Modern high school. Teacher's notes ...

“They can use contraceptives and do abortions, and the more the better.” We do not want them to be educated. It is enough if they will count to one hundred. Such idiots will be all the more useful for us. Religion, we leave to distract attention ... "
Martin bormann

General state

The first impression of my native school: there were fewer children, later at the pedagogical meeting I learned that about 700 children are now studying, when I studied - in 90-s there were 1200 students. At the same time, almost half of the children are brought from eight villages around the village (a school in an urban-type settlement). And the schools that were there were closed, it became economically unprofitable to maintain them, it is easier to give one school of the 2-3 bus and transport children to and from school every day.

The next thing I notice is the physical condition of the children - some kind of flimsy, painful. Then I find the facts confirming my impression. The school has a cadet class (only boys, more hours of physical education, drill, etc.), so if you look at the health sheet for almost half of the children in preparatory and special groups, two people with disabilities, a third of the class is actually freed from physical education - only attend classes. In the same class, several students already in the 9 class were alcoholics in the initial stage - they drank 2-3 several times a week.

They gave a class, became a classroom, 25 students, only two (!) Of the first group of health, almost a third of the class of vision problems, more than half of various chronic diseases.

Another “surprise”: at school, there are more than 20 children diagnosed with F70 (mild oligophrenia), more than 30 children with mental retardation (mental retardation), and as many without a diagnosis run around, and with almost every class . As it later turned out, almost all these children are a “gift” from drinking parents.

At school, on the ground floor, there is a constant smell of tobacco smoke - kids smoke in the toilet. Thus, almost the whole school is a passive smoker. Even if they are caught by technical servants, the teacher on duty, the director himself, this does not threaten the serious student, well, they will scold (preventive conversation), maybe they will call parents, but not the fact that they will come. And if they come, what they will do - time is lost, they promise to take measures in general.

Particularly "gifted" children smoke from the 2-3 class, the percentage of smokers is increasing every year, especially scary that girls lit up. Girls drink champagne and wine from 4-6 classes, and their parents pour out - New Year, birthday. Foul language and licentious behavior have become the norm.

Impunity and irresponsibility are ruining the school - a student can speak foul language, send a teacher to three letters, and then say what he heard, and others will confirm that it was so. Some even try to intimidate teachers with their parents, criminals.

Most of the teachers have come to terms with this situation - there is no incentive to fight, the salary is small, they require a lot, the installation is this: the teacher is to blame for everything. You put an honest deuce for a quarter, but it will be worse for you - you ruin the reporting.

Do not think that teachers do nothing - competitions are regularly held, various competitions, it is told about the dangers of smoking, alcohol, mobile phones, computer games, but all this information is just a drop in the ocean. Children are raised by television and the Internet. Not once conducted a survey of students - the heroes of the boys are Spiderman, Blade, Terminator, Harry Potter (he is popular with girls), Gandalf, etc., not a single Russian character, although he cannot but be glad that these are positive characters who fight evil, i.e. the desire for justice in children is, they are still Russian.

The situation is worse with girls, they fell under the authority of Western culture thoroughly - their idols, representatives of pop music, the heroines of various TV series, the ideals of male beauty Timberley, Breda Peta. They are attracted by external brilliance, they have no idea about spiritual beauty, although even among them there are girls who read (!) Books, poems, but they drown in the total mass of future consumers.

Children's universal enthusiasm for popular music, diluted with criminal romanticism (chanson) and rap, visiting discos with 5-6 classes. Immediately I recall the words of A. Hitler, from the table talks:

“... we need to give them alcohol and tobacco as much as they please ... Music, of course, they can have as much as they want ... all that is needed for the villagers is music, music and music again. Cheerful music is a great incentive in hard work; give them all the opportunity to dance, and all the villagers will be grateful to us ... ".

And do not think that such a school is an exception, our school is still one of the best in the region - silver and gold medalists, first places at olympiads, strong teachers, winners of various competitions. In cities, the situation is aggravated by the fact that there is a so-called. "Golden youth" in the countryside is not so noticeable.

Socially useful work has been almost canceled at school, it is now forbidden to “exploit” children: as a result, it’s disregard for school, you can draw on desks, spit on the floor, draw on the walls.


The school has been holding for the last 20 years at the expense of the Soviet margin of safety; the retired teachers are still of Soviet training. They provide fundamental knowledge, but they become less and less each year. Teachers from the young usually do not stand at school for a long time, with me (4 of the year) every year 2-5 came young specialists, usually more than a year nobody worked. They left and arranged, anywhere, just not in the school - the seller, in the Ministry of Interior, in the guards, managers. Remain mostly opportunists, who do not care about the dictatorship of the director and the degradation of children, indifferent.

Teachers are simply crushed by a load of all sorts of paperwork — reports, analyzes, plans, diagnostics, etc. etc., plus the general computerization "pleased", now you need to write not only in paper but also in electronic form.

All schools are engaged in window-dressing, we have all sorts of national projects in fashion, so paperwork is in full swing, we must urgently show what we are innovative, advanced in educational technologies, conduct all sorts of research studies.

In the end, at the expense of the child again, when the teacher finishes writing, he simply has no time to see the child’s problems and help him. In general, “everything is fine marquise”, on paper - we are introducing new educational technologies, two computer classes, an electronic teacher room, and three new buses, and children are dumber and more painful.

In 90-s laughed at the American stories of Mikhail Zadornov, they say what Americans are stupid, and their students. I can assure you: our schoolchildren are rapidly catching up with them, they know little, and most importantly, they don’t want to know why, if smart teachers get less than illiterate Uzbeks at construction sites.

Another misfortune of modern pre-school and school education is the absence of men, in our school there were many, as many as 6 people for 60 teachers, in a number of schools there are none or one, and this is not uncommon. Therefore, boys in Russia are initially raised by women: from home, where the father earned money or not at all, and if at home, he drinks; kindergarten (a man in kindergarten is just a unique case), before school. And then many people ask the question: where are the real men in Russia?

And where did they come from? Only by self-education, but such units, in statistics, they do not do the weather. Yes, and the system of general education of girls and boys, adversely affects boys, they psychologically and physically mature later than girls on 2-5 years. If some "girls" are already in 7-8 classes, you can give in marriage, then the boys still need to be soldiers, and Cossacks-robbers to play.

This is another blow to the boys, they feel defective, they are smaller and the girls are beating them! Then, in order to show their peers that they are already adults, they begin to smoke, use mate in conversation, drink for courage, be rude, and as a result, the remaining years of childhood are ruined.

The Unified State Exam is sabotage against the remnants of the Soviet school, first of all, to take a test in the humanities and Russian language, this is at least nonsense. I myself have often come across questions in them, where on the oral exam one could give two correct answers and prove one's point of view. In the same stories, social studies need to be able to verbally respond and prove their point of view, the exam has killed this opportunity. Secondly, the USE leads to corruption (although when introduced, it was said that the USE would put an end to it). Graduation class, a student in each quarter received two 2-3 (in the mind, remember the system - we write three-two in the mind), always in Russian, and according to the results of the USE is excellent.

It is interesting that he is the son of the local "oligarch". It turns out that the system fixes the separation of “dear Russians” into new owners of life and all the rest. And we all know, teachers allow you to write off (“spurs” in the toilets, etc.), and they simply solve the tasks for the students themselves (for example, photograph tasks on a mobile phone and send them, they decide it by social studies this year, at the request of a friend ). After all, the failure of students, the failure of the school, a stain on the school’s reputation,

And just teachers, relatives, clever people from elementary grades can go to pass for graduates, with a certain agreement. Thirdly, the USE kills the time of the main program, teachers “train” students to solve tests in order not to spoil their performance, and the general program suffers.

Necessary rescue measures

1. Education at any level should be free. "Elite" educational institutions should not be, because from birth all people are equal before God, "elite" schools disfigure the very idea of ​​education, divide children into "elite" and others, into elect and not. The upper level of education should not be determined by the thickness of the wallet, but by the person himself, depending on his abilities and diligence. A negative example of the United States and Great Britain before the eyes, where the majority of the population is turned into a blunt, fat cattle, and from the "elite" schools produce lawyers, managers, and financial speculators, preferring to buy engineers, physicists, chemists in Russia, India, and China.

2. To transfer the education system from coding pedagogy (it has been operating practically unchanged since the Middle Ages), to methodological, that is, if simple, not to load children with masses of heterogeneous information, but to teach them to extract it independently as needed. This will reduce the rate of full secondary school to 8-9 years, and high school to 3-4 years.

3. In secondary school, it is necessary to return to the separate education of boys and girls, because men must be trained from boys, and women from girls. The psychology laid down by God and nature is different for them, therefore, education and training must be conducted according to completely different programs and textbooks. But in order not to separate them and not to oppose, it is better not to create separate schools (women’s and men’s), but to do men’s and women’s classes within the same school. With an introduction to the curriculum where boys and girls of different age groups could communicate with each other (music, dancing, singing, visual arts, etc.), so that they would not be united by instinctual attraction, but by a common world outlook and world outlook.

4. Cancel EGE, return to the Soviet system of oral and written examinations (with 4 class).

5. Create and implement a whole program of healthy lifestyle for all educational institutions, ranging from the hardening system, ending with hand-to-hand fighting. To restore sports facilities, to build new ones - there should be a swimming pool in every university, middle school, and kindergarten (swimming is beneficial for everyone and eliminates existing defects) and at least an open-air skating rink for the winter season. It is necessary to take as an example Ancient Greece, where, along with schools, there were “gymnasiums”, where they were engaged in physical exercises.

6. To revive the free system of houses of creativity of young people, clubs and sports sections in schools, adolescent and youth organizations such as pioneers and the Komsomol.

7. To restore and improve the system of vocational training, make it flexible, adapted to the rapid and high-quality transition to new professions and the development of new equipment and technologies. We will also need builders of lunar settlements, cities on Mars, technical personnel of starships.

8. Dramatically increase the prestige of the profession of a school teacher, a university teacher and a technical school, an educator and a master of vocational training - decent pay, in rural areas where there is no developed public transport, like in cities, a private car, free housing (after 15-20 years of work), removable apartment (house), if there is no housing for young professionals. But before that, of course, there is a “sweep” of the drinkers, with a criminal record and low-skilled workers.

9. To return male teachers to schools, creating all the necessary conditions and benefits, moreover, in their percentage composition there should be at least 50%. Make an effort to ensure that military retirees get into schools, preferably combat officers. It will immediately solve a lot of problems - with male education, discipline in school, will end with licentiousness, profanity.

10. Return to the first stage (stage - restoration), to the program and educational standards of the Stalinist period 30-40-s, textbooks of that time can be republished (then the intellectual development of the USSR youth occupied 1-2 places in the world), with the inclusion of the best practices recent times (for example: the experience of the Schetinin school).

11. Comprehensive support for talented young people and the best students - free trips to rest camps, cash prizes, valuable prizes, increased scholarships, referrals for prestigious work, etc. Children should see that intelligence and talent are valued, not arrogance, the thickness of the parents' wallet and their connection.
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  1. +148
    28 July 2016 19: 01
    "I remember a fine autumn day ?!" Did you experiment ?! Of the eleven points of advice - all from the times of the USSR! The good news is that at least someone caught on .... Not so shit were - "komunyaki"!
    1. +136
      28 July 2016 19: 27
      I still can’t understand everything - but the Soviet system of education is not happy with something? request
      graduates of Soviet universities around the world were in great demand. change the ideological orientation, and take the exact sciences and the humanities completely from the "soviet period". I am for it"
      1. +87
        28 July 2016 20: 11
        Well, we do not need smart Medvedev
        1. +4
          28 July 2016 22: 40
          Quote: russkiy redut
          Well, we do not need smart Medvedev

          And the author of the article need them ???? Oh well.
          will reduce the course of a full high school to 8-9 years, and higher education to 3-4 years.
          Here you can no longer read, in principle. Full high school 8 !!!!!! years old crying I’m embarrassed to ask, but after how many years of schooling should children stomp at a technical school? After 6 or 7?
          But this is generally beyond fiction
          not to load children with masses of diverse information, but to teach them mine it yourself as needed.
          The author piled up all the populist slogans that he had once heard somewhere. I poured slops at the current school (where did I find this sample?).
          What is the purpose? Pour slop? To poke? Enjoy the applause? I never read more nonsense.
          "Elite" educational institutions should not be, because from birth all people are equal before God,
          I've heard all sorts of explanations, but such .....
          In high school, it is necessary to return to separate education for boys and girls
          This is a purely parish kooky. All church gymnasiums have separate education.
          another blow to the boys, they feel flawed, they are smaller and girls beat them!
          This is beyond reason. You, in principle, saw children today ???? I have one in the 6th, the second in the 3rd. Small boys are oneness.
          Restore sports facilities, build new ones - every university, high school, kindergarten should have a pool
          Is this a campaign slogan?
          Revive the free system of houses of creativity of young people, circles and sports sections in schools
          And the free sections are there. You just need not to be lazy, but go and record a child. According to GEF, the school must have free circles and sections (this is especially strictly regulated for elementary schools). The question is exclusively to the school directorate.
          The author is very far from the education system. Feeling of pre-election bad agitation.
          1. Hon
            28 July 2016 23: 22
            I read and found myself thinking that the author himself smoked something intrusive.
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. 0
              29 July 2016 07: 56
              Quote: Hon
              I read and found myself thinking that the author himself smoked something intrusive.

              He did not smoke. He earns pros on slops poured on children and on the education system. He is very far from school.
              1. Hon
                29 July 2016 08: 37
                Quote: nadezhiva
                He did not smoke. He earns pros on slops poured on children and on the education system. He is very far from school

                really not a school, but some kind of mordor. I’m thinking, if there are so many pluses, it means that everyone who has a plus, children are just like that, or by the principle all are like that and I have an exception.
                1. +1
                  29 July 2016 09: 05
                  Apparently YES. Apparently, those who have plus have just such children, classmates are oligophrenic, everyone is injecting, and the parents themselves from the second grade pour their children on holidays. Apparently, all schools with the letter "G", the teacher sucks and ignorant. Children who graduated from school and passed the exam work as janitors / loaders and drink under the fence.

                  Gentlemen, commentators, but are you really not ashamed?
                  1. +7
                    29 July 2016 11: 37
                    Gentlemen, commentators, but are you really not ashamed?
                    can you come to the government with this shame?
                  2. +42
                    29 July 2016 13: 30
                    Quote: nadezhiva
                    Apparently YES. Apparently, those who have plus have just such children, classmates are oligophrenic, everyone is injecting, and the parents themselves from the second grade pour their children on holidays. Apparently, all schools with the letter "G", the teacher sucks and ignorant. Children who graduated from school and passed the exam work as janitors / loaders and drink under the fence.

                    Gentlemen, commentators, but are you really not ashamed?
                    Why should I be ashamed for seeing the real state of things in the schools of our city? I see how my wife is tormented, trying to somehow resist this system, trying to work honestly, and should I be ashamed? I am not ashamed that my eldest son is pretty well studying at a military school, although it’s hard for him that all my life I taught him to tell the truth in his eyes and act honestly. I am not ashamed that my younger son is a good student at school and every year his successes and activities are somehow celebrated in the city. And no one can convince me that my children achieve something in learning not because of, but in spite of the system that our authorities are building. All this thanks to the few Soviet-trained teachers who are still working (and my wife among them)
                    1. Hon
                      29 July 2016 15: 57
                      the fact that we have big problems in the education system is a fact. but the author simply does not have students, but a general gathering of degenerates and people with disabilities. Moreover, the author seems to have also studied at this school. But in the 90s, what he was doing, if he worked as a teacher, then it should be assumed that previous schools were in much better condition, and if not, then it becomes very strange to become a teacher by the age of forty or even forty.
                      The impression was that the author does not work in any school, but simply collected all the horror stories and stereotypes about the modern school and dashed off to become.
                      I have three classmates working as teachers, I often go to my school myself, if you do not take into account modern squiggles of the education system, then nothing changes for the worse, the students are certainly no worse than they were 10-15 years ago
                      1. aba
                        30 July 2016 13: 44
                        but the author simply does not have students, but a general gathering of degenerates and people with disabilities.

                        You apparently didn’t notice that the author writes At the same time, almost half of the children are brought from eight surrounding villages (a school in an urban-type village).
                        It may be better in cities with this, but I feel that the author describes the situation not even in the regional center, it’s good if it’s a district center.
                        This means that the situation is already by definition far from rosy in itself and not only in education.
                      2. +11
                        30 July 2016 19: 51
                        and you compared textbooks, training programs. Have you talked to the children? Did you watch them for more than 10 minutes while you were at school?

                        Like the author, I work at school. Our situation is not so critical, but close to the above.

                        The salary was at the level of 17 thousand rubles, now it has fallen to 13, the benefits have been canceled, business trips (training), the panacea is now distance learning.

                        Honestly, with nostalgia I recall the students of the first years of work in 2000-2007.
                      3. +2
                        31 July 2016 16: 51
                        Good. You are a teacher. So, really, knowing that the child is drinking with his parents, you will not inform the guardianship authorities? Knowing that a child is using drugs, you will not report to the police and again to custody?
                        If you report there (as expected), the children are registered, and there is specific reporting for your school. In principle, all the numbers are reported on the teacher councils. Do you know them?
                        How many drugs are registered in your school that use alcohol and are registered with the police?
                        What about the free sections / circles in the area? At school?
                        According to school programs. The program (procurement of textbooks) is determined by the school. This is your choice. Textbooks aren’t being purchased centrally now?
                        How is the circulation of teaching aids respected? If at school textbooks with 7 years of "experience" appear, then even parents write angry complaints to the prosecutor's office. The prosecutor's office checks the library fund (funny, but there are rather strict rules) and submits a presentation to the headmaster.
                        Failure to comply with the submission requirements poses dire consequences for the administration.

                        The most crap for a particular teacher in the education system is the issue of payment for teachers. Because on paper one thing (average salary), but in fact it’s completely different. But, unfortunately, the same is true in a number of industries.
                      4. +2
                        31 July 2016 22: 26
                        You are probably the boss. just believe in what they wrote?
                    2. -1
                      29 July 2016 20: 42
                      Quote: faridg7
                      Quote: nadezhiva
                      Apparently YES. Apparently, those who have plus have just such children, classmates are oligophrenic, everyone is injecting, and the parents themselves from the second grade pour their children on holidays. Apparently, all schools with the letter "G", the teacher sucks and ignorant. Children who graduated from school and passed the exam work as janitors / loaders and drink under the fence.

                      Gentlemen, commentators, but are you really not ashamed?
                      Why should I be ashamed for seeing the real state of things in the schools of our city?
                      Just everything, as in the article ??? Classmates sons polls addicts and alcoholics? Classmates have abortions, drink with their parents and inject themselves? Are oligophrenics sitting in the classrooms? Do sons have such a school? Or did you read the article inattentively?
              2. +2
                31 July 2016 18: 06
                In the district, we work, go and the methodologist? The author is still soft and polite.
                1. +3
                  31 July 2016 20: 11
                  And in order to know what free sections / circles for children there are in the city, you need to work in the district? NO. To do this, you need to open the Internet, type your city in the search bar and add the phrase: "free sections, circles for children."
                  And then, from all the nonsense that enthusiastically reprint on the Internet and relish individual commentators will shake you.
                  In order to assess the benefit / harm of the USE, you need to know the numbers for your region received by the results of the USE in prestigious universities of the country. When in regions children on points do not go to the budget at local universities, but go, for example, to Baumanka. Is funny
                  But in order to casually suggest an eight-year full secondary education in a scandalous article, it is NOT NECESSARY to be a teacher!
              3. +1
                14 October 2018 13: 22
                Quote: nadezhiva
                He did not smoke. He earns pros on slops poured on children and on the education system. He is very far from school.

                Rather, you are far from school, he wrote a lot about the school correctly.
            3. -1
              29 July 2016 21: 02
              Quote: Hon
              I read and found myself thinking that the author himself smoked something intrusive.
              I'm different now interested. There was no time in the afternoon, but now I tried to look at the source. My phone doesn’t let me go there categorically, scaring me with all the computer horror stories. Did you manage to see the nonsense in the original source?
              1. +14
                30 July 2016 01: 33
                No, but my phone often gives the same thing when trying to open articles on this site. Here, too, there are enough links on pages that have problems with certificates, but about
                Quote: nadezhiva
                Just everything, as in the article ??? Classmates sons polls addicts and alcoholics? Classmates have abortions, drink with their parents and inject themselves? Are oligophrenics sitting in the classrooms? Do sons have such a school? Or did you read the article inattentively?

