The feat of the Russian infantry in World War II

The USSR accounted for almost half of all casualties during the Second World War. In addition, the country suffered the greatest material damage: 1710 cities and towns were partially or completely destroyed, more than 70 000 villages and villages with a social and industrial infrastructure. In total, the country lost about 30% of its total national wealth. In the total volume of the destroyed national wealth of the warring European countries, the share of the Soviet Union was at least 50%. Not one, in any case, a European power, having suffered such material and human losses, having experienced such a moral shock, could stand against the power of Nazi Germany. And the USSR was able and in many respects to this is the merit of ordinary Soviet people at the front and rear.

Almost of the military potential of Germany and its allies were directed against the USSR, and the losses of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front reached 75% of personnel and military equipment. The USSR was able to resist and achieve a triumphant victory, making a decisive contribution to the defeat of the aggressor and, in fact, destroying fascism. In contrast to all previous wars, World War II was notable for a new level of technology and technology for killing people, which in many ways led to such large losses.

The Second World War was a war of engines that were thrown at the extermination of people. In combat, and often punitive operations, tens of thousands of aircraft, mortars and powerful artillery systems, armored vehicles were used, massively used automatic weapon. In Germany alone, over the 3 years of the war (1942-1944), it produced about 80 combat aircraft, 000 tanks and 69 guns, most of which were used on the Soviet-German front. But the use of such an arsenal could not break the will of the Soviet people to resist, although it led to enormous losses both among military personnel and among the civilian population.
The feat of the Russian infantry in World War II

By 1941, the Wehrmacht was armed with the most high-tech and the latest weapons in the world. In fact, it even included high-precision artillery weapons. The case in point is the instrumental artillery reconnaissance, which was part of the German artillery units. The availability of high-quality radio communications, relevant professionals, meteorological support, mechanical computers, and unique optical and sound measuring devices made it possible to conduct virtually sniper fire (for those times) to kill. At the same time, the posts of visual optical observation were out of range of the response fire at a distance of 7-10 km. from our positions. Under standard meteorological conditions, the sound measuring service with high accuracy (even higher than from a spotter plane) determined the locations of powerful Soviet artillery at a distance of 6 km.

At the beginning of the war, the suppression of Soviet artillery and scattered hotbeds of resistance did not present any special problems for the Wehrmacht. It all came down to performing template operations. For example, 180 shells for 150 mm guns and 240 shells for 105 mm were allocated to destroy one Soviet battery. German gunners almost never went beyond this limit. The German command, even before the attack on the USSR, experimentally calculated that the use of precision artillery was more efficient and economical than the use of aviation.

Excellent radio communications allowed the Wehrmacht to coordinate the routes of motorized infantry and tanks, high-speed aircraft and accurate firepower, implementing in practice lightning-fast strategic operations. Everything was done quickly and according to plan. The result of the strategic advantage was the endless "boilers" into which entire Soviet armies sometimes fell. In addition to the technical advantages, the Wehrmacht used the miscalculations of the highest Soviet command. One of the causes of the 1941 disaster was the weak analytical work of Soviet military experts who could not learn from the Polish or French German company.

At the same time, the first months of the war on the Eastern Front also showed the weaknesses of the Nazis. So, the German infantry without the support of artillery, tanks and aircraft, which the Germans, by the way, still did not have enough, left alone with the Russian infantry, could not solve the tasks assigned to it. The Nazis lost the battle in the woods, night battles, sniper duels. Specialists today are aware of the casualties of the German infantry. The average German company (about 100 people) lost around 3 thousands of people killed and wounded in the first 1,5 year of the war. The average life of a German infantry soldier at the front was 75 days. Germany simply did not have the strength to compensate for these losses.

Already decades after the end of the war, the German commander Eike Middeldorf, being in the rank of lieutenant colonel of the army of the Federal Republic of Germany, published the book Tactics in the Russian Campaign, which, according to Western historians and our military experts, is considered a fairly objective source. In this book, Middeldorf paid great attention to Russian soldiers: "Russian soldier - master of battle in the forest. Russian troops have the ability to move on any terrain, off-road. They fight for every meter of territory and can go without supplies for days. If in the summer and autumn of 1941, we surrounded and destroyed Russian units that were tactically poorly prepared and did not have combat experience, then at the beginning of winter 1941, the Russians were able to master the skills of defense". For example, by the end of 1941, Soviet troops began to use defensive tactics using backward slopes of hills, equipping positions out of sight of German observers.

