives birth to the truth - "damn, we first started the Mongols, the Russians came back in answer!"
      In the trash, the drunk Joni looks perplexedly at Vasily? !!!
      And the latter continues - “Joni never touch the Russians, they always come back to give back” !!!!
      Regards, Kote!
      1. 0
        2 January 2020 09: 19
        Quote: Kote Pan Kokhanka
        A real dialogue in 1999 at a meeting of colleagues from the USA (Kazan)!
        Vasya (drilled in the second generation living in the Volga region), I wonder, will there be blacks in the delegation? African Americans speak correctly. Vasily freezes, then after five minutes he gives out “- is that, according to their logic, am I a Tatar-Mongol or Euro-Asian”?
        Three days later, in the bathhouse after the "symposium", Vasya tortures the captain of the station (approximately rank - colonel of the police).
        Joni - are you black?
        Yes (yes)!
        And how is he different from an African American?
        Vasa is the troubles of white boys (guys). You and I are a colored boy, poor Niger and poor Indian do not understand them! They come and take their own!
        Vasya hangs again, then grunting a glass of vodka - gives birth to the truth - "damn, we first started the Mongols, the Russians came back in answer!"
        In the trash, the drunk Joni looks perplexedly at Vasily? !!!
        And the latter continues - “Joni never touch the Russians, they always come back to give back” !!!!
        Regards, Kote!

        It's ridiculous, of course, the story collected on the knee, but after the New Year's booze will come down.
    2. +7
      2 January 2020 10: 00
      How can you write "Niger"
      ... By the way, it’s relevant, the name of the Niger River somehow does not sound tolerant ... It recalls the colonial past .. laughing
      1. +9
        2 January 2020 10: 56
        Alexy! Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye !!!
        We begin the movement for the denigification of the Niger! Down with the past, hi river African American !!! Gip, gip Ur !!!
  3. +2
    2 January 2020 06: 48
    What was it? Cutting out old AIDS info number? smile
    1. +7
      2 January 2020 07: 11
      Quote: Avior
      What was it? Cutting out old AIDS info number?

      What do you dislike? This is the third article in a series. I’m curious to read what the witches were doing. good
      1. +9
        2 January 2020 07: 27
        I support the opinion of Vladimir, Valery’s work is interesting, fresh and out of place!
        Good day to all, your Kote !!!
      2. +6
        2 January 2020 08: 40
        Also drew attention to the composition of ointments.
      3. 0
        2 January 2020 09: 33
        I would quite read about witches.
        But as for the style of presentation, it was very much reminded of the mentioned source hi
        1. +3
          2 January 2020 09: 37
          Quote: Avior
          But as for the style of presentation, it was very much reminded of the mentioned source

          The author in the comments to the article from this series explained why he chose this style. Yes
          1. 0
            2 January 2020 09: 42
            Did not read this comment.
            But I find the presentation style for this resource unsuccessful, no matter what explanation the author gives.
            But everyone can have their own opinion, I expressed only my own and I do not convince anyone of anything
            1. +4
              2 January 2020 09: 43
              Quote: Avior
              Did not read this comment.

              Hold on.
              this is such an ironic review, timed to coincide with the onset of the New Year, when people begin to think about the future, make wishes, read horoscopes, guess fortune, etc.
              And I wanted you and other readers to smile several times while reading articles in this series, so that everyone who reads would have a slightly better mood. Because there are enough serious articles, including mine. And everyone has enough problems.
              1. +1
                2 January 2020 09: 52
                Thank you
                But I did not perceive the article as an “ironic review”
                I somehow perceive the ironic, but fundamentally against the ironic reviews from time to time I have nothing. Something like armored humor with a review of the history of world tank building from Armor, for example, I am quite normal, for me it would not look strange for this resource.
                But I don’t perceive this article
                But, I repeat, everyone has their own opinion
  4. -1
    2 January 2020 07: 36
    Strange article ....
    1. +3
      2 January 2020 11: 24
      But the variety. From the endless skirmishes between the supporters of the Bolsheviks and the monarchists, it is already sickening to enter the "History" section.
      1. +1
        4 January 2020 00: 44
        Author: Now about some of the symptoms and mechanisms of insomnia.

        Why reinvent the wheel laughing
        Insomnia wings
        waving in the window
        Can’t sleep ... can’t sleep ...
        not to sleep for me.
  5. +1
    2 January 2020 08: 09
    Dreams are the programmable matrix cell of our future. Being half asleep this future can be reprogrammed in the way we want and to avoid trouble in the future, provided that no one knows about our dream. Dreams cannot be told to anyone. introducing changes in the matrix of our future by strangers, and even loved ones, can negatively affect us. In no case can you believe any interpreters of dreams, dream books and horoscopes - these are all elements of programming us for a certain behavior.
    1. +1
      2 January 2020 18: 51
      A dream about not a dream ... smile
      What will remain after us. Today we write, think, show off, pomeranian, and the program that each of us determines is left or not, why can we remember past lives in our dreams?
      Here I am collecting family history, genealogy, once I dreamed about a bunch of ancestors who came to congratulate me on my birthday. And among them was the brother of my grandmother, who died in infancy, and saw him in a dream as a young man. And all the relatives who came to congratulate were outwardly, as in the prime of life. Thanked everyone. I was very pleased. Here is such an interesting dream congratulations from the ancestors.
  6. 0
    2 January 2020 08: 13
    We take the case if we want to criticize, then we describe everything sarcastically, applying phenomena suitable for sarcasm. Or vice versa. We take the same case, we describe it with enthusiasm, we find events that support our enthusiasm.
    The author describes the events not from a scientific point of view, but simply by counting. since he does not believe in this, then it seemed to everyone else. Or witches ate something there
    But in Russia there is a "Commission for the fight against pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research", that is, the commissioners of this commission believe that they have studied everything and new discoveries are not required, because everything that does not correspond to their opinion about science is pseudoscientific. Well, at least now they don't burn at the stake.
  7. -5
    2 January 2020 08: 13
    Dreams cannot be trusted absolutely, since a person cannot distinguish dreams from God - from devilish obsessions and demonic amusements. Dreams should be tried rather to forget, and not to remember, any.
    1. +8
      2 January 2020 08: 24
      Quote: bober1982
      Dreams should be tried rather to forget, and not to remember, any.

