Chinese Civilization and the Great Scythia

In the view of most Europeans, as well as citizens of Russia, the expanses of Southern Siberia, Altai, Mongolia, North and Central China have always been the setting for the settlement of the Mongoloid race, but this is far from being the case. Already in 3 thousand BC, southern Siberia was populated by genera of Indo-European (Aryan) origin, known as carriers of the Afanasyevo agricultural-pastoral culture. "Afanasyevtsy" occupied a huge territory - in addition to the Altai and Khakass-Minusinsk depression, their archaeological traces were found in East Kazakhstan, Western Mongolia and Xinjiang.

Later, the Andronovo culture of the 17th — 9th centuries BC came to replace the Afanasyevo archeological culture. er "Andronovtsy" in the south occupied the territory to modern Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, in the east - the South Urals, Western Siberia. One of the most famous settlements of the “Andronovites” is Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk Region.

Chinese Civilization and the Great Scythia

"Princess" from the Kizilsky burial ground and "Blacksmith" from the Aleksandrovsky-4 burial ground. (2-I half of III millennium BC). The representatives of the pit culture are the direct ancestors of the Arkaim who lived after 200-300 years before the construction of Arkaim.

It should be noted that already in the I millennium BC. er Xinjiang (East Turkestan) was inhabited by Caucasians. The earlier period - the early Neolithic and Mesolithic in Southern Siberia and Central Asia is still poorly studied, but there is no reason to believe that at that time it was different. The Chinese civilization was formed to the south - in the basin of the Yellow River. It is clear that the Indo-European (Aryan) and Chinese civilizations interacted from the most ancient times. And there is archaeological evidence. So the researchers noticed that the most ancient agricultural cultures of China are of Western, "European" origin.

In the basin of the Yellow River there were two types of Neolithic cultures (Greek νέος - new, λίθος - stone, new age, last stage of the Stone Age). The first type was distributed in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, up to the turn of the river to the east; the second - down the river, down to the ocean. Scientists established that the western group (the culture of Yanshao — V — II millennium BC) was formed earlier than the eastern one; the initial center of its formation was the region of the Weihe River, a right tributary of the Yellow River. The two cultures differed quite strongly, even the main agricultural crop was different - rice was preferred in the east and millet (chumizu) in the west. Ceramics differed, in the west the dishes were of the same type as in the vast spaces of continental Eurasia. In the east, ceramics had a specific appearance - vessels on three legs (tripods), which was not found anywhere else except China. The type of dwelling differed: in the west there was a single-chamber square semi-dugout with one or several supporting pillars inside and a fireplace in front of the entrance: in the east there were multi-chamber houses without posts and a fireplace near one of the walls. The funeral ceremony was also very different: on the upper and middle reaches of the river - the burials were mainly oriented to the north-west. And on the lower reaches of the Yellow River - to the east. This suggests a difference in religious beliefs.

Racially, eastern and western cultures were Mongoloid, but some differences between the inhabitants of the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, suggest the presence of Caucasoid racial components. So, in the Weihe basin, people had higher and wider faces and eye sockets (Kryukov M. V., Sofronov M. V., Cheboksarov N. N. Ancient Chinese: problems of ethnogenesis, M., 1978.). According to the historian and archaeologist Yuri Petukhov, the Mongoloid race was generally formed as a result of the mixing of Caucasians in the era of Cro-Magnon and the local synantropes (Latin. Sinanthropus pekinensis - “Peking Man”). In 20-10 thousand BC, in the field of modern Mongolia and China, there were constant migration waves of boreals, in Petukhov's terminology, “Rus”, that is, “white, clean” people with fair skin, hair and eyes. Mingling with the archangels, given their dominant genes, the “Ruses,” assimilated, but gave their descendants more advanced skills in material and spiritual culture. This is how the first Mongoloid pre-etnos appeared - the ancestors of the Chinese, Koreans, Mongols, Japanese, etc. In 8-3 thousand BC. er The waves of Caucasians-Indo-Europeans (Aryans) penetrated into Southeast Asia. Mingling with representatives of the Mongoloid predatnosov, they formed groups of so-called. "White Chinese", "white Kazakhs", etc. They differed from typical Mongoloids in higher growth, fair skin, often with bright eyes and hair. Some of them became the ruling elite in their nationalities - this is the key to the light-eyed and red giant Genghis Khan. At the same time, the “Ruses” inhabited the vast spaces of the modern Russian civilization - from the Carpathians, the Danube, the northern coast of the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean and Northern China. At the same time, they preserved Caucasoid and the main features of the Rus superethnos. The "Scythian-Siberian world" of the Europeans was for millennia a kind of barrier that divided two races, while constantly giving waves of migrations to the south. For example, the modern Indian civilization still retains many traditions of the ancient Indo-European Aryans. We can safely say that the superethnos of the Rus created the civilizations of Japan, Korea, China, and India with their migratory waves (but only India retained the Caucasoid anthropological type, Indo-European languages, part of the traditions and beliefs). You can read more about this global process in the studies of Yu. D. Petukhov - “History Russov "," Russian Scythia (co-author - N. I. Vasilyeva), "Super-evolution. Superethnos Russes and others.

