“We have self-care”: bones, runes, tarot and coffee


In previous articles (“Forces and signs of fate. Prophets, politicians and generals ” и “On doomsday scenarios, false prophecies, and the benefits of sanity”) we have already given five, I hope, very useful advice to future prophets and seers. Soon we will continue the work of educating them, but in this article we will talk a little about "lovers."

"Do it yourself"

The services of professional astrologers, fortunetellers and magicians were always expensive, and in this area, with a high degree of probability, one could run into not a "graduate specialist", but a charlatan who only pretends to be a "learned husband." But even if there was money and a desire to turn to some seer, this was not always possible: for example, on a campaign or during a sea expedition. Therefore, various objects and artifacts appeared and became widely used, using which a person could independently make a “request” on any matter of interest to him. These included, for example, beans, which soon replaced the familiar bones (grains) and carved on bone sticks or pebbles runes.

“We have self-care”: bones, runes, tarot and coffee

"On the beans one fortune-teller would have guessed, but sorry, she died." Frame from the cartoon "Golden Cockerel"

Fortune telling beans

Dice, Ancient Rome

Rune Pebbles

Recall the "Word of Igor’s Regiment":

"On the seventh vjat Trojan at once Vseslav lots ..."

I like the arrangement of N. Zabolotsky:

“It was the seventh century of the Troyans.
Prince the mighty Polotsk Vseslav
Threw the lot, looking into the future ... "

"Threw" Vseslav, most likely, it is the bones.

Vseslav Bryachislavich, miniature from the Radziwill Chronicle

Despite the apparent simplicity of this method of divination, there were pitfalls. First of all, it was necessary to be able to ask the question correctly: the answer to it had to be unequivocal: either "yes" or "no." And therefore it was pointless to try to question beans or bones: “Who is to blame?” And “What should I do?”

Working with runes is more difficult. First, decide what it is. Initially, the word meant “all knowledge”, later it was used in the meaning of “writing”, “letters”.

In the translation of the Bible into the Gothic language (Ulfil, IV century), the word rune is found in the meaning of mystery and secret meeting. In the Old Germanic language, the verb runen meant “speak secretly,” and in the Anglo-Saxon language the word run (rune) was used in two meanings - “letter” and “secret”.

Runestones, with the first written mention of Denmark as a state, are kept in the city of Elling

In magic, as a rule, the so-called older runes were used (futark - according to the name of the first six runes). There were 24 of them in all - a series of signs divided into three “families”: Freyja, Hagel, and Thure. Each rune had its own name, and inner magical meaning. Later, the futark was modified into younger runes (Scandinavian - Danish and Swedish-Norwegian versions), of which there are only 16. Germanic and Anglo-Saxon ones were created on the basis of the Scandinavian ones.

According to the Elder Edda, in order to gain knowledge of the runes, Odin sacrificed himself to himself, 9 nights sag pierced by a spear on a tree, and since then the “Father of the Hanged” has become one of his names.

The runes obtained in this way were written by Odin on the shield in front of him, on the teeth of his horse Sleipnir and on the traces of the sleigh, on the paws of a bear and the claws of a wolf, on the beak of the eagle and its wings, in the language of the god of poetry Braga, on the hand of the liberator and on the tracks of the doctor and etc. Then these runes were scraped off, immersed in sacred honey and sent to different parts.

The oldest runic inscription found is the inscription on the tip of a spear from Evre Stabu (Norway) - about 200 g, but Tacitus notes the use of runes already in the XNUMXst century. n e.

By the way, note that some Scandinavian female names end in “runes”: Gudrun, Oddrun. This ending means that this woman can keep a secret entrusted to her - the Normans considered this quality of their wives and daughters to be very valuable (and many would probably agree with them).

Each of the runes has its own meaning, in addition, the meaning of the symbol changes depending on the position - (direct or inverted).

The ancient Icelandic inscription explains the meaning of some runes in this way.

f (fehu) - wealth, good property:
“Fe is a friend’s hatred,
River fire
And the snake trail "

(One by one, three keningas meaning gold.)

u (uruR) - fine rain or scrap iron:
"Ur is a crying cloud,
And ice is powerless
And the hatred of the shepherd. "

th (thurisaR) - tours, giant:
“Tours are women longing,
Mountain peaks cloister
And the husband of the runic milestone. "

Already without any fortune-telling it seems complicated, doesn't it? But still continue.

The easiest way to do such a fortune-telling is according to one rune: it should have given an answer like “yes” - “no” to a short and clearly formulated question. Much more complex - according to three runes, the first of which described the situation at present, the second - indicated the direction of development of a particular event, the third - answered the question of how it would all end and “where the heart will calm down”. In the first case, fortune telling was limited to one attempt, in the second, the answer could raise additional questions, and then the already dropped stones or sticks with runes were again placed in the bag, a new question was asked and the fortune telling continued. Here, of course, it was already required to be a true expert on runes.

With the spread of Christianity, fortunetelling in the Bible became popular: after praying, they opened it at random and read a line that was supposed to be the answer to the asked question. It was such a method that Saint Francis chose to learn the fate (of his and his two comrades).

Coffee grounds

In 1615, coffee was brought to Europe through Venice, which was soon replaced by another overseas drink - cocoa (chocolate). The next step was taken in 1683, when the Turkish army, retreating from Vienna, left many bags of coffee in its camp: the fact that one of the reasons for the defeat was officially declared "excessive consumption of the shaitan drink", and coffee in the Ottoman Empire for a while was even banned. And the crowns of coffee were then "tasted."

But the way of this drink in Europe was still thorny, because the Church opposed its use, the hierarchs of which called coffee "black blood of Muslims", which adversely affects Christian souls. The Capuchin monks found a way out: in order to purify the “sinful drink”, they began to add milk to coffee - this is how the “cappuccino” appeared.

And people who did not like the taste of coffee contemptuously called it “Turkish soup”, “soot syrup” and “decoction of old boots”.

Some doctors claimed that drinking a newfangled drink was extremely unhealthy, however, they also doubted the benefits of tea.

At the end of the XVIII century, the Swedish king Gustav III conducted an interesting medical experiment.

Lawrence Pash the Younger. King of Sweden Gustav III

On his orders, the twin brothers, sentenced to death, were replaced with a life sentence under the condition that one of them will drink a large amount of tea every day, the other - no less than coffee. At first, two professors who monitored the health of the participants in this experiment died, then the king (March 29, 1792), and only then, at the age of 83, the first of the experimental subjects died. Do you think he drank tea or coffee? The correct answer is tea.

In general, as the unforgettable Kozma Prutkov said, "and the wise Voltaire doubted the toxicity of coffee."

In 1672, the first coffee house was opened in Paris. And in the XNUMXth century, London cafes were called "penniless universities", since sitting in them you could learn a lot of new and interesting things during a conversation.

English coffee shop, engraving of the XNUMXth century

And after such pleasant and informative conversations it turned out that at the bottom of the cup with ground coffee there was a precipitate, sometimes taking very bizarre forms. People with a rich imagination could see in it the faces of people, and figures of animals, and astrological symbols - anything. The Italians were the first to guess fortune-telling on coffee grounds in the XNUMXth century, then the weather spread all over Europe. The trouble was that not every person has a developed imagination, allowing you to see at the bottom of the cup "amphora" or "constellation Bootes". And then there were enterprising people ready to do it for them - for the appropriate payment, of course. It was proposed to slowly drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee, thinking about what worries most, and then, taking the cup in his left hand, make three circular movements clockwise and turn it over, placing it on the saucer so that one edge of it appears at the bottom, the other - on the edge.

Do you see anything here?

The method was, in general, not new, because before they tried to do similar things with molten wax or tin. But the process itself was more enjoyable and refined.

The legend claims that some gypsy, fortunetelling over the coffee grounds, predicted to Paul I the term of his death, but personally I relate to this stories skeptical.

Another legend says that Charlotte Kirchhoff prophesied to the young A.S. Pushkin’s service, receiving money and two links, and in 1837 she advised to beware of the “white head, white horse and white man”. But at the same time, it is known that Pushkin was not in the least afraid of a quarrel with Dantes, who was blond, and was not afraid of himself. So, it is quite possible that this legend arose after the death of the poet.

And then cards appeared, fortune-telling on them pushed to the second and even third plan all the other methods available to "amateurs". But professional fortunetellers and fortune-tellers on cards appeared almost immediately, especially gypsies who were previously fortunate enough to guess mostly on the palm of their hand, were especially happy about their appearance.

Otolia Kraszewska. Fortune teller

It is curious that gypsies, as a rule, do not use the Tarot deck, but the most ordinary playing cards.

John Scott Cavell. Gypsy with cards

"To take, perhaps, cards in hand ..."

There are many myths associated with the Tarot deck, it’s enough to say that some “researchers” found their traces in Ancient Egypt, whose priests supposedly encrypted secret knowledge in the symbols of the Major Arcana cards.

Proponents of another version claim that the tarot cards come from 22 letters and 10 Sephiroth of Kabbalah and appeared around the III-IV centuries. BC.

The Sephiroth Tree Scroll - the image of our Universe in terms of Enoch magic (Angels magic)

Modern Papyrus Tree of Life Sephiroth

Still others are trying to prove the connection of the Tarot deck with the Vedas.

In fact, for the first time, a game similar to modern card games appeared in China in 1120, when a court officer (his name didn’t keep his name) got the idea to put four groups of symbols on 32 records dedicated to heaven, earth, man and the laws of harmony . Soon this game came to India, the Arabs borrowed it from the Indians. And the first Europeans who got acquainted with the maps were the inhabitants of Spain - they learned about them from the Moors no later than the XIV century. And already in the second half of the XIV century, the Italian artist Nicolo Cavelutstso wrote about the card game "Naib" brought "from the land of Saracens."

The first documented mention of cards in Europe was connected with an attempt to ban them: it was in Bern in 1367.

Starting from 1377, already throughout Europe, playing cards begins to be equated with other gambling, is prohibited in monasteries and is condemned as sinful. In Bologna, at the request of Franciscan preacher Bernardino from Siena, all card decks were burned in 1423. On February 7, 1497, cards, among other “vain” objects, were burned in Florence on the orders of another monk - Dominican Girolamo Savonarola.

