Special Forces of Russia published a response to the Ukrainian General of the SBU

Special Forces of Russia published a response to the Ukrainian General of the SBURecently, the network has received an appeal from the first head of the special unit of the SBU "Alpha" Vasily Krutov to the servicemen of the Russian special forces:

“As a former commander of a Ukrainian special forces unit, I appeal to my colleagues from Russia, to whom I have warm feelings and among whom I have many friends and comrades. My fighting friends, I urge you to prevent fatal historical mistakes and do everything so as not to cross the last line.

Who, if not you, understands the destructiveness of this step, who, if not you, understand what awaits all of us as a result of just such a bloody scenario. Who, if not you, can give new meaning to the words of the famous song “Do Russians Want War?” Therefore, my dear friends, I ask you to make every effort to prevent a catastrophe, so that all of us will not have to suffer bitterly after terrible consequences, in case if all the same disaster happens.

I am not a member of any political party and I appeal to you as a patriot of my Fatherland and a person who loves Russia. I am sure that the problems that have arisen may not be as fast as we would like, but can still be resolved through political dialogue and negotiations. Therefore, I urge both sides of the standoff to show restraint and maximum restraint. ”

Vasily Vasilyevich Krutov - Honorary President of the International Anti-Terrorism Unity, Doctor of Law, Professor, Lieutenant-General of the Security Service of Ukraine in reserve. In state security agencies - from 1977. In 1990, he was appointed deputy head of one of the special forces units of the KGB of the USSR - the Alpha Group, and in 1994 - the first head of the Special Forces of the Security Service of Ukraine - Directorate "A", which had to be created on the basis of previously existing special forces. At the beginning of the 90s, he was also an adviser to the head of the Security Service of Ukraine on counter-terrorism issues, later - the chief of staff of the Head of the Security Service of Ukraine. He was directly involved in a number of operational and combat operations and special events in Ukraine and abroad

General - Lieutenant of the SBU in the reserve Basil Krutov.

Russian special forces responded to their Ukrainian counterpart:

Well, well, General Krutov - you turned, and the Russian special forces would not be Russian special forces if they left your appeal unanswered. Polite response!

Vasily Vasilyevich Krutov!

Honorary President of the International Anti-Terrorism Unity, Doctor of Law, Professor, Lieutenant General of the SBU, instead of false appeals, it is better to honestly admit simple facts.

In your homeland, with your personal connivance, there was an armed coup. Persons whose ideology is fascism and violence have broken through to power.

In your homeland, the Nazis burned and killed policemen and ordinary citizens, overthrowing the legitimate authority.

You, honorary president of the International Anti-Terrorist Unity, were silent.

In your homeland, the fascists, having seized power, beat and put on their knees police officers who courageously carried out their duty and ordinary citizens who dared to honestly say that they did not agree with the fascist ideology.

And you, Lieutenant-General, have chosen the phrase “my hut is on the edge” with your line of conduct.

In your homeland, the fascists, announcing a future presidential election, beat the presidential candidate, broadcasting it on television.

And you, the doctor of law, professor, are addressing your colleagues in Russia with an appeal “not to allow a fatal historical mistake”.

You, Vasily Vasilyevich, have lost your sobriety of thought.

You had better listen to us.

Yes, we understand all the destructiveness of your steps.

Yes, we understand what awaits us and our Ukrainian brothers as a result of the further development of your bloody scenario.

It is we who perfectly understand the meaning of the words of the famous song “Do Russians Want War?”

But we will not change the meaning of these words. For their meaning is initially correct.

And we are not accustomed, like you, to substitute truth with a lie.

Because Evil is Evil, and Truth is Truth.

And power is in Truth.

Our grandfathers proved it to the whole world in 45.

We, their grandchildren, will prove it in 2014.