                Of course there is no general drug addiction, but with people from Central Asia (to my regret, my fellow countrymen), the use of nasvay is spreading in schools, while the police shrug their hands - not classified as drugs. Girls, of course, not all, but instead go to hand. There are also such that the parents do not know where the girl is, with whom, and judging by everything, it’s violet. Children with various disabilities and children with disabilities also sit in the classrooms with normal children (in the city, a school for such children was closed, correctional classes were eliminated in schools). and in classes of 30-35 people (you try to conduct a lesson with so many children, while 5-6 of them need to be taught according to an individual program, 2-3 are uneducable for medical reasons, and some do not speak Russian).
                In fact, our children are not bad, but in my opinion the climate in the school begins in many respects with the director, and if the directors of schools in the city are appointed from the circle of friends and drinking companions, we have what we have.
          2. +30
            29 July 2016 01: 20
            And I liked that for men, so that they work in schools, they need to give various benefits. Of course, so that he feels like a real man! With benefits on the basis of sex! And you just have to pay teachers a high salary! After all, with a low salary, a woman continues to work in school, and a peasant (real) needs to feed his family, and he is looking for a higher paying one. Almost all women remained at school. Only now, if before it was believed that teachers work at the school, now only teachers. Do you understand the difference? Teachers are required to engage in educational work, and teachers - only to explain the subject. At least a woman, even a man does not bring up. As for Soviet schools, everything wasn’t wonderful there either! There were all kinds of teachers, and students, for nothing, in the same class, but if one was the son of the factory director and the other was the son of a cleaner, then some (not all) of the teachers had a corresponding attitude.
          3. +32
            29 July 2016 01: 34
            Quote: nadezhiva
            The author is very far from the education system. Feeling of pre-election bad agitation.

            The author of this comment is definitely ENDLESSLY AWAY FROM EDUCATION! .. Despite the two daughters at school .. You yourself were the last time you were at your school ?!
            Quote: nadezhiva
            "Elite" educational institutions should not be, because from birth all people are equal before God, I've heard all sorts of explanations, but this ..

            oh, that's it! "Elite" school! Well, that's pretty clear.
            Quote: nadezhiva
            I poured slops at the current school (where did I find this sample?).
            What is the purpose? Pour slop? To poke? Enjoy the applause? I never read more nonsense.

            The goal is to once again draw attention to the problems of the current educational system! There is no need to look for a "sample" - this is the problem of the OVERALLY MOST of schools! And if you are lucky, and your daughters' school is an exception, this is not a reason to consider yourself a specialist in education and insult the author! You, in the "elite", do not study oligophrenics yet, ON THE BASIS OF LEGAL ACTS OF THE MINISTRY, together with normal children ?! Wait - there will be! Then let's see what you sing about "nonsense" wassat
            1. -21
              29 July 2016 08: 11
              Quote: avia1991
              And if you are lucky, and your daughters' school is an exception, this is not a reason to consider yourself a specialist in education and insult the author! You, in the "elite", do not study oligophrenics yet, ON THE BASIS OF LEGAL ACTS OF THE MINISTRY, together with normal children ?! Wait - there will be! Then let's see what you sing about "nonsense" wassat

              Yes, children go to physical education. 30 people in the classroom. Girls are less than a third. There are no shibziks among boys. Tall, intelligent, educated and well-bred children. Small 2-3 in the classroom. But these are usually ringleaders and favorites in the classroom.
              SO WHAT? we do not live in a vacuum. I have a lot of acquaintances whose children are studying in the most ordinary, simplest schools. Are they entering the Moscow State University, MGIMO, the FSO Institute in Orel, still have to list?
              The author wrote nonsense. Purpose? Quite realistically, checking the election campaign in the focus group.
              No free sections for children ??? Yes nonsense.
              There are no free classes at school? Yes, one more nonsense. This is regulated by GEF (the author is not up to date ???).
              The pool in EVERY kindergarten, school is a populist slogan for elections.
              Girls boys beat? Did you read the author about Ivan Semenov, a second-grader and a second-year student? At least once?
              I don’t know which of the children the parents pour, and if the author knows this, then he doesn’t have a brain, go to the guardianship authorities and the police?
              The only thing I agree with is the salary. But, sorry. And how does it differ from the salary of a ward doctor?
              The article is vile. Half of it is just a shameless lie.
              1. +13
                29 July 2016 09: 23
                You didn’t notice one trifle, the author writes about a rural school! And in the villages, depending on the region, drunkenness flourishes among those who haven’t entered the market, and children are from here! We must already be engaged in improving the society, both mentally and physically! .
                1. 0
                  29 July 2016 20: 19
                  Quote: you Vlad
                  You didn’t notice one trifle, the author writes about a rural school! And in the villages, depending on the region, drunkenness flourishes among those who haven’t entered the market, and children are from here! We must already be engaged in improving the society, both mentally and physically! .
                  And here you can’t lie. I’ll tell you a secret: all abortions in schoolchildren go to statistics
                  So, there is no excess over schoolchildren in cities.
                  The same statistics are on drug addicts. Although, start, for starters, with the financial component of village teens. Have a good laugh.
                  About alcoholism ... You know, I’m sometimes sorry that the representatives of the village do not go to this site. Village mothers solder their children?
                  I have no words.
                  Not everything that is written on the fence needs to be trusted. The same applies to the Internet.
                  1. +4
                    29 July 2016 21: 07
                    I myself am from the village Dear! No need to think up for me! Parents of alcoholics often give birth to children with developmental disabilities!
                    1. -10
                      29 July 2016 21: 17
                      Quote: you Vlad
                      I myself am from the village Dear! No need to think up for me! Parents of alcoholics often give birth to children with developmental disabilities!
                      Oh, well, at least one. Please tell us about child alcoholism, drug addiction and sexual licentiousness among village teenagers. Are looking forward to.
                      1. +3
                        29 July 2016 21: 43
                        We have nice good children in the village! Although my wife has a different opinion)! I wrote about my parents. I haven’t encountered drug addiction among children, but they sometimes sip beer, but this is rare! But we have dying villages there is nothing for the peasants to do, no work, they moonshine lap! You know, I can’t put stamps, especially about children.
                      2. -8
                        29 July 2016 22: 03
                        Do parents themselves solder children since elementary school?
                        The author of the children often oligophrenic-drink-prick. Girls have abortions. The ignorant teachers themselves cannot teach children anything.
                        You read carefully.

                      3. +4
                        29 July 2016 22: 36
                        I think that you need to delve into and understand everything! It may look superficial and it’s perfect to start digging! If the country is mess, I don’t think that school is better! School is a section of society. And while we see the persistence with which they want to destroy our education ! If the author wanted to draw attention to this problem even by thickening the colors, I don’t see anything wrong with that! Parents will be more occupied with children and not rest on the TV.
                      4. -1
                        30 July 2016 13: 42
                        Quote: you Vlad
                        If in a country a mess I don’t think that school is better! School is a section of society. And while we see perseverance with what they want to destroy our education! If the author wanted to draw attention to this problem even by thickening the colors, I see nothing wrong with that!
                        But I see. And it really shakes me when I see How they pour mud on children.
                        The author has not embellished. The author poured lies, and a lot. Question: Why did he do this?
                      5. +2
                        31 July 2016 00: 19
                        Quote: nadezhiva
                        You read carefully.

                        In-in .. READ CAREFULLY! And don’t suffer already: the last word here You will not be able to leave behind! Moreover, you are wrong, and intensify this.
                        Quote: nadezhiva
                        The author of the children often oligophrenic-drink-prick

                        Quote, please! And at the same time READ CAREFULLY, IN CONNECTION WITH WHAT the author writes WHAT. And do not mix eggs, iron and motor oil in one pile!
                        Regarding oligophrenia - a fact. Though your head beat against the wall - you will not change reality with this. And the fact that this is not in your Virtuality ... well, be patient - and it will reach your places.
                  2. +4
                    30 July 2016 19: 57
                    therefore, one schoolgirl gave birth to us immediately after passing the exam, one had a miscarriage in March, and the third immediately after the exam jumped out to get married because the belly was on her nose. and this is from 19 girls from two classes. How do you like such statistics.
                    I will not say anything about alcohol and other things. The truth can not be noted and the presence of positive girls and boys, but the more educated the family, the better it is divided and vice versa
                2. 0
                  14 October 2018 13: 40
                  Quote: You Vlad
                  the author writes about a rural school!

                  City schools are not far gone.
              2. 0
                29 July 2016 09: 27
                "Stupid, but she can grind rye with her tongue!" Apparently from the Minobra this is a miracle
                1. +7
                  29 July 2016 10: 49
                  I am human: "Stupid, but she can grind rye with her tongue!"
                  Why are you slipping on your personality? unable to imagine that the country has different schools and different views on the education system?
                  Would answer criticism of the article on the merits.
                  1. +1
                    30 July 2016 19: 58
                    They answer her statements reliably, but she rested that she was right, so a remark to the place!
              3. +6
                30 July 2016 08: 57
                Nadezhdina! You probably live inside the Moscow Ring Road. Moscow-bad is far from Russia. The author is right. And you carry bullshit ... and frantic. It is clear that because of the clouds of land not to be seen. And you never worked at school.
                1. +4
                  30 July 2016 14: 32
                  Quote: jungler
                  Nadezhdina! You probably live inside the Moscow Ring Road. Moscow-bad is far from Russia. The author is right. And you carry bullshit ... and frantic. It is clear that because of the clouds of land not to be seen. And you never worked at school.

                  I live in the Urals. Although, the feeling that on Mars, at least.
                  And we have many schools where parents are satisfied with teachers, their work, their attitude towards children.
                  The city has a lot of free !!!!! sections and circles.
                  Football, volleyball, karate, wushu, judo, athletics, drawing, Russian folk dances, home economics, swimming, robotics, computer courses .. I will lose my account by listing everything.

                  In schools, compulsory compulsory, circles envisaged by the program and simply voluntary (drawing, theatrical circle, basketball voluntarily).
                  All third classes of the city are forcibly taken to swimming training.
                  Children are required to attend theaters at least 3 times a year with classes.
                  In the city’s schools, children constantly write either Olympiads or monitoring.
                  Regarding labor: ours are constantly somewhere flying / planting something, traveling with concerts (nursing home, cancer dispensary, hospital-child wards).
                  When preparing homework, children constantly surf the Internet. You cannot survive without it. Therefore, many go to various computer courses. They are free.
                  What is Moscow? This is the Urals.
                  1. +2
                    30 July 2016 15: 31
                    Hope I'm glad you are doing well there! And about the author’s lies, read the comments
                    there are people who also faced problems at school! I understand your indignation and it appeals to me! I’m tired too that they draw a monster from our country! Livanov’s work raises many questions, there are opinions that it’s time to ask him what he rewarded in education and science!
                    1. +3
                      30 July 2016 16: 59
                      I never argue that there might be problems somewhere. But this does not mean that they are global, nationwide. The author has a lot of things that cannot be, that goes against the current educational standards.
                      I'm serious: ALL horror stories of the last 10 years are collected in the article and summarized as an example of the situation in the country as a whole.
                      WHAT FOR?
                      And I stubbornly stand my ground: NONE A REAL TEACHER will propose to introduce an eight-year full secondary.
                  2. +9
                    30 July 2016 22: 20
                    Dear nadezhiva, I live and work in Kostroma, I have almost 30 years of teaching experience, I teach technology (technical work), Drawing. In my school, built back in 1990, the equipment in the workshops is still Soviet, mostly in disrepair, it is simply scary to let children near the machines, there are 20 workbenches for 9 students, there is not enough hand tools. Out of 8 planes, two are in good condition. There are no normal hacksaws, hammers, chisels, let alone a hand-held electrified tool - there is no funding either for tools or materials, and so on in the whole city, and it is better not to talk about rural schools. And the Ministry of Education and Science conducts seminars with us with textbook publishers, who report that there is a tendency to destroy educational workshops, to "develop" robotics and computer production technologies, and at the same time in empty classrooms - boltology. And this is something with zero funding for the training of the simplest labor skills for a worker in production. No, I disagree with you - the author is absolutely right and what is happening in education from my point of view is sabotage against the people. It was better in the USSR - it was clear what to do, what to strive for - there was an ideology, albeit utopian, but now there is none at all, and this is the whole point - we go there not knowing where. The President says patriotism, sets the task of labor education. And ministers cut and cut spending on education, optimize health care and culture. But they do not spare money on Chubais, juvenile justice, and the introduction of the Bologna system.
                  3. 0
                    31 July 2016 18: 59
                    In my opinion, I know another such curly place is Chechnya!
                  4. 0
                    14 October 2018 13: 45
                    Quote: nadezhiva
                    When preparing homework, children constantly surf the Internet

                    In the rookers.
              4. -2
                30 July 2016 23: 23
                YOU LIE yourself, or rave. There are NO free sections and circles !!! There are shareware, and all sports sections ONLY FOR MONEY !!!
                1. +1
                  31 July 2016 17: 05
                  Quote: sergo42
                  YOU LIE yourself, or rave. There are NO free sections and circles !!! There are shareware, and all sports sections ONLY FOR MONEY !!!

                  Is your name Thomas? And the surname Unbeliever? Well, the site where the FREE children's sections are presented.
                  In general, I no longer understand where I live when I read comments on VO.
                  Gentlemen, are you idlers ????
                  So, step by step instructions. Type your city in the search box, and the phrase: "free sections, circles for children."
                  I already understand that the result will surprise you.
                  Have you ever written your children in free sections ????????????????????
                  In all the Creative Houses and Youth Palaces, we have half (if not more) of the children's sections / circles for FREE !!!!
                  What kind of horror stories are you cloning and yourself indulging in them?
                2. +1
                  15 August 2018 14: 43
                  There is. It is sports in our school 2 sections. Basketball and Sambo. And a bunch of others: art, music, robotics, etc. Volgograd.
              5. -2
                31 July 2016 00: 00
                Quote: nadezhiva
                Half of her is just a shameless lie

                Yeah, HALF already ?! Progress is evident! wassat
                Well, in order:
                Quote: nadezhiva
                There are no shibziks among boys

                Immediately obvious: women. What he writes does not think. We could catch for such a dismissive expression on the hill at the moment! Yes, the girls didn’t allow themselves like that. I do not envy your future sons-in-law .. request nothing personal - simple Logic, but worldly experience.
                Quote: nadezhiva
                .High, smart, educated and well-bred children
                this is in favor of the previous conclusion, by the way, yes plus the question: Did you draw these conclusions based on external data? Or did you communicate with everyone, find out the level of horizons, knowledge in different (!) Subjects? Education requires comprehensive development, right? And by the way, what education do you have, and by whom is it confirmed? Who told you that you can objectively evaluate other people's children, knowing them superficially (Otherwise, if there are 30 people in the class! Or do you communicate with them daily?)
                Quote: nadezhiva
                we do not live in a vacuum. I have a lot of friends whose children study in the most ordinary, simplest schools

                You can drown in the sea of ​​acquaintances. When communication takes place once a month, or less often, you are unlikely to be engaged in an analysis of the situation at school - so, a superficial conversation, an exchange of the latest news .. and that’s all. If there are so many acquaintances, let me ask another question: how do you manage to communicate with everyone - and at the same time take the time to raise children ?!
                And if you don’t communicate constantly, but are busy with your daughters - on what basis do you draw your conclusions about the article ?! ON THE BASIS OF OWN FANTS TO ANYONE'S STATEMENTS ?! Oh yes, you appeal to the GEF:
                Quote: nadezhiva
                There are no free classes at school? Yes, one more nonsense. This is regulated by GEF (the author is not up to date ???).
                Have you ever seen the document itself? .. Have you tried to read it ?! Just do not say "YES": if you read it and compared it with the Reality, you would understand WHERE IS THE REAL RUNNING.
                "This is regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard" .. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ?! Do you not know that the leader of this circle also SHOULD PAY FOR WORKING TIME? And funds for this, as always, "did not look at it". So what? The teacher, apparently, after the lessons should "on a voluntary basis" deal with those who wish, to the detriment of his family and his children - but just herself! SO? .. And officials from education actually demand this! Threatening "problems" in disagreement. Moreover, ALL such instructions are distributed exclusively IN THE ORAL FORM! Why - I suppose you can guess: the mother of two future physicists with logic should have order.
                1. +1
                  31 July 2016 00: 07
                  Quote: nadezhiva
                  I don’t know which of the children the parents pour, and if the author knows this, then he doesn’t have a brain, go to the guardianship authorities and the police?
                  If you do not know this, this does not mean that it does not exist. And about "go into custody", so you will be surprised: they already know! AND THERE - AND HERE. And the school is usually the first to sound the alarm! AND NOTHING. For this is the "personal life of the family", in which and which they have no right to interfere! And the intervention takes place according to the principle proposed by a friend on duty at the police department: "That's when he kills you - that's when you come and write a statement! And now we cannot do anything with him - so what, what is threatening? "
                  A lot can still be written on this topic - as well as engage in demagogy on the topic of your comment. This is not the case. Your problem is that You THINK that you understand the life of the education system, and you won’t understand that it’s impossible to learn how to jump with a parachute, looking from the ground, as others do: it seems everything is clear - but it doesn’t work! hi
                  1. +1
                    31 July 2016 17: 26
                    Honestly: Have you ever gone to custody? Did you write a statement? Ours is atrocious. There is definitely a sense. What is the "family life"? The child is removed from the family and the parents are shaking their nerves in full face. You will collect 333 certificates while the child is returned home.
                2. +1
                  31 July 2016 17: 21
                  Quote: avia1991
                  Have you ever seen the document itself? .. Have you tried to read it ?! Just do not say "YES": if you read it and compared it with the Reality, you would understand WHERE IS THE REAL RUNNING.
                  "This is regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard" .. WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ?! Don't you know that the leader of this circle also SHOULD PAY FOR WORKING TIME? And funds for this, as always, "did not look at it". So what? The teacher, apparently, after the lessons should "on a voluntary basis" deal with those who wish, to the detriment of his family and his children - but just herself!

                  No. These circles are in the program. There seemed to be 7 free compulsory in elementary school. These are "Projects" - conducted by the director, "My Land", "Young smart men and clever girls", "Development of cognitive abilities" -RPS, "solving logical problems", and some other 2 ( one of them is excursion) is led by the class teacher. They are mandatory, you cannot refuse them. Previously, there was chess.
                  Well and voluntary: Fine Arts (on Saturdays), theatrical (goes like a school project) and basketball.
                  Yes, under the mandatory circles we fill out the papers, under the signature that we agree. But everyone is warned that you can’t refuse.
                  And in the city you just need to go to the House of Creativity in your area and just sign up your child for a free circle.
                  We have the so-called "Anthill", there are free computer courses (by years of study) and robotics and other circles. A copy of the birth certificate and a certificate from the pediatrician must be brought there. All. The leaders of the circles fill out the documents, the city pays.
              6. -2
                17 May 2018 09: 05
                And how much do you pay, you are our elite defender of the existing education? Or maybe everything that you write is just a self-PR: in me, how did I attach the kids?
              7. 0
                8 September 2018 19: 34
                Do you even go for MKD? You will go at least once to Shatursky district, to towns and villages ... And look what kind of youth there is. And this, relative to the rest of Russia, is close to the capital!
                Take a walk there in the evening for completeness of sensations ...
            2. +2
              29 July 2016 10: 47
              I absolutely agree, this is the problem of the vast majority of schools! I agree!
              1. +1
                29 July 2016 20: 21
                Quote: stas-21127
                I absolutely agree, this is the problem of the vast majority of schools! I agree!
                Addiction, alcoholism and oligophrenia? Did you mean this problem?
            3. 0
              29 July 2016 10: 47
              I absolutely agree, this is the problem of the vast majority of schools! I agree!
          4. +3
            29 July 2016 06: 08
            You yourself would not hurt to return to the reality of the existing world.
            1. -1
              29 July 2016 07: 21
              Quote: derik1970
              You yourself would not hurt to return to the reality of the existing world.