Scythians. Plaque with the image of the Scythians, hunting with bows. Gold. 7-2 vr. BC. er Hermitage.

More and more data is accumulating, confirming that the Chinese civilization was not “indigenous”, autochthonous. It was initially formed under a huge influence from the northwest, from the side of the Proto-Indo-European and Indo-European population. Interestingly, this trend has survived until our days - in the 20 century, China’s independence was restored with the help of the Stalinist USSR, the Soviet Union helped create the industrial base of modern China, and shared with it advanced technologies themselves. At the end of 20 at the beginning of 21 centuries, the scientific and technological breakthrough of the Middle Kingdom was largely due to the influx of the scientific heritage of the USSR. For example, many Chinese aircraft, spacecraft, naval ships, armored vehicles, etc., were created by copying and improving Soviet-Russian technologies. The symbol of this historical process is the first "Chinese" aircraft carrier "Varyag".

Let's go back to ancient times. Ceramics culture Yanshao has a clear resemblance to the dishes of the centers of ancient agricultural cultures in Central Asia and in the Danube-Dnieper interfluve - Tripoli culture (VI-III millennium BC). And, apparently, the way of immigrants came not from Iran and Central Asia, but from Mongolia and South Siberia. Thus, Banpo pottery is an archaeological monument in the Yellow River valley east of the city of Xi'an, several Neolithic settlements dating back to 4500 were found there - the beginning of 3-th millennium BC. e., very similar to the Scythian. In principle, the connection of the cultures of Yanshao with Anau (Central Asia) and Tripoli is quite obvious - all of them were formed on the periphery of the “Great Scythia”.

By the middle of 3 millennium BC. er cultures of the Yansha type occupied a rather large region — almost the entire bend of the Yellow River. Apparently, this time is identical to the semi-mythical period of the "five emperors", which is mentioned in Chinese sources (the time of the formation of Chinese civilization). Approximately about 2300-2200 BC. er The old Yanshao culture center in the Weihe basin experienced a crisis. In his place, the culture of Longshan advanced from the east. But even at this time the “northern component” is clearly traced, including the semi-earthen, Scythian type of dwelling. Written sources in China report that just in the 22-21 century BC. er Xia dynasty was established in the country. This dynasty also had a north-western origin, the "northerners" constituted the ruling stratum of the Xia kingdom. This tradition, when representatives of the northern nations created new ruling dynasties and the elite of the state, was preserved for thousands of years.

Location of the Xia Dynasty.

The reign of Xia ended approximately around 1600 BC. er The reign of the Shang (or Yin) dynasty began, during this period there was a strengthening of the eastern elements. During this period, ties with the Indo-European culture are preserved - the Yin letter has a great similarity with the Middle Eastern hieroglyphs (L. Vasilyev, Problems of the Genesis of Chinese Civilization. M., 1976.). It can be concluded that Chinese writing was developed with the participation of representatives of the northern civilization (it also had a great influence on the region of the Middle East). In the era of the Shang state (1600 to 1027 year BC) in China there was a technology for the manufacture of bronze, and already in finished form. It was moved from a developed center of metallurgy in the Tien Shan and Altai regions, where, apparently, they discovered this technology. Another new technology from this period is the chariot. It was also obtained in finished form, without having local analogues. Chinese sources from this period report that the Chou, Rong and Di peoples of the Shang (Yin) state lived in the north. They are described as typical Caucasians - people with bright eyes and thick red beards; there are also archaeological finds of the Scythian "animal style."