In many ways, the failure of the Blitzkrieg was due precisely to the courage and resilience of the infantry units of the Red Army, which, in fact, with small arms and hand grenades opposed the latest German developments in the field of armaments. According to Middeldorf, the role played by the national character of the Russians is the ability of the soldier to endure, endure and die in his rifle cell. All this was very important for the organization of a fierce and stubborn defense.

There is a lot of evidence about how the Russian infantry fought. For example, many people know the feat of 28 Panfilov heroes or defenders of the Brest Fortress, Stalingrad and Sevastopol. This is how he recalls how Russian infantry Lev Maydanyk, who was a participant in the fighting in the vicinity of Kharkov in 1942, fought. "They walk in silence, in quick steps. They are coming closer, and we are also pouring into this stream of people. It’s hard to determine how many of us are in this crowd, maybe 500, maybe 1000 or even more. It is clear that people will go right through, as has already happened in our front-line practice, but in simpler cases of the environment. Even tanks retreated from the path of an angry mob. German tankers knew that there would be a fighter in the crowd with an anti-tank grenade or an incendiary bottle. The crowd destroyed on their way the German machine-gunners and machine gunners, while suffering heavy losses. German soldiers knew about it and were justifiably afraid of the troops making their way out of encirclement, as they were afraid of frost, night battles and dense forests.". The Soviet infantry suffered enormous losses, killing tens of thousands in the "cauldrons" while restraining the pace of the German offensive, winning valuable time for the country.

Soviet soldiers fought bravely and were capable of self-sacrifice. The feat of Private Alexander Matrosov, who with his body closed the embrasure of the German DotA, became a textbook, becoming a stable expression in the Russian language. In total, during the Great Patriotic War, more than 400 people made such a feat. The difference between the Soviet and German soldiers was how they reacted to the airstrikes. The Soviet fighters at the appearance of dive-bombers Ju-87, often met them with fire from all types of small arms. Even if they did not shoot down the plane, they could cause him damage or beat him, after which it could take weeks to fix all the faults. There are also cases when storming German aircraft were shot down by anti-tank guns. In turn, the German soldiers during the attacks of the Soviet Il-2 attack aircraft simply lay down at the bottom of the trenches and prayed.

Over time, the skill and ability of Soviet soldiers only increased, but the Wehrmacht fighters became hostages of their bureaucratic system. The Germans were fighting strictly according to the regulations. As a result, the Red Army soldiers in the second half of the war could easily determine how the enemy would fight and where his strongholds would be located. The most important thing was that every German soldier literally with his mother's milk absorbed the strict observance of command orders. As soon as the commanders disappeared, the German soldiers became hopeless. At the same time, behind some Soviet soldiers, there were battles in the environment, which required non-standard actions and independence of decisions made from them.

According to Eike Middeldorf, the Russian soldiers extremely quickly learned a lesson from the first stage of the war and fully adapted to the German plan of warfare. The Russian soldiers in the 1944-1945 of the year acted and followed the same methods that the German army used in the 1941-1942 years. At this time, the German "teachers" could not oppose anything to their capable "student."

Sources used:
Materials free online encyclopedia "Wikipedia"
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  1. Turanchops
    25 May 2012 09: 25
    Eternal Glory to All Involved in the Victory !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. surkov
      25 May 2012 10: 46
      And what is the meaning of this article, with so many "blunders"?
      1. The losses of the USSR were even more, taking into account at least 12 years of active preparation of the entire country for war. The country was turned into a military camp, where everything was directed towards the defense industry. The author of the article, I hope, did not forget to include those who died in the HUNGOMA in the "losses"? Plus the complete defeat of the cadre of the Red Army in the first 3 months of the war!
      2. No need to fantasize about "no one in the world could stand this!" These are just completely unfounded assumptions.
      3. USSR riveted weapons before WWII, more than anyone else in the world - draw conclusions
      4. The Wehrmacht did not possess the most modern weapons by 1941! What kind of fairy tales? Just the USSR — at the cost of the life and well-being of its citizens, possessed most of the latest weapons, which, unfortunately, far from everyone had mastered and studied!
      5. What kind of "scattered centers of resistance" in the USSR are we talking about? We were preparing exclusively for defense! Or not really? Is this how Stalin-Koba prepared the country for war?
      6. The Germans were told about the losses, they were modestly silent about their losses, just like in a sezéria ... A Russian soldier threw himself into a meat grinder and spin as you want - therefore, the losses are many times greater than those of the Germans. Human life and health - they didn’t cost ANYTHING with a kobe!
      1. 755962
        25 May 2012 11: 58
        Pick up the snot. If you have no brains, then what
        Quote: surkov
        semantic load

