The birth of the myths about the "Babi Battalion" (part 2)

Deception to defend the Winter Palace

The parade of the women’s battalion squadrons 24 of October 1917 of the year on Palace Square was received by members of the Provisional Government headed by A. Kerensky. Everything went smoothly, and the battalion at the end of the event went to the Finland Station. However, by order of Kerensky, the 2 company remained in the square near the Winter Palace. As explained, they were instructed to deliver barrels of gasoline from the Nobel plant, because the workers refused to do so.

The women volunteers of the 2 Company of PZHB who remained on Palace Square were among the defenders of the Winter Palace as a result of outright deception by the Provisional Government and military leadership. Of course, at that moment they did not know it yet. And, as they were taught, faithfully and meekly executed the orders and instructions of the authorities. This was demanded by the military oath of allegiance to the Provisional Government adopted on September 8.

The company commander, Lieutenant V. Somov, was ordered to send volunteers to build bridges: Nikolaevsky - a half platoon, Dvortsovy - half a platoon, and Liteiny - a platoon. The main task was to cut off the working-class districts from the Winter Palace. However, to execute the order even with the support of the cadets failed. Almost all bridges were captured by the rebels.

After that, all of the impactor were placed around the perimeter of the defense zone of the palace. Some of them were on the barricades erected by the cadets in front of the entrance to the Winter. Others were placed in other dangerous areas where it was necessary to restrain the attackers. The most detailed description of everything that happened from 24 to 26 of October was described in her memoirs in the collection “Volunteers” by junior non-commissioned officer M. Bocharnikova. She was at that time the commander of the 4-th platoon of the very 2-th company, which turned out to be in the center of events. Of certain value is the fact that Maria also was a member of the company committee and was more informed than other female recipients. However, one must also bear in mind the fact that she practically all the time was with her platoon as part of her half-company. She knew about what was happening in other areas of the palace’s defense, where volunteers from other platoons of their company were also involved, she only knew from the stories of other people. The headline of her memories remains a mystery: “In the women's death battalion. 1917-1918. And here the mention of the "death battalion", when, as you know, their military unit was called "1-th Petrograd Women's Battalion"? The word “shock” was not in its name, although female soldiers were often called drummers at that time.

The women's battalion was an 4-company squad. According to the military practice of the time, an infantry company usually consisted of 4's platoons, which made up two halves in pairs. So, the 1 th and 2 th platoons were in the 1 th half-company, and the 3 th and 4 th platoon made up the 2 th half-company. He headed half a company one of the chief officers of the company. In the 2 Company of the women's battalion, half lieutenants were commanded by lieutenants Verny and Podrementsev.

On the night of October 25, volunteers already knew that they had been left to protect the Provisional Government. Anxious tension passed the night in the palace chambers. Dozing, sitting on the floor and not letting rifles from their hands. Rows of defenders began to thin. Cossacks are gone. They left their positions along with the guns of the Junker of the Mikhailovsky Art School. Then the defenders of the Winter Palace lost several armored cars, who hijacked the scooters who had left positions. Around 9 o'clock in the evening of October 25 received an order for the women's battalion to leave the palace and take up defense on the barricades. Later, closer to midnight, when the rebels penetrate the upper floors of the palace through the hospital, pass through the attics and through the service entrances, the resistance will become meaningless.

The birth of the myths about the "Babi Battalion" (part 2)

Volunteers laid down weapon among the latter

However, those who remained in their positions were cadets and shockwomen who stood firmly. “The company of the Women's Shock Battalion, beating firmly with one’s leg, as if it were a teaching,” recalled one of the defenders of the palace, Junker 2 of the Peterhof School of Ensign C. de Gailes, goes to take up a position on Millionnaya Street near the Hermitage. Apparently, the Junker in his memoirs, “The Storming of the Winter Palace” was mistaken in estimating the number of marching drummers as a company. The blockade of one street required a much smaller number of volunteers. However, this area was considered one of the most dangerous in the defense of the palace. The women's battalion beats off oppressive Transfigurations and Pavlovians there and still maintains approaches to the palace from Millionnaya Street. Some of the eyewitnesses noted that barricades of logs of firewood were arranged there, behind which the defenders of the palace were hiding.

From the memories of the participants in those events and according to information from open sources, it can be concluded that, in the literal sense of the word, it was not about storming, but about the capture of the Winter Palace by armed soldiers, sailors and Red Guards. Apparently, therefore, until about 1927, the Bolsheviks themselves often called the events of the fall of 1917 not a revolution, but the October coup. The whole process of capturing the palace as a symbol of the previous government was actively carried out with at least four waves of attack from the rebels beginning in the evening on October 25, and ended on the night of October 26 with the arrest of Ministers of the Provisional Government and the cessation of resistance by the defenders of the palace.

It should be noted that almost all the defenders of the Winter Palace noted the sluggishness and extreme disorganization in the actions of the head of defense P. Palchinsky in the period of October 24 and 25. In his notes, kept in the GARF, he, perhaps in his defense, pointed out the reasons that impeded the successful defense of the palace. There was no palace plan, and it was not possible to sort out the location of more than 1500 premises in a short time. There were no food reserves, calculated on the number of defenders. The confusion of the officers and the uncertainty of the actions of the junkers led to a drop in morale. The expected reinforcements from the front units did not arrive in the capital. The hasty appointment of a new head of defense to the head of the School of Ensigns of the Engineering Troops, Colonel A. Ananyev, did not help either. Time was hopelessly lost.

Approximately in 9 hours of 40 minutes in the evening there was a shot of a signal cannon from the Peter and Paul Fortress, followed by the cruiser Aurora with a single projectile. This was a signal for the rebels. After about 20-30 minutes, they went on the 2 attack, but the defenders of the palace beat off this attack. Volunteers loyal to the oath entered into their first battle not at the front, but in the center of the capital of Russia.

