Economic problems of the late USSR, which led to its collapse


Something about economics

True, the economy of the USSR could not compete with the economy of the West, it is so. But a natural question arises: why did the USSR economy hold out and even defeated the European one during the great crisis of 1941-1945? Many well-known economists of the West in their works directly write that if Russia had been tsarist, pre-revolutionary at the beginning of the 40-ies, it would have come to an end during the Nazi invasion.

The Soviet economy, both pre-war and during the bloody war, acted without fail. Even the fact that part of the country was under occupation was not particularly affected by her work. Western economic geniuses have concluded that the Soviet planned economy is the most advanced in the world. And only she was able to withstand what she endured.

And suddenly such a paradox: the country is not at war with anyone, in fact, it is flourishing, and the whole economy has collapsed! What's the matter? The fact is that she was helped to fall apart. If so, then who? It is clear that those who managed it. As the proverb says, the fish is always rotting from the head.

Only for some reason, under Joseph Vissarionovich, this “head” did not rot. As soon as the light smell began, he immediately cut it off. And, probably, did the right thing. Why did Stalin constantly clean the corps of his managers? Because he was forced to put on key command posts of specialists, but, by Vedic definition, people from the first upper class. Such people can follow the idea if they are managed. As soon as management weakens, they begin to get lost and slide down to the material. Academician Porshnev in his monograph on people of predatory species called such people diffusers.

But Joseph Vissarionovich had no choice. There were very few undeliverable and incorruptible, indifferent to pleasures and power, in post-revolutionary Russia. In addition, the Order through its people for each of these closely followed. And whenever possible tried to get rid of them. The masters of Western civilization in power in Soviet Russia needed corrupt lovers of pleasure, vile, envious, with criminal criminal manners. Such as in antiquity called slaves. These are easy to manage, especially through money and sex. Therefore, Stalin, talking with SM. Kirov, later with Zhdanov and other people he trusted, often said: “We’ll find the money, but where do we get the people?”

“Where do people get?” Was the main question of his life. Stalin needed managers. People from the second highest Vedic class. Such that it is impossible neither to buy, nor to intimidate, nor to deceive. But such people next to Joseph Vissarionovich was nothing at all. At first he lost Sergei Mironovich Kirov. True, fate sent him Andrei Zhdanov, but he was soon killed. Stayed true Beria. Lavrenty Pavlovich worked for ten, could do a lot. He cleared the trash Soviet NKVD. Created border troops, elite divisions of the NKVD. He mastered the atomic project and raised the Soviet rocket science to enormous heights ... And if there were ten or twenty such Beriums? But they, unfortunately, were not. There were those who only pretended to try. In fact, they were hidden enemies like Suslov, Mikoyan, Kaganovich or Khrushchev.

Under Nikita Sergeevich, unprincipled careerists entered the economy. They were not eager to organize such economic growth in the USSR so that the West would become both jealous and scary. In the Soviet Union for economic development there was everything that could be: the gigantic raw material resources, the ruble provided with gold, the hardworking people who loved their homeland ... There was everything, but there was no Stalin, a man who would organize his energy this colossus. And most importantly, I would have thrown frank thieves, embezzlers, stupid careerists out of business.

Under Stalin in the USSR, the rationalization-inventors movement was developed. That only these talented and educated people did not offer! And the state always went to meet them. But with Nikita Khrushchev, this whole movement immediately came to an end. Now thousands of amazing inventions and discoveries lay on the shelves of archives. No one interested in them anymore. The question is why?

Because the Soviet economy began to manipulate the West through dummy persons. No, not the direct agents of the special services, although there must have been such. Basically slaves, who were promoted to the stupid party functionaries. All Soviet ministries were slaughtered with similar non-pockets: down below - in factories, factories and mines - quite normal people, up above, in the ministries, - just careerists and fools. How to explain this? No way! Worked a clear selection. And the host conducted them because of the cordon. Cleverly, cleverly and competently.

Above, we wrote that our people betrayed themselves for American rags. Why did this happen? Yes, because our Soviet economy pushed him to this. Of course, it is not necessary to drop from the account and the Soviet man in the street. It was his fault that there was a great tragedy.

People ideas are never greedy for rags and trinkets. They create everything of their own, which is no worse, and even better than what they want to buy. But back again to the economy.

In 80, when the first American jeans began to appear in the Soviet Union, many ordinary people praised them so much that one could think that they were special: “Wow, American ones! From the best fabric, and rivets, rivets !!! "What are you caught? On nonsense. Is it possible that our light industry was not able to produce even the same fabric, or even better, before the importation of American coats into the USSR? Of course she could. She could do everything: make the rivets better than the American ones, and leather rivets. And the names of jeans, for example: "Siberia", "Russian North", "Golden-domed Moscow", "Veliky Novgorod", "Tashkent", etc. What prevented her? Or who prevented? It was possible to make such jeans with our resources that Americans would die of envy. For example, come up with some bronze decoration or buckles with inlaid antlers. Our horns in the north are mountains. And no one needs them. But our industry has not responded. But the same Americans could pay for our goods with currency. Now the question is: why did not react? Answers can be found a lot. And they will all be correct. And yet the main thing will remain in the shadows.

We mean the algorithm of the Soviet production. Installation of the owners of Western civilization to ensure that from Soviet raw materials all products are made much worse than Western ones. Literally everything that our industry produced, went within the framework of this secret algorithm.

That is why industrial products manufactured under Stalin still serve. Although by all standards their deadline is long over. Under Joseph Vissarionovich, the western installation did not work on our goods. Let someone from the ministry try to make the factory director produce products worse than he can. Such a minister would immediately become abreast with the enemies of the people.

Is it fair or not? Of course, fair. That is why, not trusting the ministers, Joseph Vissarionovich liked to communicate directly with the directors of factories.

That is why Stalin's Victory, Izh-54 hunting rifles, ZIL refrigerators, and much more are still working. It is enough to remember that proud of their domestic hunting weapons the British in 60-e with pleasure bought the Soviet "Izh-54" and were proud that in their hands Soviet shotguns. Here it is, what should be the Soviet production! All the best, most advanced and reliable! Our products must surpass Western. And the Soviet people have no other way. To our products with pleasure acquired by the most advanced countries of the world. Not to mention the citizens of Africa or Asia. Approximately such an installation gave the Soviet economic machine Joseph Vissarionovich. And with him everything went as it should.

But with the coming to power in the country, Nikita Khrushchev earned the algorithm of "Soviet production". Everywhere you throw, everywhere is bad. Everywhere worse than in the West. Is that the military-industrial complex somehow held on. But even Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev hit him. Naval first the fleetand then by aviation. Now the question is: who followed the growth and development of our Soviet science and economy? It is clear that from abroad watched. And watched carefully. But there is little to follow; Soviet economic power was skillfully restrained. Who did this?

It is clear that our own intelligence agencies and their allies in the gradual killing of the USSR from the CIA are the two most powerful intelligence agencies in the world. As Stalin liked to say: "Personnel decide everything." Here are the cadres and decided: at the head of our Soviet industry always put such people who knew how to live only for themselves and not for the people, and who understood perfectly what was required of them. It is for this reason that the Soviet Union very soon after Stalin’s death lost its leading position in the global economy and gradually turned into a raw materials appendage of the West. When L.I. Brezhnev, the USSR finally sat on the oil needle, which was just what was needed.

We now turn again to Y. Andropov. Nobody wondered why the Andropov KGB needed to introduce internal intelligence in the USSR? Just like in a foreign western country? The answer lies on the surface, you only need to think a little: in order to closely monitor the directors of Soviet enterprises, so that they do not even think to introduce into production at their own risk and risk what local talented inventors can offer them. It is clear that the "guilty" director was immediately accused of squandering public money and removed from work. Replacing, naturally, a dunce. Such a total fooling in the ministries and enterprises brought the Soviet economy to a real shock. And this was done not by some Western competitors, but by their own bastards, who after the death of Stalin and Beria, with all their might, to please the West, slowed down the development of the country.

It is clear that those figures from the KGB, who were engaged in such affairs, received a tidy sum through the web of cooperation of the special services. According to Coleman, the money came from Rockefeller Bank. It is possible that Western dollars went and went, but not in the KGB anymore, but in one of the departments in the FSB.

And now we will return to M. Gorbachev. Here A. Khinshtein and V. Medinsky in their book wrote that in the Soviet Union everything from the shops in 80's literally disappeared. They, these writers, are right. So it was. But the question is why disappeared? And all at once: and essential goods, and food?

A paradoxical situation arose: the plants were working with might and main, no one stopped them, and the stores were empty! Why? Here either all the products, including agricultural products, immediately went for nothing to the blacks in Africa, or they were put on the bases, and then systematically, declaring a lay commodity on documents, were cynically destroyed. Rather, both were happening. An artificial shortage was created in the country.

It is clear to blame the Soviet government for everything, and at the same time with it the socialist system. In parallel, this was also done in order to push the Soviet man in the street to come out in support of the future collapse of the USSR. Cunning, clever and mean.

Never to the author not to forget how one familiar KGB man in the winter 1986 of the year invited him to go with him for meat for dogs ... Kilometers for 30 from the city. When he and the other arrived at the scene, a terrible picture arose before their eyes: a ravine, piled with killed two-year-old gobies. When asked by the author, where so many bulls came from and why they were all slapped, his partner, sighing, answered that something terrible was happening in the country. Incomprehensible. And the bulls are all healthy, they were taken to a meat factory, but they turned out to be in a ravine. We saw off the back legs of one bull with a hand saw. And we went to the city. “From what I observe, the hair stands on end,” the KGB officer told me goodbye. “Someone at the top went crazy.”

This trip does not forget, she says a lot. It is clear that the security services in 90-ies did their work, struggling to destroy the country's economy, and the "democratic" media broadcast on radio and television screens that the Soviet economy could not withstand competition from the economic machine of the West. And the man in the street, not understanding what was actually happening, swallowed everything.

Deficit as a lever for managing society

From the foregoing it is clear that the crisis of the socialist economy was artificially organized. And his organization began immediately after the death of Joseph Vissarionovich. First, the right people were dragged to key places in the economy. Then, thanks to them, a clumsy, dull and sluggish economy was built. And then everything went on thumb groove. On the one hand, this freak was ruled by stupid Marxists from the Kremlin, on the other - smart and educated, but corrupt friends and friends from the special services.
And do not be hypocritical and lie that a socialist planned economy is a thousand times worse than a market one, capitalist. The question is who controls it. If you are honest patriots, then everything is good, the economy is developing at a pace that no Westerner has ever dreamed of. An example of this is the Stalin era.

Even the liberals agree with this, but they always have an excuse that, they say, the GULAG helped Stalin. In his time, slaves worked in the USSR.

Yes, the gulag camps kept themselves. This is true. But there was no substantial profit from society. Sometimes they were economically and not profitable. Especially in the initial period of their organization.

The prisoners needed housing, clothing, food. They had to contain. Free people took care of themselves, and here everyone had to deal with the state.

Nevertheless, the Soviet economy, with proper management, was developing at a tremendous pace. It collapsed and was deliberately inhibited, and this process was skillfully conducted from behind the cordon. The Union was not piled with war, now it was killed in other ways. Question: why all this was done?

On the one hand, it is clear: to prove to the whole world that a socialist economy is not viable. But there was another side of the coin: to create a continuous shortage in the country.

The lack of one, the other, the third - the most necessary and necessary - always causes irritation. Russian monotonously and tediously inspired that the all the fault of the allied republics. They cursed suck all the juice out of the RSFSR. Plus, and the countries of the Warsaw bloc. Which of all this can be a conclusion? Only one: down with those and others.

