Prepare for the battles to come, not past

Prepare for the battles to come, not pastNew scientific and technical achievements and new technologies developed on their basis, as a rule, serve as the basis for improving traditional types weapons or the creation of new means of destruction, with greater functionality and allowing more efficient to solve tactical and strategic tasks.

Future military clashes and wars are in many respects wars not only of engines, as they said earlier, but these are wars with the widespread use of intellectualized and robotic weapons (combat robots), as well as intellectualized space-distributed military and dual-use systems controlled by military specialists. And one should prepare in advance for such a direction in the development of armaments.

Relying on the results of military-technical analysis and summarizing them taking into account modern scientific and technical achievements and requirements for promising weapons, the author attempted to formulate the basic principles and methods of using weapons of a new class, called distance-cybernetic weapons (ATP). At the same time, ATP is considered as a product of the synergistic use of breakthrough scientific and technical innovations as an intellectual basis for creating promising means of defeating a new class.

Remote cybernetic weapons are understood as means of destruction, the capabilities and level of characteristics of which are largely determined by the use of the latest cybernetic, as well as industrial technologies. At the same time, the key technologies for achieving the aforementioned characteristics of the means of destruction are, as the analysis shows, primarily the technology of creating and using a wide range of small-sized and highly sensitive sensors working on various physical principles and using the processing and analysis of measurement information along with mathematical methods and elements artificial intelligence.

Unlike traditional classes of weapons, DKO carriers do not deliver classical shells, bombs, warheads, warheads, mines, etc to the target area; the mentioned carriers are delivered by combat robots, figuratively speaking, fighter robots. In other words, one of the most important distinctive features of the ATP is the fact that it “shoots” with intellectualized combat robots (ammunition).

In combat robots, intellectualized tools and subsystems are added to the main components of traditional weapons, ensuring the implementation of a number of functions on the adaptive behavior of weapons of destruction of ATPs in the target area (additional exploration and target recognition, searching for the most vulnerable parts of targets, bypassing counteraction zones and obstacles, making decisions to undermine the charge, etc.), which is ultimately aimed at improving the efficiency and reliability of hitting a target with as little power as possible, and first Before the charges in the usual equipment. According to the plan, in the future, the design of the platforms of combat robots should provide them with the opportunity, depending on the destination, to fly around, fly over the surface of the earth, or swim in surface and submerged positions, depending on the destination.

ATP is a weapon of a new type with new functional-combat capabilities. The principles of its construction are based on the synergistic use of new scientific and technical solutions, elements of artificial intelligence, measuring and information technologies of a wide range. Means of destruction of ATPs can be delivered to the area of ​​targets of various kinds of carriers for small, medium and long range, can be multifunctional, as well as the most highly efficient in solving even difficult combat missions due to their unique qualities, properties and functional combat capabilities.


Remote cyber weapons are created as a product of the synergistic use of rocket and space, aviation, measuring, robotic intellectualized information technologies and new fundamental scientific and technical solutions. As an example, the article sets out the principles of construction and methods of combat use of these weapons, in particular for the missile-based option, as the most difficult option for implementation, although the launch platforms - launchers can be located on aircraft and sea carriers, as well as on land mobile and stationary means.

Essentially, they have already become classic combat units (BB) —BB of the ballistic type, with which Russian strategic missiles are equipped, are capable of effectively hitting mainly stationary targets with precisely known coordinates (mine launchers, military bases, cities, etc.) . On the flight path to a target of this type of BB, all the time are in the field of view of the means of review of the counteraction systems, and when entering the zone of reach, the fire countermeasures can be struck with a very high probability. On the way to the target, a BB of a ballistic type must, in general, overcome up to seven potential interception lines (a space barrier, three tiers of a missile defense system, an air defense system, and two active defense systems). In this regard, a ballistic type BB cannot adequately disable the main nuclear potential of a potential enemy. The fact is that, for example, more than 80% of the US nuclear potential is located on the mobile base (submarines, airplanes, cruise missiles, warships), and the coordinates of these targets can be known at best only up to the base area. Many targets are located in places that are closed along ballistic approach trajectories (reverse slopes of mountainous terrain, canyons, etc.).

From these circumstances, it can be concluded that it is very difficult to deprive the enemy of nuclear potential (even missiles in the silo are unlikely to hit - they will leave first), while remaining essentially at gunpoint only large cities and stationary objects. Of course, even this situation is unacceptable for the enemy.

