How they traded weapons

At first, we were told that the Soviet power was something terrible to the extreme. And we obediently began to curse this power, forgetting that it rested on our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers. But those who drove hate spells to the past into our heads understood that none of us would say a phrase like: “At a time when my grandfather was a teacher (blacksmith, janitor, doctor ...) it was very bad because he did everything not this way.". He will not say because our ancestors, unlike us, have been building up. Sozidali their blood, not sparing life. We still use many of their creations. Curse - and use! But the lion’s share of the material wealth accumulated by the labor of our ancestors is enjoyed by a handful of people who organized the washing of our brains. I must say, they have achieved their. Well, if abstract Soviet power was so bad, and not our grandfathers and fathers, then it would be useless to enjoy the benefits created by this power, to which we have nothing to do. And you can not! And they - enjoy!
Who are these notorious "they" and how they enjoy the benefits that belong to all of us - read the answer below!

What had - ...

In the 1991 year, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine inherited the most powerful military unit in Europe. It included:
- 4 military armies;
- 1 tank the army;
- 1 Army Corps;
- 3 air defense corps;
- 43 th rocket army;
- heavy strategic bomber Aviation etc.
The number of troops of this group was almost 1 million people. The armament of this formation consisted of:
- tanks - about 9 thousands;
- armored vehicles - 11 thousand;
- artillery systems - 18 thousands;
- airplanes and helicopters - around 3900;
- intercontinental ballistic missiles with their strategic warheads - 176 missiles;
- Separately operational tactical and tactical nuclear warheads - 2883 units.
In addition, strategic military bases and warehouses as an emergency reserve, designed to mobilize 10 (ten!) Million people (i.e. at least 5 (five!) Fronts) in the event of an enemy attack, stored weapons, military equipment, food, ammunition and other military equipment - according to foreign experts - on 89 (eighty-nine!) billions of US dollars.
This is the legacy that we inherited from the past civil war, collectivization, famine, the Great Patriotic War and the restoration of the national economy of our grandfathers and fathers after it and should have become a sufficiently reliable basis for the formation of the Armed Forces of an independent Ukraine. All I had to do was: make a complete inventory of property and use it in a businesslike manner in the interests of military construction in the country, in the interests of Ukraine! However, many, now loudly screaming about prosperity of the country, thought and acted differently.

... did not store!

Dispose of this wealth have become people close to the government. They were immediately joined by the so-called “businessmen in uniform”. Then “fat cats” stuck to the created symbiosis, which had already openly robbed everything that was possible: armies, people, state. The scope of corruption in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has reached unprecedented scope. Arms and military property traded everything!
31 December 1991, the President of Ukraine issues Decree No. 28, which creates the infamous Commercial Center under the Ministry of Defense. But less than a month passed, according to the presentation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine V.Fokin 20 in January 1992, a new Presidential Decree was issued on the establishment of the State Company Ukrainian House. This company is vested with extraordinary, but illegal, powers: it has the right to sell unlicensed sales to foreign countries and private firms of excess stocks of inventories, and also has the right to carry out export operations for the sale abroad of weapons and military equipment agreed with the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine weapons and military equipment!
After these presidential decrees to trade weapons, even public and non-profit organizations, which, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine and their statutory provisions, did not have the right to engage in any trade, became military and special equipment! A pioneer among these organizations was the so-called International Public Foundation “Dilova Dіaspora Ukraine”, whose president was the Vice-Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of the 12-th convocation Volodymyr Grinyov. The members of this fund were Anatoly Sergeyevich Matvienko, Alexander Viktorovich Zadorozhny, Viktor Ivanovich Antonov and others. It should be noted that by submitting documents for registration of this fund to the Ministry of Justice on February 28 of the Ministry of Justice of February, its leaders affixed these documents with the official seal of the secretariat of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.
Uncontrolled arms trade began to gain momentum. In 1996, our military legacy sold off to 114 firms and companies left and right!

Rob - so millions!