But in the union republics, the deficit is already controlled, it was not particularly spread there. When in Russia, the shops' counters, to say the least, looked empty, then in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, in the Baltic States and even in Ukraine, this was far from the case. There on the shelves you could find almost everything. Why was this done? Some may say that they do not grumble in the republics. But there is one more “but”. So that thousands of Russians began to look for a new homeland, where it is warmer, and everything is in stores.

It’s a paradox, but because of such an economic policy, a part of the population of the richest republic in the USSR surged to the periphery. To Central Asia and Kazakhstan, to Moldova and the Baltic States.

Why was this done? On the one hand, in order to create tension in the Union republics, they say, why are the Russians going? Here and without them closely. And in general, they are invaders and freeloaders. On the other hand, in order to move as much of the Russian ethnos as possible away from the Motherland.

The one who started it all knew the future well. He knew that the USSR should fall apart today or tomorrow, and millions of Russian people would turn out to be abroad. Of course, some of them will be able to return, but most of them, like the Kurds, being in a foreign land will turn into second-rate people and therefore oppressed by the social stratum. In fact, in white slaves.

Clever? Just brilliant! As a result, after the collapse of the USSR, the Russian ethnic group lost 25 to millions of its compatriots. The loss correlates with the result of the Second World War.
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  1. +13
    16 February 2018 07: 09
    In the 80s, when the first American jeans began to appear in the Union, many ordinary people praised them so much that one would think that they were special: “Wow, American! From the best fabric, but rivets, rivets !!! ” What are you catching?

    On work clothes. They came to the USSR with a hippie fashion "Jeans - trousers made of dense cotton fabric with riveted joints of seams on their pockets. First made in 1853 by Lew Strauss as work clothes for farmers [1].
    Initially, jeans were sewn from hemp canvas of English or American production, which became much cheaper due to the decline of the sailing fleet. Thanks to this material, jeans have earned the fame of exceptionally durable clothing. Subsequently, hemp was superseded by cotton, and by the beginning of the “jeans revolution” in the world fashion (1960s) hemp fabric was no longer widely used in their production. "
    The economic problems in the USSR have created for themselves. Under Stalin, there was a strict requirement for the quality and range of products. When Khrushchev began economic throwing: the transition from nomenclature to the shaft, the economic council, the collapse and the like. I don’t think that everything described by the author was done according to the American order, and at that time it was almost impossible.
    1. +17
      16 February 2018 07: 57
      The author only touched on the fact that the Soviet Union was being destroyed consciously and Khrushchev and his accomplices had a hand in this destruction, and Andropov and his service.
      The way the Soviet Union was destroyed will still be a subject of study. But here is the fact that the economy of the SOVIET UNION continued to develop in the eighties fact. And the pace of development was higher than in the EU and the USA.
      The fact that the traitors had curators is beyond doubt. Too clearly performed only that was beneficial to the GB and the United States.
      1. +15
        16 February 2018 11: 50
        Quote: Vasily50
        Under Nikita Sergeevich, unprincipled careerists entered the economy. They were not eager to organize such economic growth in the USSR so that the West would become both jealous and scary. In the Soviet Union for economic development there was everything that could be: the gigantic raw material resources, the ruble provided with gold, the hardworking people who loved their homeland ... There was everything, but there was no Stalin, a man who would organize his energy this colossus. And most importantly, I would have thrown frank thieves, embezzlers, stupid careerists out of business.

        I read and marvel; there were so many traitors and corrupt skins in the leadership of the CPSU ... But it shouldn't have been otherwise. So many times have the Russian people been deceived that they did not go to 1991 to defend this power (communist-Leninists).
        The CPSU deceived the Russian people several times and for the most part. They promised the land to the Russian people and seemed to give it, and then modestly took it. They promised equality, but in fact, the 5 peasants had the right to vote, when choosing deputies, as one resident of the city (under the constitution of 1918 and 1925. Part of the population was deprived of their rights in general, “deprived.” True, Stalin corrected the Bundists-Leninists and in the constitution 1936 all levels rights. They promised communism in the 80 year and again deceived (Khrushchev announced at the congress). And if in the 1941-42 there were a lot of prisoners and traitors of the motherland, then this is not the cowardice of the people, but the results of the policy of the Communists. There would be no "collectivization", "deprived ", persecution of religion, I think there wouldn’t be so many traitors and her captives. And if they had not humiliated the Russians by taking away territories, Ukrainization and indigenousization, then Soviet power would have lived for centuries, no less than the power of the Romanovs. They would not have been persecuted against the faith, and not only the Orthodox, but also Muslim and Buddhists, if they didn’t climb into a strange monastery with their charter, tearing down the burqa, destroying the shrines of Buddhists and other religions and a whole series of deeds, the people did not indifferently observe the collapse. As Khrushchev said there; our children will live under communism. These are their children and live under communism.
        1. +5
          16 February 2018 14: 17
          Sorry, but a strong large state is impossible without unification, so a burqa in the firebox! But of course, they did this very unsuccessfully often, because activists were hired by fidelity, and not by working qualities. This is what changed when Stalin changed to Khrushchev.
      2. wax
        16 February 2018 19: 23
        Andropov, then, quickly and abruptly began to raise the economy of the USSR, so the author here pours into the mill of Russia's enemies. The US elite was afraid of him. I think that the question of how Andropov was quickly eliminated when he already figured out in Gorbachev still requires an unbiased study. Well, putting the interests of the United States and GB on the same board is the height of cynicism.
        1. +5
          16 February 2018 20: 08
          To denigrate and compromise organs is one of the primary tasks of both the obvious and secret enemies of Russia, from the US government to the local olgovichs, captains and other crazies. And pay attention !!! - deliberately !!! mud pours on ALL !!! the system.
        2. +1
          18 February 2018 22: 26
          Quote: Wax
          Andropov quickly and abruptly began to raise the economy of the USSR

          How? Grabbed from one edge and started? How can one raise what is impossible to lift?
          Quote: Wax
          The US elite was afraid of him.

          No more than Chingachgook (Big Snake).
      3. +8
        17 February 2018 06: 28
        Quote: Vasily50
        The economy of the Soviet Union continued to develop in the eighties fact. And the pace of development was higher than in the EU and the USA.
        The fact that the traitors had curators is beyond doubt. Too clearly performed only that was beneficial to the GB and the United States.
        It was in the 80s that the USSR was a strong competitor of the West precisely in the economic plan. What Thatcher said. The nomenclature thought primarily about preserving its privileges, and not about the country. An example of this is cybernetics V.M.Glushkov, who was written about abroad as “Academician Glushkov wants to replace the Politburo with a cyber system.” As a result of his inventions, a significant part of officials would become unnecessary. And by the way, this year will be 95 years since his birthday! After all, there was a very good article on VO in honor of his 90th birthday.
      4. +6
        17 February 2018 08: 50
        Well, a democratic democrat * captain * even could not quote, he pulled from someone and attributed to me. And he won’t blush or apologize, apparently because they were taught by curators from the USA, * he crowed, and at least do not dawn there *.
        1. +7
          17 February 2018 09: 47
          Ahhh a wonderful quote from the captain! I am happy with this illustrative example, Vasily 50!
          Quote: Vasily50
          Well, a democratic democrat * captain * even could not quote, he pulled from someone and attributed to me. And he won’t blush or apologize, apparently because they were taught by curators from the USA, * he crowed, and at least do not dawn there *.

          Such are his quotes and links ---- everything is lied and confused. And most importantly, slander against opponents is obtained at the same time!. Well, that was voiced! I will try to remember this particular lie! True, he is not the only one who uses this technique, unfortunately.
      5. +1
        18 February 2018 22: 22
        Quote: Vasily50
        But here is the fact that the economy of the SOVIET UNION continued to develop in the eighties fact. And the pace of development was higher than in the EU and the USA.

        What you need to have in ... uh ... a scoop box to write SUCH?
      6. +1
        19 February 2018 11: 50
        Many fables about the Soviet economy.
        Yes, the pace of development in the 80s was, but there was no development! one degradation.
        Without knowledge of economic theory, you cannot get the right conclusion.
        There are still no significant studies on the economic history of the Soviet economy! Why?! Yes, politics hinders this.
        External enemies are not so powerful, do not scare us.
        But their workers produced amazingly disgusting products.
    2. dSK
      16 February 2018 08: 31
      Quote: Amurets
      Under Stalin
      Mother (Stalin) - Ekaterina Georgievna - Was a burdened hard-working Puritan woman who often pounded her only surviving child, but was infinitely loyal to him. She was disappointed that her son never became a priest. In 1886, Ekaterina Georgievna wanted to appoint Joseph to study at the Gori Orthodox Theological School, however, since he did not know the Russian language at all, he failed to enter. In 1886-1888, at the request of his mother, the children of the priest Christopher Charkviani undertook to teach Joseph the Russian language. As a result, in 1888, Soso did not enter the first preparatory class at the school, but immediately into the second preparatory class, in September of the following year he entered the first class of the school, which he graduated in June 1894. In September 1894, Joseph passed the entrance exams and was enrolled in the Orthodox Tiflis Theological Seminary. (Wikipedia)
      Joseph Vissarionovich, Orthodox, baptized, did not manage to finish the seminary, was preparing to become priestly. [/ i] Last "ruling" communist Gorbachev, atheist atheist in the third generation, man "without steering and sails", the USSR ship landed aground. The" ephemeral "soul is the foundation because it eternal. In contrast to the political economy of the CPSU, where the "perishable" body is the "basis", and the soul is a superstructure and "being determines consciousness."
      1. dSK
        16 February 2018 09: 04
        Name History: Joseph - one of the 12 sons of the biblical forefather Jacob. Once the brothers went to graze cattle far. Then the father called Joseph and sent to see how things are, and to bring an answer. The obedient son went to do his father's will. The brothers, seeing Joseph approaching, are plotting to kill him. Judah proposed a more cunning plan. The brothers stained Joseph’s clothes in the blood of a stabbed goat so that Jacob believed in death from a predatory beast (Genesis 37: 1-36). Joseph was sold by Judah (Gen. 37: 26) behind 20 silverfish passing a caravan of Arabians and taken to Egypt. Pharaoh appreciating the mind of Isiph made him vizier Of Egypt.
        Hungry Brothers of Joseph Come to Ancient Egypt for Food (Gen. 45: 11). Joseph forgave them, and resettled the whole race of Israel (70 people), with the elderly father Jacob headed, to Egypt, than saved from starvation. Pharaoh assigned them to the settlement of Goshen for settlement.
        Joseph (Yusuf) Is one of the revered prophets in Islam. (Wikipedia)
      2. +7
        16 February 2018 09: 05
        Quote from dsk
        Joseph Vissarionovich, Orthodox, baptized, did not manage to finish the seminary, was preparing to become a priest. [

        About Stalin, Marshal K. Rokossovsky said: “This undereducated priest only disturbed everyone. We deceived him: no matter how awkward an order he gave, we assented and made in our own way. "
        1. +27
          16 February 2018 09: 51
          What do we breach? When Khrushchev fought the cult of personality, Rokossovsky was the only one who sent him away. And remember his words, chatterbox.
        2. +25
          16 February 2018 09: 57
          Your untruth
          Stalin and Rokossovsky respected each other.
          At the end of his life, to the demand of Khrushchev to denigrate already dead Stalin, Rokossovsky answered: "Stalin is holy to me".
          Khrushchev immediately ousted him from the post of Deputy Minister of Defense.
          1. +4
            16 February 2018 14: 19
            Rokosovsky was generally quite stubborn
        3. +12
          16 February 2018 10: 08
          Quote: RUSS
          Marshal K. Rokossovsky said about Stalin

          Nikita Sergeevich, comrade Stalin is a saint for me.
        4. wax
          16 February 2018 19: 27
          Link, please. And at least one example when military leaders acted against the will of Stalin in military operations.
          1. +1
            19 February 2018 11: 48
            Zhukov walked several times across the will of Stalin and Stalin, it angered him, but because Zhukov proved his innocence, Stalin did not punish him.
            1. +1
              19 February 2018 12: 40
              Quote: yehat
              Zhukov walked several times across the will of Stalin and Stalin, it angered him, but because Zhukov proved his innocence, Stalin did not punish him.

