Sergey Glazyev: Responsibility and Competence

Sergey Glazyev: Responsibility and Competence

The tragedy that occurred in the capital at the Menshevik factory, raises the question of the current system of governance in the country, which is called, frankly. If an entrepreneur goes to a fatal crime to protect his plant and openly applies weaponblaming the prosecution authorities for harassing their property, this means a pathological dysfunction of the management system. If it were not for the live interview given to them, then the motives of this crime would have gone unnoticed - just as thousands of inadequate decisions, taken daily by our authorities despite their functional duties, remain unnoticed. Their victims do not try to fight the system, but pretend to submit to it, or leave the country.

If an investigation is still to be done with respect to this tragedy, there is no doubt about the chronic dysfunction of macroeconomic policies. Macroeconomic regulators make inadequate decisions without bearing any responsibility for their results - even if they force entrepreneurs to commit crimes in order to preserve their business or create a corrupt environment within the regulators themselves. A glaring example is monetary policy.

The central bank, according to the Constitution, responsible for the stability of the national currency, throws it into free floating. The speculators controlling the Moscow Exchange are organizing a collapse in the ruble exchange rate, earning up to a trillion rubles of profits to destabilize the macroeconomic situation. Devaluation causes an inflationary wave that depreciates the incomes and savings of citizens. All blamed on the fall in oil prices, although none of the countries-exporters of oil did not allow such a collapse of its national currency.

Contrary to common sense, the head of the Central Bank states that all this is intended to dampen external shocks. In fact, speculators use such shocks to swing the ruble, which is becoming one of the most volatile currencies in the world. Against the background of its highest global wealth of foreign exchange reserves, it looks like absurd. Further, despite international experience and the same common sense, the Central Bank sharply raises the refinancing rate, stopping lending to the production sector. Thousands of enterprises go bankrupt, investments stop, production falls, incomes of the population decrease. And from the high tribunes of state power, biased deputies say about bold and the only correct decisions.

Let us analyze this situation from the point of view of control theory. The objective facts proved by fundamental science are as follows.

- The Central Bank makes decisions contrary to its functional responsibilities. Having excess foreign exchange reserves, he openly refuses to ensure the stability of the national currency. The consequence of this decision is the rate collapse twice lower than the level objectively determined by the fundamental factors, which accelerates the inflationary wave.

- The Central Bank does not pay attention to the obvious signs of manipulation of the currency market by speculators affiliated with the Moscow Exchange. For three years now they have been swinging the ruble exchange rate, giving it a record volatility among other currencies of the world.

- Raising the refinancing rate three times higher than the average profitability of the production sector, the Central Bank stopped the transmission mechanism of the banking system. Instead of transforming savings into investments, it began to suck money from the real sector, driving it to the foreign exchange market and further offshore.

- Refusing to act as a lender of last resort, the Central Bank took the path of bankruptcy of non-affiliated commercial banks, which led to the loss of savings and assets of hundreds of thousands of individuals and legal entities on 4 trillion. rubles.

- Finally, the Central Bank stopped lending to the economy and removed from it 8 trillion. rubles. Thus, it aggravated the negative impact of external sanctions, which resulted in an outflow of 200 billion dollars in loans and investments.

Thus, starting from 2013, the policy of the Central Bank diametrically contradicted all its legally established duties and generally accepted functions of the mega-regulator in world practice. To cover its inadequacy, the Central Bank management partially changed the concepts: the stability of the national currency was interpreted as a low increase in consumer prices; instead of the stability of the ruble exchange rate, emphasis was placed on the volume of foreign exchange reserves; the development of the banking system was interpreted as its cleansing from problem banks; The concept of a transmission mechanism was applied not to the banking system, but to monetary policy, reducing it to the reasoning about the positive effect of rising interest rates on lowering inflation.

Having pushed the economy into a stagnation trap, the Central Bank began to make “heroic” efforts to “target” inflation, leaving the economy without a loan and sacrificing its growth. The reduction in inflation achieved through the contraction of demand is temporary, as the price to pay for credit reduction is to draw the economy into a vicious circle of degradation: interest rate increase - credit squeeze - investment reduction - technical decline - competitive decline - devaluation of the ruble - price increase.

The total damage from the exotic (of the world's major economies, only Brazil pursues a similar policy under pressure from the US and the IMF - with disastrous social and economic consequences), the Central Bank's policy is estimated at more than 15 trillion. rubles of underproduced products and 10 trillion. rubles of undone investment. To this should be added the three-year fall in incomes and the depreciation of citizens' savings, the bankruptcy of tens of thousands of enterprises deprived of access to credit, the loss of confidence in the ruble and its loss of the status of a regional reserve currency in the EAEU.

The inadequacy of the policy of the Central Bank disorienting the work of the entire state banking system. Taking advantage of the lack of control, state-owned banks set a record-breaking banking margin in the world, profiting from sucking revenues from enterprises in the real sector and inflating financial bubbles. They actually curtailed the lending of productive investments, making the goal of their activities the extraction of short-term profits, from which giant bonuses are paid to managers. The raiders, who are close to the latter, capture the companies that have gone bankrupt due to the deterioration of the loan conditions, and their owners are sent to prison for their lack of cooperation with creditors. The state banking system operates in the private interests of its controlling clans, who have appropriated the authority to dispose of state capital and the fate of private enterprises that have risked taking loans.

