Great Scythia and superethnos Rus. Part of 1

Great Scythia and superethnos Rus. Part of 1

A number of Russian historians, researchers of 18-20 of centuries and modern times believed and believe that the so-called. Scythians and their kindred peoples (Cimmerians, Sarmatians, Roksalans, etc.) are directly related to Russia, the Russian people, the superethnos of the Rus. For example, Boris Rybakov believed that the “Scythians-Pahari”, according to Herodotus, they lived in the region of Dnieper, belonged to the Proto-Slavs. Yuri Petukhov attributed the Scythians to the superethnos of the Rus. Therefore, it makes sense to elaborate on this ancient period. stories of our Motherland, consider the Scythian world and the Scythians more closely. It is not for nothing that Byzantine sources called the Rus of the first princes of the Rurik family "Tauroskifs", "Great Scythia".

Cimmerians and their previous cultures

The earliest of the written sources available to science by the most ancient people on the territory of Russia are called Cimmerians. In the Bible, Homer (i.e., “Kimmerian”) is the eldest son of Japheth-Yapet, who is considered the father of all Indo-European (Aryan) peoples. And, the eldest son of Cimmerian was respectively Skiff. Later already Russian sources report that Rus and Sloven (Slaven) were the sons of Skif. We see complete continuity - from ancient times to the present day. In addition, it should be noted that the distribution of the name "Cimmerian" can be seen in significant spaces: the ancient Greek Homer-Cimmerian, Cimvry of Jutland and Britain, etc.

Cimmerians lived in the southern Russian steppes at the beginning of the Iron Age - 1 thousand. BC. er But it is clear that their civilization was formed much earlier. Archaeological evidence suggests that in the Late Bronze Age, in 1600-1100. BC e., steppe and forest-steppe zone of Eastern Europe was occupied by Srubnaya culture. The "felling workers" were the agricultural and pastoral people of the Indo-European root. They were the forerunners of the Cimmerian kingdom. The log archeological culture, in turn, reveals complete continuity with more ancient cultures: the Catacomb (3-2 millennium BC), Yamnoy (4-3 millennium BC). These cultures also occupied the territory of Southern Russia. Pit-hole culture is considered to be “Proto-Aryan”: it was from its territory, and at that time, migration impulses emanated that led to the formation of 3 BC in the vast territories of Eurasia in 2-beginning of XNUMX er many related cultures and peoples of the Indo-European language family.

All these cultures were distinguished by a single burial rite in the mounds (which speaks of the commonality of religious ideas), it differs only in details - first a regular pit was made under the barrow, then the construction in the form of a catacomb, and later a wooden frame was installed. Throughout the Bronze Age, continuity was maintained in ceramics, housing, household (combining plow farming with sedentary cattle breeding), in the anthropological type.

Cimmerians are the direct descendants of these ancient cultures. They are descendants of those who chose to stay in their ancestral homeland, while other Indo-Europeans settled in Europe and Asia. The memory of the northern ancestral home has long been preserved among the inhabitants of India, Persia and other regions. The inhabitants of Scandinavia and Ireland also remembered the “steppe”. The Scandinavian sagas report that the ancestors of the Normans came from the Great Svitod (Malaya Svitod - Sweden), the Black Sea steppes. By the way, it was not for nothing that the ideologists of the Third Reich, who defended the primacy of the ancient Germans and Scandinavians, believed that the Crimea and the Black Sea steppes should become part of the Great Reich. The resettlement of the ancestors of the Normans to the north occurred approximately at the end of 3 in the millennium BC. er According to Eddam, Odin had possessions in Asia, east of the Tanais (Don) River. The kinship of European nations was felt even in the ancient and even early medieval era. And, the Greek and Roman authors used the term "Celto-Scythians", which emphasized the kinship of the eastern (Scythian) and western (Celtic) "northern barbarians".

It is clear that the Cimmerians and Scythians (their self-name, according to Greek sources, chipped) are the direct heirs of earlier cultures. But the history written in 18-20 for centuries, and it was written under the geopolitical realities of the time, presented the history of the Eurasian steppes as a meaningless replacement of some peoples by others. According to this theory, one unknown people from where it came from crowds out and exterminates another. And so it repeats again and again. The ancient “Aryans” disappear and leave, they are replaced by the “new people” - the Cimmerians, then the turn of the Scythians and Sarmatians, etc. The data of archeology, mythology, historical literary monuments, archeology show that the Scythians were the closest neighbors and relatives of the Cimmerians , being descendants of the same Srubnaya archaeological culture. The movement of the Scythians to the west did not come from the "depths of Asia", but from the Volga. There is no evidence that the Scythians completely destroyed or ousted the Cimmerians. The majority of the population of Scythia of the Iron Age were the same people as before - the “Cimmerians”.

At the same time, there is evidence that the Cimmerian kingdom (the dynasty of their kings) fell under the onslaught of the Scythians. By the time around 800 BC. er refers to the death of settlements Kobyakovskoy (late-log) culture on the lower Don. This is the story of ancient written sources. Apparently, at this time there was a change of the ruling elite. The Cimmerian kingdom (dynasty) was replaced by the Scythian, but the bulk of the population did not disappear, making up most of the population. Only a part of the people followed the princes - the Cimmerians appear in Asia Minor and the Balkan Peninsula.

What is known about Cimmerians and Scythians?

The name of the people "Cimmerians", apparently, comes from the word "steppe" (Hittite "Gimra" - "steppe"). That is, they are “steppe inhabitants”. Interestingly, this tradition - to call the union of the tribes by the name of the area was preserved even later. Compare: “glade” - an alliance of Slavic tribes living in the forest-steppe zone (“field”), “Drevlyans” - living in forests, etc. The Greeks called the “Scythians” of the South Russian steppe people, they called themselves “chipped” - on behalf of King Kolo (Koloksai, the word "ksai" means "king, prince"). The word "Kolo" in Slavic language means "circle" (solar circle). It is associated with the solar cult.

According to ancient historians, the Scythians dominated all of Asia three times. The first period lasted one and a half thousand years and ended around 2054 BC. er Thus, the Scythians dominated Asia in 36-21 centuries. BC Oe., in the era of early bronze. This period coincides with the time of the existence of Pit-Plot culture and the beginning of the Catacomb. As already noted, these cultures show continuity, but it is clear that the period of transition from one culture to another reflects some serious sociopolitical, perhaps religious, changes, internal restructuring. Naturally, at this moment Great Scythia weakened and lost some of its influence on the surrounding regions. Ancient sources reflected the general geopolitical situation, although they did not bring us details.

In the period 21-13 centuries. BC er the “kingdom of the Amazons” is mentioned, which was closely associated with Scythia. According to Pompey Trog, this kingdom was founded by Scythian youths of the royal family Plin and Skolopit. Greek mythic tales of the “Amazons” clearly exaggerately retell the real customs of Scythian women.

In 16 century BC. er The appearance in the Black Sea region of the culture of multi-roll ceramics, which is uncharacteristic for the Scythians, was recorded. At the same time, ancient sources report a defeat suffered by the Scythians from the Thracians. In addition, at this time, the Catacomb culture ceases, besides, all the western regions of this culture find themselves occupied by a community of "multi-auspicious culture". And Don to the Urals formed Srubnaya culture, which continued the local tradition. Monohalese and Srubnaya culture were separated by a line of fortresses on the Lower Don. Around 14 c. BC er Scythians regained their dominance in the territory of modern Ukraine. Srubnaya culture triumphed.

In the 13 century, the second period of Scythian domination in Asia was established. The Danaan-Tanaits (Donians), led by Achilles, participate in the assault and the capture of Troy. An invasion of "the peoples of the sea" collapses on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea - after the capture of the Bosphorus, the Scythians penetrate the Aegean, sea routes are used in military operations. Ancient sources report the Scythian wars with Egypt. Moreover, the Egyptians even tried to invade Scythia, but suffered a complete defeat. Paul Orozy dates this war 1234 BC. er The invasion of the "northern barbarians" led to the collapse of the Hittite kingdom in Asia Minor, reached Palestine and dealt a heavy blow to Egypt. Egyptian sources call the "peoples of the sea" gita (hetami), and this was one of the most common names among the Scythians. At the time of Herodot, the “geths” lived on the Danube, the “fissagates” on the Volga, the “massagets” in Central Asia. The images of the “gits” are very similar to the images of the Cossacks already of the medieval era - shaved, with long mustaches and longs, conical hats, pants, boots. Russian sources also report on the Scythian war with Egypt: the Nikanor Chronicle mentions a trip to Egypt by the ancestors of the Russians - the brothers Skif and Zardan. "Zardan" is quite comparable with the name of one of the "peoples of the sea" who attacked Egypt - "Shardan". Some time after the attack on Egypt, the Shardans seized the island of Sardinia (they gave it their name).

