Modern high school. Teacher's notes ...

“They can use contraceptives and do abortions, and the more the better.” We do not want them to be educated. It is enough if they will count to one hundred. Such idiots will be all the more useful for us. Religion, we leave to distract attention ... "
Martin bormann

General state

The first impression of my native school: there were fewer children, later at the pedagogical meeting I learned that about 700 children are now studying, when I studied - in 90-s there were 1200 students. At the same time, almost half of the children are brought from eight villages around the village (a school in an urban-type settlement). And the schools that were there were closed, it became economically unprofitable to maintain them, it is easier to give one school of the 2-3 bus and transport children to and from school every day.

The next thing I notice is the physical condition of the children - some kind of flimsy, painful. Then I find the facts confirming my impression. The school has a cadet class (only boys, more hours of physical education, drill, etc.), so if you look at the health sheet for almost half of the children in preparatory and special groups, two people with disabilities, a third of the class is actually freed from physical education - only attend classes. In the same class, several students already in the 9 class were alcoholics in the initial stage - they drank 2-3 several times a week.

They gave a class, became a classroom, 25 students, only two (!) Of the first group of health, almost a third of the class of vision problems, more than half of various chronic diseases.

Another “surprise”: at school, there are more than 20 children diagnosed with F70 (mild oligophrenia), more than 30 children with mental retardation (mental retardation), and as many without a diagnosis run around, and with almost every class . As it later turned out, almost all these children are a “gift” from drinking parents.

At school, on the ground floor, there is a constant smell of tobacco smoke - kids smoke in the toilet. Thus, almost the whole school is a passive smoker. Even if they are caught by technical servants, the teacher on duty, the director himself, this does not threaten the serious student, well, they will scold (preventive conversation), maybe they will call parents, but not the fact that they will come. And if they come, what they will do - time is lost, they promise to take measures in general.

Particularly "gifted" children smoke from the 2-3 class, the percentage of smokers is increasing every year, especially scary that girls lit up. Girls drink champagne and wine from 4-6 classes, and their parents pour out - New Year, birthday. Foul language and licentious behavior have become the norm.

Impunity and irresponsibility are ruining the school - a student can speak foul language, send a teacher to three letters, and then say what he heard, and others will confirm that it was so. Some even try to intimidate teachers with their parents, criminals.

Most of the teachers have come to terms with this situation - there is no incentive to fight, the salary is small, they require a lot, the installation is this: the teacher is to blame for everything. You put an honest deuce for a quarter, but it will be worse for you - you ruin the reporting.

Do not think that teachers do nothing - competitions are regularly held, various competitions, it is told about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, mobile phones, computer games, but all this information is just a drop in the ocean. Children are raised by television and the Internet. Not once conducted a survey of students - the heroes of the boys are Spiderman, Blade, Terminator, Harry Potter (he is popular with girls), Gandalf, etc., not a single Russian character, although he cannot but be glad that these are positive characters who fight evil, i.e. the desire for justice in children is, they are still Russian.

The situation is worse with girls, they fell under the authority of Western culture thoroughly - their idols, representatives of pop music, the heroines of various TV series, the ideals of male beauty Timberley, Breda Peta. They are attracted by external brilliance, they have no idea about spiritual beauty, although even among them there are girls who read (!) Books, poems, but they drown in the total mass of future consumers.

Children's universal enthusiasm for popular music, diluted with criminal romanticism (chanson) and rap, visiting discos with 5-6 classes. Immediately I recall the words of A. Hitler, from the table talks:

“... we need to give them alcohol and tobacco as much as they please ... Music, of course, they can have as much as they want ... all that is needed for the villagers is music, music and music again. Cheerful music is a great incentive in hard work; give them all the opportunity to dance, and all the villagers will be grateful to us ... ".

And do not think that such a school is an exception, our school is still one of the best in the region - silver and gold medalists, first places at olympiads, strong teachers, winners of various competitions. In cities, the situation is aggravated by the fact that there is a so-called. "Golden youth" in the countryside is not so noticeable.

Socially useful work has been almost canceled at school, it is now forbidden to “exploit” children: as a result, it’s disregard for school, you can draw on desks, spit on the floor, draw on the walls.