The share of productive investment in the assets of the banking system fell to 5%. With a reduction in the volume of foreign trade, the size of currency speculation has almost doubled in five times, already exceeding the volume of Russia's GDP by an order of magnitude. The management of the Central Bank has launched the activity of the banking system in the direction diametrically opposite to its intended purpose: instead of transforming savings into lending to the development of the production sector, banks suck money out of it, send them to monetary and financial speculations and further abroad. The Central Bank itself extorts money from the banking system by opening deposit accounts and issuing its obligations under 7% per annum, while at the same time crediting several approximate commercial banks under 0,5% per annum. The latter, as the bankruptcy of Otkritie Bank showed, used hundreds of billions of rubles received from the Central Bank to seize the “problem” banks with the support of it in order to assign their assets and withdraw money squeezed from them to offshore. The collapse of this financial pyramid revealed the shortage of more than half a trillion rubles of disappeared loans of the Central Bank, which is now compensated by new injections from the budget and other public sources.

Despite all this, the State Duma praised the work of the Central Bank, reaffirming its chairman with a record majority. Similar examples of a positive assessment of the failures of state regulators are not to be considered. They are especially characteristic of the results of large-scale reforms imposed on the country from abroad. We list some of them.

- The reform of the technical regulation system of the state control of the quality of manufactured and imported products, as a result of which the consumer market is overwhelmed with unsuitable goods.

- The reform of forestry led to the elimination of the system of state control over the state of forests and their operating conditions, resulting in endless forest fires.

- Reform of land use has led to the landlessness of the peasants and the emergence of landowners, barbarically exploiting land.

- Reform of water management has so limited the restrictions on the use of the banks of reservoirs, that the president of the country has to intervene to protect the rights of people to access rivers and lakes, not to mention the observance of environmental standards.

- The health care reform has created a channel for the appropriation of public money by irresponsible insurance companies, acting as intermediaries between the state compulsory health insurance fund and the state medical institutions.

- Monetization of privileges deprived citizens of deserved and honestly earned privileges and caused a threefold increase in government spending.

- The elimination by reformers of payments for pollution of the environment and environmental funds left the environment without adequate state protection.

- Reform of the power industry has deprived the country of its most important competitive advantage - cheap, high-quality and affordable electricity, the sale of which has become a source of profit for private monopolies.

- Reform of currency regulation legalized the export of capital, the volume of which over the past two decades is more than a trillion dollars. Up to this unprecedented in the world stories The privatization of state enterprises turned into the criminalization of the economy and the transformation of the industrially developed regions of the country into factory cemeteries.

The list of these destructive, in fact, reforms, for which their initiators received awards, assets, new powers and other bonuses, can be continued. Obviously, there is a mismatch in feedbacks that orient the control system towards the achievement of target parameters. Worse, negative results are supported by positive stimulation. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that the system is not capable of solving any complex and vital tasks facing our country.

Typical example - failed management results aviation industry. Having the ability to produce the entire line of modern passenger airplanes after the collapse of the USSR, Russia flies today on imported ones. The reason is that all the components of the state management system responsible for regulating this area of ​​activity work in the interests of importers and against domestic industry. Instead of taking advantage of the existing design and production facilities, as well as lending loans to domestic civil aircraft of all sizes, state-owned banks buy foreign aircraft, leasing them to the state airline. At the filing of Russian ministries, the Eurasian Economic Commission, contrary to established functional responsibilities, exempts imported foreign aircraft from paying customs duties and taxes. Only the direct economic damage from these decisions for the budget of the Russian Federation is estimated at $ 8 billion. They contradict the instructions of the President of Russia to restore technological sovereignty in the field of mass production of civil aircraft, fix the critical dependence of the domestic civil air transportation market on imports, 90% of which is already occupied by foreign air courts.

In all complex areas of activity, the existing management system demonstrates its inefficiency. Russia has lost almost all the high-tech markets, with the exception of military equipment and nuclear energy, but these exceptions only confirm the rule, since these areas are under the personal control of the president. Setting the head of state to switch to an innovative development path is emasculated in imitation of the boisterous activities of officials in inflating show-off projects. Russia remains the only country in the world where there is an absolute reduction in the number of scientists and engineers, and R & D costs are reduced. The reproduction of the economy moves to a foreign technological base.

It follows from the above that the level of the existing control system remains substantially below the diversity of the control object. The national economic complex, inherited from the USSR, even after its considerable degradation, remains more complicated than the ability of the management system created during the period of “shock therapy” to regulate its reproduction. The inability of the management system to solve complex problems is primarily due to the lack of responsibility of officials for objective results of work. If the real result is indistinguishable from its imitation, then the entire management vertical is subjected to rapid corrosion. Personnel are selected not by professional qualities, but by the principle of “friend or foe” and the parameters of personal loyalty. As a result, incompetence is growing in the management system, which turns into corruption. The place of highly qualified personnel is occupied by the so-called “teams”, which in fact often turn out to be organized criminal groups.

The control system has reached such a degree of degradation that it rejects attempts to complicate it with both centralized directives and system innovations. So, she was unable to fulfill the presidential decree "On the long-term state economic policy", she also rejected the law on strategic planning adopted on his initiative. The latter was never put into action, because the government was unable to ensure its implementation. Also, the repeatedly proclaimed project financing has been stalled, and the Central Bank has turned down special refinancing tools designed for targeted lending of socially important activities.

In fact, the economic management system has lost its integrity, and its individual fragments began to serve the interests of influential clans and foreign centers of influence. For example, the policy of the Central Bank shows how the symbiosis of these interests works. Washington financial institutions provide recommendations for the self-destruction of the most important elements of economic regulation. And the “teams” affiliated with the Central Bank, which manage the banking system, use the regulator's self-exclusion from the performance of their functional duties and insider information to manipulate the market in order to extract excess profits. As a result, the country strayed from the trajectory of economic growth, falling into a stagflationary trap, and the "commanders" receive astronomical revenues and hide in offshore jurisdictions.

Similar examples can be seen everywhere. The above mentioned dysfunction of the aviation industry control system occurred due to the fact that part of its units were reoriented towards serving private interests that were the subject of manipulation by foreign competitors. The European consortium "Airbus" and the American "Boeing" pay generous fees for the opportunity to occupy the Russian market with minimal costs. All participants in this process receive their share of the profits, while their own equipment is being ousted from the domestic market.