        Motherland is an empty sound for you! Although ... We speak "different languages." We were afraid of the Russians then, they are afraid now ...
        1. Kostyan new
          25 May 2012 16: 20
          run herd again ??? all of this happily happens .....
      2. George IV
        25 May 2012 12: 24
        You didn’t carry any semantic load in your 53 posts, so what do you want?
        People with your rating are already minus the machine.
      3. Pedro
        25 May 2012 13: 51
        Not everything you are right. For example, in radio communications and in general there was a complete lag. And this is the coordination of actions of all forces. The German MG machine gun is still used somewhere. Well, about the losses. The USSR fought with all of Europe. There were Romanians, Italians, Hungarians and even the French. If everything is put together, then the losses will be approximately equal. Although, without a doubt, human life under Stalin was worthless.
        1. borisst64
          25 May 2012 15: 12
          Quote: Pedro
          human life under Stalin was worthless.

          This is you SALZHENITSINA read. All the spiteful critics of Stalin cannot answer the simple question - why all the Soviet people who lived during the time of Stalin still idolize him, including and those who were in the camps?

          About losses, everything is correct, rarely does anyone follow logic when counting. At the fronts we lost close in quantity, but millions of our civilians were killed.
          1. Kostyan new
            25 May 2012 16: 21
            Stalin Judas, a snitch and a traitor of his ...... burn in hell ....
        2. matolyan
          26 May 2012 09: 03
          She still costs nothing !!! Nothing has changed, only the country of Stalin was a power and a winner !!!
      4. +9
        25 May 2012 15: 14
        Whoever has washed your brains so poorly, you are already choking with delight, shouting at homeland ... while reveling in your rotten liberalism. Shake your head, finally jump, shake your brains all of a sudden YOUR OWN thoughts will appear.
        1. Kostyan new
          25 May 2012 16: 22
          he does not groan but says that there was a nozzle ...... but by the way, you need to think about it .....
          1. 0
            26 May 2012 17: 32
            And it was there, what would I say what happened?
          2. Cadet787
            26 May 2012 22: 38
            You probably forgot that in our homeland during the Second World War every third person died, bow to our infantry and do not disgrace Belarus.
            1. Kostyan new
              27 May 2012 16: 02
              I don’t need to blame me here .... I respect the actions of our soldiers ... I say again ... they won despite everything .... especially our stupid commander .... they studied in the war .. with the blood of our soldiers .. think about it in this phrase ..... what insanity .... so what did they do before the war ?? hunk ate at the cottages ?? quite likely judging by the results of ...... agree that to learn the war in war .. not buzzing ... yes it's just rubbish .....
      5. +6
        25 May 2012 15: 19
        Dear Surkov, the train of your thoughts is clear. I agree that many mistakes were made by the leadership of the Red Army and the USSR in the first years of the war. But the speech in this article is not about the mistakes of the leadership and command, but about the fact that despite the mistakes and miscalculations, supply problems, "not a step back", penal battalions, etc., the Soviet wars survived, showed miracles of heroism and, ultimately , bent the fascists. Even if the figures in the article are less / more than the actual ones, this does not change the picture as a whole - the USSR suffered colossal losses, and above all in people. Of course, such losses could have been avoided, but we understand this now, when we can sit in comfort at the monitor, having access to a heap of information. And try to make a decision in the place of the commander, for example, a company that is surrounded? Or do you think it was not worth clinging to every meter of native land in order to gain time, even at the cost of the lives of many thousands and millions, in order to ultimately avoid occupation, so that in our days Hitler, after all his "deeds", would lie in a mausoleum in Berlin and everyone would bow to him. On the issue of losses, Hitler managed to "finally solve the Jewish question" for about 6 million people. If the Barbarossa plan were successful, do you think the population of the occupied territories would not have suffered the same fate? Of course you can tell me that the 6 million figure is not reliable .......