All this resembled the notorious “struggle with the mills”, and the prohibitions only sparked interest in the new fun. An example was given by those in power who were not going to deny themselves entertainment for the sake of the "holy fathers" and fanatical monks.

In 1392, Jacqumien Gringonier painted three decks of cards for the French king Charles VI - some of these cards have survived, they are currently considered the oldest in the world.

The "Sun" card from the deck of Tarot Jacquien Gringonier

Some educators have attempted to use maps to educate pupils and students. Thus, Thomas Merner, bachelor of the Krakow Theological Faculty, suggested using them to teach logic - sharing its main provisions by suit (essay “Chartiludium logicae”, 1507).

At the beginning of the 1428th century, the first symbolic cards appeared in Milan and Ferrara - the predecessors of the Tarot. The oldest of those that have come down to our time is the Visconti Sforza deck, which was commissioned by Bonifacio Bembo in XNUMX on the occasion of Bianca Maria Visconti's wedding with Francesco Sforza. These cards did not yet have numbers, letters of the Hebrew alphabet, astronomical symbols, or even familiar names.

Major Arcana Decks of the Tarot Visconti Sforza

The name "Tarot" comes from the Italian word tarocchi (trump card). It appeared about 100 years later than the cards themselves and meant not only a deck of cards, but also a game similar to the modern bridge, which in Italy was called “Taroki”, in Germany - “Tarok”, in France - “TarO”. The cards of this deck are called "lassos" - from the Latin word "mystery" - in alchemy and in homeopathy, so-called compound substances whose ingredients were kept secret. There are 78 cards in total: 56 numerical and court cards of four suits (they are called the Small Arcana and practically do not differ from ordinary playing cards) and 22 symbolic cards are the Senior Arcana, which play the role of "trump cards". The elders are divided into three series of 7 cards: the first corresponds with the intellectual sphere of human life, the second with the moral sphere, the third with material life. Their modern names appeared in the manuscript “Sermones de Ludo cum Alis” - in 1500.

In the XVI century, poets began to use symbolic cards for a poetic description of the character traits of their patron or lady of the heart - this genre was called tarocchi appropriati.

“Facial expressions without changing, noble kings lie”

Frame from the film “Ah, vaudeville, vaudeville”

And finally, in 1540, Francesco Marcolino da Forlì, in his book “Fortune-telling” (“Le Sorti”), for the first time proposed to find out fate with the help of cards, and two methods were indicated: the more complex, using the Tarot deck, and the simpler, using ordinary cards.

And in 1589, Tarot cards first appeared in the case of witchcraft, which was considered in Venice.

In 1612, the author of the anonymous treatise “Glory and Confession of the Rosicrucians” gave new descriptions of fortune-telling using the Tarot deck - “to obtain advice and information about the past, present and future.”

However, the real popularity of the Tarot cards was received after the publication in France of the books dedicated to them by Jebelin and Mellet (both were aristocrats - had the title of count). It happened in 1781. Fortune telling on the Tarot cards became the "calling card" of the famous Alessandro Cagliostro (Giuseppe Balsamo).

Session of “Egyptian Magic” by Alessandro Cagliostro, engraving

Later, the semantic vocabulary of the Tarot Ettailles, “Predictive Tarot” and “Gypsy Tarot” by Papus appeared. In addition to the traditional version of the Tarot deck, many “alternative” ones were created: the Marseille Tarot (card numbering appeared in it), the Egyptian, Ryder-Waite, and even the Salvador Dali deck.

But what “recommendation to clients” I read on one site: “You need to believe in what you predicted, otherwise it will not come true” (!).

I will not comment: I already wrote about this in a previous article: About doomsday scenarios, fake prophecies and the benefits of sanity): the chapter "Life is bad without a sucker."

Take off the mask

Interestingly, many drawings of cards of the classic Tarot deck have “prototypes”. So, for example, the image on the Hanged Man (Traitor) card was copied from an Italian caricature of the XNUMXth century: it, hanging by one leg, depicted condottier Mutsio Attendolo, better known under the nickname Sforza - “Strong” (it became family ) Having been hired by Pope John XXIII for the war with Naples, he sided with the enemy. On the caricature, by order of the pope, it was written: "I am Sforza, a bumpkin from Cotignola"

Cartoon drawing

Card of the Visconti Sforza Taro deck “The Hanged Man”

In the life of Muzio Attendolo there was also an episode related to fortune telling. At the age of 15, thinking about whether he should join the detachment of Condotier Boldrino da Penikale, he decided to throw an ax: if he sticks into a tree, he becomes a soldier, no, he stays at home. The ax, you probably guessed, did not fall to the ground after this throw.

Muzio Attendolo Sforza

The son of this condottiere married the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Milan, Bianca Maria Visconti, and became the founder of a new dynasty of rulers of this city.

Francesco Sforza

Ironically, he was the customer of the famous Tarot Visconti-Sforza deck, among which was a card with a caricature of his father, which, otherwise, might have been forgotten forever.

No less interesting is the card “Papessa” (Elder Arkan II): on the map of the classic Tarot deck there is a woman in a monastic cassock, in a crown, with a cross and a book in her hands. This picture is an echo of numerous rumors about Pope Pope John - it was described in the article Papess John. The biggest secret of the Vatican (V. Ryzhov).

Papessa card from the deck of Tarot Visconti Sforza

In the picture of the map “Justice” we see the traditional image of the ancient Greek goddess Themis.

On the map "Strength" usually depicted Heracles, or Samson (in this case, there is a broken column next to him).

Strength card from the Visconti Sforza Tarot deck - Hercules killing a lion

Strength card from the deck of Tarot Jacquien Gringonier - Samson

On the map "Hermit" (sometimes - "Time") you can recognize the god Kronos.

The card "Jester" ("Fool") is currently equal in value to 56 cards of the Small Arcana and symbolizes the soul of a person. The drawing on it resembles the depiction of the vice of Stupidity on Giotto's fresco.

Vice Stupidity. Giotto, fresco from Capella del Arena, Padova

The Fool card from the Visconti Sforza Tarot deck

By the way, outwardly similar to the "Jester" Tarot, the "joker" in a regular deck appeared in the United States around 1857 and was originally called "The Best Trump Jack", then - "Imperial Bower". It was used as the highest trump card in the popular game “yukker” in those years, and in poker it became the so-called “wild card”.

Varieties of the Joker card in American decks of the 2nd half of the XNUMXth century

The joker has nothing to do with Tarot cards, he was supplied with a similar pattern later.

Recall again that both the regular deck of cards and the Tarot deck were created for entertainment (games), the function of the tool for predictions appeared later and has no mystical basis.

Luke Leiden. Card game

A variety of fortune-telling on cards are all kinds of solitaire games (from the French word “patience” - “patience”). According to one version, the first solitaire was invented by the French mathematician Pelisson for Louis XIV. On the other, for the first time, the Bastille prisoners began to lay out cards by suits from boredom. Already in 1826, a book “Collection of card layouts known as Grand Solitaire” was published in Russia.

Solitaire Collection, 1882

In the book of the Englishwoman Adelaide Cadogan “Illustrated games - solitaire” 25 solitaire games were described. In total, there are currently 225 of their varieties, and the most popular solitaire is probably the notorious “Scarf”, which can be played on any computer.

But the cards, nevertheless, can be used to predict the future - if you follow the example of Napoleon Bonaparte, who often sat down to play with his generals on the eve of the battle, and, in the manner of their game, made conclusions about the psychological state of the partners. Those who were inclined to take risks, making high stakes, were sent on the offensive, cautious - to defend themselves or to the reserve.

Napoleon had another story related specifically to fortune telling on maps. The notorious Maria-Anna-Adelaide Lenormand supposedly predicted a quick marriage, a brilliant career and the setbacks that would haunt him in the event of a divorce. There really are two versions of the method of fortune telling Lenormand: some claim that she divined to Napoleon on the tarot cards, others - that on the coffee grounds. There is no documentary evidence of this legend, but, in any case, it is hardly possible to recognize this prediction as “brilliant”. After a divorce from Josephine (December 16, 1809), Napoleon bathed in glory for another three years and entered into an extremely advantageous and prestigious marriage with the princess of the Habsburg imperial house.

Georges Rouget. “The marriage of Napoleon I and Mary-Louise. April 2, 1810. " Versailles, Palace Museum

And the defeat in the next war against the whole of Europe (if not in a year, then in five or ten years) and the betrayal of his comrades-in-arms tired of his endless adventures could have been predicted by many other, more serious people. Provided that he would one day have a desire to listen to them.

Gaetano Ferry. "Napoleon signs the surrender at the Fontainebleau Palace, April 4, 1814"

In the next article, we will talk about the “prophetic” dreams of kings and commanders and talk about witty and not very attempts to decipher them.
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  1. +7
    30 December 2019 05: 29
    Do you see anything here?

    This is my first coffee grounds fortune telling experience.
    I'm afraid to make a mistake. But I see very clearly that it is time for Military Review to be renamed into Secular Chronicles.
    1. 0
      30 December 2019 06: 05
      right now and guessing is not necessary, come in ... ask https://www.ball-8.ru/ and went pleased further! laughing
  2. +2
    30 December 2019 07: 29
    It is categorically impossible to lift the curtain over the future ....... don't be curious about the future
  3. +10
    30 December 2019 07: 33
    Tarot cards are cool ..... yes there is a lot of divine, mystical!
    Only military people would rather look at maps and know! It will be more true.
    1. +3
      30 December 2019 07: 45
      Quote: rocket757
      Tarot cards are cool

      Something you can agree with, but as they say, not everything is so simple.
      The cards are not as harmless as they might seem, and their appearance in the XNUMXth century is connected with the Jewish Kabbalistic milieu, it can take a long time to talk about it.
      1. +5
        30 December 2019 08: 19
        Quote: bober1982
        not so simple.