              Dmitry, and to whom did you answer, if not a secret? ..
              I just think that the minus was stuck undeservedly for you - but precisely because it is not clear what you object to wink
          5. +5
            29 July 2016 11: 08
            I agree with you, but not on all points. With the point of shortening the period of study, it is simply not entirely clear what the author means by secondary and higher education? If a higher school is a university, then we have already experimented this way. I will give an example: At the faculty where I studied the so-called. The Bologna system, in the end, it boiled down to the fact that the 5-year course of study was not shortened, but tried to "shove" in 4 years, but miracles began in the magistracy. In it, we began to re-teach those disciplines that were in the bachelor's degree !!! Without changing the program !!! after a year of master's degree, in order to take time, some of the disciplines were repeated. Here's an experiment
            1. -1
              29 July 2016 21: 10
              Quote: sivera1116
              I agree with you, but not on all points. With the point of reducing the term of study, it is simply not entirely clear what the author means by secondary and higher education?
              What can a person with a higher pedagogical education and work experience in school mean by "complete secondary and high school" ??? Just what everyone thought. Only now he is not a teacher, from the word Absolutely. Because no educator in his right mind would suggest making an 8-year-old a complete secondary school.
          6. +8
            29 July 2016 13: 09
            I disagree with you on absolutely all of your points. And this
            Quote: nadezhiva
            The author piled up all the populist slogans that he had once heard somewhere. I poured slops at the current school (where did I find this sample?). What is the purpose? Pour slop? To poke? Enjoy the applause? I never read more nonsense.
            Yes, here's an example for you - Mr. Artem of Primorsky Krai, school number 6. I read the article and could not dismiss the thought that I was reading about this school.
            Quote: nadezhiva
            The author is very far from the education system. Feeling of pre-election bad agitation.
            When was the last time you were at school? The author is clearly clearly related to the school, unlike you and the Minister of Education.
            1. +5
              30 July 2016 06: 40
              Can I ask a question ..? For example, I often attend meetings at my children's school, I live in Siberia, the city of Ust-Ilimsk where there are 90t residents, I see that my children have a good school, teachers are excellent! There is no oligophrenia in the school, developmental delays .. there are no drug addicts and drunks, and if there are units, then specialists work with them! So the most important thing, namely the question .. how many schools are there by region like ours, and how many schools like the author of the article? after forty it’s hard to become a teacher, a teacher is a vocation, they go to work immediately after a teacher's college! Maybe he got such a disgusting school, and this article is a cry of the soul? Yes, there are problems in education, with new training systems, but they also went to the USSR after school drink wine, and smoked at the school! Not all schools in the country such as the author, and I think of such schools as his minority!
              1. +3
                31 July 2016 18: 15
                Quote: igorka357
                No oligophrenia at school, developmental delays .. no addicts and drunks, and if there are units

                So all the same: NO - or IS?
                And how would you react to the fact that in the classroom with your children a couple of students with a delay are "learning"? Not fictional, but real!
                This is the know-how of the Ministry of Education: such children should study with normal - then they say it will be easier for them to join the society ..! And the teacher is forced to teach! .. And this child is not able to learn the material - and, not because he is bad, he simply CAN’T. It is because of their underdevelopment, which parents do not want to notice at point blank range, and do not try to transfer the child to a specialized educational institution, WHERE THERE ARE SPECIALISTS trained to work with just such children!
                As a result, the child himself suffers - he, in essence, is the main victim of this situation, - as well as other students who lack the attention of the teacher, because he is forced to spend a significant part of the time on THIS CHILD - after all, he SHOULD BE TRANSFERRED TO THE NEXT CLASS! .. Naturally, the teacher suffers.
                For a long time, in general. You can reason as much as you like - but you see an example of one school, and then from the outside. And in order to understand the whole depth of the problem raised in the article, one must at least boil a bit INSIDE the education system.
                By the way, what is Ust-Ilimsk, I know - I have been in your area. People there are healthier than in the center of the country - for the patient cannot survive, and not work fully. This saves you. TILL.. hi
                1. +2
                  1 August 2016 09: 29
                  Um .. maybe I just didn't put it exactly, I'll clarify! There is no oligophrenia and developmental delay, there are children who smoke and drink alcohol, but there are few of them and they work with them! If for you 0.3% of 100% is more than not, then of course there is! And in real Siberia, not "Novosibirsk Siberia" wink but real people are not healthier than in the center, they are just healthy! And about "talk as much as you like", that is, I see one school in your opinion, and the author probably went through a hundred schools, and he came across all such bad ones ..))? And another question, does it save us for now, or is it your "FOREVER" just for me .. type bye, see you, then why smile hello at the end ..))?
          7. +5
            29 July 2016 21: 33
            It is necessary to attract parents for failure to fulfill their obligations to raise children "to the fullest extent." We must mercilessly impose law and order in schools. And parents should not be summoned to the school principal, but to the interdepartmental commission on minors' affairs, with the corresponding tough conclusions (and "inputs"). Quite a large part of the parents are ready to deal only with the "production" of their children, and let the school and the army do their education .... I think that many problems could be solved in this way. The sense of order itself will not stick, it can only be implanted. We were able to make the drivers respect the continuous marking line (as an example of political will).
          8. 0
            30 July 2016 23: 13
            Here it is not necessary LA-LA about free sections, on paper they are, but in fact everything is for money.
            1. +3
              31 July 2016 20: 23
              Quote: sergo42
              Here it is not necessary LA-LA about free sections, on paper they are, but in fact everything is for money.

              What is your city? I'm too lazy to argue. Write. And I will do the most commonplace. I'll write in Yandex: "city, free sections / circles for children." I'll even call them to make sure. And I will send it to you.
              Well, why is everyone so lazy?
            2. +1
              1 August 2016 09: 20
              All sports sections and clubs in Ust-Ilimsk are free, welcome! Boxing, karate, hockey, football, sambo-judo! Not a single paid club, section or club ... no-no-no-go!
              1. 0
                2 August 2016 23: 34
                Quote: igorka357
                Boxing, karate, hockey, football, sambo-judo! Not a single paid club, section or circle ... no-one-but-go!

                Igor .. how about the level of training of trainers in these sections? A diploma of teacher education, with the right to engage in coaching, is present?
                There are just such sections where. But giving children in them, you risk .. my friend’s child received a fracture of two ribs in training, incorrectly performing the exercise. BEFORE NOSE AT THE TRAINER!
                This is a special case, of course. But I really did not ask myself the question of collecting statistics on this topic. I just know that "free" is a broad concept, with a bunch of pitfalls hi
                1. +1
                  3 August 2016 06: 54
                  This is understandable, we all have educated coaches, of course I have not personally tested them all! But ... our children and adolescents perform both in the region and in Russia, they travel with coaches, I do not think that a coach will be allowed to official competitions without the appropriate documents ! They constantly win prizes, and as far as I personally see, most parents very often visit the sections of their children, bad coaches, in the sense of their incompetence, do not stay long, and if Borya's coach gives my kid a kumpol with a stick, for something he does not want to do exercise, I will only be glad! I have a stadium in the yard, next to the Yunost sports complex, it is fifty meters from my house, and so there, as they say, "from bandage to cotton wool" except for hockey, but hockey is in another place where my son, both in winter and in summer, there is a sports complex Angara, everything is there too, we have a town of 90 thousand and there is an indoor stadium, though of course there is no ice in the summer, but they do everything on rollers! I handed over money only for a hat and a scarf with logos of our city and club bah! The whole form and it costs oh-oh is bought by the sponsors of the club, the sections are sponsored by the Ilim group! Naturally, if you come to the section and say I want to invest money, no one will refuse .. but obligatory fees, God forbid .. there is no such! And yes one more thing, recently in the garden, my son broke another kid's arm, kicking a ball when another tried to take it, and so the PDN department and the mad mother of that kid, they almost scared me with the prosecutor's office .. smile , it’s just ridiculous to God, he gave the only advice to that mother, to fasten to the battery, to put blankets on, and not to take his eyes off him! The boy should grow up as a guy, then become a man with a strong character, strength of mind, and, of course, strength in his hands!
        2. +10
          29 July 2016 16: 28
          I go into the entrance - on the site between the first and second floors, three youths drink beer, smoke, peel sunflower seeds. I make a remark (well, in a firm voice that does not suggest alternative actions). In response: "And you (!!!) have no right to tell us!" On kicks, he took out all three of them ... Not pedagogical ... But they will remember them all their lives!
          1. 0
            29 July 2016 20: 25
            Quote: smerx24
            I go into the staircase - on the site between the first and second floor, three young men drink beer, smoke
            Are school and ignorant teachers to blame for this? Really?
            1. +2
              30 July 2016 10: 14
              Quote: nadezhiva
              Quote: smerx24
              I go into the staircase - on the site between the first and second floor, three young men drink beer, smoke
              Are school and ignorant teachers to blame for this? Really?
              This is Putin's fault. Yes In most local commentaries, the school plays 2 roles: 1) for agitators, this is the role of a social indicator of domestic policy that is significant for all parents ("fsёprapala, myfseumrem - putinslil!"); 2) for those who are looking outside for the reason for their own "lack of literacy" or lack of educational interests in their children - the role of the "scapegoat".
          2. 0
            30 July 2016 06: 46
            And I, in view of the fact that I was involved in, let's say, not too tender sport, would also take me to my parents, and at the first outrage of my parents, I would also stick them!
      2. +60
        28 July 2016 20: 18
        The new system of training with young feet makes de.bilov on stream. The principle of guessing the answer - get a diploma of "education"! Then it will be easier to work with these moronic substances! negative
        1. +10
          28 July 2016 20: 38
          Quote: Major Yurik
          Guess the answer principle - get ...

          - is this a task for the first class, or for some of the senior?
          - reminded: "Mom washed the frame" laughing
          1. +26
            28 July 2016 21: 26
            Ah, Roman, if I knew the age limit of this masterpiece of pedagogical thought, I would be the Minister of Education (God forbid). It’s bitter and sad to look at this ersatz formation, right up to tears when I try to shake off dandruff from my granddaughter, and at least learn to think, think and not give in to herd reflex! Oh, hard, but perhaps the most difficult thing is to answer the question: “Grandfather, how do you know that! After all, this is not in the textbooks?” what
          2. 0
            29 July 2016 10: 55
            No, specifically this photo is more likely a banal fraud and a lie.
            From what textbook "quote", why do all the trolls forget to give links?
            An adequate teaching staff will not take a program with such textbooks in life. Although inadequate is also enough ...
            1. -2
              31 July 2016 18: 27
              Quote: INTA_VEGA
              From what textbook "quote", why do all the trolls forget to give links?

              Trolls, Mr. "Urryakryak", They do not live up to the "Marshals" here. And frank "fanciers", by the way, too. If you have never seen the task on the exam, do not try to state "this cannot be!"
              1. +1
                1 August 2016 10: 22
                Quote from avia1991:
                Trolls, Mr. "Urryakryak", They do not live up to the "Marshals" here. And frank "fanciers", by the way, too. If you have never seen the task on the exam, do not try to state "this cannot be!"

                That is, you cannot imagine a specific "stupid" textbook?
                It’s in vain by the way, for there are really a lot of them.
                Don’t tell me about the exam - you were one of the first to hand over all this. There are normal tasks there, if we assume that everyone writes themselves - the USE perfectly eliminates the most stupid and gives the chance to the same stupid village schoolchildren even go somewhere.
                If you are worried about higher education, then in normal universities everything is "ok". Nobody canceled the session - as in the "pre-EEG" times with the first dropout of 30-35%.
                The problems of modern education are primarily in its "obsolescence", and not in tests. You need to teach what is needed, not that you will be released - and in production they will retrain.
        2. +12
          28 July 2016 21: 20
          Quote: Major Yurik
          Then it will be easier to work with this moronic-formed substances!

          If their work is to "take more, throw further, while you are flying - you rest," then yes, but if the work involves using the head not only for eating into it, then from such specialists (somehow the chef gave a characteristic to a friend who came after the institute " thinks that she knows everything, but she doesn’t know how to do it, but she doesn’t want to study, because she thinks she knows everything ”) but the personnel department keeps us sad
        3. 0
          30 July 2016 16: 09
          Yur, hello dear! I haven't seen it on the forum for a long time, I'm sorry I could not restrain myself, and laughed to tears when I substituted letters in your text ... the second line after "and" I substituted "b", before "e" I put "t" well and further in the text and meaning.
          and after SUCH tasks to demand literacy from the student ?! fool
        4. +2
          30 July 2016 20: 04
          This year I saw assignments for the exam in history, a geographer himself with a good knowledge of history, Maps are disgusting, with a bunch of topographical errors, the places of cities are mixed up.

          Pskov is indicated on the coast of the Warm Lake i.e. 90 km north of its present position.
          Novgorod is not on Ilmen, but on the river Sheksna
          The border of the Principality of Lithuania passes through the city of Ostrov which has never happened
          The Livonian Order includes lands east of Lake Peipsi for 70 kilometers (which was not)
          Riga marked 50 km east of its position

          QUESTION how to take an exam on such material and is it worth paying attention to the ministry and negligence there ????
          1. +1
            30 July 2016 23: 16
            Quote: Etric
            QUESTION how to take an exam on such material and is it worth paying attention to the ministry and negligence there ????

            Useless! No matter how many are addressed.
            When, near Livanov, one of the enraged parents detonates a bomb, they will notice it immediately, there is no doubt! And such "little things" as the errors you listed .. they need it ?!
            By the way, based on your analysis of the maps, we can conclude that this was done not by negligence, but quite consciously: in order to reduce the borders of Russia at the appropriate time, and to give an occasion to accuse our ancestors of aggressive military campaigns. Just
            Quote: Etric
            The Livonian Order includes land east of Lake Peipsi for 70 kilometers

            - and this means that Alexander Nevsky did not defend Mother Russia in the battle on Lake Peipsi, and barbarously seized "the primordially Livonian order of the land", with a lake in addition! .. Nothing is simple like that.
      3. -33
        28 July 2016 20: 38
        The fact that she died with the USSR, socialism and the Soviet system. request That does not suit. Plus the world is different. Technology has changed it, including comparing what happened during the union and what is now a sure path to schizophrenia.
        In fact, the key problem of school education is not ehe or some kind of dumb children. KEY PROBLEM - EXTREMELY LOW QUALITY OF TEACHERS. And this was already a problem in the 80s. The teacher’s profession is not prestigious, they go there on the residual principle - whoever couldn’t break into other places. Again, too many women and therefore a strong imbalance. It is extremely difficult for a woman to become an authority for a teenage guy, and without authority she cannot put anything into his head. And this was already very noticeable in the 90s - male teachers had authority among boys, they listened better, sometimes they even asked for help in preparing for the same schools or institutes. Women were often simply sent over their mothers, their authority among the guys was much lower, although there were exceptions, but these were exactly the exceptions.
        In general, there are 2 options for solving the problem - either to educate generations of teachers purposefully or simply to refuse teachers, replacing them with some other form of training. He who wants to receive knowledge and education will receive it, and he who does not want to can wash the floors without education. request Yes, and your favorite moaning - give a higher salary and cancel it, so that the teacher could again take bribes, not an option. It depends on the psyche and upbringing, and not on salary, how a person relates to his work. hi
        1. +11
          28 July 2016 21: 32
          Quote: g1v2
          The fact that she died with the USSR, socialism and the Soviet system

          So, today the ideology of loan interest (pure parasitism) is more important?
          And for God's sake, do not confuse morality with scientific and technological progress.
          1. +3
            29 July 2016 11: 01
            ava09: So, today the ideology of loan interest (pure parasitism) is more important?
            And for God's sake, do not confuse morality with scientific and technological progress.

            Was it a surprise for you that ideology in the modern world is more important than the rest? Especially for politicians.
            And do not forget that it is impossible to teach morality in school. This can only be done in the family. It’s wrong to hang all the problems on the teacher, because the family and the environment of the child play a big role in learning.
        2. +8
          28 July 2016 23: 56
          KEY PROBLEM - lack of discipline and organization in schools! no matter how talented teachers are, no matter what equipment and devices, computers are equipped with schools, no matter what teaching methods they use, everything will be in vain if there is no main thing - discipline and order. As one activist said, I don't remember exactly which one, culture begins with the barracks and, perhaps, there is no particular exaggeration in this. It is necessary to burn out licentiousness, laxity with a hot iron, to teach the school to responsibility, to fulfill their duties, to a sense of duty, that is, the school must first of all educate, educate future fathers and mothers responsible for family and offspring, future citizens responsible for the fate of the country, and then give knowledge, moreover, give knowledge according to the abilities of students. If he or she remains a slob even at the age of 15, does not show a desire to study, then we must get rid of such people, for such in the foreseeable future there will still be plenty of work in society corresponding to their level of knowledge. People are born different by nature, and therefore it makes no sense to waste the strength of teachers and financial resources on those who are unable or unwilling to learn. And therefore - discipline and strict selection based on the results of studies. For some reason, in closed educational institutions in the West for the children of the ruling elite, there are very strict orders and even, according to some publications, they practice corporal punishment, but for the children of "mere mortals" in schools, permissiveness, irresponsibility, infantilism, selfishness, the desire to live according to the principle "take everything from life", perhaps because the "products" of such upbringing and education will later be easier to manage the elite?
          However, it is clear that the current school is a reflection of the state of our society as a whole, therefore it is impossible to carry out transformations in the school without changing the state of our society, the question is whether there are forces today that can, just as it happened 90 years ago, to carry out such a transformation.
        3. +27
          29 July 2016 01: 02
          Quote: g1v2

          Here is the pearl !!!
          But don’t you know that teachers come not from nowhere, but from the same students.
          Quote: g1v2
          In general, there are 2 options for solving the problem - either to educate generations of teachers purposefully or simply to refuse teachers, replacing them with some other form of training. He who wants to receive knowledge and education will receive it, and he who does not want to can wash the floors without education.

          I goof on such inferences.
          You probably don’t understand what country you live in?
          I'm already tired of explaining that in the country I purposefully kill education.
          These are not the mistakes of the country's leadership — this is a deliberate action, or rather part of one single plan-scenario for the disposal of Russia.
          It’s crazy that anyone who wants to learn, NO children — they are children, and if they are not forced to study and do not form an understanding of the rules of life in society in them, even the most talented of them will be just ready to wash the pilaf in in the best case, and in the worst they will mingle at the age of 20-25.
          The educational function was taken away from the school, but rather it was forbidden to perform it, as a result of which generations grow up socially irresponsible, immoral with completely blurred behavioral norms.
          Parents are also responsible for raising children, but their role is completely eroded when the media propagate the devil that the child falls into the midst of his peers, educated by teachers without pedagogy, immoral television programs, propaganda of a beautiful life, sexual licentiousness.
          In children, our future, the future of the country, is deliberately destroyed, they are initially trying to make consumers and illiterate slaves.
          The teacher is a noble concept destroyed in 25 years of timelessness. It was creepy and disgusting to listen to the story of one of the "teachers" telling how she slept with several students as a class teacher in the 9th grade! am
          And we are committed not to notice what is happening in our country, what is happening with our children and ourselves.
          Money has become for most the ideal and measure of everything and everyone. We are mired in particulars arguing about who is better than Medvedev or Putin, Shoigu or Serdyukoff, but we forgot about the main thing in which all the same country we live in, what goals it sets for itself, what ideals it proclaims.
          No answer! No!
          Everything is done silently purposefully and cynically.
          The course towards destruction and degradation continues to be carried out in full, only under a different screen. The characters may change, rhetoric may change, but the main course will remain the same.
          This course, tasks and goals are very well known "at the top", but they will carefully disguise them under good intentions, under false patriotism, they will manipulate the concepts of "good" and "bad", replace the truth with a lie, they will instill fear and uncertainty in people, periodically to throw up and invent new enemies, thereby distracting people from Glanoy, from what is really happening, replacing the real picture of life with television lubok lies.
          Not many of the +40 generation can figure out this obscurantism, let alone confront it, let alone youth formed in the post-Soviet period.
          The concept of "being determines consciousness" has not yet been canceled.
          1. +17
            29 July 2016 01: 05
            in this regard, I will not tire of repeating the comments of our colleague, who sunk into my soul, like the cry of another worrying Soul about the fate of the Motherland, so:

            "Recently, I often regret that I didn’t have a chance to be born in the 1920s, in order to personally become a contemporary of those great people who created a people's republic by blood and then.
            To rise to the attack: "For the Motherland", and then either die, knowing clearly for what, or survive, and after victory, rebuild the country, live modestly, but humanly, be sincere friends, believe in a bright future and spare nothing for it build ....
            But it did not happen ...
            Probably the worst thing for my generation was to live on a break, at the very edge of the transition from Light to Darkness, half life there and half life here.
            Will there be enough for us that inner charge of the Great Victories that nourished Us in order to withstand the current obscurantism and Darkness that has seized our Motherland?
            Is there enough common sense to figure out what is “white” and what is “black”?
            After all, it is Our generation that is the extreme that forced the USSR, We are the last “guardians” of its ideals, Our last line, there is nowhere to go “behind Moscow”, and before Us the enemy is cunning, treacherous, deceitful, greedy and merciless and with it only unbridled Darkness.
            And if we ourselves do not give ourselves order No. 227, then there will be nobody else to give it!
            Either we are rebuilding the Soviet country, pushing off from the last frontier, or a shameful slow extinction.
            And here everyone decides for himself. "
          2. -1
            29 July 2016 01: 48
            Quote: PHANTOM-AS
            Parents are also responsible for raising their children.

            Victor, they don’t have to!
            Read what is said on the topic of parental responsibility for raising a child in the Constitution of the Russian Federation .. and what happened in the USSR!
            Quote: PHANTOM-AS
            Not many of the +40 generation can figure out this obscurantism, let alone confront it,

            ... and not really striving, I must say. Which in itself is already capable of leading to desperate thoughts: "Is the possibility of restoring a moral society lost?"
            1. +5
              29 July 2016 02: 05
              Greetings, Sergey! hi
              Quote: avia1991
              Read what is said on the topic of parental responsibility for raising a child in the Constitution of the Russian Federation .. and what happened in the USSR!

              So Christmas trees, sticks, if we read the constitution of the USSR and the Russian Federation, then the hair under the arms will stand on end.
              But even those few provisions in the constitution of the Russian Federation, cat. echoes the past, completely not executed by the authorities, from the word ALL!
              Quote: avia1991
              "Is the possibility of restoring a moral society lost?"