The school has been holding for the last 20 years at the expense of the Soviet margin of safety; the retired teachers are still of Soviet training. They provide fundamental knowledge, but they become less and less each year. Teachers from the young usually do not stand at school for a long time, with me (4 of the year) every year 2-5 came young specialists, usually more than a year nobody worked. They left and arranged, anywhere, just not in the school - the seller, in the Ministry of Interior, in the guards, managers. Remain mostly opportunists, who do not care about the dictatorship of the director and the degradation of children, indifferent.

Teachers are simply crushed by a load of all sorts of paperwork — reports, analyzes, plans, diagnostics, etc. etc., plus the general computerization "pleased", now you need to write not only in paper but also in electronic form.

All schools are engaged in window-dressing, we have all sorts of national projects in fashion, so paperwork is in full swing, we must urgently show what we are innovative, advanced in educational technologies, conduct all sorts of research studies.

In the end, at the expense of the child again, when the teacher finishes writing, he simply has no time to see the child’s problems and help him. In general, “everything is fine marquise”, on paper - we are introducing new educational technologies, two computer classes, an electronic teacher room, and three new buses, and children are dumber and more painful.

In 90-s laughed at the American stories of Mikhail Zadornov, they say what Americans are stupid, and their students. I can assure you: our schoolchildren are rapidly catching up with them, they know little, and most importantly, they don’t want to know why, if smart teachers get less than illiterate Uzbeks at construction sites.

Another misfortune of modern pre-school and school education is the absence of men, in our school there were many, as many as 6 people for 60 teachers, in a number of schools there are none or one, and this is not uncommon. Therefore, boys in Russia are initially raised by women: from home, where the father earned money or not at all, and if at home, he drinks; kindergarten (a man in kindergarten is just a unique case), before school. And then many people ask the question: where are the real men in Russia?

And where did they come from? Only by self-education, but such units, in statistics, they do not do the weather. Yes, and the system of general education of girls and boys, adversely affects boys, they psychologically and physically mature later than girls on 2-5 years. If some "girls" are already in 7-8 classes, you can give in marriage, then the boys still need to be soldiers, and Cossacks-robbers to play.

This is another blow to the boys, they feel defective, they are smaller and the girls are beating them! Then, in order to show their peers that they are already adults, they begin to smoke, use mate in conversation, drink for courage, be rude, and as a result, the remaining years of childhood are ruined.

The Unified State Exam is sabotage against the remnants of the Soviet school, first of all, to take a test in the humanities and Russian language, this is at least nonsense. I myself have often come across questions in them, where on the oral exam one could give two correct answers and prove one's point of view. In the same stories, social studies need to be able to verbally respond and prove their point of view, the exam has killed this opportunity. Secondly, the USE leads to corruption (although when introduced, it was said that the USE would put an end to it). Graduation class, a student in each quarter received two 2-3 (in the mind, remember the system - we write three-two in the mind), always in Russian, and according to the results of the USE is excellent.

It is interesting that he is the son of the local "oligarch". It turns out that the system fixes the separation of “dear Russians” into new owners of life and all the rest. And we all know, teachers allow you to write off (“spurs” in the toilets, etc.), and they simply solve the tasks for the students themselves (for example, photograph tasks on a mobile phone and send them, they decide it by social studies this year, at the request of a friend ). After all, the failure of students, the failure of the school, a stain on the school’s reputation,

And just teachers, relatives, clever people from elementary grades can go to pass for graduates, with a certain agreement. Thirdly, the USE kills the time of the main program, teachers “train” students to solve tests in order not to spoil their performance, and the general program suffers.

Necessary rescue measures

1. Education at any level should be free. "Elite" educational institutions should not be, because from birth all people are equal before God, "elite" schools disfigure the very idea of ​​education, divide children into "elite" and others, into elect and not. The upper level of education should not be determined by the thickness of the wallet, but by the person himself, depending on his abilities and diligence. A negative example of the United States and Great Britain before the eyes, where the majority of the population is turned into a blunt, fat cattle, and from the "elite" schools produce lawyers, managers, and financial speculators, preferring to buy engineers, physicists, chemists in Russia, India, and China.

2. To transfer the education system from coding pedagogy (it has been operating practically unchanged since the Middle Ages), to methodological, that is, if simple, not to load children with masses of heterogeneous information, but to teach them to extract it independently as needed. This will reduce the rate of full secondary school to 8-9 years, and high school to 3-4 years.