      Yeah. And then I dreamed for several years. Like I didn’t pass it, and it is necessary to draw on a new one. And somehow I dreamed that a witch jumped on me. I jumped half a meter on the bed, and my cat (he, he, was a bastard) jumped up to the ceiling and ran away. fellow
      1. +7
        2 January 2020 09: 47
        Vladimir cat breed is a reflection of evil spirits. Especially in the morning with a hangover, but sometimes they are so “cute”!
        1. +5
          2 January 2020 09: 52
          Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
          Vladimir cat breed - this is a reflection of evil spirits, but sometimes they are so “cute”!

          Yeah, I picked my one on the street. Such a kitten became attached, it became a pity. And somehow I got confused by drunkenness. He grabbed the cat on the street, and dragged it home. I wake up, and in the corridor two cats clean their faces to each other, and Vidoplyasov screams at the whole house. laughing
          1. VLR
            2 January 2020 10: 26

            We only had a domestic cat once: several times fed an unfamiliar cute cat by finding a suitable cat in the bin, and he began to walk after me like a dog — he accompanied me to work and met me from work. Everyone thought that he was mine, I felt ashamed, and I offered to take it. The next day, he stopped following me, but guarded me from other cats — he was very jealous: he would see a cat near me, he would certainly drive him into a tree, and then turn away from me for another hour. In the room where there were people, he indicated his presence stretching to the maximum possible length - so that they walked constantly looking under their feet. And on the third day of her stay in general, the circus: the wife sat down with a plate at the TV, and for the first time the cat deigned to jump on her lap. She naturally thought that she would climb into the plate. And he looked into her eyes, sighed demonstratively, and turned his tail to the plate: they say, I am with all my soul to you, and you're all about eating ...
            When he got sick, he acted like every self-respecting cat - left and never returned. I’m still sometimes ashamed that I may have somehow disliked him.
            1. +4
              2 January 2020 10: 30
              Quote: VlR
              he began to follow me like a dog - to accompany me to work and to meet from work.

              Yeah, my Kesha sometimes escorted me to the checkpoint.
            2. +7
              2 January 2020 11: 07
              Thanks for the revelation Valery! But in my gut I felt that you are our man, a catman !!!
              Well friends, then a toast drinks
              For cat lovers and dog lovers of the VO site !!!
        2. +2
          2 January 2020 13: 35
          Kote Pan Kokhanka
          Today, 10: 47

          ,,, aha belay hidden cat food ad wassat
          1. +3
            2 January 2020 17: 09
            OPS! Honestly without any back thought !!!
        3. +4
          2 January 2020 18: 46
          We cats are shitty now .... winter .... it's cold ... and somewhere to eat ....
      2. +6
        2 January 2020 10: 00
        Greetings, Vladimir! hi
        I'm not afraid to be defamed (according to the subject of the site laughing ), however, one of the most common nightmares that haunt the average Russian man has a plot: "They took him back to the army !!!" wassat
        1. +4
          2 January 2020 10: 06
          Quote: 3x3zsave
          has a plot: "They were taken back to the army !!!"

          Yeah, in the form of an evil ensign. laughing It would be better if the beautiful girls dreamed more often, otherwise the nightmares were solid for some reason ... crying

        2. +3
          2 January 2020 11: 04
          "They took me back to the army !!!"

          Right !!! 10 times, probably already dreamed. Only it wasn’t a nightmare for me, perhaps because I was returning to the army immediately with a demobilization soldier laughing
        3. +3
          2 January 2020 13: 39
          Today, 11: 00

          ,,,nothing like this stop , I dreamed about the army, but not as a nightmare but the fact that I served for more than a prescribed period of several years. But the fact that you need to retake the subject before the diploma belay this is a nightmare wassat
    2. 0
      2 January 2020 08: 24
      Quote: bober1982
      Dreams cannot be trusted absolutely, since a person cannot distinguish dreams from God - from devilish obsessions and demonic amusements.