The scope of trade in Ukrainian weapons did not go unnoticed by the world community. The first violations of international obligations by Ukraine were the supply of arms to Croatia and Bosnia. According to Dr. James Gow, an expert at the Center for Defense at the University of London, Ukraine’s supply of large quantities of weapons to Croatia was carried out exclusively at an unofficial level. They are not politically motivated and dictated only by financial calculations.
The facts about the unofficial deliveries of Ukrainian weapons to Croatia are confirmed by the military leaders of the former Yugoslavia, as well as reports in the Serbian and Croatian press. The presence of a huge shadow sector involved in the arms trade at the international level is known to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Security Service of Ukraine. For example, during the international conference "European cooperation in the fight against terrorism and international crime", which was held in Kiev in 1996, it was reported that the Security Service of Ukraine had revealed and prevented gross violations of the law during the implementation of foreign economic operations by some enterprises of the Minmashprom of Ukraine. In particular, the implementation of contracts for the supply of explosives to foreign firms, under the cover of which the international terrorist organization Tigers of Liberation Tamil Eelam operated, was stopped.
In fact, the official state organizations involved in the arms trade were a cover and carried out no more than 20% of operations for the supply of critical goods from Ukraine. The remaining 80% of trade was in the hands of shadow structures. The high level of secrecy data on the number and name of organizations that have acquired the right to trade in arms, and allows the shadow sector to exist in Ukraine. But this secrecy no, no, yes, and gives falter.
For example, one of the founders of the Ukrainian black market for the arms trade was a native of Kiev, a citizen of the world Dmitry Streshinsky. It was he who, with the help of the Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, General I. Oliynyk, was able to resell over a thousand tons of Ukrainian armaments and equipment with false documents (the criminal case against him did not end there!).
For Streshinsky in Ukraine, underground dealers Schulz and Shalk-Golodkovsky, well known to Interpol, often began to enter. Hiding behind high-ranking patrons, they “knocked out” in the Ministry of Defense Tunguska, Thor anti-aircraft missile systems, various types of missiles, small arms and ammunition.
A little later, the former general director of UkrAviaZakaz LLC, V. Evdokimov. in violation of the requirements of the International Missile Technology Control Regime, of which Ukraine has been a member of 1998 of the year, in April 2000 organized 6 (six!) X-55 air-launched cruise missiles to China by air transport to China. In June, 2001, Evdokimov V.V. smuggled another 6 (six!) cruise missiles to Iran.
For these unlawful acts, the former general director V. Evdokimov. the decision of the Court of Appeal of the Kiev region sentenced to 6 (six!) years of imprisonment.

De jure and de facto

To this day, the Ukrainian public has not received an answer to the questions: is there a problem with settlements with the Russian Federation for nuclear warheads exported to Russia and what are their real quantities and costs?
A little excursion into history. October 24 1991, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine declares Ukraine’s nuclear-free status. This is followed by the Alma-Ata and Minsk 1991 agreements of the year and the Trilateral Statement by the presidents of Russia, the USA and Ukraine on January 14 of 1994, where agreements were developed to provide a fair and timely compensation to Ukraine for the nuclear ammunition exported to Russia for dismantling and destruction.
That is, for strategic nuclear warheads exported from Ukraine, Russia should supply 1800 fuel assemblies for nuclear power plants to Ukraine, and for tactical nuclear weapons in the amount of 400-520 million US dollars, including utilization, will be offset by debt for energy.
But how it became in reality.
According to the Vienna Convention on the Succession of States regarding State Property, State Archives and Government Debts of April 8 of 1983, tactical nuclear weapons, warheads and property to them for the period of their export to Russia were state property of Ukraine.
According to experts, a tactical nuclear weapon, as compared with a strategic one, is simple and easy to maintain, has a longer service life and a shelf life without replacing the corresponding parts and components for nuclear safety requirements. Therefore, this weapon could and should have remained in Ukraine until 2010. The removal of tactical nuclear weapons from the territory of Ukraine had to be carried out simultaneously with the offset of the debt for energy. The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated 9 of April 1992 of the year (No. 2264-XII) also says the same: “Consider it advisable not to remove tactical nuclear weapons from the territory of Ukraine until the development and implementation of a mechanism of international control over its destruction with the participation of Ukraine.
To recommend the President of Ukraine to enter into negotiations with the leaders of the nuclear states of the world in the integrated resolution of problems related to the elimination of nuclear weapons. "
But the export of tactical nuclear weapons, which began in November 1991, did not stop, but, on the contrary, was carried out with unjustified haste until 6 in May 1992, when the last batch of these weapons was exported.
This haste was explained simply. After tactical nuclear weapons were exported from Ukraine, some experts became suspicious of the deliberate, in their opinion, falsification of nuclear weapons, transferred to the Russian Federation, in the direction of reducing their number, and reducing their cost.
1. Tactical nuclear weapons exported from Ukraine were estimated by experts at 1,5 billion US dollars, and not at 400 - 520 million dollars.
2. According to documentation and accounting, located in Ukraine, 2633 units of nuclear warheads were exported; in fact, 2883 units of nuclear warheads were delivered to Russia. Thus, the difference between the number of nuclear warheads transferred by Ukraine and received by Russia is 250 (two hundred and fifty!) Units!
By the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine No. 87-IV of July 11 of 2002, the Temporary Investigation Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is established to verify the facts of illegal trade in arms and military property and their illegal transfer to other countries. This commission, having received the relevant documents about the mysterious disappearance of 250 units of nuclear warheads, appealed to the SBU for an explanation (the support of the nuclear disarmament program of Ukraine was carried out by this very force structure). And received the following response (No. 1756 from November 30 2002 of the year):
“By the security service of Ukraine in the competencies, the feeding of the vyvozu from Ukraine with the 1991-1992pr. nuclear warheads ... Installed, just at the march of the negotiations between the delegations of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, held 12 - 15.08.02 p. at kiwi ga did not pass on the books of the region, ale laid on Ukraine and the Bulletin to Russia to be reduced.
Looking around at the Ukrainian side of іnіtsіyuvala powering over 100% of our compensation for 14, the odds of nuclear weapons.
Rosіyska delegate received the position of the information in the information ... "