              According to the recollections of Stalin's Commissars before making decisions, it was possible to argue with Stalin as soon as the decision was made and issued by decree, resolution, it became law and violation became a crime.
              1. +1
                19 February 2018 17: 16
                Well, right! Once a decision has been made after the discussion process, it must be implemented. This is also the basic military principle.
        5. +16
          16 February 2018 21: 10
          Quote: RUSS
          About Stalin, Marshal K. Rokossovsky said: “This undereducated priest only disturbed everyone. We deceived him: no matter how awkward an order he gave, we assented and made in our own way. "

          A link to this undoubtedly true information is possible? And then, after all, they might think (God forbid) that you, like Olgolvich, in the dark depths of the subconscious, some "voices" live wassat who tell you all ... laughing
          1. +9
            17 February 2018 06: 43
            in the dark depths of the subconscious, there are some "voices" that tell you everything ... "
            In them, the subconscious mind consists of three letters and is based on them. NTS, called (not to be confused with a well-known company). Many, it has left a legacy for the hungry "truth", you are tormented to scoop up, it is easier to fall asleep.
        6. +9
          17 February 2018 07: 40
          RUSS, and I considered you a smart person ...
          1. +3
            17 February 2018 08: 13
            Maybe it was. Black bile, apparently, has particularly toxic properties against neurons.
        7. +1
          19 February 2018 21: 10
          Proof is it possible? or as always spoiled the air and into the bushes
        8. -1
          8 July 2018 23: 00
          Few of you, Stalin was rotting in the Gulag.
    3. +4
      16 February 2018 09: 22
      Quote: Amurets
      The economic problems in the USSR have created for themselves.

      The bureaucratic system - the class of bureaucracy created under Stalin, remained without significant modifications today.
      1. +16
        16 February 2018 14: 21
        you're not right. cardinal changes!
        Under Stalin, the responsibility of officials was not formal, but real.
        No one hid behind the letter of the instruction or law when evaluating actions.
        And now? Try Sechin or Chubais to bring to justice.
        1. +1
          16 February 2018 15: 13
          Quote: yehat
          Try Sechin or Chubais to bring to justice.

          Do you know the biography of Sechin? I think no. Read at your leisure before writing about it in a similar tone. About Chubais I agree with you, he is still a top manager.
          1. +5
            17 February 2018 07: 43
            Quote: vlad007
            Do you know the biography of Sechin?

            We know. So what? Petersburg he. request
        2. 0
          18 February 2018 22: 29
          Quote: yehat
          Under Stalin, the responsibility of officials was not formal, but real.

          Yes? Then give an example of the responsibility of a military official Zhukov for the tremendous losses in the Berlin operation.
          1. +3
            19 February 2018 11: 50
            and where did you get that for the loss of beetles in the answer?
            the majority in the military council, and Zhukov, too, were not at all eager to speed up the assault on Berlin. Politics dictated the haste - the allies without resistance quickly approached from the west and Berlin could not be inferior to them.
            1. 0
              19 February 2018 12: 27
              Quote: yehat
              and Zhukov, too, was not at all eager to speed up the assault on Berlin.

              Was this Zhukov not burning with desire?
              Who did you confuse with him?
              Quote: yehat
              Politics dictated the haste - the allies without resistance quickly approached from the west and Berlin could not be inferior to them.

              Eisenhower a few days before the storming of Berlin went up to Elba and stopped there, sending a telegram-notification of this to the Soviet command. Because even in a nightmare it was difficult for him to imagine that the Yankees would storm Berlin. No, for this they had “Russians” (actually Soviet) and Poles.
              In addition, 3/4 of Berlin (as well as Germany) in any case went to the Allies. This was determined long before his assault, at one of the conferences. As well as who will take it.
              Therefore, the race was not between the Red Army and the Allies, but between Zhukov and Konev.
      2. +10
        16 February 2018 19: 37
        You have made a discovery in the field of political science. For the first time, bureaucracy is defined as a class. By the way, under Stalin there were no officials. There were employees. If we talk about officials, it was not Stalin who invented them. In tsarist Russia, there was just a layer that was called that way — officials who were divided by rank. Now about the difference between the employees under Stalin and the civil servants of modern Russia. The former worked and served the socialist state. Their work was aimed at meeting the needs of all members of society. The latter work and serve primarily the capitalist class, providing them with profit. And otherwise nothing. There is no private capitalism without profit, the withdrawal of surplus value.
        1. +1
          18 February 2018 20: 40
          Estessno - bureaucracy = class. Trotsky said that these “servants” must be transferred from work to the people, to work for themselves. Stalin argued that with the enrichment of the country of the Soviets (approaching communism, as they were then expressed), the class war in the country would intensify. What classes can be in the Country of the Republics, except for the people and officials?
    4. +5
      16 February 2018 19: 44
      As for jeans. The fashion for these pants actually appeared in the USSR in the late 60s, and already in the early 70s it was already not difficult to get them. I bought my first Super Rifle in 72 for 50 rubles. Then, as needed, the price rose. By the way, quite normal Tver jeans were produced in the USSR in the 80s, though it was difficult to find them on sale.
      1. +3
        16 February 2018 22: 04
        I haven’t heard about Tver, thanks. Apparently in Leningrad they did not particularly meet
        1. +2
          18 February 2018 01: 07
          Quote: Gopnik
          Apparently in Leningrad they did not particularly meet

          We met, but, for the most part, it was necessary to "get". And so, in “Frunze”, I remember, Indian were hanging at 100 rubles (almost a salary).
          1. -1
            8 July 2018 23: 11
            There were such jeans - “Tver” Yu, I confirm. Their peculiarity. It was that at the “Soviet” price they were sewn from imported, real “raw” denim. The Indian ones were of the “Miltons” brand
        2. +1
          19 February 2018 21: 14
          I saw them, you can’t tell them from imported ones, but few, and it is possible that the workshops repacked laughing
          1. +2
            25 February 2018 09: 16
            In the mid-80s, they lived in the military town of Yelan, Sverdlovsk Region ... these unfortunate jeans were freely sold in a local department store ... there were Russian Tver (with a metal plaque with an elk figure) they cost 30 rubles - wooden but unkillable, there were Indian Avis - pretty decent jeans from 80 to 100 rubles ... in general, the supply of military towns was quite decent ... in 1989 we left there and in the shops it was all ... domestic appliances (radio, tape recorders - Riga, Spring ... color TVs and bw- Taurus, Rubin, Horizon ... very decent Vega record players in appearance and quality are quite a decent unit), a lot of furniture, refrigerators. and all this could be bought in interest-free installments ... and then we moved to Chelyabinsk- and there, as Mamai passed- empty store shelves, a total deficit in stores, coupons for sausages, salt, sugar, vodka, queue lists for household appliances long in a year ...
    5. +3
      17 February 2018 07: 33
      Quote: Amurets
      They came to the USSR with a hippie fashion. "Jeans - trousers made of dense cotton fabric with riveted joints of seams on pockets. First made in 1853 by Liva Strauss as work clothes for farmers [1].

      I read that a certain gold finder had pinned to a certain tailor in California and asked him to sew his trousers out of canvas and rivet his pockets with rivets.
      1. +4
        17 February 2018 09: 05
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        I read that a certain gold finder had pinned to a certain tailor in California and asked him to sew his trousers out of canvas and rivet his pockets with rivets.

        Well, this is from the history of jeans. You are right: jeans have always been overalls and only in the USSR were sexy pants.
        1. +4
          17 February 2018 09: 57
          Quote: Amurets
          Well, this is from the history of jeans. You are right: jeans have always been overalls and only in the USSR were sexy pants.
          GOOD day, Nikolay! I somehow thought differently, like, here I am, like them! I'm so cool! I had a little first jeans! Patriotic! Varenka! I then imagined myself as an adult, about the states and did not understand.
          1. +5
            17 February 2018 10: 34
            Quote: Reptiloid

            In bleach and cooked. And the newspapers were translated into pants. You go and read the headlines laughing On the pants. good
            1. +5
              17 February 2018 10: 40
              Quote: mordvin xnumx
              In bleach and cooked. And the newspapers were translated into pants. You go and read the headlines laughing On the pants. good
              ----- The steepness is unthinkable! But THEM ---- they immediately had such cloth newspapers. Sometimes I notice on backpacks now. But I'm for quick wits. WANT TO MAKE A GOOD --- DO IT YOURSELF.
          2. +4
            17 February 2018 13: 27
            Quote: Reptiloid
            I then imagined myself as an adult, about the states and did not understand.

            Well it happens. Here's another interesting thing about jeans: “So on May 20, 1873, Strauss and Davis patented the right to manufacture trousers with rivets on the codpiece and pockets and sold 21 pairs of jackets and jeans in the first year. However, the riveting on the codpiece did not last long: in 1941 it removed by personal order of the president of the company, Walter Haas: once, sitting at a fire, he was burned with a hot stave. "
            1. +2
              17 February 2018 18: 23
              BURNED by a stave? It is somehow symbolic even. And I remembered that in the days of varenki, or maybe earlier, Soviet craftsmen made branded buttons for jeans of different companies. People bought with a bang and in acquaintance. At home I met by chance in a box with buttons recently. Interesting.
              Quote: mordvin xnumx
              I read that a certain gold finder had pinned to a certain tailor in California and asked him to sew his trousers out of canvas and rivet his pockets with rivets.
              In his book "Encyclopedia of General Delusions", published at the end of the last century, Ludwig Souchek writes that who ordered these rivets was called Elkeli, surname - Hayk. And they carried ore samples in their pockets, heavy. So I asked for rivets. At the end of the last century, they were released since the beginning of their patent, they were released by the said company> half a billion! And yet other firms appeared !!! And they survived all the fluctuations in fashion !!!
    6. +1
      17 February 2018 20: 54
      Quote: Amurets
      First made in 1853 by Liva Strauss as work clothes for farmers

      And why do farmers need rivets in their pockets? I read that rivets were invented for trousers by gold miners - they carried nuggets in their pockets, and they often broke.
    7. +3
      19 February 2018 10: 59
      So the time has come right now for quality things: yesterday I bought a washer (the instructions say 1 year warranty is hard and soft. Service life: 3 years! (Total !!!)
  2. +24
    16 February 2018 07: 24
    Article minus. In terms of style, one gets the impression that its real author is the infamous Mr. Samsonov, because instead of really studying the causes of economic successes and crises of the USSR (which were covered in the mobilization type of the Soviet economy), the author begins to broadcast conspiracy theological passages about some villainous "masters of the West" and total venality of ubiquitous traitors and spies.
    1. +10
      16 February 2018 09: 04
      Right I read two paragraphs - the opus of Mr. Samsonov. Therefore, reading on is foolish. And signed by another author. Apparently, under the "literary" pseudonyms they create.
      I suggest the owners of the site to post the author’s surname before the article, so as not to waste time on odious personalities.
      1. +11
        16 February 2018 10: 58
        Do you think that Samsonov is lonely? Such as he is "conspiracy theorists" a dime a dozen. These are people with a rudimentary primitive consciousness, who, instead of objective reasons, see the machinations of the “devil” and “evil spirits” in everything.
        1. +4
          16 February 2018 13: 11
          Quote: alebor
          Do you think that Samsonov is lonely? Such as he is "conspiracy theorists" a dime a dozen. These are people with a rudimentary primitive consciousness, who, instead of objective reasons, see the machinations of the “devil” and “evil spirits” in everything.

