Russian Black Sea Fleet on the eve of the war with Turkey

Black Sea Fleet

By 1876, Russia on the Black Sea had extremely weak naval forces. Altogether as part of the Russian Black Sea Naval fleet there were 39 ships, but among them there was not a single modern warship. As a result, the fleet could provide only minor assistance to the ground forces.

The most powerful ships were 2 armored floating batteries, the so-called. "Popovki". These were large flat-bottomed armored steam vessels designed by Vice Admiral A. A. Popov and engineer A. V. Mordvinov. The first ship, the Novgorod, was a ship with a displacement of 2491 t with a speed of 7 knots; carried on his 11 guns caliber 11 dm, eleven 4-pounder guns, 11 rapid-fire guns; had armor: side - 11 dm and deck - 3 dm. The second, "Vice Admiral Popov", a displacement of 3500 t with a speed of X numx knots; carried on itself eleven 8-dm guns, six 12-pounder guns, 4 rapid-fire cannons; had armor: side - 11 dm, deck - 15 dm. However, both of these vessels were designed for coastal defense and, due to their slow speed and design features, could not fight the enemy fleet on the high seas.

There were also 4 screw wooden corvette, 7 armed steamers, 13 screw schooners and the yacht "Livadia". On the eve of the war, 12 steamboats purchased from the Russian Society of Shipping and Commerce and mineboats were added to these ships. However, these ships were not full-fledged combat units, as they did not have armor, were poorly armed, and even then not all were outdated, small, or only of secondary importance.

Russian Black Sea Fleet on the eve of the war with Turkey

Coastal battleship "Vice Admiral Popov"

The weakness of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, which had not long been a formidable naval force and glorified Russia with brilliant victories, was due to two main reasons. First, after defeat in the Crimean War, under the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty of 1856, Russia demilitarized its Black Sea coast. In particular, Russia did not have the right to maintain a navy in the Black Sea. In the 1870, these unfavorable conditions for the Russian Empire of the Paris Treaty were canceled, St. Petersburg took advantage of the defeat of the Prussians of France. That is, Russia had little time to create a full-fledged fleet on the Black Sea in peacetime conditions, without emergency measures.

Secondly, this is a false opinion of the Russian naval command about the uselessness of having a full-fledged fleet on the Black Sea. With political will and the mobilization of available resources over the next six years, the Black Sea Navy could be largely reconstructed. However, the main naval command believed that since Russia is not a leading maritime power, the Black Sea Fleet for her is a great luxury that you can afford only with an obvious surplus of funds. As we see, similar views still exist in Russia. They say, why does Russia need a large ocean fleet, we are a land power, and we will manage with cheap “mosquito fleet”. Therefore, the Black Sea coast defense was decided to build on the basis of ground forces, and the navy was going to be used only in coastal defense, and that was very limited.

However, the combat training of the personnel of the Russian Black Sea Navy, as well as other Russian fleets, was still at a high level. To a large extent this should be attributed to the merits of an active participant in the defense of Sevastopol, Admiral G. I. Butakova. After the end of the Crimean War, he was command of training squadrons of screw ships, was the chief commander of military ports in Nikolaev and St. Petersburg. Butakov focused on the combat training of crews and command personnel, the development of new techniques and tactical use of steam ships. In 1863, his book New Foundations of Steamship Tactics was published. She was awarded the Demidov Prize and translated into many foreign languages. Butakov was not only the founder of the new Russian tactics of the steam fleet, but also a tutor of Russian sailors in the spirit of the former glorious Russian naval traditions applied to the new conditions of the steam fleet. The associate of V. A. Kornilov, P. S. Nakhimov, and V. I. Istomin, Butakov was distinguished by his intelligence, courage, and large organizational skills. Butakov paid great attention to maneuvering in combat, artillery and mine training of personnel; he encouraged prudent risk and initiative among subordinates. Butakov widely practiced teachings in conditions close to the fighting.