Offsets and the greatest mystery of modernity

So, the Ukrainian observers found only 14 unrecorded from 250 unaccounted for, but exported nuclear warheads from Ukraine to Russia. And no wonder! After all, so much time has passed!
Let me remind you that the export of the last batch of formidable weapons took place on 6 on May 1992, and the Ukrainian delegation informs Russian colleagues about the loss only in the middle of August 2002. Through 10 (ten!) And over! The Russian side had no choice but to “take note” of the information.
The haste in taking out a nuclear weapon and outright sluggishness in receiving compensation for it are alarming not only Ukrainian observers. Only after 5 (five!) And more than five years after Ukraine handed over the last batch of nuclear warheads to Ukraine, namely 30 of October 1997, the Government of Ukraine and the Government of Ukraine signed the Agreement on the mutual offset of indebtedness for the supplied energy resources and fissile materials (prime minister Minister Pustovoitenko V.P. - G.U.)!
In accordance with Article 1 of this Agreement, the parties carried out the debt of the Ukrainian Party in the amount of 250, 171 million US dollars. The debt arose as a result of the implementation of intergovernmental agreements on trade and economic cooperation in 1993-1994, including for oil supplied by Russian oil producing enterprises in 1993, in the amount of 119,450 million US dollars, as well as for oil, petroleum products and other material technical resources supplied by the open joint-stock company “Roskontrakt” in 1993-1994 to the State Committee on Material Resources of Ukraine in the amount of 130,721 million US dollars in compensation of the Russian Party cost split materials extracted from tactical nuclear weapons removed from the territory of Ukraine to the Russian Federation in 1991-1992 years, which amounts to 450 million US dollars.
A simple arithmetic calculation shows that out of the amount in 450 million dollars, 199,829 million dollars remain. This balance was counted by the Russian Party in order to repay part of the state debt of Ukraine on state loans provided by the Russian Federation on 26 in May 1993 of the year (Prime Minister L. D. Kuchma-G. W.) and 20 in March of 1995 (Prime Minister E.K. Marchuk - GU) in the amount of more than 3 (three!) Billions of US dollars, with maturity until the end of 2007 year!
Where did the loan money go? Questions about the origin and purpose of these loans, which until now have not been attributed to the public debt of Ukraine, remain the greatest mystery of the Ukrainian modernity. The Temporary Investigation Commission, mentioned above, inquired about the copies of documents for the actual supply of oil, petroleum products and other material and technical resources on account of the estimated 250,171 million dollars. The Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in a letter No. 31-073-2-4 / 4248 from 15 in November 2002 of the year reported that there are no such documents in the ministry, and in general the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine did not hold and write off this debt!
Yes, and where to get these documents! The same Temporary Investigation Commission established that debtor organizations and enterprises that received material and technical resources were intentionally liquidated or reorganized. On the balance sheets of structures created instead of liquidated debtors, the debts determined by the Ukrainian government were not taken into account.
For example, the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 61 of 27 of January 1993 of the year, signed by Prime Minister Kuchma LD, determined that the issues of procurement and supply of products, raw materials and other goods on a clearing or interrelated basis on intergovernmental agreements on trade and economic cooperation entrusted to the State Committee on Material Resources.
As soon as Kuchma LD became president of Ukraine, he decree 789 / 94 of 21 in December 1994 of the year liquidated this committee and created the State Joint-Stock Company "Ukrresursy". For some reason, the debt of the liquidated committee was not accepted to the balance of SJSC “Ukrresursy”, no financial documents, calculations and other archival materials regarding the financial and economic activities of this committee were transferred to SJSC “Ukrresources” at all.
The next step was taken by Prime Minister A. Kinakh. By the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 503 of 11 of April 2002, he introduced the SJSC “Ukrresursy” into the structure of the State Committee on State Material Reserve.
Thus, the debt of business entities to the state so far, through certain manipulations under the pretext of reforming, has remained unpaid.
And the year 2007 is not far off! Considering that today's population of Ukraine is already less than 47 million, and there is a tendency to decrease in the population of the country, in 2007, every citizen of Ukraine, including newborns, will owe Russia about 70 dollars for somewhere and someone over 3 billion!