In order to bring the economic development management system in line with the target parameters set by the Russian president, it is necessary to restore its pivot: the mechanism of direct responsibility of all regulatory agencies and their officials for achieving the target parameters of the country's socio-economic development must be end-to-end in the management system. It is necessary to begin with the federal authorities.

In 2002, the author of this article prepared and submitted to the State Duma a draft law “On the responsibility of executive authorities for the level and quality of life of the population of the country”. He was called to fill the legislative vacuum connected with the definition of the right of citizens to a decent life and free development directly following from the Constitution. For the first time in the legal practice of modern Russia, the draft law introduced criteria for the level and quality of life - a system of sixteen objective indicators and a procedure for achieving targets for living standards. The draft law described the procedure for negotiations between the state, business, public and professional associations to develop appropriate agreements. The draft law provided for a norm according to which parties to the political process are responsible for the failure to fulfill or improper implementation of these agreements. If a country’s living standards are allowed to decline and the target standards for raising living standards established by the agreement are not met, this is the basis for the responsibility of federal officials, right up to the resignation of the government.

A similar law was adopted in the Chelyabinsk region and, during the course of its validity, proved itself quite well. Ideally, such laws should cover the entire control system, defining the objective functionality of each authority and establishing responsibility for its achievement. So, the law on the Central Bank must be supplemented by the obligation of the mega-regulator to target not only inflation, but also economic growth, employment of the population, and above all - the growth of productive investment.

The assembly of the end-to-end core of the responsibility of the executive authorities for the results of the country's socio-economic development can be carried out on the basis of the implementation of the above-mentioned law on strategic planning. When it is deployed by areas of activity, sectoral and regional target indicator systems should be built, the achievement of which should be the responsibility of the relevant government and administrative bodies. According to the results of the achievement of planned indicators should be evaluated the activities of their leaders.

Fundamentally important is the automatism of the mechanism of responsibility of state authorities and authorized officials for the objective results of their activities. Although it is impossible to achieve complete formalization of the relevant procedures, it is necessary to minimize the impact of the subjective factor. If facts of failure of planned targets, unfair fulfillment of duties or making inadequate decisions entailing significant damage to public interests are established, the sanctions should be followed immediately and be irreversible.

In order to exclude a collective guarantee, the right to reasonably demand the resignation of any official should be granted to every citizen, and a simplified judicial procedure for examining such requirements should be established. Citizens should also be involved in the fight against corruption, ensuring that they are automatically provided the necessary benefits if they reveal the facts of extortion of bribes.

Finally, the most important thing is the positive feedback of personnel selection. The criteria for promotion should be positive results of work, the evaluation of which is comprehensive and objective. For this, modern information technologies of automated calculation of ratings of the results of the activities of officials based on objective indicators of the results of their activities, expert assessments, and public opinion can be used. The assessment procedure should be protected from the influence of interested parties, be open and collegial, ensuring that the decision-making personnel committees are fully informed. Depending on the nature of the activities of government and management, it can be built in different ways.

For example, first managers should not appoint their deputies. If we are talking about ministers, then their deputies should be appointed not at the suggestion of ministers, but on the recommendations of the personnel commission, formed from among independent competent experts under the presidential administration. The ministers themselves should be approved individually at the suggestion of the head of state in the State Duma. Boards of directors of state corporations should also be formed publicly, through the approval of candidates in the State Duma at the suggestion of the government. The heads of state budget institutions of federal importance and their deputies could be appointed on the proposal of the relevant ministries by the relevant committees of the State Duma. Similar procedures for the appointment of personnel would be advisable to implement in the subjects of the Federation and in local governments.

The system of responsibility of the executive branch must be complemented by the mechanism of responsibility of the participants in a public-private partnership. To this end, modern information technologies can also be applied to automatically calculate the integrity ratings of private companies on the basis of their fulfillment of government orders, obligations to partners and hired employees, tax payments, etc. Only companies with a fairly high conscientiousness rating should be admitted to various forms of cooperation with the state.

A promising form of public-private partnerships are special investment contracts that provide for the mutual responsibility of public authorities and private business for achieving jointly established plans for the implementation of investment projects. The advantage in admission to government orders and purchases, loans and tax benefits should be used by enterprises with the full responsibility of their founders for the results of their activities.

Within the compressed newspaper space it is not possible to make detailed recommendations on the creation of liability mechanisms in all government bodies. The general approach is to observe the principles of objectivity, openness, public involvement, the use of modern information technologies for building integrated performance indicators and confidence ratings. Of course, it takes time to build such a system. Perhaps even a change of generations of managerial personnel. But it is necessary to start it immediately.
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  1. dSK
    27 January 2018 06: 20
    “In 2002, the author of this article prepared and submitted to the State Duma a draft law“ On the responsibility of executive authorities for the level and quality of life of the country's population. ”For the first time in legal practice in modern Russia, criteria for the level and quality of life were introduced - a system of sixteen objective indicators and the procedure for achieving the benchmarks of the standard of living. The draft law described the process of negotiations between the state, business, public and professional associations on the development of relevant agreements. The draft law provided a norm according to which parties to the political process are liable for non-compliance or improper implementation of these agreements. the decline in living standards and the target standards for improving living standards established by the agreement are not fulfilled, this is the basis for the responsibility of federal officials - up to the resignation of the government.
    A similar law was adopted in the Chelyabinsk region and during the period of its operation proved to be quite good.
    So, the law on the Central Bank should be supplemented by the obligation of the mega-regulator to target not only inflation, but also economic growth, population employment, and above all - the growth of industrial investments. "
    Glazyev has a real program run in China. If he is appointed prime minister, or deputy prime minister, there will be positive results.
    1. +21
      27 January 2018 07: 13
      Literate economists at the Glazyevak level are not allowed to the Kremlin for a cannon shot. Previously, there were the Abrikosovs, the Kedrovs, and now they have somehow scraped together on Oreshkin. He already promised a 5% increase in GDP in Russia, but it is already obvious to everyone that this is empty talk. winked
      1. +2
        27 January 2018 12: 38
        Quote: siberalt
        There used to be the Abrikosovs, the Kedrovs, but now they have somehow scraped together on Oreshkin. He already promised an 5% increase in GDP in Russia, but it is already obvious to everyone that this is empty talk.

