The Pentagon is concerned about the flight of Russian strategists Tu-160 to Venezuela

The US Department of Defense was worried about the arrival of the Russian strategic bombers Tu-160 in Venezuela. On the flight to this South American country of two strategists capable of carrying nuclear weapon, Said Washington Free Beacon with reference to unnamed representatives of the Pentagon.

The Pentagon is concerned about the flight of Russian strategists Tu-160 to Venezuela

According to the Pentagon, two strategic bomber Tu-160 must fly from a Russian air base and arrive in Venezuela to participate in a series of exercises, including refueling at long distances. The US Department of Defense promised to closely monitor the flights of Russian strategists, as they "are capable of striking the United States with cruise missiles.

Meanwhile, information appeared in the Western media that British and Norwegian fighters were already flying today to escort two strategic bombers Tu-160 of the Russian Federation Air Force - RF-94100, carrying the name of Nikolai Kuznetsov, and RF-94108 - Vladimir Sudets, who in the airspace over the North Atlantic kept heading southwest toward Venezuela. Earlier, on Monday morning, the An-124 Ruslan and Il-62 video conferencing systems of Russia took the course to Venezuela.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that the Russian aviation It will continue the practice of strategic aviation flights of the Russian Aerospace Forces to Venezuelan airfields, and Russian warships will also call at the country's ports.
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  1. +24
    10 December 2018 17: 48
    The smart answer is the United States, but only there you need to place them on an ongoing basis ...
    1. +26
      10 December 2018 17: 51
      Quote: Samara_63
      The smart answer is the United States, but only there you need to place them on an ongoing basis ...

      Let's wait until the United States withdraws from the INF Treaty, it seems to me that the appearance of our medium-range missiles can occur there, well, so that "life is honey" for the United States does not seem.
      1. +14
        10 December 2018 17: 54
        Russia will provide Venezuela with $ 5 billion and 600 thousand tons of grain. In addition to the oil industry, another $ 1 billion of investments are planned to be invested in gold mining. This was announced by President Nicolas Maduro on his Twitter page.
        1. +8
          10 December 2018 18: 51
          Just do not provide (give), but invest. That is not the same (hopefully)
          1. -5
            10 December 2018 19: 50
            Well, since the times of the USSR, this means precisely "give".
            Now just these gifts to all Papuans and narrow-eyed have to write off due to the impossibility of recovery.
            Yes, and today's Russia is not particularly different.
            1. +3
              10 December 2018 20: 03
              Quote: Metallurg_2
              Now just these gifts to all Papuans and narrow-eyed have to write off due to the impossibility of recovery.
              Yes, and today's Russia is not particularly different.

              Well yes, Yes , especially 80 th convoys of humanitarian aid to Donbass. Writing like this with such a flag in a nickname is somehow not quite tactful.
              1. +3
                10 December 2018 20: 12
                No, well, Donbass is different. He meant all sorts of Nigeria and Zimbabwe, to which we forgave and regularly forgive billions of dollars.
            2. +1
              10 December 2018 23: 41
              Quote: Metallurg_2
              Well, since the times of the USSR, this means precisely "give".
              Now just these gifts to all Papuans and narrow-eyed have to write off due to the impossibility of recovery.
              Yes, and today's Russia is not particularly different.

              Of course, make a coup, shoot a couple of other thousand local, it’s easier of course.
        2. -1
          10 December 2018 19: 32
          Under the guise of grain, you can import anything there)
          1. 0
            10 December 2018 20: 01
            We are waiting for the Caribbean (Venezuelan) crisis - 2 belay
            1. +3
              11 December 2018 00: 30
              In Venezuela, the mess is just because of mattresses, well, they can’t pay money for their oil on foreign territory, the toad will strangle. Yes, and they always act in the same way, whether they succeed or not, therefore they strangle the country with sanctions, an embargo and bribery of the opposition, which, like us, are ready to sell their mother’s mother for money and grants, if only the soft spot was warm and the belly was full angry
            2. 0
              11 December 2018 17: 14
              Quote: Hypersound