        This is true, a person is driven by subjective factors, this is understandable. You can’t write off even ignorance now, not the Middle Ages anyway!
        In general, everyone goes crazy in his own way!
  4. +2
    30 December 2019 07: 47
    I love to spread to Podkidny, Tyschenka online at your leisure!
    1. +2
      30 December 2019 07: 56
      Quote: andrewkor
      I love to spread to Podkidny

      This should be thanked by Catherine II, the cards got accustomed to her, before her there were very severe orders for card lovers - to beat with a whip, cut off fingers, prison, large fines and the like. They understood that playing cards are associated with all kinds of devilry.
      1. +1
        30 December 2019 17: 52
        Quote: andrewkor
        I love to spread to Podkidny, Tyschenka online at your leisure!

        youth ... students ... "swara" .. "snoring" ... "point" ... sleepless nights .. lost - won "dimes" and "dozen" with "pantadchik" ... wassat Yes.... winked It was a fun time.
        1. +1
          30 December 2019 20: 59
          youth ... students ... "swara" .. "snoring" ... "point" ... sleepless nights .. lost - won "dimes" and "dozen" with "pantadchik" ...

          and we in the last grades at breaks in the "thousand" played ... But it was already the end of the 90s! drinks
  5. BAI
    30 December 2019 09: 34
    1. No fortune-telling by hand.
    2. There is no divination on wax.
    3. And there is no most important thing - according to the stars.
    1. VLR
      30 December 2019 10: 09
      Did you miss an article on stars (astrology) in previous articles - in relation to different situations and on astrology in general, in the first - even some experiments on comparing astrology data with real ones?
      On wax - mentioned, but of little interest.
      In general, you can’t grasp the immensity, it’s such an ironic review dedicated to the New Year, when people begin to think about the future, make wishes, read horoscopes, guess fortune, etc.
      And I wanted you and other readers to smile several times while reading articles in this series, so that everyone who reads would have a slightly better mood. Because there are enough serious articles, including mine. And everyone has enough problems.
      1. +4
        30 December 2019 15: 33
        Bravo, Valery! That's how I perceive this cycle! Nevertheless, you give a lot of interesting facts.
        1. VLR
          30 December 2019 17: 24
          "You give a lot of interesting facts"

          And without this you can’t smile
          I can't - for sure. Only with interesting facts.
          1. +3
            30 December 2019 17: 29
            Well, I don't know why you "can't" ... Nevertheless, I hope for tomorrow's publication of your material, for without it my "Lonely Hearts Club" will be lonely. hi
            1. VLR
              30 December 2019 18: 09
              I just have a built-in bar, I can’t lower a certain level. Either I leave the material to be tracked, or I will bring it to mind until I myself admit what happened.
              1. +3
                30 December 2019 18: 16
                The same garbage, alas ... Why still do not publish ... request
                1. +1
                  30 December 2019 21: 00
                  The same garbage, alas ... Why still do not publish ...

                  We pulled ourselves together and made the first pancake lumpy! am EXPERIENCE - will follow .... wink
                  1. +2
                    30 December 2019 21: 42
                    EXPERIENCE - will follow ..
                    ,,, camarades will help angry
                    1. +3
                      30 December 2019 21: 54
                      ,, camarades will help

                      You know, Sergey .. I have long wanted to tell you one entertaining parable .. hi
                      Once a silly samurai, having drunk sake after breaking up with his beloved geisha, wrote a philosophical treatise "The Impact of Heroic Stories on the Development of Japanese Traditional Noh Theater Music". Of course, the treatise turned out to be lurid, prolonged, albeit with humor ... negative As a result, the whole marketplace booed the stupid writer - both proud samurai, and cunning Haiming, and even a couple of warlike monks lurked around. There was a Chinese ambassador and Korean merchants .. No. In short, a continuous shame! Around the samurai few crowded who grasped the meaning of the unsuccessful work, arguing with the crowd ... And then the warrior of the steppes appeared. The warrior played with a saber, looked at everyone, paused, and said after a pause: "Anyone can offend an artist ... " stop And the conversation immediately went back to normal! And they forgave the strange author! drinks
                      Unlucky samurai will try to repay a dashing warrior! soldier
          2. +2
            31 December 2019 15: 58
            Dear colleagues! Happy New Year, everyone! Happiness, health to you and your families! And thanks to everyone for the wonderful society, and for those who write, also for the articles under which we can always get together. Let the New Year bring only joy, and the problems pass by. drinks
    2. +9
      30 December 2019 10: 39
      The author considered "objects and artifacts, using which a person could independently make a" request "on any question of interest to him."
      If fortune-telling on wax can really be attributed to the "sphere of self-service", then palmistry and astromancy require professional knowledge.
      1. +5
        30 December 2019 14: 22
        And after such pleasant and informative conversations it turned out that at the bottom of the cup with ground coffee there was a precipitate, sometimes taking on very bizarre forms.

        Yeah. Meteorology is an exact science! I mean, you need to know exactly which tambourine to pick up, and which totem to sing songs. to rain. laughing drinks
        And after such pleasant and informative conversations it turned out that at the bottom of the cup with ground coffee there was a precipitate, sometimes taking on very bizarre forms.

        resembles Rorschach spots - a famous test of psychiatrists. Like, "what you, my friend, see in this picture"? hi
        The son of this condottiere married the illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Milan, Bianca Maria Visconti, and became the founder of a new dynasty of rulers of this city.

        Viktor Nikolaevich, an hour, not from this kind, the famous metressa Bertier, Prince Neuchatel and Prince Wagramsky came from? drinks
        1. +6
          30 December 2019 15: 19
          The rite of causing rain to meteorology has nothing to do. As for the Marquis of Visconti di Borgorato, Visconti is her second husband, but I don’t know of which Visconti he is. The main line of Milan's Visconti was interrupted in the XVI century, the Leaning line of Pisa - even earlier. Perhaps from some kind of sideline. There are also Swiss Visconti - Venosta.
          1. +5
            30 December 2019 15: 24
            Perhaps from some kind of sideline. There are also Swiss Visconti - Venosta.

            in short, the devil himself will break his leg. Understood thanks! drinks
            The rite of causing rain to meteorology has nothing to do.

            Nothing like this! stop Proven by Kar Karych! drinks
        2. +4
          30 December 2019 15: 50
          Meteorology is an exact science!
          Yeah. “A flock of crocodiles flew low over the mouth of the Neva. Apparently, by early freeze-up on Ladoga! Accordingly, the smelt will go only in May and alligator tadpoles will not eat. "
    3. +2
      30 December 2019 18: 03
      Quote: BAI
      2. There is no divination on wax.

      I don’t believe a damn god at all, but I remember when my son began to stutter very much (a very, even say a word, problem) I slipped with him on a sled in a 30 degree frost to the other end of the city. to some kind of grandfather (they gave the address guys at work) it was the year 1990, my grandfather silently put his son on the threshold (the guy was 5 years old), he pointed me to the corner, get up and be silent. and he poured molten wax over the child’s head into a tin bowl, having examined it, the grandfather said for sure: the dog scared, big. , whispered ... and that's it ... go and say home ... well, I’ve been taught by peasants like that, left a bag of sweets and we left ... my grandfather didn’t take any money, his son began to utter words a day later, and after a week there was nothing . the strangest thing is that the son does not remember anything, neither the dog nor the grandfather. Here is such an experience, meeting with the unexplained with me.
      1. VLR
        30 December 2019 18: 42
        This is called "suggestive therapy". I was told about a very educated man, a leading engineer at a plant, who could not cure eczema in any way and someone gave him the address of "grandfather". The latter did not want to go, but met with an old professor in the company and he said to him: go! Does the grandfather take money? Ten (this is the 80s, a decent amount)? Few! It should be 25-50 rubles. But nothing will do. The engineer went, paid, his grandfather gave him a bottle of black liquid - he smeared it on - and everything took off like a hand. He took this "magic vial" and ran to the chemistry department of the local university to analyze the liquid. What do you think it was?
        Black ink.
        These are the miracles our psyche sometimes does.
        1. 0
          30 December 2019 19: 39
          Quote: VlR
          This is called "suggestive therapy".

          well ... somehow it seems to me a little connected ... (I’m not at all special about these things) and then, a child, 5 years old, and I didn’t tell ANYTHING to my grandfather, I just went in, I saw what I saw, and I didn’t leave Saying goodbye, it was also necessary (people said that they were in the know), five minutes ago, spoke with his son on the phone, and asked just in case. Do you remember stuttering to grandfather rode on a sled? no .. says. but I remember myself being a little baby, I remember too much, damn it just, I remember that I wouldn’t like to .. (shy) (is it like you?) I remember how choked on mom’s milk, and she turned me over so that I would not choke. and my hands are damn in the diaper, count, and I got hit in the nose ... they patted me on the back, shook me, and then vomited me .. (what the hell do I remember THIS for less than half a year, I’m exactly the whole situation at that time he described everything as it was. where it was! they don’t believe. but I still remember this moment, at 57. request
        2. +3
          30 December 2019 23: 05
          There was a time when ink was made from galls, which were collected from oak leaves. And treated with ink. Then, when the ink became ordinary, the ink drug continued to be treated.
          1. +3
            30 December 2019 23: 27
            There was a time when ink was made from galls, which were collected from oak leaves.

            Sergey, did you fight Caesar against the partisans of Venzingetoriks ?? belay removed the Gauls from the branch, and made ink out of them? Roman law, it seems, still did not know the concept of "war crime" .... laughing drinks
            1. +2
              30 December 2019 23: 34
              Yes. "You can't beat a clever Gaul in three games - that's my motto" (c).

              But, all the same, I’ll come. Gall is also an ink nut. From the word Galla.
              1. +3
                30 December 2019 23: 40
                "You can't beat a clever Gaul in three games - that's my motto"

                New exciting film: "Asterix and Obelix vs. Corsair". In the final, the Corsair .. will distribute to the whole village ... angry drinks
                Gall is also an ink nut.

                more often it is necessary to tell! Well, not only Viktor Nikolaevich and Mikhail expand our horizons and conceptual apparatus! wink It's time, it's time to tell you about a few concepts! request
                1. +2
                  30 December 2019 23: 44
                  O'Henry was there before.

                  And Depardieu did not take root with us.
                  1. +3
                    30 December 2019 23: 48
                    And Depardieu did not take root with us.

                    I agree that you should be played by the brutal Mashkov or Kutsenko! fellow Only, for God's sake, not Bezrukov .... negative
                    1. +2
                      30 December 2019 23: 50
                      We'll have to conduct a casting.
                      I don’t understand anything in modern cinema.
                      1. +3
                        31 December 2019 00: 18
                        We'll have to conduct a casting.