How gas princesses and gas kings are born

In the first quarter of 2000, part of the unpaid supply of used natural gas, without assigning them to public debt and without obtaining the consent of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, was redeemed by transferring state property to the Russian Federation (heavy strategic bombers Tu-160, Tu-95 MS, cruise missiles and equipment ) in the amount of 275 million US dollars on the basis of the residual value.
The question involuntarily arises: why was the transfer of this strategic military property transferred at its residual value, whereas the repayment of debts for natural gas was calculated at market prices? After all, as a result, only for the X-55 CM missiles of the 1990-1991 release. (new, modern, were stored in warehouses, the coefficient - 0,5 was used) loss of profits for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine amounted to more than 1,5 billion hryvnia (more than 300 million US dollars)!
In addition, it should be noted that the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on October 8 1999 on the transfer of the Russian Tu-60, Tu-95 MS heavy bombers and long-range air-launched cruise missiles to the Russian Federation not ratified, but only approved by the Prime Minister of Ukraine V. Pustovoitenko CMU Decree No. 2032 of November 2 1999 of the Year!
Bacchanalia with gas debts and attempts to pay for them with military equipment continued in recent years. For example, “managing” over the NAK “Naftogaz of Ukraine” Igor Bacai under the watchful sovereign eye drove Ukraine into a deep debt trap.
It is known that 40% of all sales of natural gas in 1998 - 2000 was controlled by commercial firms of I. Bakaya - Intergas and its subsidiaries. Already in 1999, Intergaz’s debt to Naftogaz Ukraine NJSC was about 197 million US dollars with the company's total debt in 275 million dollars. I. Bakai sold at least 12 billion cubic meters of gas through a number of traders and subsidiaries and had an annual profit of about 60 million US dollars. The tidbit of I. Bakaya's activity was the resale of gas to the countries of Eastern Europe, the volume of 7-8 billion cubic meters. annually! And sold at the market price!
As soon as Turkmenistan refused to supply natural gas to Ukraine due to chronic non-payment for gas consumed, I. Bakai decided in 1999 to begin unauthorized extraction of Russian gas from the pipe. In this way, about 18 billion cubic meters of gas were obtained in the amount of 1,43 billion US dollars. 18 billion cubic meters is the annual gas production in Ukraine. It is not difficult to calculate that I. Bakai resold gas at a price of approximately 80 dollars for 1 thousand cubic meters!
The General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine, 29, on January 2003, opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 5 Art. 191 (Assignment, embezzlement of property or seizing it by abuse of official position), as well as Article XXNX Art. 2 UK of Ukraine. There is no result from the initiation of this case! How was the large amount of debt, and remained. And before the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine for the strategic military property transferred to Russia in 364, NAK Naftogaz Ukraine is in no hurry to pay off the debt, which as of December 1999 of the year is more than 2005 million hryvnia (more than 300 million US dollars)!
And - regarding the receipt of "TVELs" (fuel elements) from Russia for strategic nuclear warheads exported from Ukraine. First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Yuriy Yekhanurov in a letter No. 20-1217 / 4 from 23 on April 2001 of the year reported that for the exported strategic nuclear warheads to Ukraine during 1994-1999 years, nuclear fuel was supplied from Russia - 2685 heat-generating assemblies for Ukraine’s nuclear atom pipelines in the amount of 792,2 million US dollars.
Since this fuel was transferred free of charge to nuclear power plants, where electricity worth more than 3 (three!) Billions of US dollars was generated, the question arises: where did the money go?
The question hung in the air. The Interim Investigation Commission did not respond to it either in the 2002 year, or later, and neither the General Prosecutor’s Office, nor the Ministry of Internal Affairs, nor the Security Service of Ukraine.
The subject of another mystery remains unclear. How and why a parallel course next to the receipt of free fuel assemblies (fuel assemblies) for nuclear power plants of Ukraine were two commercial intermediary firms in ensuring the supply of fuel assemblies from Russia with huge commissions. These are the firms Torgovy Dom (head Martynenko N.V.) and Brinkford (head Zhvania D.V.). We turn, in particular, to the media. 2000 Newspaper from March 12 2004: “This is a scandal that at first had every reason to become one of the most ambitious in the history of independent Ukraine ... the media have repeatedly mentioned this story, operating from official sources. Referring, for example, to the results of the audit of the Ministry of Finance in the National Atomic Energy Generating Company (NAEK) Energoatom, when it was revealed that the Brinkford (Zhvania) tandem is “Trading House” (Martynenko) “... from 1997 to the beginning of 2000. ... supplied Energoatom with fuel elements (fuel elements - "2000") and exported waste fuel elements to Russia. And when you pay 250 million dollars. put on 50 million dollars. "
The business weekly Galician Contracts in September 2002 of the year also reported the following information: “According to the auditors of KRU, the Brinkford intermediary for the sale of electricity from nuclear power plants earned 118,4 UAH million, and the manufacturer Energoatom 2,7 million ... In 1998 year "Brinkford" owed to "Energoatom" 411,7 million UAH. " In 2002, a criminal case was initiated against a number of Energoatom officials. The Prosecutor General’s Office also promised to “attract managers of a number of commercial enterprises with which contracts that were knowingly unprofitable” were concluded.
It is clear that now, after the General Prosecutor’s Office of the aforementioned citizens recently “bleached” on other charges, it will be hard for law enforcement authorities to disturb “good guys who never stole anything”.

How to eliminate 43-th Rocket Army.