In the upper reaches of the Yellow River, in the province of Gansu, in the Bronze Age (2 millennium BC), the Jijia culture was formed. It noted the strengthening of the western elements - there were already disappeared burials with orientation to the north-west, Caucasoid features among the population. The remains of a purely Caucasoid type were found in the tombs of the “great city of Shang” (the kingdom of Yin), at that time the Yits people had the custom of sacrificing prisoners of war - they often fought with the “northern barbarians”.

The struggle with the Zhou ended in the defeat of the Yinians, the Yin-Shang kingdom collapsed - the period of the domination of the Zhou dynasty came (1045-256 BC). Under them, the traditions of slavery were replaced by the classical state-communal hierarchy, which linked the supreme ruler, the Son of Heaven, with the peasantry. In the same period, iron processing technology came to China. Zhoustians were representatives of the ancient Caucasoid population of Central Asia (Russo-Scythians) and brought a new cultural impulse to China. They had their own writing, but in the end the local variety won. In addition, it should be noted that the Zhou Dynasty asserted its continuity with the Xia dynasty, bypassing the Yin period. Chinese sources erect the origins of the Chzhousians and their relatives of the Juns to the first emperors, Huangdi and Yandi, who ruled around the middle of 3 in the millennium BC. e., it was the heyday of the culture of Yanshao. Huangdi was considered the founder of the Ji (Chou) clan, and Yandi was considered the Jiang (Rong) clan.

Thus, it is obvious that in Central Asia in the period 5-2 thousand BC. er there was a developed civilization created by the representatives of the white race (Caucasians). This civilization was a carrier of developed material and spiritual culture — the skills of farming, cattle breeding, the production of bronze and iron, had its own written language and invented wheel transport. All these achievements were transferred to the Mongoloid population in the area of ​​the Yellow River (the Chinese received a trigram system from the first emperors). Chinese civilization was formed under the powerful influence of this powerful northern civilization. But she had a strong "conservative" center in the east by the ocean, so this region in 1 thousand BC. er became the site of the formation of the ethnos of the ancient Chinese.

But the genetics of the Mongoloids are dominant in relation to the Caucasians, therefore the final of the ancient civilization of Central Asia was quite predictable. The ruling elite quickly dissolved in the local population - in contrast to the Aryans in ancient India, who strictly followed the caste-estate division. Soon the Western Zhuns, related to the Zhou, began to regard the Zhou dynasty as alien and hostile, the wars resumed. In 771 year BC. er Zhuns seized the capital Zhou, the center of the kingdom was moved to the east - Eastern Zhou dynasty (770 BC - 256 BC).

Juns were typical of the Aryan-Scythian root - they bred horses, were excellent warriors, wore long hair and beards, built half-dwelling houses, burned their dead, etc. They made several trips to the capital of the Eastern Zhou, participated in the wars of the “Fighting Kingdoms” era ". Part of them became part of the kingdom of Qin, giving him the ruling dynasty. Others have created their kingdom - Itsuy. Qin and Itui waged a long struggle with varying success. But in the end, Qin won up, and having joined the lands of the juns, having assimilated them, became the most powerful state. Qin subjugated all of China at that time. That was how the Qin Empire was created - its founder was the famous emperor Qin Shi Huang (under the reign of 246 BC. –– 210 BC). True, soon after his death she collapsed. Some of the Junians retreated to Tibet, where the remnants of their ancient culture remained until the end of 1 th. er

From about 7 century BC. er Chinese sources have di or dinlins. Another kind of northern origin. They were distinguished by high growth, had blue and green eyes, built wooden log houses, were engaged in cattle breeding and farming, possessed high technologies for smelting iron, and easily moved from place to place. They also easily recognize the Scythians (Rus). They appeared on the outskirts of China, when the Scythians "officially" appeared in the vast expanses of Eurasia - from the Carpathians and the Black Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Archaeologists have recorded Scythian footprints in North China - this is also typical of them. weapon, horse harness and decorations. Di was brought under control of virtually the whole of East China, while their relatives, the Zhuns, controlled the western regions. It was during this period - the middle of 7 century BC. e., Great Scythia reached its highest power, controlling almost all of Asia. True, the period of their domination was short.