              As long as we are with you, hope will live and go away with our generation, remaining only in books. Sadness ...
              1. +2
                29 July 2016 02: 12
                Quote: PHANTOM-AS
                As long as we are there, hope will live and go away with our generation

                I don’t want this!
                I WANT TO BE SUCCESSFUL.
              2. +4
                29 July 2016 03: 35
                Quote: PHANTOM-AS
                if we read the constitution of the USSR and the Russian Federation, then the hair under the arms will stand on end.

                Vitya hi
                Do depilation and read without fear even the Liberty Charter))))
                1. +3
                  29 July 2016 09: 16
                  Quote: afdjhbn67
                  Do depilation and read without fear even the Liberty Charter))))

                  Nikolai, even if I clean my hair completely, the hair follicles will get up, even under the skin! fellow laughing
              3. +2
                30 July 2016 16: 14
                Quote: PHANTOM-AS
                As long as we are with you, hope will live and go away with our generation, remaining only in books. Sadness ...

                which no one will read ... request this really is sadness.
          3. +11
            29 July 2016 08: 56
            Quote: PHANTOM-AS
            children, they are children and if they are not forced to study and not to form an understanding of the rules of life in society in them, even the most talented of them will be, they are only ready to wash pilaf in the best case, and in the worst they will suck by the age of 20-25.
            Educational function taken away from school

            But this is the main problem of PARENTS !!!
            Well, why does everyone think that a school should force? Lord Lazy people! Parents must force !!! The school should put 2 for unlearned lessons, write comments on behavior. Namely, parents must respond and take action.
            Everyone sat down, folded their arms, hung their legs. School must! School is required!
            School must and must give knowledge. Check the process of assimilation of the material.
            But how can she force?
            Only parents can force a child to learn. And that is their duty.
            If the child brought 2-3, and the parent yells: "The school is to blame, the school is bad!"
            There are no bad schools. Let's not demonize teachers, let's not water them with dirt. Our children hear and see all this. And it’s we who form them, both the wearing of school, and the attitude to learning.
            And the consumer attitude in this case is only for adults who sit and look around: who and what else owes them.
            1. +1
              29 July 2016 14: 25
              Do you remember grandfather Krylov’s fable about cancer, swan and pike? Parents needless to say, but if at school, if TV, the environment will bring up the opposite, then the result is likely to be zero, if not worse, demanding parents may well then take the image of the enemy in the child’s mind, which is often seen in life . It is much easier to accustom the bad, indulging carnal needs. No one urges teachers to be bullied, but they must meet the requirements that will allow them to educate and educate their children in school in accordance with the tasks and ideals of society based on centuries-old traditions, moral standards and moral standards of the people.
              1. +1
                30 July 2016 16: 17
                then we have more and more supporters of juvenile politics, it is among the authorities representing that parents would not have the right to FORCE the child to do something! wassat
              2. 0
                30 July 2016 22: 53
                Quote: Svidetel 45
                they must meet the requirements that will enable them to educate

                Just to bring up modern "requirements" and do not allow! God forbid, you suddenly demand something from the child - for example: "Immediately remove the phone, stop looking at it. But - go to the blackboard!" wassat You may be harassed with explanations about the "boorish treatment of the student"!
            2. 0
              30 July 2016 23: 04
              Quote: nadezhiva
              Let's not demonize teachers, let's not water them with dirt.

              And in the article, if you do not bother to notice, no one demonizes!
              Like most commentators, the author understands that teaching is a thankless task, and blaming teachers for a crumbling education is utter stupidity!
              We are talking about the fact that state policy in relation to education has led to a situation where our children, with the help of new educational programs and standards, are rapidly catching up with Americans in terms of ignorance! At the same time, your statement that
              Quote: nadezhiva
              Only parents can force a child to learn. And that is their duty.
              completely unreasonable: try to find the legally binding responsibilities of parents on this issue? I would be grateful for the link, if you manage to find the material!
              But keep in mind: all sorts of orders, instructions and other by-laws - albeit ministerial ones! - are not taken into account. SEEK THE LAW!
              It was not in vain that I suggested "reading the Constitution" ..
      4. -2
        28 July 2016 21: 24
        Quote: self-propelled
        I still can’t understand everything - but the Soviet system of education is not happy with something? request

        Elementary: If the people are satisfied with the Soviet system of education, but the authorities are not happy, then the power is ANTINARODE in its essence.

        graduates of Soviet universities around the world were in great demand. change the ideological orientation, and take the exact sciences and the humanities completely from the "soviet period". I am for it"

        Do not confuse graduates of Soviet universities with Soviet scientists who had their own developments. PS Do not give advice without understanding the essence of the problem. PPS Your passage about the exact sciences and the humanities is interesting, maybe you know what else they teach in high school? And what ideology do you propose? Consider communism and capitalism we have already passed.
      5. +2
        28 July 2016 22: 30
        I still can’t understand everything - but the Soviet system of education is not happy with something?

        Someone recently answered this question. By memory:

        It is impossible to restore it. There is no longer either the USSR or Soviet teachers, and most importantly - there are no more Soviet children

        The system was good, but everything has changed since then.
        1. +1
          29 July 2016 07: 20
          You know the respected road will be mastered by the going. If we say, we can’t do this because we can never do it, then nothing will come of it.
      6. +6
        29 July 2016 06: 18
        For reference - 1 percent of "Russians" thrive at the expense of the inhabitants of Russia .. And to hold out in prosperity they need stupid people. America helps them in this strenuously, because they have all the capital and their children, our relatives of all stripes of crooks ...
      7. 0
        29 July 2016 10: 03
        Quote: self-propelled
        I still can’t understand everything - but the Soviet system of education is not happy with something?

        There’s another question. Who doesn’t like it? Overseas friends. Nobody needs educated slaves! You need a dumb ... lo, but now he is abundant!
      8. 0
        29 July 2016 11: 26
        Quote: self-propelled
        But with something, the Soviet education system is not happy with something?

        - Yes, everyone does not like it - thinking people grow up. Do our "partners" need it?
        Where do you think all the "innovations" come from?

        Yes, okay - we continue to sit and knock on the keys ...
      9. 0
        29 July 2016 11: 33
        Quote: self-propelled
        But with something, the Soviet education system is not happy with something?

        By the way, Starikov is for returning to the system of Soviet education. So I think maybe he can join the party?
      10. +3
        30 July 2016 21: 06
        Well, do not exaggerate. to grab, if you have achieved something in science and your publications in the West appreciated. it’s just that the owl’s diploma was not quoted there at Moscow or St. Petersburg universities, let alone any Ivanov or Tambov. why lie? this is in science, but just an engineer is also not needed by anyone there.
        I read one emigrant in Canada - I worked as a messenger, as I was a good electronic engineer, a diploma of an energy university. could not find work, worked as a messenger with Arabs and Indians. he asked Canadian buddies why he wasn’t taken by profession. they were silent, but one gave up and said: who needs you so smart? You are a competitor for even middle managers. and they need to get a competitor to work?
        there was a Pakistani in their messenger, he said that he owned a pharmaceutical company, but decided to leave for a dream in the "civilized" world, but worked as a messenger - he delivered newspapers in the morning. came with my family. in the end, he left back when his daughter stopped listening to him and talked about her personal freedom.
        in the end, ours pushed around a couple of years and fled at first to Australia, but then to South Korea, which I am very pleased with, he is in demand there and people are easier. and America and Europe are all smiling hypocrites.
      11. 0
        31 July 2016 12: 55
        the Popidorkins need to be removed from (not) our government.
      12. 0
        31 July 2016 20: 11
        who will teach them? Teachers of the ala formation 90 years? Alas, the student is a complete reflection of his teacher. In the USSR, teachers, teachers laid in the student, in addition to knowledge, also the ability to self-education, discipline and thinking. Any modern education (secondary, technical, higher) means only to teach you how to solve tests. Remember your diplomas, maybe someone had an assessment: to use as an instruction for something, something?
      13. 0
        17 May 2018 14: 50
        So she didn’t like it. People turned out like steel .. Govnyuki were but they were despised and huffed by the students themselves. I personally hobbled one shithead in the class. He is alone! ONE ... Of the fifty people in parallel classes, smoked and drank .... This is in grade 8 then ... it was not normal.
        1. +1
          17 May 2018 21: 47
          as well as not serving in the army. did not serve in the army - sick. and this and the girls do not look. but that was before, alas
      14. 0
        18 May 2018 01: 53
        Learning is work. Hard work of 5-6 years at school and at least 3-4 more at the university
        total, work hard for 10 years. .What for? Education now does not affect salaries, it is only important how you bargain. therefore, no one needs education.
    2. +23
      28 July 2016 19: 30
      The photo in the article says a lot right away .....! Again we will scold? Nevertheless, education for a child is given in the family (foundation), and then a school and institute, etc. I have my first higher pedagogical education, it was not bad at that time in the days of the USSR!
      Now everyone is smart and hay all in a row ... But we had a lot of teachers on a global scale (the same Makarenko and I do not want to list further ..) What is their merit? They rebuilt the country after the Civil War, created the industry at the western level ... Hitler (practically all of Europe) broke the ridge and hoisted the flag over Berlin, the country was restored at a pace and became a nuclear power, We are the first in space, our first orbital station, Buran is the first unmanned -cosmic, huge android ... And then, sausage jeans, privatization and blood in the country .... We have been living like this for 25 years and have nothing to brag about so far! Democracy Ekary Babai and European values ​​... They steal and lie, and the most interesting thing is that they again want blood and turmoil in Russia! Do not wait for the bastards, we will shoot ...
      1. +4
        28 July 2016 19: 51
        Khariton, aka Mikhan, what do you think is everything in our modern school? Because you can’t scold, because it’s ALL OUR? ..
        Quote: Chariton
        The photo in the article says a lot right away .....! Again we will scold? Nevertheless, education for a child is given in the family (foundation), and then a school and institute, etc. I have my first higher pedagogical education, it was not bad at that time in the days of the USSR!
        Now everyone is smart and hay all in a row ... But we had a lot of teachers on a global scale (the same Makarenko and I do not want to list further ..) What is their merit? They rebuilt the country after the Civil War, created the industry at the western level ... Hitler (practically all of Europe) broke the ridge and hoisted the flag over Berlin, the country was restored at a pace and became a nuclear power, We are the first in space, our first orbital station, Buran is the first unmanned -cosmic, huge android ... And then, sausage jeans, privatization and blood in the country .... We have been living like this for 25 years and have nothing to brag about so far! Democracy Ekary Babai and European values ​​... They steal and lie, and the most interesting thing is that they again want blood and turmoil in Russia! Do not wait for the bastards, we will shoot ...
        1. Web
          28 July 2016 20: 59
          I wonder when this article was written? In a modern city school, there is almost nothing that is described in the article, with the exception of a large amount of paper and electronic work by teachers. At the expense of the exam, it is now being changed and passed it only in schools. Moreover, there is an alternative, do not want your child to pass the exam, after 9th grade you can go to college, there they pass oral exams.

          Quote: dmi.pris
          You better write about the current school, and do not rush slogans ..

          One can я tell about our school? I have two children studying now. I am in the parent committee and am aware of all the events and activities at school. So Harry Potters and Spider-Man are no longer in vogue with today's students. Our school has a section for boys in hand-to-hand combat and a shooting circle (a shooting gallery is made in the basement). For girls, a labor teacher leads a needlework circle. For everyone there is a theater club. Every spring, the whole school, children, parents, teachers go out together on a community work day - we clean, paint, plant flowers. The school is equipped with security cameras, no one smokes at the school or on school grounds, and there are few smokers at all, smoking is not fashionable. The son has now moved to 9th grade, out of 32 people smokes 5 and they are encrypted. There is no free form of clothes for a long time. Elementary school walks in uniform. Middle and senior are simply strict: black bottom, bright top. No jeans, sweatshirts, bright clothes are allowed at school. This is an ordinary high school in Kaliningrad.
          Speaking of free mugs, my son does English for free. and in the circle of a young programmer, the daughter goes to dances. When my son was in elementary school, we lived in Vladivostok, where I went to play the guitar for free.
          1. +8
            28 July 2016 21: 20
            I confirm what has been said.
            One "drawback" with which we have been fighting for 3 years.
            Allow the parents themselves to stay with the children in the gym after 18.00.
            They would play volleyball with us and badminton.
            But according to some local rules, children should not be on the street AFTER THE SCHOOL after 19.00 (an hour on their way to school).
            But we ask to be TOGETHER with the children.
            Already they reached the education department and offered to pay for cleaning services and electricity costs from their own pockets. And for repairs would be thrown VOLUNTARY.
            No. In no way ...
            And in my childhood, in my slushy off-season, the guard forcefully drove us out of the gym after 21.00.
            And the cops only welcomed that the guys are in the hall, and not in the gateways.
            1. +4
              28 July 2016 22: 28
              Go with your child to another gym in the evening. Believe me, in cities full of places where you can inexpensively or free to play sports. I recorded the younger kid from second grade in judo. And from the fourth, he also goes to mixed martial arts in a children's group and twice a week with me and men. I am also addicted to old age, a year already doing late in the evening. The trainer is well done, if the father is engaged, then his son will be able to deal with adults. There are many restrictions on children's training. You should have seen those boys who are engaged with their fathers, handsome men. I come to school, my mood drops when I see the bulk of the boys. Drischi drischi. You can’t fight at school, and there’s no one to fight with. Grow vegetables. Men, you have to save your sons.
              1. +4
                28 July 2016 22: 56
                Yes, we do. It is full of places, but to say that they are affordable for finance - this will not be true. If you do classes regularly (4 times a week), and even walk 4 people, then a month runs a lot.
                Children go to their sections during the day, my wife and I in the evenings by subscription to paid rooms, but that is not the issue.
                How many empty school halls are there in the evenings? Thousands.
                For the conversations that more time needs to be spent with children is immeasurable.
                1. +1
                  28 July 2016 23: 16
                  Well, I don’t know, I pay 100 r for 2,5 hours of training. If the kid is with me, then I don’t pay extra for him. Well, you need to buy shorts, a T-shirt, boxing gloves and a jump rope. Finicky people buy rashguards and compression pants. Everything. Exercise at least until stupid.
          2. +4
            29 July 2016 01: 11
            Quote: Web
            I wonder when this article was written?

            What is the article, here, what did the parents of us read to us, and what now?
            What's happened
            and that such

            Tiny son
            to the father came,
            and asked the little one:
            - What
            and that such
            there are no secrets
            Listen, kids, -
            dads of this
            in the book.

            - If the wind
            roof tears,
            hail stomped
            Everyone knows -
            this is
            for walks
            The rain shook
            and passed.
            in the whole world.
            It -
            very well
            and large
            and children.

            blacker than the night,
            the mud lies
            on the face, -
            very bad
            for the baby's skin.

            loves soap
            and tooth powder,
            This Boy
            very cute,
            is doing well.

            If he beats
            trashy fighter
            a weak boy,
            I'm so
            I do not want
            insert in the book.

            This one here screams:
            - Do not touch it.
            who is shorter! -
            This Boy
            so good,
            just a sightseeing!
            If you are
            broke the contract
            and a ball,
            October they say:
            a rather poor boy.

            If the boy
            loves work,
            in a book
            about such
            write here:
            good boy.

            From the crow
            ran away, zaohav.
            This boy
            just a coward.
            It is a
            very bad.

            although he himself with the top,
            with a formidable bird.
            Brave boy,
            in life
            come in handy.
            in the mud
            and glad.
            that a dirty shirt.
            About this
            they say:
            he is bad,
            cleans boots,
            although small,
            but quite good.

            every son.
            any child:
            will increase
            from the son
            if the son -

            joyful went,
            and decided to crumb:
            to do well,
            and I will not -
            V. Mayakovsky.
        2. +3
          29 July 2016 14: 41
          Yes, what kind of teachers were, remember the film "French Lessons", there is shown a typical teacher of the Soviet era, I remember my childhood, and additional INDIVIDUAL classes after lessons. It was a common thing for teachers of that time, now I remember them with respect.
          But ten years ago, I saw this picture at one of the Moscow schools - a break, teachers, one man and three young women, are standing on the porch of the school, smoking cigarettes, and at the side, 15 meters away from them under the trees, there is a group of teenagers and they also smoke. I wanted to exclaim, "About times, about manners"!
      2. +10
        28 July 2016 19: 53
        Quote: Chariton
        Do not wait for the bastards, we will shoot ...

        Hmm ... you feel "higher pedagogical"
        Quote: Chariton
        . I have the first higher pedagogical, taught in the days of the USSR is not bad!
        1. +3
          28 July 2016 20: 07
          Megalomania, you will not argue! In vain, of course, that this man of a respected general "dragged" his profile picture .. Bonaparte would be better suited ..
          Quote: Bayonet
          Quote: Chariton
          Do not wait for the bastards, we will shoot ...

          Hmm ... you feel "higher pedagogical"
          Quote: Chariton
          . I have the first higher pedagogical, taught in the days of the USSR is not bad!
          1. -10
            28 July 2016 20: 27
            Quote: dmi.pris
            Megalomania, you will not argue! In vain, of course, that this man of a respected general "dragged" his profile picture .. Bonaparte would be better suited ..

            But I have a nickname in Russian, unlike you in English ... And I always write with all my heart and I do not care about your opinion and people like you! I’ve been here for a long time and like to watch .. But do not touch the bastards Shamanova! Here, many Pokémon are all kinds .. Funny and sad! soldier
            1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +4
              28 July 2016 21: 23
              Well yes. Nick is Hariton, and the name is Mozart. Then I Gai oglu Gregory ibn Pythagoras laughing
              1. +4
                28 July 2016 21: 30
                ... Allow me to introduce myself as Volka ibn Alyosha ...
                And my dad was a Turkish citizen ...
                1. 0
                  28 July 2016 23: 07
                  Accepted! laughing
              2. -1
                28 July 2016 22: 09
                Quote: siberalt
                Well yes. Nick is Hariton, and the name is Mozart. Then I Gai oglu Gregory ibn Pythagoras laughing

                I changed Mozart .., take it easy on the name!
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. 0
                  28 July 2016 23: 09
                  Yes to me what? You reassure Mozart! laughing
            3. +3
              28 July 2016 21: 32
              Quote: Chariton
              But I have nickname in Russian, unlike you in English ... And I always write with all my heart and I do not care about your opinion and people like you!

              - narcissism, not?
              1. -3
                28 July 2016 21: 57
                Quote: Cat Man Null
                Quote: Chariton
                But I have nickname in Russian, unlike you in English ... And I always write with all my heart and I do not care about your opinion and people like you!

                - narcissism, not?

                Alas no .. I don't like to show off! I am writing with all my heart simply and EVERYTHING! They poison just clearly and wait for me to start to freak out .. And in Soviet times I was still taught (tower) "child psychology" is called! So that's what I do! Calm and fear nothing and no one ...! hi If you already started, then go to the end, if you think that you are right, but argue! That’s how we were taught in the USSR! Of course they didn’t love such people, and I agree .. But there were and will be .. This is the psychology of destruction! All against everyone! Their slogan .. Very dangerous types, even if they smile at you and assent! Be afraid of those giving gifts ..
                1. +1
                  28 July 2016 22: 09
                  Quote: Chariton
                  Quote: Cat Man Null
                  Quote: Chariton
                  But I have nickname in Russian, unlike you in English ... And I always write with all my heart and I do not care about your opinion and people like you!

                  - narcissism, not?

                  Alas no .. I don't like to show off! I am writing with all my heart simply and EVERYTHING! They poison just clearly and wait for me to start to freak out .. And in Soviet times I was still taught (tower) "child psychology" is called! So that's what I do! Calm and fear nothing and no one ...! hi If you already started, then go to the end, if you think that you are right, but argue! That’s how we were taught in the USSR! Of course they didn’t love such people, and I agree .. But there were and will be .. This is the psychology of destruction! All against everyone! Their slogan .. Very dangerous types, even if they smile at you and assent! Be afraid of those giving gifts ..

                  - I’m talking about that, actually. IMHO there is something ... what

                  Narcissism, masculine bookstore. Narcissism, narcissism
                2. 0
                  31 July 2016 22: 44
                  Hold on man, do not like the campaign, the truth is here.
        2. -6
          28 July 2016 20: 08
          Quote: Bayonet
          Quote: Chariton
          Do not wait for the bastards, we will shoot ...

          Hmm ... you feel "higher pedagogical"
          Quote: Chariton
          . I have the first higher pedagogical, taught in the days of the USSR is not bad!

          Mortars have earned ...! That's why everything goes so hard in Russia .. Everyone vulgarizes and maliciously! Well, that’s normal, actually ... I’d shoot you full-time liberoids, but you don’t have to open the souls of our children, you have a thin gut, gentlemen .. And you would have to shoot in Russia, there were a lot of you bugs on the body of Russia bloodsuckers ..!
          1. -3
            28 July 2016 20: 48
            Hariton! Sorry, twice plus, but the site seems a minus. I completely agree with your point of view.
            1. +2
              28 July 2016 21: 00
              Quote: Terner38
              Hariton! Sorry, twice plus, but the site seems a minus. I completely agree with your point of view.