As can be seen from this brief analysis, the task of destroying the enemy’s nuclear potential cannot be solved with the help of ballistic-type warheads, especially if the number of domestic BBs is drastically reduced (in accordance with the START-2 and START-3 agreements) and the missile and air defense systems are strengthened. potential adversaries.

A way out of this situation can be the creation and use of winged BB, which have extremely high accuracy of hit (up to direct hit, therefore effective use of conventional explosives is possible), can reconnoiter and hit strategic targets with inaccurately known coordinates, can bypass viewing zones and reach zones missile defense and air defense weapons, as well as to hit targets that are closed along ballistic approach trajectories. Of course, this does not exclude possible opposition from the enemy to the fulfillment of these functions.

The winged BB consists of a heat-shielding hull (TZK), in a form close to the traditional BB, inside of which there is a winged combat subunit (KBSB) with folded wings. KBB in the general case must be equipped with a battle charge (nuclear or conventional); the propulsion system (for example, an air-jet engine with a certain fuel reserve), an inertial control system in combination with the GLONASS CLS and with relief correction subsystems, optical and radar terrain maps; a system of terminal homing by radiation and a system of additional exploration of targets for anomalies created by them against the background of the underlying surface. KBB can be executed as in monoblock execution, and be established in the divided head part.

Flight to the goal is as follows (Fig. 1). A strategic missile is launched, for example, from a stationary or mobile launcher in the direction of a target with an unknown aiming point for the enemy, located before the approach to the target and to the areas of reach of firing countermeasures, or away from them. Using BB steering flaps, they transfer to a horizontal flight at an altitude of 2 – 3 km. KBSB leaves the refueling complex cold and flies at a subsonic speed; therefore, all systems that correct the inertial system can operate. The mentioned correction subsystems use external information in the target area (optical and radar maps of terrain and terrain, magnetic, radiation, chemical, and other anomalies). KBSB can fly at low altitude (20 – 30 m) with rounding of the terrain with high accuracy, can approach the target from any direction and out of sight of the means of sight. The Glonass system, optical and radar correction systems make it possible to control with accuracy 10 – 20 m, of course, if there are well-prepared reference cards in advance, and systems of terminal homing by radiation or according to a target can provide essentially direct hit on the target (with an error no more than 3 – 5 m). The exploration of the target, the coordinates of which are known up to the base area, is carried out by flying along a search trajectory (for example, by tacks or by spiral). Strategic goals, even heavily camouflaged, including submarines, create a large number of unmasking signs against the background of the environment, which can be obtained at a short distance and used for target recognition. For example, with regard to the detection of a submarine, one or several CBBs may scatter acoustic beacons, and after detection, a pending CBBS with a charge may hit the submarine.

Illustration provided by the author. In addition, sensors of magnetic fields and spurious radio emissions of electrical equipment, as well as electromagnetic reconnaissance sensors, which can detect large metal masses, can be used to detect submarines. These sensors can be based both on board the KBSB - intelligence, and be part of the equipment of the beacon. It should also be noted that the functions of the subunit are much broader, and also much broader, the composition of the control system subsystems, including the subsystems of supplementary intelligence, recognition and decision-making for defeating them using elements of artificial intelligence.

It should also be noted that CBBs can be delivered to a given pre-launch area of ​​descent either by the described method or with the help of planning supersonic aircraft with low aerodynamic drag, flying the main part of the path to the target in the atmosphere at considerable heights (depending on the variant, at 20 – 25 km or 70 – 80 km). Such devices will be detected by ground stations of missile defense targets at a closer distance from the target, although on such flight paths they are subject to easier defeat by missile defense and air defense systems at a sufficiently large distance from the target.