              We are waiting for the Caribbean (Venezuelan) crisis - 2

              And he will, do not hesitate.
        3. 0
          12 December 2018 17: 27
          Ludwigych !! And have you screwed up !!! 1lard tons of grain. !!!. Yes, the entire Russian crop for 18 years120 mln tons .. And then about ...
      2. +20
        10 December 2018 17: 57
        Quote: svp67
        Let's wait when the United States leaves the INF Treaty, it seems to me that the appearance of our medium-range missiles may appear there too,

        Everything is calculated for this Sergey .. Putin immediately declared that the answer would be appropriate!
        let's remember Cuba and the Caribbean crisis ... What a howl in the world! It means that they can deploy offensive weapons on our borders, but Russia is taboo .. No, gentlemen, you still don’t know the cunning of the Russians. Now it’s easier for us than the USSR ..! Such surprises may surface if you conduct "conversations" and threaten us so haughtily ... negative
        1. +5
          10 December 2018 20: 05
          Quote: Spine
          .How it would not have happened to you all sideways ..

          Meehan said Meehan will do Yes !
      3. -4
        11 December 2018 06: 16
        -our medium-range missiles can happen there-

        If you regularly Madura to unfasten 7 billion dollars irrevocably, then he will allow once a year, without ammunition, a couple of the remaining Tu-160M ​​to land. For a couple of three days.
    2. +12
      10 December 2018 17: 53
      As always: Russian planes cause "concern", and their own - "everything is fine, according to plan." Here are the dreary hoopoes ... am
      1. +5
        10 December 2018 18: 02
        Do you want them to be delighted? good In fact, it’s like in a saying: if the enemy praises you, knowing everything is bad, and if scolding everything is good good good
        1. +5
          10 December 2018 18: 07
          Quote: StudentVK
          Do you want them to be delighted?

          And does that really happen? wink I am talking about the fact that they themselves are driving their strategists closer to the Russian border, but how the Swans flew to Venezuela - wow, what they are doing! Concern, however! Who knows: there are airfields in Cuba for receiving heavy aircraft? feel
      2. +4
        10 December 2018 18: 05
        Their concern warms the soul and under the spoon someone sucked, I’ll go to a sandwich with coffee to make a bang. laughing
      3. +2
        10 December 2018 18: 38
        Their planes scouts cut circles around Kaliningrad and the Crimea, rummage around, sniff out, look out, as written near our borders ... This is the norm according to their concepts ..
      4. +1
        11 December 2018 00: 36
        Quote: bouncyhunter
        As always: Russian planes cause "concern", and their own - "everything is fine, according to plan." Here are the dreary hoopoes ... am

        And we have long been concerned about the state base of Guantanamo in Cuba! They torture people there, keep them in prison without trial or investigation, and in general, someone asked the Cubans if they want to see a mattress military base on their island of freedom?
    3. +5
      10 December 2018 17: 53
      Quote: Samara_63
      The smart answer is the United States, but only there you need to place them on an ongoing basis ...

      Correctly. So that there is no coup in Venezuela, you need to stake out your presence there and it is advisable to conduct exercises with simulating a nuclear bomb strike on probable rebels or terrorists
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +4
          10 December 2018 18: 51
          The whole history of mankind is an almanac about how they are held in power by force and, if circumstances permit, then also with the help of foreign military men.
          1. 0
            10 December 2018 19: 07
            Give an example of at least one dictator who would be able to survive to death in old age and at the same time maintain the throne?
            1. +7
              10 December 2018 19: 15
              Quote: Henderson
              Give an example of at least one dictator who would be able to survive to death in old age and at the same time maintain the throne?

              General Franco is a Spanish fascist. In Portugal, Oliveiro Salazar - this is a stroke of shibanul.
              By the way, Franco came to power with the help of the Nazis and Nicho - the "world community" respected him.
              1. 0
                10 December 2018 19: 26
                Franco almost yes. But nevertheless, he did not hold on to pure strength, he had to listen to the people and do something for him.
                "From the mid-1950s, the" Spanish economic miracle "began, which took Spain from being one of the poorest countries in Europe to the level of a fully developed European country. In 1959, a stabilization plan was adopted aimed at liberalizing the country's economy. In the late 1960s, in Spain, political reforms began, a law on the press was passed and non-political strikes were allowed, local self-government was expanded, several constitutional laws were adopted that expanded the rights of citizens. "
                Salazar seems to be respected by the people too.
                To be with these characters, let them send foreign troops into their territory to suppress riots - a big question.
                1. +2
                  10 December 2018 19: 45
                  Quote: Henderson
                  To be with these characters, let them send foreign troops into their territory to suppress riots - a big question.