Special Forces of Russia.
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  1. Nenssi
    April 20 2014 17: 30
    Now our (and Russian) law enforcement officers have a unique opportunity to increase the detection rate - we simply attribute all crimes to the Right Sector.
    Including bribes to the police department, broken windows and a poorly flushed toilet.
  2. Nenssi
    April 20 2014 17: 52
    As for Berkut, they themselves shouted, foaming at the mouth, that Yanukovych deceived them, setting them up against the people. Two oligarchs in Ukraine led (and now lead in the east) the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Yanukovych Sasha and Akhmetov. The Donbass Ministry of Internal Affairs receives a salary from Sasha Yanukovych and the PR. This is generally a rare region where there is no work, you can’t get a job without connections, and raider takeovers are an everyday occurrence. Consequences of the "rule" of the Party of Regions. Fatherland is unable to do anything with Akhmetov, it’s the same as Abramovich. There is no intelligence or patriotism among the cops there (with some exceptions!), just money, well, this is as always, and people go to rallies for a peaceful Ukraine, knowing full well that crime and separatists can kill, but the cops will not protect. So the ground is most favorable for a Russian invasion. Cops and crime are the striking force of any bandit in power, be it Yanukovych or Putin...(
    1. +3
      April 20 2014 18: 04
      Quote: Nenssi
      at least Putin...

      Don't touch Putin...
      He is OUR president.
      In Ukraine, they chose the ENTIRE road - either Kuchma (he wrote a libel that Ukrainians are not Russians, that’s where the “legs” of your “friendship” come from), then Yuscha - he heroized the SS Galicia and Bandera and Co. - and you, the friendly Ukrainian people, swallowed this nonsense, like the Holodomor holiday, without even choking.
      And when Yanyk led you, lovers of freebies, to a bright gay European future, you almost shouted “heil” to him in anticipation of freedom and democracy in the EU way. But as soon as he changed his mind, the Maidan appeared with accusations of theft and corruption.
      So who are you after this?
      What else did you want? New democratic government? You got it.
      Now slurp up Madan’s stew yourself.
      And don't forget to pay for gas. And then we'll turn off the valve. Where is the money you say? Ask Kolomoisha, Parasha and others. How to announce rewards for saboteurs - there is money. Let the “separatists” think about how to feed hungry soldiers. I already have experience collecting money via SMS.
      1. 0
        8 May 2014 21: 18
        Well said! Too bad - you beat me to it wink hi
  3. +1
    April 20 2014 18: 27
    Quote: Max_Bauder
    ... When Russia is weak, They (Enemies) always try not only to separate, to alienate themselves from it, They also encourage and help others to do the same, moreover, they sell themselves and sell their country like cheap prostitutes to their original enemies Russians...
    And when Russia is strong, They immediately recall that relatives are looking for roots, so to speak, this is a sign of jackalism, hypocrisy. Friend is known in trouble.

    Recently, one comrade wrote that all these sub-states are traitors, and they will definitely “shoot in the back” when you turn your back a little. There should be no concessions: if you want to live in friendship with us, trade profitably, get cheap gas - love the Russians at home. Russians are also at home, just like you!
  4. Nenssi
    April 20 2014 18: 35
    There is no “friendship” or “enmity”; you just need to have common sense and a conscience.
    By the way, a joke)
    A man is walking through the center of Donetsk and cannot understand why people are running away from him in different directions like the plague. And then he remembered that he had Yarosh’s business card in his hand. The one that doesn’t burn in fire and is harder than dynamite)
  5. +1
    April 20 2014 19: 23
    Quote: strong
    ... I am Russian-speaking, I live in the east of Ukraine, I often visit different regions - I can’t understand where are the Banderas? The Nazis?...