Winged BBs have very wide functional capabilities both in the types of flight paths and in the types of tasks to be solved. This is ensured, on the one hand, by using the aerodynamic capabilities of the airframe scheme, and on the other, by using a highly intelligent control system that can use information of different physical nature both on the approach to the target and in close proximity to the target or directly from the target . When creating KBB in full, all technological advances can be used (in particular, stealth technology is used, nonmetallic materials are used to make subblock structural elements, etc.) to ensure low visibility (or sharply reduced visibility) on radar screens means of review of countermeasures. With appropriate retrofit, CBB can perform other functions (for example, creating on the distant approaches to our borders the interception lines of attackers of the Kyrgyz Republic, airplanes and surface ships). It is not excluded that with equipping the KBB with appropriate means of destruction, for example, with missiles with thermal homing heads, it is possible to ensure at a great distance from the starting point a high-precision strike on the march of armored, artillery and other equipment. In addition, KBBs equipped with radar GPSs can be used to disable the radar review of the enemy’s anti-aircraft missile defense systems and air defense systems using conventional charges. An analysis of the prospects for the implementation of technical capabilities of the KBB shows that they can also be used as reconnaissance tools at long distances, equipping them with various kinds of reconnaissance sensors and a data transmission system (instead of a charge), supplying information to the consumer, for example, via satellite systems. It is not excluded in the future remote control KBB for adjustable trajectories from a certain control center.

Winged BB can be attributed to the prototype of a future weapon. They can solve strategic strategic missions at intercontinental distances and are essentially flying robots, while high-precision charge delivery to the target along adaptive aeroballistic trajectories is provided by a highly intelligent control system, with the implementation of which it is advisable to use the practical results of the theory of artificial intelligence. KBBs allow solving tasks of both strategic and tactical nature at a great distance and from their own territory, without entering into direct combat contact with the enemy, which corresponds to modern tendencies in the organization of warfare.

With the conversion refinement, KBB can be used to deliver rescue equipment to people in distress in remote, inaccessible areas of the globe, when the survival time of people can be much less than the time of an airplane or the approach of a ship.


Above, the principles of the construction of winged BB and their subunits intended for the combat equipment of strategic missiles, as well as approaches to their use for disabling difficult-to-hit strategic targets, were outlined. Summarizing the previously stated about the KBB and considering it in the development perspective, it can be argued that the principles of constructing the KBB and subunits can be the basis for the formation of means of destruction of a new class - means of ATP.

As the analysis of military conflicts of the last decades shows, the creation of such a class of weapons is highly relevant, because with the help of ATP various types and types of troops can more effectively solve their combat missions using conventional (non-nuclear) charges at long distances and from their territory without any contact. with the enemy of our troops and military equipment, driven by people, if the paradigm of priceless human life is put at the forefront. For a humane, normal social order, such a position has indisputable grounds, especially since in this case a highly undesirable nuclear conflict is excluded. It can be assumed that in perspective in military conflicts, serious combat tasks will be performed primarily by remotely-controlled automated robot robots or similar means.

The important distinctive features and properties of the ATP should be attributed primarily to physically extremely fast and extremely high accuracy (up to a direct hit) of delivering charges of weapons of destruction to targets, including hard-to-hit targets located at small, medium or long ranges, the use of supersonic carriers (ballistic or aerodynamic types) that ensure delivery of winged BBs and their subunits equipped with a cybernetic propulsion system to the target area (intellectual bath) control system is used to provide high-precision navigation and additional exploration (recognition) purposes external information into the target area obtained by sensors operating on different physical principles of operation. At the same time, subunits are equipped with appropriate hardware and software for processing information intended for recognizing targets almost in real time and making decisions on detonation of a charge, as a rule, with conventional explosives, as well as equipped with other means and subsystems.

It should be especially emphasized that, as the scientific and technical analysis of the capabilities of the theory and practice of aircraft control shows, the extremely high speed of delivery of charges and the extremely high accuracy of their delivery are essentially incompatible. It is technically possible to ensure extremely high delivery accuracy only at relatively low subblock speeds in the target area. This means that after the flight at extremely high speeds it is necessary to go to lower ones, in particular, to subsonic speeds.

It should also be noted that although the ATP should be equipped, as a rule, with non-nuclear charges, but due to the high accuracy and enhanced capabilities to overcome the countermeasure systems (due to flying at low altitude with a rounding of the terrain and taking measures to ensure a small effective surface area subblocks) with its help it is possible to successfully accomplish tasks of a strategic nature, as well as operational-tactical, given that nuclear weapons are mainly a deterrence weapon. In this regard, it is advisable to look for ways to effectively solve all combat missions using only conventional charges. Such ways and scientific and technical solutions are available. But at the same time, it must be emphasized that nuclear-free means that do not possess extremely high accuracy of hitting (the first tens of meters or a direct hit) cannot even effectively solve strategic tasks. To a large extent, this also applies to operational-tactical tasks. Therefore, one of the key requirements for ATP tools is to ensure high accuracy of hits.