        And what can you expect from empty people? Exactly that, idle chatter, but with a thoughtful look. In general, the main thing is to puff out your cheeks.
        1. -1
          3 February 2018 06: 29
          What time is it empty? ...
          Two failed projects in aviation - ms21 and ss100 ...
          generally reluctant to talk about the Central Bank ...
          it is only treated with an old Roman medicine:
          the crucifixion from Moscow to the bussel of all the best economists - naebullina, gref, kudrin, and, of course, like a highlight of the program, red on the cross in the Kyrgyz Republic ...
          Their dofiga, this is just for nothing, and until the fsa is enough, if after 10 km0v, but the problem is with the Atlantic ...
      2. +3
        27 January 2018 17: 51
        To what Glazyev said should be added:
        1. Taking the legislation of the Russian Federation out of the control of international imperialism:
        B is set
        Part 4 of Article 15 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes the primacy of international laws over the laws of the Russian Federation: “Generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of its legal system. If other rules are established by an international treaty of the Russian Federation than stipulated by law, then the rules of the international treaty shall apply. ”
        In order to remove the Russian Federation from the control of international financial imperialism, this article of the Constitution of the Russian Federation must be amended and it should prescribe the primacy of the laws of the Russian Federation over any laws on the territory of the Russian Federation.
        2. The Central Bank is the state bank of the Russian Federation and acts in the interests of the state, government, industry and people of the Russian Federation.
        The establishment of state control over the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, which is now subordinate to anyone in the Russian Federation, is not controlled and, as a result, pursues a policy in the interests of international financial imperialism represented by the IMF and the World Bank, should be preventive in terms of Russia's financial independence and the return of Russian control over finances. . It is required to regain control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
        The issue of Central Bank control: the government, the State Duma should be decided separately.
        3. Market manipulation:
        Within the borders of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation or financial intelligence, a special structure should be allocated that monitors, together with the FAS, the manipulation of financial markets. Given the damage caused by this crime to the interests of the Russian Federation, the industry of the Russian Federation, the people of Russia, the responsibility for manipulating financial markets should be very strict and proceed by analogy with the responsibility for state crimes.
        Identification and localization of insider information sources should be preventive in nature.
        4. Limitation of financial speculation in the market:
        In Russia, the activities of financial speculators swinging the financial market of Russia should be limited. A measure limiting such activities should be a tax on short-term financial speculation, the value of which should vary depending on the urgency of the transaction: the shorter the transaction interval, the higher the normalized tax.
        The introduction of a financial tax on short-term financial speculation, which does not allow international speculators to sway the market for the sake of international financial imperialism, will require a major change in the activities of the Central Bank and the tax service for controlling capital flows and will have a stabilizing effect on Russia's finances.
        5. Deoffshorization of the economy
        The issue of deoffshorization of the economy is of fundamental importance for Russia: we are able to carry out deoffshorization, stop the uncontrolled outflow of capital from Russia, we are not able to, we will constantly experience a shortage of capital and enrich international financial imperialists, whose task is precisely to bleed the Russian economy.
        For deoffshorization of the economy, it is necessary to introduce the concept of “offshore agent” into the legislation and provide for “offshore agents” to pay taxes at the place of receipt, conditionally, of income. It will also be necessary to abandon the principle of “double taxation” with offshore jurisdictions. Under these conditions, maintaining offshore jurisdiction will cease to have any significance: capital can be registered anywhere, the main thing is that it will pay taxes in Russia.
        In turn, taking into account the relationship of profit and income of individuals to exclude the withdrawal of capital under the guise of income of individuals, deoffshorization will immediately require a change in tax rates for personal income. This is what patriots from the economy have long been calling for.
        6. Sewerage of resources for lending to the economy
        A special question is about lending to industry, agriculture, the population and infrastructure projects of the Russian Federation. At a time when Russia's reserves are approaching $ 500 billion, industry is suffocating without credit. The reason for this situation is the lack of control of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The return of control over the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will solve the problem of insufficient resources for lending to industry, defense industry, agriculture, the population, infrastructure projects ...
        Upon returning control over the activities of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the option of direct lending by the Central Bank to infrastructure projects of fundamental importance for the Russian Federation is possible, the implementation of which is constrained by a lack of financial resources. This is exactly what the IMF now prohibits.
        On the other hand, the return of control over the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, together with the introduction of a tax on currency speculation and deoffshorization of the economy, will make it possible to expand the financial resources of the banking system of the Russian Federation from speculation to lending to industry, agriculture and the population, and to do what has not been done for 25 years : saturate the economy with financial resources.
        7. Efficiency of infrastructure projects
        The issue of the effectiveness of infrastructure projects should be moved from the field of financial efficiency to the field of political, social and economic efficiency.
        As an example, it is enough to consider the construction of the Moscow-China HSR, which cannot begin, in part, because of which there were questions with the payback of the project. If in due time the Emperor began to solve the issues of economic efficiency of the construction of Transib, Transib would not have been built now. But, thank God, that during the construction of the Transib, political issues came to the forefront, questions of unity, Russia's connectivity, and, as a result, the Transib was built. Similarly, issues of building infrastructure projects should be addressed now. HSR, latitude, etc. should be built not because they will have one or another payback line, return on investment, but because the implementation of these projects allows us to solve, first of all, social issues related to the development of entire territories of Russia. For the implementation of such projects, the resources of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation returned to the jurisdiction of Russia should be intended.