Tactical and military educational ideas of Butakov led to the emergence of a whole school, which received wide recognition in Russian naval circles. The disciple and disciple Butakova was later known naval commander Makarov. Thus, if the Russian Black Sea navy was very weak in terms of the quantity and quality of the vessels, it was at a high level in the sense of combat training and cohesion of the personnel.

This was proven by the actions of the outstanding Russian naval commander Stepan Osipovich Makarov, a scientist. Before the war, he became the founder of the theory of the flooding of ships. He proposed to divide the ship into watertight compartments, install a pipeline on the ship with powerful pumps for pumping water from each compartment. And for sealing holes in the hull of the ship to use a special adhesive that can for some time reduce the flow. In 1876, Makarov was transferred to the Black Sea Fleet. During the war with Turkey, he suggested using small mineboats delivered to the operation site (enemy naval bases) on a high-speed steamer. The steamer "Grand Duke Konstantin" under the command of S. O. Makarov made a series of bold raids to Turkish bases, where the crews of the mine boats Navarin, Chesma, Sinop and Miner attacked the enemy with Whitehead torpedoes. Active use of mine and torpedo weapons showed that small combat boats can pose a serious threat even to large armored ships. Since that time, the era of active use of the light forces of the fleet began - mineboats, destroyers, and then for destroyers and torpedo boats.

The Baltic Fleet was a major force: 27 armored, 26 non-armored and 2 sailing ship. But due to the strategic disunity of the theaters, all these ships were to be sent for the upcoming hostilities, or even though some of the forces could not go to the Black Sea. Thus, the Black Sea Fleet could not organize a strategic operation, in particular, to seize the Bosphorus and Constantinople, and to land assault forces on the Caucasian or Balkan coast, supporting them with naval artillery fire.

Captain 2 rank Stepan Osipovich Makarov. 1877

Allied troops of Russia

Allies of Russia in the war against the Ottoman Empire were Romania, Serbia and Montenegro. The army of Romania by October 1876 of the year consisted of permanent and territorial troops with their reserve, police, national guard and militia. Standing army consisted of eight infantry regiments of the line dvuhbatalonnogo composition (four companies each), four battalions of rangers (arrows), two chetyreheskadronnyh hussar regiments, three squadrons of Calarasi, four regiments of artillery shestibatareynogo ended 6 guns in battery, an engineer battalion (four companies ), sanitary and economic transport.

Total Romania could put 20-th. permanent and 32-th. territorial troops with 144 guns. By the organization of wartime Romania exhibited two corps. Each of them consisted of two infantry divisions, a corps artillery regiment (36 guns) and a cavalry regiment. The infantry division consisted of two infantry brigades, a cavalry brigade and three artillery batteries; in the infantry brigade there were six battalions, in the cavalry - twelve squadrons.

The infantry of the permanent troops was armed with Henry-Martini rifles, and the infantry of the territorial army — partly with Dreyze’s guns, and partly with Krnka. The cavalry was armed with sabers, pistols, and partly with needle carbines. The artillery consisted of Krupp steel 4- and 9-pound guns; the latter are for the most part increased range (up to 8 km). In addition, in stock and in service consisted 40 rifled, loaded from the treasury, and 100 rifled, loaded from the barrel, guns.

The combat training of the Romanian army was carried out on the basis of Russian regulations. The exception was the infantry charter, which was borrowed from Belgium in 1869 year. The Romanian army had poor training. The Romanian army was young and did not yet have sufficient combat experience and strong military traditions. True, it was covered with enthusiasm, since the defeat of Turkey in the war would have brought Romania the final liberation from all dependence, and powerful Russia came out against the Ottoman Empire. The Romanian officer corps was the weakest; the noble officers were good at entertaining and feasting, and military training was unsatisfactory.