Particular emphasis should be placed on one of the most important conditions for the functioning of the subunits in the target area. Namely, for the area of ​​objectives, digital topographic, optical and radar maps of the terrain should be available in advance, which will be used in the preparation of flight missions depending on the needs. In this regard, it should be emphasized that the mentioned issues of mapping the vicinity of targets in the expected operational areas and the preparation of flight tasks for the subunits and their implementation are the most difficult issues of creating ATP. The GLONASS space navigation system is of great help, but this is not enough.

The operations performed by the KBSB as prototypes or variants of ATP tools have far-reaching analogies with the actions of a pilot piloting a small maneuverable aircraft in the target area at low altitude at subsonic speed, so it’s legitimate to assume that ATP tools are essentially combat flying robots. In this case, the actions of the pilot are automated. There is reason to believe that at present such scientific and technical capabilities for the automation of military equipment are available both in design engineering, algorithmic, instrumentation, and in hardware and software. Examples of solving such private problems are available. It is enough to turn to the scientific and technical achievements in aviation, astronautics and robotics. By the way, this fully applies to ground weapons, which can also be controlled remotely. As the scientific and technical analysis shows, it is possible in the future to control the winged subunits remotely, by analogy with how they operated the lunar rovers and rovers.

The most typical variants of the functional purpose of the winged subunits of the ATP are presented in fig. 2.

Delivery of ATP facilities to the target area can be provided by ballistic or winged supersonic carriers, either singly (one-piece versions), or several pieces at a time by one carrier (group variants). Although the means of delivery mentioned above are a different and separate issue, nevertheless, we note that the scientific and technical possibilities for creating them are beyond doubt. It should be added that, depending on the purpose of the subblocks, in particular, helicopter or parachute circuits, as well as the airship circuit can be used to move them in the air. For movement in the aquatic environment or on the earth's surface, traditional travel patterns can be successfully used.


The advantages and capabilities of the means of destruction of ATP should include:

- extremely fast delivery of charges to targets in combination with extremely high accuracy (up to a direct hit);

- rational use of the properties and capabilities of supersonic missiles (ballistic or aerodynamic types) and subsonic cruise aircrafts;

- increasing the ability to overcome the systems of opposition;

- providing additional exploration and target recognition capabilities;

- delivery of charges to hard-to-hit targets and to targets with inaccurately known coordinates;

- delivery of charges to point targets located at small, continental and intercontinental distances;

- providing interested consumers with information about the object situation in a given area of ​​the Earth;

- providing opportunities to bypass the zones of review of information tools and areas of reach of the fire means of the enemy’s counteraction systems;

- stationary and mobile capabilities of ATP;

- the possibility of introducing ATP facilities into the weapons systems of the Armed Forces and Genera;

- the possibility of obtaining combat subunits of intelligence and navigation information in the target area from space, navigation and other means;

- urgent delivery of relatively light ammunition, weapons or means of salvation to people who have found themselves in difficult situations at considerable distances and in difficult terrain.


As shown by military-technical analysis, the expected effect is multidimensional and has a unique combat potential. Its extremely high level is determined by such components as:

- high accuracy, up to a direct hit, while ensuring the minimum possible delivery time of the KBB to the target area;

- the use of non-nuclear charges for the effective destruction of strategic objects;

- supplementary exploration and destruction of stationary and mobile targets, the coordinates of which are known up to the area of ​​basing;

- destruction of targets closed along the ballistic approach trajectories;

- ensuring the functioning of the sub-blocks of the KBB outside the area of ​​view of the information media and the reach zones of the fire weapons of the countermeasures system;

- destruction of targets at small, continental and intercontinental distances by means of ATP of various nomenclature;

- favorable conditions for the work of the management system; correction systems for relief, radar, optical terrain maps and GLONASS CSN;

- homing system; sensors and information tools of the additional exploration system;

- Fundamental capabilities of equipping with ATP facilities of all types and types of troops in order to more effectively solve their specific combat missions.

