Strategic pendulum. Part of 3

At this time, the army of the left flank of the South-Western Front conducted the Galich-Lviv operation.
3-I army attacked Lviv, 8-I Galich.

On the Galich-Lviv direction from 7 to 12 August opponents converged. Fighting vanguard and equestrian units. In the first battle of the Russian 3 army on the river Seret near the village. The Bug Uhlan regiment, supported by the 16 th cavalry battery, attacked the 13 th Uhlan regiment and the 35 th company of the landwehr regiment of the enemy and dropped them with the loss of the Austro-Hungarians 100 man. 8 August The 10 Cavalry Division of the 3 Army in a cavalry battle defeated the enemy's 4 Cavalry Division, capturing 160 prisoners and 8 cavalry guns. Russian cavalry in this battle showed "special art and valor" [White A. Galicia battle. C. 162.]. Russian losses - 150, Austrians - more than 820 people [According to other data - about 250 man of captured cavalrymen and about 400 man infantrymen, several hundred more people were killed and injured. See: A. Slivinsky. Equestrian Battle of the 10 Cavalry Division of General Count Keller 8 / 21 August 1914 near the village of Yaroslavitsy. Serbia, 1921. C. 23.].

Successfully acted and other cavalry formations. N.N. Golovin wrote: “Summing up the work of the cavalry of General Ruzsky, we see that during 10 (23), 11 (24) and 12 (25) she cleared the space in front of infantry divisions moving forward, drove the enemy cavalry away. On the flanks, she approached the frontiers of the Bug and Zolotoy Lipa rivers, taking ferries from Kamenka Strumilov and Shumlyany. In the center she approached the river Rotten Lipa ... " [Golovin N. N. The Battle of Galicia. The first period. C. 192.].

13 August F. Konrad von Götzöndorf, wanting to gain time, ordered the Russian offensive to be stopped with a short counterstrike: the Russian 3 and Austrian 3 armies fought on the X.UMN-13 in August. Golden Linden

It proceeded quite tensely, mutual areas and detours were practiced. Thus, the Austrian 2 Infantry Regiment tried to cover the flank of the Russian 121 Regiment, but, in turn, was attacked in the flank of the 122 Infantry Regiment. A fierce bayonet battle took place in the forest - the soldiers of the 122 regiment overthrew the Austrians, capturing many prisoners, including the wounded commander of the 2 regiment. The 122 regiment lost 215 people killed and wounded and 53 people missing [Shafalovich F. Counter-fight 10 th army corps. C. 49.]. The left flank of the 31 Infantry Division was secured, but the situation on the right flank of the formation continued to remain critical - until the 124 Infantry Regiment, supported by the 2 Artillery Division, did not drop the enemy.

The counter battles proceeded with varying success, the Austrian personnel units proved to be a formidable opponent, the high fighting spirit of which was confirmed by an insignificant number of prisoners. Great were and losses. In the 6 Infantry Division they reached up to a third of the rank and file and half of the commanders. The corps commander reported that his troops could barely keep their positions. So, in the 13 battle of August, at the Prince (the 9 corps section), the Russian 42 division defeated the Austrian 25 division, losing about 1550 people and capturing only up to 400 prisoners, 6 guns and 2 machine gun [White A. Decree. cit. C. 172.]. N.N. Golovin wrote about the capture of more than 2 thousand Austrian prisoners, 12 light guns, 4 howitzers, an infirmary with the wounded, a large number of machine guns during the loss of the 42 division to 20% of the squadron [Golovin N. N. Decree. Cit. C. 319.]). At the site of the 58 Infantry Division, the enemy (a brigade of the Austrian 6 Infantry Division) resisted fiercely, engaging in bayonet fights. The results were the tactical flexibility of the Austrian command, as well as the use of 150-mm guns by the Austrians in a field battle.

28. Austrian infantrymen in a trench.

However, success leaned toward the Russian weapons. For example, parts of the Russian 11 Corps smashed 14 August 93-th landscape team (lost by prisoners alone to 3,5 thousand people and 32 guns; 11 body lost 4640 people).

In the offensive zone of the 10 Corps (left flank of the 3 Army), the Austrians strengthened beyond the r. Golden Lipoi - at Tsimerzhintsa, having prepared several tiers of trenches. Only bypassing the enemy with neighboring units forced the Austrians to withdraw.