                  Franco did just that.
                  1. -1
                    10 December 2018 20: 04
                    No. Franco did not. Spain did not become an Axis country.
                    1. +1
                      10 December 2018 20: 14
                      Quote: Henderson
                      No. Franco did not.

                      Google the "Condor" legion, which has been carrying out massive bombing raids on cities, pure from the heart.
                      Quote: Henderson
                      Spain did not become an Axis country.

                      Google Blue Division.

                      Hitler about Spain:
                      “Since Spain really had nothing to contribute as a common contribution, I came to the conclusion that its direct intervention is undesirable”
                  2. -1
                    11 December 2018 06: 17
                    Thanks to caudillo, the whiskered Stalin received 60 tons of Spanish gold reserves.
                    1. +1
                      11 December 2018 10: 09
                      Probably spent more on the Spanish Republic than received?
            2. +1
              10 December 2018 19: 28
              it’s easier to name those who failed to do so, especially since the late Middle Ages ... well, the first who comes to mind is Charles V ...
            3. 0
              10 December 2018 20: 04
              Of those who relied on foreign military or simply authoritarian rulers? Just a lot of history in both.
              1. 0
                10 December 2018 20: 05
                Not just authoritarian rulers, but those who managed to maintain their power exclusively by force of arms.
                1. 0
                  11 December 2018 10: 01
                  Now in Bahrain, the local Sunni king is in power on Saudi bayonets. And then the local Shiites, of which there are most, wanted to expose him in the cold. I had to kill them a little by foreigners.
            4. 0
              11 December 2018 00: 39
              Quote: Henderson
              Give an example of at least one dictator who would be able to survive to death in old age and at the same time maintain the throne?

              Please Francisco Franco
        2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        10 December 2018 18: 53
        Accept Venezuela in the Russian Federation as a separate region. And pump oil.
        1. -4
          10 December 2018 19: 07
          For torment tormented to pay. Even without Venezuela, it rises in price every day.
          1. 0
            11 December 2018 06: 42
            Sovereignty is expensive.
    4. 0
      10 December 2018 18: 07
      Correctly! And God forbid, as in the late alliance, they helped to help for so, and for this almost did not take anything. Do you remember Cuba writing off debts not so long ago? And Vietnam? I’m not talking about Africa! I mean that in these matters you have to be approximately cynical, and thank you for not giving anything to anyone.
    5. +4
      10 December 2018 18: 13
      Absolutely agree. And to cover the airfield with S-400, "Armor" and "Torah". No banter, just in case
    6. +4
      10 December 2018 18: 46
      Quote: Samara_63
      but only there you need to place them on an ongoing basis ...

      Not Tu-160 needs to be placed there, but TU-22М3. Especially, given the development and testing of the X-50 rocket.
      1. -1
        11 December 2018 06: 19
        -Not Tu-160 should be placed there, but TU-22M3-

        They are left with a gulkin nose. One and a half combat-ready squadrons. If you unfasten Madura for 7 billion each, and even send transports with wheat, then Madura will give the go-ahead to place the Tu-160M. For a couple of three days.

        -, given the development and testing of the X-50 missile .-

        The song is long. Traditional emphasis on the motor.
    7. +2
      10 December 2018 19: 10
      there you need to place them on an ongoing basis

      They need to be covered, so you need layered air defense in the appendage with 400 shells of tori ...
    8. +2
      10 December 2018 19: 20
      Our base is needed there, base. With all the components of the shock group. soldier
    9. +2
      10 December 2018 21: 20
      Young people! I will always say, we have the most beautiful military equipment! Beauty killing for enemies!
    10. 0
      10 December 2018 22: 50
      Quote: Samara_63
      The smart answer is the United States, but only there you need to place them on an ongoing basis ...

      better on temporary ... there is nothing more permanent than temporary winked and write down in the contract "on a temporary indefinite basis" laughing
    11. 0
      10 December 2018 22: 55
      This is not against FSI, but against Papua New Guinea because they ate Cook. am
    12. 0
      11 December 2018 00: 23
      Quote: Samara_63
      The smart answer is the United States, but only there you need to place them on an ongoing basis ...