Bocharnikova later recalled: “this first battle, which we fought in absolute darkness, without knowing the situation and not seeing the enemy, did not make the proper impression on me. There was a consciousness of some kind of doom. There was no retreat, we were surrounded. It never occurred to the authorities that the authorities could order them to lay down their arms. ... Death did not frighten us. We all thought it was happiness to give life for the Motherland. ”

In 11 hours of the evening, shelling began again. The forces were not equal. After a while, all the leaders of the defense of the surrounded palace understood this. "Women's battalion back to the building!" - Swept through the chain. We go in the yard, ”recalled Bocharnikova, a junior non-commissioned officer,“ and the huge gates are closed with a chain. I was sure that the whole company was in the building. ” At this time, the company commander returned and reported that the Winter Palace had been captured and ordered to surrender their weapons. As you can see, the shock women of 2, the halfhairmen laid down their arms as one of the last defenders of the Winter Palace after the 11 hours of the evening of October 25. This was confirmed in his memoirs "In the Winter Palace 25-26 in October 1917 of the Year", published in the magazine "Past", the former Minister of Justice of the Provisional Government P. Malyantovich. “Someone entered,” the minister wrote, “and reported: the women's battalion had left; they said: “our place in positions, in war; not for this business, we went to the service. " The clock is close to midnight. However, it is not clear who exactly is from the female players, from what positions, from where and where did he go, if at that time the 2 half of the company was inside the palace.

In various sources, one can read that the female players left their positions even earlier - in the period from 7 to 10 hours of the evening, which does not correspond to already known facts. Although it should be noted that certain groups of volunteers in other defense sectors, it is quite possible that they were forced to surrender before general capitulation due to circumstances.

The rebels in different ways have already penetrated into the palace. They occupied the lower floors of the palace and rooms on the side of the Hermitage. In view of the senselessness of further resistance, the Ministers of the Provisional Government decided to surrender the palace and cease armed resistance. But only those to whom this order was communicated surrendered. Many remained in the dark and continued for a long time their hopeless battle with the many times superior forces of the rebels.

Day in a soldier’s barracks under arrest

Many years later, Bocharnikova learned that the team to retreat into the palace was not brought to the other half company, which was defending the entrance doors to the palace. Volunteers kept there until the last, even when everyone around them had already laid down their arms. Their further fate still remains a mystery. There were none of them among the arrested drummers headed by Lieutenant Podrementsev, who were later stationed in the barracks of the Grenadier Regiment. What is even more surprising, when the 2 half sleeper returned a day later to the camp to the location of its company, the 1 half sleeper volunteers were not there. They did not return to Levashovo and the following days. After all, when October 29 Red Guards disarmed the volunteers of the 2-th company at the place of deployment, there were only 150 people. This is despite the fact that, according to various sources, the number of only 2 semifolds arrested in the Winter Palace ranged from 130 to 141 people. In other words, at the end of October 1917, in Levashovo, there was actually only one half-company of the 2-th company of the women's battalion.

In the morning of October 27, the commander Lieutenant Somov and the commander of the 2 half company, Lieutenant Faithful, independently arrived at the location of the 1 th company. But even after that, the situation with the other half beings did not clear up. It is strange that no one attended to their fate and there was not even an attempt to search for them. There is no mention that the company, which had just left the battlefield and suffered serious losses, was visited by the battalion commander, Captain Loskov. The volunteers of other companies of the women's battalion did not even show feelings of female and military solidarity to their fighting friends. They sat down at the neighboring dachas occupied by their companies and were not interested in the fate of other female female players. This testifies to the fact that already at this time the women's battalion lost its combat capability and morale.

Estimates of the actions of women shock

Analyzing the above evidence and other information that is publicly available, several, sometimes, directly opposite, descriptions of eyewitnesses to the participation of volunteers in the defense of the Winter Palace can be identified. Some claim that the shock women kept to the end, fulfilling their military duty. They remained loyal to the oath and surrendered their weapons only on the orders of the authorities. Others argue that they themselves surrendered immediately after the Cossacks and junior artillerymen left, taking advantage of the storming of the palace that had begun. There is also a point of view that the company of the women's battalion fled at the first shots of the advancing. This option, apparently, was chosen as the most acceptable answer to the question about the participation of the female battalion women in the defense of the Winter Palace. Thus was born the Soviet myth of the “Bochkarev fools”, which for many years was part of the official historiography of the October events.

In our opinion, the above options are not different versions of the same event, but only some examples, of which specific people were possible eyewitnesses. The fact is that the battalion was distributed around the contour and sectors of the palace’s defense, sometimes at considerable distances from each other. Consequently, the volunteers performed the assigned tasks, most likely, in groups of different numbers.

And these groups could demonstrate both unparalleled courage and loyalty to military duty, and cowardice, supported by a sense of mortal danger and fear for their lives. The human factor is manifested in different ways in various dangerous and unusual situations. And the revolutionary events, as shown story, moving by spontaneous actions of large masses of people with little predictable consequences.

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  1. +9
    April 11 2018 05: 36
    Mdaaa ... what read the article and fully felt the insanity of the Provisional Government ... who threw women into battle ...
    The very fact of the participation of women in the massacre ... this is complete madness that swept the whole country ... dearly the Russian people paid for this feud.
    I think the blame for this lies entirely with the Russian government and hehe tsar-priest ... utter mediocrity.
    1. +1
      April 11 2018 08: 32
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Mdaaa ... I read the article and fully felt the insanity of the Provisional Government ... who threw women into battle

      In WWII, many, many more women fought. And not all volunteers at all. Both of them fought for their homeland.
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      The very fact of the participation of women in the massacre ... this is complete madness that swept the whole country ... dearly the Russian people paid for this feud.

      Forgot who started the massacre? The Bolsheviks were the first to attack the VP and the legitimate authority in many cities of Russia.
      Conscientious military personnel complied with the order to protect the Fatherland from attacking criminals.
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      I think the fault in this lies entirely with the Russian government and hehe tsar-priest ... utter lack of talent