3. In secondary school, it is necessary to return to the separate education of boys and girls, because men must be trained from boys, and women from girls. The psychology laid down by God and nature is different for them, therefore, education and training must be conducted according to completely different programs and textbooks. But in order not to separate them and not to oppose, it is better not to create separate schools (women’s and men’s), but to do men’s and women’s classes within the same school. With an introduction to the curriculum where boys and girls of different age groups could communicate with each other (music, dancing, singing, visual arts, etc.), so that they would not be united by instinctual attraction, but by a common world outlook and world outlook.

4. Cancel EGE, return to the Soviet system of oral and written examinations (with 4 class).

5. Create and implement a whole program of healthy lifestyle for all educational institutions, ranging from the hardening system, ending with hand-to-hand fighting. To restore sports facilities, to build new ones - there should be a swimming pool in every university, middle school, and kindergarten (swimming is beneficial for everyone and eliminates existing defects) and at least an open-air skating rink for the winter season. It is necessary to take as an example Ancient Greece, where, along with schools, there were “gymnasiums”, where they were engaged in physical exercises.

6. To revive the free system of houses of creativity of young people, clubs and sports sections in schools, adolescent and youth organizations such as pioneers and the Komsomol.

7. To restore and improve the system of vocational training, make it flexible, adapted to the rapid and high-quality transition to new professions and the development of new equipment and technologies. We will also need builders of lunar settlements, cities on Mars, technical personnel of starships.

8. Dramatically increase the prestige of the profession of a school teacher, a university teacher and a technical school, an educator and a master of vocational training - decent pay, in rural areas where there is no developed public transport, like in cities, a private car, free housing (after 15-20 years of work), removable apartment (house), if there is no housing for young professionals. But before that, of course, there is a “sweep” of the drinkers, with a criminal record and low-skilled workers.

9. To return male teachers to schools, creating all the necessary conditions and benefits, moreover, in their percentage composition there should be at least 50%. Make an effort to ensure that military retirees get into schools, preferably combat officers. It will immediately solve a lot of problems - with male education, discipline in school, will end with licentiousness, profanity.

10. Return to the first stage (stage - restoration), to the program and educational standards of the Stalinist period 30-40-s, textbooks of that time can be republished (then the intellectual development of the USSR youth occupied 1-2 places in the world), with the inclusion of the best practices recent times (for example: the experience of the Schetinin school).

11. Comprehensive support for talented young people and the best students - free trips to rest camps, cash prizes, valuable prizes, increased scholarships, referrals for prestigious work, etc. Children should see that intelligence and talent are valued, not arrogance, the thickness of the parents' wallet and their connection.
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  1. +1
    29 July 2016 19: 57
    - “Starship technical personnel” - oh, burn! laughing
    - At our school they also drank and smoked in the toilet... but our director was retired, and he had a stroke!
    The parents of the “invaders” had no complaints... and that’s okay - many of the Kurts became people.
    - If anyone remembers, the system was simple: if you don’t have time, after the 8th grade you go to a vocational school or technical school. And they trained good specialists. Otherwise, a bad fashion has begun - widespread higher education... there is no one to work!
    - And the modern bourgeoisie seems to have learned the lessons of the past well - social transformations begin with increasing the level of education of the proletarians...
  2. +1
    29 July 2016 21: 25
    In our time, if a guy couldn’t do pull-ups on a bar, they laughed at him and pointed fingers at him. Nowadays, if a guy does pull-ups on the bar, this is a rare minority, the rest are fat, fatty sausages who can barely carry themselves.
  3. +1
    29 July 2016 21: 55
    Quote: self-propelled
    I still can’t understand everything - but the Soviet system of education is not happy with something? request
    graduates of Soviet universities around the world were in great demand. change the ideological orientation, and take the exact sciences and the humanities completely from the "soviet period". I am for it"