Problematic issues

When organizing research and development it is advisable to consider first of all the following questions:

- definition of the class of combat missions, rationally solved by means of ATP. Justification of operational-strategic, tactical and military-technical requirements for ATP facilities. Determine the role and place of ATP facilities in the Armed Forces armament system;

- development of proposals and scientific and technical solutions for ballistic and military-technical substantiation of the possibilities of delivering the KBB to the target area at low altitudes. Formation of requirements for carriers and for KBB (overload, in particular) as a robotic means of destruction;

- study of the scientific and technical possibilities of creating airbags for KBB and subunits delivered to the target area by various carriers (ballistic, hyper-and subsonic), with high-precision navigation, additional exploration and target recognition, self-homing on the counter, as well as advanced functionality combat robots;

- study of anomalies (signs) created by targets against the background of the environment and determining the composition of instrumentation and requirements for measuring anomalies. Investigation of ways of creating additional exploration systems, recognizing various targets for informational signs of different physical nature from board KBB / KBSB. Development of neurocomputer target recognition algorithms at the tempo of the current time by anomalies of physical fields of targets against the background of the environment when integrating information of different physical nature;

- development of methods for the preparation of flight missions for carriers and CBB (subunits) as means of destruction of ATP;

- study of the ways and technologies for creating databases on large-scale maps of the physical fields of the Earth for strategically important land areas;

- development of military-scientific scenarios for the use of ATP. Evaluation of the expected combat effectiveness of ATP facilities. Evaluation of the expected levels of tactical and technical characteristics of the main components of the ATP;

- development, design, manufacture, testing and testing of options for the destruction of ATP, their subsystems and components.

In conclusion, it should be noted once again that the ATP is an effective, first of all, nuclear-free weapon of prevention, pre-emption, deterrence and retaliation, which our country needs now and even more so in the future. ATS is even more effective in nuclear equipment, but the charge power will be required at least by many orders of magnitude lower compared to, for example, charges of typical BB strategic missiles. However, it is obvious that in modern conditions the button of a nuclear weapon cannot be used, since the consequences will be unpredictable and extremely undesirable, because nuclear conflicts are the beginning of the path to the self-destruction of humanity.

There is also reason to note that along with the increased combat capabilities of the Armed Forces, the development of ATP tools will contribute to the development of design ideas for creating new types of weapons, preparing digital maps of the Earth’s physical fields for strategically important areas; wide use of information technologies, automation and intellectualization of weapons, improvement of high-precision navigation tools, sensor equipment, recognition algorithms, methods of high-speed processing and transmission of large amounts of information, means of supercomputer computing equipment, as well as expanding the functionality of weapons and etc. In general, the process of creating ATPs can seriously revitalize military-scientific and military-technical research and will contribute to the introduction of the latest scientific achievements in military equipment in order to increase its combat effectiveness.
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  1. +5
    5 February 2017 07: 06
    Fuuu barely defeated ... smile Talmud is interesting.

    However, against the background of the war in Syria, you are somehow skeptical about the capabilities of combat robots, UAVs, UAVs ... all these things look good in the fight against illiterate Papuans in Hollywood films, but in reality I can not imagine how a combat robot can for example distinguish a group of boys playing war games in the yard from a real adversary.
    There are classic street battles in MOSULA without any super technical bells and whistles ... where the main thing is to keep your eyes open and not miss a grenade launcher or a live bomb or sniper, mine, IEDs and many other dirty tricks from Ishilovites.

    1. 0
      5 February 2017 07: 11
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      , but in reality I can’t imagine how a combat robot can for example distinguish a group of boys playing war games in the yard from a real enemy.

      But in reality, I can’t imagine a group of boys playing war games in the yard. belay
      Nowadays, and even during the period of hostilities (or will military robots just walk around the yards?) angry
      1. +1
        5 February 2017 07: 43
        Nowadays, and even during the period of hostilities (or will military robots just walk around the yards?)

        smile You can’t explain this to the little boys ... there are children, children climb into all the holes ... sad and how many of them died under drones, in mines, with airstrikes, no one considers this.
      2. +3
        5 February 2017 08: 04
        If the city is subjected to artillery strikes or large bombs, it means that the military has already decided for itself that in the city only enemies and civilians can only survive under shelling and designate themselves with a white flag during stripping; do not run forward with joyful cries --- infantry may mistake you for an adversary. Make word contact first.
        The ground robot in the future will undoubtedly be able to perform a wide range of tasks on the battlefield.
        He doesn’t feel fatigue, there is no fear of death, he is not sensitive to enemy propaganda --- which general does not dream of such soldiers.
        1. +3
          5 February 2017 08: 35
          Quote: Thunderbolt
          He doesn’t feel fatigue, there is no fear of death, he is not sensitive to enemy propaganda --- which general does not dream of such soldiers.