It must be said that the Chinese historians of the first half of the 20 century did not deny the great importance of the northern (Scythian) element in the development of Chinese civilization. The historian Wang Tung-ling, relying on ancient sources, described the ethnogenesis of the Chinese people as a wave-like process that flowed from west to east. He singled out four main waves: the first reached the Middle Chinese plain during the time of the legendary "five emperors"; the second wave created the kingdom of Xia; the third wave, the Zhou dynasty; the fourth was the population of the kingdom of Qin, which formed the first Chinese empire.

Historian Wei Ju-san applied the traditional dualistic model of Yin-Yang to China’s past. He considered the development of Chinese civilization as an interaction of two main components: the southeast — the Mongoloid and the “indigenous” (it prevailed in the Yin-Shang era) and the north-western, which belonged to the white race (Xia and Zhou dynasties).

The archeological data fully confirm the opinion of these Chinese researchers. Therefore, the refusal of modern Chinese historiography from the “traditional” concept seems to be related to Beijing’s geopolitical views. The modern Chinese elite successfully forgot the help of the USSR and does not want to recognize the influence of Great Scythia, the Aryan-Indo-European civilization on the process of creating Chinese civilization. That is why Chinese researchers "close their eyes" to the giant mounds of the Scythian era, to the finds of Caucasoid remains, to the fact that the "Chinese" great wall is not of Chinese origin. I do not want to admit that some Chinese emperor (and not one) I-Wan can be a Scythian light-brown.

Scythians. A plaque with the image of a Scythian hunting a hare. Gold. 7-2 vr. BC er Hermitage.
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  1. +13
    17 March 2012 08: 56
    Great article, just great.
    As always, Alexander Samsonov is at his best. In this case, the depth of the material is clearly progressing.
    Let’s get such articles yet.

    Let them be revered by those to whom the ancient ukry does not give rest.
    1. Paratov
      17 March 2012 12: 27
      And where did the narrow-eyed Mongoloids come from on the continent, where white people lived in the north and chocolate people in the south, who can still be seen in India, New Guinea and Australia ??? There is only one answer - they came from the North American continent! That is, narrow-eyed Indians, deprived of vegetation on their faces and bodies, at the end of the ice age, through the Bering Strait invaded Eurasia! And then, some moved along the Arctic Ocean, others along the coast, or perhaps along the Kuril ridge, went south. And stopped they are only the sea, and therefore the Papuans and Australian aborigines are preserved.
      But most importantly: the ancestral home of the Mongoloids and CHINESE including AMERICA !!!
      Imagine the reaction of the United States to such news! They will give all the money just to prove the opposite! All Nobel laureates will ridicule such a hypothesis day and night on all channels, including, say, the Echo of Moscow!
      1. +3
        17 March 2012 14: 31
        What nonsense! America was populated by people much later than Asia.
        1. admiral
          17 March 2012 15: 59
          Darwin tricked you! We are not from Africa, we are from Pangea! It was a little earlier, and in the future, project the drift of the continents, people were simply blown apart in different directions. From here, with the same DNA, such differences in appearance!
          1. Miha_Skif
            17 March 2012 20: 03
            Thanks to Alexander for the detailed story. One can argue with many points, but on the whole it is true.

            I can add that the most famous of the most eastern Scythian objects - "Ordos artistic bronzes" - were found in northern China, on the Ordos plateau.

            About terms. The term "Rus" in relation to the Early Iron Age, Bronze, and even more so the Neolithic, is completely inapplicable, it is absolutely incorrect. The Russian people (like the Slavs in general) formed as a community only in the 1st millennium AD. Prior to that, our ancestors can be spoken of as Slavic tribes, some specific Scythian tribes and tribal unions, as Indo-Europeans, "Aryans" finally.

            Quote: Admiral
            We are from Pangea!