Around 1100-1000's. BC er Srubnaya culture disintegrates. A distinction appears between the "Scythians" (the eastern part of the former community) and the "Cimmerians" (the western part). But they were not two different nations. The Russian historian G.V. Vernadsky quite correctly wrote that “... from time to time, the new ruling clans seized control of the country, and despite the fact that some groups emigrated, the majority of the local population remained only accepting a mixture of alien blood” (G.V. Vernadsky. Ancient Russia). The border between the Cimmerian kingdom (it stretched from the Carpathians and the lower reaches of the Danube in the west to the Azov region) and Scythia was Don. Around 800 BC. er the frontier was broken. Moreover, the “invasion” of the Scythians should be understood not as an unexpected attack of a new, alien people, but as an intrasystemic change (the Scythians and Cimmerians belonged to one ancient civilization, culture). Around 800 BC. er in the southern Russian steppes political power changed, one dynasty was replaced by another. This is indirectly confirmed by Herodotus. He reports that the advance of the Scythians caused a split among the Cimmerians. The ruling elite decided to resist to the end, and the common people supported the "invaders." The civil war began. The Cimmerian ruling elite was defeated, and the Scythians occupied the territories of the Azov and Black Sea regions virtually without a fight. Based on these data, Vernadsky even suggested that the Cimmerian elite was foreign to the common people. N. I. Vasilyeva (author of the study “Great Scythia”) speaks about the crisis of the social system: there was a “decay” of the ruling classes, the disintegration of society into groups, the loss of defense capability. During the fall of the Cimmerian kingdom there was no complete change of population. Only the ruling strata were overthrown. The coming Scythians formed a new elite.

In 7 c. BC er The third stage of Scythian domination over Asia began. Scythians invade Media, Syria, Palestine, create their own state formation in Asia Minor. The fact that the Scythians had a powerful army, able to successfully beat the armies of developed countries, speaks of the developed economy of Scythia. She allowed to arm large armies, to form fleets.

Great Scythia

At the beginning of 1 millennium BC. er almost the entire steppe zone of Eurasia was under the control of the Scythian civilization. It was an ethnopolitical community united by kinship and unity of spiritual and material culture. The archaeological sites of Great Scythia are found from the Danube to the Wall of China. Moreover, one should not identify the territory of Scythia only with the steppe zone. Most authors of the ancient era claimed that in the north, forest areas and lands, down to lifeless arctic deserts, were subordinate to the Scythians. The great influence of the Scythians can be traced in other regions of Asia: in Central Europe, Asia Minor, Persia, India, and China. Interestingly, the territories of the Great Scythia occupy the same land as the Russian people (superethnos ruses). However, part of the territories due to the distemper of the end of 20 - the beginning of 21 centuries is now lost.

Within the Great Scythia there were several areas of territorial – political associations. These are the Scythians, with whom the Greeks came into direct contact, they occupied the territory from the mouth of the Danube to the Volga.

Their eastern neighbors from about 6 century BC. er were Sarmatians-Savromats. Initially, they occupied the territory of the southern Urals. Sarmatians, apparently, were descendants of the Andronovo culture. This culture developed on the basis of Yamnaya and covers the period of time XVII — IX centuries BC. er Around 600 BC. er Sarmatians came to the Volga and the Don, and in the 2 century BC. er occupied all the northern Black Sea coast, in fact, repeating the "experience" of the Scythians. According to Herodotus, the Sarmatians were descendants of the Scythians and "Amazons", spoke in the "spoiled" Scythian language. That is, the Scythians and Sarmatians were one people, they had small territorial differences and different ruling dynasties.

The lands east of the Caspian Sea, the Aral Sea region and Central Asia were occupied by Massagets (in India and Persia they were called Saki). Persian sources say that only one people lived in the whole region - the Saki.

In Southern Siberia, Semirechye, the Issedons related to the Scythians (they are often identified with the Usuns known from Chinese sources) and Arimaspas (or “Areymans” - the militant Aryan people) lived. Not only Southern Siberia, but also Central Asia, much of Tibet and northern China, was inhabited by Indo-Europeans. It should be noted, the Indo-Europeans-Aryans, the Great Scythia had a huge impact on Chinese civilization - see the article for more details. Chinese Civilization and the Great Scythia. Many of the kingdoms of ancient China and their dynasties were formed by Indo-European Aryans. Including the Qin Dynasty, which laid 3 in the beginning. BC er the foundation of the united Chinese empire.

None of the ancient authors who wrote about the ancient Scythians indicated serious language differences between the inhabitants of Scythia. This suggests that one people inhabited vast territories. All names of Scythian "peoples" are territorial designations. Like the Slavic "lands", the unions of the tribes of the early Middle Ages.

The heyday of this civilization - 800-400 years BC. er (the third stage of the domination of the Scythians in Asia). At this time, in the south, Great Scythia included Persia, Northern India, and northwestern regions of China within its sphere of influence. In many countries, dynasties and ruling elites ruled that were of Aryan origin. Roman historian Pompey Trog reports that the Scythians were the ancestors of the Parthian and Bactrian kingdoms. “Scythians sought dominion over Asia three times; they themselves constantly remained either untouched, or not defeated by alien dominion. ”

In the Great Scythia there was a developed metallurgy, they produced high-quality weapon. The art of war, based on the actions of cavalry, sudden blows and waste, the excellent mastery of the skill of the rider and archer, forced respect for the power of the Scythians. The only danger to the Great Scythia was related peoples, dynasties, who adopted their advanced military culture. The warlike Persians (Parsi, the people of the Indo-European-Aryan community) tried to attack Great Scythia twice - in 530 BC. er in the battle against the Massagets (the Scythians of Central Asia) suffered a complete defeat and Cyrus II the Great died, in 512 BC. er Darius I the Great launched an invasion of the Black Sea possessions of the Scythians. But the Scythians used the scorched earth tactics, and the military expedition ended in complete collapse, the exhausted Persian army was defeated. Darius himself miraculously survived.

Failure suffered, and the Macedonian attempts to expand its sphere of influence at the expense of Scythia. Alexander Filippych could not firmly establish itself in Central Asia, his commanders could not break through the Danube.

It was the most powerful military civilization of the planet, which for centuries controlled the vast territories of Eurasia. Only the geopolitical realities of the last centuries prevent historians from recognizing that all developed civilizations existed on the periphery of Great Scythia. Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, the civilizations of Asia Minor, Ancient India, Ancient China - were not the passionary core of the Ancient World, it was Scythia. Great Scythia dominated from the Yellow River Basin, Tibet and Northern India to Central Europe and Palestine. Moreover, the "northern barbarians" not only dominated in the military and political terms. The level of development of their economy was not lower than that of the cultures of the South. The "barbarians" of the North were the first to tame the horse, they invented the chariot, causing a revolution in the means of transportation. There is an opinion that the first steps in the cultivation of plants were made in the region of the Central Russian Upland. The earliest crops, known in the centers of West Asia and Northern China - spelled, barley, millet - come from Central Europe. According to N. I. Vasilyeva, “in terms of the development of the“ technosphere ”, the residents of Eastern Europe and the steppe zone of Asia not only did not lag behind the peoples of the warm countries, but also significantly outpaced them”.

In addition, on the basis of the mythology (spiritual culture) of the “barbarians” of the North, almost the entire cultural heritage of the ancient world was created. "Vedas" and "Avesta" (like other literary monuments of that era), which became the basis of Indian and Iranian cultures, came along with the Aryans from the north. Greek mythology was created on the basis of the epos of “barbarians” who came from the North (Hyperborea). Almost all the gods of Olympus, including Zeus, Apollo, Leta, Artemis, Ares, Poseidon, etc., are not of Greek origin, their images are brought in finished form from the north. In the south, they were only embellished. There is an assumption that the first written language, to which all the systems of progressive syllable and alphabet writing, which were used by the cultures of the Mediterranean and South Asia, go back, was also created in Northern Eurasia. For example, this opinion is shared by G. S. Grinevich — the author of the work “Proto-Slavic Writing.”

Great Scythia gave the world and an advanced example of a political and social system - the state-communal system (“communism” of that time, from the word “commune” - “community”). He was more progressive than the slave countries of the South.

The cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to Koltsov I.Ye.) 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neuro; 3 - agafirces; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchle; 6 - gelons; 7 - Boudin; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - Tissage; 11 - Iirki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - Argippea; 14 - Issedon; 15 - Arimasp; 16 - hyperborea; 17 - the ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagets; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigir Scythians; 22 - Transcaucasian Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians
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  1. marline
    April 9 2012 08: 32
    Russia is a unique country, unique in every respect. Take at least the name of the country and ... a whole layer of information will pop up about which most of the inhabitants of Russia do not have the slightest idea. The name of the country - Russia, arose from another word - Russ, which, in turn, was formed from the name of Russ. Part of the ancient Slavic-Aryan empire, lying to the west of the Riphean (Ural) mountains, was called dispersion. The lands east of the Urals to the Pacific Ocean and further from Lukomorye (Russian North) to Central India were called the Land of the Holy Race.