        "People-State-Fatherland" - this is the slogan of every Russian patriot. A strong state, a united people, an invincible prosperous Fatherland, which neither internal nor external enemies will overcome.
        1. 0
          31 January 2018 14: 40
          this is like a quote from an air defense program smile
      3. 0
        31 January 2018 14: 39
        Oreshkin does not structurally change anything. All the results that are promised are solely due to the manipulation of numbers or the sudden rise in oil prices.
    2. 0
      27 January 2018 07: 23
      Explain to me, dense, how is the place of the prime minister (or deputy prime minister) connected with the adoption of laws? ....
      According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislative body of the country is not the government but the "Duma" with the "Senate" ....
      What prevents Mr. Glazyev from pursuing his ideas there? ... He’s, like, NarDep ....
      1. dSK
        27 January 2018 07: 47
        Hello Denis!
        Quote: DanSabaka
        will remain ideas without real realization. Are needed real authority. hi
        1. +1
          27 January 2018 07: 52
          logical ....
          so what prevented and prevents Mr. Glazyev, being NarDep, from turning his ideas into law? ...
          something interferes with a bad lawmaker? ....
          And becoming the prime minister, will it stop interfering with something? ....
          1. dSK
            27 January 2018 08: 27
            Military Review ● Opinion. Sergey Glazyev: What ideology will raise Russia. 13th of January 2018
            1. +2
              27 January 2018 09: 10
              opinions in our assortment ..... it is a pity that no one wants to work .....
          2. dSK
            27 January 2018 08: 45
            Sergey Yuryevich Glazyev (born January 1, 1961, Zaporozhye, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Russian economist, politician, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on Regional Economic Integration. Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 2008), deputy of the State Duma I, III, IV convocations.(Expiration date: December 24 2007 year.)
            He currently has no real authority.
            1. +1
              27 January 2018 09: 09
              Well, I see that now he is nobody .... just some sort of adviser to the president ....
              and when he was NarDep, something bothered him ....
              1. dSK
                27 January 2018 09: 52
                Quote: Sergey Glazyev
                In order to bring the economic development management system in line with the target parameters set by the Russian president, it is necessary to restore its pivot: the mechanism of direct responsibility of all regulatory agencies and their officials for achieving the target parameters of the country's socio-economic development must be end-to-end in the management system. It is necessary to begin with the federal authorities.
                1. dSK
                  27 January 2018 09: 56
                  In order to exclude a collective guarantee, the right to reasonably demand the resignation of any official should be granted to every citizen, and a simplified judicial procedure for examining such requirements should be established. Citizens should also be involved in the fight against corruption, ensuring that they are automatically provided the necessary benefits if they reveal the facts of extortion of bribes.
                  1. dSK
                    27 January 2018 09: 58
                    Finally, the most important thing is the positive feedback of personnel selection. The criterion for promotion should be positive work results, the assessment of which is comprehensive and objective. For this, modern information technologies of automated calculation of ratings of the results of activities of officials on the basis of objective indicators of the results of their activities, expert assessments, and public opinion can be used. The assessment procedure should be protected from the impact of stakeholders ...
                    1. +2
                      27 January 2018 10: 32
                      speaks beautifully ..... we have a lot of such beautifully speaking .....
                      1. +3
                        27 January 2018 10: 37
                        Quote: DanSabaka
                        we have a lot of such beautifully speaking ..

                        And their name is Kotonosov ... and Kotoglaziev request
              2. wax
                27 January 2018 19: 18
                The system interfered and interferes. The role of the individual in the corresponding position can be traced both on the example of Soviet history, and modern. Primakov immediately changed course as Prime Minister, but "didn’t sit down" - the opinion from overseas voiced to EBN. So Glazyev was pulled away from people's eyes, but we have the opportunity to see Zhorik almost daily, who has long been awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic.
        2. 0
          29 January 2018 00: 52
          I agree, but they will not allow him to. request
      2. +2
        27 January 2018 10: 21
        he’s kind of non-partisan, he’s not a warrior alone in the field. And religion doesn’t allow you to enter the edro.
      3. +4
        27 January 2018 12: 47
        Quote: DanSabaka
        Explain to me the dense How is the place of the prime minister (or deputy prime minister) connected with the adoption of laws?.... According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislative body of the country is not the government but the "Duma" with the "Senate" ...
        What is there to explain? Who represents the Duma majority? Correctly "United Russia". Who leads United Russia? Right D.Medvedev. Who is Medvedev? That's right - the prime minister. Therefore, the Duma, with the majority of Edra’s votes, passes any law despite protests and demarches from the Liberal Democratic Party, the Communist Party and the Slovak Republic, whose votes even united in a coalition cannot outweigh the votes of Medvedev’s Edr.
        1. +2
          27 January 2018 13: 15
          Thank you, FSE understood ..... that means, if Glazyev suddenly, somehow (?), becomes the prime minister, then most of the Duma members will cease to be United Russia .... simple and clear .... explained ....
          1. +3
            27 January 2018 14: 31
            Thank you, FSE understood ..... that means if Glazyev suddenly, somehow (?), becomes the prime minister, then most of the Duma members will cease to be United Russia .... it's simple and clear .... explained ...

            Glazyev can become the prime minister only under another President, for example, under Grudinin. And the new president will find reasons and reasons for the dissolution of the Duma and the appointment of new elections, which will be held without any fraud. Then the true rating of edrosov will be found out.
            1. 0
              27 January 2018 14: 57
              holy-holy-holy ..... why did we need to change the soap? .... sheer expenses, and no pleasure .....
      4. +2
        27 January 2018 14: 13
        Quote: DanSabaka
        Explain to me, dense, how is the place of the prime minister (or deputy prime minister) connected with the adoption of laws? ....
        According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislative body of the country is not the government but the "Duma" with the "Senate" ....