                        Mel Gibson will be just right! good although ... damn it, he sticks out money for us for the possibility of playing the role of such a Corsair! drinks
                      2. +2
                        31 December 2019 00: 23
                        "Be kind, slow down. I write" (c).
                      3. +3
                        31 December 2019 00: 28
                        "Be kind, slow down. I write" (c).

                        there is still sweet Leonardo DiCaprio, pugnacious Russell Crowe and philosophical sir Anthony Hopkins. These are only those who were the first to line up, and beg for a contract, ready to work even for a shawarma for such a role! wink drinks oh, yes, Daniel Craig offered the services of a stuntman, and Rowan Atkinson agrees to become a part-time comedian in extras! laughing
                      4. +2
                        31 December 2019 00: 32
                        Familiar names. I read "Silence of the Lambs" and watched "A Beautiful Mind".
                      5. +4
                        31 December 2019 00: 40
                        Just don't take Copperfield. This descendant of the Odessa gambler will fool everyone and disappear. Yes, and sopret something under the tambourine: "Three, seven, ace ... Three, seven, ace ..."
                      6. +4
                        31 December 2019 00: 48
                        Only do not take Copperfield.

                        no, no, no way! stop Valery read the article carefully. soldier Charlatans have no place among noble pirates! drinks
                      7. +4
                        31 December 2019 01: 21
                        You will laugh, but when Copperfield appeared on our television in the morning, I took all the spoiled watches that were in the house, sat down in front of the box, said what he offered to say (I don't remember what anymore) and all the hours went off. And most importantly, the pre-revolutionary family "bulb" went, which all watchmakers refused to take for repair. The clock went on for almost a day, but by the morning it was firmly up and, no matter how I tried to wind it up, nothing came of it. I’m all quite serious, not a drop of lies. soldier
                      8. +1
                        31 December 2019 01: 52
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        said what he proposed to say (I don’t remember what) and all the hours went.

                        Um ... that I missed this show ...
                        I would like to see how my Amphibian would go with a burst spring and with a chewed balance. what
                      9. +4
                        31 December 2019 01: 59
                        My wife warned me that there would be a broadcast from London, and we decided to conduct an experiment. It turned out very convincingly. True, Copperfield asked me to sincerely believe that the clock will go, I tried and it worked out. smile
                      10. +3
                        31 December 2019 02: 09
                        Quote: Sea Cat
                        True, Copperfield asked me to sincerely believe that the clock will go,

                        Ahhh! I remember something like that. Only, as far as I remember, nothing went wrong. I guess I believed badly. crying And what kind of faith is there, if at six years old my grandfathers Commander’s were picking with a hammer and chisel, trying to make out, and by the age of 13 they finished off the same Commander’s, making them second per second. They ran away for 5 seconds a day, then they lagged behind for 2 ... crying
                      11. +3
                        31 December 2019 00: 49
                        Returning to the title picture of the article: "Let's get out of the future. Not the first time" (c).
                      12. +4
                        31 December 2019 01: 00
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        "We'll get it out of the future too. Not the first time."

                        Thief stole a club from a thief ... wassat Comrade Cagliostro was still a charlatan. Although they did not write about him as about Copperfield: "The magician's underpants are magnetized ...." fellow
                      13. +2
                        31 December 2019 01: 05
                        Exactly. Various Persons of Goodwin: "The Great and Terrible Deceiver."
                      14. +2
                        31 December 2019 01: 09
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        Various aspects of Goodwin: "The great and terrible deceiver."

                        All the same, Goodwin once could not free himself when he was buried. "The earth is too heavy ..." I overestimated my strength. Oh, damn it! Again I confuse the wizard with forgetting how he was ... Houdini, in, I remembered ... crying
                      15. +1
                        31 December 2019 01: 21
                        Jonathan Goodwin borrowed some tricks from Harry Houdini. But they were far from the ruler of the Emerald City.

                        In general, as in Bollywood films, everyone, if not relatives, then namesakes.
                      16. +3
                        31 December 2019 01: 29
                        Quote from Korsar4
                        like in Bollywood movies, everything, if not relatives, then namesakes.

                        It is yes. recourse
                      17. +2
                        31 December 2019 01: 38
                        "We also know the artist Raj Kapoor
                        And a caste of yogis, a strange caste "(c).
                      18. +3
                        31 December 2019 00: 45
                        Familiar names. I read "Silence of the Lambs" and watched "A Beautiful Mind".

                        unfortunately, George Clooney said he was busy in the next cheap series, and Colin Farrell had a long bout .... request Javier Bardem refused - they say, a pacifist, he can’t act in the role of a Corsair, who will teach the whole village a firm hold of shafts below his belt ... laughing
                      19. +2
                        31 December 2019 00: 48
                        The shaft is already Mitka's weapon from the "Prince of Silver".
                      20. +3
                        31 December 2019 00: 57
                        The shaft is already Mitka's weapon from the "Prince of Silver".

                        Yeah, this is the same one who has some kind of blunder-oprichnik (of which some are cherubim negative ) spoiled the bride? hi In our case, there will be the most brutal Corsair, who will himself spoil the entire Gallic village, regardless of the floor! angry
                        By role .... what There remains a veteran of the militants of the 80s Michael Pare, but then the scenario will be written by Viktor Nikolaevich, we agreed two years ago. It will be a musical. For the role of the main bad guy, we will appoint Johnny Depp. The working title of the project is "Asses on fire." soldier The main theme is "Shaggy Bumblebee", music by Jim Steinman, performed by Stas Mikhailov. bully
                      21. +1
                        31 December 2019 01: 02
                        This one about which Slepakov sang:

                        "Stas Mikhailov is only an authority among women,
                        And we have a different priority "(c).
                      22. +2
                        31 December 2019 01: 07
                        Stas Mikhailov only among women authority

                        I understand you, to be honest, I would also prefer Valera Leontiev, but he does not deal with one-time covens! request And Antonov takes too much ... recourse and we’ll call Elton John — everyone will poke a finger at us ... stop
                      23. +2
                        31 December 2019 01: 14
                        Some team New Year's Eve comes out.
                      24. +3
                        31 December 2019 01: 18
                        Some team New Year's Eve comes out.

                        Why not? today is possible! drinks and the choir will be pulled up tomorrow - everyone seems to be sleeping already. Yes
                      25. +2
                        31 December 2019 01: 22
                        "Well, what if someone asks,
                        Mash, a hundred grams that way.
                        Then pour it. Today is possible.
                        Thank God there is a reason "(c).
  6. +4
    30 December 2019 10: 36
    You can believe it or not, but if the last predictions of Ukraine’s last molfar come true, I’ll only be glad. No wonder grandfather was killed!
    Read and shake it off https://znaj.ua/en/society/229411-ostannye-peredbachennya-dlya-ukrajini-legendarnij-molfar-zalishiv-prorotstvo-yake-vzhe-pochalo-zbuvatisya
  7. +5
    30 December 2019 11: 11
    The name "Tarot" comes from the Italian word tarocchi (trump card).
    I will allow myself a clarification. "Trump" in Italian - carte vincenti. And the word taroch at that time was used as a synonym for "stupidity". The version is quite suitable, but the etymology of the word "tarot" has not yet been determined. There are several more versions of the origin, from geographical - tributaries of the Po - Taro river, to mystical - the ancient Egyptian "taru" - "consult".
  8. +2
    30 December 2019 13: 30
    The signs of the tarot cards are borrowed from the pagan religion of the Jews - Kabbalah.
  9. +7
    30 December 2019 13: 57
    In St. Petersburg, in the area of ​​the Narvskaya metro station, there lived one fortune-teller. Rather, where she lived, I do not know, but there, in one of the apartments of an old gloomy shabby house, she received visitors. The entourage in her "office" was just a sight for sore eyes - under the ceiling there was even some kind of dinosaur that looked like a pteranodon, either made of papier-mâché, foam roofing felts, skeletons, skulls, stuffed snakes, some kind of mirrors, smoke, sounds, fragrances, flickering lighting ... In short, the aunt was furnished as it should. It was in the early 2000s or in the late 90s, people were bursting with this lady, even the bandits, according to her, accepted payment for the "roof" with predictions.
    I was sent to her by a former colleague (then many believed in this) on the subject of establishing business contacts for the sake of mutually beneficial cooperation - she, they say, can search for missing persons, solve crimes, etc., well, we, like, also what to find out by our methods.
    Somehow we did not find a common language with her, but I fully appreciated the prospect of such cooperation. Call her potential client to make an appointment. Her assistant learns his name and some incoming information, the caller ID determines the number from which they called, she makes an appointment in two days, and she passes the data to us, we scroll through our databases, give her a small dossier with the names of close relatives, car numbers , addresses, etc. The client comes, is amazed, pays, leaves. And in exchange for us, a free service from the master - answers to any questions, communication with the subtle world, fortunetelling, predictions and more. Such cooperation did not suit us.
    But I will tell you this: this witch - she is clearly not stupid, artistic, cynical, selfish and unprincipled to the point. I think that she eventually found her "information partners" anyway, and bred people with high quality and not cheap.
    I told this to what?
    Do not think that all these fortune tellers and fortune tellers are charlatans. No, in the end they are, of course, charlatans, but real professionals in the field of information mining may well work for them, and as a result, the information provided by these "psychics" has real value, since it meets the criteria of reliability and relevance at the time of submission. Theoretically, what difference does it make from where this information was obtained - from the subtle world just now or from a banal summary of outdoor surveillance on the eve of your visit? Another thing is that hiring a person to watch will be cheaper for you, but paying extra money for the entourage, for the performance ... it is also worth it. After all, do you go to the theater, to the cinema?
    So sometimes (not always, of course) these same fortunetellers, witches, sorcerers, wizards, magicians, etc. - just good organizers of the production process for the extraction and sale of certain information.
    1. +10
      30 December 2019 14: 05
      these same fortune-tellers, witches, sorcerers, wizards, wizards, etc. - just good organizers of the production process

      ,,, recently I went to a fortuneteller. belay Knocked on the door, she asked: "Who is there?" what
      I shouted: "Everything is clear with you!" fool
      And left,,, laughing
      1. +6
        30 December 2019 15: 00
        I shouted: "Everything is clear with you!"