      The Russian Cross and the year 91 are the result of "gifts." Under kings there was an opposite result
      1. +13
        April 11 2018 10: 04
        Olgovich (Andrey) Today, 08: 32 ↑ New
        In WWII, many, many more women fought. And not all volunteers at all. Both of them fought for their homeland.
        So olgovich didn’t erase himself, where would he be without his “authoritative” opinion? Let it be known to you that many more women fought in the Second World War for one simple reason, the whole people fought in the Second World War, including women, the elderly and children, because it was a question of the complete and total destruction of our people. Those. the war was popular and it was about the fact that either they are us, or we are them. And do not lie about the fact that not all were volunteers, but someone really mobilized, but this is normal practice for any country participating in the Second World War. We girls immediately after school went en masse to sign up for the front. Was it like that in WWI? Yes, they gathered a woman’s battalion of exalted girls who in the head instead of brains do not understand what happened and what? It was a rotten attempt by the rotten tsarist government to give the appearance of a “people's war” to the imperialist slaughter that your unfinished bloody Nikolashka got into. That war was by no means a popular war; there were neither partisans nor a massive influx of volunteers to the front. No, in 1914 they were drugged, who were told that it was a war for the "just" cause of the liberation of the Balkan "brothers", but this dope was quickly dispelled. So you lie like Trotsky, not respected, however, as always.
        Forgot who started the massacre? The Bolsheviks were the first to attack the VP and the legitimate authority in many cities of Russia.
        Lying again! What the hell is "legitimate authority"? Who in your brain managed to “legitimize” the interim government? And then, all these myths about the attacks, about the storming of the Winter Palace, are from the evil one. Here the Bolsheviks are guilty of having fanned this myth themselves. There was really no assault, or rather, there was an assault, only there was no one to storm. An incomplete Babsk battalion and a cadet recruited from the world a thread is all, no one else was going to defend your interim government. That is, they recruited again exalted women and young junkers who had a wind in their heads and who could not think independently and were allowed to slaughter. And those who were able to think independently, those and thoughts didn’t have to go to defend the idiots who, except blah blah, could not do anything and who managed to bring the country to complete ruin in less than 9 months. So again, in your style, you are trying to pull an owl on the globe of Ukraine to pull ... laughing
        You are not respected liar what to look for, however you are 3-5 cripples here for the whole head of the monarch, this is not a lot, which undoubtedly pleases.
        1. 0
          April 11 2018 11: 19
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          And don't lie that not all were volunteers, but someone really mobilized

          Didn’t jam anything? lol Those. the mobilized ones were also ... volunteers? fool lol
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          Was it like that in WWI?

          Such, you do not know the history of the country.
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          Lying again! What the hell is "legitimate authority"? Who in your brain managed to “legitimize” the interim government?

          ALL legalized, including the Soviets, Emperors, Ingosartars. Learn the history of the motherland!
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          all these myths about attacks

          Your VP attacked Smolny fool lol
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          You are not respected liar what to look for, however you are 3-5 cripples here for the whole head of the monarch, this is not a lot, which undoubtedly pleases.

          You, that is, an ignoramus, do not fulfill the covenants of a bald foreign tourist ("U, U, once again - U!"). Therefore fell into the ranks
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          t 3-5 cripples on the whole head

          alas. request
          Read the covenants! hi
          1. +8
            April 11 2018 11: 27
            I said your answer from the category itself fool . I did not see a single fact in your answer. Where are the mass recordings to the front of volunteers in 1915-1917 from old people to women and children ?! Huh? There were none and could not be. Where is the mass partisan movement in the occupied territories? Oh yes, these are the territories of eastern Poland, and which of the Poles are partisans? Rather, they would have fought for the Germans against Russia, right? And then for hell we needed Poland and Finland as part of the Republic of Ingushetia? Feed at the expense of the Russian people parasites? Olgovich, you love to scream so much that the USSR fed everyone, but not Russians, so what if you put your tongue in the fifth spot?

            In addition to stupid and incomprehensible unsubscribes, there is nothing in your comment that refutes my words. However, a liar always has nothing to tell the truth, except for the miserable bleating that the opponent does not know the story. Well, burn on, and I'll purely scream from your "mental" abilities ... laughing
            1. +1
              April 11 2018 11: 50
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              Where are the mass recordings to the front of volunteers in 1915-1917 from old people to women and children ?! Huh? There were none and could not be.

              You are illiterate, alas. Read Oleinikov, Polonsky at VO, there are many other sources.
              DO NOT BE ashamed to be an unlearned bummer?
              Cases of escapes of twelve to thirteen-year-old boys are far from singular, they stick to passing military echelons, trying to find support in this of soldiers and officers ...

              Here is another example: the wife of Major General Azikov petitioned "for the admission of her son Boris, sixteen years old as a hunter in the army, who returned after three years of life in Germany ... speaks German, can be of great benefit ...".

              The fourth-grade student of the Lublin men's gymnasium Dmitry Valetsky writes in a petition to the HIGHEST NAME about the enrollment by the hunter that he is ready

              Come face to face with the enemy

              In the open field

              And fall with the glory and name of a fighter.

              No higher on earth, more desirable

              In the world share.

              Pavel Uspensky, the son of the Advisor from Tver, who has not reached the military age, also writes about the desire to fight: “My brother, mechanical engineer, Lieutenant Pyotr Uspensky, died in the Tsushima battle with the battleship Oslyabya, another brother is a mechanical engineer in the service ...”.

              Many appeals in general from children and relatives who died in the Japanese War are often attached to petitions, drawn up in accordance with the applicable requirements, mother’s consensus notes.

              Other examples:

              Sixteen years old, the girl Claudia Uborshchikova from the city of Kazan turns to the High Command: “... I read in the newspapers about the war ... how the Russian Hero fight with enemies for the Tsar and for holy Russia ... I’ll go to war anyway, because that my parents blessed me to go to fight ... ".

              Kristina Martseva-Ozol from the city of Venden, the Skangal estate, Elena Vladislavovna Zakharek, a Muscovite from Khamovniki, are rushing to the front.

              On July 1, 1914, a telegram was sent: “The Great Sovereign Tsar, father, my five sons, aged 14 to 21, are ready to lay down their heads with me for you and Mother Russia. Your loyal nobleman Sergey Labutin. "

              There are many requests from young peasant women between the ages of 19 and 22, they have always been refused with reference to the corresponding order of the War Department, they could only count on the reception by the sisters of mercy, which did not suit everyone.

              And yet, women broke into the army. Here is a curious correspondence about this.

              The daughter of a hereditary nobleman Yulia Nikolaevna Melnitskaya, who lives in the Novgorod province (Dmitrievsky estate), turns to “Her Imperial Highness Grand Duchess Tatyana Nikolaevna”, while reporting that at the Headquarters of the 24th Infantry Division she “performed the duties of a telephone operator, laid the cable in combat conditions "; but then it was revealed that she was a woman sent from the army, asking for assistance in returning to the front.