Serbia. The Serbian army consisted of a brigade of permanent troops numbering 4 thousand people ("standing army") and the home guard. The brigade of the permanent troops actually served as a kind of educational institution for the training of officers and non-commissioned officers.

The people's militia army was divided into two classes and was completed from six districts, which were divided into 18 brigade and 80 battalion sites. The counties exhibited 160 battalions, 33 squadrons and 18 six-gun batteries. The size of the army in wartime reached 153 thousand people. In fact, Serbia could not expose and arm more than 90-100 thousand people. The troops of the people's army of the first class were armed with Henry-Martini rifles, the second class - with Green rifles loaded from the barrel and treasury.

However, the war 1877-1878. the Serbian army was already defeated during the unsuccessful war with the Ottoman Empire (the Serbo-Turkish war of 1876-1877) and in the near future did not constitute a serious fighting force. In December, the 1876 of the year, its field troops, along with volunteers, totaled just 9 thousand people. For the restoration of the Serbian army, military material assistance to Russia was necessary (weapons, ammunition, ammunition, etc.).

Montenegro. The Montenegrin army was formed according to the old principle of the universal conscription in the event of war of the entire male population from the age of 14-16 to 60 years. The Montenegrin people could, with the greatest exertion of forces, expose up to 26 thousands of fighters with 20 mountain tools. Troops were reduced to companies (fours) and battalions armed with Austrian and captured Turkish rifles.

Thanks to the geographical features of the country (mountains) and the good fighting qualities of the fighters, the Montenegrin army, together with the Serbian forces, could chain itself to quite significant Turkish forces. But they were not capable of broad offensive actions at a considerable distance from their territory. Montenegro, together with Serbia, has already entered the war with Turkey and in 1877, the Montenegrins fought hard on the border with Herzegovina and Albania.

Thus, in the 1877-1878 war. the Romanian army could render the greatest assistance to the Russian troops. Romania was friendly to Russia and could become a strategic base for an attack on the Balkan theater. 4 (16) April 1877. Romania and the Russian Empire signed an agreement in Bucharest, according to which Russian troops are allowed to pass through the territory of Romania, with the condition that Russia does not dispute the integrity of Romania. Romania mobilized and troops were concentrated in the south of the country to defend against a possible attack by Ottoman forces from the south of the Danube. 12 (24) April 1877. Russia declared war on the Ottoman Empire, and its troops entered Romania through the newly built Eiffel Bridge in Ungheni (on the Prut River).

Romanian infantry in the battle of Pleven
21 comment
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  1. +10
    26 May 2017 06: 39
    It seems to me alone ... 11 guns at 11 "are too much for Popovka? Author, correct the text)
    1. +2
      26 May 2017 19: 17
      The author of "two sticks", "II", took for 11 pieces. laughing
  2. +3
    26 May 2017 06: 49
    There were no ships, but what kind of people! The boat "Joke" (the name is what!) With a pole mine (try to come close under fire) in the Danube ring attacked by a Turkish ship ..
    1. +2
      26 May 2017 17: 28
      model at the Central Naval Museum
  3. +3
    26 May 2017 07: 37
    Something with the artillery armament of vessels of the type "Novgorod" the author clearly went too far .. where it could all fit in. 33 artillery pieces of different systems .. In the photo Coastal battleship "Vice Admiral Popov" identity as it is not visible 28 guns .. or at least half ...
    1. +3
      26 May 2017 09: 34
      The Popov, like 2 mm guns, had the same large-caliber guns at Novgorod. Looks like Roman "II" reflected)))
  4. +8
    26 May 2017 07: 45
    Makarov was not the founder of the theory of unsinkability; he was the first to raise the question of unsinkability. The theory was developed by Krylov, then Bubnov.
  5. +5
    26 May 2017 09: 05
    However, the main naval command believed that since Russia is not a leading naval power, the Black Sea Fleet is a great luxury for it, which can be afforded only with a clear excess of funds.