About this - about the circumstances of embezzling in a particularly large scale property and military equipment 43-1 of the rocket army, the involvement of this high command of the army in detail, with photocopies of the documents described in the book of journalist Anatoly Benya and Colonel of the military counterintelligence of the Security Service of Ukraine, Peter Tvorun "Special operation" Zero option " . True, the facts of abuse displayed in the book did not interest law enforcement officials.
But the fate of money in the amount of more than 20 million US dollars for SS-1994 strategic missile units sold to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation during 1996-24 for 19 units is still unknown.
In addition, as a result of violations of the current legislation in the 43 RA Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, only in matters of the use of public resources, savings of material and technical resources, secondary raw materials and funds, the state suffered damage of more than 67 million hryvnia (more than 13 million USD ).
For example, 455 g of gold, 5 kg of silver and 90 g of platinum were seized from a single rocket and a UCP (unified command post). And how much good is there, including lead, copper, platinum, aluminum, etc. in the facilities themselves - Mine launchers (SPU), UKP, power plants, heavy-duty communication cables. Each silo, each criminal code unit is also a cooling center, a power unit, a transformer substation, a drainage station, an antenna field, from 3 to 18 thousands of meters of cable lines, etc.
300 tons of copper, 250 tons of lead, 300 tons of steel, 600 tons of polyethylene and other components came out only of 300 km of cable of four types, which ensure the vital activity of BRK.
Violating the Law of Ukraine dated 5 of May 1999 of the Year “About the Metal Bark” and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 2287 of 13 of December 1999 of the Year “About Zatverdzhennya.” RA Colonel-General V.A.Mikhtyuk contracts with private firms.
The money in the state budget was not credited, but was used by the military leadership according to their own comprehension. One can imagine the prices at which the 43-th RA management realized material values ​​during the liquidation of the rocket army if the American Hummer, with a mileage of 49 thousand kilometers, was sold to citizen Obernihin AV, living in Crimea, for 5 ( five!) thousand hryvnia (less than 1 thousand US dollars).
Surely, such cars are not needed in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
There is information that the buyer of the all-terrain vehicle "Hummer" was recommended to the generals of the rocket army by a resident of Kiev, one Yablonsky, who calls himself the Great Prior of the satanic "Order of the Templar". And for some reason, the award sword of the commander of 43 RA appeared in China’s “headquarters” of the “Templar Order”.