Strategic pendulum. Part of 3

5 card. Battle on the Golden Lime. The left flank of the Russian 3 Army of August 14.

Since August 15, the army of R. Bruderman, who has begun to withdraw, has been pursued.

Thus, 13 - 15 August on p. The Russian 3 Golden Lipa defeated the Austrian 3 Army - for the first time during the Battle of Galicia, Austro-Hungarians were defeated and retreated, suffering heavy losses. They were crushed by the first serious setbacks.

29. Russian infantry in Galicia.

In addition to the lack of focus of the Austrian forces on this sector of the front, as well as the weaker quantitative composition compared with the Russians, a significant factor in the defeat of the Austrian 3rd Army was that the 14th Army Corps was transferred to the 4th Army, and in return 3 I army received land-assault formations. There was also inconsistency in actions. Cavalry and aviation Austrian 3rd Army in the intelligence respect showed themselves poorly. In addition, with the high quality of both the Russian and Austrian infantry, who did not give in to large losses and often converged with hostility, the Russian artillery more effectively helped their infantry, being an important factor in victory. The enemy troops showed inability to conduct battles in the conditions of retreat, during which they lost a lot of people prisoners (for example, the 93rd Landshturn brigade lost up to 2% of the prisoners in 25 days of battle).

30. Episode Cavalry battle.

The Austrian command focused only on the fact that, as part of the 3 Army, Slavic units comprised up to 35% of its composition, and, starting from the period of the battles on r. Rotten Lipa, began to dilute the Slavic contingents of this operational association with the Hungarian and Romanian marching battalions. But the main reason for the defeat of the enemy was not the national composition of the army, but the general superiority of the Russian forces on the southern flank of the battle.

31. Austrian heavy cannon on the march.

Subsequent battles of the Russian 3 Army proceeded in cooperation with the troops of the 8 Army. The Austrian 12 corps suffered heavy losses in these battles - no more than 20 thousand soldiers remained in its three divisions, that is, less than 50% of its composition. The failure of the 12 Corps led to the withdrawal of the Lviv and neighboring divisions of the 3 Corps.

32. Landturmists.

The Austrians, by regrouping and counterattacking, are trying to turn the tide, which led to intense battles. For example, the Perevolochensky regiment of the Russian 21 corps in the 17 August battle lost 23 officer and up to 750 of the lower ranks, destroying over a thousand and capturing several hundred Austrians. 17 August 10-I cavalry division captured 4 howitzers of the Austrians, parts of the 7-corps - more than 1 thousands of prisoners and a lot of machine guns.

The enemy command underestimated the power of the Russian 8 Army, which initially advanced without encountering much resistance. August 10 Russians occupied Tarnopol.

33. Russian soldiers near the Galician town.

On August 15, Commander-8 A. A. Brusilov began advancing to the north-west — moving closer to the 3 army and, after a forced march, inflicted a defeat on the Kevess von Kevessgaz group in Podgaitsev. The troops of A. A. Brusilov on Rotten Lipa attacked the flank of the enemy opposing the 3 Army.

The battles on the Golden and Rotten Limes were won by the Russians.

On August 16, the troops of the 8 Army in front of Rogatin first fought the Austro-Hungarian 2 Army, which was transferred from the Serbian Front. Despite the reinforcement of R. Bruderman’s army with reserves and the arrival of E. Böhm-Ermolli’s 2 army corps, the Russian corps broke through the Austrian center and forced the enemy to begin withdrawing to Lviv. The 2 Army I arrived late, its units were brought into battle alternately, which did not lead to a turning point. By eliminating a breakthrough from the Ore, A. A. Brusilov defeated the enemy with the blows of the 7 corps under Yancin, the 12 corps at Rogatin and Firleyuv, and the 8 corps at Zelibor.