    In the early 1860s, under the influence of the experience of the Crimean War, the concept of “two fleets” - defensive and offensive, prevailed in the Naval Department. For the Baltic Fleet, the defense program was completed by the end of 1869.

    In the Black Sea, given the lack of ships, financial resources and the weakness of industry in this region, it was decided to limit the defense to the Dnieper-Bug estuary and the Kerch Strait.

    With political will and the mobilization of available resources over the next six years, the Black Sea Navy could be largely recreated.

    “On the Black Sea, in order to successfully confront the Turkish fleet, ten such ships (the battleship Peter the Great) were required, the construction of which would take 18 years and cost 60 million rubles. The regular budget of the ministry did not allow this plan to be implemented. ” RGAVMF. F. 410, op. 2.d. 3518

    It is interesting how the author would have built the Black Sea Fleet in six years.

    The lack of finance led to the adoption in 1878 of an “armed reserve” program for the navy, which subsequently played a negative role in its preparation for hostilities.
    1. +2
      26 May 2017 18: 10
      Quote: 27091965i
      For the Baltic Fleet, the defense program was completed by the end of 1869.

      This was the first priority, it was intended to protect the capital from the sea.
  6. +3
    26 May 2017 09: 55
    The steamboat “Grand Duke Constantine” under the command of S. O. Makarov made a series of bold raids on Turkish bases, where the crews of the mine boats “Navarin”, “Chesma”, “Sinop” and “Miner” attacked the enemy with Whitehead torpedoes

    Interestingly, wooden tubular cases were used as torpedo tubes. suspended under the bottoms of boats.

    But torpedo attacks are already the end of 1877. And on the night of May 14, 1877, four mine boats - Dzhigit, Ksenia, Tsarevich and Tsarevna equipped with pole mines and broke through from the base in Brailovo to the Machinsky sleeve of the Danube attacked the Turkish monitor "Seyfi" .. He broke through to the monitor and made the first in that war, the Tsarevich boat under the command of the famous V.F. Dubasova , later the Moscow governor, who suppressed terrorists in December 1905 in Moscow. The boat Ksenia under the command of A.P. Shestakova finished off the monitor.

    The world's first towed mine was used Lionfish, when towed by a boat, deviating from the longitudinal axis of the boat's movement and allowing attacking vessels at a distance of 40 m. Many Turkish combat and merchant ships were sunk and damaged