    Foreigners called this country differently. One of the last foreign names known in Europe until the end of the eighteenth century was Great Tartaria - the largest country in the world, as it is mentioned in the first edition of the British encyclopedia of 1771. Those who wish can verify this themselves by looking at this edition of the encyclopedia. The main population of this empire was Slavs, for the most part - Russians. At the same time, many other peoples who had equal rights with the main population lived on its territory. About the way it is in modern Russia.

    The name Tartaria has nothing to do with the name of the Turkic tribes. When the foreigners asked the inhabitants of this country about who they were, the answer was: “We are the children of Tarkh and Tara” - brothers and sisters, who, according to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, were the guardians of the Russian land. These ideas did not arise from scratch: the fact is that man "came" to planet Earth through the so-called Stargate about forty thousand years ago. Among the settlers was a relatively small group of highly developed humanoid creatures, very close to modern man, forming a kind of caste, which the other settlers called URA.

    The Urs possessed tremendous possibilities that were beyond the imagination of most of the "ordinary" people who did not belong to this caste. Urs became teachers, mentors for everyone else. They protected the initially relatively small settlements of "ordinary" people, both from wildlife and from "two-legged predators." The Urs taught and helped to master the original technologies, transferred the necessary knowledge and knowledge that would have to be in demand only after millennia. The Urs encrypted them and transferred them for preservation to a special caste of keepers - the Magi, who, at the right time, will have to transfer the stored knowledge, carrying it through the millennia, preserving everything that is possible. For this purpose, the Magi Guardians received two runic alphabets, each of which was used by the Magi of different levels of initiation - da'Aryan and h'Aryan scripts. The memory of the urah teachers remained in words, for example, in the word culture, which means a system of moral and spiritual ideas that were handed over to their wards Rus.

    The presence of two castes among the ancient Slavs was manifested in the names given to them by their neighbors. So, most of the Asian neighbors called the inhabitants of the Slavic-Aryan Empire Urruses, combining the self-names of these two castes into one whole. Until now, many Asian neighbors call Russians in the old way - Urruses. At one time, the names of Slavic tribes consisted of adding prefixes to the root of the Rus, reflecting the characteristics of these tribes, in relation to the rest of the Rus, for example, ET'Russki, P'Russy. The prefix et before the self-name of the Rus means the enlightened Rus - carriers of a high culture, evidence of which has been preserved in the north of Italy, in the form of inscriptions on stones and works of art.

    The name of the Prussian Slavs, meaning Perunov Rus, another self-name - Veneda (warlike tribes of the Western Slavs), remained in the self-name of the territory they occupied until the nineteenth century, even after the Germanic (Gothic) tribes seized this land in IX-X centuries from And they destroyed most of the Slavic Prussians, assimilating their remnants in their midst and accepting their name. After which, Prussians began to be called one of the Germanic tribes living on these lands, which played a key role in uniting the Germanic tribes into a single state in the nineteenth century.

    During the many thousands of years past of the Slavs, the self-names of different Slavic tribes, which had originally a single culture and single language, were determined by different reasons. Before the disappearance of the level, all Slavic tribes had the middle name Urruses. After the disappearance of the level, the functions performed by them were forcedly distributed between their wards. This led to the formation of several castes: the caste of the Magi - carriers of knowledge and traditions, the caste of professional warriors who defended against external enemies, the castes of artisans, farmers and pastoralists. Above all these castes stood a clan aristocracy.

    For some time, after the disappearance of the Uva, the Rus added to their common tribal name one or another prefix reflecting their main occupation (Et'Russians, P'Russians). Nomadic tribes of Slavs-cattle-breeders began to call themselves Scots, farmers - glades, forest dwellers - Drevlyans. Later, there was a further isolation of the Slavic tribes from each other, when, fleeing the famine that arose in Siberia during the last cold snap, part of the Slavic clans left their homeland in search of new lands for habitation. The departed clans took, in the form of self-designation, the names of their leaders - princes. The clans that left with the prince Sarmatians began to call themselves Sarmatians, who left with the prince Scythians - the Scythians.

    Over time, having spun off from the mother Vedic culture, these Slavic tribes “grew up” on the new lands with local cultural features, partially related to the inclusion of cultural elements of those peoples with which they were neighbors or conquered, coming to new lands. But these were not other nations, they were all the same Slavs. And when, in the future, for one reason or another, they returned to their ancestral home, then again they became simply Rus.

    It is for this reason that “historians” cannot explain the traceless disappearance of the same Sarmatians, Scythians. They did not disappear anywhere, but simply, having reunited with their older families, accepted their family name according to the social laws that existed in those days. They were like sleeves of a river of a Slavic tribe: branching off from the main "channel" and later merging with it again, they brought a fresh stream into the "waters of the old channel", while a number of other "sleeve tribes" left their "old channel ”and, over time, from these“ sleeve tribes ”new Slavic tribes arose, new Slavic peoples with greater or lesser differences in language, traditions and ideas: Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Croats, Czechs, Slovenes, Poles and many others .

    (so writes Levashov N and it is difficult to disagree with him smile )
    1. +6
      April 9 2012 08: 52
      To Levashov's information one must be very careful about it - a liar is still that.
      1. marline
        April 9 2012 09: 47
        Skill - lying, but not all smile
      2. Sniper 1968
        April 9 2012 21: 56
        Quote: Skill
        To Levashov's information one must be very careful about it - a liar is still that.

        Let's say he is a liar. Then why his book "Russia in crooked mirrors" was banned through the courts? Look: Satanic, sadomasochistic, damned books are on sale, and nothing! And this book was banned ... Do you know who owns most of the publishing houses? NEGOI ...
    2. AER_69
      April 9 2012 09: 09
      I don’t understand. How they track the connection between the Slavs and the Scythians. Is it bare facts or is there evidence?

      Most often I find this about them:
      Scythians called a group of peoples living in Eastern Europe, Siberia, Central Asia. The term is of Greek origin. So, the Greeks called Scythia a country where, respectively, the Scythians lived. However, in the modern world, Scythians mean the Iranian-speaking tribes of nomads who once occupied the territory of the southern part of Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine.
      Information about the Scythians was scooped from ancient sources, for example, "History" authored by Herodotus. Archaeological research in Siberia, Altai and the lands of the Danube also give an idea of ​​the Scythians.
      The Scythian language was the ancestor of the Ossetian language, and the derivative of the Scythian, Alanian, belonged (like the Scythian) to the northeastern group of Iranian languages. The Scythians themselves called themselves chipped.
      It was a strong tribe with strong administrative centers and active trade. Society was divided into aristocracy (they were buried in the mounds with their wives, horses and slaves) and ordinary people, slaves, concubines, warriors. The latter went to the grave with their weapons. It is known that a few glad Scythians reflected the raids. In particular, the governor of Alexander of Macedon, Zopirion, tried to besiege their city, but the Scythians destroyed his army. However, then the kingdom of the Scythians was substantially worn out by related Sarmatians, and the Goths completed the matter. In the third century AD, the Scythians disappeared into other tribes. There was a great migration of peoples ...

      And where is it about the Russians ??? Alans do not seem to be Russian. Alans are the ancestors of Ossetians.

      Of course, I understand that it is very beneficial to tie the relationship of a good culture to your own. I am sure that the ancestors of the Slavs were even worse than the Scythians. I would rather look for the true ancestors of the Slavs, and would not show disrespect for their ancestors with such statements and articles ...
      1. +5
        April 9 2012 10: 16
        The article provides just the same very convincing evidence, comparison and continuity of cultures and customs. But the same statements about the great migration of peoples on what are built, what evidence?
      2. Che
        April 9 2012 12: 06
        It is unprofitable for the West to recognize Russia's high development at one time. So type bears walk the streets.
      3. Makhalych
        April 9 2012 13: 19
        Quote: AER_69
        In particular, the governor of Alexander of Macedon, Zopirion, tried to besiege their city, but the Scythians destroyed his army.

        A bit wrong. Zopirion besieged the Greek colony of Olbia (Lucky). And since the Greek settlers have been there for hundreds of years, at that time they were in good relations with the local Scythian kings, they came to their aid and jointly defeated the army of Zopirion almost completely.
      4. 0
        21 May 2012 18: 42
        Russians are leaving Punjab. And the Persians, and with the Romans, and with the Greeks, they fought.
    3. Che
      April 9 2012 12: 01
      Fomenko and Nosovsky have a good description of this.
    4. Passing
      April 9 2012 15: 09
      Quote: merlin
      The name of the country - Russia, arose from another word - Russ, which, in turn, was formed from the name of Russ.

      Ahrenet! And where did Tada go to the original Russia? It was probably not her, like Kievan Rus - a myth imposed on us by Western propaganda, in fact, there was no Russia, but there was a Tartar-Tatar Roissia! And who is pouring water on the Western propaganda mill ?!
      And the name Russia came from Western European Russia, and the machinations of Western propaganda have nothing to do with it, say thank you to the Westerner Tsar Peter I.
      Quote: merlin
      Among the settlers was a relatively small group of highly developed humanoid creatures, very close to modern man, forming a kind of caste, which the other settlers called URA.