        Sergey, well ... how so .... it is impossible so with soothsayers! crying There, maybe, Claudia Schiffer wants to marry you (with all her money!), But you ... will never know, because you haven’t listened to the fortuneteller ... She (Claudia) will start to beat you in PM with confessions, and you will think that this is a joke and a trololo!request and send away .. laughing drinks eeeh, and we would, yes, with her dough .... we could stir up such a booze! fellow winked Anton prefers vodka, Sergey-Fil - beer, but Sea Cat - amaretto in a separate bowl, please! good and VikNick - Calvados wink and after Calvados, all the thieving Indian monkeys categorically come big badabum! laughing
        1. +11
          30 December 2019 15: 06
          ,,, an inexperienced fortuneteller guessed Sergei two years without sex, belay but the guy was not taken aback feel and immediately proved to her that she was a quack! fellow

          1. +7
            30 December 2019 15: 11
            and immediately proved to her that she was a quack!

            in the spirit of Gleb Svyatoslavich, an epic malevolent trololo from Novgorod? wink
            Who approached the buzzing sorcerer and asked: "What are you going to do in the evening?" hi
            And he, such a one, akimbo proudly, spread his hands, raised his beard, and says sedately: "I will create a great miracle!" fellow
            And Gleb pulls an ax from behind, a quack breaker on the top of his head, and says: "Sorry .. did not grow together ..."request
            Ay .. and let the cats only feel the conjuncture, they will all kick out! drinks my now perfectly understands who is at our place "bad", who "kind policeman" laughing
            1. +3
              30 December 2019 16: 40
              In your house, now I am a "good deity", he comes to me to complain ...
          2. +3
            30 December 2019 16: 14
            laughing Lucky for you, Sergei, however! I hope the fortuneteller was good!
          3. +4
            30 December 2019 16: 19
            an inexperienced fortuneteller guessed Sergey ... immediately proved to her that she was a quack!

            so where did Sergey-Phil go? belay already two days proves? laughing drinks
            or is it a case from your hussar present, sir Sergey? wink
        2. +4
          30 December 2019 16: 08
          I drink this vodka on weekdays, and on rare holidays, but in good company, Calvados will come to me "with a bang!" Although, as for me, disgusting swill! Worse, only "Slynchev bryag".
          1. +3
            30 December 2019 16: 12
            Although, as for me, disgusting swill! Worse, only "Slynchev bryag".

            I don’t know, not samples. recourse For me, rum and gin - then no discomfort. Just the price bites. No. And from whiskey my head hurts! request
            1. +3
              30 December 2019 16: 24
              And from whiskey my head hurts!
              Yun is still great !!! I envy !!!!!!!
              1. +3
                30 December 2019 16: 29
                Yun is still great !!! I envy !!!!!!!

                and self-respecting Cats quietly go on amaretto! wink I wonder what Vlad prefers at this time of the year? what
                1. +4
                  30 December 2019 16: 34
                  I’ll ask you tomorrow.
                  1. +3
                    30 December 2019 19: 23
                    Quote: Pan Kohanku
                    Yun is still great !!! I envy !!!!!!!

                    and self-respecting Cats quietly go on amaretto! wink I wonder what Vlad prefers at this time of the year? what

                    Quote: 3x3zsave
                    I’ll ask you tomorrow.

                    And today I will answer !!! During the life of the mustache, he drank vodka only 37 times, mainly for the title! Although this year the record is three times, mainly with inspectors. Welcome to dry red wine. I try to look for Kadarka, better than the Fanagoria spill. I can drink semisweet red from Abkhazia. For example Lykhny. Cognac, whiskey, brandy and mustache did not impress the rest! Ammareti, liquors and others. Too much too cloying. This year I got confused by Cherry filling, three liters per week went nowhere! Moreover, their capitalized! In the underground stands, aronia. I want to achieve a rich sweet and sour taste. If something burns out, I brag.
                    Sincerely, Your cat is a naughty cat!
                    1. +5
                      30 December 2019 19: 38
                      I’m afraid to inquire below, my generalisimus! Judging by the 37 shot glasses used, am I, the insignificant restorer of Northern Palmyra, unworthy of kissing the ashes under the feet of the Ural MacLeod?
                      1. +5
                        30 December 2019 20: 02
                        Not a friend! Basically it was faceted glasses, with stars from them 6. I washed the younger lieutenant - in Hussar's champagne !!! There was a fool.
                        And so, if briefly from the history of autobiographical drinking:
                        The first time in three years, I confused a stack of vodka with water!
                        The second - at fourteen a dispute half a liter! Then he pulled his opponents home.
                        Third! When they tried to marry me! I did not see the "bride"! Her dad knew exactly one hour. Hitchhiked to his town, and the man was driving home to Tatarstan. After he voiced his "plans" I choked! And he gave a flask, and I washed down the "news". Then the fool tried to "breathe"!
                        Fourth! This is when I came to Omsk to marry my spouse who did not take place! How did I know that her dad was an ensign! Lard and vodka, in the fuel and lubricants warehouse! I agreed with dad, yes, with my mother-in-law (when I brought her missus on myself), and with the bride - no !!!
                        The fifth is a lieutenant! I remember a can of stews and cucumbers! Everyone remained to fall in the service. I'm the only one who went to sleep home !!!
                        Sixth! He brought cadets to an internship! On the day of "Corner"! Separation of operas + I - against two cans of sprats in a tomato and two boxes of a singed wolf! The opera at home took pity on highlighting the fork and the jar of sprats, having remained in every way to fight with everything else! One of the seven rose to the rank of general!
                        Well, somewhere so buddy !!! Fucking me an alcoholic!
                      2. +5
                        30 December 2019 20: 55
                        Well, somewhere so buddy !!! Fucking me an alcoholic!

                        Yeah (Vladislav, it was you who infected me - for the second week I’ll "cheat" everyone! drinks ), although a lousy alcoholic, but a man who is seriously worthy of respect .. "A real colonel." I didn't have much to say about anyone ... soldier
                        Anton - Anton ... I'm afraid of him .. belay Kotische, although I didn’t try vodka as much as we did, but took it with quality .. And with other actions .. yeah! request drinks
                      3. +4
                        30 December 2019 21: 09
                        Don't be afraid, buddy! Nikolai did not see the "northern mountains".
                      4. +5
                        30 December 2019 20: 58
                        I’m afraid to inquire below, my generalisimus!

                        You know ... but I’d like him to become a general. soldier Because our generals are quoted on an equal basis with deputies in the amount of 80%. But Vladislav - could... God grant, come true, sincerely! soldier
                    2. +6
                      30 December 2019 20: 13
                      Vlad, good evening and best wishes! hi

                      That's how it turns out, he threw in about "three glasses of amaretto" and that's it - now I have nowhere without this liqueur. But I'm a fan of other drinks. Here is my beloved daughter, knowing what kind of drinks my generation "grew up" on, brought me straight from the factory a couple of bottles of magnificent Crimean port (red), they are standing here under the tree, waiting in the wings. And last year, my son sent a liter bottle of excellent Rum with an opportunity, and we celebrated the New Year with him. And the amaretto, this is so, a tribute to the memories of the "dashing nineties", when everyone snapped at an unprecedented drink. My wife went to Ryazan and bought a bottle for nostalgia, well, they sentenced me to a couple. smile
                      1. +5
                        30 December 2019 20: 42
                        Pancake! Now I know who Lilith is, this is the daughter of Konstantin! Sv two bottles of fortified Crimean I will go to Ryazan !!!!
                      2. +3
                        30 December 2019 21: 00
                        Anton, you are welcome, you can catch it in a day. I will print the first one ten minutes before 00.00, in order to have time to spend passing. drinks

                        PS About Lilith, I once read something, but I remember little, if you please, explain in more detail.
                      3. +3
                        30 December 2019 21: 20
                        Not now, with 500 gm of vodka in my forehead, I’m unlikely to have time .... Maybe at 23?
                      4. +4
                        30 December 2019 21: 24
                        Yes, even when, but ... until February, the port will not live unambiguously. A provision with Rum is not yet expected. Although we here presented a moonshine still to our friend by the New Year, and he is a responsible person, so we won’t get rid of thirst. wink
                      5. +4
                        30 December 2019 21: 44
                        Ettta ... I’m sorry, maybe I’m not getting into my business ... But, most importantly, to indicate to the neighbor the quality of the final product.
                      6. +4
                        30 December 2019 21: 49
                        In the neighboring village there is an expert, a big fan of viskar, even collects it. Funny huh? But he is an engineer at the Ryazan refinery and can afford such eccentricity. Here we are going to experience it, although ... it is moonshine, it is moonshine, no matter how you call it. drinks
                      7. +5
                        30 December 2019 21: 32
                        Oh, again, he came with his minuses, and not laziness.
                      8. +3
                        30 December 2019 22: 17
                        Oh, again, he came with his minuses, and not laziness.

                        at the same time you noticed about the "visit" of the offended woman. Lies are like that, women don't like them! Even drunk ... request
                        What else can I sayif there is a moral strange person on the site who regularly sculpts cons, regardless of the comment? angry
                        Konstantin, noticed - sometimes they attack in a group ... what as if by wand, which they don’t have. Or does not work. negative
                        I will repeat once again which cultural words to choose when creature called man by misunderstanding and random set of chromosomessculpts anonymously cons "from the bulldozer"? Just out of a sense of "deep personal dislike"? am it in every forum. Do not calculate ?! hi sculpts me alone? no, not at all. He has circle hateful faces! laughing
                      9. +4
                        30 December 2019 22: 27
                        That's right, I especially liked about the "stick", moral impotence is incurable, they haven't come up with "Viagra" yet. laughing
                        Here, on Shpakovsky's article about the American clone of Kalashnikov, I just put pluses up and down to different guys, whom "these" minus just because of the innate vileness of their own nature. hi
                      10. +3
                        30 December 2019 22: 49
                        So you put a lot of minuses, Konstantin? Honestly, I am for Russophobia or insult. Just for that. But just like that, putting it down just like that, for no reason is a sign of anger and lack of mind! soldier
                        Hmm .. Have you noticed that "defenders of the will of the people" or "lovers of the super-Russian super-ethnos" are always the first to insult? I noticed ... Three years ago. request
                      11. +1
                        30 December 2019 22: 55
                        Cons only frank boors and everyone beloved Golovan, even if he is not rude to me.
                        And the rest - yes, there is such a thing behind all the "hurray-patriots" and lovers of the "truly Russian animal". All the same thoughtlessness and the same inferiority. request
                      12. +2
                        30 December 2019 23: 05
                        All the same thoughtlessness and the same inferiority.