          but sensitive to hacking, there is no such protection that would not be broken over time.
          A simple example is the same software (I am sure that most members of the forum on computers have counterfeit from melkosoft), hacking networks and websites of various organizations ...
          1. 0
            5 February 2017 10: 19
            Quote: PSih2097
            but sensitive to hacking, there is no such protection that would not be broken over time.

            And he will be sensitive to sources of radio emission, it will most likely be his targets, and yes, no one can succeed in breaking the encrypted channel for a short period of time until the barrage ammunition reaches the target, it’s just that there’s not enough time or the breaker will be destroyed
            1. +1
              5 February 2017 10: 44
              Quote: sa-ag
              and yes to break the encrypted channel for a short period of time until the barrage of ammunition reaches the target no one will

              Why break it? Destroying this ammunition is much easier.
        2. +4
          5 February 2017 12: 17
          Quote: Thunderbolt
          The ground robot in the future will undoubtedly be able to perform a wide range of tasks on the battlefield.

          Colleague, hi
          The battlefield robot is good for everyone ... But it’s, according to the author, “remotely controlled” ... Therefore, he will cut the umbilical cord to him and rep. There, "Cook" in the Black Sea, too, was heroic, until the "snow" fell on Aegis's screens. And how many American UAVs the Iranians planted, scoring (intercepting) the control channel ...
          A cyber weapon ... with artificial intelligence ...-- That's great! But the question is: “how much will it be in dollars?”
          No, it’s possible, of course, to hammer nails with a microscope ... (in the end, everyone has their own quirks!) But cheaper and easier still in the old fashioned way - with a hammer!
          Why am I sculpting all this? Yes, everything is very simple: efficiency = cost of the result!
          And then. All these * stratigas * see the war from behind the desk of their cozy office. Moreover, in the form of "synergistic" actions of ATP (!). Moreover, in the option of "one-time use" and without enemy resistance ... A kind of clean laboratory experiment!
          But in life, this does not happen!
          In modern warfare on the battlefield and EMR bombs, and REP, and aerosol means, and rubble, and engineering barriers ... but what ever!
          Is there enough * intellect * for cyber to understand all this without the help of a human operator !? And if enough, then how much will it cost then will it be? Maybe then it is better to send him into space to study exoplanets?
          About the article. Theory is a good thing ... But every message (for practitioners) needs to be reinforced by an example from life. Otherwise, it's all a "spherical horse in a vacuum."
    2. 0
      5 February 2017 11: 51
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      However, against the background of the war in Syria, you are somehow skeptical about the capabilities of combat robots, UAVs, UAVs ... all these things look good in the fight against illiterate Papuans in Hollywood films, but in reality I can not imagine how a combat robot can for example distinguish a group of boys playing war games in the yard from a real adversary.

      at el murid, look at the latest news on the topic of unmanned bombers of the igilovites, according to recent reports, they are already beginning to very, very annoying
      In here he also had a video of the work of the bombers:
      direct link to the video alas does not work
  2. +2
    5 February 2017 08: 37
    To hit strategic targets with TNT ICBMs? BB weighs 200 kilograms of force. We take away the weight of thermal protection, add the weight of the aerodynamic dodger, what will remain on the explosive, 50 pounds?
    What are we going to destroy with a sim device, silos or an aircraft carrier?
    Whatever the idea, throw a rocket weighing about a hundred tons of 150-200 kg of explosives. Moreover, the start time is still fixed, and the proposed trajectory, too.
    1. +1
      5 February 2017 13: 08
      Quote: demiurg
      What are we going to destroy with a sim device, silos or an aircraft carrier?

      As it turns out - and this is the last century!

      It is necessary to destroy the brains, or the carriers of Ideas, or the ideology itself ... to corrupt, to push anti-social behavior: LGBT people, homoerzats ... and this and that.