    So you are "Bandera". Are you talking about awards from relatives? If I watched your meeting today, would you tell them how you stood shoulder to shoulder with Yarosh, Tyagnibok, Muzychko on the Maidan against the authorities? So what, you wouldn't blush with shame? You have been fooled for these 23 years in isolation from Russia. Everyone dreamed of independence and independence. The great Ukrainians rewrote history and textbooks. They only cultivated hatred of Russia without any reason. I don’t people shout at knives in Ukraine? for them, not only from Moscow, but Russian, Russian-speaking. Maidan marked the line between the West and Russia. It's up to you to choose. The Nazis from the right sector have already killed people in Kharkov, Mariupol, Slavyansk, Simferopol, not to mention Kyiv. Krutov had to stand alongside Berkut and defend the independence of Ukraine - preserve the state. Instead, the new rulers brought snipers to the Maidan to shoot your heavenly hundred and soldiers. Where does this Cool have the conscience to turn to special forces? He came to “conduct an anti-terrorist operation” against his people. And about Russians and Russian-speaking people, read here http://topwar.ru/44516-net-takoy-nacionalnosti-russkie.html
    1. 0
      8 May 2014 21: 22
      Why are you wound up? Don’t you see that he’s from the east, just like you and I are from Mars!?
  6. 100matolog
    April 20 2014 20: 43
    And power is in Truth.

    Our grandfathers proved it to the whole world in 45.

    We, their grandchildren, will prove it in 2014.

    Dear Russians.

    Let's prove this truth at home in the country.
    And not on the territory of a foreign country.
    We don't need your truths and your soldiers.
    1. 0
      8 May 2014 21: 27
      We have one planet. And you have to live on it together with your neighbors, just like in a residential building. But just like there, there are careless neighbors who need to be put in their place so that they don’t interfere with others’ lives. That's who you are! You force it yourself. Well, we can’t stand it anymore. In 23 years they have trashed their homeland enough, turning it into an ugly place and a laughing stock!
      And you want to say that YOU WILL BE ACCEPTED IN EUROPA? Of course, they are still bastards, but they are clearly not suicides and not enemies of themselves, unlike you!
  7. 0
    April 20 2014 21: 25
    Krutov studied in America several times. He is no longer a special forces soldier, he is a terrible instructor.
  8. 0
    April 20 2014 21: 56
    He was probably a member of the KGB of the USSR since 1977, probably also of the CPSU, and in 1991 he betrayed the oath when his country, the USSR, was falling apart, and now he is trying to appeal to officer honor when Ukraine is falling apart.
  9. Nenssi
    April 20 2014 22: 15
    Comrades, you are foolish. I live in Kiev, my parents live in Lugansk, I’m telling you for the last time - there are no Nazis, in Kiev special forces killed, on the orders of the oligarchs, for the sake of seizing the Crimea, in Kharkov there is such a criminal mayor - Kernes, he has his own, fascist the right sector, which has a page in contact, there are the same criminals as in the Vlasov “Oplot”. Kernesovskaya organz. called "patriot of Ukraine", they have been working together since 2007, when it was necessary to do some nasty thing, for example, raiding, this "Patriot" and "Oplot" coordinated their actions. And now it’s the same thing - but now especially for Crimea. In Mariupol, 300 people BLOWED UP the gate of a MILITARY UNIT, after which its residents helped to catch it. Slavyansk is the most criminal city in Ukraine, did they take the indestructible PS business cards out of a burning car today? Specially created by a mythical idiotic PS for Russian TV for fun? Don't be idiots. On YouTube, in our time, you can find everything - including watching and comparing demonstrations for a peaceful, united Ukraine, looking at the faces and the number of people, and at the fringes of pro-Russian organizations who have already maimed and KILLED many people. Especially so that peaceful people would not go to demonstrations. Well, go (if blocked, then through an anonymizer) to the topics of ordinary programmer forums, with ordinary people, on FB, tag #euromaidan. After all, this is YOUR life, you probably don’t want to look like scoundrels in your eyes.
  10. Nenssi
    April 20 2014 22: 20
    In the end, if you take into account your conscience, it’s simply disgusting when your own news is so blatantly fooling. That's it, I won't write anything else - please check any information!
  11. The comment was deleted.
    1. +2
      April 21 2014 00: 09
      Quote: Kuzma
      First time here. Since Guests are not allowed to leave comments

      But you still left...
      Quote: Kuzma
      . Let's be alive and see which of us is right. It is clear why we will die. What are you for?

      We're not going...
      Quote: Kuzma
      And don't remember your grandfathers. Ours also fought...