      Any hypothesis has a right to exist, it remains to confirm it. As soon as an ancient interstellar ship is found in the swamps near Moscow, we will immediately consider it seriously. Search.
      1. Volkhov
        April 9 2012 15: 52
        Russia is a tribe from the Baltic, mainly from the territory of the Soviet Union. Sweden, and Russia - from the word ROSA, i.e. river, stream. A river - has a name, for example, Oka, a stream - a tributary, dew - a water stream in general, without a name. Russia is a river, which corresponds to a dense river network, but lived everywhere, for example, first in China, in the mountains.
        The words are similar, and clever to the skies, and before there was the principle of matching the name with the content, for example, the city of Alatyr - there was previously a piece of alatyr on the shore.
        The most curious is a business trip.
        1. Passing
          April 9 2012 16: 42
          Just show me the word "russia", "scattering", "rasseniya" in any historical document of the period before Kievan Rus. Rather, due to the fact that our written sources simply do not exist, give an example of "foreign" texts with transcription of these words. Facts in the studio!
          If they are not, but they are not, then write like that - this hypothesis is just an assumption, not confirmed by facts. Something from the area I believe, I do not believe.
          1. Dust
            April 9 2012 18: 16
            Of course, there are no such documents - in general there are no documents since that time, they simply have not been preserved, so basically only speculation remained ...
          2. Vadim555
            April 9 2012 23: 37
            Quote: Passing by
            Passing by Today, 16:42 -6
            Just show me the word "russia", "scattering", "rasseniya" in any historical document of the period before Kievan Rus.

            During the baptism of Russia, and even after, all documentary evidence of the existence of Russian civilization before baptism was destroyed.
            1. +3
              April 10 2012 00: 48
              Exactly. Someday we will find the library of Ivan the Terrible or books on the history of Russia Lomonosov and much will fall into place.
              And now, primary sources such as the Veles book are trying to break through to us.
              And thanks a lot to Samsonov Alexander for his work and excellent articles.
              1. Vadim555
                April 10 2012 02: 07
                Quote: Ross
                Ross Today, 00:48 1 That's right. Someday we will find the library of Ivan the Terrible or books on the history of Russia Lomonosov and much will fall into place

                The Vatican needs to be "jolted", there you can find the Library of Alexandria and much more.
          3. 0
            17 November 2012 15: 33
            I just want to believe in a beautiful fairy tale about great ancestors, so any people)))
      2. +1
        April 9 2012 19: 14
        history is not studied in a secondary school, so you don’t know.
    5. Vladimir75
      April 10 2012 04: 01
      + from me Thanks for the info will be read by the author
    6. Zmitcer
      9 September 2012 19: 15
      Quote: merlin
      Part of the ancient Slavic-Aryan empire was called Russion

      tm! laughing I understand that there are fairy tales where there is a Serpent Goryny and Baba Yaga, but we tell the children the truth: that these are fairy tales, fiction. But reading such a nonsense, it’s even difficult to call it a fairy tale for adults, I don’t even begin to believe in goblin and mermaid, because it’s more plausible. For what and for whom is this invented? New ideology? But after all, for any normal person, this can only cause surprise and regret that there are those who believe in this ..
    7. 0
      16 June 2015 09: 47
      I do not advise reading Levashov! He was a project of the United States and its special services! such a heresy sometimes carried .. that the hunt was a stick along the ridge!
      The gift of persuasion he had was not small! and he skillfully hypnotized it!
      So Levashovschina --- were sent and are!
  2. Brother Sarych
    April 9 2012 09: 04
    It was better for someone to explain the existence of Great Tartary and other similar riddles in very recent times! And about Scythians, you can do it at all for overwhelming - you won’t check ...
    1. Che
      April 9 2012 12: 08
      Read Fomenko with Nosovsky - the vast material of mathematicians is presented in their writings.
      1. Makhalych
        April 9 2012 12: 52
        Quote: Che
        Read Fomenko with Nosovsky - the vast material of mathematicians is presented in their writings.

        The Nosovskys and Fomenko and their "research" is not a scientific but a purely commercial project.
        In general, a whole commission was created at the RAS to combat such pseudo-scientists.
        They write nonsense, absolutely unreasonable theories that are not supported by anything.
        So to refer to these gentlemen is to show their denseness and impossibility to think logically and completely ignorant of History.
      2. Zmitcer
        9 September 2012 19: 23
        Quote: Che
        Read Fomenko with Nosovsky

        that’s why you’re all advertising these false scientists. read better on Google about the Moscow ulus and about the massacre that Ivan the Terrible arranged in Novgorod or in Polotsk, in Russian cities. I am sure that a spark of knowledge will illuminate the dark corners of consciousness and open the way to truth. wink
  3. AER_69
    April 9 2012 09: 07
    It seems that the author never heard of the existence of Turkic peoples.
  4. 0
    April 9 2012 10: 52
    As long as the science of peoples and states is based on ancient literature (fabricated in the 13-18 centuries), it will be impossible to understand the logic and meaning of "migration of peoples".
    Ancient authors ... there was a school of literati, let's say in Greece, the successors were sitting in southern France - they were on the sidelines of history, which at that time was going on in Great Scythia and Byzantium (under which Rome usually stands) - and only maligned - like the present " bits of "empire.
    They wrote that they were great, that they conquered half the Earth.
    And all their mouse fuss is the confrontation of Byzantium (the true Roman-Roman Empire) and the antagonistic state-ally - Great Scythia-Rus-Tartaria. (You can also include the Golden Horde, but this is ... at will, to whom as you wish).
    As it is now - a small fry is sucking Russia - and then ... every suburban underwasser - crap stealthily.
    And since they were in a deaf ..hope, nobody cared about their writings.
    But from the 18 century - all this foam of hatred flooded the rampart.

    I think so.
    The article is good. Samsonov Alexander is a smart girl. A plus.
    1. Makhalych
      April 9 2012 12: 59
      Quote: Igarr
      As long as the science of peoples and states is based on ancient literature

      And what else should she base on speculation?

      Quote: Igarr
      (fabricated in the 13-18th century)

      Something was "fabricated" for a long time, doesn't it?
      And where is the evidence of fabrication ???

      Quote: Igarr
      They wrote that they were great, that they conquered half the Earth.

      Why compose? There are the Parthenon, the Coliseum, the Pyramids, the remains of temples, cities AROUND THE WORLD, a host of other monuments of these civilizations and their role in history. What to compose?
      Or is it all falsified too? laughing

      Quote: Igarr
      The article is good. Samsonov Alexander is a smart girl. A plus.

      The article is about nothing. a lot of speculation and nonsense unreasonable than anything.
      Alas, but now we have TOO MANY "historians".
      1. 0
        April 9 2012 13: 25
        We have already met once.
        They did not find a common language.
        There is no need to write any crap with a phrasal criticism of my opinion.
        All the more so - such frivolous jokes .. "Something was" fabricated "for a long time, doesn't it?
        And where is the evidence of fabrication ??? ".
        So it begs ... comparison with the capercaillie ..
        In general, I propose not to touch ... anyone's opinions.
        And then we .. too many SMART divorced.
        1. Makhalych
          April 9 2012 13: 31
          Quote: Igarr
          We have already met once.
          They did not find a common language.
          There is no need to write any crap with a phrasal criticism of my opinion.
          All the more so - such frivolous jokes .. "Something was" fabricated "for a long time, doesn't it?
          And where is the evidence of fabrication ??? ".
          So it begs ... comparison with the capercaillie ..
          In general, I propose not to touch ... anyone's opinions.
          And then we .. too many SMART divorced.