      Plus longer range iskanders and ground mobile platforms with calibers soldier
    13. -1
      11 December 2018 04: 05
      need to place them on an ongoing basis ..

      One question: Why ???? Where are the cookies buried? It’s easier to just throw out tens of millions and 2 strategists from the budget. Less fuss.
    14. 0
      11 December 2018 09: 49
      And what problem can he solve there ???
  2. -2
    10 December 2018 17: 48
    What kind of boil? They are still without weapons ....
    1. +3
      10 December 2018 18: 00
      Quote: rruvim
      What kind of boil? They are still without weapons ....

      And who knows all this ..? Then Ilya transporters may come down and then the BDK, so by the way moor
      1. -3
        10 December 2018 18: 05
        Don't be ridiculous ... Nobody canceled the INF Treaty (part 28). Bye ... Tush-ki has an "empty belly" bully
        1. +2
          10 December 2018 20: 38
          Quote: rruvim
          The INF Treaty (Part 28) has not been canceled.

          The keyword "bye" is missing. laughing hi
          1. +3
            10 December 2018 23: 03
            It is "bye". I also wrote it (see above). But the treaty itself is very strange. People who know English cannot understand: what did they write and still sign in 1987? Reagan was already under "oncology", Gorbachev was simply a traitor. And the referents made up this. that no one still can figure it out.
            1. +1
              10 December 2018 23: 19
              Quote: rruvim
              And the referents made this up. that no one can still figure it out.

              So, is this not the main reason for the ardent desire of mattresses to stole this agreement? They could not catch all the nuances and stupidly decided that they would be thrown somewhere. laughing
              1. 0
                10 December 2018 23: 37
                I think stupidly not decided. Just "gonyalovo" ... For diplomats and idiots. Their ground "Aegis" in Romania and now in Poland are not missile defense systems, but conventional IRBMs. They can carry special raids. Our "Iskanders", if we are honest, can fly off a greater distance. than 500 km. and also carry "spetsboyad". The rest is Bazaars for diplomats.
              2. -2
                10 December 2018 23: 54
                When the Iskanders were deployed in the Kaliningrad region (in Konisberg), it became clear to everyone that this OTRK was a clone of the OKA RSD. The fool understands ... And this is really a real violation of this agreement.
                1. +1
                  11 December 2018 00: 20
                  Quote: rruvim
                  The fool is clear ...

                  Well, here's a simple excuse: "What is your evidence?" Yes
        2. 0
          11 December 2018 09: 10
          And what does the INF? He kind of doesn’t limit aviation ...
    2. +5
      10 December 2018 18: 10
      Quote: rruvim
      What kind of boil? They are still without weapons ....

      Have you checked? Did they open and show hatches of bomb compartments for accompanying pilots?
      1. -2
        10 December 2018 18: 19
        Fuel consumption. Only... fellow
        1. -1
          11 December 2018 15: 03
          Have you checked your flight plan? And canceled refueling on the route?
          Quote: rruvim
          And in general the Earth is flat!
          Well, do not come close to the edge - your head will spin, you can fall over the edge.
      2. maw
        10 December 2018 18: 49
        On Monday morning, An-124 Ruslan and Il-62 of the Russian Aerospace Forces took the course for Venezuela.

        Not otherwise An-124 shovels for the construction of a canal in Nicaragua drove. fellow lol
        1. +2
          10 December 2018 18: 55
          No! A new airfield to do. Remember how the Cubans did the airfield in Grenada? True with the Kalash, just in case ...
      3. +1
        10 December 2018 18: 57
        The bombing did not open. I was not there! But a ruler and a pencil are available. Against the background of the map and by the sofa. And in general the Earth is flat!
    3. +1
      10 December 2018 18: 17
      Quote: rruvim
      What kind of boil? They are still without weapons ....