              Quote: Varyag_0711
              In addition to stupid and incomprehensible unsubscribes, there is nothing in your comment that refutes my words.

              FACTS are given on the legality of the EP.
              However, I do not know and
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              a liar always has nothing to tell the truth except pathetic bleating

              Quote: Varyag_0711
              I'm pure screaming

              You still and
              Quote: Varyag_0711
              ?! lol laughing
              1. +7
                April 11 2018 12: 16
                Olgovich (Andrey) Today, 11:50 ↑
                You are illiterate, alas. Read Oleinikov, Polonsky on VO
                Another bunch in a puddle, you would still bring me a rezun from Svanidze as a source ... laughing

                The rest is again in style itself fool and you don’t know the story. There were no mass records of volunteers and this war was not popular. You have never had any significant arguments other than references to obscure sources, for the reason that there was no mass recording of volunteers to the front. On the contrary, there were mass fraternities at the front, which were severely suppressed on both sides, and complete reluctance to fight and mass desertion from the front in whole units.
                All your arguments are from the evil one and, as always, not a word of truth. I repeat you are a LIAR !!!
                1. 0
                  April 11 2018 13: 02
                  Quote: Varyag_0711
                  Another bunch in a puddle, you would still bring me a rezun from Svanidze as a source.

                  Oleinikov, Polonsky is for you
                  Quote: Varyag_0711
                  a bunch in a puddle
                  ? You generally already .... fool
                  Quote: Varyag_0711
                  The rest is again in the style itself and you do not know the story. There were no mass records of volunteers and this war was not popular. You have never had any significant arguments other than references to obscure sources, for the reason that there was no mass recording of volunteers to the front. On the contrary, there were mass fraternities at the front, which were severely suppressed on both sides, and complete reluctance to fight and mass desertion from the front in whole units.

                  In addition to the empty CHAPTER, in response to the facts, you, alas, do not see anything.
                  If you again have nothing to say, do not fill the discussion with your garbage, t
                  Quote: Varyag_0711
                  LIAR !!!

                  1. +7
                    April 11 2018 13: 28
                    Olgovich (Andrey) Today, 13:02 ↑
                    Oleinikov, Polonsky is for you
                    Quote: Varyag_0711
                    a bunch in a puddle
                    in response to the facts
                    What are the "FACTS" ?! Where did you see the facts? Your "facts" from the world of the galaxy, no more.
                    Except the empty CHAPTER
                    That you yourself correctly noticed!

                    I repeat, you are a LIAR and you can’t reproduce anything but lies, except for even more lies, the pseudo-historians aki Oleynikov and Polonsky quoted by you!
                    1. 0
                      April 11 2018 13: 38
                      He asked: if there is NOTHING to say (look at your comment - an empty empty set of words) - do not litter!
                      Assert yourself otherwise.
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      Oleinikov, Polonsky is for you
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      a bunch in a puddle

                      Write it to the moderators. lol
                      Your swearing is not interesting to me.
                      1. +8
                        April 11 2018 13: 46
                        Olgovich (Andrey) Today, 13:38 ↑
                        Your swearing is not interesting to me.
                        Just like me your vysery. And in general, bored "girl", you are tired of me with your idle talk.
                        They wouldn’t write nonsense, I would not have to refute it.
                        P.S. Do not spit in Russia, it will be ruined by your spitting, but if Russia spits on you, you will drown.
                        Then go through the forest, bored with you ... negative
                    2. 0
                      April 12 2018 11: 06
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      Just like me yoursand vysery. And in general, bored "girl", you are tired of me with your idle talk.

                      So why get stuck in a conversation and write me an arena swearing? belay
                      You have no words, no knowledge, one empty chatter (garbage)
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      They wouldn’t write nonsense, I would not have to refute it.

                      You have not denied ANYTHING, you ... lol you can not!
                      Quote: Varyag_0711
                      I repeat, you are a LIAR and you can’t reproduce anything but a lie, except for even greater lies, the pseudo-historians aki Oleynikov and Polonsky quoted by you!

                      The husk again ...
              2. +1
                April 11 2018 19: 15
                Olgovich, I have already said that for me the government of Kerensky is no more legitimate than the government of Lenin. The Constituent Assembly could give legitimacy to the VP during that historical period, and since it had not yet been called up, only one of the Romanovs could be legitimate.
                PATRIOTISM HAS ALWAYS HIGH IN RUSSIA: in the days of the Batu invasion or in the war of 1812, in WWI or WWII
        2. 0
          April 11 2018 15: 06
          No, in 1914 there were stupefied people who were told that it was a war for the “just” cause of the liberation of the Balkan "brothers

          In WWI RI, she was not going to release anyone in the Balkans. You have a lot of confusion in your head about the story.
          1. +6
            April 11 2018 15: 58
            Quote: alatanas
            In WWI RI, she was not going to release anyone in the Balkans. You have a lot of confusion in your head about the story.

            Do not imagine yourself as the center of the Balkans. I remind you of the Serbs with whom you were on knives. In fact, the Republic of Ingushetia had to save some "little brothers" from other "little brothers."
            1. 0
              April 12 2018 13: 16
              In the 1914 year, the "imaginary center of the Balkans" did not fight with anyone, and RI, for some reason, "saved the little brothers" in eastern Prussia (before the defeat at Tannenberg) and in Galicia.
              Read the story and then speak competently.
        3. 0
          April 11 2018 18: 27
          Varyagu, let's formulate a little differently: we scored a handful of cadets and about 500 women: THE ONLY who remembers the Oath
      2. +3
        April 11 2018 15: 45
        Forgot who started the massacre? The Bolsheviks were the first to attack the VP and the legitimate authority in many cities of Russia.
        Conscientious military personnel complied with the order to protect the Fatherland from attacking criminals.

        The massacre began thanks to the king-rag, who, through his mediocre policies, brought the country to revolution.
        1. 0
          April 12 2018 11: 09
          Quote: Serge Gorely
          The massacre began thanks to the king-rag, who, through his mediocre policies, brought the country to revolution.