          Well, when there is nothing to say to justify your opinion, there is NOTHING to substantiate what the tongue is thrashing about, we immediately begin to say: "Do not touch my opinion." I would not touch if you did not impose your opinion on others and did not try to pass off any nonsense as the truth !!!
          When the streams of information gov have flowed from everywhere, we need to try, as far as possible and able to block these streams, so as not to choke on this.
          1. +3
            April 9 2012 16: 11
            Although you are an assertive hamlo .. but look ..
            ".. A critical study of the chronology of the ancient world. Antiquity. Volume 1 (download) - Mikhail Mikhailovich Postnikov
            A critical study of the chronology of the ancient world. Antiquity. Tom 1.
            ... In this regard, it is especially curious that the so-called "ancient history" (in contrast to, say, the new history) reveals all the characteristic features of modern paranoscience. ..
            § 1. Tacitus and Poggio Bracciolini
            One of our main sources on the history of Ancient Rome is the works of the famous Tacitus, who gave a masterly dramatic exposition of a detailed picture of imperial Rome from Tiberius to Vespasian (see, for example, the article by I. M. Troysky “Cornelius Tacitus” in [48]) .. .
            ..Criticism of Tacitus
            The wave of criticism was apparently initiated by Voltaire in the Philosophical Dictionary. Less well known is the controversial work of the lawyer Lange, whom Mirabeau called "Nero's lawyer." In Russia, one of the first who doubted, if not in the facts of Tacitus, then in his assessment of the facts, was Pushkin, but only from the end of the XNUMXth century serious historical studies began to appear, completely rejecting the authenticity of Tacitus' books. "
            ".." At the end of the seventies of the XIX century, a new skepticism began, and in the eighties and nineties, a new skeptical trend continued, which denied not the facts or views of Tacitus, but Tacitus himself: the authenticity and antiquity of his writings. It is curious that the hypothesis of the forgery of Tacitus manuscripts arose immediately both in England and in France. Its founder was the Englishman Ross in the book "Tacitus and Bracciolini", which was published in 1878 ... In France, P. Goshar followed the same path ... he is G. Duckber ... in his three main works: " Studies on the life of Seneca "(1882-1885)," Studies on the persecution of Christians under Nero "(1885) and" On the authenticity of the "Annals" and "History" of Tacitus "(1890) ... he (Goshar. - Auth.) Opens completely new points of view on facts and puts the faithful trust in Tacitus' authority into hopeless dead ends.
            The system of Gosharov's evidence of the forgery of the imaginary works of Tacitus (and their accessories by Poggio Bracciolini. - Auth.) Is composed of several main points.
            1. The dubious nature of the manuscripts in which the works of Tacitus reached us, and the circumstances in which they were discovered, through the medium of Poggio Bracciolini.
            2. The complete or relative impossibility for Tacitus to write a lot, included in the “Annals” and “Stories”, according to the conditions of his era.
            3. Traces of the Renaissance in the text of the pseudo-Tacitus.
            4. An exaggerated opinion about the merits of Tacitus as a Latin classic. (Incidentally, the love of secular pornography typical of the 15th century, which, in combination with other circumstances, immediately raises similar suspicions about Petronius (also found Poggio), and about Juvenal, Martial, and many other classics. - Auth.).
            5. Not later (according to the generally accepted chronology of literature) the main historians who witnessed Rome (Josephus Flavius, Plutarch, Suetonius, Dion Cassius, Tertullian, Pavel Oroziy, Sulpicius Sever, etc.) borrowed their data from Tacitus, but, on the contrary, the imaginary Tacitus is only a distributor , the amplifier of the information that he drew from the above, already having all of them at his disposal and sorting them as he liked.
            6. The literary talent, classical education and the fraudulent nature of Poggio Bracciolini was entertained just for the taste and demand of an era that required the resurrection of the dead ancient gods, artists and authors.
            7. Poggio Bracciolini could and had an interest in committing this great forgery, and he did it.
            Let's start with the biography of the alleged pseudo-Tacitus, Poggio Bracciolini "([8], pp. 356-358) .." "

            If not enough ....
            Flow overlap.
            Successes .. in a noble cause.
            1. Makhalych
              April 9 2012 16: 19
              Quote: Igarr
              Although you are an assertive hamlo .. but look ..

              This speaks of narrow-mindedness and stupidity. However, it is understandable. No educated person will accept the stupid postulates of the "new historians" on faith.

              Quote: Igarr
              § 1. Tacitus and Poggio Bracciolini

              Are we studying Ancient History only by Tacitus? Others, WHICH do not remember many? More precisely, you do not know how I understand !!!

              Good luck in further clogging your head with mud. tongue
              1. -1
                April 9 2012 16: 34
                Haha ............................................... .....................
                1. Dust
                  April 9 2012 18: 15
                  I noticed that our Makhalych jumps out like a hell out of a snuffbox, so that the conversation on this topic is translated into empty bickering, and besides rudeness there are usually no other arguments - such as where you are scurrying around /, snub-nosed snouts in our elite series of historians!
                  I would also like to know what allows this character to classify himself as a chosen one, if in traditional history no one end meets the other and the only argument is that the "wise" said so! Certainly not modesty ...
                  1. Miha_Skif
                    April 9 2012 21: 58
                    Quote: MAhalych
                    The article is about nothing. a lot of speculation and nonsense unreasonable than anything.

                    Your position is completely win-win; anyone can criticize everything in a row. People actually want to know their story. Since you are so well versed in these matters, at least some personal opinion on the topic raised will convey to us sad And then, apart from criticism, no other information winked
                    1. Makhalych
                      April 10 2012 10: 35
                      Quote: Miha_Skif
                      Since you are so well versed in these matters, at least some personal opinion on the subject touched upon us :( And then besides criticism, no other information winked

                      ONCE AGAIN I ask you to provide evidence of the greatness of the Scythians:
                      Temples, roads, palaces, cities, written sources, the monetary system and so on. Everything that gives the right to be considered great.
                      From the Greeks, Romans, various civilizations of the East, this evidence was left in abundance.
                      Where is the evidence in the presented version ????
                      1. Miha_Skif
                        April 10 2012 12: 06

                        The greatness of the Scythians in the first place lies in the creation of a single huge cultural space (from the Carpathians to Lake Baikal), and in the involvement of many other peoples and ethnic groups in global processes. The spread of Scythian culture is not in dispute at all. And, it should be noted, it practically coincides with the territory of the Russian Empire.

                        Roads ... Why would an ordinary horseman or a nomad in the steppe of the road? And there were caravan routes, and very branched.

                        Palaces and other mega-structures in history were built only in the presence of a strong centralized state, and were built, as a rule, by the hands of slaves. The Scythians did not have slavery. And a centralized state, too. Powerful tribal associations arose only in the event of an external threat, or if it was necessary to go somewhere to avenge, well, there, in Persia, in Asia Minor. laughing And the cities were mostly wooden. The same Kamensky settlement, for example.

                        The monetary system ... Firstly, in the Scythian states of the Black Sea region their money was minted. Secondly, real values ​​often acted as money - pieces of then-deficient metal, metal products, herds of horses, etc. There is a hypothesis that the role of coins was played by ordinary arrowheads. And what, very utilitarian. If necessary, can be used for its intended purpose. laughing

                        You can go on for a long time, but you have to go to work smile
                      2. Makhalych
                        April 10 2012 12: 24
                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        The greatness of the Scythians in the first place lies in the creation of a single huge cultural space (from the Carpathians to Lake Baikal), and in the involvement of many other peoples and ethnic groups in the global processes.

                        They did not create this space. They lived on it. Feel the difference?
                        They did not live as a single people, but apart, by tribes.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        And, it should be noted, it practically coincides with the territory of the Russian Empire.

                        There are many things in the world and what coincides with what, and so what?

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        Palaces and other mega-structures in history were built only with a strong centralized state

                        That's it, but he wasn’t.
                        There were fragmented tribes of pastoralists. Which united of course (not all) if necessary.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        And the cities were mostly wooden.

                        A remarkable indicator of the development and greatness of civilization. laughing
                        Especially in comparison with the Greeks, Persians.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        The monetary system ... Firstly, in the Scythian states of the Black Sea region their money was minted.

                        They minted, because the Greeks instilled it in part to them, that is, they taught it. And a coin for them was beaten in their mints.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        Secondly, real values ​​often acted as money - pieces of then-deficient metal, metal products, herds of horses, etc.

                        Non-coin turnover is a sign of greatness, right? laughing
                        This is a sign of underdevelopment.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        You can go on for a long time, but you have to go to work

                        Similarly. I’ll work too. laughing
                      3. 0
                        24 June 2015 18: 32
                        Quote: MAhalych
                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        The greatness of the Scythians in the first place lies in the creation of a single huge cultural space (from the Carpathians to Lake Baikal), and in the involvement of many other peoples and ethnic groups in the global processes.

                        They did not create this space. They lived on it. Feel the difference?
                        They did not live as a single people, but apart, by tribes.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        And, it should be noted, it practically coincides with the territory of the Russian Empire.

                        There are many things in the world and what coincides with what, and so what?

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        Palaces and other mega-structures in history were built only with a strong centralized state

                        That's it, but he wasn’t.
                        There were fragmented tribes of pastoralists. Which united of course (not all) if necessary.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        And the cities were mostly wooden.

                        A remarkable indicator of the development and greatness of civilization. laughing
                        Especially in comparison with the Greeks, Persians.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        The monetary system ... Firstly, in the Scythian states of the Black Sea region their money was minted.

                        They minted, because the Greeks instilled it in part to them, that is, they taught it. And a coin for them was beaten in their mints.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        Secondly, real values ​​often acted as money - pieces of then-deficient metal, metal products, herds of horses, etc.

                        Non-coin turnover is a sign of greatness, right? laughing
                        This is a sign of underdevelopment.

                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        You can go on for a long time, but you have to go to work

                        Similarly. I’ll work too. laughing

                        however, judging by the Scythian jewelry found in the burial mounds, their manufacture required a decent level
                      4. Zmitcer
                        9 September 2012 19: 29
                        Quote: Miha_Skif
                        If necessary, can be used for its intended purpose.