      In the United States today, the birth rate of white and colored (in total - Latinos, blacks, etc.) is equal. Those. twenty years from now - half the population will be color-black ...;)))
      For now, the adult ratio is 80 to 20

      Already today, the WHOLE technical staff (management and engineering) and the MIDDLE management of the famous aircraft manufacturing company - NON-AMERICANS - Chinese, Indians ...
      And in a generation or two, there will be no one left from the enemy. Come and own ...
  3. 0
    5 February 2017 10: 02
    In short, God forbid all this happen !!!
  4. +2
    5 February 2017 10: 30
    That's how we had to work in 1987. About one episode of preparation, I wrote in the "VO" article "Order-to increase the accuracy of missile bomb attacks." And fulfilled the order. There were perplexed articles in the Western press. I have the honor.
  5. +5
    5 February 2017 10: 42
    Uh ... Something I did not quite understand ...
    Guided by common sense, it must be recognized that the use of “winged warheads”, on the contrary, reduces the likelihood of a breakthrough of the air defense / missile defense system, and not increases it.

    Again, based on common sense, the use of conventional explosives to equip ICBM warheads is not an effective solution. An adversary with nuclear weapons and their means of delivery will by default consider all ICBMs equipped with nuclear warheads. He will not wait for a strike on his own territory in order to see in which version, nuclear or non-nuclear, warhead missiles were. He will deliver a massive retaliatory strike with all the available XIAN

    Further, about the "goals closed by ballistic trajectories of the approach" ... And how is this? If BBs flying along a ballistic trajectory are controllable in its final section, and this is exactly so, then what is a target unattainable for them, but struck by subsonic RC?
  6. 0
    5 February 2017 11: 08
    "Prepare for the coming battles .."
    Biosafety. This is also gene and food .. What do we eat? -who knows him, and even more -which side it comes out.
  7. +2
    5 February 2017 11: 31
    Fortunately, reliability theory puts an end to the development of such systems. No, you can mount them, you can test and even strike them with some sort of blow. But they cannot be fought in the sense that even with the first hit by them, the percentage of satisfactorily fulfilled devices will always be lower than necessary. And the exchange of blows, a war lasting at least a week ... the astronomical expenses for these things will not be justified either by the accuracy or the effectiveness of the defeat.
    It is good that the thought of military theorists is moving in this direction. As you know from the thousand-year-old wisdom of the ancestors - God does not give a horny cow to a vigorous cow.
  8. 0
    5 February 2017 12: 06
    ATP is a budget pillar, definitely.

    Better nuclear weapons are only nuclear weapons.
    1. 0
      5 February 2017 13: 39
      Quote: Operator
      ATP is a budget pillar, definitely.

      DKO - db continuation of RUK-ROCK

      Quote: Mikhail3
      Fortunately, reliability theory puts an end to the development of such systems. No, you can mount them, you can test and even strike them with some sort of blow. But they cannot be fought in the sense that even with the first hit by them, the percentage of satisfactorily fulfilled devices will always be lower than necessary. And exchange of blows, a war lasting at least a week ...

      To begin with, if you equip the ATP according to a competent hierarchy, so that any failures do not lead to a complete failure of the power supply. And they just simplified the task. Those. for example, ATP sequentially for different failures, it becomes:
      - UBP
      - homing BP,
      - further simply an autonomous ballistic unit.

      And in any case, if the war begins with the most advanced and most advanced models, towards the end - it goes over to the most ordinary examples of the previous war. For example, it starts with "Almaty", ends with the T-34 level ...
      1. +4
        6 February 2017 10: 56
        For example, it starts with "Almaty", ends with the T-34 level ...

        The idea is clear, but no one does. Too expensive and complicated.

        Consider the example of some future zumvolt-3.
        The computer controls the nuclear reactor, the reactor generates electricity, the propeller pushes the electric motor, and the electromagnetic guns.
        The critical failure of the reactor control system, the reactor was shut off.
        No APU is enough to power the engine and guns. So you need to duplicate the electric motor, but this means putting a diesel engine, transmission, fuel system, and electromagnetic guns duplicate the usual with the entire ammunition supply infrastructure.

        Actually, this is not a problem of ATP, it is a problem of general technology.
        If the wiring on the VAZ-2108 carburetor is somewhere somewhere, I will rummage with the ignition anyway I will start it and after a while I will go, maybe the engine will be troit, maybe I will drive until the battery runs out and the headlights work, but I will go.
        If this happens on a modern car - that's it - you won’t start the engine, you won’t budge.
        1. 0
          6 February 2017 11: 08
          Quote: bk316
          For example, it starts with "Almaty", ends with the T-34 level ...