        1. Kostyan new
          25 May 2012 16: 24
          glory then glory .. no question .. and you would run like this on machine guns ??? xs ...
          1. SIA
            25 May 2012 16: 45
            You do not seem to understand that our fathers and grandfathers have won freedom for us.
            Now you live, nobody drives anyone with machine guns. Live and enjoy the peaceful sky above your head.
            1. Kostyan new
              26 May 2012 01: 25
              you will rejoice here .... the country and the crosses ...... would have left for a long time ..... but here the ancestors are all buried .... all of mine ..... it’s a shame to run away .. but it’s hard to live .... ... yeah ..... the dilemma ..... still the local police ... they have to pay all the time .. drink freaks .. security officers constantly come .... everyone to drink and unfasten the loot ..... go crazy here. ...
              1. Cadet787
                26 May 2012 22: 47
                Constantine Judah.
                You are a provocateur and in every line a lie, what kind of police and what kind of KGB you need rubbish rubbish, you are a disgrace to all Belarus, judging by the comments, you are a hereditary uninhabited policeman, lackey fascist.
                1. Kostyan new
                  27 May 2012 15: 38
          2. VlaSer
            26 May 2012 21: 02
            A similar question. Would you run to a machine gun? The question is difficult. I think, if not everyone, then at least a sane person asked this question to himself. I think that none of Us will be able to answer this question in the affirmative until he finds himself in such , or something like this situation. But there your whole insides will affect, you either choose death (in the name of the Motherland, or mother, or your children), or life (I think after that you will spend the rest of your "selfish" life joylessly (unless of course not complete moral) There is no definite answer to such questions.
            1. Kostyan new
              27 May 2012 15: 44
              Of course I wouldn’t run ... why ??? it would be razed to the ground by artillerymen ..... running a machine gun is stupid .....
        2. +2
          26 May 2012 17: 45
          I agree with you.
          Quote: bazilio
          And try to make a decision in the place of the commander, for example, a company that was surrounded?

          It is he (marmots) at the computer who can "analyze with a professional eye", save, sleep and TRY this plan of action at breakfast. But in an extreme, deadly situation, there is no time, and the time is completely different. maybe vice versa. And everyone wants to live. Always. This is where the mood depends. Survival will not work on fear. It fetters, first of all, the intellect, the brain.

          Quote: borisst64
          answer the simple question - why all the Soviet people who lived during the time of Stalin still idolize him

          And here is the answer surkov. Show your logical and "correct" thinking. Make you respect your point of view. If you can’t, then gnaw on the "stale" gnawed under the blanket. And do not snort, the place near ...... is full.
          1. Kostyan new
            27 May 2012 15: 46
            .. what kind of baby talk ..... the country feeds and drinks this parasite all the time of peace .. and its task is only to train yourself and teach your soldiers .. this is his job ..... and what we see ... commander dismissed the snot and does not know what to do .. so why the heck is it fed then ???
      6. Kostyan new
        25 May 2012 16: 19
        he said everything correctly .... the article sucks .. what is described there .. how we paved the way to Berlin with corpses ... how we ran in herds on machine guns ... the article sucks ..... nonsense .....
      7. Dimon Lviv
        25 May 2012 23: 33
        "Those who died in the HOLODOMOR" - forgive me, but WHEN was the famine, during the war, before or after it? Can you bring military losses to the USSR and, for example, all those killed on the roads of the country, say, in 1935?
      8. +3
        26 May 2012 09: 33
        losses are many times greater than those of the Germans

        Where did you find "TIMES"? Please inform the sources of information without excessive pathos.