      Well, I guess they’ve already delivered ships laughing
    4. 0
      10 December 2018 22: 53
      Quote: rruvim
      What kind of boil? They are still without weapons ....

      well, if they have such kipish from "unarmed", then what will happen when he is "armed" ?? belay
  3. +1
    10 December 2018 17: 49
    Still to establish a technology for placing calibers on merchant ships ...
    1. +7
      10 December 2018 18: 06
      Club-K container plus modular weapons.
    2. +1
      10 December 2018 18: 11
      Club K is called) More than once at exhibitions, in particular, they showed at MAX)))) in YouTube, hammer in and watch a presentation video.
      1. -3
        10 December 2018 18: 32
        Only there is a minus. All ships in the civilian fleet, practically all ships, are registered with the Lloyd Insurance Company in England. It is a law, like the dollar is an international currency system. A weapon container cannot be on a civilian ship. Except in special cases. When Container Ships, Rollers and Lichters of the United States withdrew from the Lloyd's Treaty to deliver military supplies (for example, to Vietnam). Well, then the lawyers of "lines" closed (temporarily) contracts with the insurer. In modern Russia, there are practically no ships that are not associated with this treaty, except for the ships of the Navy. But placing a container with "calibers" on a warship is stupid.
        1. -1
          11 December 2018 15: 10
          Who is stopping sending the container from point A to point B? The carrier may not necessarily know the contents of the container. Remind me how many times containers with reconnaissance equipment were sent across the territory of the USSR that took a bunch of data along the road (at least they tried)
    3. +4
      10 December 2018 18: 20
      Still to establish a technology for placing calibers on merchant ships ...

      Here is one? (from 4 minutes) laughing
      1. +3
        10 December 2018 19: 12
        Quote: ioan-e
        ... like this? (from 4 minutes) laughing

        ... Now they will have an attack of paranoia, they will start shaking all their terminals laughing

        ... they will last long fellow
  4. +7
    10 December 2018 17: 49
    Again worried hearted! We are just visiting good friends, and if they accept them well, you can stay! Yes And let the Yankees stay under Vilnius ... Yes
    1. -1
      10 December 2018 18: 12
      Of the local prostitutes protest) Tough and tactless, beat, etc.)))))
  5. +4
    10 December 2018 17: 52
    And what about transporters? Special forces or missiles with a nuclear warhead?
    1. +2
      10 December 2018 18: 54
      Tsar bomb
    2. 0
      10 December 2018 21: 02
      Quote: Samara_63
      And what about transporters? Special forces or missiles with a nuclear warhead?

      From Kassad: "... Il-62 and An-124 arrived with personnel and material and technical support."
    3. 0
      10 December 2018 23: 02
      Quote: Samara_63
      And what about transporters? Special forces or missiles with a nuclear warhead?

      humanitarian assistance winked and for what purpose are you interested in? Want more? send the car ...
  6. +2
    10 December 2018 17: 56
    .... Very, very, very interesting ... let's see what will happen next, while guessing ...
  7. +5
    10 December 2018 17: 56
    No, I understand, it is unpleasant for the pin dos niks to be close to our "strategists". Well, we also don't get high when they bustle around our borders. Indeed, at the NATO exercises that took place not long ago, they used a couple of B-52s, which were specially brought from Pin Dosii. So catch the "answer". laughing
    1. 0
      10 December 2018 18: 02
      Exactly! "Where it clicks there and backfires"
    2. 0
      10 December 2018 18: 14
      Well so) Allaverds so to speak! They are like those two raguls: let's go beat Muscovites! Let's go ... And if they start to beat us? And us for sho ????? belay
      1. +1
        10 December 2018 18: 23
        Mirror answers are the norm! But I would like to see a "knight's move" that's somehow not predictable for the USA
  8. 0
    10 December 2018 17: 59
    the more the pantigon is concerned, the more pleasant it is lol they need only to worry forever, it shortens life, and, very much.
  9. 0
    10 December 2018 18: 00
    On an ongoing basis, it will not work, but combat duty is quite real. Tremble adversary.
  10. +1
    10 December 2018 18: 01
    Yeah, then we met, carried out. A significant escort however .. Respect .. smile
  11. -10
    10 December 2018 18: 01
    I think so for the "cache" flew. And Carcasses will circle over Caracas reminding Maduro that the loot must be returned in time. Only here is not enough one "Ruslan"? Or maybe Maduro wants to pay off with his "tugriks"? Then the entire BTA fleet will have to be used ...
  12. +2
    10 December 2018 18: 06
    Not to Cuba! What are they pinched? Or from the mere thought of the TU-160 lay bricks?
  13. +1
    10 December 2018 18: 39
    The demonstration is good! More often it is necessary ..
    Better is the base, there, or in Cuba .. BUT, "optimizers", however ... (
  14. 0
    10 December 2018 18: 46
    Today's visit of Russian strategists of Tu-160 to Venezuela is already third with 2008 years.