      And if it can? laughing

      The supermundane entity referred to as God or the Devil is a single and only our subjective opinion is defined by us as: when we act in the framework of His providence - as God, and when we resist His will - as the Devil. It is necessary to understand the language of God and His governance, including and through dreams. My attitude to dreams, a post above.
      1. -1
        2 January 2020 08: 33
        Quote: Boris55
        Dreams cannot be told to anyone

        Quote: Boris55
        In no case can you believe in any interpreters of dreams, dream books and horoscopes

        I agree completely.
        Quote: Boris55
        Being half asleep this future can be reprogrammed the way we want and avoid future troubles

        You can agree that reprogramming is possible, speaking your language, but what .....as we want..., there are big doubts, the more you can get all sorts of trouble.
        1. +2
          2 January 2020 08: 38
          Quote: bober1982
          but about the fact that ..... as we want ..., there are big doubts

          We are not alone in this world consider the impact of our environment on us is undoubtedly necessary. Dreams are not only for us.
          1. -1
            2 January 2020 08: 53
            Quote: Boris55
            including consider the impact of our environment on us is undoubtedly necessary.

            That's exactly how we live delusional - such and delusional dreams, even if the Angel comes in a dream, do not believe, we are not righteous, no dreams like that.
            1. 0
              2 January 2020 12: 11
              Quote: bober1982
              how we live crazy - such and crazy dreams

              So maybe we live in such a way that even in dreams we don’t want to correct our life for the better? laughing

              Quote: bober1982
              Dreams should be tried to forget more quickly, and not to remember, any ...
              even if the Angel comes in a dream, do not believe, we are not righteous, not in the rank of such dreams.

              In other words, are you telling us that we would not interfere with our programming of our lives, those who, at our expense, at this level of management, arrange their lives? I cannot agree with this.

              God, in our dreams, revealing our future, thereby allows us to correct it by our will, within the limits of His acquiescence.
    3. 0
      2 January 2020 14: 44
      Quote: bober1982
      Dreams cannot be trusted absolutely, since a person cannot distinguish dreams from God - from devilish obsessions and demonic amusements. Dreams should be tried rather to forget, and not to remember, any.

      And how can you forget a dream?
      My wife has a classmate / girlfriend, naturally this friend has (had) a father ... So, I dreamed about him. In the morning I tell my wife that I dreamed of a friend's father (I never saw him in my life), and by the evening we found out, that he `` threw a larti behind the icon '' ... Then he dreamed of another one ... In a word, darkness ...
      1. 0
        2 January 2020 14: 49
        Quote: GenNick
        And how can you forget a dream?

        Easy. For example, for example, I always forget a dream if I do not scroll it in my head. And one of my comrades, in all seriousness, claims that he does not have dreams, but nevertheless at night he was stolen by aliens on a plate, that they did something to him, and then released. crying
    4. 0
      3 January 2020 20: 05
      Sometimes it’s useful not just to believe, but to follow the recommendations received in them. My relative did this and this led to good.
  8. +4
    2 January 2020 08: 46
    Plots can be endlessly cited. But one more of the most memorable - "Pharaoh's dream of seven fat and seven skinny cows". Its interpretation by Joseph. And subsequent disasters that are confirmed in history.

    And think well of something reasonable, which Mendeleev showed. I don’t know how true this is.
    1. +6
      2 January 2020 09: 32
      My respect, Sergey! hi
      As far as I remember, several years ago paleodendrologists found confirmation of the mentioned "dream". However, given that the Old Testament was written down a little later than the mentioned event, the "interpretation" of Joseph could well have been "far-fetched" "post factum".
      1. +6
        2 January 2020 09: 55
        Hello Anton!
        The fact that most of the interpretations are “far-fetched”, and much later, is the reality of life !!! But where to go to the poor fortuneteller, if only to witches and smear with beladonna !!!
        Moreover, pagan lotions live with our girls today. By the way, we give them their love potions and give them for the holidays, but we don’t think about what they are “cooked” from? Belching sperm whale - we do not mind !!! laughing
        1. +4
          2 January 2020 10: 04
          If it was an eructation, Vlad !!!
          And about the "attraction", I answered Vladimir there. I don’t know how anyone, but I have to go nuts what realistic nightmares were! laughing
          1. +1
            2 January 2020 13: 52
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            and I have to go nuts what realistic nightmares were!

            Well, I don’t know ... I once dreamed such a damn thing that when I woke up I could not move my hands. I crossed my fingers like a finger, and sent all the devils to the hell with matyugs (I repent, sin). After that, the limbs moved, and it was just like a paralytic lying. request
            1. +1
              2 January 2020 16: 28
              What if it wasn't a dream ?! Suddenly, a neighbor rushed to you in St. Petersburg, or Moscow, to squeeze out Ksyusha's "louboutins" ?! laughing
        2. +3
          2 January 2020 10: 12
          We have our own answers:

          "And for me like an emetic
          That potion is a love spell.
          Because my health is sound.
          And I bit the poison tightly "(c).
      2. +3
        2 January 2020 09: 56
        I came across information about the confirmation of what happened 7 years of abundance and 7 years of hunger using the width of tree rings based on the analysis of the sarcophagus from Sycomore, which was carried out almost in the 20s of the twentieth century.
        1. +3
          2 January 2020 10: 13
          Perhaps, but as far as I understand, dendrochronology, as an applied discipline, appeared relatively recently.
          1. +3
            2 January 2020 10: 24
            American Douglas began in the 10s of the XX century. The age of the trees was venerable. It was convenient to work.
            1. +3
              2 January 2020 10: 39
              Hmmm. Interestingly, you need to read something on the topic. As far as I know, the last major studies in this area were conducted in 2015 by an American as well. However, a paleoclimatologist.
              1. +1
                2 January 2020 10: 51
                Here you will not guess which research is large and which is not very. But expensive appliances are sold and bought. Different laboratories work.
                So, they report with something.
                1. +2
                  2 January 2020 11: 10
                  Yeah. However, a paradoxical situation: the greater the amount of accumulated knowledge - the wider the scope of the unknown. Zeno's paradox in action. Or the theory of an expanding universe? Involuntarily you will believe in the anthropocentricity of our universe.
                  "All I know is that I know nothing."
                  I love Socrates.
                  1. +1
                    2 January 2020 11: 13
                    Yeah. Both Socrates and Khayyam are close to us.