        The Wehrmacht did not possess the most modern weapons by 1941

        Yah? Manstein, Guderian, Doenitz, Kesselring thought differently. What they wrote about in their memoirs
      9. Opertak
        26 May 2012 11: 58
        surkov, you're lying like Trotsky!
        1. And did the USA include the results of the American famine of 1932-1933 in the losses of World War II? No, otherwise their losses would not have been 400, but would have been equal to ours - 000 million people (see US population statistics or type the Holodomor in Google America). On the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War, 8 million of our soldiers and Germans were killed, about the same number, and we can only blame the fact that when we entered Germany we didn’t cut out all their civilians, they could be a moral freak and a donkey fight.
        2. You tell the French to ALL of Europe as well - they will laugh at you :)) France and its allies exceeded fascist Germany in everything - in l / s, tanks, aviation, plus the Maginot line, and shook Europe for it in 6 weeks.
        3. That is why in 1941 in the militia there was one rifle for three :))
        4. At the expense of modern Wehrmacht weapons I will not say, but his weapons were tested by the war in Europe, and this is the main thing on the battlefield. But we were forced to eliminate shortcomings during the war and the mass evacuation of factories. And we won, because our engineers were more talented, technologists are BIGGER, and our 12-14-year-old boys, who got up to the machines instead of their fathers who went to the front, turned out to be more skilled than the overweight German boobies.
        5. Yes, there were no outbreaks, the whole country turned into a single combat camp, and even in the rear the fascist could not sleep peacefully - how many divisions did the Germans keep in the rear to fight the partisans? :)) In the fall, chickens believe we counted on May 9, 1945, the result is known to the whole world: Germany is a bad chicken coop, and Hitler is a kid against Stalin.
        6. Losses are known to all. See point 1.
        PS I drive the trophy Oppel Astra and the St. George ribbon develops on it, the neighbor drives a Mercedes and it also has our flag. So, surkov, draw in the snot, learn history and envy us a miserable refugee.
        1. +2
          26 May 2012 16: 27
          [quote = OperTak] Hitler is a kid versus Stalin [/ quot)
          Greetings, Vladimir. I agree to all 100. Do not forget about the wise pre-war expansion of the western and north-western borders of the capital in the 39-40s.
          [quote = surkov] Plus, the complete defeat of the personnel of the Red Army in the first 3 months of the war! [/ Quote]
          And from the so-called personnel defeat of the Red Army, such commanders as Rokossovsky, Konev, Zhukov, etc.
      10. 0
        26 May 2012 21: 58
        Well, calm down, drink some water, wipe the drool from the screen.
  2. cobra66
    25 May 2012 09: 42
    Our soldiers were afraid for initiative and unpredictability everywhere
  3. sergiosenin
    25 May 2012 09: 46
    Glory to the Brave Heroes Winners of Fascism !!!
  4. Yoshkin Kot
    25 May 2012 09: 48
    Glory to the Russian Soldier!
  5. beech
    25 May 2012 09: 49
    Mind Russia can not understand
    Arshin common not to measure
    She has a special
    In Russia, you can only believe !!!
  6. +6
    25 May 2012 10: 31
    Never fight with the Russians. For each of your military tricks they will respond with unpredictable stupidity.
    Otto von Bismarck
    Unfortunately, in the first year of the war, the initiative did not smell like a soldier or commanders.
    But then, they began to improve.
  7. BAT
    25 May 2012 10: 50
    Glory to the Russian infantryman, who passed half of Europe and crushed the Nazi beast in his own den.
    The queen of the fields, the Infantry, on its shoulders endured all the hardships and horrors of that war. Low bow to you.
  8. FIMUK
    25 May 2012 12: 05
    the general meaning of the article is that the Soviet tank is not so terrible as its drunk crew (p.)
    -It would be nice to indicate such info about the Soviet side(The average life of a German infantry soldier at the front was 75 days. Germany simply did not have the strength to make up for these losses)-how much did the Soviet infantryman live.
    eternal glory to the Russian soldier who paid with his life for a liquid-communist paradise.
    1. +1
      25 May 2012 19: 36
      During the war there was a stereotype - a soldier lives 3 attacks.