              Yes, everything is fine Sash ..! Just read, write and analyze .. (it's better not to communicate with me otherwise you will get it from my "friends")))) I'll figure it out myself .. The gang is powerful here, the devils are still Cunning and secretive (mongrels are launched at me, but themselves in the shade ..)))) Russians do not give up! soldier
              1. +11
                28 July 2016 21: 40
                . A powerful gang settled here, the devils are still cunning and secretive
                Paranoia ran after me screaming and howling wassat ...
              2. 0
                29 July 2016 08: 42
                Quote: Chariton
                .)))) Russians do not give up!

                Again, you have gotten sick belay so what is that ?!
                1. 0
                  29 July 2016 10: 10
                  Apparently, the arrogant Nazis are napping
        3. +2
          28 July 2016 20: 22
          Khariton post your photo, and do not disguise yourself as a photo of Shamanov.
          Probably with the formation of the same crap.
          1. +1
            28 July 2016 21: 12
            Quote: stas
            Khariton post your photo, and do not disguise yourself as a photo of Shamanov.
            Probably with the formation of the same crap.

            I respect Shamanov, but I can’t stand the Pokemon in avatars ... On the avatar, my face there is blurry, just a military man with a squint, that's all! What makes you so angry about this?
            1. +4
              28 July 2016 21: 23
              Meehan? Then a whisper flew that you dug up ... laughing
              Buragoz again?
            2. +1
              28 July 2016 22: 14
              Well zululil.
              Tell the university where he studied and the diploma number, it is not difficult to check. Will you bustle again?
              1. -7
                28 July 2016 22: 44
                Quote: stas
                Well zululil.
                Tell the university where he studied and the diploma number, it is not difficult to check. Will you bustle again?

                I have three diplomas (two higher and one college.) And checked serious organizations more than once ... I studied and did not buy anything! I work for the state and I know the liberoids of farmers and will always despise you! They shot you a little! Noeti here on the Internet ... laughing Nothing, we’ll wind you tails again, you are our democrats ...
                1. +5
                  28 July 2016 23: 00
                  I work for the state
                  In the sense of a budget you don’t?
                  1. 0
                    29 July 2016 10: 07
                    Impudent Saxon? Is that bad for you? Heal!
                    1. 0
                      29 July 2016 19: 48
                      Is that bad for you?
                      I have fun from this. laughing
                2. +1
                  28 July 2016 23: 16
                  And three diplomas, the mind was not enough to get an education in one.
                  1. 0
                    28 July 2016 23: 19
                    What are three diplomas?
                    Two probably gave the load.
                3. +4
                  29 July 2016 00: 44

                  What are you bragging about? This is not an office.
      3. +10
        28 July 2016 21: 12
        Quote: Chariton
        The photo in the article says a lot right away .....! Again we will scold? Nevertheless, education for a child is given in the family (foundation), and then a school and institute, etc. I have my first higher pedagogical education, it was not bad at that time in the days of the USSR!

        Here you have raised a very important point - EVERYTHING starts with the family! The author of the article paints just an apocalyptic picture, but this picture allows you to very well judge the contingent that is studying at school, whose children are these? The author himself writes, I quote:
        "Girls drink champagne and wine from 4-6 grades, and their parents pour it - New Year's, birthday. Profanity and licentious behavior have long become the norm."
        That is, parents themselves are already finished alcoholics, if they solder their child from this age ...
        And this is generally excellent:
        "Some even try to intimidate teachers with their criminal parents."
        Here, I think, comments are generally superfluous ...
        The author emphasizes what should be done at school, BUT, such a big and thick BUT - nothing, absolutely nothing of the proposed measures will be effective as long as such kids are studying with us - who listen to mate from their parents from childhood, to whom the parents themselves pour what is called "from the cradle", etc.
        In general, I am becoming more and more convinced that most of the problems of our society come from a catastrophic decline in the culture of our citizens - a person who considers it a norm to litter in the street will clearly not be well-brought up and will not bring up children well and will not bring them the necessary values, because he simply doesn’t exist ...
        School simply will not have an educational effect if the child already has an idea of ​​bad habits and complete lack of culture, as something normal and commonplace, and the parents still tell him something like: "Let's go to hell with your teacher with her notations - from 100 grams and a couple of cigarettes you won't die ", and this is necessarily said with abusive expressions through the word ...
        So the task here is more global - to raise the cultural level of the whole society, then at school such issues as profanity, smoking and drinking alcohol will be solved several orders of magnitude easier.
        1. +3
          29 July 2016 02: 03
          Quote: Albert1988
          most of the problems of our society come from the catastrophic decline in the culture of our citizens - a person who considers it a norm to litter on the street will obviously not be well brought up and will not bring up children well and will not bring the necessary values ​​to them, because he himself simply does not have them ...

          and culture "from the ceiling" is not taken, but instilled, including at school! Or do smart cultural parents who are educating their children competently appear out of thin air?
          1. +1
            29 July 2016 17: 46
            Quote: avia1991
            and culture "from the ceiling" is not taken, but instilled, including at school!

            Yes, it really is vaccinated, but the school is only one of the instruments of vaccination - all public institutions with a very serious participation of the state should instill a culture, as was actually organized in the USSR. One school alone will not do anything if the family, in principle the whole circle of a person’s communication, as well as the media instill in him a deculture. So the problem is much wider than it seems and is not limited to school.
            But the truth is worth noting that timid attempts to begin to instill a culture in society still began to appear. Apparently the society simply began to get tired of the general lack of culture, which itself with such joy took in the 90s.
        2. +5
          29 July 2016 14: 56
          And the state of culture in society depends on the government in many ways, in itself it does not fall from the ceiling, because it is not without reason that the fish begins to rot from the HEAD.
      4. +6
        28 July 2016 23: 56
        Achievements were not bad, especially considering that some of the students could not use the knowledge of their parents, because they were illiterate. Your mistake is that you contrast sausage with space flights. For a person, it is even more necessary, it is eaten. The fundamental mistake of the leaders of the USSR was precisely that they preferred the external brilliance to the real needs of citizens.
      5. 0
        29 July 2016 08: 50
        to shoot means to succumb to provocations. should be planted, or accidentally crushed by train.
    3. +8
      28 July 2016 19: 43
      Of course not shit, but how much was done in Soviet times good only then humpbacked with EBN all profuca ... negative
      1. -6
        28 July 2016 20: 00
        Quote: Soviet Union
        Do you think that everything is the way in our modern school? Because you can’t scold, because it’s ALL OUR? Do you remember the Great Country where there was a wonderful school of any level. You better write about the current school, and do not rush with slogans ..

        I know the school and not by hearsay from the Internet ... All this foam will come off soon! In Moscow, they would calm down there, the damn "reformers" ... Boys, girls are growing up and I already understand a lot! And to squeal, it no longer bothers us ... We just have to go through it (education) like the country through the 90s, in order to understand everything ...! hi
        1. +11
          28 July 2016 20: 16
          Yes, God forbid that this "foam" would go away .. Two of my sons went through this modern school and two are still going through. And normal children. But there are a lot of children "mutilated" by this SYSTEM and this power ..
          Quote: Chariton
          Quote: Soviet Union
          Do you think that everything is the way in our modern school? Because you can’t scold, because it’s ALL OUR? Do you remember the Great Country where there was a wonderful school of any level. You better write about the current school, and do not rush with slogans ..

          I know the school and not by hearsay from the Internet ... All this foam will come off soon! In Moscow, they would calm down there, the damn "reformers" ... Boys, girls are growing up and I already understand a lot! And to squeal, it no longer bothers us ... We just have to go through it (education) like the country through the 90s, in order to understand everything ...! hi
        2. +6
          29 July 2016 01: 33
          Excuse me, how about Russian? There are a lot of mistakes for a person with so many diplomas. Or for us, illiterate, and so come down, we will not notice?
          1. 0
            29 July 2016 02: 21
            Quote: housewife
            Or for us, illiterate, and so come down, we will not notice?

            Are there many of us - "illiterate" ones?
            Have you read, by chance, the diploma works of philologists of a modern university? .. I think not - a specific thing, I happened to read it by chance. After that, the mistakes made by graduates - "techies" - and even more so, all kinds of meteorologists and historians! - I am not surprised at all.
        3. +1
          29 July 2016 10: 05
          I do not understand, but who instructed the cons? Reformers divorced a lot? The Ministry of Education should get rid of reformers with underdevelopment, tired of these obscurantists led by Livanov (Fursenko2)
      2. +4
        28 July 2016 20: 16
        The Khazar Kaganate in our country must be destroyed!
    4. +10
      28 July 2016 20: 00
      Everything is correctly written.
      Only who will carry out these eleven points if the fifth column is in the minobra, and above only the managers with a creative ideology and highly developed grasping reflexes.
    5. +8
      28 July 2016 20: 15
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Of the eleven points of advice - all from the time of the USSR!

      From the "rescue program" the only point I disagree with is

      3. In high school, it is necessary to return to separate education for boys and girls, because men should be trained from boys, and women from girls.
      This is a highly controversial approach. Boys and girls communicate not only at school, but also on the street, and in families (brothers and sisters). Sexual separation leads to psychological shifts and inhibits the development of both girls and boys. But the saddest thing is that in the existing realities this is the only point that the authorities can (and possibly want) to implement.
      1. Education at any level should be free.
      Yes you are crazy! How is it possible? belay The main criterion for assessing the effectiveness of universities today is their profitability. True, even the high cost of training does not guarantee the quality of education. There is a familiar teacher in high school. He told. A child who had previously studied in a paid school was transferred to their school. Before the August crisis of 2008, the pope had good money, and then - alas ... Well, in the first quarter, the child brought home twos and threes. Parents stand on their hind legs. How is it possible ?! He was an excellent student at a paid school! And they clearly explain to them:
      - There you paid a lot of money. Who would bother you that your child does not receive knowledge for the money? You would, God forbid, transfer him to another school. And you don’t pay money to us, so we don’t put estimates for rubles and dollars, but for knowledge ...
      1. 0
        29 July 2016 14: 37
        Quote: Verdun
        3. In high school, it is necessary to return to separate education for boys and girls, because men should be trained from boys, and women from girls. This is a highly controversial approach. Boys and girls communicate not only at school, but also on the street, and in families (brothers and sisters). Sexual separation leads to psychological shifts and inhibits the development of both girls and boys. But the saddest thing is that in the existing realities this is the only point that the authorities can (and possibly want) to implement.
        This is really a moot point. Separate education can only inhibit the sexual development of children, but it can not harm learning.
        Just learn that many of the breakthrough achievements that we still make use of and are proud of were made by people trained in gender education. And the schools in Europe, in which children of the elite study, are separate to this day. And all the rest is a march to study according to the Singapore system.
    6. +4
      28 July 2016 20: 35
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Of the eleven points of advice - all of the times of the USSR

      - all-all-all?
      - 50% of male teachers - too?
      - separate training - too?
      - the teacher’s salary is higher than the salary of a construction worker - too?

      Do not make sneakers ... Yes
      1. +4
        28 July 2016 20: 41
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        Do not make sneakers ..

        A man writes that in the days of the USSR there was at least a chance to conform to such an ideal. Wherein
        - separate training - too?
        , yes, too. My dad was just finishing school, when separate education was replaced by general. The transition was finally completed in 1954.
        1. 0
          31 July 2016 12: 01
          It seems that separate education in the USSR at the time when it existed was not universal. At least, the residents of the countryside who studied at that time did not hear anything about it.))
      2. +4
        28 July 2016 20: 46
        Do you think that Abuaziz Tychtymbekov at a construction site should earn many times more than a Russian teacher ?! Discuss with sneakers, while ... We'll discuss the rest of the points later ... Okay ?! hi Well, fine!
        1. 0
          28 July 2016 20: 59
          Quote: ALABAY45
          Do you think that Abuaziz Tychtymbekov at a construction site should earn many times more than a Russian teacher ?!

          - in general - no, I don’t think so. I quoted the salaries of a teacher and a qualified builder under the Union there, take the trouble to get acquainted ... do not believe it - the builder earned more

          Quote: ALABAY45
          Discuss with sneakers, we will discuss the rest of the points later ... Okay ?!

          - no, not good ... don't be rude, it's not worth it
          - with "all the points" you screwed up, which was indicated to you. No more, no less.

          And all Yes
          1. +1
            28 July 2016 21: 23
            And, tsiferki, this is where, "there" ?! In the "Complete Works" ?! Even, I will not bother in a fruitless search ... Well, as for "screwed up", "indicated" - leave the mentor tone for your children, I am not impressed! By the way, I didn't start talking about funny sneakers ... No more, no less. feel
      3. +5
        28 July 2016 21: 00
        The teacher’s labor will often be harder than the labor of the construction worker, hence the salary should be higher.
        Quote: Cat Man Null
        Quote: ALABAY45
        Of the eleven points of advice - all of the times of the USSR

        - all-all-all?
        - 50% of male teachers - too?
        - separate training - too?
        - the teacher’s salary is higher than the salary of a construction worker - too?

        Do not make sneakers ... Yes
        1. -2
          28 July 2016 21: 25
          Quote: dmi.pris
          Teacher labor often harder will be the labor of a worker at a construction site, hence salary should be higher

          - this, I'm sorry - Dima-Gogia
          - all the more - construction is now entirely commercial, and the teacher, as a rule, is on the budget
          - Do I have to continue, or is it clear already?
          1. +9
            28 July 2016 21: 30
            Quote: Cat Man Null
            - all the more - construction is now entirely commercial, and the teacher, as a rule, is on the budget

            Yes, that's just it, whatever one may say, but the construction of one individual person is still more important than the construction of one individual building. Otherwise, do not stand long for those houses. It is a pity that many do not want to understand this.
            1. +1
              28 July 2016 22: 01
              Quote: Verdun
              Yes, that's just it, whatever one may say, but the construction of one individual person is still more important than the construction of one individual building.

              In the days of the USSR, teachers also actually received fewer builders / hard workers. And that is precisely why there weren’t a lot of men at the time — teachers, a physicist, a Trudovik, an NVPshnik, a director (much less often), and that’s all ...
              And then those who went to good institutes didn’t enroll in pedagogical institutes ...

              And by the way, if we again enter exams in schools, then the traffic cops / doctors will bang their heads against the wall and cry-FOR CORRUPTION will be such belay belay belay belay in a word... .....
              1. +3
                28 July 2016 22: 23
                Quote: your1970
                And by the way, if we again enter exams in schools, then the traffic cops / doctors will bang their heads against the wall and cry-FOR CORRUPTION will be such

                We'll have to refer to the president’s words - cutlets separately, flies - separately. Teachers should educate, give knowledge and take exams, and the relevant authorities should catch and plant corrupt officials. And, by the way, corruption as a phenomenon is also a matter of education. Otherwise, how much do not pay, he will still take bribes. So again we return to education, education and teachers ...
              2. +2
                29 July 2016 00: 12
                Doctors and GAI officers equated? Well done! These doctors, scum, save those who should die, and not increase the payroll of the state. A traffic cop is even better, because he takes his bribe from the owner of the car (a terrible bourgeois), and these bastards in white coats extend the life of a worthless pensioner who has sucked into a pension fund.
                1. +1
                  29 July 2016 12: 56
                  "These bastards in white coats prolong the life of a worthless pensioner who has sucked into the pension fund." shyly, all wards usually know the price of one doctor or another ...
                  And of course they’ll do it for free, it's just scary ...
                  A traffic cop can be sent - more than without rights you will not be left, walk for three years maximum and that's all ...
                  But the doctors ... no, they won’t specially cut you to death - but they will also rest especially, and all the legitimate illness turned out to be stronger ...
                  1. +2
                    29 July 2016 13: 28
                    This is not a doctor but a huckster! A real doctor will not do this when he doesn’t!
      4. 0
        29 July 2016 14: 39
        I'll add my 5 kopecks. When my dad went to school, there were 50% or more male teachers, Separate Education was also there. I don’t know about the salary. But in my memory, the training was joint, and the men left school. 3 people - physical education, CWP and labor worker. But everyone had prestige and respect. But about oligophrenia - it always is and will eat. :) and right away :(. And 50% is still curly. And then 2 \ 3 or even 3 \ 4 classes. And nothing, we live. Not all is lost, it is necessary sometimes roll back to the previous OS version.
    7. -6
      28 July 2016 20: 58
      You might think that during the times of the USSR, exemplary citizens were made of children in school. Which then fought in kilometer-long lines behind some Polish wall or German sneakers \ Italian boots.
      Or they bought jeans from farmers for 3-5 times more expensive than they were in the store.
      Does a citizen need unnecessary colored German sneakers when there are wonderful felt boots, galoshes or "goodbye youth" sandals? In which you can walk for 10 years and will not be demolished?
      As history shows, they are needed, as well as necessary, that people were not only ready to stand in lines for them for half a day or more, but also pay 500% of their price. Comparable to "predatory loans" in supermarkets at 30-50%? And I will note that the Soviet education system did not influence this in any way.

      How many questions did the authorities ask in the years 50-80? It seems that all were educated, but nothing progressed beyond the kitchen battles of a turner with a locksmith on how to really properly manage the state.

      I will add that when the USSR headed for general education, the secondary school program had to be greatly, greatly simplified in comparison with the tsarist lyceum — peasant children did not understand physics, algebra, or astronomy.
      Hence the general "3 classes and the corridor". Can you read-write-count to 100? Well, that means you have already been educated, that's it, go on to plow the land.
      Real breakthroughs in the level of education began just when classes of gifted children began to be formed in the USSR, when the sorting into "dumb" and "smart" began. It was then, by the 50-60s, that a powerful breakthrough in science began, when not a few geniuses of the tsarist school were working, but millions of qualified engineers.

      What do we have? And now we have the same thing - there are "ordinary" schools where both Ashots and Ivans study, and there are special schools, gymnasiums and lyceums where children study who can do more than learn the multiplication table by the 5th grade.
      And yes - many of these schools are free. It’s really difficult to get there, as in Soviet times.
      1. +4
        28 July 2016 21: 06
        You might think that during the times of the USSR, exemplary citizens were made of children in school. Which then fought in kilometer-long lines behind some Polish wall or German sneakers \ Italian boots.
        I think that if for some reason such lines had arisen today, it would not just be a fight, but they would start cutting and killing. Moreover, weapons would not be taken by students of secondary schools, but by immigrants from elite educational institutions.
      2. 0
        29 July 2016 09: 58
        Cheap and unreasonably stupid uttered! What time are you talking about? Gorbachevism is not the USSR! All those you talked about here were renegades and they were negligible ... Not that now the consumer is growing up
    8. +3
      28 July 2016 21: 03
      The teacher has ceased to be an authority for students and for their parents. The teacher used to be able to hit you on the hands with a pointer for bad behavior, and he was right! Yes, and it never occurred to anyone to complain to their parents, and if you complain, the answer was: "It means you deserve it!"
    9. +9
      28 July 2016 21: 08
      Do not believe in the average salary of a school teacher of 27 thousand rubles. A teacher of the highest category receives no more than 9 thousand (Moscow does not count), and a beginner - about 5. The whole trick for reporting is that teachers are forced to work for 2-3 wages for living, leaving for work from early morning until evening . There really is no time to prepare for lessons or check notebooks. Well, who will we learn?
      1. +2
        28 July 2016 21: 29
        And you (if you are not a teacher) at work not from morning to evening? Are you free at lunch? I think that most of the population from morning to evening at work! And those who live in abundance (not counting the different bribe-takers) after work, work at home until midnight, then build a work plan the next day! When you like your business, you get up in the morning and with great pleasure you go to work and do not want to stop.
        1. +6
          28 July 2016 21: 38
          Quote: slava84
          When you like your business, you get up in the morning and with great pleasure you go to work and do not want to stop.

          Even the most favorite pastime turns into hard labor if you do not receive either moral or material satisfaction from the work, but are forced to do it only so that you and your family do not starve to death. At the same time, labor of 12-14 hours a day is not effective and absolutely no difference in this case, whether you cut trees or teach children. One result - you plow for wear.
          1. +1
            28 July 2016 22: 21
            So this is not your favorite pastime. Change your occupation.
            If you think only about material benefits, then of course always the morale will be bad. There is always something missing and you need a little more!