      You proved your “memory” on the Maidan under the banner of the PS.
  12. jerboa
    April 20 2014 23: 20
    Before you reproach us Ukrainians with Bendera, etc., first learn history, start with yours, then take an interest in ours. To begin with, you have a list of Russian formations, divisions, regiments, etc. that “fought”: - SS “Rusland”
    - SS "Druzhina"
    - SS "Varyag"
    - RONA 1
    - ROA
    - Russian Corps in the Balkans
    - Armed forces of KONR - 1st Russian National Army
    - 15th Cossack Cavalry Corps
    - Caucasian Waffen-SS formation.
    • Battalion Muravyova
    • Combat Union of Russian Nationalists (BSRN)
    • The Brotherhood of Russian Truth
    • Division "Russland"
    • SS Volunteer Regiment "Varyag"
    • Green Special Forces
    • Cossack Stan• Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia (KONR)
    • Lokot Republic
    • Zeppelin Organization
    • Republic of Zueva
    • RONA 2
    • ROA Vlasova
    • Russian building
    • Russian detachment of the 9th army of the Wehrmacht
    • 15 Cossack Cavalry Corps SS
    • 1st Russian national SS brigade "Druzhina", also known as the 1st Russian national SS detachment
    • 29-I Grenadier Division of the SS (Russian Nr.1)
    • 30-I Grenadier Division of the SS (2-I Russian)
    • Air Force CONR (Air Force ROA)
    • 1-I division ROA / VS KONR (600-infantry division of the Wehrmacht)
    • 2-I division ROA / VS CONR (650-I infantry division)
    • 602th East Battalion
    • 645th battalion• ROND/RNSD
    • Russian building
    • Russian People's National Army
    1. +4
      April 21 2014 00: 15
      Quote: jerboa
      Before you reproach us Ukrainians with Bendera, etc., first learn history, start with yours, then take an interest in ours.

      Remember, the Mexican beast...
      We did not heroize these traitors to our people, unlike you.
      There is NO monument in RUSSIA either to the Vlasovites, or, especially, to the Banderaites.
      Remind me of the first “swallow” - Lviv, May 9, 2011? Where were you when World War II veterans were literally beaten? Did you crack lard in an embrace with the Galicians?
      And about the history...
      Nonsense from Mr. Shevchenko about dill-History - as an indicator of the sanity of the current Ukrainian fucking...
  13. Alexnik
    April 20 2014 23: 21
    Quote: vladimirZ
    Krutov, you are an enemy of Russia and Russians if you fight against Russians living in Ukraine, and your declaration of love for Russia is false

    Krutov is also an enemy of Ukraine, because is at war with his own people. And what kind of SBU general he is - the underling of the Kyiv junta.
  14. Alexnik
    April 20 2014 23: 56
    Look how the trolls are fussing: Strong, Tushkan and others
    Quote: jerboa
    Agree to 100%.
    Sometimes you wonder:
    Explain, LUDT, how do you do this?

    Man, there is an author of a comment from Germany who also advises....
    But only as I understand it, since he’s from Germany, he won’t advise anything bad (for you)
    1. jerboa
      April 21 2014 00: 05
      made me laugh,...well, yes, well, yes...
  15. Alexnik
    April 20 2014 23: 58
    Quote: Nenssi
    Now our (and Russian) law enforcement officers have a unique opportunity to increase the detection rate - we simply attribute all crimes to the Right Sector.
    Including bribes to the police department, broken windows and a poorly flushed toilet.