            Of course, we only need to consider that during the collapse of Pangea, as far as I remember historical geology, there were no primates either. laughing
      2. Volkhov
        17 March 2012 17: 23
        The narrow-eyed Mongoloids are a mountain race from the Himalayas that additionally mutated from the radiation of cometary explosions that created the Black Gobi.
        White lived in America, then they were replaced by red ones - these are not Chinese.
        The reaction of the United States and the return of all money is aimed at moving to China and Afghanistan.
      3. +3
        17 March 2012 19: 03
        Yes, I only ... with both hands ..
        Papuans and Aborigines of Australia - Native Americans ...
        That's where you can present a push ....
      4. +2
        17 March 2012 21: 23
        Bravo! The Chinese now, like the Jews, will go to their historic homeland! and officially through the UN they will demand to create their own state there!
      5. elfxnumx
        18 March 2012 20: 06
        And where did the narrow-eyed Mongoloids come from on the continent, where white people lived in the north and chocolate people in the south, who can still be seen in India, New Guinea and Australia ???

        but here we can talk about a "conspiracy" because scientists after 60 years know perfectly well that "Mongoloid" is one of the post-nuclear reactions of the human body ... but the scientists of classical science do not have the strength to admit that there were civilizations before Rome and Greece higher in level than the present ... and the Mongoloid race is the reaction of people to radiation after nuclear explosions in ancient times
    2. German
      17 March 2012 12: 39
      but in Galicia they cannot read Russian ...
    3. +10
      17 March 2012 15: 57
      Here it is, the true history of Russia !!!! the slaves have already realized that we did not fall from heaven to this earth, and that Russians, Belarusians, ukry :), Czechs, Slovaks, Serbs, etc. this is one great nation that has been divided into parts for the past few centuries ...
    4. Hans grohman
      19 March 2012 16: 26
      Quote: Igarr
      Great article, just great.
      As always, Alexander Samsonov is at his best. In this case, the depth of the material is clearly progressing.
      Let’s get such articles yet.

      Let them be revered by those to whom the ancient ukry does not give rest.

      The article is the same exaggeration of the history of "Rus" as "Ukrov", only a little on the other side. Especially killed about the "super-ethnos of the Rus", which "created the civilizations of Japan, Korea, China, India (but only India retained the Caucasian anthropological type, Indo-European languages, part of the traditions and beliefs)."

      Frankly, I haven’t laughed like that for a long time.
      However, this is my personal opinion.
  2. +5
    17 March 2012 11: 35
    A very interesting version of the history of China in the "New Chronology" by Fomenko - Nosovsky ... The conclusions are identical ... The article is interesting, thank you. And I never doubted the greatness of the Slavs, there are too many artificial gaps in our history ...
  3. -1
    17 March 2012 11: 51
    And ancient Rus and ancient ukry - the children of one father - ANCIENT DONKEY. Well, you retold the classic version of the history of Central Asia, thanks, remember. Conclusions why stupid to do? Yes, and since when is Petukhov an archaeologist and historian?
    1. +9
      17 March 2012 12: 27
      But he is not a historian. (Petukhov) ..... he positions himself as an ethnologist. And a linguist, a little bit.
      But he has conclusions .... for example, they impress me. Someone - not really.
    2. +2
      22 May 2012 01: 18
      Ancient Rus and ukry descended from one father, Oria.
      Veles book
  4. Vasilii
    17 March 2012 12: 19
    Russia is the birthplace of elephants ...
    1. German
      17 March 2012 12: 37
      not true! The homeland of elephants is Ukraine! Our elephants are the most elephant!
      1. -2
        17 March 2012 14: 45
        Not true. Russia is the birthplace of elephants. And the elephant is Putin. To the elephants ... Goodbye to our Teddy Miiiiishka, etc. laughing
      2. +3
        17 March 2012 21: 26
        All the mammoths were devoured by our ancestors, fleeing the extinction of the mammoths fled to India and Africa
      3. sas
        20 March 2012 16: 32
        You are a vivid example of this.
    2. BAT
      17 March 2012 12: 42
      Not elephants - mammoths ...
      1. Miha_Skif
        17 March 2012 18: 52
        Quote: Vasilii
        Russia is the birthplace of elephants ...

        Quote: sichevik
        Not elephants - mammoths ...