          Thanks Adam and Eve, yeah.
          Before the thief, there was no massacre.
      3. +4
        April 11 2018 20: 43
        Who issued the “legitimate authority” to the interim government? They did the same thing in February.
        you got literacy from the Bolsheviks. You know how to write, not thanks to the VP, but to the Bolsheviks.
      4. 0
        April 11 2018 21: 43
        Everything was more complicated, but in short, if VR. pr-in showed its viability, as power - no so-called a coup would not be needed. It would be - impossible, because no one likes hemorrhoids, everyone loves to thump and celebrate (it is not clear what). It is generally, it is VR. The government was created by the British - it was their plan for the "future of RI" - since 1916, a decision was made on this "government" - Lviv, Zemstvo ass, stupid person. And Milyukov, the "owner of RI", who is sawing with the British, to whom what. Lvov immediately fell off, due to natural stupidity, no one perceived Milyukov - he walked as an agent of enemy intelligence. Also fell off. Then the British changed the game - decided to bring to power "the most reactionary forces" - to intensify aggression. This was reflected in the fact that the entire diplomatic corps, both French and English, was replaced, and new people were introduced. In general, terror was planted - and after Milyukov, it was already a government - of terror - first fanatics of the whites, then the Bolsheviks. The British put on the Bolsheviks for one reason - that the people no longer believed, except for them, “was not led”, secondly the Bolsheviks — Lenin, Stalin, Sverdlov, Mikoyan — didn’t “pull” the leadership - it was believed that they would seize power , then in two months, they will fly off, in the direction of abroad. This was the mistake of the British — it turned out that Lenin had been creating a government for years, and their brains did not have enough to understand this. Almost the Lenin was brought by the British, for their own purposes - terror, a mess, and VR. the government was initially incapacitated. This was a bunch of ancestors who "made laws" on which everyone bolted together - there was no "temporary" one there. There was still besides this "nedopravitelstva" uchkom - which for a long time to discuss, all this did not work.
        1. 0
          April 12 2018 11: 11
          Quote: kan123
          vr. the government was initially incapacitated.

          TEMPORARY was to organize and conduct elections. All. It made wonderful, the most free choices in the world, US-selected.
          Further CSS and its Executive body. But....
    2. +3
      April 11 2018 17: 24
      Lech, I have a similar opinion: A.F. Kerensky did everything so that the Bolsheviks could freely have power, and then closed by women! In Soviet historiography, at one time there was a version that Kerensky dressed as a sister of mercy and escaped from Zimny, but they didn’t talk about this fact later, somewhere I heard that Kerensky left Zimny ​​even 36 hours before the Bolsheviks won. In any case, the "main speaker" showed his worthlessness.
      1. +1
        April 11 2018 20: 46
        Kerensky and Co., as today the opposition share ministerial portfolios, and the Bolsheviks were engaged in business. Who crushed the rebellion against the EaP? Bolsheviks))))
      2. 0
        April 11 2018 21: 48
        Kerensky may not have dressed up as a ballerina, but this tale has a side that Kerensky conveyed. Everyone understood that he did not dress up as a ballerina, but his tastes and preferences, his unbridled desires, everyone could understand, according to this legend.
        1. 0
          April 15 2018 13: 45
          Actually, I said that Kerensky washed off in the clothes of the sister of mercy, and the ballerina and sister of mercy are what they say in Odessa: “two big differences”.
          I did not know that A.f. Kerensky was a fagot
  2. +5
    April 11 2018 07: 34
    Others argue that they surrendered themselves immediately after the Cossacks and artillery cadets left, taking advantage of the storming of the palace that had begun.
    ... The men did not want to fight ...
    1. +6
      April 11 2018 11: 03
      parusnik (Alexey Bogomazov) Today, 07: 34
      ... The men did not want to fight ...
      Namesake, my respect! hi Yes, it’s just that the peasants had brains in place and among them there were no sick, not insane people to go to protect the idiots who managed to destroy everything that was possible and impossible for 9 months. All of this interim government could only deal with boltology and portfolio sharing. They are one in one our "liberal reformers" of the 90s, well, or a relative of the current ukrohunte, they also can’t do anything apart from sharing portfolios, but they can really crap Russia. But ukrohuntyat though spoiled from the outside, and temporary workers spoiled from the inside, so shit that if it weren’t for the Bolsheviks, then I generally doubt whether we would be alive now or we would be anglo-Saxons in the concentration camps, the French and the Germans and the Japanese would rot.
      1. +5
        April 11 2018 12: 01
        Yes, just the men had brains in place
        ...My regards hi This goes without saying .. And with women what to take .. They are more responsible, they said not to let go of what they could, they did ..
  3. +2
    April 11 2018 08: 44
    Volunteers stayed there until the last, even when everyone around them had already laid down their arms. Their fate is still a mystery
    the author can find the answer in the same collection that he cites in the article.
    Memoirs of another protector of the Palace:
    Somewhere there was a box with candles, and I began to go around our barricades. What appeared to our eyes in the dim light of flickering candles is hard to describe. The drunken gang, sensing the women behind the barricades, tried to pull them to their side. Junkers defended them. The piles of the murdered Bolsheviks doubled the width and height of the barricades, and it turned out to be a parapet of corpses. Nevertheless, most drummers still fell into the clutches of furious bandits. All that they have done with them, I can not describe - the paper can’t stand it. Most were stripped, raped, and, through bayonets stuck in them, were planted vertically on barricades. Going around our entire inner front, we stumbled in a corridor, at the entrance to the St. George's Hall, on a terrible pile: by the light of cinder, we saw a human leg tied to a wall candelabrum, a pile of entrails falling out of the abdomen, from under which another leg was pressed, pressed the dead body of a soldier; on the other side a red guard reached out, holding the victim’s left hand in his teeth with a dead grip, and in his hands a ragged skirt. The victim’s head was covered by the sailor’s leg, which lay on top. To see the woman’s face, we had to pull the corpse of a sailor, but it was not easy, as she clutched the sailor’s foot in the fight with her teeth and drove the dagger into his heart with her right hand. All four are already numb.

    Here are the recollections of another defender:
    Now the machine guns pounded louder. Rifles clicked in places.

    “They are shooting,” the soldiers broke the silence.

    - Whom? I managed.

    - Drummers! - And after a pause, he added: - Well, women, poor ones. One half passed. Guys, and they made fun! We have them. But what refuses or who is sick, that bastard is now against the wall!..