          What are you, what are you ... They, like true communists and atheists, everywhere see only the Jewish masons, reptilians (by the way, as proof of their existence, we have such a forum member here) and the cursed Anglo-Saxons!
        2. +7
          16 February 2018 13: 51
          This is just sadness. People, instead of analyzing the real causes of problems, begin to not only go into a fictional world full of “spies, traitors and pests,” but also actively impose their picture of the world on other people. No, of course, betrayal and bribery have existed at all times, but to explain to them every human stupidity or mistake is too much ....
          1. +2
            18 February 2018 19: 14
            And don’t talk. It seems that the monarchist wrote an article, sheer nonsense and demagogy.
        3. +7
          16 February 2018 19: 55
          But they have a Vedic type of thinking: ALL ENEMIES, BAD "THEY" EVERYTHING BROKEN UP, AND WE ARE GOOD "PATIENTS"! BUT ONCE SO, EVERYTHING WAS INEVITABLE. STALIN IS NOT GOD. DIED AND EVERYTHING WAKE UP! Conclusion: do not fight with the strong, do not reach with the smart, terpilov - terpilovo!
          1. +8
            17 February 2018 10: 32
            Good afternoon, Vyacheslav! Do you not know why this all happened? I have no doubt that you have read various books on the destruction of the USSR. But somehow, your logic can be applied to other events in this way. For example, to the failed Stolypin reforms, which you, like, praised. Did not take place ---- it means nothing. The Reds defeated the whites, which means it should be, it was inevitable, and the bakers all suffer 100 years in the ravishing evenings !!
        4. +1
          19 February 2018 11: 01
          So let us then and admit that we are not able to create something good and high quality! And all around ignoramuses and handshakes!
      2. +4
        17 February 2018 12: 01
        Quote: Army 2
        Right I read two paragraphs - the opus of Mr. Samsonov. Therefore, reading on is foolish. And signed by another author. Apparently, under the "literary" pseudonyms they create ..
        I recently suggested that Samsonov ----- a team of authors. There are too different articles, as different people wrote. Apparently, someone tried to separate. ????? We will see.
    2. +6
      16 February 2018 21: 20
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      the author begins to broadcast conspiracy theories about some villainous "masters of the West" and the total venality of ubiquitous traitors and spies.

      Though he didn’t say anything about the “super ethnos” - it’s already progress !!!
  3. +15
    16 February 2018 07: 27
    An excellent conspiracy theory ... Only based on a lie ... I myself was born in Kazakhstan (although I didn’t see the deficiency, I was small), but I know from my relatives that he was there and even worse than here and there in Russia .. ..This time ... Secondly, what did the Soviet economy work during the Second World War without failures? The planned economy is too inert and sharpened for the production of the same type of goods or goods with minimal changes ... For example, consider the evolution of the T-34 and the armor 4 / Sherman, PPSh and STEN ... How many modifications of the T-34 before the release of T -34-85 and what was it connected with? Problems with the review and communication when they decided on the T-34? In military technology, this is not as noticeable as in the civilian industry ... Under capitalism, there is such a thing as competition, you will not take into account the wishes of the market a couple of times and you will lose the segment almost at the root, in a planned economy, this question does not arise in principle ..
  4. +22
    16 February 2018 07: 49
    the author does not understand a single gram in the principles of the functioning of a planned economy and dumps his false fabrications.
    The Western masters are to blame for everything:
    “Now we turn again to Yu. Andropov. No one thought why the Andropov KGB needed to introduce internal intelligence in the USSR? ... to closely monitor the directors of Soviet enterprises, so that they would not decide to introduce into production at their own risk and peril that local talented inventors can offer. "
    West bought everything and the men didn’t even know! Only one question arises!
    How can you buy the virtually sole ruler of the second SUPERPOWER in the world? Andropov and Brezhnev were also led into jeans? Full crap!
    And about the "innocently killed" bulls generally smiled :))
    Gobies all healthy and meat cut off for the dog? Is the refrigerator at home clogged with meat?
    In the country of total deficit, those who exported and felled bull-calves did not crank the hack !? Didn’t come back for this meat
    and not brought to markets, to familiar zavmagas, etc.? This is when from factories through guarded walkways they dragged everything that is possible and not possible. :)) They don’t refuse such a profit :))
    Article baby talk.
    1. +6
      16 February 2018 14: 27
      In the country of total deficit, those who exported and felled bull-calves did not crank the hack !? Didn’t come back for this meat
      and not brought to markets, to familiar zavmagas, etc.? This is when from factories through guarded walkways they dragged everything that is possible and not possible. :)) They don’t refuse such a profit

      in the Novosibirsk region in the 90s, I myself saw this. They slaughtered meat so much that the population could not stupidly have time to eat. Students ate cheaply - they bought with kilograms, as nobody does now. And threw it away. Tons.
      1. +1
        17 February 2018 20: 22
        "In the Novosibirsk region in 90 I saw this myself. Meat was slaughtered so much that the population could not stupidly have time to eat"
        And I saw aliens. And what? Except YOU no one saw? In the 90 years, when people all over the country were supplied with cards - "the population could not have time to eat stupidly" !! ???? You are a LIAR! I hope the moderators will notice this.
        1. +1
          19 February 2018 11: 52
          you are a liar! I never saw any cards in the 90s.
          1. 0
            19 February 2018 12: 40
            Quote: yehat
            I never saw any cards in the 90s.

            Are you not yourself? How is this "not seen"? What did you eat then? Or used a special distributor?
            1. +1
              19 February 2018 20: 08
              Quote: wersa
              Quote: yehat
              I never saw any cards in the 90s.

              Are you not yourself? How is this "not seen"? What did you eat then? Or used a special distributor?

              In Leningrad, probably from 1989 to 92, like ..... My child is there. Still. Printed housing offices.
            2. 0
              21 February 2018 01: 40
              There have been no cards (more precisely, coupons) or special distributors since 1992, since the beginning of economic reforms. Don't you remember that? When everything went up sharply, but did the store shelves fill up with goods?
    2. +6
      17 February 2018 07: 50
      Quote: podgornovea
      Gobies all healthy and meat cut off for the dog?

      In the 90th, by order from Moscow, cows fell. Free the market for chicken legs.
      1. +1
        17 February 2018 20: 13
        Order number and date! Tongue chatting not tossing bags! :))
        1. +3
          18 February 2018 00: 18
          Are you kidding me? This was written in the central press.
        2. +4
          18 February 2018 00: 40
          We had equipment for washing powder in the open air. Stupidly said not to mount. Then came the smart Americans, and now this plant is called Procter and Gamble.
        3. +1
          19 February 2018 21: 18
          Look - "You can’t live like that."
      2. 0
        20 February 2018 09: 51
        Quote: mordvin xnumx
        Quote: podgornovea
        Gobies all healthy and meat cut off for the dog?

        In the 90th, by order from Moscow, cows fell. Free the market for chicken legs.

        I remembered a long-forgotten such ...... When we lived in the Far East on the site ---- there were 2 likes. The dogs always came here too. And in the 90s there wasn’t enough food for either themselves or animals, people often threw them, were stray. And at that time, through dog breeding, they began to compile lists of people wishing to buy substandard meat. Somehow cheap, somehow a lot ..... 20kg or more ..... ????? For a penny. And everyone did not hide that they were going to eat substandard themselves. Raw teletine smelled of medicine. Cooked in several waters, smelled of medicine ..... Cooked until the smell left. And what was it? They killed those calves or didn’t have time to bury them? These are Yeltsin’s reforms. Cards were not redeemable .... And there was also oil from the fish. Like margarine. Such a cube. And what was it?
  5. +11
    16 February 2018 07: 56
    And suddenly such a paradox: the country is not at war with anyone, it is actually flourishing, and the economy has collapsed! What's the matter? The fact is that they helped her fall apart. If so, then who? It is clear that those who controlled it. As the saying goes, the fish always rots from the head.

    A normal economy, in principle, does not depend on who controls it: Bush, Carter, Nixon, etc. changed, corrected with great-less success, but the economy worked as a whole independently and successfully ... It was the same in Germany, France, Italy, etc.
    The Soviet economy was based on the ruthless exploitation of the most valuable and fragile resource of the human state, through inhuman prolonged overstrain of the forces of the people.
    The building can be built with the help of a competent engineer, a crane and workers who normally live with it.

    It can also be built by a layman, strings of torn people manually, with endless collapses, death and fatigue.
    Both buildings are standing, but their price is different: in the case of the first, people lived and during construction continue to build and live the same way. In the case of the second, people were torn and tired - you can’t live in wild tension all the time.
    As the seemingly inexhaustible cheap human human resource ended, the owls collapsed. economy: in the early 80s, the influx of youth from the villages completely dried up, it was gone ...
    1. +8
      16 February 2018 10: 24
      under Joseph Vissarionovich "Head" did not rot. As soon as easy smelling started, he she was immediately cut off.

      Headless body can only sympathize. sad I remember a runny nose was also treated. lol
      Besides Order through their people for each of these carefully watched. And whenever possible I tried to get rid of them. The masters of Western civilization in power in Soviet Russia needed venal pleasure lovers, vile, envious, with criminal criminal manners.

      Which .... Order? belay Those. Soviet Union rules Order of the Western Masters- removed the “good”, set the “bad” ?! Author-immediately-details!
      One thing is not clear: WHO, after all, these " venal pleasures of pleasure, vile, envious, with criminal criminal manners"Is this the Zinoviev’s gang exposed by Yagoda? Or the Yagov’s gang of Yagoda exposed? Or the Beria of Yezhov exposed by Beria? Or the gang of Beria exposed by Khrushchev? recourse request
      Alone "venal pleasures of pleasures, vile, envious, with criminal criminal manners,", I’m directly tangled in them belay request
      1. +8
        16 February 2018 13: 06
        "under Joseph Vissarionovich, the" head "did not rot. As soon as light plowing began, he immediately cut it off" ////

        Yes, this is a brilliant phrase. I also noticed. Constantly cutting off your head “so as not to rot” is an excellent definition for the Stalinist regime.
        1. +6
          18 February 2018 19: 22
          The Stalinist regime is in your head with the rest of the silly cliches. You wanted to show wit, but you showed yourself to be an extremely stupid person.
    2. +12
      16 February 2018 21: 05
      Dear Olgovich. You did not live and did not seem to work in the USSR. Hence the completely incorrect perception of reality at that time. You write nonsense about the ruthless exploitation of human resources. In the USSR, this will be news for you, everyone chose what and how he will do it. The exploitation of labor, it is now with you and with us, the practice of capitalism. The building of the USSR was built just by very competent engineers, otherwise such a building comparable to the building of the USA was impossible to build by fools. Another thing is that the building collapsed was not just engineers with knowledge and experience, but people who imagined themselves as such. This is the trouble of the system, which was able to allow such people to power. This factor was taken into account in the PRC.
      1. +2
        17 February 2018 06: 59
        Quote: Theseus
        Dear Olgovich. You did not live and did not seem to work in the USSR. Hence the completely incorrect perception of reality at that time.