          Quote: bk316

          ... everything is a bit TAG!
          The fact is that any war begins with new weapons and fresh models.
          By delaying the process (or the transition to more and more intense actions and escalation - for example, in a general world war) - the new weapon ends. Next, re-open the old. The old ends - simplified versions will rivet: without this and the third ... right up to the "peak, bow and arrow" (s)

          And with the option of "lockup", the failure of these systems - and he will forever be at the pier, or drown ...
          It is not duplicated and not reserved for the main power units, nodes.
          1. 0
            6 February 2017 14: 46
            Quote: Rus2012
            It is not duplicated and not reserved for the main power units, nodes.

            Well yes. And so with everything. You are right, what you propose could be done ... well, next to one Zumvolt, three more reserve ones should be driven, with a margin of hierarchical structures.
            As your opponent said, this is generally a problem of modern technology. The path we have taken is a dead end. Engineering just rested in hundreds of millions of parts, and tricks with partial or full redundancy, and with the transfer of tasks, do not save us.
            Perhaps that is fortunately. That's just really workable uninhabited combat systems and we do not have enough! Who will be the first to rush to neighbors, the USA or China? Or both, racing? But modern technology (to the tinkle about the constantly changing "technological modes", which we supposedly "do not have time for") has stopped in development because it is necessary to find a completely different path.
            Is it necessary? The replacement of military art with a bare economy will have terrible consequences.
          2. +2
            6 February 2017 15: 00
            all a little not TAG!
            The fact is that any war begins with new weapons and fresh models.

            Yes, I understand that you did not write about a specific tank, but about weapon classes.
            Just an example gave a simple one.
            In reality, you propose replacing some armament systems with other older ones, but this will not work
            Here is a more complex example (already practically real): at the moment, the US combat readiness is based on the availability of GPS systems. Now, without it, the US Army will be inferior to itself from the model of the early 70's.

            Maybe you know that quantum gyroscopes are being actively developed, when (sooner or later it happens) they make a chip that determines accelerations with the necessary accuracy, it will be possible to abandon GPS (knowing the starting point and all accelerations over a period of time, all coordinates are calculated for that same span).
            Obviously, all ships, planes, missiles, tanks, cars, infantry will be equipped with such chips. The satellite constellation will no longer be supported.
            Next, re-open the old.

            And it will not work without satellites, but no satellites.
  9. +3
    5 February 2017 12: 16
    Throwing enemies with disposable combat robots with an ordinary warhead is a good idea if the cost of the chip is within the cost of ice cream or at least a bottle of vodka - i.e. has its own production of the entire elemental base, free from corruption. Otherwise, I want to see an asymmetric answer - an extremely simple ammunition with a smart system for guiding and launching it. As now with the bombing of the "people in black" in Syria.
    The scope of the prospects created by the author of the article looks solid. I recall some of the novels by A. Kazantsev.
    1. +1
      5 February 2017 13: 42
      Quote: Galleon
      extremely simple ammunition with a smart guidance and launch system

      "smart system of its guidance and launch" - this is the simplest element of ATP
      1. +1
        5 February 2017 14: 24
        Quote: Rus2012
        this is the simplest element of ATP

        Just not, this is the opposite of the existing mainstream. Instead of more and more expensive and “smart” disposable weapons, increased accuracy with conventional ammunition and free-falling bombs
        Here take the same artillery. Modern reconnaissance tools even allow the sighting to be carried out in a fully automatic mode (for example, the Israelis worked on this topic). There is an opportunity before each shot to determine the wind parameters in all layers at a specific firing position, and not use the data that the weather station transmits every two hours.
        And so on.
  10. 0
    5 February 2017 14: 28
    Tank and helicopter in a modern mobile high-tech war is a good target. Against the Papuans it works well. It also works well in the fields, with millions of armies and a front line. Together with artillery and work on the area - that's it.
    In the case of modern military operations, the paramount role is played by 3-dimensional positioning and target designation in the combat area + shock precision mobile complexes.
  11. 0
    7 February 2017 19: 00
    Our energy is then for creation, and then, like spiders, we can eat each other.