    The new government has already shown itself .....
    1. BAI
      April 11 2018 10: 20
      Memoirs of another protector of the Palace:
      Somewhere there was a box with candles, and I began to go around our barricades.

      We read the whole passage to the end from the “eyewitness accounts”:
      The victim’s head was covered by the sailor’s leg, which lay on top. To see the woman’s face, we had to pull the corpse of a sailor, but it was not easy, as she clutched the sailor’s foot in the fight with her teeth and drove the dagger into his heart with her right hand. All four are already numb. Having dragged off the sailor, we recognized the commander of the strikers "[1038

      Here is one sentence missing, and if you add it, we see that everything is FALSE!
      As is known
      that the allegedly so perished “commander of the drummers” heroically “clutching the sailor’s leg” and “drove the dagger into his heart” is Maria Leontyevna Bochkareva, who was shot by the Chekists in Krasnoyarsk in May 1920.

      The imagination of pathological lies is inexhaustible.
      1. +5
        April 11 2018 10: 37
        BAI Today, 10:20 ↑
        The imagination of pathological lies is inexhaustible.
        Especially with olgovich, Teterin, soldier, and the like monarchs on their heads. You read their comments and what is happening in the minds of some pan-and-headed citizens of “non-brotherhood” begins to seem like flowers compared to what happens in the heads of our monarchy.

        P.S. And note, it’s useless to debunk their lies, they either get lost or write that he fool , well, or again fall into the astral plane and begin to cite "new revealing documents", which are stamped in the Memorial as hot cakes.
        1. BAI
          April 11 2018 10: 53
          No, Teterin is very competent and qualified. He does not allow such nonsense and so stupidly does not substitute. And the rest - yes, of course.
          1. +6
            April 11 2018 11: 11
            Solasen, only that Teterin has more qualifications than Olgovich, and for the rest he uses the same fakes that are constantly exposed by those who are partial and who have the time and desire to check his fakes. He very much likes to make links that, in one way or another, lead to the fakes of Memorial and similar organizations. At least I have never seen from him links to more reliable sources.
            Yes, in principle, even links are not needed, just turn on the head and logic and everything immediately falls into place. In the 90s, many people forgot about the "bloody regime" and about the "white and noble" manure. But some were able to separate the flies from cutlets, while others continue to pour water on the mill of the enemies of Russia and its history. hi
        2. +2
          April 11 2018 19: 51
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          they are either lost or write that he himself, well, or again fall into the astral plane

          Sometimes it seems that the local monarchies are never left this astral.
          1. +1
            April 11 2018 20: 37
            Not everyone got to the astral plane. Some stayed in dementia.
      2. 0
        April 11 2018 11: 31
        Quote: BAI
        Here is one sentence missing, and if you add it, we see that everything is FALSE!
        As is known
        that the allegedly so perished “commander of the drummers” heroically “clutching the sailor’s leg” and “drove the dagger into his heart” is Maria Leontyevna Bochkareva, who was shot by the Chekists in Krasnoyarsk in May 1920.

        If you don’t want to know History, I advise you to re-read the articles in VO, then you may find out that Bochkareva did not take part in the defense of the Winter Palace.
        If you also read the article, you will find out that one unit simply disappeared.
        Quote: BAI
        The imagination of pathological lies is inexhaustible.

        Fantasy ignorance-exhaustible.
        And not ashamed to put it on display! request
        1. BAI
          April 11 2018 13: 32
          Bochkareva did not take part in the defense of the Winter Palace.

          Well, where did you see in my words that I claimed that Bochkareva took part in the defense of the Winter Palace?
          “Having dragged off the sailor, we recognized the commander of the strikers” - this is in the testimony of the “eyewitness”, whom it is YOU cite, as the ultimate truth. Yes, and falsifying his "creativity" (I can’t call deliberate lies testimony).
          I just wrote that Bochkareva was shot in 2000 in Krasnoyarsk and did not die in Zimny, as assures YOUR "eyewitness"
          And, of course, I can not help but quote:
          The fantasy of ignorance is inexhaustible.
          And not ashamed to put it on display!
          - absolutely true, I’ll even add militant ignorance!
          1. 0
            April 11 2018 13: 59
            Quote: BAI
            Well, where did you see in my words that I claimed that Bochkareva took part in the defense of the Winter Palace?

            belay lol Mil man, you don’t remember yourself anymore? Remember:
            As is known
            which is supposedly so spectacular deceased "commander of drummers", Heroically" seized the foot of the sailor "and" drove a dagger into his heart ", - this is Maria Leontyevna Bochkareva, shot in Krasnoyarsk by Chekists in May 1920

            WHERE it is written in the text that this deceased commander-Bochkarev? fool Did she command one (read the article)? How did you drag her to Zimny?
            Quote: BAI
            I just wrote that Bochkareva was shot in 2000 in Krasnoyarsk and did not die in Zimny, as YOUR "eyewitness" assures

            READ, read again, until the simplest text, Comrade. the tankman, this surname was NOT mentioned, this is your babble!
            I can only repeat:
            The fantasy of ignorance is inexhaustible. Plus the inability to understand the simplest text twice ...
            And not ashamed to put it on display!
            1. BAI
              April 11 2018 16: 15
              Start over. Maybe it will help.
              The officers of the women's battalion, which was in St. Petersburg:
              Battalion commander staff captain A. Loskov, the commanders of all companies and teams were personnel officers [TsGVIA, f.16173, op.1, d.4, l.14.]. In total there were 18 people.