        I explain. The Russian government has the right to legislative initiative. That is, to submit to the Duma various bills. Do you have many examples for the Duma not to approve the Government bill?
        1. +1
          27 January 2018 15: 00
          as much as you .....
          one question: what does Mr. Glazyev, as an adviser to the president, advise the president?
      5. 0
        31 January 2018 14: 43
        laws are adopted on the basis of the data collected, their analysis and conclusions.
        Here the government plays a very active role in shaping the vision of what the deputies are considering. If objective data were submitted, I am sure that the vote would be very different.
    3. The comment was deleted.
  2. +2
    27 January 2018 06: 21
    Quote from an article: "Within the framework of a squeezed newspaper space, it is not possible to set out detailed recommendations on creating accountability mechanisms in all government bodies."

    The most important and interesting place in the article was not enough!
  3. +10
    27 January 2018 06: 32
    After the hyperinflation of the 90s in our country, I perfectly understood that it was the Central Bank that was the main speculator in the country ... it was this body, with the tacit consent of those in power, that accelerated inflation to the complete depreciation of the ruble, depreciating the long-term savings of citizens to zero ... therefore remembering these years I never trust the state as the guarantor of our security.
    Always keep in stash on a rainy day what is in demand at all times.

    Article plus is unambiguous.
  4. +2
    27 January 2018 07: 35
    how unnoticed are the thousands of inadequate decisions taken daily by our authorities in spite of their functional responsibilities.

    There is nothing surprising in this. For seventy years people have been taught that the owner and entrepreneur are a huckster and a capitalist. That everything is common - and that means nobody ... And that I’m the boss - you ... This is a matter of mentality ...

    To exclude mutual responsibility, the right to reasonably demand the resignation of any official should be granted to every citizen

    Not everyone. Only selection. Only an assessment of citizens on a whole set of parameters and only if the total score (index) of a citizen reaches a certain value - a citizen has the right to occupy important posts.
    1. +3
      27 January 2018 15: 10
      [/ quote] For seventy years people have been taught that the owner, entrepreneur is a huckster and a capitalist. That everything is common - and that means nobody ... [quote]
      So what? in these seventy years nothing has been done? Or Russia during this time has not reached the "blessed 1913" year? And the last 25 years, haven't they convincingly shown that the owner - he is the huckster?
      1. 0
        27 January 2018 16: 10
        So what? - And nothing...
        Over these seventy years ... - I think that could have been better ...
        Or Russia ... - What nonsense did you write ...
        And the last 25 - See above ... A normal owner will not feed a crowd of parasites. That is why we have normal owners strangled from all sides ...
        1. +1
          27 January 2018 18: 11
          [/ quote] For these seventy years ... - I think that could have been better ... [quote]
          Well, well ... Wealthier thought further.
          1. 0
            27 January 2018 18: 22
            Do not stitch, do not harness ..
            As I understand it, you should not wait for another answer .. Let's finish this.
    2. 0
      31 January 2018 14: 47
      Not everyone. Selection only

      it’s not about taking office, but about the right to demand responsibility
      this right, too, should not be given to everyone, but obviously to a wide circle.
      for example, conditions: resident, taxpayer, m. some kind of social contribution - from military service to homeless care, a minimum level of education, age
  5. +2
    27 January 2018 08: 19
    Well? "The dog barks, the wind wears, the caravan goes on" ....
  6. +17
    27 January 2018 08: 26
    Responsibility and competence are the key to any business.
    1. 0
      31 January 2018 14: 48
      Yes? well then grow rice in the tundra
      Responsibly and competently.
      and I'll see what happens.
  7. +1
    27 January 2018 08: 45
    The tragedy that occurred in the capital at the Menshevik factory
    ... Already there are such names ...
    1. +1
      27 January 2018 09: 14
      The idea is clear, but they explain it like this -
      The products manufactured by the enterprise have a main target audience - these are children and adolescents, which ultimately was reflected in the choice of the name of the enterprise - Confectionery Factory "Menshevik".
  8. +1
    27 January 2018 09: 29
    Quote from dsk

    Glazyev’s real program ... will have positive results.

    A mechanism is needed for an “external” additional quasisystem impact on the state system; Glazyev does not see this, which means that all “small” undertakings will go back to Tryndets. And the results: of course it will.
    1. 0
      31 January 2018 14: 51
      the results are not given by the program, but by its implementation.
      Yavlinsky also had something good in his 300-day program. But no one tried to realize this.
      For the Glazyev program to work, we need people at key posts that implement it.
      Moreover, the program can not be accepted in the Duma - enough people are convinced that this should be done.
      1. +4
        31 January 2018 14: 55
        Quote: yehat
        Yavlinsky has 300 days in the program ...

        ... 500 days, with your permission
        Quote: yehat
        something was good too

        And what, for example?
        Quote: yehat
        the program can not be accepted in the Duma - enough people are convinced that this should be done

        To advise belay
        1. 0
          31 January 2018 15: 15
          Yavlinsky had several programs 900, 700, 500, 300
          I indicated the simplest. There was nonsense and good. Implemented only part of the delirium.
          1. +3
            31 January 2018 20: 26
            Quote: yehat
            Yavlinsky had several programs

            Programmer, damn it ...
            I do not know. In my time, 500 were published and discussed.
            Others somehow ... were not mentioned.
  9. +4
    27 January 2018 10: 17
    All this is already known. To do what? What are your suggestions, "comrade" Glazyev? The choice: Maidan, the “Rose Revolution”, “February Revolution”, “October Revolution”, “uprising”, “armed uprising”, “coup”, just “go to the polls”, etc.? or .... again, "with icons for the Winter Palace" (sorry to the Kremlin) - "pray to the good Tsar"?
    1. +2
      27 January 2018 10: 25
      What are your suggestions, "comrade" Glazyev?