    No, now it’s fashionable to blame everything on the so-called “separatists”
  16. +1
    April 21 2014 00: 05
    Yes, gentlemen “Russian-speaking” with two-color Swedish-Polish flags, you won’t be able to deliver healthy grain - you’ll feed it to the pigs. Say one word to you and you will hear two in response. You will deny any truth and invent your own, known only to you. Here is a list presented by the SS men. Maybe there were some, but I didn’t hear that they had the goal of killing the “Ukrainian,” but Bandera’s people still want to destroy Motskan. And all harmless disputes between us will end with the phrase: “a Christmas tree for everyone!” This is from personal experience. so it’s better not to argue about anything and remove objects of any misunderstanding from our communication. And history itself will put everything in its place. Let's wait a little...
    P.S. Some words are automatically cut off, so I changed the spelling.
  17. Alexnik
    April 21 2014 00: 20
    Quote: Nenssi
    I live in Kiev, my parents live in Lugansk, I’m telling you for the last time - there are no Nazis, in Kiev special forces killed, on the orders of the oligarchs, for the sake of seizing Crimea, in Kharkov there is such a criminal mayor - Kernes,

    Well, finally (THE LAST TIME). You must keep your word!
  18. Alexnik
    April 21 2014 00: 39
    Quote: fevg
    Yes, gentlemen “Russian-speaking” with two-color Swedish-Polish flags, you won’t be able to deliver healthy grain - you’ll feed it to the pigs. Say one word to you and you will hear two in response. You will deny any truth and invent your own, known only to you. Here is a list presented by the SS men. Maybe there were some, but I didn’t hear that they had the goal of killing the “Ukrainian,” but Bandera’s people still want to destroy Motskan. And all harmless disputes between us will end with the phrase: “a Christmas tree for everyone!” This is from personal experience. so it’s better not to argue about anything and remove objects of any misunderstanding from our communication. And history itself will put everything in its place. Let's wait a little...
    P.S. Some words are automatically cut off, so I changed the spelling.

    Well, why generalize like that... These “Russian-speaking” people rode on the Maidan, and they write, for the most part, with errors on the great and mighty. And the real ones - if not on the barricades of Slavyansk, Donetsk, Lugansk, then they support them in every possible way.
    1. 0
      April 21 2014 01: 04
      Yes, of course, I'm not generalizing. Everyone understood who was told. I will also add to my previous message that Bandera and SS members are not our heroes.
  19. ivlas
    April 21 2014 17: 24
    Well done Russian specialists, they don’t mince words. And you, general, should be ashamed to raise your hand against your people, blaming your former colleagues for this...
    1. jerboa
      April 21 2014 18: 20
      the one who, in their own country, is under the command of a foreign power - not by “their own people”, the Russian special forces are fearful, because they are planning to fight their brutality on the right behind the backs of their wives and children. Prote, soon the situation will be mirrored, the time will tell.
  20. ksnsedoy
    April 21 2014 18: 27
    They said everything correctly. Only zombies don't get it right.
  21. 0
    April 23 2014 16: 57
    Quote: jerboa
    the one who, in their own country, is under the command of a foreign power - not by “their own people”, the Russian special forces are fearful, because they are planning to fight their brutality on the right behind the backs of their wives and children. Prote, soon the situation will be mirrored, the time will tell.

    This will not be the last time in the world. Nothing surprising. It happened both in America and in Donbass so as not to obey the Central Rada; and in Russia there was also a peace march - they raised the flags of Ukraine and the right sector. And will you lie about Russian special forces?
    Could the situation change if half of Donbass is killed there?
  22. jerboa
    April 24 2014 09: 36
    Quote: fevg
    And will you lie about Russian special forces?

    Will the “Russian Naimants” be true?
    The essence of this does not change. They are officially registered in the service, and through the Black Casa - most of them are from Russia, and they are considered Russian, including Russian soldiers. In addition, there are photos of the participation of “warriors” in other countries Russian conflicts on the Russian side.
  23. ilan
    April 24 2014 16: 36
    Moronic response from people zombified by Putin-Kisilev propaganda
  24. dsp60
    8 May 2014 10: 12
    I support our answer!!!
  25. Vlad Gore
    8 May 2014 15: 49
    Polite people warn. Jumping is dangerous for your health. lol
  26. twins1983
    8 May 2014 22: 07
    What is the general bench press?
  27. 0
    8 May 2014 23: 26
    And I immediately said that I saw that this Krutov was a man of non-traditional sexual orientation. Glory to the special forces of the Russian Federation!!