        Quite right. For your information, before the revolution, Russia was the world's largest exporter of ivory (in fact, of course, mammoth tusks). Anyone who wants to can check in reference books and encyclopedias. The entire northern half of Eurasia was inhabited by them. North America, too, but there were fewer of them, and they were "aliens" there, moved again from Eurasia through the Bering Strait during the glacial era. They died out quite recently, literally "yesterday" by geological standards. The last population existed 8-12 thousand years ago on Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean. They died out not because of primitive people, as some believe, but in connection with the retreat and disappearance of the ice sheets. Then there were special landscapes, the so-called "periglacial tundra", huge spaces in front of the front of the ice sheet, where it was relatively warm and very humid, a kind of "northern jungle". There was an abundance of herbaceous vegetation (grasses, etc., etc.), which mainly fed on mammoths, and with them other Pleistocene fauna - woolly rhinos, giant big-horned deer, musk oxen, ancient horses, etc. ... Now, due to the warming era, such landscapes have not survived on Earth, there is only in some places some kind of similarity. The food supply has grown wither and disappeared - our native Russian mammoths also died out.
        Sorry for the elephants crying
  5. AER_69
    17 March 2012 13: 30
    And what do the Russians have to do with it? What do Russians have to do with Scythians?
    1. +3
      17 March 2012 19: 06
      Despite the fact that the Scythians are Russian ...
      as well as Gotfs, Goths, Alemans, Wends, Drevlyans, dissolve(oh, this is from another opera), Khazars, Bulgars, etc. etc.
      1. AER_69
        29 March 2012 17: 22
        Information about the Scythians comes mainly from the works of ancient authors (especially the "History" of Herodotus) and archaeological excavations on lands from the lower Danube to Siberia and Altai. The Scythian-Sarmatian language, as well as the Alanian derivative from it, belonged to the northeastern branch of the Iranian languages ​​and was probably the ancestor of the modern Ossetian language [1] [2], as indicated by hundreds of Scythian personal names, names of tribes, rivers, preserved in Greek records.
        Later, starting from the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, the word “Scythians” was used in Greek (Byzantine) sources to denote all the peoples of completely different origin, who inhabited the Eurasian steppes and the northern Black Sea region: in sources of the XNUMXrd – XNUMXth centuries AD, “Scythians” are often called and German-speaking Goths, in later Byzantine sources, the Eastern Slavs - Rus, the Turkic-speaking Khazars and Pechenegs, as well as the Alans, related to the most ancient Iranian-speaking Scythians, were called Scythians.
        From all this I draw a logical (IMHO) conclusion: the Slavs and Germans were only called Scythians.
  6. +12
    17 March 2012 13: 35
    There is much to be ironic about the Slavic Aryan theory. You will read the results of studies conducted in Kostenki, Voronezh region. And also just do (if you have time and desire) a comparative analysis of Sanskrit and Old Slavonic languages. I know that those who hate Russians are degenerates, half-breeds (spiritually). And nonhumans, zombies, are always trying to destroy the living, divine creation.
    1. +2
      17 March 2012 14: 35
      And what is there in Kostenki? I often visit relatives there, I was in a museum. There, settlements of primitive people of the preglacial and postglacial period were found. How do they relate to the Scythian-Russo-Aryan theory? Who is the author of the research? Give a link, interesting to read.
      1. +3
        17 March 2012 19: 26
        You need to read Yuri Petukhov, Konstantin Penzev, ..
        About all these cultures - battle axes (ready), string, animal ceramics (Scandinavians and Slavs) in great detail in Petukhov.
        In general, materials - not to earn .. brain inflammation.
        1. 0
          17 March 2012 20: 52
          Here is also very interesting ..
    2. +6
      17 March 2012 18: 18
      conduct (if there is time and desire) a comparative analysis of Sanskrit and Old Slavonic languages

      Why carry it out? As if yesterday it became known that both of these languages ​​descended from Aryan. Make a comparative analysis of Old Lithuanian, Old German with Sanskrit and get no less amazing result. If you know how to listen to advice, then - read less any dregs like A. Rosenberg and G. Gunther and pay more attention to the classical sciences. Yes, and Fomenko with Nosovsky - in the furnace!
  7. shipbuilder
    17 March 2012 13: 41
    The topic is relevant, otherwise I bastard when they are seriously broadcasting from FM Star that the samovar was invented in China, tea in Russia from the North Chinese Cha (in the south of Ti), that you do not take everything from China, although they themselves have not invented anything in modern history, I think in the past it was the same. Lies and theft are universal and are supported by the state. Any "discoveries" by Chinese scientists cannot be taken on faith, it is necessary to carry out an independent verification, which in practice is not allowed. A mathematician friend of mine does not want to go to seminars in China because after the publication of the work, a Chinese co-author miraculously appears, and in the first place.
    1. admiral
      17 March 2012 15: 54
      China is a super xerox, with a huge history !!!
    2. +14
      17 March 2012 16: 09
      I already wrote in the next thread that the myth of the great and ancient Chinese civilization and all kinds of Chinese empires there was created with the help of the Jesuit order. With the help of the Jesuits, the first works of "Chinese" historians were written, and it was from them that the West learned about the ancient Chinese empires.