        He lived for 33 years and I know everything.
        Quote: Theseus
        You write nonsense about the ruthless exploitation of human resources.

        TRUTH, not nonsense - you do not own the question - Russians are Dying Out since 1964, 1992-Russian Cross
        Quote: Theseus
        The building of the USSR was built just by very competent engineers, otherwise such a building comparable to the building of the United States was impossible to build by fools

        HOW to build, do not remember? From starvation 12 million perished, corpse eating, cannibalism — there has never been such a thing anywhere in the world, either in Africa or Asia. For you, this is the norm of construction, but for the mass of people, NO.
        People’s free resource has ended, the regime has ended. It is a fact
        1. +11
          17 February 2018 07: 08
          Quote: Olgovich
          HOW to build, do not remember? 12, 5 million perished from starvation, corpse eating, cannibalism — there has never been such a thing anywhere in the world, either in Africa or Asia.

          Olgovich-Alexander - Are you all reckless there?
          1. +2
            17 February 2018 07: 47
            Quote: Mordvin 3
            Olgovich-Alexander - Are you all reckless there?

            And here you are, judging by the expressions, YES. hi
            1. +11
              17 February 2018 07: 53
              Yes, I'm crap over you. What will happen next? How did orderlies from the morgue make meat patties?
              1. +2
                17 February 2018 08: 43
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Yes I crap over you

                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Like orderlies from the morgueDid you make meat pies?

                With such addictions in Western Europe, you will have many LOVE men .: Yes lol
              2. +9
                17 February 2018 13: 05
                Quote: mordvin xnumx
                Yes, I'm crap over you. What will happen next? How did orderlies from the morgue make meat patties?

                And already many times Olgovich invented all sorts of horrors about cannibals
                Quote: Mordvin3
                Olgovich-Alexander - What are you all doing there
                .Of course, he moved quietly, so capitalism had influenced him.
                1. +1
                  19 February 2018 13: 22
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  And already many times Olgovich invented all sorts of horrors about cannibals

                  Your illiteracy is simply amazing: Rosarchive posted the relevant documents, on istmath, etc.
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  .Of course he is quiet moved so capitalism had influenced him.

                  If a person denies DOCUMENTS, then he is definitely
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  1. +5
                    19 February 2018 18: 12
                    You would Olgovich, better interested in the history of states and Europe. I have no doubt that so many things would be delighted ---- the Inquisition, Bartholomew’s night, Huguenot wars, peasant war in Germany.Albigoy wars, crusades against the Slavs and the East, fencing, extermination of Indians, Australian Aborigines, slave trade and inhuman treatment of slaves. Eating children, his or her neighbor, Vyacheslav Olegovich gave links. Piracy ..... Actually, there is a site about genocide, it is called .. Very detailed. Well, in RI it was not serfdom, but real slavery. So the Bolsheviks ----- the best option !!!!! Although I understand that it’s already impossible for you to learn anything, the number of neurons does not allow, and the connections between them are broken, the Doctor wrote to you somehow.
                    1. +1
                      21 February 2018 15: 06
                      Quote: Reptiloid
                      You would Olgovich, better interested in the history of states and Europe. I have no doubt that so many things would be delighted ---- the Inquisition, Bartholomew’s night, Huguenot wars, peasant war in Germany.Albigoy wars, crusades against the Slavs and the East, fencing, extermination of Indians, Australian Aborigines, slave trade and inhuman treatment of slaves. Eating children, her or her neighbors,

                      The middle of the 20th century and the Middle Ages are the same for you fool lol
                      1. +2
                        22 February 2018 17: 36
                        You love all sorts of snows! So study the Middle Ages! And about genocide ---- the topic is modern. Familiar. Or is this an unknown word?
      2. +2
        19 February 2018 11: 20
        Quite talented engineers from the other side also collapsed.
    3. +7
      18 February 2018 19: 19
      You have no brains left. They are completely exhausted. Demagogue and yap. Until now, young people are traveling from villages, but now it is just coming to an end, small towns are beginning to rake migrants from the republics of the former USSR.
      1. +1
        19 February 2018 13: 18
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Brain you have no more. Have run out completely. Demagogue and yap

        Your opinion is very "valuable" to us. lol
        Can you refute? No you can not. And who are you then? None. Yes
        Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
        Until now, young people are coming from villages, but now it’s just coming to an end

        You are completely UNLIMITED. Read the monograph by Denisova " The Endangered Village of Black Soil": since the early 80s the youth has run out.
  6. +8
    16 February 2018 08: 08
    After thinking about what Marxism-Leninism slid into, and under Stalin everything worked clearly, comrades-in-arms, regular hunger strikes, chronic deficiency of everything, life in barracks is the norm.
    1. +11
      16 February 2018 20: 46
      The respected brochures have been read. I was born under Stalin and did not starve and did not live in barracks. Maybe I was so lucky, maybe my dad and mom were nomenclature, and no. There were simple people, but the country developed rapidly after the war. Do not know. Do not write.
  7. +21
    16 February 2018 08: 22
    Too many emotions in the article. Khrushchev eliminated the production cooperatives that were under Stalin, and these were not only shoemakers, watchmakers, tailors, and sometimes factories that manufactured household appliances, animal feed for agriculture, toys, etc. Factories became state-owned, shoemakers , tailors and other small producers went underground .. Subsequently, degenerated into a shadow business .. The shadow business merged with crime and the Soviet authorities .. And the further the more .. In the late 80s in the 90s, the genie was released from the bottle. Everything collapsed ..
    1. +10
      17 February 2018 06: 47
      In my opinion, an article on economics cannot be without numbers. And here ---- what concepts ---- many, few,
      Somehow not a single figure, like no citation of laws, decrees. At least about payment, bonuses for rationalization proposals under Stalin and then. Then the author would not have asked --- why? And immediately I would write this. And so ---- the author wrote the article in half an hour without looking at any directories. Better ---- let the article be small, but with specific numbers.
    2. +6
      17 February 2018 14: 28
      I remember these artels of private traders. A private shoemaker lived and worked in a neighboring house in the 50s and early 60s, a dentist practiced in a nearby private house, and a cooperative trade store was nearby. They sold household goods there and, as I recall, some of the food. But the point is not that they were forcibly suppressed. The fact is that they were not able to provide their services better than state ones. They simply could not stand the competition with the public sector. They went broke. This is the reason. It is clear that the public sector did not need competitors, so the private trader could only rely on himself. And the private trader lost in the economic struggle with the state. And that is understandable. The construction of a socialist state excludes petty-bourgeois elements from the economy. They can be acceptable only in a certain period when government agencies still do not quite cope with meeting the needs in the field of trade and services. By the way, I do not know the facts of the departure of shoemakers and tailors underground. Tailors were acquaintances and no one touched them, and there was a car repair in garages, but that's another matter.
      1. 0
        21 February 2018 00: 55
        Consumer cooperation stores, as well as consumer cooperation itself, have not been abolished. Khrushchev abolished fishing cooperation (except for gold mining cooperatives).
    3. +1
      19 February 2018 20: 00
      But these production cooperatives also fulfilled the plan. This is a kind of collective farm in the artisanal and service sectors. And the chairmen of the cooperatives reported to the party bodies. And the promartels had their own party organizations. Although, I agree, there was a little more freedom of economic activity compared to state-owned enterprises.
      1. +1
        19 February 2018 20: 23
        Quote: Sergej1972
        Although, I agree, there was a little more freedom of economic activity compared to state-owned enterprises.

        There was no freedom there. Because there was no market for raw materials. All raw materials were funded by the state and sold to them strictly under plans approved by him.
    4. +1
      19 February 2018 20: 21
      Quote: parusnik
      Factories became state-owned, shoemakers, tailors and other small producers went underground .. Subsequently, it degenerated into a shadow business .. The shadow business merged with crime and the Soviet authorities .. And the further the more .. In the late 80s in the 90s, the was released from the bottle. Everything collapsed ..

      In fact, these promartels are like collective farms in the countryside. On paper, they were private. In fact, state. In the same way as the state sponsors they were given a plan. They appointed a chairman (through the district committee). Similarly, under this plan, they received funds. Those. the difference between the factory and the promartel was exactly the same as between the collective farm and state farm. On paper, awesome. In fact, no.
      Khrushchev simply stopped this Pharisaism. And to anything that you describe it did not lead to. Nothing at all.
      Only now the collective farms did not have time to rename into state farms.
      1. +1
        21 February 2018 01: 08
        Since I had a lot of relatives working on collective and state farms, I’ll say that there was still some difference. A little bit (just like that) on the collective farms there was more freedom of economic activity. More precisely, there was somewhat more freedom for the chairman in resolving some minor issues. On the collective farm it was easier to write off property, etc. What was prohibited and considered a violation of financial discipline at the state farm could be carried out at the collective farm by decision of the board or assembly. District and regional chiefs preferred to drink more often to go to collective farms.) For the collective farm authorities, for example, to slaughter a pig or a ram for guests, did not have to follow a bunch of formalities typical of state farms.)) Construction inter-collective farm organizations also had slightly more freedom compared to with government agencies. It was impossible to imagine at the state farm that he would pay money to the latter's family for more than ten years for his chauffeur, who had knocked to death a cobbler from the Caucasus. And on the collective farm it was possible. The meeting decided to pay the compensation that the driver had to pay by court decision to the driver of the shabashnik at the expense of collective farm funds. The director of the state farm, with all the desire, could not have done so.
      2. 0
        21 February 2018 01: 20
        By the way, even on paper, they were not private, but cooperative. However, we sometimes confuse the activities of promartels, artels of the disabled, gold mining cooperatives with people engaged in self-employment. There were a small number of shoemakers, shoe cleaners, etc., who were not part of the artels and were quite legally engaged in their activities. For some reason, these were often Assyrians (Aisors). Or doctors were engaged in private practice, usually in their spare time from their main work. Even at the time of Khrushchev and Brezhnev, there were a small number (miserable nationwide) of individual peasants. A number of people in creative professions worked under civil law contracts. And officially they did not work in any theater or in a single film studio. I will give Mikhail Nozhkin as an example. A special category, which is more typical for Brezhnev’s times, is a team of migrants, mainly from the Caucasus and the western regions of Ukraine. Plus, a small number of people worked in workshops owned by the Russian Orthodox Church (candle factories, etc.).
        1. 0
          21 February 2018 01: 27
          If you read fiction from the 40s and 50s, it is very often displayed there as a not very positive character, some pro-fellow, well, let's say, the chairman of a button-based artel, thinking about how to better sell the products of his organization. And while watching the fashion, etc. It is indisputable that the chairmen and other leaders of large promartels received a good salary, and their standard of living was above average. In supermarkets, although they were, as I wrote, under party control, it was still easier for a non-partisan to occupy a position in comparison with state structures.
  8. +4
    16 February 2018 08: 27
    Is this just an excerpt from someone’s book?
    1. +4
      16 February 2018 20: 37
      Quote: Black Joe
      Is this just an excerpt from someone’s book?