            Of course I'm not saying that a salary of 10-15 thousand is normal, but there should not be excesses. And then the author of the article writes. Everyone free apartment !!! Who does not have an apartment to pay rent !!! This is how election promises sound. smile By the way, I also want an apartment for free, I think you also will not refuse. And besides teachers, there are many important and necessary professions. To be precise, "all professions are needed, all professions are important." So, will we give everyone an apartment for free? Or just teachers, and the rest of the forest go?
            1. +7
              28 July 2016 22: 38
              Quote: slava84
              By the way, I also want a free apartment, I think you also will not refuse

              You will be surprised, but when at the end of the XIX beginning of the XX century my great-grandfather worked with the English industrialist Hughes as an lifting engineer at a mine in Yuzovka (now Donetsk), mine workers, except for wages, were provided with free housing. Highly skilled workers received better housing, unskilled workers - dormitory rooms. And when my maternal grandfather, a worker in the textile industry, was transferred from Dmitrov to Moscow, they also gave him housing. Let it be a room, but free and living in it he had the opportunity to save up for better housing. In Europe, if you hire a qualified specialist, and not a slave guest worker, they also necessarily provide housing. Otherwise, the specialist will not agree to the proposed conditions. It is clear that it is highly desirable for bankers to convince the population that there is no other way to get an apartment than to get into mortgage bondage. In most civilized countries, their desire is limited by unions. And since we have only one name from trade unions, we have what we have. What about
              So this is not your favorite pastime. Change your occupation.
              during the times of the USSR you could tell me this when there was no unemployment and you could safely change this kind of activity.
              1. 0
                28 July 2016 23: 18
                . In most civilized countries, their desire is limited by unions.
                In most civilized countries, unions have no influence on real estate transactions.
                In Europe, if you hire a qualified specialist, and not a slave guest worker, they also necessarily provide housing
                Provide a good advance or so-called. first prize. The specialist is housing himself. Just guest workers are provided with a housing-trailer in the parking lot or a bed in the back room.
                1. +2
                  29 July 2016 11: 26
                  Quote: Anglorussian
                  In most civilized countries, unions have no influence on real estate transactions.

                  And I did not write about real estate transactions. Unions simply oblige the employer to provide workers in the industry with housing.
                  Provide a good advance or so-called. first prize. The specialist is housing himself.
                  Many serious technical magazines place advertisements for hiring specialists on their pages. As a car engineer, he is well acquainted with English, German, Italian and French publications. CAR, Motor und Sport, Quatrorout, etc. In non-translatable versions, they must necessarily contain such ads. And, when it comes to hiring a qualified specialist, they not only offer housing, but also a car, usually of the brand in which the employee will be involved in production or sales, and update the model after 4-5 years. And guest workers are not only the Russian problem. But you try to hire them with strong unions. Strikes will begin immediately and the owners of the company will be sued.
                  1. -1
                    29 July 2016 19: 58
                    Unions simply oblige the employer to provide workers in the industry with housing.
                    In which country? And what side do you think of the trade union movement? (I have an activist-representative wife)
                    In non-translatable versions
                    I am also familiar with non-translatable magazines for professionals (I work for TFL), and they don’t even write salaries in advertisements, often not like the make of the car. And I just never heard about housing offers. I probably live in the wrong country.
                  2. -1
                    29 July 2016 21: 24
                    Strikes will begin immediately and the owners of the company will be sued.
                    Is your knowledge of life "there" (that is, here) gleaned from the American socialist realist caviar communists?
              2. +1
                29 July 2016 00: 03
                Regarding trade unions, I have my own opinion. For the most part, loafers rely on unions. Of course there is an exception. In our time, there is competition in the labor market. As well as in other markets. If you are a bad spec. no one will pay you, just as if you produce poor products or services, no one will buy from you. Be a good professional and unions will not be needed (with rare exceptions).
                The fact that in the old days gave housing is certainly good. But there were reasons for this. Do you think that the Englishman gave housing to your ancestor just like that? He was given housing because they needed his hands and head. Because of its benefits! In general, the British do everything for their own benefit smile (this is for a word of mouth). Then they gave housing to drag more people from the village to the city, the industrial age, industrialization. There are reasons for everything and the overwhelming majority of them do not relate to "love for citizens". Now apparently there are no such reasons! Unfortunately, of course.
                About Europe. My father lives in Bavaria. He can hardly be called a highly qualified specialist, but his wife is a German teacher. She is also a migrant, the truth is from Ukraine. She graduated from the tower in Munich, took to work with arms and legs. But for some reason they didn’t give housing! We are discussing an article about teachers. And by the way, the salary is not fabulous (by the standards of Germany), the uncle carpenter earns more there!
                1. 0
                  29 July 2016 00: 32
                  Englishman gave housing to your ancestor just like that?
                  My ancestors live in Latvia.
                  But for some reason they didn’t give housing
                  Because housing should not be given to teachers in Germany.
                  Be a good professional and no unions are needed
                  And think, why does uncle a carpenter earn more than me?
                  loafers hope for unions
                  Trinkets hope for fortune.
                  1. +1
                    29 July 2016 02: 21
                    Sorry, I wrote this to Werner.
                2. +1
                  29 July 2016 11: 43
                  Quote: slava84
                  but his wife is a German teacher. She is also a migrant, the truth is from Ukraine. She graduated from the tower in Munich, took to work with arms and legs. But for some reason they didn’t give housing!
                  If not a member of the union, then they will not give it - there is no incentive. At the same time, Germany cares about its citizens. My friend married a Russified German woman. And when she, during the mess of the nineties, wished to return to her historical homeland, then without any problems their family received a social apartment.
                  Mostly loafers rely on unions
                  In Europe and especially America, trade unions play a very important role. In most high-paying industries, you can never get a job without being a union member. There is such a good book - "The Manager's Career". It was written by Lee Iacocca, who ran the Ford and Chrysler corporations. In 1986 he was recognized in the United States as the person of the year. This issue is well covered there. And the actual labor system of the United States (at least, the car industry) is shown without the tales that they like to tell us. For example, about the terribly paid medicine. Iacocca complains about this system in the sense that the health insurance provided by the union also covers family members - wife and children. Moreover, the insurance is valid without regard to the employee's earnings. And he, a person who is not at all poor (as President Ford, received a million dollars a year), only once paid money for treatment during his work - he did not like the options for the glasses frames offered for free and he paid a dollar and a half for the one that suited him. The rest was covered by union health insurance.
            2. 0
              31 July 2016 22: 56
              Quote: slava84
              And besides teachers there are many important and necessary professions

              Yes, sure. But here's the catch: ANY specialist begins to form with the help of the Teacher! It is through his hands that EVERY person passes through, becoming in the future a representative of ANY "necessary and important" profession. And what do you think: if the initial knowledge of the school curriculum is not invested in a person, we will have many professionals in the environment of "all sorts of important" professional communities?
              And will there even be "professional communities" themselves, in the current sense of this definition?
        2. 0
          31 July 2016 22: 47
          Quote: slava84
          And you (if you are not a teacher) at work not from morning to evening?
          Have you tried to work as a teacher? .. At least a couple of lessons to spend? Only without disruption - as it should be: calmly, calmly and politely, and at the same time to give students high-quality material, and to ensure that they learn it!
          Try it. I guarantee you a nice dose of adrenaline! To the usual construction site - or wherever you go "with pleasure" - fly like on wings! Having vowed to repeat this experiment again wassat
    10. +3
      29 July 2016 03: 44
      So it was your grandfathers and fathers, and you call them r ... om! We were the first to go out into space! Now this g ... on the roof above and soon drown in it!
    11. Oml
      29 July 2016 08: 55
      return to the Soviet system of oral and written exams (from grade 4)

      And what at once from the first class? In Soviet times, exams were only after the 8th and 10th grade. The less often the less routine, more responsible, for most of course.
    12. 0
      29 July 2016 09: 59
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Not so shit were - "komunyaki"!

      Can you argue about who were the big assholes, komunyaki or "shitcrats"? Although to the latter, the word shit does not fit, very soft! The most decent is the corrupt creatures!
    13. +1
      29 July 2016 12: 23
      The author proposes, in fact, the Prussian school’s transformations in a very softened form, which made the German hollowers those Germans who could from the beginning of the 19th century make Germany united and great.

      I would also suggest reducing the overall workload at school for teachers and students by 30%, so that each lesson is a revelation and not a "serving" of academic duty.
    14. 0
      29 July 2016 14: 30
      Quote: ALABAY45
      "I remember a fine autumn day ?!" Did you experiment ?! Of the eleven points of advice - all from the times of the USSR! The good news is that at least someone caught on .... Not so shit were - "komunyaki"!

      We must give education, (schools, institutes) to the Communists and look at the result.
    15. +1
      30 July 2016 09: 01
      Quote: ALABAY45
      Of the eleven points of advice - all from the time of the USSR!

      No fairy tales! Most of the "tips-points" are rooted in the history of RI; point 2, nmv, is key, but it generally existed only in the project of one marginal group of Soviet intellectuals (MLK-MMK); in general, the Soviet history of education is not a monolith from which tombstones are carved here.
    16. aba
      30 July 2016 13: 38
      The good news is that at least someone realized ...

      But will this someone be able to break the shack of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ?!
      I doubt something ...
    17. 0
      1 August 2016 12: 46
      "I immediately recall the words of A. Hitler, from table conversations:

      “... we need to give them alcohol and tobacco as much as they please ... Music, of course, they can have as much as they want ... all that is needed for the villagers is music, music and music again. Cheerful music is a great incentive in hard work; give them all the opportunity to dance, and all the villagers will be grateful to us ... ".

      Hehe, the book in 2008 was included in the register of extremist literature)
      And the problems mentioned in the article were back in the 90s.
    18. 0
      21 May 2018 10: 52
      Do not confuse the communists with those shit that ruined the Union. They were only communists on paper.
      And the article evokes horror for the future of our children, although I am not at all an alarmist.
    19. 0
      22 May 2018 18: 25
      With the “commies” this all started.
  2. +9
    28 July 2016 19: 09
    The topic is heavy. I agree on the points. But time, in time. It seems no longer to save.
    If Minister Livanov is in a landfill and by September 1 the Soviet school ... By the way, where in P.P. Livanov?
  3. -5
    28 July 2016 19: 12
    Gosmoda putinistsy-ay, everything is still good with us and we are strenuously marching towards a bright future. Just do not shed tears and snot, that everyone is to blame, but he is white and fluffy. The HEAD OF STATE is responsible for affairs in this very state. You like this very "wild capitalism" - where you are all just an attachment to your wallet and are needed only until you can take something from you. Once Vysotsky sang - "giraffe the big one, he knows better. "Isn't it time to admit that the gipaf doesn't know better, it's just that he and his herd are destroying us at a slow rate (cutting everything off beforehand)
    1. +4
      28 July 2016 19: 20
      I can give an example of my school, if interested. Yes, in the zero there was a failure, but this is a consequence of the 90s. My mother works as a primary school teacher. In the spring, she helped to make a report. Here are the stats:
      Grade 1a
      There are 24 people in the class. 24 people are being transferred.
      1b class
      There are 23 people in the class. 23 people are being transferred.
      Grade 2a
      There are 21 people in the class. 21 people are being transferred.
      2b class
      There are 20 people in the class. 20 people are being transferred.
      3 class
      There are 29 people in the class. 29 people are being transferred.
      4 class
      There are 30 people in the class. 30 people are being transferred.
      5 class
      There are 30 people in the class. 30 people are being transferred.
      6 class
      There are 29 people in the class. 29 people are being transferred.
      7 class
      There are 30 people in the class. 30 people are being transferred.
      8 class
      There are 24 people in the class. 24 people are being transferred.
      10 class
      There are 23 people in the class. 23 people are being transferred.
      Copied by deleting the names of class teachers. Notice the dynamics. First, one small class was recruited, then one big class. And two years in general, two classes are recruited!
      1. +1
        28 July 2016 20: 30
        Quote: Muvka
        And two years in general, two classes are recruited!

        I did not quite understand how demography and quality of education are related. You can study at least in three shifts, and the output will be zilch. At the same time, familiar teachers (I can only refer to their opinion on this issue) unanimously argue that the quality of instruction in small classes is better than in large ones. The reasons are obvious - the teacher can pay more attention to each student. In addition, there is another problem. Many modern teachers began to regard the learning process as a conveyor belt, spitting on the individuality of students and striving to obtain an average end product - a person who can pass the exam.
        1. 0
          28 July 2016 21: 51
          Quote: Verdun
          Quote: Muvka
          And two years in general, two classes are recruited!

          I did not quite understand how demography and quality of education are related. You can study at least in three shifts, and the output will be zilch. At the same time, familiar teachers (I can only refer to their opinion on this issue) unanimously argue that the quality of instruction in small classes is better than in large ones. The reasons are obvious - the teacher can pay more attention to each student. In addition, there is another problem. Many modern teachers began to regard the learning process as a conveyor belt, spitting on the individuality of students and striving to obtain an average end product - a person who can pass the exam.

          I read the first sentence in the news, where a person says that the number of students in the school has almost halved. Then I saw a comment that Putin is to blame. That bombed :)
    2. +14
      28 July 2016 19: 48
      Of course it’s good - turn on the TV so in general we live in a fairy tale!
      How much money has been ditched for all sorts of Olympiads, championships, Universiades, and Channel 1 collects sms for the treatment of children - is that normal? what
      1. +6
        28 July 2016 20: 10
        Quote: Soviet Union
        and for the treatment of children channel 1 smskami collects

        Yeah, the oligarchs on the screen erased all the fingers ...
    3. +1
      28 July 2016 20: 08
      Quote: basmach
      it’s just that he with his herd destroys us meeedenly (previously shearing everything)

      The Chinese word for "ambassador" ... Aren't you an ambassador ...?
    4. +3
      28 July 2016 20: 11
      If objectively:
      1. There is a President of the STATE (Federation) - this is normal. Not in the specific principalities live.
      2. THIS PRESIDENT is known in the world - this is good, it means that it is not a faceless person who drives, but someone who is afraid of someone "over the hill" (they also scare their stupid plebs), and someone makes an example for their "presidents". That's not bad either.
      3. The President still has a lot of support in society - you can’t say what’s bad either. So we will be spared from any coups and revolutions that will not give development at all.
      4. The president is subject to military and diplomatic departments - a guarantee that see paragraphs 1 and 2. Here, too, everything seems to be exactly the same, relative to other countries.

      But the President has NO REST MINISTERS - this is bad. The President does not want to change the existing torso in the Cabinet, constantly finds excuses for their mediocre work.
      The president physically cannot steer ALL at once. From the grabbing head of customs to the thieving factory director with the state. capital that LAY BOLT on the President and everyone else.
      It's disgusting.
      And what should the president do? To hell with all this bedlam is impossible. All these demons will begin to bite between themselves and rush at the president.
      Then the above (stable) points will be destroyed, because The president will not be up to them.

      It seems to me like an old house is crumbling in all corners, and you don’t know what to grab onto - here either to hammer a window with plywood, or to fix a porch, or to hang a rickety door ...
    5. +1
      30 July 2016 10: 10
      You will see, as soon as Putin is removed, there will be peace and quiet in the country and the grace of God! Because it will be "not accepted" to write about problems! Did you not notice who shouts most of all, stop the thief? Libirasts who have no stigma for them! And I like that they are shouting means we are going the right way, comrades! Yesterday I watched Putin's speech in front of Western journalists on amersky YouTube on the pro! You know there are many sane people who have unsubscribed who understand everything and say what we can do? If we have a government dollar! And probably in 20 comments they write how we envy that the Russians have such a president for us!
  4. +15
    28 July 2016 19: 13
    The school has turned into a lecture hall, teachers are on the drum .. This of course is not their fault, such is our SYSTEM and POWER .. Everything is said correctly in the article.
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 21: 34
      Quote: dmi.pris
      The school has turned into a lecture hall, teachers are on the drum .. This of course is not their fault, such is our SYSTEM and POWER .. Everything is said correctly in the article.

      Power for the New Year pours champagne to children and gives a cigarette ????????? Or, after all, parents with dead brains ???
  5. +8
    28 July 2016 19: 14
    The article is a little exaggerated, the colors are slightly thickened, but overall true.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +18
      28 July 2016 19: 47
      Martin Bormann's quote to the article is quite appropriate. This is all done. Our native government successfully fulfills his covenants.
      Long live the "literate consumer" who knows how to count to a hundred and sign, where will they say? Yes, Mr. Livanov?
      1. 0
        28 July 2016 20: 12
        Quote: Reserve officer
        Long live the "literate consumer" who knows how to count to a hundred and sign, where will they say? Yes, Mr. Livanov?

        So petition for the installation of his personal board in the toilet of the Yeltsin Center.
        1. +11
          28 July 2016 20: 25
          I went online to see the track record of Minister Livanov. Some interesting facts:
          1. The wife of his father (not his own mother) is the sister of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Rogozin.
          2. The whole career - at the university, he became a doctor 7 years after graduation.
          3. In 2012, Mr. Livanov criticized the law prohibiting US citizens from adopting Russian orphans, introduced by State Duma deputy Yekaterina Lakhova. In response, Lakhova accused Livanov of incompetence in the issues supervised by the minister, and also stated that he "does not understand what the Ministry of Education is."
          3. On 24 on March 2013, in an interview with Ekho Moskvy, Livanov called the Russian Academy of Sciences “an organization that is ineffective, unfriendly to the people who work there,” said the RAS “is degrading in terms of scientific productivity”. In response, scientists demanded the resignation of the minister.
          4. According to the opinion of VTsIOM respondents in March of the 2013 of the year, the Minister of Education and Science works the worst in the Government of the Russian Federation (the rating amounted to 2,6 points out of the possible 5).
          5. In September, 2014 proposed making adjustments to the current system for assessing the literacy level of essays. Quote: “I believe that you do not need to rate literacy. It is fettering, a person is afraid to make a mistake and does not write at all as he could or would like to. ”
          6. Member of the General Council of the United Russia party, State Duma deputy Vladimir Burmatov demands that the minister be prosecuted for the theft that occurred at MISiS when Livanov was rector.
  6. +15
    28 July 2016 19: 17
    Scary for Russia!
    1. -8
      28 July 2016 19: 52
      Quote: Nikolay Gurinov
      Scary for Russia!

      Let’s break through, the most important thing is that we began to remember our story ... We are a nation of winners and it’s in the genes! And our youth are normal and fighting, even though they are washing their brains in interest! I’ve brought my computer’s offal to the son, start the car (and he is always in games, etc.) In words he explained what the safety precautions were for, etc ..... Gathered! I'm in shock ... Brains work well. These are the things! Russia is alive and we still have a lot of hidden and classified Kulibins .. That I felt sorry for the men, but the main thing is not to be scared to die .. Russia is in safe hands! These are the things in the tank troops ...
      1. -3
        28 July 2016 20: 53
        Great job ...! Bravo..)))
      2. -1
        28 July 2016 21: 03
        It’s bad that your son is always in games ...
        Quote: Chariton
        Quote: Nikolay Gurinov
        Scary for Russia!

        Let’s break through, the most important thing is that we began to remember our story ... We are a nation of winners and it’s in the genes! And our youth are normal and fighting, even though they are washing their brains in interest! I’ve brought my computer’s offal to the son, start the car (and he is always in games, etc.) In words he explained what the safety precautions were for, etc ..... Gathered! I'm in shock ... Brains work well. These are the things! Russia is alive and we still have a lot of hidden and classified Kulibins .. That I felt sorry for the men, but the main thing is not to be scared to die .. Russia is in safe hands! These are the things in the tank troops ...
      3. +5
        28 July 2016 21: 37
        Quote: Chariton
        Collected ! I'm in shock ...

        90% of schoolchildren can do this now, if not more. This is normal for them. But few people know the history and classical literature and, most importantly, they don’t want to read, they are sitting on the Internet, and computers are sorted out. There are exceptions, but they are few. In general, illiteracy is flourishing.
  7. +6
    28 July 2016 19: 19
    soon it will be like this: 90% of schools will not teach anything, 9% will not teach anything, but for money; and only 1% will learn something No.
    1. -4
      28 July 2016 21: 18
      Quote: maximNNX
      soon it will be like this: 90% of schools will not teach anything, 9% will not teach anything, but for money; and only 1% will learn something No.