                        Yeah, as Al Capone said, With a good word and a gun, much more can be achieved than just a good word. what and everyone will immediately become helpful! soldier
                      13. +3
                        30 December 2019 23: 08
                        You can’t shoot all the fools, unfortunately. request
                      14. +2
                        30 December 2019 23: 14
                        do not shoot, unfortunately.

                        Yeah, and then this stuffed animal will prove the value of the superethnos, or dream of universal popular happiness. Although I learned to sculpt only minuses at a low mind. Do not find a paradox, sir? negative
                      15. +3
                        30 December 2019 23: 28
                        What paradox is there, everything is logical. A person has to dream about something, so he is dreaming ... at the level of his own development, but the cons ... well, he can’t reach us to spoil seriously, at least something according to the situation, at least a minus. laughing
                      16. +2
                        30 December 2019 23: 33
                        Well, he can’t reach us, to spoil already seriously

                        and where did he get that we can't reach? .. soldier
                      17. +3
                        30 December 2019 23: 38
                        And whether it is necessary, they are indestructible like bugs or cockroaches. Should I even pay attention to this? The most interesting thing is that in real life I have not met any "super-ethnos" fans. Maybe they have some kind of secret organization like the Masonic lodge, or "world government"? wassat drinks
                      18. +2
                        30 December 2019 23: 44
                        Maybe they have some kind of secret organization like the Masonic lodge, or "world government"

                        Yeah. Mr. Samsonov personally prepares the pagan revolution, the return of Alaska and the adoption of haplogroups. All those who disagree - will record in the Anglo-Saxons, and will send from the country beyond the Curzon line. soldier
                      19. +3
                        30 December 2019 23: 47
                        And God bless him, let him cook, for us something to do. smile
                        I’m temporarily leaving the air, going to eat and feed the cat. hi
                      20. +2
                        30 December 2019 23: 49
                        I’ll go to eat and feed the cat.

                        Two cats to feed - holy! laughing bow to Pan Kohanku!
                      21. +3
                        31 December 2019 00: 53
                        I fed both of them and I'll be the night watchman until the morning. "Well, you, if anything, come in." (from). drinks
                      22. The comment was deleted.
                      23. +1
                        31 December 2019 12: 19
                        Lilith is the first woman. According to eyewitnesses laughing there was no need for a snake-tempter with an apple ...
                      24. +3
                        31 December 2019 13: 52
                        However ... Sonya is still my daughter, dear.
                      25. +2
                        31 December 2019 14: 00
                        Konstantin! I didn’t want to offend anyone! hi Excuse me! Given my social status and origin. Punk me, and Meserable, absolutely!
                      26. +3
                        31 December 2019 14: 10
                        "We need to flog our midshipmen, flog." (FROM). x / f Warrant officer Panin. smile drinks
                      27. +3
                        31 December 2019 14: 19
                        Yes shazzzz!
                        "And the huge stage did not make a single sound,
                        But on his haunches, suddenly, with numb knees moved "(C)
                        You will not argue all!
                      28. +4
                        31 December 2019 15: 05
                        "And again along the tundra, by the railway,
                        Where the fast Vorkuta - Leningrad rushes ... "(C).
                      29. +2
                        31 December 2019 16: 30
                        It is New Year’s tonality, northern.

                        "It's warm and damp in the city,
                        And outside the city - winter, winter, winter "(c)
                      30. +3
                        31 December 2019 17: 56
                        "Drink kvass in damp cellars,
                        I pray to god
                        And give me the first class,
                        And if you can - luxury ... "(C).

                        Happy New Year, Sergey! Happiness, health, good luck! smile drinks
                      31. +2
                        31 December 2019 18: 28
                        "There is another minute before the train. Another minute - and goodbye.
                        Currency rattles in my pockets. Give it to the conductor for tea "(c).

                        Thank you, Konstantin! Happy New Year to you too! All the best!
                      32. +4
                        31 December 2019 18: 33
                        "Drink kvass in loose-fitting teas.
                        I pray to god
                        And give me the first class,
                        And you can eat - luxury ... "(C).

                        Do not remember where the verses come from? smile
                      33. +3
                        31 December 2019 18: 41
                        ,,, I was awarded as a winner of the family quiz fellow
                      34. +5
                        31 December 2019 18: 44
                        The Golden Rat medal? I respect, even though he is a cat title. good drinks
                      35. +2
                        31 December 2019 18: 44
                        The network reported that from the play based on N. Leonov's book "Tavern on Pyatnitskaya".

                        I have never come across before.
                      36. +4
                        31 December 2019 18: 50
                        Exactly. Gleb Strizhenov played a drunken white officer and performed these verses with a guitar, leaning his elbows on the bar in the tavern. Kvasha played a disguised Chekist, and Kozakov played an intelligent bandit with a "volunteer" past. In any case, this performance was much better than the film shot later.
                      37. +4
                        30 December 2019 20: 50
                        That's how it turns out, he threw in about "three glasses of amaretto" and that's it - now I have nowhere without this liqueur.

                        Yeah. I also tried it six years ago, and fell in love. By the way, I have never really tried tequila! But under absinthe ... well sinful things to do, I confess .... recourse
                        "What can save a mortally wounded cat? Well, if only a sip of gasoline!""(Cat Behemoth) laughing
                        Guys, class! good I’ve drifted five plus, and I want to continue! drinks
                      38. +3
                        30 December 2019 21: 05
                        I won't say anything for absinthe, I don't even remember the taste, but about "sinful deeds" I am always happy. But still. it is better to sin soberly, "so that later it would not be painful" ashamed of their drunken antics and the undesirable consequences of these. drinks
                      39. +3
                        30 December 2019 21: 33
                        But still. it is better to sin on a sober head

                        It is better to sin, if to mutual pleasure - up to 150 grams, the rest is a headache and shame. drinks
                      40. +2
                        30 December 2019 21: 24
                        Nikolay, your continuation is preparing dinner for you, and your happiness is in it!
                      41. +2
                        30 December 2019 21: 35
                        We make up. After the New Year. Categorically. soldier
                      42. +1
                        30 December 2019 21: 47
                        No question, call Mikhail!
                      43. +2
                        30 December 2019 21: 40
                        Estimate, gremlin has activated! good Again minus sculpts for no reason. Catch a bereavement, and topple him, if the others do not care .... laughing as the Count of Monte Cristo bequeathed .... drinks "my temple awaits your repentance! the bells are ringing!" angry
          2. +3
            30 December 2019 20: 26
            Anton, have you captured "Solntsedar"? After him, Calvados will seem like God's nectar. laughing
            1. +6
              30 December 2019 20: 29
              Quote: Sea Cat
              After him, Calvados will seem to be God's nectar.

              And what is bad calvados? Quite a decent swill. Remarque loved him too. wink
              1. +4
                30 December 2019 20: 30
                The German in drinking is not credible! Even someone like Remarque ... drinks
                1. +5
                  30 December 2019 20: 33
                  Quote: Sea Cat
                  The German in drinking is not credible!

                  And I like this thing too. drinks Calvados, in the sense. smile
                  1. +4
                    30 December 2019 20: 37
                    Well, that's good! I like rum from "their" drinks, and from ours I prefer Crimean Tauride Red Port, and I hate vodka, but I drink it because I have to. smile drinks
                2. +2
                  30 December 2019 21: 15
                  The German in drinking is not credible! Even someone like Remarque ...

                  This is Suvorov said, after a show case! wink
                  1. +2
                    30 December 2019 23: 13
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    This is Suvorov said, after a show case!

                    What kind of case is this?
                    1. +3
                      30 December 2019 23: 23
                      What kind of case is this?

                      Vladimir, in 1794, Suvorov’s troops took Prague - a suburb of Warsaw. The grenadiers smashed a pharmacy display case, and dragged some liquid onto a bridge barrel. They began to drink it, taking a sip, and exclaiming enthusiastically: "Ah, good wine!" A horse drove past (veterinarian), from the Germans, asked to try. They poured him .. and he fell without feelings! There was alcohol in the barrel! When Suvorov found out about this, he exclaimed: "Yes, yes, what is good for a Russian, then death for a German!" drinks
                      1. +3
                        30 December 2019 23: 32
                        Quote: Pane Kohanku
                        They poured him .. and he fell without feelings!

                        Wimps are these foreigners. I don’t remember where, but I read that all the saucers with mustard were removed from the Moscow canteens during the Olympics-80, after one foreigner collapsed, biting off the sausage, which he himself took out with this mustard. This is not ketchup for them. feel
                      2. +3
                        30 December 2019 23: 35
                        This is not ketchup for them.

                        did not hear. But according to the experience of the Dominican Republic and Zakynthos - mayonnaise is better with us! drinks And sausage tastes better - much, colleagues. Yes Their products cannot be compared! negative
            2. +2
              30 December 2019 21: 58
              "Solntsedar", as well as "fruitful" I have only in legends. I didn't see much, but I remember a lot.
              1. +5
                30 December 2019 22: 03
                There was an anecdote about a hangover "Solntsedar".
                In the morning he comes into the piece department of a little man, completely without a hangover, and asks the saleswoman:
                “Do you have a Solcedar?”
                -- Yes there is!

                A violent gag reflex follows immediately, after which the man says:
                - Thank you, I went to work ... wassat
    2. +6
      30 December 2019 14: 37
      I was sent to her by a former colleague (then many believed in this) on the subject of establishing business contacts for the sake of mutually beneficial cooperation - she, they say, can search for missing persons, solve crimes, etc.