      From artistic pseudo-historical.
      1. 0
        18 February 2018 09: 06
        But this is
        In all senses
        Let us and you lay out pieces from books, Jules Verne for example.
        1. 0
          18 February 2018 09: 07
          wrote P.I.P.
  9. +6
    16 February 2018 10: 07
    The collapse of the USSR is a whole set of reasons. But this is a state of a new type that never existed before. The principles of the economy have never been applied anywhere. The creation of a new community of Soviet people based on completely different relationships between people. But the anthropological factor has not been canceled.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  10. +2
    16 February 2018 10: 23
    What to do????
    How to search for "Unsaleable and incorruptible, indifferent to pleasures and power"? Where will they come from? How to make them so always.
    1. +4
      16 February 2018 11: 58
      Quote: hhhhhhh
      What to do????
      How to search for "Unsaleable and incorruptible, indifferent to pleasures and power"? Where will they come from? How to make them so always.

      To collect all the red-flagged ones in VO and give them power, but it is advisable after I leave this life.
      1. +1
        16 February 2018 13: 08
        - Sir, I'm afraid you are crazy from the authorities.
        “Of course, have you ever tried to go crazy without power?” It’s boring and nobody listens to you.
        "The Simpsons at the Cinema")))
      2. +3
        16 February 2018 13: 53
        Not bad idea. But it’s better not to implement it in Russia, and once was enough for us.
        1. +4
          18 February 2018 19: 31
          If you give power to you, you will ruin the country even faster than the false communists of the late USSR. Because you and logic do not intersect from the word at all.
      3. +3
        16 February 2018 15: 28
        Quote: captain
        To collect all the red-flagged ones in VO and give them power, but it is advisable after I leave this life.

        And our children and grandchildren ?! belay I do not agree, dear Yuri (for the first time) hi
        1. +7
          16 February 2018 21: 40
          I do not agree, dear Yuri (for the first time)

          And in the second, isn’t it? wink
          1. 0
            23 February 2018 07: 52
            Quote: avva2012
            And in the second, isn’t it?

            Can you talk without nicknames? hi
            1. +1
              27 February 2018 07: 46
              Without nicknames can you talk already? hi

              What language, you understand, have to speak that laughing
              ps Neologism (neologism) (Oxford Dictionary of General Medicine) inventing words that give known meanings. Usually observed in childhood; however, when it occurs in adults, it may be a symptom of some kind of mental illness, such as schizophrenia. Neologisms should be distinguished from paraphase, in which well-known words are given new meanings. hi
              1. 0
                27 February 2018 11: 15
                Quote: avva2012
                What language, you understand, have to speak that

                IN THIS language you speak with EVERYTHING. It is called "tongue-tied" hi lol
                Your netlenku "Monument to the dog Pavlov"- never forget!hi lol
                Neologism used in the history of the language to characterize the enrichment of the vocabulary in individual historical periods - so, we can talk about neologisms of the Petrine time, neologisms individual cultural figures (M.V. Lomonosova, N.M. Karamzina and his school), neologisms of the period of World War II, etc.

                In developed languages ​​appear every year tens of thousands of neologisms.

                But schizos see schizophrenia everywhere: even with Lomonosov. lol hi
                1. +1
                  28 February 2018 05: 37
                  Neologism is used in the history of language to characterize the enrichment of vocabulary in separate historical periods .... neologisms of individual cultural figures (M.V. Lomonosov, N. M. Karamzin and his school[i] [/ i]

                  Not in a bad row, you put yourself laughing wassat Modestly! good
                  In developed languages, tens of thousands of neologisms appear every year.
                  ... inventing words that give known meanings. Usually observed in childhood; however, when it occurs in adults, it can be a symptom .... Read the definition carefully.
                  Your imperishable "Monument to the Dog Pavlov U" - never forget!

                  It’s impossible to say for sure, you understood the meaning of Pavlov’s dog, but the fact that you will never forget her pleases, though this is not Christian. wink laughing
                  But schizos see schizophrenia everywhere ...

                  This was a definition of neologism; I personally did not say anything. If, you, found in this definition, something close to yourself, then, then, you found. Because, the conclusion that you made is not logically deduced. Given that you have problems with formal logic and about them, I already wrote to you, then with this remark, you only confirmed my opinion. ps You put it "schizos see everywhere." I dare not argue with you, perhaps you know better.
                  1. 0
                    28 February 2018 07: 40
                    Quote: avva2012
                    Not in a bad row, you put yourself modestly!

                    There are a lot of us good people! Yes
                    Quote: avva2012
                    ..inventing words that are given known meanings. Usually observed in childhood; however, when it occurs in adults, it can be a symptom .... Read the definition carefully

                    You have also been given the definition of neologism, moreover, GENERAL, and not medical. Can you challenge? Not?
                    Quote: avva2012
                    It’s impossible to say for sure, you understood the meaning of Pavlov’s dog, but the fact that you will never forget her pleases, though this is not Christian.

                    I remembered, naturally: in the same quality as the incorruptibles of your brother Klitschko ("Not only everything ..") lol
                    Quote: avva2012
                    This was a definition of neologism; I personally did not say anything.

                    Repeat, what's wrong with you? belay
                    Quote: avva2012
                    If a, you have found in this definition, something close to itself, then, means found

                    Once again, please express yourself in RUSSIAN, and not in the Klitschko language. Yes
                    Quote: avva2012
                    because the conclusion that you made is not logically deduced. Given that you have problems with formal logic and about them, I already wrote to you, then with this remark, you only confirmed my opinion

                    My dear man, before discussing high matters, learn to RELIABLE express your ts “thoughts”.
                    So far, you only get one "Monuments to the dog Pavlov. hi lol
                    Quote: avva2012
                    You put it "schizos see everywhere." I dare not argue with youperhaps you know better.

                    Those. did you see something lol
                    1. +1
                      28 February 2018 08: 41
                      My dear man, before discussing high matters, learn to RELIABLE express your ts “thoughts”.
                      So far, you get only one "monument to the dog Pavlov.

                      Do you think that you are talking about "high matters"? belay Is it possible to talk about something with an object? Yes, you are interesting in a certain sense, but nothing more. Pavlov, I remind you, studied conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in dogs, based on their secretion of gastric juice. You allocate something else for these or those incentives, but just as Pavlov didn’t get the idea to enter into discussions, so does not arise for me.
                      You have also been given the definition of neologism, moreover, GENERAL, and not medical. Can you challenge? Not?
                      The general definition of neologism, based on what you write, does not fit. The criterion, here is one, is medical. Therefore, he was chosen.
                      There are a lot of us good people!
                      There are more good people and truth, but why, you, have included yourself in their number?
                      Those. did you see something
                      Well yes. Very striking. I once read that "the criterion of mental health is the doubt of a person in his mental health." I doubt you, no. So yes it is.
                      1. 0
                        28 February 2018 09: 53
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Do you think that you are talking about "high matter "?

                        You mention such concepts as “logic,” while we don’t master even the simpler thing-connected presentation of your so-called "thoughts". Arguments about “logic” imply unconditional ownership of this ELEMENTARY tool. With level "Monument to the Dog Pavlov" to high matters oh oh how far! lol
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Is it possible to talk about something with an object?

                        The object can, in turn, be the subject, and the object can now be the first subject. You for example Yes
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Yes, you are interesting in a certain sense, but nothing more. Pavlov, I remind you, studied conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in dogs, based on their secretion of gastric juice. You allocate something else for these or those incentives, but just as Pavlov didn’t get the idea to enter into discussions, so does not arise for me.

                        I repeat, for tankers: The object, in turn, is the subject, and the object is the first subject, i.e. You. You are interesting as the owner of a unique, impenetrable thickness of the frontal bone (from the forehead to the back of the head).
                        None murderous facts: neither cannibalism with corpse eating, nor tens of millions of starvation deaths are capable of breaking through it. Whose one can withstand, but Vash- good hi
                        Quote: avva2012
                        The general definition of neologism, based on what you write, does not fit.

                        Fits. Total always above privatewhich is just one from parts of the general. Got it or repeat it again? hi
                        Quote: avva2012
                        There are more good people and truth, but why, you, have included yourself in their number?

                        Why not? belay
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Somehow read that "the criterion of mental health is the doubt of a person in his mental health."

                        Doubt is, of course, one of the main tools for a correct assessment.
                        But who determined that in this case, what you read as a "criterion" is .... a "criterion"? Aren't you? belay lol
                        Quote: avva2012
                        I doubt my

                        Do not doubt! lol laughing Because
                        Quote: avva2012
                        yes, see.

                        lol hi
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                      1. The comment was deleted.
                    3. The comment was deleted.
                      1. 0
                        28 February 2018 13: 51
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Yeah. This is already a liquefaction. The final one.

                        What, even a friend
                        Quote: avva2012
                        specialty doctor
                        Can't you help? request . lol
                    4. +1
                      28 February 2018 15: 28
                      Yeah, in Moldova, not only is there no specialized, there, in general, apparently, there is no medical assistance.
                      1. 0
                        28 February 2018 15: 33
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Yeah, in Moldova, not only no specialized there, in general, apparently, there is no medical assistance.

                        And local doctors, can’t help you?
                        Although I understand: you already got them. Yes
                    5. +1
                      1 March 2018 03: 23
                      And local doctors, can’t help you?

                      I do not live in Moldova wink What is the connection between my statement: “in Moldova, not only there is no specialized, there, apparently, there is no medical assistance” and your “got”? laughing
                      Although, this is yours, out of competition: "The object can, in turn, be the subject, and the first subject can now be the object" good laughing
                      1. 0
                        1 March 2018 10: 20
                        Quote: avva2012
                        I do not live in Moldova What is the connection between my statement: “in Moldova, not only there is no specialized, there, apparently, there is no medical assistance” and your “got”

                        And what makes you complain about the lack of medical care in Moldova, if not the fear of not receiving it from you? belay
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Although, this is yours, out of competition: "The object can, in turn, be the subject, and the first subject can now be the object"

                        Boils the head? hi lol
      4. +6
        16 February 2018 21: 39
        but preferably after I leave this life.

        Egoist. laughing Current about yourself!
        It would be interesting to look at you when the power changes. Although, what to see, in the forefront would be in the struggle "For ....
      5. +6
        17 February 2018 07: 10
        Quote: captain
        To collect all the red-flagged ones in VO and give them power, but it is advisable after I leave this life.

        But you once were. I am wrong?
      6. +2
        18 February 2018 14: 54
        Quote: captain
        Quote: hhhhhhh
        What to do????
        How to search for "Unsaleable and incorruptible, indifferent to pleasures and power"? Where will they come from? How to make them so always.

        To collect all the red-flagged ones in VO and give them power, but it is advisable after I leave this life.