    I completely agree with you. I am Vietnamese, a graduate of a Soviet university (I graduated from MADI with honors, my last name is carved on the wall of the 3rd floor of the main building of the institute [graduated in 1979], I completed my graduate studies in 1985), and I am very proud of my Soviet diplomas. Our Hanoi institute has many teachers with Ph.D. diplomas. Western countries, and they treat us, graduates of Soviet universities, with great respect.
  4. 0
    29 July 2016 22: 39
    Blade and Timberlake 100% era of the late 90s early 2000s, the current generation has never heard of them. in order to do everything that the author wrote about, it is necessary to at least transfer all the income from the subsoil into state income, somewhere to train specialists who will want to develop knowledge and logic in students for the current salary, somewhere to find a sufficient number of universities that will train these specialists, not on the “pay and get a diploma” principle. The next step is preparation for universities (each one needs to take “its own” preparatory courses) and training in vocational schools (colleges :)) of a really sensible minimum, here the training is even lower and the salaries of teachers are the same.
  5. Erg
    29 July 2016 22: 50
    The topic is really relevant, I see. What is the “stumbling block” here? - many people confuse warm with soft. By destroying the USSR, we lost a set of principles, moved morality, changed, excuse me, values ​​(I hate this word now). You can’t, having sold your soul to the “devil,” complain that you have to pay for it... Here we have to decide - either we will now choose money, position, “coolness” as our priorities, paying for it with our children (and our souls), or we will all - let us understand that all this is rubbish, and for a spiritual person who does not allow himself the slightest violation of the norms of morality and conscience, there are opposite priorities. Don't lie to yourself. Be honest. hi
  6. +1
    29 July 2016 23: 21
    The article does not contain the most important thing: the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs, the Minister of Education - to be publicly quartered for the collapse of the country's defense capability (Sabotage). Publicly and regardless of the moratorium on the death penalty. For “Wars are won by the schoolteacher and the parish priest,” said Bismarck, emphasizing the role of education and spirituality in the defense of the Fatherland.
  7. -1
    30 July 2016 02: 17
    Slogans, slogans ...

    Necessary rescue measures

    1. - Who pays for the banquet?

    2. This will reduce the course of a complete secondary school to 8-9 years, and a higher school to 3-4 years. - Nu-nu..

    3. As a result, the boys will grow up to be strange... In the kindergarten they played with the girls in the same sandbox, they just started to get the hang of it, and then they separated them for 10 years. This is some kind of nonsense.

    4. At whose expense is the banquet?

    5. Who will pay?

    6. I didn’t notice that sports schools and creative arts centers had disappeared. They have decreased, yes, but the demand is minimal.

    7. make it flexible, adapted to a quick and high-quality transition to new professions and the development of new equipment and technologies.
    That's right, why specialization with deep knowledge, let's not train generalists. Otherwise, suddenly they won’t be useful as drivers, let them work as builders! Just teach Maina-Vir a little...
    We will also need builders of lunar villages, cities on Mars, and spaceship technical personnel.
    Come on... first, we should remember how to produce high-quality food products. Otherwise we won’t live to see spaceships.

    8. At whose expense is the banquet, and in general, how can this be done without a normal personnel training system?

    9. Should men be paid more than women? A man's upbringing is when you give a little bastard a hard time, and then you yourself scoop him off from his relatives and from his native state?

    10. Return at the first stage (stage - restoration), to the program and educational standards of the Stalin period of the 30-40s. Yeah, and let the whole world wait a hundred years while the Russians reinvent the wheel.