    The actions of the boats were so successful that the Turks had to completely refuse from naval fire support of their troops on the Danube and on the Caucasus coast. Towards the end of the war, Turkish ships were mostly hiding in ports.
    1. +4
      26 May 2017 10: 45
      Admiral Dubasov is not justly forgotten, or rather made of him a kind of executioner monster, but he did not find his awards and epaulettes in his office
      1. +5
        26 May 2017 11: 19
        Yes, fleet historian Vladimir Shigin very interestingly and objectively writes about Dubasov in his book.
  7. +4
    26 May 2017 10: 34
    Dear author, thank you for the work, it is interesting, but you were clearly in a hurry and there were a lot of mistakes: the “ass” was equipped with 11 main-caliber guns.
    "it was decided to build the defense of the Black Sea region on the basis of land forces, and they planned to use the navy only in coastal defense" as I recall, it was said "temporarily."
    After the Crimean War, Russia was forbidden to have a Navy and land fortresses; to protect the mouth of the Danube, Russia could have the likeness of corvettes, small boats.
    Emperor Alexander 2 was well aware that the ground forces could not protect the Black Sea region and secretly built a dungeon fort in Crimea, large-caliber guns of the fortress could thoroughly "pat" ANY fleet of that time. This fortress was designed by Totleben.
    The TV series for the seekers was shown on TV and there was a story about Totleben Fortress
  8. 0
    26 May 2017 10: 54
    Indeed, even visually it is not clear where to push so much artillery.
  9. +3
    26 May 2017 11: 17
    Reading the comments of respected visitors, lovers of military history, I came to the conclusion that these are very busy people who visit the site in fits and starts. I explain ...
    On 5 of May, the site published the material "With the original circuit ...", just about the "priests" and that, of course, comments on it ... In particular, I gave the performance characteristics of these two floating batteries ... I submit a comment again ...
    "moskowit 5 May 2017 11: 33
    TTX battleship coastal defense "Novgorod":
    battleship coast defense "Novgorod"
    Displacement: 2491 Ton
    Length: 30,8 meters
    Bottom Length: 23,16 meters
    Breadth Extreme: 30,8 meters
    Bottom Width: 23,16 meters
    Depth: 4,6 meters
    Housing draft: 4,11 meters
    Powerplant: 4 steam engines "Bird" on 120 l. s., 8 boilers
    Speed: full 6,5 knot
    Cruising range: 480 miles at a speed of 6 knots
    Autonomy: 3 days
    Armament: 2x1 280-mm guns Krupp in a barbet, 1x1 87-mm guns Krupp
    Crew: 151 people (15 officers)
    The second "popovka" was already laid in Nikolaev. Initially, it received the name “Kiev”, but was soon renamed “Vice Admiral Popov”. This ship was larger than “Novgorod” and had more powerful weapons. In the stand, this battleship entered the 1876 year.
    TTX battleship coastal defense "Vice Admiral Popov":
    battleship coast defense "Vice Admiral Popov"
    Displacement: 3550 tons
    Length: 36,57 meters
    Bottom Length: 29,26 meters
    Breadth Extreme: 36,57 meters
    Bottom Width: 29,26 meters
    Depth: 4,6 meters
    Housing draft: 4,11 meters
    Powerplant: 8 steam engines "Bird" on 120 l. s., 12 boilers, 6 Griffith screws, 1 steering wheel
    Speed: full 8,5 knot
    Cruising range: 540 miles at a speed of 8 knots
    Autonomy: 3 days
    2X1 305-mm guns Krupp in a barbet,
    6x1 87-mm guns Krupp, 8х1 47-mm guns Hotchkiss,
    2X5 turret 37-mm guns Hotchkiss
    Crew: 206 people (19 officers)
    The Popovs were the first Russian armored ships in the Black Sea Fleet and provided coastal protection until the creation of a fleet of “real” battleships. Although such ships did not take root in the Navy, many technical solutions, first used by Popov in round armadillos, became mandatory for Russian and foreign ships .... "
    1. 0
      26 May 2017 14: 21
      Although such ships did not take root in the Navy, many technical solutions, first used by Popov in round armadillos, became mandatory for Russian and foreign ships .... "

      Could you name at least a few of the "many technical solutions".

      “In England, where the idea of ​​round courts was first announced, they mock, noting that the Novgorod clerk is one of the strange new round ships that are being built, it’s not known why. No one is not responding to these comments, although the first parrot cost 1,347,839 rubles, not counting the cost of transporting it from St. Petersburg and the construction of experimental models. "The year 1874.
      1. 0
        26 May 2017 17: 14
        Solutions? The design of barbet installations for 12 dm guns, for example.
        1. 0
          26 May 2017 17: 59
          Solutions? The design of barbet installations for 12 dm guns, for example.

          Thanks for the answer. Could you please indicate the source or literature where these installations were compared with others. I will be grateful to you.
  10. +1
    26 May 2017 17: 16
    2x 11 'on the "Novgorod" and 2x12' on the "Popov". "II" Roman in the author’s text turned into "11" - everything is trivial :)
  11. +2
    26 May 2017 17: 17
    Not the “coastal battleship,” but the “coastal battleship”
  12. +2
    26 May 2017 19: 49
    Interestingly, Samsonov writes something himself or simply takes someone else's text, adds to him his fantasies about conspiracies of the corrupt elite and the insidious west and how he would easily defeat everyone if he were to be the Emperor of all Russia.