      When I studied the history of the most ancient civilizations, I always felt about some kind of artificiality in the history of ancient China. For example, there was an Indo-Kharapian civilization on the Indus shores, which is more impressive (there are many archaeological sites). But this civilization is practically not being studied. Her writing is still not decrypted.
      But how much attention is paid to ancient and medieval China, but unfortunately not its real history is being studied, but myths are being created. The Chinese will soon surpass the Japanese in this regard.
      How is a myth created? For example, Japanese ninjas are a true worldwide deception. None of the documents, any period in the history of Japan, you will not find mention of the ninja. Apologists for the ninja myth attribute in the history of Japan any contract killings, sabotage, intelligence - ninja. And there is no mention, - so they are also ninjas - camouflaged well. Rave. Until close to the beginning of the 20th century, Japan did not even hear about hand-to-hand fighting in the form of karate. But everyone thinks that karate was invented by the Japanese. Now Kung Fu, Wushu and other wonders. Only without any Kung Fu, the Chinese were cheated on lyule: Huns (Huns), Jurchen, Mongols, Manchurians, Russians, British, Germans, Japanese and many others. Bad warriors are Chinese. But the plagiarists are good.
      1. +9
        17 March 2012 19: 43
        Interestingly, you studied the Indo-Harappan civilization ...
        I, as I understand it, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa .. and what are the written sources, if everything is fused, as is supposed, by a nuclear explosion.
        The Chinese themselves directly derive the shoo from the Buddha. Buddha is from India. And the martial arts schools of India, as it were, are not more advanced - one mukki-base is what it costs (an analogue of the Chinese - iron skin, steel eggs = no jokes =).

        And returning to the ancient sacred language of Indian culture, we have Sanskrit, which practically corresponds to Russian (Old Russian) ... the numbers are the same, the related degrees are the same (brother - bhrat), virgin - devadasi (sacred woman). Sanskrit Indians say Russian is a distorted Sanskrit.

        And we also have a little-known one even in Russia - the Cossack saved ... a direct analogue of the Raja Yoga as a combat system. Well, mysticism and fog can still be caught up. Only in the general understanding - this is of little use, and even that - for the abnormal will be considered.
        1. +2
          18 March 2012 13: 14
          Quote: Igarr
          The Chinese themselves directly derive the shoo from the Buddha. Buddha is from India. And the martial arts schools of India, as it were, are not more advanced - one mukki-base is what it costs (an analogue of the Chinese - iron skin, steel eggs = no jokes =).

          Wushu of the Buddhist direction (Shaolin), associated with the Indian missionary Bodhiharma, who arrived in China in the 4th century. According to legend, Bodhiharma founded the Chan sect (Zen) and taught his followers hand-to-hand combat (18 tricks). Wushu from the Taoist school is much more complicated, one legend is more fabulous than the other. The truth does not know.

          Quote: Igarr
          I, as I understand it, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa .. and what are the written sources, if everything is fused, as is supposed, by a nuclear explosion.

          There is very little serious research. Therefore, you can speculate on this topic as you like, including about nuclear explosions. When I studied at the history department, the professor said that this is a matter of the future. Who will do it? India and Pakistan have no time, they just can "fuse" themselves with a nuclear explosion.
          1. +2
            18 March 2012 18: 56
            Buddha and Bodhidharma are inaccuracies. Bodhidharma - generally referred to - a code of laws, a code of conduct, ethical rules. You can use your own name as well ... but if there is a clear link ... to Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), the enlightened Buddha. bodhi .. dharma (karma) is only an ethical complex.