      And Comrade Gref proposed replacing officials with algorithms ... smile ... brilliant ...

      digitize and drive everyone into an electronic paradise-concentration camp ...
      and who does not agree to erase .... that is, reformatted. what
      1. +4
        27 January 2018 10: 36
        Gref-okromya’s “creature” has no “numbers” in his head. There is no honor, no conscience, there is nothing, only “numbers” .... wink As, in fact, the whole "glorious" cohort of "effective managers" ...
      2. +1
        31 January 2018 14: 53
        Gref and Medvedev voiced the same trend. Maximize your distance from the "cattle". Let them communicate with the electronic government, the electronic official and decide nothing.
    2. +1
      31 January 2018 15: 18
      change right away is a civil war.
      because 3% own all the country's resources and do nothing, and so it goes on,
      they will fight. And the proposals of Glazyev will inevitably deprive them of power.
      therefore, Glazyev offers personnel selection so that the civil war begins and ends in offices.
  10. +5
    27 January 2018 10: 52
    Golovan Jack,
    Here again, the cats are called-up, they come up with "derivatives" of "koto" -all, it is not clear to anyone ..... sad
  11. 0
    27 January 2018 13: 07
    And here is what my friend Vladimir said to whom I gave an article to read:
    I worked at the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations. Then Glazyev came with his Arkharovites and destroyed everything. The slogan is "freedom for all and all." At the same time, having destroyed our external relations, they did not really offer anything. This they called the market. .
    They destroyed my whole life, like others. All their aspirations are like anarchy.
    They were given the opportunity to rebuild something. And we see what they achieved in the nineties.
    And now the same Glazyev teaches me life. What is it like?
    And moreover, these fucking reformers have not been punished for their deeds.
    How can you still say something with such a darling?
    Better let them sit and not teach the life of decent and responsible people.
    And we see our shortcomings without them. We will eradicate these shortcomings. And again we won’t let people experiment!
    In general, some thoughts have the right to life. So we need to take the most acceptable wise thoughts and put into practice. And the liberals themselves to the dustbin of history.
    1. +1
      27 January 2018 14: 26
      And the liberals themselves to the dustbin of history.

      That is, you want to say that the Russian government needs to be “dumped in history,” that is, to resign? I completely agree with you. For information, Glazyev has a left rather than a right look at the economic and political structure of the state.
    2. +3
      27 January 2018 15: 12
      And when did your "comrade Vladimir" work in the State Committee for Foreign Economic Relations?
    3. 0
      31 January 2018 14: 55
      something this does not coincide with reality.
      Glazyev was never a reformer. This is a conservative economist. Like most who at Moscow State University in economics, the same Katasonov, for example.
      Just against the background of what is now, their views have become radical.
  12. +4
    27 January 2018 13: 24
    When literate people are given the floor, the joyful screeching of Putin lovers immediately disappears. Because it is impossible to explain the treacherous policy of the government! Therefore, Putin will never participate in the debate!
  13. +2
    27 January 2018 14: 19
    Finally, the most important thing is the positive feedback of personnel selection. The criteria for promotion should be positive results of work, the evaluation of which is comprehensive and objective. For this, modern information technologies of automated calculation of ratings of the results of the activities of officials based on objective indicators of the results of their activities, expert assessments, and public opinion can be used. The assessment procedure should be protected from the influence of interested parties, be open and collegial, ensuring that the decision-making personnel committees are fully informed. Depending on the nature of the activities of government and management, it can be built in different ways.

    I absolutely agree with the author. The most important thing is the creation of a system so that the best in professional and moral qualities come to the leadership of the country, plus constant monitoring and responsibility of officials for their activities. Then the state system does not matter for the growth and prosperity of the country (socialism, capitalism or the monarchy).
    1. +4
      27 January 2018 14: 30
      C'mon, where are the children of their relatives, friends, acquaintances to attach? What construction workers to send them to the construction? Labor is now not held in high esteem, in high esteem - "honorable idleness" in the "leading position" and for "good money" ...
      1. +2
        27 January 2018 14: 37
        I agree. Of course, sneakers will find loopholes everywhere, but at least strive for the ideal.
      2. +6
        27 January 2018 15: 14
        Quote: Monster_Fat
        C'mon, where are the children of their relatives, friends, acquaintances to attach? What construction workers to send them to the construction? Labor is no longer held in high esteem
        And if you send for forced labor? Under Vissarionovich, the "intelligentsia", as the layer most susceptible to the influence and promotion of liberalism, made a considerable contribution to public construction.
    2. 0
      29 January 2018 11: 58
      Quote: Icarus
      The most important thing is the creation of a system so that the best in professional and moral qualities come to the leadership of the country, plus constant monitoring and responsibility of officials for their activities.

      The system of inevitable terrible punishment is simply necessary, for failure to fulfill the state task. Here it is, Putin’s only minus.
    3. +1
      31 January 2018 14: 58
      state structure doesn't matter
      I propose constitutional tyranny with elements of the commune and slavery
      will be curious to look at this economy laughing
  14. +3
    27 January 2018 16: 00
    Glazyev seems like a normal man and says the right thing, but when he starts about his “favorite horse” - the artificial regulation of the ruble, then the question immediately arises - where did he study and is he an economist in general?
    It is the free ruble that will save him from speculation. Where we have so many reserves to keep it — here you can burn all the state stock in a month — speculators still have hundreds of times more money. That’s exactly what they tried to bring down the ruble and the Central Bank did everything right by raising the rate, otherwise now everyone would go again with “millions” in their hands, who couldn’t buy anything.
    1. +1
      29 January 2018 11: 50
      Quote: Resident of the Urals
      artificial regulation of the ruble exchange rate, the question immediately arises - where did he study and is he an economist in general?