      I saw similar records in a pair of manuals. They believed. Yeah. Yes But, as the late professor Stanchinsky (the Kingdom of heaven be upon him) said that a man of vast intelligence led us: "Guys, we must accept such phenomena (extrasensory perception - P.K.'s note), but we cannot count on them.". Or something like that. hi That is, in the world there can be a lot of unexpected and interesting things. But to take it on faith, especially to use it in work, is doubtful. soldier
      1. +6
        30 December 2019 16: 00
        Quote: Pane Kohanku
        They believed.

        Wild times were. I remember that I had a connection with one business. There, people complained to the police that a stinking smell was coming from the neighbors from the apartment. The neighbors seem to be a decent family, they both work, the child ... In short, they broke into them, and there, on the semblance of some kind of altar, lies their son, a boy of twelve, or something, already eaten by worms, in short, for about a month, how died. Hands and feet tied, flies, worms, smell ... And parents at least something. He, like, is reborn and, they say, when the mortal flesh all subsides, our son will appear to us in the radiance of heaven, healthy and impeccable.
        It turned out that their son was sick, he had asthma, or something, in short, they were advised to turn to a healer. He tried it anyway - it doesn't help, the boy periodically suffocates anyway. Then they decided to treat radically. It is clear that the evil spirit lives in the boy, he must be expelled. They built an altar, tied a child and stopped feeding, only watered. What was there to tell in the colors I do not want. The healer came every day, conjured something. And when the boy died of exhaustion and began to decompose, he explained that it was just the demons who were coming out and soon everything would be wonderful. Parents believed.
        When the boy's body was taken away for an autopsy, and the parents were sent to the isolation ward, there was such a show, the guys told ... I don’t know how the case ended for the parents, another unit was already finishing the investigation. But this healer got off with a slight fright (two months in "Kresty") - to prove that he could not take money from his parents, there are, in fact, only his words and the words of his parents, who are clearly not themselves. And he firmly stood his ground - yes, I exorcised the demons, if you had not interfered with the ceremony, the boy would have been fine now, he did not take money, he helped disinterestedly, he did not tie anyone anywhere, did not lock him in personality, not bodily, it doesn’t interest me.
        As far as I know, they couldn’t pick up an article for him.
        1. +6
          30 December 2019 16: 11
          troubled times .... shock, to be honest, from what you told ... rest, Lord, the soul of a boy.
          As far as I know, they couldn’t pick up an article for him.

          there is another court .. God is not Timoshka, he sees a little. I would like to believe, at least.
          There are plenty of such charlatans now. Starting from all sorts of "yogis" and ending with various "trainers".
        2. +5
          30 December 2019 16: 32
          Yes, normal time, Michael! The time of our youth, is it not to love him ?!
          1. +10
            30 December 2019 17: 34
            Quote: 3x3zsave
            The time of our youth

            I don’t know, I don’t really like this time. On the one hand - yes, young, crazy, everything on the shoulder and nevermind, a sea of ​​optimism and happy stupid things ... On the other hand, how many friends I lost (singed vodka, drugs, drunken fights, gang warfare, prison), how much I had to slurp how much bestiality and meanness I saw, grief, poverty, lawlessness ... No, there was an infamous time, if not cool. He probably chose the wrong place of work ... smile
            Reluctance to recall these horrors now, one is enough.
            Let's have something fun ...
            Here, I remembered. Also a little to the topic of the article.
            This I was already in civilian life (hussars, keep quiet!). It was necessary to help one boy. On New Year’s Eve, he met a girl in a tavern (Mani-Hani, if he remembers it, on Aprashka), he really liked her, escorted her home, picked up the phone, was about to call back the next day, and this phone was lost somewhere. For three days, morning and evening, he was guarding under the address where he had brought her, asking the locals for their verbal portrait and name - without result. This one went to the tavern at the same time, questioned there, sat at the same table - zero.
            We started looking for this girl. Naturally, they asked everyone about the guy - what they talked about, how they behaved, made exact quotes of her remarks recalled, in short, completely gutted. There were still few street video cameras, but we grabbed one, got a, albeit blurry, but recognizable image. The girl was eventually found.
            It was suggested that she came to spend the night with her friend, figured out this friend, talked to her and she told us that her girlfriend had recently met a guy, fell in love with him, gave him a phone, and he vowed to call and did not ring. She sits around the phone for days, is afraid to miss a call, she was exhausted. Well, we decided to cheat a bit. This girlfriend made an appointment for our little girl in a cafe, and we at our same place at the same time, they say, let them meet there, and we will observe from a distance - romance. laughing
            In short, they both came to their place, sat down at tables three meters from each other, but did not recognize each other. She's crazy, he sits drinking coffee. They don’t look around at all. In general, the zealous withstood from us, we with this girlfriend (she also expressed a desire to see and participate) in a cafe. We sit down - I'm opposite the guy, both of them side by side. And I'm starting to rub, they say, do not find your girlfriend, she seems to have lied to you all, forget about her, there are a lot of cool girls, look at least around. Hollywood is solid. laughing I tell him: "Now call her loudly by name, only loudly." He breaks down, persuaded, probably, five minutes. Persuaded. He was so loud, to the whole audience: "Polina!" At the next table, a spoon falls, he looks around, and sees his unearthly passion, and she sees his. For half an hour we had been sitting next to each other. There, the meaning of the layout was that this Polina's girlfriend rubbed the same thing, they say, look how many guys are normal around, and you, like, don't think that any of them is your destiny and now someone will take you and call you?
            It was necessary to see their physiognomy when they recognized each other - after several hours of acquaintance in a darkened tavern and a short walk through winter Peter, it was certainly wise to recognize a person in two weeks, but they nevertheless managed. Then, of course, they were all told how what happened. But then giggled nobly. Here's a New Year story. good
            PS A case on the topic of the article because our prediction came true - we predicted to these fools that their fate awaits them very close. laughing
            1. +4
              30 December 2019 17: 48
              Yes, the time was awful. By the way, some Muscovites present like to quote "Gangster Petersburg", but they strongly dislike the series "Brigada" ... Alas, during it, you and I, at times, were on opposite sides of the law ...
              And "Mani-Hani" is a cool place !!! The first time there was in the 94th!
              1. +5
                30 December 2019 18: 09
                Quote: 3x3zsave
                on the opposite side of the law.

                There was no telling who was on which side. All overstepped it in one way or another. So that purely according to the law, without violating any rules, nothing significant can be done. The question could only be how much the very purpose of your actions is moral or immoral, whose interests your actions violate, whose protection and to what extent. They were guided by "revolutionary sense of justice", so to speak. smile
              2. 0
                30 December 2019 22: 52
                And "Mani-Hani" is a cool place !!! The first time there was in the 94th!

                I've never been! And my landlord with his brother - they sang there! drinks
                photo - here .. nostalgia .. third article ....
                1. +1
                  30 December 2019 23: 21
                  Yes, I'll sing there now! Who else could perform "No woman - no cry" in Russian?
            2. +1
              30 December 2019 21: 06
              In short, they both came to their place, sat down at tables three meters from each other, but did not recognize each other.

              heroes of Zoshchenko! "I've never seen her without a hat and a fur coat, and then, suddenly - what a crocodile they will slip in!" (from memory, "It can't be") laughing
              But in general ... class! good A continuous romantik, Michael! drinks
    3. +4
      30 December 2019 16: 00
      Bravo, Michael! Information is the only worth value in human continum. True, there are still personal affections ...
      1. +7
        30 December 2019 19: 37
        Guys, since 1995 I lived and studied at Elmash, it’s near Uralmash! Passions went different, but in the form it was possible to walk at night along and across. Even the latest scumbags understood, you can’t joke with the cops! Three times I openly intervened in conflict situations - one against the crowd, and the crowd retreated !!!
        A little touch in the description of the situation - only with me they threw grenades twice at us! The first time was training. Although the boy was two years older than me, he lay down on a grenade with his body, saving everyone who was at the Sportivnaya stop. The second case, when they threw a lemon in the DC in Chefskaya. The people were saved by a rotten floor, a grenade fell into the basement and exploded there. Although it was notable for everyone.
        Well, somewhere like that!
        1. +4
          30 December 2019 19: 59
          Vlad! "You can't kill cops!" This is a thieves' law that was established after the "bitch wars". My friends, law enforcement officers, I come to the conclusion, unfortunately, you don't know a damn about the history of criminality in Russia ..
          1. The comment was deleted.
  10. +7
    30 December 2019 15: 52
    The hostess herself was sitting on the bed in the bedroom, and, resting her elbows on the octagonal table, covered with an unclean tablecloth Richelieu, laid out cards. Before her sat the widow of Gritsatsuev in a fluffy shawl.
    “I must warn you, girl, that I don’t take less than fifty kopecks per session,” the hostess said.
    The widow, who knew no obstacles in the quest to find a new husband, agreed to pay the set price.
    “Only you, please, and the future,” she asked plaintively.
    - You need to guess at the lady of clubs.
    The widow objected:
    - I have always been a pure lady.
    The hostess indifferently agreed and began to combine cards. A draft definition of widow's fate was given in a few minutes. The widow was waiting for big and small troubles, and on her heart lay a club of clubs, with whom the tambourine lady was friends.
    Guessed readily on the arm. The lines of the hands of the widow of Gritsatsueva were clean, powerful and impeccable. The line of life extended so far that its end drove into the pulse, and if the line spoke the truth, the widow would have to live to the Last Judgment. The line of mind and art gave the right to hope that the widow quit the grocery trade and give humanity unmatched masterpieces in any field of art, science or social science. Venus’s mounds on the widow looked like Manchu hills and found wonderful reserves of love and tenderness.
    The fortuneteller explained all this to the widow, using words and terms adopted among graphologists, palmists and horse ladies.
    “Thank you, madam,” the widow said, “now I know who the king of clubs is.” And the tambourine lady is also very famous to me. Is the king marching?
    - Mariage, girl.
    1. +5
      30 December 2019 15: 54
      Yes ... classic! And after all, no one better than they wrote this! good
      1. +5
        30 December 2019 16: 34
        There is, A. Averchenko .. a story .. there is a fortuneteller guessing on a manual prosthesis ... laughing
        1. +3
          30 December 2019 20: 37
          There is, A. Averchenko .. a story .. there is a fortuneteller guessing on a manual prosthesis ...