                    The mind is unusually dispersed. To collect it on one topic, you have to think for a long time. But so that is not tired.
                    1. +1
                      2 January 2020 11: 22
                      Payment for information technology. Shpakovsky wrote on this topic. Although to me the modern evolutions of human consciousness seem a little different than to him.
                      1. +1
                        2 January 2020 12: 07
                        "Others are those to whom it is given,
                        They strive deeper and see the bottom "(c).
        2. +3
          2 January 2020 10: 50
          Why not! The trick in the other is how to foresee this?
          Here forecasters, time after time "frown" laughing the benefit today is the time of technology and the weather forecast rule in real time! And so the spans amounted to 10 degrees and this is the forecast for 12 hours! Not even a day !!!
    2. +6
      2 January 2020 10: 16
      Quote from Korsar4
      that Mendeleev showed.

      Here is the fact that Mendeleev dreamed about the well-known table. This happened to myself more than once or twice, when the solution of a complex problem (or the idea of ​​such a solution) arose in my head immediately after waking up. As if he really saw him in a dream or someone whispered.
      However, if you remember, such "insights" do not come only after sleep, they can, for example, during lunch or on the road, for no reason, no reason.
      And in general, as Freud said in a famous joke: "There are dreams - well ... just dreams." smile
      1. +2
        2 January 2020 10: 27
        Information is accumulated, and then added to the pattern.

        "The bird-catcher sings about birds,
        Fisherman sings about fish.
        And I sing about leeches.
        I sell them for money "(c).
        1. +3
          2 January 2020 10: 52
          Quote from Korsar4
          Information is accumulated, and then added to the pattern.

          The brain continues to work in some kind of background, even if it is busy with other issues. The main thing is to set it up for the required task, start the process. And then everything happens by itself. Sometimes I talk to my wife on the phone about some issues that are completely unrelated to matters and suddenly in my head - boom! - there is a contact !. "Wait, honey, now a thought came to my mind, I need to write it down. Yeah. So what were we talking about?" smile
          The main thing is to write down the thought so that later you do not have to decipher it with the words "Damn, what did I mean? ..." This also happened ... smile
          1. +2
            2 January 2020 11: 18
            Exactly. "Scripta manent."

            Always liked notebooks. And a scrap of paper at hand.
      2. +1
        2 January 2020 13: 29
        Quote: Trilobite Master
        Here is the fact that Mendeleev dreamed about the well-known table.

        It seems like Vysotsky also dreamed of songs, which I believe. I also once had a funny dream about Peter the Great, but I won’t sing it, otherwise they’ll ban me.
  9. +3
    2 January 2020 09: 25
    The article may be interesting ... but to read this "novel in 4 volumes" on January 2 !? When you wake up and say to yourself: Thank God that I survived the festivities on December 31 and January 1! ... In order not to be accused of "retrograde", I take a solemn obligation to read this article ... but then! Now let's walk!
  10. +3
    2 January 2020 10: 09
    Margarita jumped out of the dressing gown in one leap and scooped up a light greasy cream and began to rub it into the skin of her body with strong strokes. It immediately turned pink and caught fire. Then, instantly, as if a needle had been pulled out of the brain, the temple, which had been whining all evening after a meeting in the Alexander Gardens, had calmed down, the muscles of the arms and legs became stronger, and then Margarita's body lost weight. She jumped and hung in the air not high above the carpet, then it slowly pulled down and she sank down. “Ah yes cream!” Ah yes cream! Cried Margarita, throwing herself into an armchair .................– It's time! Fly out, ”Azazello spoke in the receiver, and from his tone he could hear that he was pleased with the sincere, joyful impulse of Margarita, - when you fly over the gate, shout:“ Invisible! ” Then fly over the city to get used to it, and then south, out of the city, and directly to the river. They are waiting for you! Margarita hung up the phone, and then in the next room something hobbled wooden and began to beat at the door. Margarita opened it, and the floor brush, with its bristles up, dancing, flew into the bedroom. With her end she knocked out a fraction on the floor, kicked and burst out the window. Margarita squealed with delight and jumped onto the brush on horseback.
  11. 0
    2 January 2020 10: 44
    “Eppole-et,” she thundered, “today I saw a bad dream. The word“ dream ”was pronounced with a French pronounce. Ippolit Matveyevich looked down at his mother-in-law. Its growth reached 185 centimeters. From such a height, it was easy and convenient for him to relate to Claudia Ivanovna's mother-in-law with some neglect. Klavdia Ivanovna continued:
    - I saw the late Marie with her hair loose and in a gold sash. A cast-iron lamp with a core, shot and dusty glass tsatskas trembled from the cannon sounds of Claudia Ivanovna's voice.
    - I'm very worried! I'm afraid that would not happen!
    Ippolit Matveyevich, slightly annoyed, left the house. At the entrance to his shabby establishment, master Bezenchuk stood leaning against a door jamb and arms crossed, coffins. From the systematic collapse of their commercial undertakings and from the long-term ingestion of strong drinks inside, the eyes of the master were bright yellow, like a cat's, and burned with unquenchable fire. “Honors my dear guest!” He shouted in a tongue twister, seeing Ippolit Matveyevich. “Good morning. Ippolit Matveyevich politely raised his stained castor hat. [14]“ How can your mother-in-law know such impudence? ”“ Mr, mr, ”Ippolit Matveyevich vaguely answered, and, with straight shoulders, proceeded. further. “Well, God bless her,” Besenchuk said bitterly, “we take as many losses as we put him on a swing. And again, arms crossed, he leaned against the door. Ippolit Matveyevich again held onto the gate of the Nymph funeral home There were three owners of Nymph. They bowed at once to Ippolit Matveyevich and inquired in chorus about the health of the mother-in-law. “Healthy, healthy,” Ippolit Matveyevich answered, “what will happen to her.” Today I saw a golden girl, dissolved. Such was her review in a dream. The three "nymphs" looked at each other and sighed loudly.
    But then Claudia Ivanovna sobbed and leaned forward with her whole body to the edge of the bed. Her hand, describing the semicircle, tried to grab Ippolit Matveevich, but then fell on the quilted purple blanket. Hippolyt Matveevich, screeching with fear, rushed to the agronomist.
    - Dying, it seems.
  12. -1
    2 January 2020 10: 56
    it is completely incomprehensible why publish such articles on VO.
    You can also write an article about the healing properties of urine and treatment with alternative methods lol
    1. -4
      2 January 2020 11: 11
      Quote: Klingon
      You can also write an article about the healing properties of urine