            On the topic - I'm not trying to "stir up" anything like that ... Reading and studying the literature - I came to the conclusion that, to a greater extent, all these constructions are ... no more than constructions.
            I can build mine, you can build yours ... anyone can ... it's another matter - who will be listened to. Who has more "weight" .. And even the volume of shoveled literature does not mean anything.
            Only - scientific authority.
            So ... I hope, through 10 years ... to see a new look at history - from a scientist named Roman .. here is a last name .. and nickname Saruman.
      2. +1
        22 May 2012 01: 25
        Absolutely right! Plagiarists. The beginning of all Chinese practices was laid by the yellow emperor - Huang Di (blue-eyed blond 2 x meters tall, from the northern tribe Dee or Dinglini.) He gave them acupuncture, the theory of Qi energy and other knowledge. (Treatise of the yellow emperor)
        South Korean monks teaching Sandao (Hook sando, an analog of Chinese qigong and taiji) - they themselves said that all our knowledge was brought by our Russian ancestors from Baikal 10500 years ago.
        Cossacks call it alive.
  8. Volkhov
    17 March 2012 18: 58
    Pay attention to the forehead of the "blacksmith" - the growth in the place of the third eye is gigantic, obviously the ancestor had an imperial-class biofield - such an army without weapons will disperse, and will talk to the beast.
    If he really was "before Arkaim", then he could have been 800 years old, there was time for development and education.

    This detail cannot be random, because sculpture - restoration along the skull, the shape of the nose and lips is a sculptor’s imagination, and the forehead is well preserved, they couldn’t stick like that by accident.
    Heroes, not us ...
  9. 0
    17 March 2012 21: 13
    Very interesting ... but unfortunately nothing new for me personally ... (
  10. Bretwald
    18 March 2012 05: 07
    what I see is progression already, gentlemen Samsonovs, did not expect such knowledge from you, pleasantly surprised, indeed the Aryan tribes lived in the Yellow Valley at that time, painted ceramics, embroideries on clothes contain almost stupid runes of the old futark, all this steppe belt was busy with Nordic people, and there is a great mystery where the Mongoloid race came from. To the south of the Yangtze River then there were practically impenetrable jungle with swamps and inhabitants of the Austronesian race, tigers, rhinos, etc., and I will ask the zealous children who write from the words ... to fasten the ukrov tongue, who needs to know that it’s rukh ... created with the participation of Fili Bobkov in the interests of the Kremlin.
    1. nmd_1
      18 March 2012 11: 36
      From where, from where, the Chinese are the direct descendants of monkeys. This is us from Adam and Eve. laughing
  11. Isonn
    19 March 2012 01: 28
    A respected author has a rich imagination. Everything was mixed up in a heap: Scythians, Rus, Aryans, Indians, Chinese, horses, people ... No scientific analysis, no references to recognized scientists and their research. There are such articles in the firebox.
  12. 0
    21 March 2012 19: 04
    Of course, it’s very nice to realize that everything came from us, but here, in relation to China, the article, in my opinion, is somewhat not objective, to put it mildly. Alas, the article is just a beautiful fantasy. IMHO.

    The author analyzes the era of the so-called. "Fighting kingdoms" (Zhangguo) and the later period (Qin dynasty) and for some reason does not say anything about the Mawandu finds from the Chu burials (1993). It was there that unique texts were found that provide a huge amount of valuable information about this period. And which became revolutionary for Sinologists. If you just get a little acquainted with this information, all illusions about the "non-autochthonous nature of Chinese civilization" will disappear by themselves. There is NO reliable information that can confirm what is stated in the article - alas - DOES NOT EXIST.
    It is possible that some tribes from the north and west came to the territory of present-day China in the XNUMXth century BC. And they assimilated there completely. China accepted and assimilated them. Dissolved. Perhaps he even accepted something from their culture and technology (if any). Adapted and used. It was about the same later, for example, with Buddhism. That's just the information about this did not remain. Chinese worldviews, social doctrines, philosophical concepts, medical concepts, etc. of that time are known from ancient texts. They are completely UNIQUE and have no analogues anywhere in the world. Therefore, even if someone once came there and brought something in, then all this long ago became purely Chinese. And it had no decisive significance on Chinese civilization.
  13. irenecaesar
    13 March 2015 08: 45
    I invite you to read my essay "The Rusko-Aryan Empire" Great Tartary "against the Zionists - Templars and Masons", Irina Caesar, Doctor of Philosophy: Empire -great-Tatars
    and I/

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