          Alexey Anatolyevich, Averchenko, I think - a half-forgotten classic of irony. And during the First World War, he had not yet seen and heard. hi I quite by accident, on a tip from someone from the members of the forum (not you?), Discovered for myself. "Scary Boy" finished me off at all .... Really, a half-forgotten classic! soldier but he liked me a different story, pre-war, like a local resident of the countryside offered hunters-nobles and other intelligentsia (masculine sex!) walking in the forest a place specially equipped to observe the other side of the river where the ladies swam .... wink Business is business! request A special trench, where the scoundrel sold places, and even brought beer and vodka - for easy viewing wink Sincerely, Nikolai and Mikado the cat have long known you drinks
          1. +1
            30 December 2019 20: 59
            I agree, Vlad! Averchenko is the leader of Russian irony, for 120 years now ...
            1. 0
              30 December 2019 21: 21
              I agree, Vlad! Averchenko is the leader of Russian irony, for 120 years now ...

              Anton, how many fingers do I show? wink Vlad is longer than mine by one word! lol nickname is longer. Hussar, in short! laughing drinks
              1. +1
                30 December 2019 22: 18
                Well, this one, of course I’m very shy to say terribly, gentleman, but we read Mr. Averchenko about 30 years ago ....
                1. +1
                  30 December 2019 22: 21
                  Well, this one, of course I’m terribly embarrassed to say, master, lord

                  after the New Year.... drinks
    2. +4
      30 December 2019 18: 24
      Quote: parusnik
      Is the king marching?
      - Mariage, girl.

      Why is it marvelous if it is clubs, a girlfriend is a tambourine, and Gritsatsueva is pure red? So the king’s ghost is hiding somewhere, not otherwise. Yes
  11. +3
    30 December 2019 17: 27
    In 1672, the first coffee house was opened in Paris.

    1. +3
      30 December 2019 17: 57
      Oh, wei, are they Armenians? laughing
      1. +4
        30 December 2019 18: 01
        Yes, by the way ... By the way, when treaties between the French and Ottomans a special article stipulated preferences for Armenians in the matter of silk transit from China ...
        1. +3
          30 December 2019 18: 13
          Damn, Karen, my previous remark was a joke, over the "supremacy" of Armenians and Jews, but you did not understand ...
          1. +4
            30 December 2019 18: 14
            Holiday greetings!!!
            1. +4
              30 December 2019 18: 41
              And all the best for you in the coming year! Meanwhile, the most cunning interlocutors of mine, over the past decade, were Jews and Armenians.
      2. +3
        30 December 2019 21: 41
        That's right, not Armenians, but Sicilians.
        1. +3
          30 December 2019 22: 07
          That's right, not Armenians, but Sicilians.

          Marshal Davout came, and distributed it to everyone .... laughing
          1. +3
            30 December 2019 22: 43
            It happened to be in those parts. Frog legs all offered, in parsley. Abomination.
            1. +2
              30 December 2019 23: 02
              It happened to be in those parts. Frog legs all offered, in parsley. Abomination.

              Yeah, I was here on the Greek island of Zakynthos this summer. We went to the only hypermarket - three times less than ours. Viktor Nikolaevich, you can’t imagine, these non-Russians are Orthodox - no dumplings, no bacon! request As my friend Volodya laughed - the Greeks just lazily sculpt dumplings laughing Savages, sir! Not capable of anything except the drunken philosophy of Socrates! drinks There are no Turks on them, although everyone regularly scolds the government, the European Union, the debts of the European Union and three hundred of their parasites, but they cannot throw out the trash! angry
              1. +4
                30 December 2019 23: 08
                Neither dumplings, nor bacon, the Greeks do not eat. To be honest, going to Greece to eat store dumplings is, of course, cool. They have no buckwheat. The Greeks, who lived for a long time in the USSR, asked us to bring buckwheat and sunflower oil.
                1. +2
                  30 December 2019 23: 12
                  They have no buckwheat.

                  I'm talking about what - barbarians, verily, barbarians! request we laughed - the Greeks would not have bred olives, if the tree had not grown for 300 years, and did not require care! They would be trite laziness .... negative
                  1. +3
                    30 December 2019 23: 25
                    That they are not in a hurry, noticeably. However, they live well. I don’t know how today. but more recently, their travel time to and from work was considered to be a worker and paid, and for the absence of delays, they paid a bonus.
                    They are so comfortable, they live like that. As they say, each hut has its own toys.
                    1. +2
                      30 December 2019 23: 31
                      However live well

                      scolding politicians. Like, we give 80% on taxes. request Greeks ... but how to say, Viktor Nikolaevich ... what I can’t call them lazy people ... they just live in harmony with themselves! But would kill! Fair! angry
                    2. +2
                      31 December 2019 08: 39
                      The Finns have a trip to work, paid from work.
            2. +2
              30 December 2019 23: 47
              You are being pretentious, Viktor Nikolaevich! As Paul Hogan used to say in the guise of "Crocodile Dundee": "Iguana, it tastes like shit, but you can eat."
              1. +2
                30 December 2019 23: 56
                The edibility of a product is highly dependent on the circumstances.
    2. +3
      30 December 2019 21: 39
      In 1671, the coffee shop by the Armenian Kharokyan was not opened in Paris, but in Marseille. And in 1672, he opened a coffee shop at the Saint-Germain fair in the suburbs of Paris. In 1686, the Sicilian Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli bought this shop from Harokyan and nearby, in the Latin Quarter, opened the first Parisian Le Procope coffee shop, which exists today.
      1. +2
        30 December 2019 21: 46
        Quote: Undecim
        in 1672 he opened a coffee shop at the Saint-Germain fair in the suburbs of Paris

        Surely this shop also sold a drink of coffee ... Otherwise, this Parisian hillbilly would not know how to prepare it ... :)
        1. +3
          30 December 2019 22: 37
          From Paris to Marseille, about 800 km. Coffee has been made in Marseille since at least 1644. In 1669, the Turks made a "presentation" at Versailles. I think that those who were able to buy coffee also had coffee beans. Since the Armenians opened a shop, it means that there was already a demand.
  12. 0
    30 December 2019 17: 43
    We continue the story of all kinds of soothsayers and try to find out how their talents can be used to the benefit of the Motherland and society. Just for the sake of this I ran an article through my eyes. Irony irony, but at least some relation to VO was seen only in these lines:
    if you follow the example of Napoleon Bonaparte, who often sat on the eve of the battle to play with his generals, and, in the manner of their game, made conclusions about the psychological state of partners
  13. +3
    30 December 2019 19: 20
    Interesting, unusual. Maybe it doesn't fit the site's theme, but you can't be a "beacon" all the time. Author, thanks.
    ps. I am wholeheartedly entertained, and even in the internet I looked for different ways of divination.
    Thanks. Distracted from everyday life.
    1. +2
      30 December 2019 21: 13
      Thanks. Distracted from everyday life.

      Alexei, come back often, and not so distract on abstract topics! wink drinks a good conversationalist - worth its weight in gold! Yes
      1. +2
        30 December 2019 21: 49
        No interlocutor of me. Too moody. But listening is interesting. But to enter into a dispute is not mine. And so I'm on the site every day. + -.
        1. +3
          30 December 2019 22: 05
          No interlocutor of me. Too moody. But listening is interesting. But to enter into a dispute is not mine. And so I'm on the site every day. + -.

          You are my plus, and my pederastic gremlin is my minus. Gets minus. Gremlins - they are such gremlins! drinks
          Do you know what the value is? I, for one, am wildly introvert. Sullen not to find. But this is where you can really just chat about everything in the world. Come on, Alex! drinks
          1. +2
            30 December 2019 22: 37
            "You can't find any more gloomy. "Ha ha" three times!
            1. +2
              30 December 2019 22: 45
              "I can't find any more gloomy." Ha-ha "three times!

              in life - much more gloomy than on the site. Do not be offended, I'm generally a sociophobe ... request Anton, I've always been like that ... recourse
              1. +1
                30 December 2019 22: 52
                Ok, fine ... But the old people remember the benevolent peacemaker "Mikado" ...
                1. +2
                  30 December 2019 22: 57
                  Ok, fine ... But the old people remember the benevolent peacemaker "Mikado" ...

                  He died, only the peacemaker-cat remained from him. Bonvivan came with a glass - Pane Kohanku. soldier
  14. +2
    30 December 2019 21: 04
    Only a narrow circle of initiates knows that there was a secret agreement between Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, according to which two officers of the NKVD department arrived in England on July 31, 1940, by direct flight from Moscow. Both are excellent servants and even more excellent battle magicians who passed the test of strength during the Spanish Civil War: from 1936 until 1938, Russian battle magicians fought against the dodgy and too bloodthirsty sorcerers of General Franco. Already the day after arrival - August 1 - in the town of Newforest magicians gathered, serving in the army intelligence of Great Britain, the best of the local and the most hereditary witches and sorcerers and military magicians of the NKVD. winked
    1. +1
      30 December 2019 21: 10
      The very day after arrival, on August 1, mages gathered in Newforest, serving in British army intelligence, the best of the locals, and the most hereditary witches and sorcerers and NKVD war mages.

      Sergei, if you are quoting "Uncle Remus's fairy tales" from Mr. Samsonov, then you should not oblique text, and bold! stop The key was wrong? You have to be careful! hi
      Russian magicians did not know that the Anglo-Saxon civilization decided to destroy the Russian superethnos!
      So it looks like? wink drinks
      1. +2
        30 December 2019 21: 47
        ,,, no, not Samsonov, but it seems yes drinks
        ,,, I began to search on the topic of Valery’s article, and here’s an entertaining book.
        The abbreviation VChK-GPU-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB-MVD-KGB-MB-FSK-FSB ... But only a few are absolutely sure about the strictly classified substructures of all these organizations. This refers only to substructures involved in magical development in order to maintain state security.
        1. +3
          30 December 2019 22: 01
          I began to search for the topic of Valery’s article, and here’s an entertaining book

          You know how to use the material, I noticed! good this is really a miracle!
  15. -2
    26 March 2020 09: 39
    I’ve got an article, it seems that the topics are over, or maybe it’s a veiled article about how the General Staff of the Russian Defense Ministry works?