      It will be superfluous and unnecessary.
      You cannot simultaneously take in the Blood and Body of the Lord and urine. There is no blessing of the church for urine treatment.
      Council of the great Russian elder.
      1. +7
        2 January 2020 12: 04
        You start to bore your comments with religious content. There are too many of them. Personally, I am absolutely indifferent to the opinion of the church on the vast majority of issues. Do not provoke interlocutors to trolling.
        1. -4
          2 January 2020 13: 03
          Quote: Trilobite Master
          You start to bore your comments with religious content

          As they say - who studied what, or, to taste and color - no comrades. Playful comments didn't bore you? I'm sitting silent.
    2. +1
      2 January 2020 12: 07
      Quote: Klingon
      You can also write an article about the healing properties of urine

      No really! "Fed up"! Thanks to D. Verkhoturov, we have already read about the "useful" properties of urine, feces, carrion, and about all sorts of different things and about what useful products can be obtained from all of the above!
      1. +1
        2 January 2020 13: 18
        Quote: Nikolaevich I
        and about what useful products from all of the above you can get!

        No, well, our scientists created gunpowder from hemp. recourse
        1. +1
          2 January 2020 16: 03
          Yes fick with him! With hemp powder! Get out of the "earth" dynamite and do not brag! I'm more interested in where so many drug-addicted bears on one single plantation come from ... and even in such a bad amount? Is this evolutionary selection or a "genetically modified product"? request
  13. BAI
    2 January 2020 11: 03
    Has run out. What will happen to my popularity?
    Has run out. What will happen to my wallet?
    Call me Pilsky cheap mediocrity
    And Vax Kaloshin - a broken pot ...
  14. -5
    2 January 2020 11: 08
    Skeptics have some doubts about whether Nebuchadnezzar belongs to a dream. However, here we are talking about Faith, which, according to theologians, should be stronger than reason.
    The author, who is not particularly versed in the essence of faith in general and in particular issues of theology, puffing out his cheeks importantly, tries to make millions of believers look more stupid than himself. Let me explain. A creed contains dogmas that are taken on faith without reasonable explanation. There are only 12 such dogmas in Orthodoxy; I will not cite the Symbol of Faith here, but the question of "belonging of a dream to Nebuchadnezzar" is not included in the number of dogmas from the word "in general", therefore, it is debatable, that is, it is subject to reasonable analysis and explanation. Militant atheism is no longer an academic subject at a university, but a diagnosis, nmv.
  15. +6
    2 January 2020 11: 08
    The right person was found - it turned out to be Kusunoki Masashige. His Go-Daigo and appointed commander of his troops. Masashige honestly fought for the emperor, but could not win. In 1336, he was defeated by the army of the future Shogun Asikagi Takaudzi and committed suicide. Komyo was soon proclaimed the new emperor, so Go-Daigo had to move from Kyoto to Yoshino. However, Kusunoki Masashige went down in the history of the country as an example of a faithful vassal.
    The paragraph is an example of how to create an opinion that does not correspond to reality with one phrase about a person. It can be concluded that Masashige was a kind of loyal servant who did not shine with talents, who lost the battle and committed suicide.
    In reality, everything is exactly the opposite. In the history of Japan, it is considered an outstanding military commander, thanks to whom the emperor Go-Daigo regained his crown.
    At the Battle of Minotagawa, Masashige only commanded a detachment of seven hundred men in the Nitta Yoshisada army. The battle was lost solely due to Go-Daigo’s donkey stubbornness.
    And he was considered a model of fidelity because he went into battle knowing in advance that he would be lost.
    1. +5
      2 January 2020 11: 34
      That's how he felt it was not worth Valery hurt the Sons of Chrysanthemum! laughing
      1. +2
        2 January 2020 12: 09
        When the canvas is wide, you will always hurt someone.
        1. 0
          2 January 2020 12: 38
          "When the canvas is wide, you always hit somebody."
          A. Siqueiros "Life of Roubaud" laughing
          1. 0
            2 January 2020 13: 55
            Do not read. Is that a quote?