      Do you have children, that is ..? The personality is brought up primarily in the family (naturally full) .. And the school provides knowledge, well, partially upbringing!
      Your comment, Tipo Putin and immediately in Russia, education at the European level with s \ n ... A familiar bike from the 90s .. negative
    2. +1
      28 July 2016 21: 41
      Quote: maximNNX
      and only 1% will learn something

      Only children of mere mortals will not even be able to get there for money, IMHO. hi
  8. +9
    28 July 2016 19: 19
    I live in a provincial town (population 250 thousand). I remember before, even in the hustle and bustle of the working day, they forgot that, for example, if today is September 1, the last call or graduation, you can immediately see that the children are walking around in classes, dressed up, smiles, with flowers ... a holiday in one word! What the atmosphere of the celebration was immediately, it is pleasant to the soul. And now there is no such thing. Everything is somehow gray, everyday, no one walks in smart clothes, uniforms ... But before it was great. I'm not saying that we had everything perfect and everyone was athletes ... there were all kinds of things, but these are isolated cases (even by the standards of the second half of the 90s). Well, in high school (10, 11) they drank beer on May 25, smoked a couple of cigarettes, but it was in some bushes, in a non-populous place and they put a naughty thing (if they got caught) ... They respected the teachers, they were afraid of being caught, yes and as they say with "this" case is not up to fanaticism. Everything was in moderation. Careful sooooo. And now ... as the actor G. Vitsin said, - "There is no romanticism right now ...")))
    1. +4
      28 July 2016 20: 42
      I myself live in about the same city in numbers. But the situation is radically opposite.
      September 1 is noticeably different. Elegant children with parents, flowers, smiles, music ...
      Even more can be said. Children are dressed appropriately. Boys in shirts and ironed trousers, with ties. Girls in white blouses and dark skirts. Everyone has a white top, a dark bottom, the benefit of this good is now in bulk in stores - jackets for any size, ties and shirts of any color. There is no problem to pick up, from childhood, raising a taste.
      Not like 10-15 years ago. Who is what. From zipped jeans to stretched sweaters with hoods ...
      Even on October 5 (Teacher's Day), a lot of children come with flowers.
      Maybe I see because at the very two schoolchildren and the windows of the house go onto the path to the school ...
      1. +8
        28 July 2016 21: 52
        Just 15 years ago, people did not have money for trousers and suits. I remember in the 7th grade my mother bought winter boots for me to grow, so that they would not grow out of them quickly. These boots were great when I was 25 smile . I then wore them over the years when building the garage with a woolen sock and were still great. Think of a good life with such a margin taken smile

        And now! This year my daughter will go to first grade. At the meeting, the teacher brought a representative of a "very good school uniform store" and recommended buying uniforms there. Moreover, she said that you would never think there is a choice. I, as the most "smart" asked, is it in the order of the order that this store should be selected? The answer was this. You can buy where you go, but all "normal parents" will buy in this, and your child will be different from other children and receive psychological trauma. smile (not literally, but the point is). The store turned out to be one of the most expensive in the city for this range. Of course, I bought it, I'm a "normal parent" and my child does not need psychological trauma. When I was buying, the store asked which school we were from, and who our teacher was! I can't believe that they didn't get a kickback at school! Poor teachers!
        1. +4
          28 July 2016 22: 08
          I have a wife, a teacher, a friend, a teacher, a sister, a teacher and two chicks, who also taught until recently.
          I believe in what has been said, although this would not have worked for us.
          The prosecutor's office is scouring the city in search of "violations". All crime has already been fenced off, and there are breeding grounds for crime in schools. Every year they joke around and find it. The year before last, they were punished for the fact that the ramp to the door was arranged (of course, this was done by the director with the teachers) not under the "necessary" slope.
          And the fact that there are really 2 children from the entire school of invalids, they do not use wheelchairs and have long been at home schooling, then the prosecutors are not aware.
          In the past, they tried to "attract" my wife for the fact that one of her students (she is a "classy girl") (attention) IN JULY I WAS NOT AT THE POSITIVE PLACE OF THE CROSSING PART, but the teacher did not follow this ... due to adherence to principles, but the fine of 500 rubles was again hung on the school, allegedly THERE did not carry out explanatory work before school holidays.
          I want to say something.
          You can at least anonymously turn to these very "guardians of the rule of law" and they, like a pack of hungry dogs, will tear the teacher, the school director, the store owner, and maybe someone else will ricochet. TS will cause such "psychological trauma to repeat offenders" that they will not find little. This will not happen again.
          1. +1
            31 July 2016 22: 59
            But that's for sure. In our village, teachers were still obligated to watch so that the kids didn’t go fishing in the summer, suddenly ...
  9. -13
    28 July 2016 19: 22
    We must stop spending people's money on the so-called schools and revive the system of FZU and vocational schools. At least the younger generation will be able to feed itself. And then they will go to the bachelors of law or medicine. Today it is already easy to imagine an oligophrenic lawyer and a doctor with a mental retardation (he knows the profession from the inside).
    And eliminate pedagogical universities in the end. They became a hotbed of incompetence, vulgarity and a brake on social progress and morality!
    1. +2
      28 July 2016 19: 54
      Quote: 1536
      And eliminate pedagogical universities in the end.

      Quote: 1536
      and the so-called schools

      Well, you are my friend radical ... Or maybe you're right.
    2. +3
      28 July 2016 20: 56
      Quote: 1536
      And eliminate pedagogical universities in the end.

      And the teachers otkel will be indignant in your opinion?
      Instead of them, turners and masons? Children from 1st grade instead of handles chisels, hammers and knitting needles.
      And you are aware that working on MODERN machines requires basic knowledge of computer science. Physics and chemistry will not hurt.
  10. +30
    28 July 2016 19: 25
    I work in a Ukrainian school ... about the same with us. The teacher is to blame ... As they say, children interfere with filling out the documentation. As for money, there’s nothing to bet on, but once to two. And the situation as in the picture just kills.
    1. +21
      28 July 2016 19: 54
      I live in the Republic of Kazakhstan, I work at a school, I taught for 15 years, then I could not stand it, I left for a technical position. We have everything the same ... well, instead of the exam - UNT. And the picture is in the subject, really before the parents were on the side of the teacher, and now against him. Earlier, if I received a slap in my childhood from a labor teacher for a job, then God forbid my parents would find out that my father would also throw in a belt on the first number. And now the child is complaining and the teacher is shoveling it off in full. I'm not talking about the need to beat children (although sometimes it is probably necessary), but about the attitude of parents-consumers, after all, they pay you money, so let's have my all-round excellent student, white, fluffy and well-mannered, although at home they just talk and swear at home ... Our teacher, too, is tortured by all kinds of reporting, is guilty all around, if a student somewhere outside of school hours and not at school "cheats", the class teacher is the first to shove it off, nothing to do with the parents, this school overlooked. Oh, but what to write ... for 15 years I have endured ... now, although at school, but I don’t teach, a completely different life, I began to feel like a man, and not a "highly intellectual cattle" which the teacher is now, who only has legs about him does not wipe.
      Our school is about the same in terms of parameters as in the article, only there were 1200 children and now 360, we are dying out slowly ... Of the 45 teachers, 8 men are still a good ratio, and the director is a man, and not bad, but this is generally very good.
      1. +1
        28 July 2016 20: 16
        Quote: NikolaiN
        Our school is about the same in parameters as in the article, only there were 1200 children and now 360, we are dying out slowly ...

        And not only with you! ...
  11. +22
    28 July 2016 19: 25
    The article is the last desperate cry of the soul of a real teacher.
    Unfortunately, education is not in itself. Wherever you dig deeper - the same picture.
    The facades are tinted, and inside is rot.
    And to whom to change? Kudrin, Gref, Livanov, Medvedev .. ???. and further on party lists.
    1. +6
      28 July 2016 19: 53
      That's for sure - now there’s such a mess everywhere, everything is rotten ... what will happen next belay
  12. +4
    28 July 2016 19: 26
    There are problems in education. But the example is one-sided .. from some kind of correctional school ... which were at all times. I can cite normal schools as an example .. where more or less discipline ... there are no oligophrenics .. and almost all are engaged in physical education in normal ... and academic performance is good. My example is from a neighboring village ... off the beaten path (people don’t live very much there) ... but not from the city, as many people think. That villages ... that schools ... there are bad ones ... and there are good schools .... no need to thicken the paint. In June I passed an exam ... I decided to try ... I talked with schoolchildren .... normal guys ... brainy ... and not as described in the article.
  13. +12
    28 July 2016 19: 28
    The daughter herself has a schoolgirl, an exception to the rule, she loves to read books, and she tries to watch Western belebah less. At meetings, I realized, most importantly, not the learning process, most importantly, beautifully splurge. In general, they grow average people, they make individual qualities to hide in ourselves. It seems that our children are just a punishment for our modern education system. Then everything will be only worse.
  14. +2
    28 July 2016 19: 29
    About Education in Russia. Why I do not want to work as a teacher (Dmitry Shamov video).
  15. -10
    28 July 2016 19: 32
    Draw conclusions about one school - for this you need to drive an ax into the head! The author studied ... studied badly, since you can’t make a selection. on the basis of which analysis and conclusions can be made.

    This year I’m giving a small one to school. Village. There were always 2 first classes of 20-25. Now 4 to 25. There is almost no chock, two people like everything.
    Director: about 35 years old, Moscow State Pedagogical University. plus a bunch of additional courses on education and techniques. Other teachers are the same.
    Physical training: half of the children are already familiar, go together to the martial arts section. Fly like moose.

    Article, maybe. and true: we have depressed regions, no doubt. But not everywhere like that. But rather, quite the opposite! In Tomsk, I’m now trying to get a robotics development program for schoolchildren. In Moscow - on aircraft modeling. You can remotely, although there are special circles.
    There would be a desire - everything is now.
    The author is stupid and a whiner. Here he needs to kick on himself and his teachers - that's for sure !!!
    1. +2
      28 July 2016 20: 07
      Quote: Bramb
      The author is stupid and a whiner. Here he needs to kick on himself and his teachers - that's for sure !!!

      SchA will peck at you, IMHO. And I will support, perhaps:

      Transfer the education system from coding pedagogy (it has been practically unchanged since the Middle Ages) to methodological, that is, if for the simple reason, do not load children with masses of heterogeneous information, but teach them to independently obtain it as necessary

      - yeah, schazz. Especially in the elementary grades. This has never happened before. And under the Union - also was not

      In high school, it is necessary to return to separate education for boys and girls, because men should be prepared from boys, and women from girls

      is an extremely funny idea. He himself studied in the 70s, there was no "separate training" at all, nevertheless, everyone grew up ... as it should, in general

      The abolition of the exam, the return to the Soviet system of oral and written exams (from grade 4)

      - controversial, IMHO, a question.
      - The Unified State Exam, with its normal "performance", really reduces the corruption component (which, under the Union, it was simply possible not to worry)
      - USE on history, etc. - IMHO nonsense. In more formal subjects - it has a right to exist. Provided that teachers do not solve problems for students, so as not to spoil the statistics (I didn’t invent it myself, I read it in the article)

      Dramatically increase the prestige of the profession of a school teacher, university teacher and technical school, educator and master of vocational training - decent pay, in rural areas, where there is no developed public transport, as in cities, a personal car ...

      - hm ... there the article mentions the salary of an "Uzbek at a construction site"
      - so, the teacher's salary under the Union was 140 - 170 rubles, EMNIP. The ceiling for a worker (highly skilled builder) is 600-700. "Dumb Uzbeks" at a construction site, if they work, are not at all so dumb - modern construction is a complex mechanism, and you need to be able to do a lot. Ravshan with Dzhamshut, please do not remember laughing

      Return male teachers to schools, having created all the necessary conditions and facilities, and their percentage should be at least 50%

      - I've never seen this. At my school, there were male teachers: a physical teacher, a couple of "Trudoviks" (vocational training), a military instructor, and one mathematician
      - and all
      - a rather big school, in a year for a hundred tenth graders
      - and no one was buzzing at the same time

      That's something like Yes
    2. +3
      28 July 2016 21: 05
      Quote: Bramb
      To draw conclusions on one school -

      Yes, it’s clear that it’s impossible, but I read it directly and saw my school ... I won’t say anything about Russia, but as in our district, it’s a very typical school. Although the north of Kazakhstan is really one of the poorest and most depressed areas in the country.
  16. +5
    28 July 2016 19: 33
    This article is yes to Livanov’s ears. All the people are outraged and no one hears is the main mystery to me.
    1. +1
      28 July 2016 20: 44
      gentlemen comrades, you are naive !!! Do you think this is a process of the mediocre work of the government ????? make a mistake this is the planned work of forced degradation into the purchase of our children
  17. +6
    28 July 2016 19: 34
    And with whom you intend to revive the TU-160, this is also specially done in schools, they were connected with the mentally retarded generation to lower education, carefully look at Medvedev, you can see by the face
  18. +23
    28 July 2016 19: 34
    I - not only the Old military commander, but also the old teacher, began working in 1963 as a whole and completely agree with the author. School is in ruin and urgent measures need to be taken if we do not want to lose our youth permanently. It must be admitted that sabotage against our civilization is carried out at a high level and very successfully. Urgent action is a complete change of the education system at all levels. Return to the Ministry of Education organizationally, to the old programs and principles of Jan Amos Comenius and subsequent classics of pedagogy. Powerful investments in children, i.e. to the future. Protection of children and teachers from all sorts of initiative and dubious experiments, and teachers from empty paperwork. Tight state control over the spending of funds allocated to the school. Medical monitoring of the health of children and the organization of their school day. I'm not talking about compliance with sanitary standards. And these are only the primary tasks. But they started talking about it, even in VO. The case must move forward, otherwise death. And this is not a horror story. I have the honor.
    1. +2
      28 July 2016 19: 52
      Without a change in the political system this is impossible, but with a change, we will be burned / shot first.
  19. -4
    28 July 2016 19: 38
    Just a question, where did he find such a school?
    1. +1
      28 July 2016 19: 50
      I studied from 84 to 94. Take a word, high school students already smoked! I am silent about the pivasik, before Andropov it was in the order of things. Yes, and after. And what doesn’t suit you in the article?
      1. 0
        28 July 2016 20: 14
        Quote: Andrey77
        And what doesn’t suit you in the article?

        I have not seen this, but people (some) start smoking and drinking early, but how is everything described here ..... it may be somewhere in a couple of places, in general it is not so. And this school of "garbage" judging by the description. And the parents are to blame in this case, not the education system. And besides, with good teachers, even "bad" children do not behave like that in schools. I'm just sorry, that part of the normal children who probably are there.
        1. 0
          28 July 2016 20: 23
          Now imagine this normal part of the children in the barracks. School is part of life, albeit cruel, but without it, nowhere. Did you serve
          1. +1
            28 July 2016 20: 32
            Quote: Andrey77
            Now imagine this normal part of the children in the barracks

            I finished 9th grade and became a techie in 2004, started studying in 1995 (in troubled years) now I still have a higher education. My classmates, most of them with higher education and have normal families now. They served in the army, no one complained. "Dysfunctional" at school and 10% will not be typed, and then half of them can be called such with a stretch, just ordinary people floating with the flow. And at the same time, I grew up in an "unfavorable" area. And which of all will I say? Yes, the fact that our teachers, with a scanty salary, did their job efficiently. And not as IT is a misunderstanding that calls itself a teacher.
        2. +2
          29 July 2016 12: 11
          The fact is, young man, you will allow me to call you that, the article is not talking about guilt, but about the education system as such. Everything else is particular. Of course, there are good children and there are many of them. But what kind of environmental pressure do they experience ?! TV, "advanced" classmates, movies, advertisements ... Everywhere is foreign language of the Anglo-Saxon style. Therefore, the problem is complex and it will have to be solved. How - that's what we're trying to talk about. And I feel sorry for all the children - they are ours. By the way, I remembered that the topic of duties and responsibilities of a student is touched upon somehow casually, bashfully.
  20. -11
    28 July 2016 19: 43
    Simultaneously with mine, a girl from a neighboring house enters the same first grade. Her mother is just as stupid as the author and half of those who have unsubscribed here: "the programs are weak, they teach poorly at the institutes, the food is low-calorie, the children often get sick ...". A simple question: why isn't mine sick? !! Yes, because he is engaged in physical training, and does not sit like your daughter at the computer around the clock !!! But about this she is silent! She's not a fool, but programs, Putin and in general!
    Remember, scribble-buryards: that. how physically strong and smart children will be - depends ONLY on you !!! And more from no one !!!

    The article is a minus, but I won’t put any minuses here: half of the nails should be driven into blunt and lazy heads.
    1. +5
      28 July 2016 19: 54
      Orderlies came out to smoke ?! smile Unsubscribed ?! Well done! Running to the ward ... belay
      1. 0
        29 July 2016 09: 41
        With such, this bramp, there’s nothing to talk about - this is an Americanos troll, underdeveloped
    2. 0
      28 July 2016 20: 02
      To a concentration camp? The word is ugly, here: Sports camp! And then on the Komsomol ticket to BAM.
    3. 0
      28 July 2016 21: 20
      If all parents, like you, would be conscious, understanding, not abandoning the process of raising their own children, I probably would not have left teaching. So where can I get them ... Here is the author and proposes measures to change the education system, to change the situation. Although without parental support it will all be half measures, but such parents need to be raised now from children ... in general, a vicious circle turns out, as it were, to break it ...
      1. +1
        29 July 2016 02: 11
        The teacher must at least write correctly!
    4. Web
      28 July 2016 21: 33
      Quote: Bramb
      Remember, scribble-buryards: that. how physically strong and smart children will be - depends ONLY on you !!! And more from no one !!!

      It is a pity that you can’t put a hundred pluses. I got the impression that most commentators either have no children, or their children live in a parallel universe.
  21. +21
    28 July 2016 19: 44
    My wife has been working for many years in the educational field and she says that now the teacher is rubbish and a rag on which everyone wipes their feet, demanding in return that the teachers "just" "lick" the students "children". This is especially evident in large cities such as St. Petersburg, Moscow, etc. The main problem in such cities is parents who "throw show-off" for any reason: they think that their children are hidden geeks, perfect creatures, without any flaws, and the teacher on the contrary, this is a complete fuck, cannot reveal all the gifts of all these "highly intellectual" children. These parents cannot be explained that their such "correct" children are rude to teachers in the classroom, hiding behind the image of their parents, drink and fuck in toilets and nearby doorways and are absolutely not interested in what the teachers give them in the classroom ... When students ask how they will enter higher educational institutions, with such an attitude to study, there is always a "standard" answer: "I will study for a fee, parents will pay for tuition, where are they, nafig, go ..."
    1. -5
      28 July 2016 19: 50
      Quite right: Dumb - these are the parents who interfere with teaching their children! Half or even more praising this article here - these are the very parents who are there !!!
      It’s you who were poorly taught and learned, and not the education that is bad now and the teachers!
      Look in the mirror before saying that someone at school is bad.
      1. -8
        28 July 2016 20: 11
        Do not bend the stick. Didn’t it all happen before? It was. And they fucked beautifully in the toilet in the USSR.
        1. +3
          28 July 2016 22: 38
          I am glad for your physical (and sexual) development in such a young age. And that you rate this lesson as "BEAUTIFUL" means you liked it ...
          We would have sex too, but there was no time to do this.
          Two sports. sections a day before lessons, then lessons, then on the street again various "physical exercises".
          At the end, homework is almost falling asleep.
          There is no time for fucking ...
      2. +2
        28 July 2016 20: 18
        Do Bad Parents Have Bad Children? You can agree. But where and who can change something, if not the school? After all, parents cannot be changed, but you can still work with children. This is well understood by those who do schools to "raise" even worse parents, not the best.
      3. Erg
        28 July 2016 22: 00
        Quote: Bramb
        Quite right: Dumb - these are the parents who interfere with teaching their children! Half or even more praising this article here - these are the very parents who are there !!!
        It’s you who were poorly taught and learned, and not the education that is bad now and the teachers!
        Look in the mirror before saying that someone at school is bad.

        Collapsed from the oak, eccentric?
      4. 0
        29 July 2016 09: 39
        Amerikosovsky troll from Boston. The handwriting shows ...
  22. +6
    28 July 2016 19: 47
    Yes! sad The article is hard but pretty true! And almost everywhere! I write that the word ALMOST ... There is simply something else where schools where children really come to receive knowledge ... recourse today their units are all over RUSSIA sad And it all started with things that were harmless at first glance ... And after that there was a soros catch ... (what a weedy word is that lol soros) ... I ran away not so long ago and damn it’s business today ... It’s necessary to remove the whole thing from the soros from the educational program am
  23. +2
    28 July 2016 19: 48
    The conclusions, of course, are very smart, and the recommendations are super useful, but here's the catch! American, English ..., Russian kids STUPID? Why not? The socio-political system is the same. So write, do not write, but as they said "scoundrels-communists, enslavers of free proletarians, saldats, sailors and peasants" .... (where am I !?), so this is how the communists, or rather their classics, said: - being defines consciousness. So how do not be puffed up, how do not suffer, but the loot now determines consciousness. So someone pies and crumpets, and everyone else condoms, beer and Mouzon! Although there is a way out, it is bloody.
    1. -2
      28 July 2016 20: 36
      Well, didn’t they read Lenin? So? Have you completely read Marx’s Capital? We are not in the Central Committee of the regional committee, you can answer.
      1. -2
        29 July 2016 09: 38
        Do you know a nail bear?
  24. +2
    28 July 2016 19: 48
    I agree with all the points, but paragraph 8 would add the responsibility of teachers for grades in the certificate (put a good one, but he does not know anything - a punishment), and class teachers should be responsible for the characteristics that they write (otherwise they learned to use Ctrl V)!
    1. +1
      28 July 2016 21: 26
      Quote: gur4enk
      set a good one, but he knows nothing - punishment

      Now, on the contrary, the teacher "rakes off" for a bad grade (bad USE / UNT result), but the child knows or does not know the tenth thing. The main thing is to write plans, draw up reports, do not spoil statistics ...
      1. 0
        28 July 2016 21: 35
        "Stick" system. Nothing changed.
      2. +5
        28 July 2016 22: 45
        Teacher salaries are not formed from the results of the exam. But because of the points scored in different ways.
        Including various competitions (via the Internet) TOGETHER with students, conducting circles and sections. This is called LOAD.
        Mine goes to school 6 days a week at 7 o’clock and arrives at 19.00 - until she conducts students who study in the second shift and the last lesson ends at 17.40.
        And at home, two are still waiting for their household.
        And she is again for "contests, projects, presentations" ... Otherwise, the salary will be halved ...
  25. +8
    28 July 2016 19: 50
    Everything comes from impunity, both in the state and in school. If an official were guaranteed to be imprisoned for theft and bribes, and not selectively, as now, we would have already dealt with corruption long ago. So it is at school: if a student is sure that in almost any situation he is guaranteed a troika and transfer to the next class, does he have an incentive to study? And while the student himself does not want to learn, no matter how golden the teacher is, there will be no sense.
    1. -2
      28 July 2016 20: 41
      And nah .. I'm your system, I'm 4 months before demobilization. Almost literally. The first day upon arrival at the unit with a "jacket".
  26. 0
    28 July 2016 19: 51
    Media, Advertising, TV, Banks, Education are all in the power of Nathans. I would like something finally RUSSIAN!
  27. +1
    28 July 2016 19: 59
    "The next thing I notice is that the physical condition of the children is kind of flimsy, painful."
    The enemies of the communists on the territory of the USSR do not respect anyone, but, first of all, they do not respect themselves. For a quarter of a century, “foaming at the mouth” have been proving to the supporters of the USSR that they are ready to eat whatever they hit, as long as there is a lot and without queues.
    They do not even care about the health of their children, who since childhood are vaunted "but now everything is there", are deprived of vitamins, nutritional qualities of products, protein, all these "products" are fakes, a surrogate made from soybeans, palm oil, chemistry , hormones, GMOs.
  28. -14
    28 July 2016 20: 00
    I see and have the opportunity to give my children a high-quality education, including diversified development. For this, now there is everything and there are no restrictions for this. Without a lot of money and NOT going abroad - I emphasize specifically for the huge number of boobies here.