About the Kolchugs and the Embargo

The country learned about the intentions to sell the Kolchuga radio monitoring station to Iraq, despite international sanctions, from the so-called “Major Melnichenko’s films”. The content of the conversation between the President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma and the head of the Security Service of Ukraine L. Derkach was made public. Since then, many commissions have checked the entire manufacturing process of the Kolchug at the Donetsk enterprise Topaz and the way forward for the sale of this equipment to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other countries.
Starting in 1992, Topaz was transferred for sale outside Ukraine (for Russia, China, Ethiopia, Turkmenistan) 27 units, including for the state enterprise Konus in Moscow - 8 units of Kolchuga station.
Regarding the implementation of "Kolchuga" in Iraq, the Provisional Investigation Commission of BP received October 30 2002 under number 10 / 2-18447-01 from the General Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine the following information:
“... Restored, by 1990, to the fate of the organization, called by UN Bezpek, the United Nations, was deceived by trade and economic interests of Europe and Russia, who came to Ukraine and Ukraine, but didn’t want to go to Ukraine. All trade and economic contacts of Ukraine with здrakom come to light in the framework of the UN programs “Nafta for food,” which will help the humanitarian community.
Ukraine to Iraku stations "Kolchuga" did not deliver. The scaffolding of the scaffolding of the permit for the export of control stations of the “Kolchuga” radio-electronic situation to Iraku Derzhavna did not dismiss the control of the control of Ukraine.
By way of that, it was established, by the way, by means of the Internet; The odds are promoted by carrying out research and proving. This situation is out of sight, and information is presented on the basis of a fixed issue and not a single point of view.
At the end of the tour, vikladenim, 19 stuck 2002 to rock, as intercessor of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Atamanyuk, OG vinesen ruling about vіdmova u porshennіn krimіnalno ї refer to the episode of the nіbito zdіysnenih Ukraine vuuperech sanktsiyam Radi Bezpeki UN supplies to Іraku goods_v vіyskovogo priznachennya ... "
May be so. But Anatoly Solomonovich Resman told me that he knew directly the person who sold 4 (four!) Kolchugas to Iraq! This was long before the publication of the films, before the commissions investigated.
He can be trusted. Because he is involved in many of the shadow business going on in Ukraine. And confirmation of this - below.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in a letter No. 414 / 12-994-1938 of October 29 2002 of the year reported that the UN Security Council Resolution No. 661 of August 6 of 1990 of the year imposed a full embargo on trade with Iraq. All goods and services are banned, with the exception of those supplied or provided for humanitarian purposes.
However, in violation of these documents and the Wassenaar Arrangement, the Ukrainian government signed an agreement on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation with 9 on October 2003 of the year with the Government of the Republic of Iraq and established a permanent joint commission on these issues. The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Iraq in Ukraine Yury Romanovich Orshansky was included in this commission. Regarding him, the Temporary Investigation Commission received the following information from the Security Service of Ukraine: “Serious political issues and civilians for Ukraine could come from the side of their unofficial partnership could have been unsanctioned by the power of the great Ukrainian of Orsha Y. that Kerovanoim nіfіrm "Montazh-Elektro" on practical realizatsii homeowners from the Livnskoy Arabian Jamahiruyu for delivery to the end of the Krai of possession of a "vacation vikoristannya."
It is with Orshansky Yu.R. The American-British expert group wanted to meet regarding the possibility of transferring the Kolchuga system to Iraq in October 2002, but ... As reported by the media, Orshansky "urgently escaped through Moscow to Iraq."
Another fact of a real violation of international sanctions against the regime of Saddam Hussein on the part of Ukraine is the delivery to Iraq of technological equipment for the production of ammunition for automatic small arms.
The export of technological lines abroad was carried out from the state enterprise “Lugansk Machine-Tool Plant”. For this, mobilization capacities of the enterprise were used, which are stored for a “special period”. These facilities, in violation of the relevant procedures, were rejected, the numbers, country and year of manufacture, as well as other identification marks, removed from the register and exported to Iraq, were knocked down, cut down and sawed down from the machines and equipment.
During 1998-2002, a workshop was built on the outskirts of Baghdad, where a large plant for the production of various ammunition was located, in which Ukrainian equipment was installed and operated, providing a full cycle of manufacturing cartridges for Kalashnikov machine caliber 7,62 mm.
The workshop occupied an area approximately from a football field. Its performance - 200 cartridges per minute with a coefficient 0,76.
To resolve issues related to the installation of equipment, commissioning of lines and delivery of the object "turnkey", for two years about 30 plant specialists went to Iraq. The process of registration of factory workers abroad was carried out in the mode of high secrecy. First of all, workers and specialists who wished to go abroad were forced to resign from the enterprise. They issued foreign passports as private individuals (it should be noted that after returning from Iraq they were restored to their former places of work - GU). They were issued visas for a trip to Syria or Jordan. There were no contracts or contracts for the work they were engaged in in Iraq with them. All "volunteers" were promised a monthly salary in the amount of 1200 (one thousand two hundred) US dollars.
According to some factory workers who were in Iraq, settlements with them were carried out in violation of all verbal agreements with the intermediary firm. First, in the course of the 4 months, the money at the rate of 1200 dollars per month, minus 200 dollars for food, was meticulously transferred to previously determined addresses in Lugansk. Later, there were delays in the payment of salaries. These delays were due to temporary difficulties. As a result, only the first group of specialists, who returned to Ukraine in September 2001, were fully paid. Fifteen experts owed from 4000 to 6000 (from four thousand to six thousand) US dollars for the work done. No taxation and murals in the receipt of money was not conducted.
The head of the group of specialists was V. Petrikin, the master of workshop No. 1 E. Scherbakov was in charge of the production of sleeves. Viktor Bondarenko worked as a factory director during the decision-making process on the export of ammunition manufacturing technology to Iraq.
On the fact of the illegal export from Ukraine of technology for the creation of weapons by the investigative department of the State Security Service of Ukraine 3 December 2002, a criminal case was initiated under Art. 333 UK of Ukraine. The case is being investigated to this day. It seems to be stretching in order to hide under the “secret of the investigation” all the dirt and crime of this international fraud. True, some of the debt during this time was still paid to the plant workers.
It should be noted that on the basis of the former military-industrial monster - “Lugansk Machine-Tool Plant”, which survived the conversion, massive theft and ordered bankruptcy - through 207 years after its foundation, in 2002, by the company “Brinkford” (head Zhvaniya D.V .) a private enterprise “Lugansk patron” was created. Only one operation remained in state ownership - equipment of combat cartridges. The liners, caps, gunpowder, bullets — all are either purchased by private entities abroad, or manufactured at a private enterprise, which was the former Lugansk machine-tool plant named after Lenin. Although, as world practice shows, the production of cartridges should belong exclusively to the state.
And one more fact. Violating the commitments made by Ukraine not to cooperate in a delicate sphere with the states in the regions where armed conflicts take place, by orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of 2.06.01, 12.06.01, 13.08.01, signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine Kinakh AK, were transferred to Macedonia military equipment and weapons for the residual value of 52,7 (fifty two and seven tenths) million US dollars.
It was transferred to Macedonia:
1. Tank T-72 - 31 pcs .;
2. BTR-80 - 22 pcs .;
3. Aircraft SU-25 - 4 pcs .;
4. Helicopter MI-24 - 12 pcs .;
5. Helicopter MI-8MT - 2 pcs .;
6. The volley fire system “Grad” - 6;
7. A large number of aircraft missiles, etc.
Only in the third year after the transfer of arms, Macedonia began to offer (!) For this property batteries, tobacco and wine.
How much does the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine need tobacco and wine for each soldier for this transferred equipment?

Why in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, many officers and ensigns can not get an apartment?