        What is going to die?
  11. +14
    16 February 2018 11: 12
    I remembered an old Soviet joke. Five contradictions of socialism: 1) Nobody works, but they fulfill the plan. 2) The plan is being implemented, but there is nothing in the stores. 3) There is nothing in the stores, but everyone has everything at home. 4) Everyone has everything at home, but everyone is unhappy. 5) Everyone is unhappy, but they vote in favor.
    As they say, in every joke there is some truth. Due to such contradictions, inconsistencies and absurdities, everything, by and large, fell apart.
    1. +7
      16 February 2018 20: 35
      It is only a fraction of the truth. I believe that this joke was invented by lazy people from some sort of research institute. Where I worked, everyone worked there and worked hard. The plan was fulfilled and what we produced was extremely necessary. By the way, labor productivity under the USSR in our industry was higher than now in capitalist Russia. In the 50s and 60s, everything was of good quality in the shops of the USSR. The deterioration went in the 70s and in the 80s under Gorbachev reached a deficit of consumer goods maximum. Consequently, the point is not in the economic system of socialism, but in inept planning and violation of the balance of payments. By the way, there was no shortage of shops in the back stores under Gorbachev. I used it myself, I know. It is clear that if I used it at home, everything was meat and red caviar, and Dutch sausages. Why would I be unhappy. The salary is three times higher than average, the apartment was provided, there are no problems. And this is for me, not a nomenclature party worker, but a simple head of a section of a construction trust. Conclusion. There were opportunities for work.
      1. +5
        17 February 2018 07: 14
        In the 60's, when Khrushchev handed over all the artels to the ministries, and the ruble collapsed.
  12. The comment was deleted.
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      1. +2
        16 February 2018 13: 56
        Excuse me, cheat? Cheat, cheat? No, I heard that in 1991 there was a financial crisis in Europe (related to the work of regulators), I heard that South Africa left Angola in 1989, but that it was a currency-diamond crisis and that Cubans invaded South Africa and were several tens of kilometers from the capital (by the way, you can say 2 of them there) ... Either you respected rave, or the ministry of "truth" works very well in our country, as in one of my favorite books ....
        1. +2
          16 February 2018 23: 18
          South Africa does not border Angola at all. Between them Namibia and Botswana.
          And Pretoria is closer to Mozambique, and from Angola in general a thousand kilometers.
          1. +3
            17 February 2018 04: 21
            And who told you that Angola borders on South Africa. Just South African troops were in Namibia and invaded Angola. At the same time, they cleared these territories with the help of Cuban special forces.
  13. +10
    16 February 2018 11: 50
    "If Tsarist, pre-revolutionary Russia were in the beginning of the 40-s, it would have come to an end during the Nazi invasion."

    Some kind of delusional statement ... Which royal? Like she was at the time of the fall of the monarchy? Well, the stump is clear - 25 years have passed since then, everything has changed. Or the hypothetical tsarist Russia that it could have become if not for the catastrophe of 17? If this is a question, then I think this war could not have happened at all. And if Stolypin were given the opportunity to finish what he had begun, then Russia by 1940 could be a world hegemon without war.
    1. +7
      16 February 2018 14: 11
      Russia could not be a hegemon. Just the failure of the first reforms of Stolypin ensured the influx of workers into the city, which gave a certain impetus to development. this is how negative can even give something positive. Look at how the incomes, which grew under a pillar, were spent - 80% on the tourism of the nobility in Europe.
    2. +5
      17 February 2018 18: 51
      Quote: gorgo
      "If Tsarist, pre-revolutionary Russia were in the beginning of the 40-s, it would have come to an end during the Nazi invasion."
      Some kind of delusional statement ... Which royal? ............ if Stolypin were given the opportunity to finish what he had begun, then by 1940 Russia could be a world hegemon without war.
      As many as 2 delusional statements. If the children could carry out inhuman, vile, filthy reforms, then 20 million peasants who would sell their allotments to the rich would die out of starvation. But Stolypin was spitting, if only enlargement took place. Reforms failed and did not happen at that moment of the revolution. And there could have been a Russian rebellion before the age of 17. And so in the Republic of Ingushetia 9 years of famine were noted, starting from 1891 to 1911. L.N. Tolstoy wrote an article HUNGER.
      BOLSHEVIKI found a brilliant solution ---- collectivization. Only in this way could agriculture be enlarged. By creating peasant communities where everyone fought for the harvest. Indeed, before that, narrow peasant strips formed after 1861 made it impossible to make any improvement in agriculture. Only large farms could survive and prosper.
  14. +10
    16 February 2018 13: 08
    The article was written by an amateur who is not versed in the economics of socialism and has little knowledge of the history of his own country. It does not make sense to discuss in detail his speculative conclusions.
    1. +4
      17 February 2018 11: 03
      And besides spitting bile and there is no knowledge! And if the oak is like a tree, then what is there to discuss
      1. +1
        18 February 2018 16: 32
        There is just something to discuss. Since this is a very harmful article. Reasons for the destruction of the USSR --- not economic, switch to the economy --- hide your head in the sand and dirt your brains
        . The bad thing is that there is not always time to write, or sometimes just think, I ---- okay. But the author ??
  15. +6
    16 February 2018 13: 09
    I do not quite agree with the author. The quality of products from the USSR fell very sharply by the 1985 year, just when the quality was introduced. I personally compared the instrument in compiling ZIL-157K produced in the 1975 year, with the same for the ZIL-131 85 in the year of production. 131's tool was a complete hack, albeit nickel-plated. Keep in mind that we are talking about export, although in the social. country of production.
    And there is nothing to exaggerate the role of the West. What man can do for himself, no one else can. This is my personal (foreign) opinion.
    1. +5
      17 February 2018 07: 19
      And all because all normal engineers were thrown to KamAZ, and there were only gouges on ZiLu who invented the 645.
      1. +1
        19 February 2018 16: 42
        These are component parts. Wrenches, pliers and screwdrivers were not manufactured at ZIL!
  16. +5
    16 February 2018 13: 36
    for some reason I thought that specific reasons would be given ... but I read again about the masters of the West ...
  17. +3
    16 February 2018 14: 05
    Such as in ancient times were called slaves.
    Alas. The authors of the longest footcloths of this kind consider themselves to be preachers of a certain Knowledge. Alas. This is not knowledge. This is not called that ...
    If you lived in the lands of ancient Russia, there were many roads in front of you. For example, you were born into a peasant family. Well, he could plow his father’s land, paying the boyar (not the master!) Wages. He could leave with his family abroad, set up houses and plow the land for himself, without paying anyone. But protecting yourself from dashing people and flocks of fierce animals yourself. And there was a road for those who plowed the land was very boring.
    Such a man then went to the boyar, and signed a series with him. Those giving boyar his life. For the money, yeah. Paid once. If you want to take that money for yourself, you want to give it back to your family ... money wasn’t the point. Boyarin, a man of battle, needed a squad in order to carry out the royal service and defend his peasants. Well, these warriors of the boyar were called slaves. And before the Russian serf, any European knight immediately began to feel the urge of his fashionable soiled armor! Very good was boyar science and training ...

    Leave the authors of this nonsense of their stupidity. They don’t know anything, they don’t think anything and just make a fool of the people, that’s all their “knowledge” is shameful.
  18. +7
    16 February 2018 14: 05
    I remember the 80s - far from all the goods were determined.
    It was a time of long-term construction - they laid a bunch of projects, invested a lot of money on them, but they remained unfinished. Hundreds and thousands of similar objects stood across the country. And this is only 1 slice - on other similar undertakings they instilled funds no less. Many were simply perplexed - what is happening ???
    the country was simply destroying huge money and resources.
    As a result, her internal resource was exhausted / ran out, when due to local actions on the ground, problematic issues were resolved.
    The same thing happened with the commodity matrix - a clear overabundance of goods in one place was combined with their acute shortage in another. With the coordination of the Ministry of Finance, this situation could not last long, but it lasted. I was a child then, but even it was clear to me that the country was affected by some kind of disease. What was it - the mafia in the ministries or the trade or something else, I do not know.
    it was clear that the problem was in the managerial field.
  19. 0
    16 February 2018 14: 21
    Quote: voyaka uh
    "under Joseph Vissarionovich, the" head "did not rot. As soon as light plowing began, he immediately cut it off" ////

    Yes, this is a brilliant phrase. I also noticed. Constantly cutting off your head “so as not to rot” is an excellent definition for the Stalinist regime.

    )))) the author is a born-born analyst, revealed his talent with this article, he will probably be invited to organize a special analytical center for them. I.O. Stalin ...
    and he will be able to answer the question of why Stalin did not leave behind the collective mind of like-minded people to them. comrade Stalin? what such a beautiful idea did Koba have besides his ego? what was his soul sick of, what was he preparing for a shift for himself, and whose interests did he express and defend under power?
    he expressed and defended the interests of his ego, everyone was afraid of him, Koba died, they ceased to be afraid ...
    and greed did not appear, and without fear and greed, who will strain?
    the author will invent a Vedic Slavophile Ayurvedic crap mixed with ancient mammoth feces, syncretic with Marx Engels and condescending to the people the pacification of the times of developed socialism, everyone will dream of a distant and indescribable America, where everyone goes to busy shops and jeans. and there is freedom of speech, say what you want, except for the truth, instead of a dull identical lie from the party committee))))).
    and life is so diverse and motley, only those who tell the truth are shut up, and everyone who lies is varied - no one even pays attention to them! this is a denim paradise.
    good bye america laf where I have never been ....
    the happy naivety of the era of developed socialism, no one will ever see it ...
    Did Lenin, Parvus, Trotsky and Svrdlov dream of such a thing? most likely not, but it was happiness, do not want to work? - take bail ....
    such confidence in tomorrow, calm and serenity ....
    1. +7
      17 February 2018 11: 10
      He made a mess of his lodger, now decided to give up some exercise here?
  20. +3
    16 February 2018 14: 30
    Quote: alebor
    I remembered an old Soviet joke. Five contradictions of socialism: 1) Nobody works, but they fulfill the plan. 2) The plan is being implemented, but there is nothing in the stores. 3) There is nothing in the stores, but everyone has everything at home. 4) Everyone has everything at home, but everyone is unhappy. 5) Everyone is unhappy, but they vote in favor.
    As they say, in every joke there is some truth. Due to such contradictions, inconsistencies and absurdities, everything, by and large, fell apart.

    everything fell apart because there was nothing to hold on to after the death of Koba, nobody needed it anymore ....
    impoverished elite ....
    a piece of sausage from a special distributor? or 100k greens from the CIA? despite the fact that Stalin is in the mausoleum and no one will send in the gulag?
    the poverty of the elites is the main vulnerability of the USSR.
  21. 0
    16 February 2018 19: 44
    A planning system cannot exist without a scheduler.
  22. +3
    16 February 2018 20: 57
    the economy must be economical
    comrade Stalin do not touch, let the pipe puff
    Hooked huge, ride on his subway
  23. +1
    16 February 2018 21: 12
    The author said "A". It's time to say - "B".
    What shall we do with the two-treacherous traitors?
    1. +1
      17 February 2018 13: 09
      Quote: Mavrikiy
      What shall we do with the two-treacherous traitors?

      Improve your measure of understanding. All evil on earth is done only with our tacit consent.
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    1. +5
      17 February 2018 03: 57
      And no mystery! Thank you for writing so briefly and essentially about the reasons for what happened in 1991. The only thing that can be added is the natural process for any organism, whether it is biological or social, a decrease in immunity always follows the active reproduction of foreign organisms. All these Yakovlev, Yeltsins, Shevarnadze and Kravchuk. Some of them were directly recruited, someone consciously, without outside help, harmed, destroying the system that they hated.
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. +1
    17 February 2018 01: 55
    The article is a brief retelling of the book of Viktor Suvorov Purification.
  31. +4
    17 February 2018 10: 54
    I agree with the author for all 300%! Even from my personal memories I could illustrate all that was said, but there is no need to repeat it. I myself had vague suspicions that everything was happening for a reason, but even then, like now, no one listened on top of mere mortals — the voice of one crying in the desert. The fact that Khrushchev-Perlmuter is the main criminal and the culprit, who personally launched the machine of destruction of the USSR, says at least that he personally canceled all cooperation and small business, which I.V. actively introduced and promoted in the last decade before his death. Stalin-30% of GNP on statistical reports is a lot or a little? Before I.V. had full power to start the competition of social forms of production and private property under the strict control of the state. If this flywheel spins, no Pearls from Muters could stop the USSR! Therefore, they went on to kill Stalin because they were afraid not to be in time! These corrupt scum and now continue their vile activities in the same direction! Their degenerative masters (which they have illustrated throughout the world in recent years!) Are still longing for world domination! Ha!
  32. 0
    17 February 2018 12: 50
    something needs to be changed, the post-Soviet mentality is the very unique phenomenon in which the emergence of new views and ideas for a harmonious life that does not lead to such an oppression of the environment, thoughtless consumption and work on the toilet and trash for what?
    "The critical question is the balance of the rate of synthesis of energy resources to the rate of their consumption." "
    e =
    watch this video and understand that the pursuit of man-made is vicious
  33. +15
    17 February 2018 15: 55
    And now there are no special problems.
    The whole economy is one big problem
  34. +3
    17 February 2018 19: 09
    The author of the article did not name a single economic problem of the USSR that led to the restoration of capitalism.