              As correctly stated in the article:
              In the 2nd company of the female battalion, half-regiments were commanded by lieutenants Verny and Podrementsev

              The company commander Somov, referring to the disease, remained “in the cure in his apartment” [TsGVIA, f.16173, op.1, d.7, l.61.].
              Those. neither in the battalion, nor specifically in the 2nd company, there could have been heroically perished “commander of drummers” about whom you are talking here (with a deranged Sinegub) (that is, lying) because they were not in principle.
              Already on this you can stop, and so clearly everything that you wrote is a lie, but continue.
              Further - losses and rape.
              In Zimniy the fraud (the Provisional Government managed to leave only the 2nd company of the battalion consisting of 137 people under the pretext of delivering gasoline from the Nobel factory), the 2nd company of the battalion, numbering 137 people were women. For some reason, Verny and Podrementsev’s orders fall out of all the documents.
              October 26 Commissioner Guards. Grenadier Regiment A.F. Ilyin-Geneva reported to the Military Revolutionary Committee:
              “The regiment is currently under the arrest of 137 female soldiers of the shock battalion arrested in the Winter Palace” [TsGVIA, f.16173, op.1, d.1, l.18; d.7, l.104; “Reports of the Commissars of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee,” M., 1957, p. 88.].
              There is the following moment: in some sources it is stated that the word “shock” was not in the name of the battalion, in others it is called “1st Petrograd shock battalion”, but this is not important. The main thing - ALL 137 people returned back. There were no DEADS.
              About rape. Here we turn to a free, safe, democratic Washington (city, not George).
              I apologize to the moderators, but I just have to give the article in its entirety, it’s not big.
              A.A. Borman's memories of his mother Ariadne Tyrkova-Williams. This lady is remarkable in many ways. During the revolutionary years, she was an activist of the Cadet Party, a member of the Central Committee, a vowel of the Petrograd Duma, a candidate member of the Constituent Assembly. In her youth, she was a gymnasium friend of N. Krupskaya. In 1918, she emigrated with an English passport with her second husband Harold Wilson, a journalist and intelligence officer.
              Her impressions of historical events left in the diary entries and memoirs of her son cannot be denied as reliable. Some of them convincingly refute almost century-old myths

              Tales of violence against the women's battalion guarding the Winter Palace in 1917 are unlikely to disappear in the foreseeable future from the pages of the writings of amateur writers who are hobbying historical subjects. Many unknowingly, others in the interests of party benefits will repeat this old St. Petersburg rumor for a long time to come.

              But here is what the participants of the events, Ariadna Vladimirovna Tyrnova and her son, who are hard to suspect of the hidden intent to whitewash the October revolution, testified.

              Quote from the book: A.A. Borman. A.V. Tyrkova-Williams according to her letters and memoirs of her son. Washington, 1964.
              “Representatives of the left groups soon realized well that“ Ms. Tyrkova ”would do everything that she considered necessary and would not stop at any difficulties, or even danger to herself.
              In the days of the Bolshevik coup, one of the left ran to the City Duma and, worried, said that the soldiers of the Pavlovsky reserve battalion did not let out soldiers from the women's battalion from their barracks and were raped there. On the day of the coup, the Women's battalion was guarding the Winter Palace, where the Provisional Government was sitting. It was there that was arrested and sent to the Fortress.
              Mom immediately suggested sending a delegation of the City Duma to find out what was happening in the Pavlovsky barracks.
              In response to her proposal, exclamations were heard from the benches of the socialists of the revolutionaries: “If you like“ Madam Tyrkova, ”then go yourself to find out what is happening there, but there are no hunters among us.
              Mom agreed, immediately went and found out that no one had raped the soldier.
              The legend of their rape almost went down in history, but mom, listening to this constantly repeated legend, only smiled».

              Mention of Tyrkova is in other documents.
              On November 1, representatives of the counter-revolutionary Petrograd Duma came to Smolny for a pass to Levashovo, demanding at the same time that the commissar of the Military Revolutionary Committee be sent there to “immediately stop the violence against the shock-workers. They were answered: “The Military Revolutionary Committee sees no reason to tear off the people he needs as commissars” [“Transcript of the evening session of the Duma on November 2, 1917, p.23.]. Duma emissaries were issued passes. They got the opportunity on the spot to get acquainted with the position of the women's battalion. And what? In the face of inexorable facts, even anti-Soviet thinkers were forced in their reports to the city duma to refute the fabrications of violence against the shock workers and admit that the attitude of the revolutionary soldiers and the Red Guards was the most correct. So, the emissary of the Duma, the chairman of the hospital commission, the Menshevik Mandelberg, returning from Levashovo, reported: “Thus, at art. Levashovo is not one of the volunteers whose position could inspire any concern. As for those who are several faiths from art. Levashovo then vowel Tyrkova I went there personally to make sure in what condition they are, but according to the information that we could get there from the commander of these volunteers, you can be sure that they are now in such a position that nothing threatens them and that this Regarding public opinion can also be calm. This position is real. Then we were also interested in finding out the past. Was there anything that worried the urban population so much? The first question is about suicides. During all this time, one suicide occurred, and the motives for suicide were exclusively personal in nature. There is some disagreement about these personal motives, but in any case, everyone categorically asserts that they are not in any direct connection with any personal violence ... The question that we raised and which needed to be clarified on behalf of the Duma was it is a question of whether volunteers have been abused in the past. And in this regard, we can categorically state the following: those who were in Levashovo do not complain at all about any violence from the Red Guard. ”. [“Transcript of the evening session of the Duma on November 2, 1917,” p. 1, chap. 24–27.]

              Vowel Tyrkova (representative of the cadet faction), who met with drummers arrested in the Winter Palace, also had to admit: “All these 140 girls are not only alive, not only not injured, but also not subjected to those terrible insults that we heard and read about” [ “Transcript of the afternoon session of the Duma on November 3, 1917,” p. 38.]. Rounded to 140 - okay.

              The Menshevik Socialist-Revolutionaries continued to pour mud at the soldiers and the Red Guards (not you first). But the slanderers (liars) were exposed by the drummers themselves. “In view of the fact that in a number of places, malicious rumors are spread by malevolent rumors that allegedly during the disarmament of the 1st Petrograd Women's Battalion sailors and Red Guards committed violence and outrage, we are the undersigned,” the letter of the former soldier said female battalion, - we consider it our civic duty to declare that there was nothing of the sort, that it was all a lie and slander ”[“ Soldier's Truth ”, November 4, 1917].
              So what about Bulgakov?
              “Congratulations to you, dear citizen!”
              1. -1
                April 11 2018 18: 49
                Thanks for the quote.
              2. 0
                April 12 2018 11: 35
                Quote: BAI
                Those. neither in the battalion, nor specifically in the 2nd company, there could have been heroically perished “commander of drummers” about whom you are talking here (with a deranged Sinegub) (that is, lying) because they were not in principle.

                non-commissioned officer Bocharnikova, and other non-women non-commanders? Who are they?fool lol
                Quote: BAI
                The main thing - ALL 137 people returned back. There were no DEADS.