Allegedly, there is no money to build housing for them. Why no money? The answer to this is given above. But I will give a few more facts.
Here, for example, how the scheme was implemented for the further unaccounted sale of state property.
According to the minutes of the meeting of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine with the leadership of the central office of the Ministry No. 25 from July 4 of 1995, it was decided to study and formulate proposals for further use of research vessels Akademik S. Korolev and Cosmonaut Y. Gagarin until 15 July 1995 of the year ".
Commission of Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Kinakh A.K. No. 19601 / 96 from 17 in October 1995, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was invited to make proposals on the order of implementation of research vessels Akademik S. Korolev and Cosmonaut Y. Gagarin.
To this, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine V.Shmarov, by letter No. 148 / y-206 from 9, on November 1995, on behalf of the authors, proposed: .Korolov "... I am inviting for the necessary nadati povnovazhennya Derzhavnіy sudnoplavnіy companies" Chornomorskke paraplavstvo "(concern" Blasco "- G. U.) on sales of ships zih ...".
By the letter No. 1-3 / 1458 of 30 in November 1995, the General Director of the National Space Agency of Ukraine, A.S. Negoda, responded to the order: “... Ukraine does not have the responsibility for the shipbuilding of the ship chich ...”.
Thus, these unique, largest scientific vessels fleet, with many laboratories and unique equipment, space antennas with a diameter of 25 meters each, with 2 mirror antennas with a diameter of 12 meters, were sold in 1996 to the Austrian company SUD Merkur at a price of 5,8 (five and eight tenths) million US dollars . But this money was also deposited somewhere in foreign banks, and the Ministry of Defense did not officially receive a dime for this “operation”!
Here are some more examples. In violation of the Law of Ukraine "On the Privatization of State Enterprise Property" and the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine 678 No. 26 of June 1996, "On the Procedure for the Transfer of State Property", dozens of military fuel and lubricants warehouses, airfield equipment, and runways etc.
Only at the military airfield in Vasilkov, Kiev region, where combat duty of the air defense planes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was conducted, was the fuel storage with 55 underground tanks, connecting communications, with two fire reservoirs of 100 cubic meters each, with a territory of 2,24 hectares of land director of joint Ukrainian - Jordanian enterprise “Catherine”, a citizen of Jordan Aburazhuh Maheda at a price of 115 thousand hryvnia (less than 23 thousand US dollars!).
Owning surplus tanks of the former military warehouse, the volume of which significantly exceeds the needs for maintaining and operating 4's private gas stations, the company Katrin, in turn, receives annually about 4 thousand tons of light fuel, equivalent to the rent of more than 30 firms that “Katrin »Provides fuel storage services.
However, the military unit, which was the owner of the warehouse, suffered from a constant shortage of fuel to maintain the level of combat duty and for internal life support.
As a result of such a sale of this warehouse alone, taking into account the amount of fuel that was stored there under lease agreements for more than 3 firms over the last 30s of the last years, the loss of profit for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine amounted to more than 900 (nine hundred!) Thousand US dollars annually!
The Temporary Investigation Commission was also interested in the use and operation of military transport aircraft. Answers to the requests of the commission received from the leadership of the Air Force of the Ukrainian Armed Forces give grounds to assert about the absence in this military structure of the necessary records of aircraft and information regarding its location. As a result, part of the aircraft was sold for a pittance, others were privatized by private companies, some with military crews leased and operated around the world. There are also arrested aircraft, there are just unreturned to home-based airfields ...

And what about the control authorities?

The long-term tendency of the Prosecutor General’s Office to close criminal cases initiated on the facts of the illegal sale of weapons and military equipment, understating the cost of military property and objects indicates that high-ranking officials are behind all these cases.
(Based on the materials of the work of the Temporary Investigation Commission of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on verifying the facts of illegal trade in arms and military property and their illegal transfer to other countries (Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine dated July 11 2002, No. 87-IV)
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  1. +7
    April 2 2017 06: 29
    Yes, a madhouse was going on in all the republics of the former USSR, as if it should have been ... Somewhere it was slowed down, and somewhere it still can not be braked. One joy from the 90s that I was a millionaire wassat
  2. +8
    April 2 2017 06: 32
    But the export of tactical nuclear weapons, which began in November 1991, did not stop, but, on the contrary, was carried out with unjustified haste until 6 in May 1992, when the last batch of these weapons was exported.

    Well done even in this, even before the end of the USSR, they began to take out nuclear weapons and, in the conditions of the mess of the first months of independence, they took them out.
    A year 2007th not far off!