The tension of these battles and the special persistence of the Austrians are evidenced, for example, by the fact that Rogatin had 19 Infantry Division 12 of the 8 Army Corps for the 2 of the day lost up to 50% [An eyewitness wrote about the Rogatin battles: “The adversary — this was the newly driven Throwed Division — persisted and, introducing new units, tried to attack, but withstand the fire of our valiant 19 Infantry Division, which still had many colors of personnel infantry, excellent shooters , paralyzed all the attempts of the fierce Honved. The fire on both sides reached extreme tension. Losses were sensitive; many were killed, which is explained, as mentioned, by excellent shooting of the first-line infantry ... Against the 15 of the Kuban company of Captain Mustapan ... in the distance of 1200-1500 steps, two enemy machine guns emerged from the corn, but, noticed in time, they could not open fire: the accurate fire from the shooters of the 15 company did not allow it; On the morning of 18, when we moved forward, we found these machine guns - they still stood, even with nested ribbons, but all the numbers of machine gunners were right there, killed by rifle fire. ” Golovin N.N. The Battle of Galicia. The first period. C. 486]. The 8 Army Corps was repeatedly attacked by the enemy, but after the approach of the 48 Division the Austrians began to retreat, leaving the 31 gun.

In total, during these battles, A. A. Brusilov’s troops captured prisoners and 20000 guns before 70.

6 card. Battle on Rotten Lipa. Dates on the map - a new style

21 August was taken Lviv, and 22 August G. Galich. August 24 The 8 Army Corps entered Mykolaev.

34. Lviv. Photo 1914

The Galich-Lvov operation seriously changed the situation in the south-western strategic direction. The troops of the two armies of the enemy were defeated and their attempts to hold down the Russian armies and cover the right flank of their strike group were thwarted. Austrian troops suffered huge losses in men and weapons (for example, the Austrians lost only more than 10 thousand people and 50 guns only on the Golden Lipa) and lost important strongholds. The victory also had an important psychological significance, since it occurred at the moment when the troops of the Entente in France were defeated.

35. Lvov is ours!

36. The entry of Russian troops in Lviv.

37. Russian on the streets of Lviv.

38. Russian troops at the Lviv station.

The operational environment has changed.
The 3-I and 8-I armies, victoriously advancing, went out on the rear of the 1-th and 4-th armies of the Austrians, threatening them with defeat. F. Konrad von Gettsendorf addressed the Chief of the German General Staff with a request to transfer at least 2's of the German corps to Peremyshl - but the Austro-Hungarian request was ignored.

The failure on the southern flank and the indecisive result of the fighting on the northern forced the Austrian command to carry out a reshuffle with the weight of its efforts against the southern armies of the South-Western Front. The plan of F. Conrad von Gettsendorf at this stage of the battle led to the concentric offensive of the 3's of the Austro-Hungarian armies in the Lvov region. F. Konrad Gettsendorf intended to crush the left flank of the Southwestern Front and liberate Lviv.

He tried to gather some forces in the Rava-Russkaya area, providing the rear of M. Auffenberg's 4 Army. The troops of the latter were divided into a “group of prosecution”, which should pretend to be the main forces, pursuing the army of P. A. Plehve (group of Archduke Joseph Ferdinand — 3 infantry and 1 cavalry divisions) and “maneuvering group” (main forces of the 4 army) , redirected to the Lviv direction. F. Conrad von Gettsendorf planned with the forces of three armies (4, 3, 2) to defeat two southern Russians (3, 8), leaving only a barrier in the north (1-I, Joseph's group Ferdinand) against the Russian 4 and 5 armies. The next turn of the “pendulum” came - now the question was who would have time to smash their opponent: the southern armies of the South-Western Front - to hold out against the main forces of the Austrians or 4, 5 and concentrated 9-army - Austrian barrier. The correlation of forces changed - in the north, the strength of the Russians was reduced to the 28-m of infantry divisions, while the strength of the Austrians dropped to the 19-ty infantry divisions. But on the Lvov direction, Austro-Hungarians assembled 30 infantry divisions against Russian 22 infantry divisions. Gorodok battle unfolded.

The specifics of the deployment of opponents before this battle was that, on the one hand, the troops of both sides already suffered significant losses (the level of which in different armies of the opponents was unequal and depended on the configuration of their participation in the battle, as well as the degree of success of such participation - for example , in the strongest and most successful Austrian 4 army, there remained no more than 75% of the composition, the weakest were 6 army (after replenishment in its companies there were no more 150 people instead of 250) and 9 army corps (where in 26 st landvern oh divisions from the 5 regiments left the 5 battalions.) But, on the other hand, the deployment was completed, reserves and subordinate units approached.

A big setback for the Austrians was that the 2 Army, which was assigned the main task in the upcoming battle, was late in focusing on the 3 of the day. As far as it was significant for our enemy, is evidenced by the fact that 27 infantry and 6 cavalry divisions, which the enemy command was able to concentrate to the beginning of the Gorodok battle, 2 infantry and 11 cavalry divisions were in the 1 army. The delay also led to the fact that the Russian armies of the northern flank launched an offensive earlier. The troops of N. V. Ruzsky and A. A. Brusilov during the battle of Rava Ruska - Gorodka needed to hold out.