      The topic of measuring battles for days is not our topic. The German soldier lived the same. Only food and ammunition had less and his generals were more experienced. And disasters like "Pavlov betrayed", the Germans did not commit, they had other general nonsense.
    2. beech
      28 May 2012 12: 49
      where are the Communists ?? Seen enough of Mikhalkov ?? the soldiers held on and died, not because the communists sent them to death, but because they fought for their homeland !!! This feat was, is and will always be, it is a feature of the Russian soldier to sacrifice himself: the Brest fortress held out until November, all died for their homeland. the boys in the Argun gorge all died, but did not give up even such examples, if tens of thousands are dug !!!
  9. vostok
    25 May 2012 12: 51
    Thanks to the veterans for the victory! Glory to the people of the winner!
  10. 0
    25 May 2012 13: 38
    Why in our country the government does not like its people and seeks to get rid of it like a ballast /
  11. Brother Sarych
    25 May 2012 13: 47
    The article caused only annoyance!
    A set of stamps only belittled the significance of the great victory of the Soviet people!
    Solid mistakes and inaccuracies - you want to write decent material, so work with the sources!
    The feat of 28 Panfilov’s was invented for propaganda purposes, then it was urgently necessary, but now it’s possible to write the truth - hundreds of thousands of unknown heroes, as they say, clung their teeth to the ground and kept the onslaught of the enemy, and in most cases no one will remember names , unfortunately ...
    Did the Germans pray at the bottom of the trenches? Apparently from their prayers thousands of Soviet planes were shot down and thousands of our tanks burned?
    The Germans were excellent soldiers, very initiative, the battered units seemed to gather very quickly again under the leadership of senior ranks, often simply initiative non-commissioned officers and soldiers, the management of the units was quickly restored - all this was possible thanks to the high individual training of the military, a victory over the German army was the hardest!
    One participant in the war wrote: The Germans loved, knew how and wanted to fight, and we fought as necessary ...
    And the name itself looks somewhat tendentious - and the gunners. tank crews. sappers, pilots and everyone else stood aside?
    1. -4
      25 May 2012 14: 02
      minusanu with pleasure!
    2. +6
      25 May 2012 23: 16
      Nifiga how many "patriots" are here! who believe that
      The feat of 28 Panfilov’s was coined for propaganda purposes

      And a little time will pass, they will plus such throws:
      "The feat of the Pskov paratroopers was invented"
      "The feat of the Berdsky special forces of Bezginov's group was invented"
      then it was urgently necessary, but now it’s already possible to write the truth
      it is YOU, and not the Americans, who are looking for such a "truth" and on this "truth" of yours the youth grows ... who reads and thinks-Oh, it turns out all this is propaganda ...
      And the name itself looks somewhat tendentious - and the gunners. tank crews. sappers, pilots and everyone else stood aside?

      IN THIS ARTICLE, a person writes specifically about the infantry and does not belittle the merits of other people ... with the same success you can go to any article (recently there was a WWII scout) and blurt out, why just about intelligence and did not write about tankers and infantry? is it "tendentious" they stood aside chtoli?
  12. Spartak
    25 May 2012 15: 44
    Infantry - Queen of the Fields !!!!
  13. Kostyan new
    25 May 2012 16: 26
    yes the article is complete nonsense and sucks .. for blunt little horses .... neighing ......
  14. Num lock U.A.
    25 May 2012 17: 49
    some very messy article ... the general meaning is "they threw hats at the beginning", and then, when the shortage of "hats" began to be felt, they began to fight more skillfully,
    Yes, it’s only a little like the truth
  15. +1
    25 May 2012 19: 09
    That's right, I subscribe to every word. It’s bitter that our country suffered such losses, we lost the best gene pool, and most importantly People. Will Russia recover, is that the question? In my opinion, this is not yet visible. But how I want to make a mistake! PS There are newsreels where an old woman baptizes after a passing column of our soldiers, my heart is already setting.
  16. wow
    25 May 2012 21: 03
    Eternal Glory and Memory to those who died in the Great Patriotic War !!! Recently I read that of the born men from the 23rd year, by May 1945, less than 3% remained alive! Well, God forbid, you have to finish it all !!!
  17. 8 company
    26 May 2012 01: 29
    I agree with the opinion that the article is rather chaotic. Despite its name, infantry is spoken of little and superficially, but a lot of space is given to German artillery. The author ran through the tops of many topics without seriously touching more than one. Middeldorf’s book was cited well, but much more could be said about the actions of the Soviet infantry by both German and Soviet experts. And the infantrymen themselves, who survived, could be quoted - there are wonderful memories of veterans. In short, if the article is revised and supplemented, it will take on a much more serious form. I wish the author success!
  18. CC-18a
    26 May 2012 11: 18
    The author of the article reminded us of the feat of our ancestors, simply reminded us, without going into details, and other materials that will weigh in millions of pages that you will not read from the bottom. So fall off the author, he wrote what he wrote and only because he wrote it praise and honor to him!
  19. +3
    26 May 2012 11: 26
    Quote: surkov
    No need to fantasize about "no one in the world could stand this!"