            And he didn’t even look.
            1. 0
              2 January 2020 14: 56
              No, Sergey, this is the next "level" of Our favorite toy. I already told you ...
              1. 0
                2 January 2020 15: 44
                Yes. This was also a version. But all sorts of associations immediately began to pop up in my head. And who is Roubaud?
                1. 0
                  2 January 2020 15: 48
                  Russian battle painter, creator of "Borodino Panorama", "Defense of Sevastopol" and something else.
                  1. 0
                    2 January 2020 16: 30
                    I didn’t understand. Although the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol" can not but like.
                    1. 0
                      2 January 2020 16: 40
                      And now imagine what impression "Borodino panorama" makes on a 14-year-old boy who is fascinated by history!
                      I confess, however, classmates, at that time, carried away much !!! more!
                      1. +1
                        2 January 2020 16: 42
                        To my shame, I never saw Borodinskaya.

                        Sevastopol was first seen around the same age.
                      2. +1
                        2 January 2020 16: 47
                        It's worth it! Fair! I can joke as much as I like, but Roubaud is a great Master !!!
      2. +1
        2 January 2020 12: 23
        The author generally quite freely and boldly interprets many historical events. For example, the circumstances of Brutus's suicide as presented by the author raise my questions. As far as I know, Brutus committed suicide only when defeat and captivity became inevitable.
        1. VLR
          2 January 2020 13: 52
          Mikhail, one of Brutus' friends captured, called himself by his name. So at the time of suicide, Brutus was not threatened by captivity. It was precisely ignorance of the real situation that failed him. He believed that everything was lost, but in fact, it was his death that made the defeat difficult and even irreparable: the Republicans lost the recognized charismatic leader.
      3. 0
        2 January 2020 14: 08
        The Japanese were never the sons of chrysanthemum. The plant itself was imported from China no earlier than the end of the VIII century, by this time Shinto, as the national religion was already formed and was legally legalized.
        1. 0
          2 January 2020 15: 37
          So I "got the tinsel"! Excuses me only hobby (at one time) creativity W. Gibson. "Sons of the neon chrysanthemum" - from there.
          1. 0
            2 January 2020 15: 48
            Quote: 3x3zsave

            I’m embarrassed to ask, do ficuses bloom?
            1. 0
              2 January 2020 15: 55
              The question is "past the box office", Vladimir! That is, by sight I can distinguish a Colombian rose from an Ecuadorian one (I worked for "flower-growers" for several years, according to my profile, of course), but this is where my knowledge ends.
              The fact that hemp is a tree, I know for sure! laughing
              1. 0
                2 January 2020 15: 59
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                The question is "past the box office", Vladimir!

                So what is it ... I'm nothing ... drinks
                1. 0
                  2 January 2020 16: 00
                  "There will be enough Sensimiglia for everyone as long as reggae sounds" (C)
                2. +1
                  2 January 2020 16: 08
                  Meanwhile, cool footage! good
              2. +1
                2 January 2020 21: 45
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                The fact that hemp is a tree, I know for sure!

                I confirm. With my own eyes I saw in the upper Marmarsay. Nobody just walks there, so she has grown ... laughing
                1. +1
                  2 January 2020 21: 55
                  Sometimes there are opportunists who claim that this is a bush, but I know who to rely on laughing good
                  1. +2
                    2 January 2020 22: 17
                    So she grew, like, "bush", ie. 3 "stems" 100-120 mm in diameter and about 3-3,5 m in height. The Tien Shan birch, over there, also grows with a "bush", but quite a tree! laughing
                    1. +4
                      2 January 2020 22: 36
                      Thank God that "there is no one to break a birch!" Endemic, however .... I had to take a picture, in St. Petersburg - hell who will believe !!!
                      Well this is practically Yggdrasil !!! laughing
                      1. +2
                        2 January 2020 22: 53
                        I took a picture. But, unfortunately, my entire photo archive of that time was covered with a copper basin, along with the old hard.
                      2. +2
                        2 January 2020 23: 05
                        It’s bad, buddy ... However, I’m trying to get a photo from my old phone request
                      3. +2
                        2 January 2020 23: 34
                        "Everything that was acquired by overwork! Everything is lost!" (from) belay
                    2. +3
                      2 January 2020 22: 54
                      Life forms can still be different. "What has grown - that has grown" (c).
                      1. +2
                        2 January 2020 23: 28
                        In this place, for some reason, the whole flora suffers from gigantomania. The same eremurus, usually - 1-1,5 m, and here - 2-2,5 m.
                      2. +3
                        2 January 2020 23: 34
                        The beautiful thing is eremurus. But I didn’t see it in nature. Not my region.
                2. +3
                  2 January 2020 22: 52
                  Hemp is still a herbaceous plant. Cambia is not. Annual
                  1. +3
                    2 January 2020 23: 15
                    "- Well, of course, hemp is also a tree! They just don't let him grow ..." (c) "Two torn down towers."
                    1. +2
                      2 January 2020 23: 28
                      Is this a goblin translation? Even the original did not look.
                      1. +2
                        2 January 2020 23: 30
                        Goblin I did not look at the original either. The first episode was enough for me ...
                    2. +3
                      2 January 2020 23: 40
                      The goblin successfully borrowed from the people; I heard this expression in the 94th year.
            2. +2
              2 January 2020 16: 31
              Yes. Only inside.