To be continued
51 comment
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  1. +21
    29 January 2018 06: 47
    Our lions!
    What a powerful phrase. And the guys throw caps into the air for good reason. The capital of Galicia is an important strategic and economic hub.
    Galich-Lviv operation really became a turning point not only for the Battle of Galicia, but also for the campaign
    Thanks for continuing
    1. +9
      29 January 2018 07: 22
      Quote: XII Legion
      Our lions!
      What a powerful phrase. And the guys throw caps into the air for good reason. The capital of Galicia is an important strategic and economic hub.

      It is also interesting that at that time there was a huge part of the local Russian populationwho joyfully met the Russian army, fulfilling their aspirations to live in United Russia.
      Slavic units accounted for up to 35% of its composition, and, starting from the period of fighting on the river. Rotten Lipe, began to dilute the Slavic contingents of this operational association of Hungarian and romanian marching battalions.

      Romanian units could only weaken any troops — on the one hand, on the other lol
      1. +19
        29 January 2018 12: 09
        Slavic units accounted for up to 35% of its composition, and, starting from the period of fighting on the river. Rotten Lipe, began to dilute the Slavic contingents of this operational association of the Hungarian and Romanian marching battalions.

        The Austro-Hungarian command also probably considered the non-Slavic contingents stronger than the Slavs. Or the task was to dilute as much as possible what is.
        Since, of course, in general
        Romanian units could only weaken any troops — on the one hand, on the other
        but sometimes Romanian troops fought well - for example, in the Summer Offensive of 1917
    2. +18
      29 January 2018 07: 30
      Interestingly, the 12th legion, I read somewhere that Ruzsky was very keen on Lviv and this influenced the operation
      1. +19
        29 January 2018 08: 29
        A lot has been written about the Lviv "mirage" of Ruzsky.
        It pulled him like a magnet, even to the detriment of the general operation. This is well written by Golovin, Bely, Pereslegin.
        But he earned the halo of the "hero of Lviv" - which influenced his subsequent career, in particular, the appointment of the commander of the North-Western Front
        1. +20
          29 January 2018 08: 51
          Nice city, sorry not kept.
          Even if Russia had not been pulled out of the war and it would have been among the winners, Galicia would have been ours. And Western Ukraine would be ours not from the age of 39, but early.
          Would digest them better)
          1. +17
            29 January 2018 09: 25
            Now relevant))
            1. +1
              29 January 2018 09: 46
              by whom to digest? Tajiks? or else there are other Chinese !!!
              1. +18
                29 January 2018 10: 02
                It agrees.
                And without Tajiks, Russia is thoroughly littered. Each option is a pair.
                1. +17
                  29 January 2018 10: 04
                  Each tv.a.r.i and a pair
    3. +18
      29 January 2018 12: 05
      XII legion
      the caps are thrown into the air for a reason.

      And caps thrown into the air))
      Tradition however)))
      Galich-Lviv operation really became a turning point not only for the Battle of Galicia, but also for the campaign

  2. +12
    29 January 2018 08: 14
    Great article. Once again, I am convinced that the Austro-Hungarians at the start of the war were a skillful and dangerous opponent, and the victory for the Russian troops went precisely because of the better training of officers and lower ranks. The author — my deep appreciation for the work done!
    1. +20
      29 January 2018 12: 14
      I would even add, with your permission, dear Mr. Porucik, that at the beginning of the war the Austro-Hungarians were especially a skilled and dangerous adversary.
      But they remained the same in the future, although of course Russia rearranged them a little on wheelchairs. But in the summer of the 15th they were joking, and even in winter (Strypa).
      Crutches did not stop them from regularly beating the Italians.
  3. +5
    29 January 2018 08: 27
    They took the Russian brigade
    Galician fields
    And got me a reward
    Two maple crutches.
    The three of us left the village,
    The first three in the village.
    And stayed in Przemysl
    Two rot in damp land.
    I will return to my native village
    I will cut down the house on the side.
    The wind howls, the legs ache
    As if they were with me again.
    I will live alone in the world
    Everyone doesn’t need, everyone’s nothing.
    You tell who will answer
    For the dead three people? ..