                Read the ARTICLE, I propose again: these 137 people are only a PART!
                Quote: BAI
                Mom agreed, now she went and found out that no one had raped the soldier.

                The level of your denials is not just low, it's ridiculous! lol : "Mom said, mom smiled" fool WHAT DOES THEY PRESENT WITH THE DIRECT EVIDENCE?
                Quote: BAI
                1 November representatives came to Smolny counterrevolutionary Petrograd Duma

                October 25 and November 1 are very different dates
                Quote: BAI
                And in this regard, we can categorically affirm the following: those who were in Levashovo do not complain at all about any violence from the Red Guard "... [" "Transcript of the evening session of the City Council on November 2, 1917", l.1, Ch. .24–27.]

                How tired of your tenacity. We read the article:
                the team to retreat inside the palace was not brought to another half a year, which defended the entrance doors to the palace. Volunteers stayed there until the last, even when everyone around them had already laid down their arms. Their further fate is still a mystery. There were none and among the arrested drummers, led by Lieutenant Podrementsev, who were later placed in the barracks Grenadier Regiment. What is even more surprising, when the 2nd half company returned to the camp a day later to the location of its company, the volunteers of the 1st half company were not there. They did not return to Levashovo in the following days. After all, when on October 29 the Red Guards disarmed volunteers of the 2nd company at the place of deployment, there were only 150 of them. This despite the fact that, according to various sources, the number of those arrested in the Winter Palace only the 2nd half-year ranged from 130 to 141 people. In other words, in Levashovo at the end of October 1917 there was actually only one half-company of the 2nd company of the female battalion.

                Can’t you read it yourself?
                Quote: BAI
                [“Soldier's Truth,” November 4, 1917].

                You do not quote this false anti-state abomination, this is not an argument
                Quote: BAI
                So what about Bulgakov?

                Like what? This:
                “Congratulations to you, dear citizen!” Yes lol
      3. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      April 11 2018 10: 55
      Olgovich (Andrey) Today, 08:44
      the author can find the answer in the same collection that he cites in the article.
      Memoirs of another protector of the Palace:
      Yeah, these "memories" are akin to the well-known army meme about: "hello mom, I am writing to you from the trench on the boot of a murdered friend, sorry for the uneven handwriting, my leg is still twitching ..." laughing laughing laughing Too lazy to surf the Internet and insert a video with Stoyanov when he wrote the same letter while sitting in the soldiers' kitchen.
      So stick your lies flat you know where. Above, the BAI brought you an indisputable fact about where the commander of the Babskiy battalion was shot. However, as you always hide, the liar-olgovich once again dipped his nose into his lying feces ... laughing
      1. 0
        April 11 2018 11: 33
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        Above, the BAI brought you an indisputable fact about where the commander of the Babskiy battalion was shot.

        WAI cited the indisputable fact of its ignorance. lol
        Take it and honor the covenant in Three U Yes lol
  4. 0
    April 11 2018 19: 54
    Dear author or one of the comrades, do not know how many total female battalions were in Petrograd? Once I read a book: "Notes by the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin," Malkov, and there he writes that on October 27 or 28, 1917, the headquarters of some women's battalion was located in Smolny. Kakavo in the headquarters of the Bolsheviks are the headquarters of the "enemy" battalion!
    When I read: “On the morning of October 27, its commander Lieutenant Somov and the commander of the 2st feats, Lieutenant Verny (surname which is loud) independently came to the disposal of the 1nd company. But even after that the situation with the other half didn’t clarify” I had an analogy: “the captain must leave the sinking ship last, "and then it turns out: the" ship "with the crew was gone, and the captain did not blow into the mustache.
    Such behavior is forgivable to some kid or a stupid woman, but it does not suit a professional military man.
    If such a battalion is at the forefront ....
    1. +2
      April 11 2018 21: 15
      Read the memoirs, there is some kind of Menshevik, horseradish. In addition to the women there were two three idiots, a fanatic of the “faith of the king of the fatherland” - and the gorizon lay down for it - just not with his hands - “let's die all under the fence.” It’s not clear why. The role of these officers was that they locked the doors, isolated the garrison, which simply did not know how to get out of the situation - the crowd gathered in the square, everyone thundered, celebrated how to get out. Then they strangled these idiots a bit, and the women sat in some sort of corridor, and detonated a bomb in a crowd of sailors who climbed the stairs or something. Good guys, they didn’t give a damn - no matter how they broke this “battle” with these women. There, both from a military point of view, as a shell from a gunboat entered a wall, the entire defense plan immediately became useless. From a political point of view - the whole city is already with the Bolsheviks, and the whole country, some kind of stupid gorizon that will protect this house? They didn’t even need it — the runaway deputies contacted them — and where were they? They all sat in huts, chased tea, and advised the gorizon to die for democracy. You just tell me - was there at least one politician sitting in this political institution? There, the watchmen were left alone, but all fled. Like the guards alone - what was there to protect, dear?
  5. +1
    April 11 2018 20: 08
    Parade of drummers of the women's battalion 24 on October 1917 of the year on Palace Square

  6. +2
    April 11 2018 20: 58
    what kind of rebels did Zimny ​​capture - what kind of White Guard delirium did the emigrants have? Pedrograd whole considered the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the legitimate authority, or at least the authority that is able to restore order in the city. The Bolsheviks could not be loved, or loved, but they brought order to this mess. It was impossible to go out into the street, - the gangs divided the city, no garbage, nothing — as Zimnyi “took” peace and grace came - on each corner, two three patrols, the whole urka went underground. What defended these evil women, imitating men, these lesbians, or feminists - then there was a fashionable movement - no one can still understand. In principle, from a military point of view, tens of thousands of officers, officers and Cossacks sat in St. Petersburg - people who had fought - if they needed to, they would have captured and kept this Winter House. Only nobody needed this, who had at least a little brains, because the authorities completely, in the form, underestimated themselves - they sat there, they carried all kinds of nonsense with inspiration, but there was no show off, there was no power there - and after months of impotence , there’s at least a hell to plant there, but not this balcony, - so no one went beyond the Winter Palace. In addition to these patients for the whole Bosko fools - who killed the sailors, for no reason, and they were all released and all, like complete fools. They are like mowing under men, always please, but how to respond like men are weak and women at once. The creatures are brainless.