    10 September 2008 years two Tu-160 bombers made a flight from their base in Engels to the Libertador airfield, using the Olenya air base in the Murmansk Region as a jumping airfield. The flight from the intermediate landing site in Olenegorsk to Venezuela took 13 hours. There were no nuclear weapons on board the aircraft, but there were training missiles, with the help of which the combat use was practiced. In Venezuela, aircraft made training flights over neutral waters in the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean. Both bombers returned to the location of September 19 2008 of the year.Либертадор(аэродром)

    In accordance with the combat training plan for Long-Range Aviation, two Tu-160 strategic missile carriers rose from Engels air base in the Saratov Region, flew over the Pacific Ocean and 28 2013 October, the landed in Venezuela.
    The rocket carriers flew over the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the eastern Pacific Ocean, along the southwestern coast of the North American continent and landed in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Macetiàia airfield.
    In addition, two Tu-95MS strategic bombers provided radio communications in remote areas between control centers involved in the mission. According to the Ministry of Defense, aircraft flew over ten thousand kilometers.
    The flight duration was about 13 hours, reports RIA Novosti. During the flight over the territory of Norway, the missile carriers accompanied two F-16 fighters, raised from the Bude air base. The Russian military department noted that all flights of the aircraft of the Air Force of Russia were and are being carried out in strict accordance with the International Rules for the Use of Airspace.
    In addition to the two Tu-160 strategic bombers, the transport aircraft An-124 from the 224-th flight detachment of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Il-96-300 from the SLO Russia arrived in Venezuela.

    On the way back, our Tu-160 paid a visit to Nicaragua 31.10.2013:
    In accordance with the combat training plan of the Russian Air Force Long-Range Aviation, two Tu-160 supersonic strategic bomber-bombers made a flight from the Maiketia airfield of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the Managua airfield of the Republic of Nicaragua.
    The flight passed over the neutral waters of the Caribbean Sea, after which the aircraft entered the airspace of the Republic of Nicaragua and made a planned landing.
    Aircraft covered a distance of more than 2,5 thousand km. The flight duration was about 3 hours.

    Moscow. 10 December 2018g. INTERFAX.RU - Two fighter jets of the British Royal Air Force "Typhoon" on Monday took off from the Lossiemouth airbase in Scotland to escort Russian strategic Tu-160 bombers flying over the North Atlantic in a southwest direction, follows from the monitoring data of Western aviation resources.
    According to them, two Russian missile carriers in the 11: 00 Moscow time area flew to the northwest of Scotland. At the same time, it is alleged that, judging by their course, strategic bombers are flying to Venezuela.
    1. +3
      10 December 2018 20: 57
      From Kassad. "2 strategic missile carriers Tu-160 flew to Venezuela and landed at Maiketia international airport"

      "Together with them, Il-62 and An-124 arrived in the country of the victorious Bolivarian revolution with personnel and material and technical support."

  15. 0
    10 December 2018 18: 50
    the Americans have already crap everything there. Well and pralno, let them know that in the event of a mess over a puddle, it won’t work
  16. +4
    10 December 2018 18: 50
    it seems like just a flight of two strategists .. but how pleasant it is to read it) I am waiting for the call of two "Boreys" in the port of Havana !!
    1. +3
      10 December 2018 18: 52
      yes .. and Kantemirov’s tank in Managua .. for the fight against drug trafficking ..
  17. +1
    10 December 2018 18: 53
    Do not worry Americans, this is for your safety. This is all against Mexican drug dealers.
  18. -2
    10 December 2018 19: 09
    According to the Pentagon, two strategic bomber Tu-160 must fly from a Russian air base and arrive in Venezuela to participate in a series of exercises, including refueling at long distances. The US Department of Defense promised to closely monitor the flights of Russian strategists, as they "are capable of striking the United States with cruise missiles.