    Took the Russian brigade
    Galician fields
    And got me a reward
    Two maple crutches.
    Song of that war. This is not the only option. And there are several options ... For the first time I heard it in the film "Young-green" .. performed by Yu. Nikulin and O. Tabakov .., the second time I heard in the film "Action" sung by G. Yumatov .. .
    1. +2
      29 January 2018 09: 48
      goals and results of the war
      secret diplomacy + straits

      1. +18
        29 January 2018 10: 04
        The result would be normal.
        So our Galicia became in the year 39, and so in 18.
        Nobody says that Stalin was wrong. So it was then - everything is true.
        But as it sounds now, it warms the soul)) Our Lviv)))
        1. +1
          29 January 2018 10: 09
          how relatively other nations look. quoted, ranked and what offers neighbors - to be reckoned with
          How would the WWII be considered with Russia?
          they didn’t occupy the lands-straits, but how firmly we stand on the old and new lands of our state! PROSPECTS (based on the results of the war) SHOULD BE -30-50 YEARS -LIFE MILITARY GENERATION
          1. +20
            29 January 2018 10: 21
            Even as they would be considered.
            The largest army in Europe.
            There was enough vitality for the Civil and Great Patriotic War.
            So we write with boiling water, if not, but Russia didn’t stay in the Entente and its underground punks didn’t take half a year before victory from the war — the Kaliningrad region (that is, eastern Prus.) And Western Ukraine would have been ours 20 years earlier.
            1. +18
              29 January 2018 10: 23
              The largest army in Europe amid the bloodless Anglo-French.
              Those precisely have no life left. In 40, they surrendered, and now priests substitute for the chur
              1. +1
                29 January 2018 10: 27
                everyone and everyone thinks in the tugriks and victory in the WWII would be considered so. we should all. how to write off? from whom to take reparations?
                not in vain Switzerland and the Vatican remained neutral, there the assets of the vanquished, withdrawn in advance and did not fall under indemnities and reparations. how much did the Entente receive from the vanquished and was it enough for full compensation? Yes, even + RI
          2. +9
            29 January 2018 11: 22
            Of course, they would be considered. The industry developed during the war years, the buffer zone of satellite states in the southeast, the ability to control the Eastern Mediterranean. It would be dangerous not to reckon with such Russia.
            1. +19
              29 January 2018 12: 15
              I fully support
              1. +1
                29 January 2018 12: 21
                see the Crimean War, as they were considered 30 years after the victories over Napoleon!
                1. +16
                  29 January 2018 12: 25
                  Well, there is nothing eternal.
                  You need to keep fit
                  To be in good shape (or tone in us))
                  1. +15
                    29 January 2018 12: 29

                    Like so
                    Keep yourself in shape regularly, and not rest on the laurels of the Napoleonic Wars))
                    1. +15
                      29 January 2018 19: 43
                      In such a tone, everything is on the shoulder))
                      And without the Napoleonic wars)))
                2. +3
                  29 January 2018 12: 32
                  The Crimean War, then the Balkan War, and like a cherry on the cake, the Berlin Congress, which annulled the San Stefano Treaty and all the victories of Russia that its army won in this war, and without military action from the West .. And the most interesting, and no one was the enemy at this congress, partners ..
                  1. +2
                    29 January 2018 13: 20
                    here I am talking about partners-- to die 2 or 4 million peasants and in another Versailles will write off debts for boots and shells in exchange for the departure of their Istanbul and Dardanelles
                    1. +4
                      29 January 2018 14: 44
                      Quote: antivirus
                      die 2 or 4 million peasants

                      Actually, according to military statistics, Russia's losses over the entire WWII are a little over 700 thousand. Millions of soldiers are a war style of another state and other generals.