    11. Is this not there now?

    Stunningly stupid stuffing... This, presumably, the election company of talkers is beginning to gain momentum))
  8. 0
    30 July 2016 08: 11
    Zhenya, bring it. Knives. Urgent - a thirty-eight-year-old guy wrote this to me on WhatsApp. His dad was the director of ATP-1 in Tselinograd (Astana). Even the Soviet school could release into the light of day... the moderators don’t miss a word. But we are the cherished expression of Comrade D.B. Lavrov.
  9. +1
    30 July 2016 08: 54
    To be honest, who needs this education?
    One hell, everyone will be in trade, well, 70% for sure.
    So read, count, write + 1C courses and the student is ready for independent life.
    The same is true for graduates of the Faculty of Philology and History and other faculties.
    In the last year of training courses 1C, the ability to clearly pronounce the phrase “Free cash desk” and the person is ready for independent life. Otherwise, we have combined the infantilism of the Soviet system and the stupid cramming of the Western system.
    And so the task should be to select 10-15% of those who really have the opportunity to become great.
    And the rest to the machine or "Free cash desk".
  10. 0
    30 July 2016 09: 39
    The current education system is a forge of slaves.
  11. 0
    30 July 2016 14: 55
    It seems to me that this wonderful photo for the article was taken not in a classroom or auditorium, but in the police department, or something from police reports. The question is why the photo was attached to the article about education, the author wants to say: current schoolgirls/students =, and accordingly schoolchildren/students = alcoholics and drug addicts? Unclear.
  12. 0
    30 July 2016 14: 57
    Voennoye Obozreniye recruited moderators from monasteries or something, it’s just some kind of bummer.
  13. 0
    30 July 2016 15: 43
    to the author: I haven’t read the comments yet, I’m sure that the reaction will be completely different - from complete acceptance of the point of view, to homeric laughter and mockery. but regarding the article, I can write my five drops of tar in a spoonful of honey (this is because there is no smell of a barrel of honey here). so: for now, EdRo (we eat Russia) is in power, because even the activities of SUCH a pepper as Zurabov as the Russian ambassador to Ukraine received a more than positive assessment from both the government (which is very significant) and the most illustrious one. what what to talk about next? about the fact that one of the leading pedagogical universities in the Russian Federation, Magnitogorsk State University, was declared ineffective and was practically dispersed? about the fact that today there is practically no quality training for teachers? Only the lazy don’t write or talk about it... that the prestige of the teaching profession has fallen below the plinth - so it’s just not talking about anything... so my dear author, your article, and especially those ways to implement change the methods of teaching the younger generation cause nothing but a bitter smile... The words of ours don’t tell you anything, do you understand the current Minister of Education Livanov? Let me remind you: our task is to educate a LITERATE CONSUMER! which is now being successfully implemented!
    1. +1
      30 July 2016 16: 39
      and further:

      Moscow, RIA "Orenburg", Russia and the world
      30 July 2016, 14: 43

      It is necessary to increase the working age of the Russian population by any means, said First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Tatyana Nesterenko, speaking at the “Territory of Meanings”.

      What do you think, why is this?
      1. 0
        6 September 2018 09: 17
        Well, now, two years later, do you know the answer to your question?! They want to bury us - alive!!! am angry soldier
  14. +1
    30 July 2016 15: 45
    I totally agree.
  15. 0
    31 July 2016 03: 35
    Moral education has disappeared not only in school, it has completely disappeared from the media, as it was before. Previously, everything that was not seen and read was saturated with this. Instead, we see the work of the church on public television and complete chaos in everyday life. This is not a replacement that is useful to society.
  16. +1
    31 July 2016 03: 47
    Quote: russkiy redut
    Well, we do not need smart Medvedev

    And what exactly does Medvedev need? Are you trying to cover up Putin, who is beloved by many here? So without his consent and approval (and most likely creation), this Unified State Exam would not have been possible.

    And it was most likely done to please Putin’s beloved Caucasian republics. Since education in the Caucasus you yourself understand how (or rather, in no way), the Unified State Exam was the only option so that they could successfully pass exams for admission to Russian universities.
    And of course, with the introduction of the Unified State Exam, Caucasians began to successfully pass all exams with “excellent marks” and take away quotas for budget-funded places in Russian universities from Russians. Well, I think everyone here knows how Caucasians study and live in the Russian Federation; this is regularly covered in the news about criminal incidents)))
    Hooray for Puta!
    1. 0
      19 May 2018 19: 31
      you are brother!.
      Do you smoke? Do you jerk off? Not married? It's Putin's fault!

      The Unified State Exam is part of the Bologna system, as always, torn out in a piece from the training system.
      This was done to please the liberals who kissed the West on the gums. Putin has nothing to do with it.