      By the way - it’s very correct ... Imagine you are a banker on the interbank exchange. Today you sold dollars for rubles, tomorrow rubles for dollars, And just by doing nothing secured your future.
      Second argument: One of the most important functions of the state is to protect the domestic market. For the sake of this defense, there have been wars in the world. A little joke: Venus de Milo is being sold at auction: An Englishman says I offer my Bentley for 500 thousand, a German I offer my Mercedes for 700 thousand, a Russian merchant - I give gold 900 thousand, an American - I give a million dollars. As a result, the American takes Venus for $ 1000000, with a paper cost of $ 3.
      The meaning of this joke is that without state regulation of the exchange rate, we will go wherever we go.
    2. +1
      29 January 2018 11: 54
      Quote: Resident of the Urals
      It’s the free ruble that will save him from speculation. Where we have so many reserves to keep it — then you can burn the entire state stock in a month—

      The ruble is a measure of labor - in this case it is better if it is strong, And the ruble is a commodity when it is on the currency exchange, then it is better if it is cheap. You already decide, read, think. I would advise you Parshev A.
      1. 0
        31 January 2018 15: 12
        when did we pay for labor?
        The ruble has long been a measure of how you fidgeted, not how you worked.
        1. 0
          1 February 2018 10: 43
          Quote: yehat
          when did we pay for labor?

          you can not pay for labor, the total number of rubles from this will not change. The number of rubles, or their purchasing power, can only change if the amount of creative labor increases as a result of which tangible goods appear.
    3. 0
      31 January 2018 15: 05
      you are trying to put not a complete cut of his proposals as absurd
      Glazyev proposed regulation from the Central Bank only in combination with limited mobility of speculative transactions. Financial policy never comes down to one proposal - it is a whole complex of measures.
      What can I say, there are dozens, if not hundreds, of objectively simple and universal laws that make life easier, but hang in sentences and are not accepted.

      PS The Stolypin reform yielded a negative result from the 1st and 2nd attempts, and only the 3rd, taking into account experience and mistakes, gave good results. Glazyev’s program probably also has hidden defects, but this does not mean that it must be ignored.
      1. 0
        31 January 2018 20: 21
        Quote: yehat
        Glazyev’s program probably also has hidden defects, but this does not mean that it must be ignored.

        absolutely right! Here is an example: if you make a very expensive dollar, then the prerequisites for the development of own production will arise, from the point of view of an economist, naturally. But, from the point of view of the smuggler, it will be necessary to export a huge amount of raw materials. Therefore, along with regulatory measures in the banking environment, firing measures are needed in the border customs service.
  15. +2
    28 January 2018 08: 31
    Yes, well ... I agree with Glazyev in assessing the current economic and social situation in the country. At the same time, the whole ““ top of power ”, headed by the president, constantly reports“ life has become better, life has become more fun. ”And this is most depressing, because if the authorities consider that everything is good (apparently for her), then and nothing will change. Perhaps Glazyev’s recipes will be able to change something for the better, provided that he is allowed in the process of making and implementing decisions. In the meantime, nothing but a pessimistic scenario for the future of the country can be seen ...
    1. 0
      30 January 2018 15: 31
      Quote: Siberia
      And this is most depressing, because if the authorities believe that everything is good (apparently for her), then she herself will not change anything.

      You are a strange person. There is an indicator that people are happy with the course of the current government or not happy ... So I don’t see ANY sign that the population is not enough. Dissatisfied with the liberals, the 5th convoy, inogents and enemies of the motherland. The rest are happy with the word unanimously !!! Where do you get these fantasies about course change ?????
  16. +2
    29 January 2018 08: 54
    Glazyev can and will make Russia an advanced country, but who will give him. It is now a matter of recognizing the right of new Russian oligarchs to milk the wealth of our Motherland, to which the old, world oligarchs, our upstarts for them, do not agree. As a result of the victory of our new or old, all patriotic and social programs will be curtailed, people are needed only as cannon fodder to protect new oligarchs, this is hidden behind the slogans of patriotism, rearmament of the army.
    1. 0
      29 January 2018 11: 39
      Quote: Alex66
      Glazyev can and will make Russia an advanced country, but who will give him.

      He’s an adviser to the president, by the way.
      1. +1
        31 January 2018 15: 07
        who politely listen and end there.
    2. 0
      30 January 2018 15: 39
      Quote: Alex66
      It is now a matter of recognizing the right of new Russian oligarchs to milk the wealth of our Motherland, to which the old, world oligarchs, our upstarts for them, do not agree. As a result of the victory of our new or old, all patriotic and social programs will be curtailed

      I recognize RENTV)))))
  17. +2
    29 January 2018 09: 00
    The general situation in Russia by 1917 is completely repeated. The state apparatus is no longer able to fulfill its duties. There is no movement, only a fall. And there’s nothing to fix, we need to build a new system with another president. Here are just no candidates with the exception of one. And this is definitely not the current leader of the country. But will the current "rulers" allow such an option ?!
    1. 0
      31 January 2018 15: 08
      Are you campaigning for Ksyusha Sobchak? good
      1. 0
        1 February 2018 00: 06
        No, baby. I am for life.
  18. 0
    29 January 2018 11: 38
    Where does the president look ???
  19. +1
    30 January 2018 15: 03
    Glazyev is a populist. With this fly into default very quickly.
    1. +1
      31 January 2018 15: 10
      and what does he say so popularly? he does not promise to "index pensions," to distribute apartments to the military or vodka to pensioners. It is only about improving the structure of GDP and its growth.