              They have interesting inflorescences and fertility - primordially.

              The most interesting example is figs. And small wasps - blastophages pollinate it.
            3. +1
              2 January 2020 16: 47
              The word sykonnia is auto-replace. And he refuses to change for a long time. Riot of technology.
              1. +2
                2 January 2020 16: 59
                They still don’t tell us how to pee, but they decide for us how to write.
                The future is not "tomorrow", it is already here! The day before yesterday.
                1. +2
                  2 January 2020 17: 05
                  This is when you firmly know what you want. And the choice to impose is easy and persistent.
                  1. +2
                    2 January 2020 17: 13
                    Not without it. There will be no "riot of machines", there will be a quiet assimilation of humanity under a new carrier of reason.
                    1. +1
                      2 January 2020 17: 44
                      Sometimes, thinking abstractly, I think: the earthly mind has stood on the verge of destruction several times over the past 50 years. Something stopped. Was it still us or already It?
                      1. 0
                        2 January 2020 18: 40
                        Too little information to draw conclusions.

                        And people change, and people formations.

                        New Babylon. Tongues are mixed.
                      2. +1
                        2 January 2020 18: 54
                        It's like that. And, as for me, enough information. Sergey, well, humanity cannot escape from the gravitational well and cross the radiation belt. And time is short.
                      3. +1
                        2 January 2020 21: 00
                        If problems cannot be solved on Earth, outside of It cannot be solved. As if the fans did not convince otherwise.
                      4. +1
                        2 January 2020 21: 37
                        The postulate is, of course, life-affirming, the mother of Teresa and Freddie Mercury would be delighted, but nifiga is not viable, as are the bodies of the raptors. Sorry, I’m sometimes rude and cruel.
                      5. +1
                        2 January 2020 22: 40
                        Mother Teresa and Queen are not ready to discuss.

                        But every day is a small miracle. Snow fell, then melted - life goes on.
                      6. +1
                        2 January 2020 23: 01
                        When you are ready, please tell me, your opinion is very interesting.
                        On Titan, snow also falls and melts.
                        But we will never see this.
                      7. +1
                        2 January 2020 23: 06
                        Not ready - because I can’t imagine an image more than just a shortcut.

                        I believe that the Earth’s stability limit has not yet been overcome.

                        But to prove this is not possible.
                        And what kind of righteous people keep It, too.
                      8. 0
                        2 January 2020 23: 15
                        When the limit is overcome, I think even Isk.inu. the planet will be extremely uncomfortable.
                      9. +1
                        2 January 2020 23: 30
                        Uncomfortability is growing and growing. But it’s cozy under the roof. Especially if it worked before.
          2. 0
            2 January 2020 18: 04

            Hermes 2000 - almost steampunk by now. Gibson typed Neuromancer on this one. But he had not been to Japan and had the most vague idea about it.
            1. 0
              2 January 2020 18: 14
              The trend, however, identified correctly.
              Remind me, did Vern write by hand and in ink?
              1. 0
                2 January 2020 19: 25
                In the beginning - clearly in ink. Yes, I think then too. It is unlikely that in his old age he undertook to master such a miracle of steampunk.

                Hammond 1 typewriter, mahogany trim, 1885
                1. 0
                  2 January 2020 19: 33
                  Well? So he was in most cases right?
                  Viktor Nikolaevich, this is an offshoot of our long-standing dispute over the ways of scientific and technological progress.
                  Let me quote Komatsu Sake "Death of the Dragon"
                  "We don't know anything. We can't do anything."
  16. 0
    2 January 2020 13: 18
    Interesting topic . Salvador Dali immediately comes to mind from painting and from the art of cinema, Luis Bunuel.
  17. +7
    2 January 2020 13: 51
    ,,, I once had a wonderful dream ... winked
    Four movers carried my salary laughing
    1. +3
      2 January 2020 13: 57
      Quote: bubalik
      Four movers carried my salary

      Sitting plumber on the roof
      Counts the revenue of the day.

      Garik Sukachev, if anything, whom the military enlistment office called inadequate. laughing
    2. +3
      2 January 2020 19: 51
      How strange, buddy ... There are four horsemen of the Apocalypse too ... tongue laughing
      1. +3
        2 January 2020 20: 53
        "Let Hamlet be carried on spears like a warrior by four captains ..." soldier