      I am for the old education. Soviet education taught us to think and reason. analyze. The current form of clip thinking - here I know, but here I don’t know, because we weren’t asked this.
      Of course, you can memorize the answers and know what color the buttons on Chichikov’s coat were, but at the same time you won’t know Gogol at all! This is roughly the same in other sciences. Perhaps this mass is being prepared to replenish vocational schools or some kind of working professions, they will have to go somewhere - they won’t get into universities, or they’ll drop out of the 1st year, they’ll stand at the machines... although I hardly believe it myself... crowds of lost people... not really trained to become managers - to sell or buy... although even here you need to think quickly, analyze, be a psychologist... where should they...
  17. 0
    31 July 2016 09: 50
    In Moscow on Chernyshevsky (Zemlyanoy Val) we had a janitor, Uncle Ravil (1945). Dear father! Storm! He defended our yard from the raids of other people’s boys, but also cruelly twisted his ears for swearing and playing “breaker” (who remembers, for money). Raise that generation of yard educators and... start all over again!
  18. 0
    31 July 2016 18: 09
    The author still describes the situation softly. In fact, education as a system no longer exists. There are establishments for keeping young animals until adulthood, so that they don’t get in the way underfoot. And the saddest thing is that this is a conscious policy.
  19. 0
    1 August 2016 10: 54
    oh, it's bullshit again. We're definitely not going anywhere with her.
  20. 2ez
    1 August 2016 12: 20
    The author is naive... Time has been lost and, I'm afraid, irrevocably... I worked at school for 20 years, reached the highest category, then that's it, I fizzled out... You can't work at school without a "spark in your soul"! Unfortunately, there remain those who don’t give a damn about pedagogy! No, there are excellent teachers, but there are MUCH fewer of them than those who are serving their number... And also those who are too late to leave will not be accepted anywhere, they are old. Many of my friends are teachers, and I am no match for them, they are much stronger than me, they tell me that they would leave right away, if there was somewhere else... And so they float and work carelessly... Why is it better, no one needs it anyway. ..
  21. -1
    3 August 2016 05: 44
    What can we say if the author, undoubtedly a sick soul, is semi-literate...
  22. +1
    18 May 2018 05: 29
    Not long ago, in Solovyov’s program, E. Satanovsky said a very correct thing: instead of throwing money away at ultra-expensive stadiums for the World Cup, which will then stand and uselessly fall apart, the Russian government would be better off investing this very large amount of money in education and healthcare.
  23. 0
    10 August 2018 10: 46
    I agree. You can describe everything in one word - bring back Soviet education. And that’s it.
  24. 0
    14 August 2018 00: 24
    But this is already interesting - which author is real:
    - collector of “stories”;
    - or a practical teacher?
  25. +1
    14 August 2018 08: 16
    "The crocodile cannot be caught,
    coconut doesn't grow"
    1. +1
      14 August 2018 08: 34
      Multifactor problems with many unknowns.

      Textbooks are like dinosaurs, but neither animals control evolution, nor evolution controls animals.

      And responsibility is always reactive.
  26. 0
    16 August 2018 20: 23
    Item No. Main: Restore Soviet Power and the RSFSR!!!


    All Power to the Soviets! For the Dictatorship of the Proletariat! For Our Soviet Motherland!
  27. +1
    17 August 2018 07: 01
    Until a teacher receives a decent salary, none of their words or rules of behavior will serve as an example to follow. In Russia, a teacher was a wealthy and respected person, but now? The student’s logic is simple - what can this “sucker” teach in life if he cannot provide for himself? Comparing the incomes of teachers and parents of students is in no way in favor of teachers!
  28. 0
    23 August 2018 18: 53
    The devil is in the details. I think any psychiatrist will tell you what kind of separate education is and what it can lead to. This is nonsense! It is impossible to shorten the duration of education to obtain fundamental knowledge, because children must receive knowledge in accordance with their age. Also not accepted. It’s the XNUMXst century and we need to think about what methods will help us gain knowledge. It's right. And so on. But most importantly, you shouldn’t force a person to study if he doesn’t want to. The elite sausage maker, for example, didn’t care about education; he has a family business. And whoever wants to work on a construction site with Uzbeks should not interfere with him. There may be fewer students, but they will know why they go to school.
  29. +2
    25 August 2018 09: 55
    We must start with the dispersal of the Medvedev government!
    Otherwise, all of these measures will be impossible in principle.
  30. 0
    27 August 2018 15: 33
    “All people are equal, but some are more equal”)) And that’s right, bravo, author)
  31. 0
    6 September 2018 09: 09
    Ehh, author, Your suggestions would be in God's ears!!! hi
  32. 0
    13 September 2018 20: 47
    The topic is well known.
    But no one says that labor laws are violated in schools (regarding teachers).
  33. 0
    8 December 2018 22: 21
    No one is campaigning for the Unified State Exam anymore; everyone is criticizing it and noting its destructive influence. And he is alive. So someone really needs it. To whom?
  34. The comment was deleted.
  35. 0
    10 January 2019 22: 39
    I gained strength and read the comments...
    I have a double feeling: on the one hand, I am glad that there are many caring people who are well aware of “where the Motherland begins,” and on the other hand, how many so-called “liberals” there are, ready to kiss “Western values ​​and image” everywhere and in everything life."
    In general, Dulles’ unforgettable plan continues to be implemented...