                        laughing if they give me a book of these "historians", I will do so. thanks for the advice!
                  2. Sniper 1968
                    April 9 2012 22: 02
                    Quote: Dust
                    our Makhalych pops up like a devil from a snuffbox

                    Pork stigma, for a reason ...
                    1. Zmitcer
                      9 September 2012 19: 33
                      Quote: Sniper 1968
                      Pork stigma, for a reason ...

                      quickly the arguments ended. instead of saying that - "I don't have something to say," they begin to judge by themselves and be rude. But not everyone is like you.
                  3. Makhalych
                    April 10 2012 10: 31
                    Quote: Dust
                    I noticed that our Makhalych jumps out like a devil from a snuffbox, so that the conversation on this topic is translated into empty bickering, and besides rudeness there are usually no other arguments

                    Well, firstly, I did not start to be rude first. laughing
                    Arguments? About what ? I usually don’t hear viable arguments against classical history, only different versions. And when you talk about their failure - people just keep silent.

                    Quote: Dust
                    I would also like to know what allows this character to classify himself as a chosen one, if in traditional history no one end meets the other and the only argument is that the "wise" said so! Certainly not modesty ...

                    I do not belong to the elect. I can just think and compare and not stupidly accept all sorts of stupidities on faith.
                    By the way, THERE and WHERE do not converge, what is not clear?
                    Facts incomprehensible in the studio.
            2. 0
              April 9 2012 19: 28
              and who is the author of these lines?
            3. balamut_x
              April 10 2012 07: 43
              and yet you were correctly asked the question - where are the Scythian cities, architectural structures, where are the pyramids, amphitheaters, aqueducts?
              1. 0
                April 10 2012 13: 30
                The length of the Russian Plain from north to south is about 2750 km, from west to east - about 1000 km. And on it, judging from the data of archaeologists, Scythians wandered from the Black Sea of ​​the Ural Mountains, and allowed them to increase the taming of the horse ... By the way, the very first evidence of taming the horse was found in the South Urals ... The taming of the horse reaches the aqueduct;)? ))))
      2. 0
        April 9 2012 19: 23
        Russia was a great country, it is and always will be. It has beaten everyone and always, they cannot take it by force, therefore they come up with all kinds of nonsense.
    2. +2
      April 9 2012 19: 19
      In Germany, during archaeological excavations, they found a lot of artifacts saying that ancient Rusich lived on these lands. The West hides everything and destroys the traces of an ancient civilization. What for? It is so interesting to know the truth.
      1. Zmitcer
        9 September 2012 19: 41
        Quote: Sandov
        found a lot of artifacts
        - the magical staff of the sorcerer, boots, boots or tablecloth self-assembly. What did you find?
    3. Miha_Skif
      April 9 2012 22: 52
      Greetings, Igor.

      I agree that "classical" history is just the history of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, and nothing more. It was compiled by people who lived there, so to speak, "for internal consumption." She biasedly describes the development of one of the centers of world civilization, and thank God. Because it does not in any way affect either the ancient Indian civilization, or ancient China, or Bactria and Sogdiana, these other centers of world civilization are not becoming less significant. And this classical history reflects the huge Scythian world (quite a bit and one-sidedly) only because ancient city-states (Panticapaeum, Olbia, etc.) with a mixed population - and Scythian and Hellenic.
      1. Makhalych
        April 10 2012 10: 42
        Quote: Miha_Skif
        I agree that "classical" history is just the history of the Mediterranean and Southern Europe, and nothing more. It was compiled by people who lived there, so to speak, "for internal consumption." She biasedly describes the development of one of the centers of world civilization, and thank God. Because it does not in any way affect either the ancient Indian civilization, or ancient China, or Bactria and Sogdiana, these other centers of world civilization are not becoming less significant. And this classical history reflects the huge Scythian world (quite a bit and one-sidedly) only because ancient city-states (Panticapaeum, Olbia, etc.) with a mixed population - and Scythian and Hellenic.

        Classical History, it is not only the history of Middle-earth and South. Of Europe. You probably forgot about the civilizations of the East? About Sumer, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Mesopotamia, Egypt. Or is it not history?
        The Greeks described the peoples they encountered. And if these peoples did not leave themselves any monuments, then what kind of culture was that? More precisely, how much was it developed ???
        Regarding India, Bactria and Sogdiana, I advise you to find the Old Greek-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms. It will be interesting, I assure you.
        Yes, since we are talking about Scythian tribes in contact with the Greek colonial settlers in the North. The Black Sea, you can read from those same Greeks their assessment of these tribes.
    4. +1
      April 10 2012 00: 53
      So it turns out with us. Any truth breaks through the resistance of skeptics.
    April 9 2012 11: 46
    It doesn't matter the name, the main point. It's just that the strongest tribal union gave a name to the whole people, hence the confusion that has developed over thousands of years. We are the descendants of a great civilization that gave the world culture and spirituality and for us, its descendants, vast territories on which we now live. Under the word we , I mean Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Caucasians, Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kirgiz of all who live in the expanses of the former USSR ... We have a language in which we, so different and sometimes dissimilar, can explain ourselves and understand each other, this is the Russian language. each of us has our own culture, our traditions, our languages, but this makes us even more culturally and spiritually richer. I am fluent in three languages ​​- my native Kazakh, Russian and English, this helps me a lot in life, my president says that everyone should know and speak these three languages. I consider the Eurasian Economic Community within which we want to unite, I think it is a worthy undertaking, because we are all brothers and sisters, we have the same genes, and this cannot be hidden, not rewritten, not distorted, sooner or later they will "speak"!
    1. 0
      April 9 2012 19: 33
      and the evidence is there, Russia is alive with her vast territory and would have flourished if not for the stupid people rulers
  6. +7
    April 9 2012 11: 58
    The author of the article puts forward a fair thesis that the whole so-called. world history revolves around battered Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome. At the same time, whole peoples - Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians - are completely unjustly thrown to the periphery. These peoples, who inhabited vast territories, are mentioned in passing, as if simply to brush it off. Occasionally, they are referred to as barbarians who "bothered" the development of "true" civilizations (at the same time, without discussion, everyone accepts the version about the construction of pyramids by the Egyptians for the amusement of the pharaohs).
    The great Russian scientist L. Gumilev, who was one of the first to decide to overcome the thesis of the "backwardness" and "barbarism" of the steppe peoples (I wonder who was the source of the most advanced technologies in military affairs at that time?) Was persecuted by the ossified Soviet academicians.
    Of course, we do not have much information (or maybe they were initially silent) about those peoples, but perhaps we will someday see the written objective history of the peoples of Eurasian spaces.
  7. +3
    April 9 2012 12: 49
    Well, as the Scythians can be the ancestors of Russian. Scythians are nomads, Russians are farmers. This alone is breaking this theory to dust. I agree that Caucasians inhabited lands up to northern China, he was surprised to learn that the Ainu, exterminated by the Japanese in Hokkaido, were Caucasians, but this does not give the right to say that it was a monolithic state formation or even a union of tribes. If there were a developed state, there would probably remain written sources, as in the same Assyria, 5 thousand years BC.
    It is likely that a PART of Scythian blood is in us, but the same as the same Sarmatians is ready. AER_69 is right, we had our ancestors. To bring historical calculations based on morphology and phonetics is, excuse me, bad taste, so you can agree before, for example: America - there was a tribe Merb, All, they sailed west, and formed the United States. fool
    1. Makhalych
      April 9 2012 13: 15
      Quote: Sargon
      To bring historical calculations based on morphology and phonetics is, excuse me, bad taste, so you can agree before, for example: America - there was a tribe of Mer, All, they sailed to the west, and formed the United States. fool

      So it is on this basis that many "historians" are now making their "discoveries", unfortunately laughing
      The only bad thing is that a certain part of people believes such nonsense.
    2. +2
      April 9 2012 13: 44
      I will say in advance - I do not support or deny the theory of the Scythian roots of Russians. It's about something else. There is no accurate information at hand right now, but on the basis of new research (not Fomenko :)), there is a completely evidence-based point of view that nomadic cattle breeding was not the only economic activity of nomads and they did not deny farming as an economic structure. Otherwise, the peoples of the steppes, engaged only in cattle breeding, would be doomed to starvation during 1-2 centuries, or even faster.
      Yes, they compensated for the lack of plant foods by raids and exchange trade, but even this could not fully ensure the normal functioning of nomadic communities without constant management. Thus, the nomads were quite familiar with agriculture. Further study of this issue requires an appeal to archeology and related sciences.
    3. +2
      April 9 2012 19: 28
      In Italy, in southern France, Spain, and Germany, objects of worship with Russian inscriptions were found. These are not fantasies, but facts. The official science of trynditis cannot be. Take up the study, and then draw conclusions. wassat
      1. Zmitcer
        9 September 2012 19: 44
        Quote: Sandov
        In Italy, in southern France, Spain, and Germany, objects of worship with Russian inscriptions were found.