    This is not a fantasy, my friend, but a harsh reality. Let me remind you - in the 1939 year under Halkin-Gol, our army dealt with the Japanese over the 2 weeks as kindergarteners. America, together with England, fumbled with Japan for 4 of the year, even nuclear bombs did not help. While the Russian soldier did not come to Manchuria and again with the Japanese as with children he did not finish.
    One can only guess how the Allies were going to slaughter with the Germans. If you read the memoirs of German generals about the Western Front and about how the 5 German Tigers got rid of hundreds of English tanks, then in general it just becomes a pity for the Allies. Yes, sobzniki already knew that they were nobody against the Germans, therefore they entered Europe when the Germans drove the Germans back at a frantic speed.
  20. sania1304
    26 May 2012 12: 17
    Could you now?
  21. +2
    26 May 2012 15: 28
    The topic is like a litmus test, how many liberal scum immediately floated. In your existence and poisonous hiss there is only one meaning - that means the enemies are still afraid of the Russians!
  22. Wolkin
    26 May 2012 15: 33
    OperTak -You are a plus from me!
    I allow myself to somewhat disagree about the militia.
    3. That is why in 1941 in the militia there was one rifle for three :))

    In A. Isaev's book "Five circles of hell. The Red Army in" cauldrons "(" Yauza "" Eskimo "2011) on pages 267-274 tells in detail about the actions of the militia in the fall of 1941.
  23. jury08
    26 May 2012 17: 20
    But what about the Russian infantry! My grandfather, Belarus, also went on the attack!
    1. +2
      26 May 2012 17: 27
      And Belarusians - is that non-Russian?
  24. jury08
    26 May 2012 19: 29
    I do not consider myself a Belarusian-Russian! And my grandfather did not count!
    1. +1
      27 May 2012 04: 58
      Quote: jury08
      But what about the Russian infantry! My grandfather, Belarus, also went on the attack!

      Your grandfather would have looked like such a statement on the top of your head until you got smarter!
    2. -1
      27 May 2012 20: 29
      What a misfortune! Yes, the Russians need you! We won’t be able to do without you. Blow off the lad.
  25. derk365
    26 May 2012 23: 30
    Mother is the infantry queen of the fields. I am proud of her
  26. jury08
    27 May 2012 21: 56
    And you don’t answer for my grandfather !!! How not to answer for Georgians, Armenians. Chechens and others who fought in the Red Army and then Sovetskaya — the victory was common to all the peoples of the USSR!
    1. +2
      17 June 2012 14: 14
      and you do not answer for all identity. And about the grandfather, don’t lie, the grandfather couldn’t - did the Belarusian understand himself not a Russian person? Ukrainians, Belarusians - Russian people, if you didn’t know, it should be a shame ... It was the Russian people who made a decisive contribution to the victory, nevertheless at that time any help from everyone was worth its weight in gold, there was a large multinational family and everyone fought with the enemy, helping the Russian people. Well, those who met Hitler on a white horse (Chechens, Crimean Tatars), Stalin exiled and evicted from their places of residence. And rightly and very humanely at that time he did it. At that time, human life wasn’t worth it - people were getting drunk from trains when our soldiers from Germany were returning, weapons were simple. And Stalin at that moment would simply be demolished by a crowd of front-line soldiers if he did not punish the traitors of the Chechens and Crimean Tatars, for all other nationalities fought honestly.
  27. +15
    4 November 2017 19: 56
    The feat of Vanika the platoon is unprecedented