        I can not vouch for the accuracy of citation, but on New Year's Eve, many probably needed outside help. smile I was lucky to get on my own, although the cat on four legs is not ashamed. drinks
        1. +1
          2 January 2020 21: 24
          Oyeyo, about Hamlet just do not!
          There was a dumb, absolutely, story!
      2. +1
        2 January 2020 21: 00
        Antosh; !! Don’t worry, we’ll make Finnoff;
        1. +1
          2 January 2020 21: 06
          We will make, as always, sure !!! ¡;
        2. +1
          2 January 2020 21: 29
          Only not in biathlon. They invented it.
        3. The comment was deleted.
          1. +1
            2 January 2020 22: 57
            In sailing?
    3. +1
      2 January 2020 20: 52
      Earrings, glad to talk sincerely !!!!
  18. +11
    2 January 2020 14: 13
    I absolutely disagree with the conclusion of Mr. Ryzhov. Dreams are prophetic!
    What was convinced more than once or twice.
    Here, for example.
    February 2, 1993. The situation is terrible, a foreign southern city, covered with snow, which never happened here. Strangers, unfriendly people, hunger, lack of hope for at least some kind of lumen, exhausting fear. Dreams at night. White room. From the furniture - an iron bed, covered with an army blanket. Father is sitting on the bed, and he is wearing only underwear. He looked at me and said: "I'm registering for another place." I woke up with a beating heart, already knowing that my daddy had died ...
    I received a telegram from my mother only three days later: "Come, dad was killed." They didn’t let me go to the funeral, like me, but more experienced, poor fellows: "Yes, they will kill you at the border!" That means to free the house from the owner not yet finished. They held hands. Psychological trauma for the rest of your life. And you say. Lord, who would know how bad I still feel!
    1. +4
      2 January 2020 20: 03
      I'm sorry, dear! (Sorry, but I do not remember your name / patronymic), it happens. Women feel sharper than men.) Despite the gender affiliation, it happened to me ....
  19. +3
    2 January 2020 20: 10
    Oh, gremlins appeared! Come on, rat, come out of the shadows! I give you!
    1. +5
      2 January 2020 20: 56
      Hey. Anton! Well, he appears, this zamuldryn knows that as soon as he sticks out his piglet, a pendel will immediately fly there. laughing
      1. +2
        2 January 2020 21: 27
        I have a non-convection weapon ...
        1. +5
          2 January 2020 21: 39
          "Here the flagship frigate turned sideways
          and the port side was painted with smoke ... "(c)

          In short, not yet evening! I'm going to have a drink. drinks
          1. +3
            2 January 2020 21: 48
            "Oh pleasure - glide along the edge!
            Hang on, angels !!!
            Watch it! I'm playing with)
            1. +4
              2 January 2020 22: 42
              "When I finish, I'll stand at the edge for a little while." (almost S.) wink
              1. +1
                2 January 2020 23: 01
                "Well, don't hit your face in the dirt
                And prove them what it is
                Tinkering with the former player "(c).
                1. +2
                  2 January 2020 23: 28
                  "... Through the Bilbao-bar we conducted our" Bolivar! "(C).

                  There is complete order on board, the crew is resting, I'm on watch. smile drinks
                  1. +1
                    2 January 2020 23: 36
                    "The lookout only looks ahead.
                    He does not care that a man is overboard "(c).
                    1. +2
                      2 January 2020 23: 56
                      "The man of the century will not understand, yes, yes,
                      Like him, fool, not a tyrant,
                      What to have copper-copper bullshit!
                      And not to have copper-copper is also rubbish ... "(c)
                      1. +1
                        3 January 2020 00: 08
                        "A greedy person doesn't need a knife.
                        Show him a penny,
                        And do with him what you want "(c).
              2. +2
                2 January 2020 23: 53
                Haha! Haha! I'm a builder, not a promaler stop
                1. +2
                  2 January 2020 23: 58
                  "The song helps us to build and live,
                  She calls and leads us forward ... "(C).

                  Question - where? laughing
                  1. +2
                    3 January 2020 00: 13
                    Roaming around the city well
                    With a white dove in a top hat
                    With a red ball on a string
                    And with a smile from ear to ear.
                    (C) what
  20. +3
    2 January 2020 21: 07
    Volodka what is dreaming after the pension reform?
    1. +1
      2 January 2020 21: 14
      Anton! Our forward;
    2. +1
      2 January 2020 21: 20
      CSKA for exampl !!! m
      1. +2
        2 January 2020 21: 27
        Quote: Phil77
        CSKA for exampl !!! m

        Sorry, but only SPARTAK !!! Only victory! Although horse among friends are present.
        1. 0
          3 January 2020 12: 18
          Yes, no problem! Everyone has the right to choose! Fight over their favorite club? No, it's without me.
        2. 0
          3 January 2020 12: 25
          And in pursuit, about the clubs. You, I used to be pretty * Zenith *, that Leningradsky. Why? Well, the basis they had was their own, St. Petersburg. But !!!! The gas came and that's it !!!! I don’t digest, organically .
  21. +1
    2 January 2020 21: 29
    Amer dates printed. Now the massacre will begin.
    1. 0
      3 January 2020 16: 16
      Swedes. Swedes. And it will be hard with them, although that's all. Now there are no walk-throughs.
      1. -1
        3 January 2020 16: 24
        Quote: Phil77
        Now there are no more walk-throughs.

        Duc swing clubs!
  22. 0
    2 January 2020 23: 29
    Quote: Trilobite Master
    You start to bore your comments with religious content. There are too many of them. Personally, I am absolutely indifferent to the opinion of the church on the vast majority of issues. Do not provoke interlocutors to trolling.

    and I agree with you comrade. these churchmen everywhere stick their nose, everywhere they try to insert their 5 cents. How many rock concerts alone did the cassockers spoil
  23. 0
    4 January 2020 05: 42
    Once I had a dream that repeated exactly the next day