        Here was Tolik. wassat or just ...
    4. Miha_Skif
      April 10 2012 01: 24
      The Scythians made the scientific and technological revolution of their time. They "developed" for millennia ahead a progressive method of management, ideal for the entire Great Eurasian steppe - nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle breeding. In Mongolia, the people still live like this, some Scythian tribes did 2,5 thousand years ago. This method is based on the use of a horse as a riding animal, i.e. the Scythians were the first of all peoples to come up with a saddle, harness and, later, stirrups. Horses were domesticated before, of course, but they were bred for food use. Bulls were then harnessed to the carts.
      The use of a horse as a riding animal is a characteristic feature of all Scythian peoples. Archaeologists even developed such a concept - "Scythian triad" (characteristic Scythian weapons, horse harness and Scythian animal style) - the presence of these objects is used to prove that an archaeological monument belongs to the Scythian culture.

      Very often semi-nomadic (distant) cattle breeding was used in conjunction with agriculture. Agriculture, by the way, was also very advanced. It was the Scythians who brought the culture of irrigated agriculture to Central Asia and Altai (the first aryks found and studied in Semirechye and Altai date from the Scythian era and are associated with Saks and Usuns), and they also planted gardens there.
      In the Black Sea steppe and forest-steppe, the cultivation of grain has generally assumed an industrial scale. Numerous ancient Greek "policies" (city-states) arose along the Black Sea coast, basically trade ones, flourishing due to the export of our grain to the Mediterranean.
      The mining and processing of metals is also reaching a high level everywhere. By the way, from the "classical" history - the ancient authors called the Scythians "The Lords of Iron" - and this despite the fact that almost all of the Mediterranean used then exclusively bronze.
      Decorative and applied art is so developed that the Scythian art style has become one of the diagnostic features in archeology. Everything was adorned - weapons, harness, dishes, clothes, houses, one's own body, etc.
      A separate conversation about customs and "mentality". I can only mention the custom of "twinning" among the Scythian warriors, described by many authors, including Herodotus. Well, the Scythian bath laughing

      But the Scythian world as a whole can only be spoken of as a single enormous cultural space, and nothing more. There was no single state then, there were numerous unions of tribes and small state formations, often at war with each other. By the way, Great Scythia is a relatively small Scythian state in the territory of Crimea, the capital is Naples Scythian.

      I periodically have the feeling that the surrounding nations are precisely because they look at Russia with such hope that at least once in history they have received from our ancestors a powerful cultural and technological impulse to development.

      PS. Alexander - well done good
      1. Zmitcer
        9 September 2012 19: 47
        Quote: Miha_Skif
        I periodically feel
        I think those reading "this" have a certain degree of confidence. laughing
  8. +4
    April 9 2012 13: 32
    /Volnezzo/ But what about Conan the Cimmerian, who is also a barbarian, something of ours, pompous?
    1. Passing
      April 9 2012 14: 46
      So no, not m0skal vin buv, it was said zhezh, the Cimmerians lived on the western side, which means Konan-Konyan-Konyatko blvd from the Don Cossacks. laughing
      1. Goga
        April 9 2012 15: 54
        Passing - Colleague, I don’t know who minus you, I put my "+".
        The guys just as a child more than once watched Schwartz the barbarian - lad at least kozak kuda wassat
  9. +3
    April 9 2012 13: 36
    Over a hundred nations live on the territory of the country, which have been on their lands for centuries, they have fallen from the sky. Maybe they are the descendants of previous civilization. Poor raped history.
  10. Goga
    April 9 2012 15: 44
    There is no doubt that the Eastern Slavs iteration did not start from scratch, it is clear that the most ancient ancestors were, but it is not known who (apart from the great-ancestors of the Aryans) was considered the ancestors of the Slavs. Now it is neither possible to prove nor disprove the kinship between Russians and Scythians-Sarmatians-Cimmerians - there is no data.
    Another interesting thing in the article is very touching about the origins of all civilization and world culture - only the question is - from the great cultures remained -
    cities in South America with amazing architecture and unique writing, ruins of cities of ancient Mesopotamia with clay tablets with no less unique records, there is no need to talk about Egypt, There are a lot of amazing archaeological finds in China - is all this "periphery"? And then what is in the center? Arkaim? A place where crooks from science "breed" gullible tourists. I lived in Chelyabinsk for many years, this "discovery" happened in my memory and I have been there many times. It’s even inconvenient to describe what was “found” there. And this is the "center" of world civilization? And what, everything else "evil people" destroyed in order to humiliate our people? Yes, such "historical" delights humiliate the people no less than all the falsifiers put together, because of such works and there are mockery like - "Russia is the homeland of elephants." And the "prospectors" themselves, like the author of the article, have worthy predecessors - read the story of the pre-revolutionary author Nechvolodov - "arguments" of the same class - is Achilles an invincible warrior, a hero? means a Slav. 100% logic, similar to that of our author.
  11. +1
    April 9 2012 17: 22
    Scythians - Sarmatians-Alans-Ossetians, such a chain is known and kinship is proved. Scythians - someone - Slavs-Russians may well be, it turns out that the Ossetians and Russians have common ancestors, which in principle is possible because say the mythology of Ossetians (Nart epic) and the Slavs have much in common both in the plots and in the characters.
  12. panzer
    April 9 2012 17: 24
    Not only Fomenko and Nosovsky write about the fact that not everything is in order with history and chronology. Read Valyansky, Kalyuzhny. The same Bushkov asks such questions that classical historians just shrug their shoulders. And I create committees that fight opponents very simply - they demand that the president forbid publishing works on history without the approval of the "high commission". So, of course, you can defeat the unwanted. Many remember the Kapitali she-wolf, a striking example of ancient Roman sculpture, described by many of the same ancient Roman authors. And when in 2008 it was proved that they created it in the interval between the VIII-XIV centuries AD, who wondered what kind of ancient authors they were who wrote ancient history in the Middle Ages. How many scientific papers, dissertations and other different things were written on the basis of these very authors! Now what?
    April 9 2012 17: 57
    The Bertin Annals, for example, report
    about the arrival of the Russes to Louis the Pious in
    839 year. This is one of the first, most
    ancient written evidence where
    the people of the Rus are mentioned. Perhaps there is also
    other documents that too
    testify to this.
    Speaking of their nationality,
    Russ called Swedes, those "whom we still
    Call Normans, ”explains the author. It turns out
    the first Russians are really Slavs not
    were. Moreover, they did not even know about their
    "Slavs." Their roots are completely different.
    Not only Greeks, but also Romans, Arabs, Kipchaks,
    Iranians - the whole world - in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries understood
    the word "Rus" is the same. This word was called
    people known in Russia under the name
    "Varangians." It is written in all historical
    documents of that time, and dispute this
    is absurd.
    That was Norman time. Then, at the end
    the first millennium, not only Kievan Rus
    they founded. In 1066, the Vikings conquered
    England and established their ruling there
    dynasty ("English Russia"?). However
    brought up in other traditions, the British do not
    consider that this fact should be hushed up or
    deny he does not belittle dignity
    current British. What then
    Australians founded their state
    exiles? And the Maltese - the descendants of the pirates?
    Rus was a strong people with whom
    considered and which, unfortunately, is very
    little is known. They forced to respect themselves.
    Why do not they accept the current Russian?
    Why invent fables instead
    stories? Unclear.
    Interestingly, as the Varangians themselves called
    Kievan Rus? Own state on the Dnieper?
    They simply couldn’t call him “Rus”,
    because they called tribesmen
    people from Northern Sweden - residents
    coasts that lived north of Stockholm.
    They are now called that. Were desperate
    people, their courage knew no bounds: brilliant
    mariners, brave warriors, they kept in
    hands of northern Europe. On the coast and on
    water had no equal rivals.
    The word "Rus" Scandinavian scientists derive from
    Old Varyazhsky (Old Icelandic dialect)
    "Rowers", "sailors." Indeed, the Varangians
    entered the world precisely as "warriors of the sea." Rivers
    they were roads, the sea cliff was a haven.
    Their ancient sagas are the best evidence of this.
    Everything seems to be converging.
    Last doubts about this, if they are still
    remain, dispel the Finns and Estonians,
    the old neighbors of the Swedes, who in the old
    habit call Sweden the word
    consonant with the word "Rootsey." While
    southern neighbor who is geographically
    the map was designated "USSR", they are traditionally
    called "Venia", from the word "Wends" - that is,
    Moreover, in Estonia there is a place on
    coast, it’s called “New
    Ruosia ”, once the Swedes lived there ... This is their
    title! It has been preserved. All my overseas
    The Varangians called the territory exactly that.
    The word “Wends” is not only used by Finns
    and Estonians. In German, it is preserved
    in the meaning of "Slavs", and among Italians
    this word. "Rus" and "Slavs" completely
    different, absolutely different concepts in
    ethnography. For the first time about wends as about
    European people learned the world from works
    Roman scholar and writer Pliny the Elder
    (24-79), which compiled a multivolume treatise
    "Natural history". It's real
    Encyclopedia of the ancient world! Work on
    which grew the scientists of all subsequent
    generations. By Pliny, the ancient Slavs
    They called themselves "Wends." Another roman
    historian, Tacitus (58-117), confirmed and supplemented
    information about wends - the people who lived on
    northern Europe, between the Vistula and the Oder. Since
    ever begins in world science
    a fixed history of wends, i.e.
    Slavs ... It’s not necessary to invent anything in it,
    everything is as it is.
    1. Passing
      April 9 2012 19: 19
      Quote: KAZAKHSTAN
      Moreover, in Estonia there is a place on the coast, it is called "New Ruosia", the Swedes once lived there ... This is their name!