    I understand that hurray-patriots who shout - "you need to shoot down everything that flies near our borders" will minus me here. The question is, how will they react to the fact that the Yankes decide to act with our strategists according to their scenario? hi
    1. +1
      10 December 2018 19: 30
      in general this is a declaration of war ... according to the doctrine ...
  19. 0
    10 December 2018 19: 34
    Generally some SHOW. Two Tu flew to Caracas, President Maduro, to Moscow. The whole theme of Venezuela is lost. Even initially.
  20. 0
    10 December 2018 19: 40
    An article in the newspaper, a dummy, a set of phrases pulled out of the original, was dragged onto VO.
  21. +1
    10 December 2018 19: 41
    ...... "You can’t even compare the Tu-160 aircraft equipped with X-55, X-555 and X-101 missiles, and the aircraft that we hope to receive by 2030 ... From this article
    1. 0
      10 December 2018 20: 11
      PACK YES? Well, I don’t know, Carcass is even better in something. The new one will not even be supersonic)
  22. 0
    10 December 2018 20: 55
    Already in Venezuela, two Tu-160, An-124 and Il-62.
  23. 0
    10 December 2018 21: 05
    Quote: Metallurg_2
    Well, since the times of the USSR, this means precisely "give".
    Now just these gifts to all Papuans and narrow-eyed have to write off due to the impossibility of recovery.
    Yes, and today's Russia is not particularly different.

    Investments are fundamentally different from "gifts". In this case, this means that Russian companies will participate in projects. under which money is invested. hi
  24. 0
    10 December 2018 21: 14
    Well, how flew so back and fly. We need a full-fledged military base in Venezuela.
  25. 0
    10 December 2018 21: 48
    In my opinion, the base there is not a very idea, too distant probable TVD and in which case it is extremely difficult to come to their aid, but "plant a pimple" on the nose of probable partners is priceless. and the very fact of their arrival there is extremely instructive for pussies
  26. -2
    10 December 2018 21: 54
    Venezuela is a complete project. It would be better to think about the Outskirts.
  27. +1
    10 December 2018 22: 30
    Fear, Fear, Omerokans
  28. +1
    10 December 2018 23: 08
    What a beauty! It's expensive to see! What kind of aircraft we have built and are building - it takes pride!
  29. 0
    10 December 2018 23: 10
    The Pentagon is concerned about the flight of Russian strategists Tu-160 to Venezuela

    What, scary?)) It’s right that you are afraid, jackals should be afraid))
  30. 0
    11 December 2018 00: 40
    Now let the Americans scratch their turnips, let their stupid things hurt now and why did the Russians roll so close to their borders and conduct joint exercises
  31. 0
    11 December 2018 02: 39
    Meanwhile, Western media reported that British and Norwegian fighters have already flew to escort two strategic bombers Tu-160 of the Russian Aerospace Forces - RF-94100, bearing the name "Nikolai Kuznetsov", and RF-94108 - "Vladimir Sudets"
    Any king should always have his own retinue, i.e. (servants)
  32. 0
    11 December 2018 04: 53
    )) one remains .. the other replaces it)) as there partners))) such as rotation should)) and the mustache will be good))
  33. +1
    11 December 2018 12: 30
    Are the States not concerned about their destroyers in the Black Sea? Accept your rules.
  34. 0
    11 December 2018 12: 50
    This is Russia defending America from Iranian missiles,
    the base of which the Pentagon established in Poland near the borders of Russia.
  35. 0
    11 December 2018 18: 13
    Why are they worried then? Ahhhh forgot ... we are threatening everyone, we have more than 700 bases around the globe, and the US is only defending itself.
  36. 0
    12 December 2018 03: 33
    sponsors of terrorism in the State Department!
    And it pleases !
  37. 0
    12 December 2018 05: 23
    Oh, I could not restrain myself ... sorry in advance, Lord, but what do they have, what kind of Magazine Whores are in the press release? after all, it can be harshly in "Army": "Our funds have been detected \ (alternatively) \ Through our agents it became known. We raised the duty unit, escorted, did not violate the airspace. \ The crews returned to their bases." But there is no any sneeze, they inflate almost into a world fire, well, really, I don't want to read the news because of the stupidity not of journalists, but a "journalist" ... IMHO everything, sorry for the frankness. hi