    Article 11 years old !? belay
  3. +5
    April 2 2017 06: 33
    Judging by the scale with which Ukraine sold its inherited weapons, the standard of living in the country should be at least as in the UAE
  4. 0
    April 2 2017 07: 08
    everyone understood everything — the entrance yard, after the collapse of the union.
    I hope our special services fed (Moscow steers, Kiev travels as a passenger) and intrigued in the right direction against the West.
    I remember many strange press reports about a sale from the outskirts. They created a mess consciously. It is difficult to break the psychology of a temporary worker. no strategists were found in the outskirts.
  5. +12
    April 2 2017 07: 48
    To the list of abandoned weapons marked and drunk in Ukraine it is worth adding:
    defense enterprises and research institutes of nine defense ministries of the USSR (more than 150 items including Nikolaev Shipbuilding Plant); more than 170 airfields (including 26 in Crimea alone); Universities (military 8); military camps (over 40); ammunition depots (over 20); ships of the Black Sea Fleet, etc.
    Here is the result of the work of the labeled and the Alkash. And all this was created by our grandfathers, fathers and we. I have the honor.
    1. +2
      April 2 2017 12: 49
      And all this was created by our grandfathers, fathers and we. I have the honor.
      - I read it 15-20 years ago: "Wells are still called Suvorov wells."
      AV Suvorov, at the end of the 18th he commanded between the wars (which troops?) On the right-bank Ukraine. He was ill a lot because of the lack of clean water. He ordered to dig a lot of wells to fully provide clean water in \ parts (apparently not only soldiers, but also adjacent settlements - used) take at least 200 years
  6. +2
    April 2 2017 08: 00
    It makes no sense today to recall what Ukraine got. That's what remains of her need to be taken into account. And the less it remains, the better and not only for the Donbass, but also for the Ukrainians themselves.
  7. +1
    April 2 2017 09: 25
    As the people say ... as it came, it was gone. ... Now Kakhlov crushes anger and envy. No, the ruin died so.
  8. +5
    April 2 2017 09: 36
    For some reason, the article did not mention military-technical cooperation between Kiev and Tbilisi. This is a separate song, as two "godfathers" were friends against Russia.
    1. 0
      April 2 2017 15: 09
      Quote: TRex
      For some reason, the article did not mention military-technical cooperation between Kiev and Tbilisi. This is a separate song, as two "godfathers" were friends against Russia.

      So article materials date back to 08.08.08
  9. +1
    April 2 2017 10: 26
    Well, they themselves can’t come up with anything. They copied the dashing 90e in the Russian Army, even the scale ... The only question is - why didn’t they grow wiser for the 25let?
  10. +4
    April 2 2017 11: 05
    I wouldn’t worry at the place of the author, but would be glad that nuclear weapons were taken out of Ukraine. I think the United States strongly recommended that Ukraine become a nuclear-free country. Sometimes the US does the right thing. You are baboons. Imagine a monkey with a grenade (a clip of a monkey with a gun is already on YouTube). We hope that the next stage in Ukraine will close the nuclear power plant, in order to avoid misunderstandings. And if a few more ammunition depots burn out, you can generally sleep in peace. Nevertheless, they know that children should not play with matches, monkeys should not be given weapons. Destiny of Ukraine, farm on horseback. It's even dangerous to give you a tractor. Thank God you are gradually destroying military production (thanks again to the United States, at least something good is being done). I hope we still have time to see an independent Ukraine. You will live in the Stone Age and not depend on civilization, like individual tribes in Africa (grazing cows and no one depends on anyone).
  11. +1
    April 2 2017 11: 25
    What prevented the author from translating "zhovtno-blakitnyh documents", at least, into English? Understand the given Svidomo dialect there is no way. Yet again, "2. According to documentation and accounting located in Ukraine, 2633 units of nuclear warheads were exported, 2883 units of nuclear warheads were actually delivered to Russia. Thus, the difference between the number of nuclear warheads transferred by Ukraine and accepted by Russia is 250 (two hundred and fifty!) Units! " That is, according to the text - in Russia there were 250 more nuclear weapons units than were exported from Ukraine. Where did you come from? Or nobody knows how much what and where it was?
  12. +4
    April 2 2017 11: 32
    I also want to add, do not try to change your power. The Ukrainian government, you, is taking the right path (naturally correct from the point of view of its neighbors). A more or less adequate population has already left, there are mostly jumping baboons. The remaining ones are almost completely useless for any kind of work. It remains to take the last matches from you and fence your zoo with a fence. You have already tried to dig a moat yourself, as in the best zoos in the world. They couldn’t even finish it, probably they were waiting for help from Europe. Nothing capable population.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. BAI
    April 3 2017 15: 34
    I did not understand something - 2633 warheads were removed, and 2883 units of nuclear warheads appeared in Russia. These charges did not disappear, but appeared!
  15. 0
    April 4 2017 18: 27
    And the year 2007 is not far off! Considering that today's population of Ukraine is already less than 47 million, and there is a tendency to decrease in the population of the country, in 2007, every citizen of Ukraine, including newborns, will owe Russia about 70 dollars for somewhere and someone over 3 billion!
    What is an article doing so long ago here? Or from the category of Baltic states "You owe us in life"?
  16. 0
    April 6 2017 07: 36
    A comprehensive article. With figures, facts, evidence. Well, Ukraine should bow to the legs of both the humpback and the drunk. Or maybe a monument to both of them, how did they erect a monument to fascist S. Bender? I have a question. What are the reasons strategic weapons were stored in Ukraine? It was more logical to place all stockpiles of weapons in case of war in the Urals.