    After the war in the USSR, a new economic mechanism developed that oriented production to reduce production costs. A specific two-level (two-scale) pricing system has arisen in the economy, in which the price of equipment did not participate in pricing.

    Her finest hour came in 1947-1954. Then the policy of low prices and the removal of the means of production beyond the scope of the law of value created the possibility of an annual massive reduction in prices for basic consumer goods. Every year, workers could receive more goods per ruble, then both the state and the people are rich, i.e. there was a coincidence of the economic interests of the state and each worker.

    In production, wholesale prices steadily dropped, they acted as an effective lever of economic influence on the producer of the product, forced him to look for ways to reduce costs, and in particular to use the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

    Such an economy would allow in the near future to switch to bulk production and exchange, that is, the possibility of abolishing money was approaching.

    But in December 1956, under the banner of the struggle against the cult of personality, a discussion took place in the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the law of value and pricing, which imposed the opinion that Stalin's restriction of the law of value to the field of consumer goods was a mistake. Thereafter determining the work of enterprises began to consider profit.

    The transfer of enterprises to self-financing led to absurdity - cumbersome and metal-intensive equipment, obviously irrational options turned out to be more profitable for the manufacturer than engineering, progressive products, necessary from the point of view of the national economy, but not profitable for the enterprise.

    Read more about the Stalinist economy on the website:
    u_zovut_bolsheviki / 1-1-0-46
    socializma / 1-1-0-55
    kapitalizme / 1-1-0-56
    1. SIT
      18 February 2018 14: 58
      It was precisely the analysis of this transition of 1956 that I expected to see in the author's article, and instead some kind of muddy conspiracy theories. In general, if we look at the history of the economy of the USSR, then this is a whole series of completely different control systems, which cannot be blamed. War communism is replaced by the complete opposite of the NEP, not on a whim, but in view of the vital necessity of raising the country. Then it becomes clear that the 1st World War did not solve all the problems and there will clearly be a 2nd series. In order to survive, it is necessary to turn the generally accepted world structure of production upside down again - the growing needs of the population lead to the growth of the industry of group B, and that in turn requires new equipment from group A. With such a system, thousands of tanks and planes can be produced in 100 years, and they are needed here and now. Again, a 180 turn is made and industrialization begins - the accelerated development of group A at the expense of everything else. All the laws of economics are on the side, but the result is May 9, 1945. Only after the again mobilization period of the restoration of the post-war devastation, did the actual socialist economic system begin in 1950. With the beginning of the thaw, the growth of labor productivity just rolls over and is second only to Japan, which, in general, borrowed a lot from the USSR in economic management. Europe and the United States are hopelessly behind in this indicator. Only Germany is approximately equal. And at this take-off, the Soviet economy was cut. Why? Did you receive a Rockefeller team? Everything is trite simpler. The system worked too hard. The number of indicators by which the entire economy was controlled was more than 4500. This included both full-scale and monetary indicators, taking into account the 2x contour of the financial system and the 3rd contour of external relations. Each indicator had a surname a name and a middle name. "Budet oil - Budet Taibash Baibakov. Ne budet oil - ne buet of Baybakov’s companion "(C) I.V. Stalin. And nothing else. After the death of Stalin, everyone wanted to relax. Well, what did they fight for in the end !? To finally live in accordance with their position! The number of benchmarks was reduced to 1500 and liability was also reduced. As a result, the system began to malfunction, and in 1962 I was a kid standing in line for bread, and in Novocherkassk it was even worse. The solution was proposed back in the early 60s - the use of computers for solving economic problems. And it was a double technology, because Initially, a network of computer centers connected by communication channels (in general, an analogue of the Internet) was developed for control as the Strategic Missile Forces would say in wartime. In peacetime, its power could be used in the economy. But they didn’t go for it, because then the telephone right lost its meaning - you can’t call a computer and you can’t cover it with obscenities. It turns out that the 1st secretary of the regional committee is not sovereign in his region!?!? To hell with all these glands! Finally, the socialist system of economic management was finished off in 1965 by the Kosygin-Liberman reform.
  35. 0
    17 February 2018 19: 23
    [b] [/ b] Oh, and the article ... What did the author smoke ??? It remains to draw together the types of people according to the Muller tables and continue the article for another couple of pages about the "subhuman" who destroyed the USSR ... Frank nonsense. Understanding that countries at the beginning of the 20th century are still half the benefits of feudal time, it was only in 1861 that slavery in Russia was canceled, and that class divisions in the countries were persistent through the 40s for these conspiracy lovers. All countries of that time were in search of how and what to rebuild their system ??? Hence the fascist regimes, dictatorships in Poland, Romania, Spain, Italy and Germany, the communist dictatorship in the USSR. And it seemed that under the dictatorship, the state functions better, especially in a crisis situation. Only after WWII dictatorships rained down one after another, did the capitalist countries understand that they had to flirt with the working class, that they had to share incomes with the people — the world had changed dramatically! And in soviet countries everyone tried to steer with hard levers, crisis methods: no freedom for a person, no entrepreneurship. But the USSR would be able to dress, put on shoes and feed itself — all that was needed was to allow people to establish their own personal production. And GDP would grow, and the country would grow rich, but instead everyone pretended that the black market did not exist, initiatives were cut down in the bud. Since the beginning of the 50s, post-war Europe quickly recovered and rushed forward, in every possible way pleasing the whims of the buyer. And in the USSR they fought for tons of “cast iron and concrete”, built tanks, and people lived in barracks. The result is predictable.
  36. +1
    18 February 2018 00: 51
    And who proved that the USSR was "broken up", and that the reasons for the dismantling of the USSR are economic? None. Or maybe "just Rockefeller" closed the project to start a new one? (as an option)
  37. 0
    18 February 2018 19: 27
    [quote = Reptiloid] [quote = gorgo] "
    BOLSHEVIKI found a brilliant solution ---- collectivization. Only in this way could agriculture be enlarged. By creating peasant communities where everyone fought for the harvest. After all, before that the narrow peasant strips formed after the 1861 year made no improvement in agriculture possible. Only large farms could survive and prosper. [/ Quote]

    You know, people like you remind me of today's Maidanites - they do not want to point blank that the ass they got into is a direct consequence of the events they supported. Anyone to blame, but not them. Is it really so far, after 100 years, it is difficult to see the obvious truth: the Bolsheviks brought us into that ass in which we are all sitting today. And no need to talk about white crystal bakers. In the end, we don’t know, “what if”. But what was really - everyone knows. The trash nurtured by the delusional anti-Russian ideology of the Bolsheviks, seized upon the fullness of power and, by the time globalization began, even sold the country it led. And now the children of this trash rule "the former Soviet republics." Here are your Bolshevik results. But I’m afraid that you still won’t be able to clearly and simply see this truth, even though it stands right in front of your eyes to the full.
    1. +2
      18 February 2018 20: 03
      Well, what can I say gorgo? On your example, degradation, both of Ukrainian education and of thinking in general, is clearly visible. Do you even listen on the net about Stolypin’s reforms and think about why he was killed. And what would happen if the reforms were implemented. It would be nice to read books. Author ---- Elena Prudnikova, A.I. Fursov. And the bakers --- are close to you, it seems. Well, what are the claims to the Bolsheviks? Ukraine became an independent state with a developed industry, enlarged by the primordially Russian lands, without debts. There were all the possibilities .....
      Ukraine country below the plinth fell even before the Maidan, and Maidan, this is a consequence.
      As for the destruction of the USSR, I’ll write something later. You can read the comments of AVVA 2012, previous at least a year. They are informative. Or ALEXANDER GREEN, the knowledgeable Ukrainian Communist.
  38. 0
    18 February 2018 21: 02
    It was a war that is still going on. On the one hand, the United States, on the other, Russia, the Russian Federation, “Orthodox Russia”, “Union of the Slavs, Krivichi, Vesy, etc.” - and whatever you call it, this is a war with this part of the planet, another part of the planet, including the stench of these enemies.
    The economy of the USSR of the 80s solved problems with "small industries", ministries were given tasks, and they began to copy the same "sony" - "electronics" in millions of copies - advanced technology. Latvian skateboards, chewing gum - everything began to appear. The people were transplanted from vodka to wine, 2% there was a decrease in degrees in use. But all this did not need Andropov and his "young guard" - the best corrupt officials in the country - Yeltsin and Gorbachava. One came up with a saw at a construction site, the other in Asia through the corrupt Caucasus. They were brought to Moscow. Andropov himself had to go hand in hand to kiss the Queen of England and the President of the United States - but he was bedridden, and Mishka, and the nerd Borka, became the "restorer".
    Of course Andropu needed 1) to move the party in the direction of the shortcomings of the Owls. systems, 2) solve the problems of correcting these shortcomings. THAT is - sabotage. Trotsky did the same thing - he said that it’s impossible to live like that, you need to create a co-op. abandon industry, buy everything from the west for raw materials. In fact, Andropov studied at Khrushchev with Trotsky, and the problem went back to 1885, when some part of the "revolutionaries" decided simply to seize power, and become oligarchs themselves. They - they demolish the oligarchs on the "enthusiasm of the people", then they say - it doesn’t work - you need to introduce the oligarchs back, "otherwise we will die everything" - and if you don’t agree, Khrushchev introduced batons to the police, Gorbachev worked on it, Yeltsin immediately created a riot police , and it all ended - by the police - with oversight of the protection of the oligarchs. That’s the whole plan. But we must understand that in the 1980s - these were already clear instructions that were written in the US CIA. And still written.
  39. +2
    19 February 2018 11: 16
    Quote: RUSS
    About Stalin, Marshal K. Rokossovsky said: “This undereducated priest only disturbed everyone. We deceived him: no matter how awkward an order he gave, we assented and made in our own way. "

    This is where you got it? Explicitly fake phrase. But what about the words of Rokossovsky "Comrade Stalin is holy to me"? And how would Rokossovsky do his own thing if the Headquarters did not give him people, supplies and weapons?
  40. 0
    20 February 2018 13: 55
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Well, what are the claims to the Bolsheviks? Ukraine became an independent state with a developed industry, enlarged by the primordially Russian lands, without debts. There were all the possibilities .....

    The key here is "Ukraine has become an independent state." I will not write further, for I am afraid. I hope you understand me already ...
    Let’s leave my education alone.
    1. 0
      20 February 2018 17: 39
      Not so long ago, there was a message that the Russian Federation had just paid all the debts to everyone ........ What is the problem for those who had no debts and do not need to feed their older brother? Only myself ....
  41. 0
    20 February 2018 17: 53
    Quote: Reptiloid
    Not so long ago, there was a message that the Russian Federation had just paid all the debts to everyone ........ What is the problem for those who had no debts and do not need to feed their older brother? Only myself ....

    Not understood...
  42. 0
    28 February 2018 18: 23