                      Quote: antivirus
                      in exchange for the departure of their Istanbul and Dardanelles

                      Excuse me, but not for that, the Russian government in 1915 knocked out of the British and French written guarantees that the Straits would be transferred to Russian jurisdiction, so that later they could leave it.
                      1. 0
                        29 January 2018 18: 00
                        a year ago, they poked me a lot "Was the Bosphorus Operation a Chance" cardboard
                        and were blown away when one comm-commander (didn’t intercede for me) just mentioned the exchange of Fr. and Britov - we’ll show them very unfairly, etc., Ambassador Brit in Paris and London (THIS IS A HIGH LEVEL OF EXCHANGE OF OPINIONS. NEXT ONLY ADOPTION TO THE MID AX AND SIGNATURES)
                  2. +8
                    29 January 2018 13: 49
                    Exactly, they could blather on Russia only 40 years (!!!!) after the end of the Napoleonic Wars, and even then, having gathered almost all of Europe, forgetting for a while centuries-old insults and disputes among themselves
            2. +1
              30 January 2018 11: 14
              Which industry? Where do you get skilled workers in a peasant country in which there is no universal secondary education? (There are already 30 years in Germany, France, England, but this question is not even discussed in the Republic of Ingushetia ... (parish schools do not count, FZU train personnel for the internal use of factories)) I'm not a Bolshevik, but education is their main merit! Without them, perhaps you would have turned tails of cows now.
  4. +19
    29 January 2018 11: 08
    Oh nice man)
    They would have thought it would have been something to consider))
    And they would recover - from Germany, Austria, Hungary and Turkey, if not grandmothers, then territories or services (military bases).
    The Allies did well in the 20s, a German little gold sucked, and so did a paw on the herm. Industry imposed - Ruhr region grazed.
    In short
    Personally, I think that not getting Prussia, Western Ukraine, Turkish Armenia is bad. There is no superfluous. And even though something is better than nothing. And nothing is better than when they rob you, a failed winner
  5. +7
    29 January 2018 11: 49
    Thanks for continuing the interesting cycle!
    And the photos were chosen cool - especially where our soldiers are on the streets of Lviv.
  6. +17
    29 January 2018 12: 17
    The 2nd Army, which was entrusted with the main task in the upcoming battle, was late with a concentration of 3 days.

    Here they are, the consequences of the war on 2 fronts. It’s hard to be strong everywhere. And technical calculations are left with an imprint of life itself.
    1. +1
      29 January 2018 21: 00
      Our soldiers look at the monuments loved fotkatsya)
      Jan Sobessky - handsome
      1. +16
        29 January 2018 21: 08
        Yes, here it is - Lviv Jan
        In colour
  7. +4
    29 January 2018 14: 54
    Interesting informative cycle
    I will ask off topic
    Will someone from an honest campaign explain to me why the policy of double standards has so deeply taken root in our society?

    When Stalin joins Galicia, it’s good, and when the emperor joins Galicia, it’s bad.

    When Germany fights on the same front (short) immediately with the British and French - oh, super power, and when Russia fights on the same front (long) immediately with the Germans and Austrians - dishonor, bullshit.

    When the German revolution was felt in the army, the German army was enough for several weeks to decompose (with committees, etc., charm) and surrender. But the German army is power, the fault is simply a “stab in the back”.
    When the Russian army in revolutionary decay did not last for several weeks but a year (!!!), trying to even advance, it was still a shame. And a knife strike not only in the back, but in the throat (order No. 1) - no one sees.

    Why is that?
    1. +16
      29 January 2018 16: 06
      You are absolutely right in everything.
      I’m far from thinking that because the post-revolutionary history was written by the descendants of German spies))
      It's just that everything is very ideologized and politicized. In my opinion, the root of double standards.
      1. +17
        29 January 2018 17: 17
        everything is very ideological and politicized