      Which doesn’t mean that Russes are Russias. There were still Etruscans, Prussians, but there were no sonic coincidences. Or it’s not at all a fact that the Rousses are Norman-Swedes. There are many possible explanations. For example, the Ruosses owned the island, then the Swedes came, and they were assimilated. The name remains the same.
      That's how much I read about this topic, everyone agrees that the Normans did not have a clan-tribe Rus. It is not in the local Scandinavian history, not at all. Those. the greatest "Norman" family that conquered half of the world (England, Kievan Rus, etc.) did not receive a single line in the sagas and other historical sources? !!!
    2. Zmitcer
      9 September 2012 19: 53
      The name "Rus" was called the Scandinavian fighting squads, sent to Eastern Europe. In the Old Norse languages, the words with the root “roths / ros” meant rowers, participants in the trip on rowing vessels. The river route from the Varyazhsk (Baltic) Sea to Byzantium passed through the lands of the Eastern Slavs. In the middle of the tenth century, “Rus” collected rowing boats for campaigns on Constantinople from the Eastern Slavic tribes subject to them. The Scandinavians who sailed to Byzantium were called by the name "ros". Later, the Byzantine name "Russia" (Russia) was assigned to the East Slavic lands.
      The Slavs learned the name of the Scandinavian (Norman) squads who made trips on rowing ships from Finnish tribes (chuds). In Finnish, it sounded like "rootsey, ruotsi." The East Slavs called the Varangian princes and their squads the name “Rus”.
      The names of the East Slavic tribes (Vyatichi, Drevlyane, Krivichi, Polyana, Dregovichi, Radimichi, Northerners) are nouns. The names of all modern nations (Germans, British, Chinese, etc.) are nouns. And only the name of the nation “Russians” is an adjective.
    April 9 2012 19: 32
    the word "rus" is even in the "Meeting
    Turkic dialects of a medieval scholar
    Mahmud of Kashgar, a great connoisseur
    Ancient Turkic language. He lived in Central Asia
    and hardly heard of the Scandinavians. "Rus" -
    so the ancient Turks called the race of rowers and
    carriers, that is, those who mined themselves
    water supply. In other words,
    Moreover, the word is “ethnic,” explains
  15. +1
    April 9 2012 20: 56
    The article is not bad. That's just the map is quite different from the description of Herodotus. The same neuros did not live in the upper Don, but in the Pripyat basin.
  16. wk
    April 10 2012 00: 18
    the next "NEW HISTORY OF RUSSIA" already with a dozen if not more in VO they publish, but they add and praise the same faces, so decide WHICH OF THEM IS CORRECT ??? about the Scythian-Rus, Slavs-Old Russians or Atlanteans-Uruses .... what the hell are all these stories ... well, probably amuse someone's pride ... the descendants of aliens from Sirius ...
    1. Valgal
      April 10 2012 01: 50
      Dear Vitaly, set you +. Honestly, this universal greatness also has me, these hyper-fantasies of an extravagant mind have already reached me. Che already there, let's discuss the native Russian Andromeda Nebula :-)).
    2. Makhalych
      April 10 2012 10: 43
      Quote: wk
      the next "NEW HISTORY OF RUSSIA" already with a dozen if not more in VO they publish, but they add and praise the same faces, so decide WHICH OF THEM IS CORRECT ??? about the Scythian-Rus, Slavs-Old Russians or Atlanteans-Uruses .... what the hell are all these stories ... well, probably amuse someone's pride ... the descendants of aliens from Sirius ...

      Very true said !!! WELL DONE !!!
    3. 0
      April 10 2012 20: 36
      About Scythians-Scythians
  17. 0
    April 10 2012 00: 21
    An interesting map if you look a lot and explains about the Indo-Europeans and what are coming these same arias were .... Cool))) that the most true Aryans are Poles. It’s interesting with the Haplogroup R1b (Y-DNA) with the West European gene, so to speak ... it comes from the Caucasus ... in modern Ossetians 40%, in English from 70 to 90%, in Basque 80 and Germans 40 .... moreover Slavs, he is not at all big among Russians 2%. Moreover, genetics say that based on the number of mutations, the Caucasian gene is ancient .... and so the old woman from Europe was nicely assimilated by Europeans ... these are the tricks of history. And on the trail-carrier of the subgroup R1b1a2 there was a certain Tutankhamun ... this is damn twists ...)))
  18. balamut_x
    April 10 2012 08: 12
    from the point of view of science and not speculation, everything looks like this
    1. 0
      April 10 2012 08: 51
      Genetics is power .... together with archeology they will tell us the history of the world ...
  19. Yoshkin Kot
    April 10 2012 08: 49
    m-dya the author burns not in a childish way, gentlemen, why should we invent our "great" ancestors? We have them REAL GREAT ANCESTORS, I of course understand that there is a rush, in fact, on Russian history, Russian Faith, they are trying to replace it with neo-paganism
    zs Pay attention, the so-called "Russian nationalists" have appeared in projects to dismember Russia, and what kind of nationalists are they after that? and the Russian way the same.
    ps 2 a new way to make us rosy rootless, however

    Rus-Prussians, by the way, in Mr. Veliky Novgorod, there was a Prussian end, and its inhabitants, which Germans did not characteristically consider winked
    in the north Polish dialect Rurik Falcon,
    The Russian state was formed from a number of Slavic (both East Slavic) and West Slavic) tribes mixed with Finno-Ugric peoples (very small, but nonetheless there) and the Polovtsy with other torques and berendes subsequently participated laughing
    so why Rurik could not be a Slav from the northern (Slavic coast) of the Baltic? with Pomerania?
    the names of the Varangians are often quoted, but such a question, now I have the name Greek, am I Greek? plus brought the cult of the Baltic Perkunas, does not correspond to the German canons laughing
  20. 0
    April 10 2012 13: 42
    You are strange people .... "inventing great ancestors" ancestors are they bad or good ancestors you need to know .... there are several questions .... where did the Chimerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths, Huns, Alans, Avars, Pechenegs, Polovtsi .... And how did it happen that the Slavic ethnos is the largest in Europe and (by the area too) (by the way, the Luzhichian ethnos is even in Germany) settled throughout Europe and Asia and does not remember their ancestors ... The German Chronicler Jordan ... they contain reliable data for example about the people called the Antas ...
  21. -3
    21 May 2012 18: 40
    Scythians are Russians. The Veles book speaks of the war of the Roman emperor Trajan at the beginning of the II century with dulebs at the mouth of the Danube, which are Russian.
  22. jenifer
    9 June 2012 00: 07
    Alcoholism - this is a product of barbarism - has been holding a stranglehold on mankind since the times of hoary and wild antiquity and collecting monstrous tributes from it, devouring youth, undermining strength, suppressing energy, ruining the best color of the human race. London D
  23. +1
    6 October 2012 19: 14
    After the annexation of Ryazan relatively recently, Moscow princes no longer find traces of a wooden fortress. In general, one smart person said that most of all people argue about what they understand little
    1. 0
      17 November 2012 16: 09
      It is true that they most argue about what they don’t know
  24. 0
    17 November 2012 16: 17
    even if you just look at this map it becomes clear that there are absolutely no peoples besides the Scythians
    along the Ob there are no Scythian cities there are no Scythian cities it is also unlikely that they were in Taimyr or near Vorkuta
  25. 0
    15 October 2018 02: 04
    Quote: Alexander Samsonov
    The cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to Koltsov I.Ye.) 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neuro; 3 - agafirces; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchle; 6 - gelons; 7 - Boudin; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - Tissage; 11 - Iirki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - Argippea; 14 - Issedon; 15 - Arimasp; 16 - hyperborea; 17 - the ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagets; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigir Scythians; 22 - Transcaucasian Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians
    It's a little strange that such interesting material passed my attention; simply, for the sake of brevity, a series of points. First. The habitat of the Scythians on the map is very stretched, because the Scythians were nomads, their main "habitat" is the steppe landscapes, so there were no Scythians on Indigirka.

    The second one. Other peoples on this map are too scattered throughout Northern Eurasia, all the names Herodotus cites in his History are quite accurately localized on the Middle Russian Plain, without going beyond its borders somewhere beyond the Urals, etc.