        What can I say if even on this site (I will not point a finger at the moment) there are such figures who set the task of denigrating the pre-revolutionary history of Russia. Nervous when they write about the victories of Russian weapons))
        Thanks for continuing the interesting cycle.
        Where else will you see Russian soldiers at the Lviv monuments wink
        Yes, and peering into the faces of ordinary workers of the war (besides the winners) - as if transported a hundred years ago.
      2. +1
        30 January 2018 15: 59
        Yes, and until politicization gives way to normal private circulation
        And double standards will not go out of use
        So it will be in our country all through one place
  8. +15
    29 January 2018 16: 35
    The battle of Yaroslavice is a classic of cavalry combat.
    Well, the Golden and Rotten Lipe are the golden lines in the annals of the victories of Russian weapons.
    1. +2
      29 January 2018 22: 38
      How important is intelligence!
      Aviation of the 4th Austrian army established the offensive of the Russian namesake - and as a result, Lublin failed.
      But the 3rd Austrian aviation did not work very well, and the 8th Army was completely missed - the cavalry curtain worked well. So the cavalry is needed not only to wave a saber
      1. +15
        29 January 2018 22: 49
        Cavalry was probably then the most versatile military branch.
        Imaging military reconnaissance maneuver phase
  9. +15
    29 January 2018 18: 04
    Yes, recently there was a series of articles Did the Bosphorus operation have a chance.
    Everything in a circle a hundred times
  10. +15
    29 January 2018 18: 28
    The enemy - it was the newly-brought-up persecuted division - persisted and, introducing new units, tried to advance, but the sustained fire of our valiant 19th Infantry Division, which had in its ranks many more colors of personnel infantry, excellent shooters, paralyzed all the efforts of the fierce ambassadors. The fire on both sides reached extreme tension. Losses were sensitive; many were killed, which is explained, as mentioned, by the excellent shooting of the first-line infantry. ... Against the 15th company of the Kuban captain Myussepan .... at a distance of 1200-1500 steps, two enemy machine guns appeared from corn, but, when they were noticed in time, they still could not open fire: well-aimed fire of the riflemen of the 15th company did not allow this; on the morning of the 18th, when we moved forward, we found these machine guns - they still stood, even with the ribbons attached, but the machine gunners all had their numbers there, interrupted by gunfire ”

    So the arrows won the duel with the machine gunners!
    Mobile warfare
  11. +15
    30 January 2018 08: 47
    A participant in the war and a researcher of the battle on Zolotoye Lipa Shafalovich offers the following extremely interesting conclusions in relation to this battle - a striking example of oncoming combat. The complex form of hostilities and traditionally successful for the Russian troops.
    “Both sides considered themselves strong enough to achieve their goal by the offensive, and strove forward towards each other. In addition, the battle developed directly from the campaign, and the command of both sides had to simultaneously conduct the battle and organize interaction between the units and control.
    With the beginning of the battle, the actions of the avant-garde units were distinguished by great energy and swiftness.
    in the actions of both sides during the first military clashes, the rapid attacks of infantry, advancing in thick chains without the necessary artillery preparation, are noteworthy. This method of attack was the result of a peacetime training system, which was neglected by enemy fire, since before the war there was no true idea of ​​the strength of modern infantry and artillery fire, and this neglect of enemy fire was especially strongly developed in parts of the Austrian army .
    As a result, on the first day of the battle on the river. Golden Lipe entire chains of the advancing infantry were literally swept away by machine gun and artillery fire. Both sides, especially the Austrians, suffered very large losses, and in most cases the infantry attacks did not bring to the end and. choked.
    Along with this, strong enemy fire and the loss of the first day of the battle made such a strong impression on the unshielded troops that in the future the swift attacks turned into their opposite and turned into a slow and careful advance with frequent stops for trimming and digging ...
    In general, the very first battles already showed the importance of organizing the closest interaction between infantry and artillery and the whole need for thorough artillery preparation.
    Finally, in the battles on the river. Golden Lipe can be noted the use of field and mountain artillery by individual guns in the front line, in rifle chains. So, on the Austrian side, mountain guns were used at Tsiemezhinets for close shelling of crossings over the river. Golden Lime, as well as in the battle of Poruchin in rifle chains. In turn, the Russians used divisional artillery with individual guns in the front line when the 2nd brigade on the 9th infantry advanced. divisions on Nestyuki. ... and these individual guns were the prototype of that escort artillery ... "
    How many nuances affect operational art and tactics
    And how important they are in the days of turning events hi
    1. +15
      30 January 2018 09: 49
      Along with this, strong enemy fire and the loss of the first day of the battle made such a strong impression on the unshielded troops that in the future the swift attacks turned into their opposite and turned into a slow and careful advance with frequent stops for trimming and digging

      Here it is, too, a kernel of positional warfare.
  12. +16
    30 January 2018 19: 57
    F. Konrad von Goetzendorf planned to defeat two southern Russians (4rd, 3th) by forces of three armies (2th, 3rd, 8nd), leaving only a barrier in the north (1st Army, Joseph's group Ferdinand) against the Russian 4th and 5th armies. The next turn of the “pendulum”

    Risky was Conrad’s maneuver
    Well done man, fought to the last.
    Well tug of war
  13. +15
    3 February 2018 14: 58
    Give Lviv!
  14. +1
    8 February 2018 17: 09
    "Midnight is coming,
    the moon burns light
    and our regiment stands
    from his bivouac ... "