    But not even half, but at least two-thirds here - your children will become the same "intellectuals" as you are. Empty-headed rams. And they will work for my son. follow his orders, because there is simply nothing to discuss with your offspring: this is already evident from their parents. You are stupid and do not see great opportunities, but just to lie down on the sofa and groan how bad Putin and Lebanon are, instead of taking care of your child.
    You yourself grow up your own children as idiots! You personally, and no one else whom you only saw a couple of times on TV.
    I repeat: now there is simply a huge, colossal amount of opportunities to raise your child educated and diversified !!! If this is not the case, the parent is to blame and ONLY !!!
    1. +3
      28 July 2016 20: 28
      Use of the substance Haloperidol
      Psychomotor agitation of various origins (manic state, mental retardation, psychopathy, schizophrenia, chronic alcoholism), delirium and hallucinations (paranoid states, acute psychosis), Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, Huntington's chorea, psychosomatic disorders, behavioral disorders in old age and childhood, stuttering , vomiting and hiccups, persistent and resistant to therapy. For haloperidol decanoate: schizophrenia (supportive therapy). Careful, "colleague"! wink With a dose, do not overdo it ...
    2. +6
      28 July 2016 20: 31
      Quote: Bramb
      I see and have opportunities to give my children a high quality education, including diversified development. There is now everything for this and there are no restrictions for this. Without a lot of money and NOT going abroad - I emphasize especially for a huge number of boobies here. But not even half, but at least two-thirds here - your children will become the same "intellectuals" as you are. Empty-headed rams. And they will work for my son. follow his orders, because there is simply nothing to discuss with your offspring: this is already evident from their parents.

      We are happy for you. Correct the crown, otherwise it will slip on your ears. In proving your truth, you have slipped into banal rudeness.
    3. +1
      28 July 2016 21: 30
      Quote: Bramb
      If this is not the case, the parent is to blame and ONLY !!!

      I agree with this, a lot depends on the parents, more than 50% for sure.
    4. +3
      28 July 2016 21: 57
      your children will become as "intellectuals" as you are. Empty-headed rams. And they will work for my son. follow his orders, because there is simply nothing to discuss with your offspring:
      Straight D'Artanyan in the second generation you have a son. Self-conceit has landed.
      1. +7
        28 July 2016 22: 12
        Exactly, if you still tell the child that way, then what will come of him. "Son / daughter, you are smarter than everyone, because your parents are the smartest. You will be a big boss, you will spread rot on these donkeys and give them orders." smile I would not like to be your subordinate. If you consider employees "empty-headed rams", you will get exactly the same return from them! The team should be appreciated, not pampered, but appreciated. Please teach your son this, otherwise it's scary for your children smile
    5. +2
      28 July 2016 21: 59
      will work for my son. follow his orders
      Or they will simply punch his head in the street, because they want everything, and not just rich Pinocchio. Yes, and social justice, again, is subjective.
    6. +1
      29 July 2016 09: 36
      A severe case of aggravated conceit and narcissism ... Be treated !!
  29. -9
    28 July 2016 20: 02
    The geographer drank the globe, in short. The guard Where the organs look! Previously, the body had to think. Remember yourself in their years? Those were still deer. Matured, wiser. And these sacrifice ege will not go anywhere. Life, it’s like that — kicks. One step ahead must be from the so-called competitors.
    Yes, the level of erudition of our youngsters is dropping catastrophically, I'm not talking about education, well, if we keep it, we’ll tear all these types of "smart guys", cat. to us yes by their charter. Nature is suspended in balance, well, that's the law she has! We are not getting smarter, but they are getting dumber, damn it. It's easier for that nature.
  30. +1
    28 July 2016 20: 03
    About the exam will not be, except for Livanov all against.
    But the article was not written by a teacher (teacher).
    10. Returning at the first stage (the stage is restoration), to the program and educational standards of the Stalin period of the 30-40 years, textbooks of that time can be reprinted

    This is real nonsense. Pedagogy during this time almost 70 years advanced.
    Federal state educational standard - a set of mandatory requirements for education at a certain level and (or) for a profession
    So, now we will give the student what was known in the 30 of the last century?
    By the way, a lot of things at school depend on the teaching staff.
    1. -1
      28 July 2016 21: 13
      Quote: Army 2
      But the article was not written by a teacher (teacher).

      Quite right, the article was written by a person far from education. It is determined by the following statement.
      2. To transfer the education system from coding pedagogy (it has been operating practically unchanged since the Middle Ages), to methodological, that is, if simple, not to load children with masses of heterogeneous information, but to teach them to extract it independently as needed. This will reduce the rate of full secondary school to 8-9 years, and high school to 3-4 years.
      The writer does not know that the paradigm of education (the main concept) has changed for ten years already. Teach children to independently acquire knowledge. That is, this citizen has not been within the walls of the school for ten years. Yes, there are many problems. There are excellent teachers and not only veterans but also young ones. Who managed to preserve the principles and methods of Soviet pedagogy. Boys and girls love to exercise, they are seriously involved in sports. The smoke from a cigarette is an emergency, it happens 1 - 2 times a year. At the military training camp of 10th grade youths from all over the region (this is 120 - 150 people), not a single one lit a cigarette before our eyes for 5 days of 5 hours of classes. This is the most ordinary school. Yes, there are de bils, you can't get away from them. But oranges will not be born from mountain ash. What is going on at home, they are so used to living. But they have not "run the show" at school for a long time.
    2. -1
      28 July 2016 21: 41
      Well, maybe not a Stalinist ... But the Finnish education system, which is now considered very successful in Europe, and in the world, took a lot from the Soviet system, and even some textbooks on basic sciences, after adaptation, of course ... I read it somehow their minister at an international forum. By the way, they do not have elite schools.

      here about Finnish education in brief

      it's time to take back the experience ...
    3. -1
      29 July 2016 09: 34
      Bullshit is capitalism and its advocates, among whom you are Mr.
  31. +12
    28 July 2016 20: 07
    I agree entirely! My wife works as an English teacher, and what she says is scary. In our town during my school time there were 4 schools, now there are only 2, because there are few students. Her salary is 8-9 thousand rubles. per month, you can judge the prestige of the work for yourself. The main problem is the complete lack of discipline. Now the teacher cannot put the school bully in place - they jump up in class, scream, fart at the whole class, etc. Looking at them, normal students inevitably deteriorate. My wife once took them on the phone and showed the head teacher, she goggled her eyes and said, "Erase it immediately, God forbid, the director finds out, he'll fire it right away!" And what kind of education can we talk about? All grades for a quarter are now given in agreement with the head teacher, in case of a bad grade, parents resort to quarreling with the teachers, at parent meetings they present: "Children are very bored in your lessons (!!!)" Should study be a booth? Once in their school, during a physical education lesson, a physical education instructor took a young boor out of the gym, who was disrupting a lesson at home, he told dad that the teacher beat him in front of the whole class, dad ran to school and threw his fists at the teacher, somehow figured out the situation ... In addition, there are many children of migrants from Central Asia, these have no concept of discipline at all. And the wife told the following about the values ​​of the young generation - one girl from the 4th grade was asked what she dreams of, she replied: "I want to marry a rich man, a mink coat, a vacation in Egypt and a billion dollars (this is a literal answer, I am nothing added!). I somehow doubt that they will protect our old age.
  32. +1
    28 July 2016 20: 09
    A state where thieves and bandits rule the ball is an educated population (with the exception of a small percentage)! Gray, especially not thinking mass, is easier to manage!
  33. -18
    28 July 2016 20: 11
    And finally, everyone agrees with this article: Russia will not die and will not slide anywhere. Just your children, whom you personally because of your stupidity and laziness have done and will make idiots, will clean the outhouses and wash the shoes for my son and people like him. And my son and his friends will build a great Russia and fly into space.

    You and I, the growers of sorting cleaners and fools, are different children and they have different paths - this is true.
    And Russia is waiting for long, great centuries. But you have nothing to do with it. )))
    1. -2
      28 July 2016 23: 27
      And Russia is waiting for long, great centuries. But you have nothing to do with it.
      All Russians obviously have nothing to do with it smile
    2. -1
      29 July 2016 09: 31
      Yes, where did this obscure creature come from, apparently from that outhouse
  34. +3
    28 July 2016 20: 13
    Forgive me - the reform of the school is Medvedev’s idea - now they do not learn how to study, but they teach to take the exam - how much you can tolerate immigrants from St. Petersburg - I will not list the gender of the government and all amateurs - you know
  35. +3
    28 July 2016 20: 14
    Apparently, the author in Russian also passed the exam, punctuation to hell ... but in fact he is right ... the exam results are excellent, the indicators are growing from year to year, medalists are usually 10-15 every year (he saw about * * ate, where our Soviet medalists, who were two at school and who really had ** torn to get this medal), and stupid people would open their mouths ... continued in high schools for grandmothers ... and then they treat people, children are taught, they work at VAZs, even rockets are tested according to Skomorokhov ...
  36. +5
    28 July 2016 20: 27
    The problem is that the ideology of our society has changed globally - in the USSR there was an ideology of "creation", that is, everyone tried to create something with their own hands and head and understood that this requires scientific and applied knowledge, hence there was a respectful attitude towards those who gave such knowledge, in modern Russia there is already a completely different ideology - the ideology of "consumption", that is, the ideology of "making money and material goods" by any means in order to then spend them on "satisfaction". Do you know the difference? By the way, everyone probably remembers the words of the President when he said that the main task of the school is to “educate an informed” consumer? Honestly, I still shudder when I remember these words ... Why? Firstly: if these are his words, and not a repetition of what the "obliging" "preparers of state speeches" slipped him into, then it becomes completely depressing, for this is a plan for the future, that is, what is being prepared from us for the future. If the "subject" did not read, beforehand, then what was slipped to him and mechanically read from what was written, then it is not at all clear what is going on there at the top ... both are shitty for us ...
    1. +1
      29 July 2016 14: 00
      Quote: Monster_Fat
      ideology of "creation"

      Quote: Monster_Fat
      ideology of "consumption"

      I agree. Always said that consumption-based civilization is a dead end branch
  37. +6
    28 July 2016 20: 27
    There was no better Soviet system. And now everything is according to the principle "sheep are easier to graze than educated people." The state policy of eliminating potentially dangerous elements over the past 25 years has wiped out the layer of the technical intelligentsia, the working class, leaving only "managers" and other "creative class". Putin, of course, has nothing to do with it, because he is a saint. It's all the fault of the bad boyars and Obama.
  38. +7
    28 July 2016 20: 30
    Judging by the teachers' salaries, our government consists of vengeful losers.
  39. +1
    28 July 2016 20: 32
    All read laziness, but write too (so many smart speeches, if you read of course)

    Particularly “gifted” children smoke from grades 2-3, the percentage of smokers grows every year

    Wealthy schoolchildren turn out to be the time to raise excise taxes on tobacco urgently.
  40. +4
    28 July 2016 20: 33
    In 1961, John F. Kennedy, after becoming president of the United States, convened a commission to determine the reasons for the lag behind the USSR in space. The commission identified two reasons: the dispersion of forces and the education system. For the first reason, they decided to conduct all work under the leadership of NASA, for the second, they created an education commission, which was instructed to study the education system in the USSR and introduce a similar one. Of all the decisions of this commission, the most rational was to attract ready-made specialists. In 96, I suddenly saw a news item in the newspaper that the Education Commission was dissolving itself. "We have not reached the goal, but in the modern world it is no longer relevant." More or less like this. That is, they chose a different path - not to create for themselves, but to destroy in our country. That they did well.
  41. +3
    28 July 2016 20: 39
    I completely agree with the author that we will not be able to return to the one that was the education system under the Union, because nobody needs it ..
  42. +5
    28 July 2016 20: 47
    I myself recently worked at school. Ran away. It’s easier to retire than to work at school. And the children are not to blame. The children are nice, albeit a little neglected. But you can fix it if you change the system. To do this, you need to disperse all the higher structures. Those, firstly, are not very needed. And secondly, because they are not needed, they are trying to create the appearance of their work and they are releasing all sorts of papers that are already performed by teachers. I wrote a textbook for the class teacher and counted how much time he needed to do everything that was lowered to him from above. 16 hours a day, including Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, he is obliged to drive children to theaters and museums. And all this is not for the teacher’s work (they pay for the hours), but for the meager increase for the classroom leadership. What can not be refused. Cool leadership is required. They wrote about the exam, nothing to add.
    Here the public must rise! Maybe after the elections to the Duma, the EP will not gain a majority, the government will change and then something will change in education? And there’s nothing to catch!
  43. 0
    28 July 2016 20: 49
    I fully support, in addition to separate training for boys and girls. Also introduce penalties for violations of school discipline - mate, disobedience, cell phones in the lesson. For some reason, video surveillance can be hung on the stall, but not in the classroom? Repeated violation by the child - parents pay a fine to the school budget!
  44. +1
    28 July 2016 20: 54
    This is where to start - the health of the nation and quality education. These are the main factors in the confident development of society. I don’t understand why the state pays so little attention to these things ??? What can we change now, before it's too late ??? How to ask the government for the current state of this problem ???
  45. +1
    28 July 2016 20: 58
    Putin said: there will be an exam!
  46. +6
    28 July 2016 20: 59
    My personal opinion!
    Raising teachers' salaries won't change a damn thing! Financial motivation works for a very short time, and then again "little money", and again whine! It was checked on my own experience, I tried to raise the salary of my boobies, they ached after 2 months. Half had to be kicked out (fortunately, I don't have many of them).
    By the way, in addition to teachers, there are many professions where salaries are cheap. Example, my wife is a district nurse. The plot is a private sector of the city, quite large, you run around. Salary 12000-13000. But, this is a big salary for a nurse in her clinic. If the nurse just sits at the reception, for example with a surgeon, the salary is 7000-9000. How do you like it? And it works with pleasure. I offer to help find a better paid job, she says that she likes her job and will not change her. You have to love your work, not money. If you like money, look for another job!
    About the men at school. I am quite young, I went to school in '91, studied in a rural school. The school is quite large, children from neighboring villages brought us children. Teachers of men were 3 people for the whole school. There are 30 women and men. I think that there have always been few peasant teachers.
  47. -1
    28 July 2016 21: 06
    Quote: basmach
    Gosmoda Putinists- ay, everything is fine with us as before and we are strenuously pursuing a bright future.

    No, this is still bad for you. One wrote an article in the style of a "state employee, the daughter of a teacher", the rest picked up in a harmonious chorus about the fact that everything is bad (well, who would doubt it!). and as the icing on the cake, as expected - Putin walk away.
    This is not even funny. The scheme is pretty fed up, contact the curators.
    So here. I have a direct relationship with education. Personally familiar with firsthand the situation in schools. And on this basis, I’m telling you - nothing written in the article is observed anywhere (at least in droves, like the author’s). The percentage of d .. children and young alcoholics is exactly the same as in the USSR.
    Against the backdrop of enchanting nonsense about the reprinting of textbooks 70 years ago and separate training, all the other proposals, to put it mildly, do not inspire confidence in the author. Like all the previous text about the horror that is happening in the modern school.
    I want to ask - in what year is it written?
    1. +2
      28 July 2016 21: 56
      The author in the USSR does not seem to have studied. And he thinks that everything was perfect there ...
  48. 0
    28 July 2016 21: 08
    Everything is predictable. For smart people, all this was understandable from the beginning, but those who do not understand it - they were fools or State Deputies Gauleiters.

    An example of the Anglo-Saxons was before my eyes! Kohl began, mainly forcefully, to equate everyone on the Anglo-Saxons, then the result was similar.

    The bourgeoisie in general dulls; this is a property of the social system; it contains a request for cattle, not for creators.
    1. 0
      28 July 2016 21: 59
      Answer a simple question. How is socialism different from communism?
  49. +2
    28 July 2016 21: 13
    Quote: Bramb
    Simultaneously with mine, a girl from a neighboring house enters the same first grade. Her mother is just as stupid as the author and half of those who have unsubscribed here: "the programs are weak, they teach poorly at the institutes, the food is low-calorie, the children often get sick ...". A simple question: why isn't mine sick? !! Yes, because he is engaged in physical training, and does not sit like your daughter at the computer around the clock !!! But about this she is silent! She's not a fool, but programs, Putin and in general!
    Remember, scribble-buryards: that. how physically strong and smart children will be - depends ONLY on you !!! And more from no one !!!

    I completely agree. if the teacher cannot interest the student in the lesson, then this is the teacher’s problem. Regarding smoking, what do you think the children take as an example 7 If I asked one student where you get cigarettes, and she says that she smokes with her mother on the balcony, maybe it’s worth starting Set an example for your children.
    Regarding education, then their program is somewhat more difficult than ours and we simply do not understand it. Whoever wants to study is the one who learns, and who is satisfied with everything and the parents are satisfied, no one will force this person to study. And as soon as such an individual gets into the class, he begins to pull the collective to his side and then the Teacher must take action. but many "teachers" prefer to close their eyes and not spoil the statistics. As a result, the class falls apart. As a result, the first and main stage of education is a family that fully interacts with the school and takes part in the life of their child, and in second place is the state, which should be concerned about the leisure of children after hours so that there would be no time to think about beer and cigarettes.
    1. +1
      28 July 2016 22: 03
      Quote: zlyk19
      The result is the first and main stage of education is a family that fully interacts with the school and takes part in the life of their child, and in second place is the state, which should worry about children's leisure outside school hours so that there is no time to think about beer and cigarettes.

      Golden words ++++++
  50. +8
    28 July 2016 21: 23
    As it had already completely stopped writing comments on the site, it just doesn’t make any sense, but the article about the school hurt, it’s clear that the person wrote from the system, as of the state of affairs everything is true.

    Over the years of his life, he just did not have time to work, including a teacher in an ordinary secondary school for 10 years.
    I know the problem, so to speak, not from the outside. He worked at school almost all the nineties and then closer to 2010. I’m no longer working and I won’t go for any extra money. And not because I don’t like children or didn’t work well, no, I lived there just led 50 hours a week + melee mugs in the evenings. The guys respected and idolized me, there was one among mine. But the attitude to school and teachers has changed from the side of children and parents from year to year all for the worse. All sensible teachers who did not hang loans on their necks quietly left school, were not at all the best ten, or those who were catastrophically afraid of losing their salaries, since tomorrow there would be nothing to pay their debts.

    Why am I all ... I just wanted to add one very important point to the list of measures to improve the state of affairs. All of the above is good, but the most important thing is a liability mechanism. This is the most important thing, how are you going to influence so that the student (and the parent) not only listens to you, but also does what you require of him ??? Such individuals meet ... even if you get up on their ears, and they will send you obscenities, and the same mom and dad will come.
    And not to say that before there were none, there were even when I was studying, but there were few of them and they looked like a laughing stock. And today there are just a lot of such people and they already determine the trend. This is a real problem.

    In conclusion, I will say only one thing (I don’t remember who said it) Impunity creates permissiveness. Instead of spreading the teacher’s corps, specialists in the school would work, and not in the city halls and administrations, and this is not about money.
    1. +1
      28 July 2016 22: 05
      Quote: gammipapa
      But the attitude to school and teachers has changed from the side of children and parents from year to year all for the worse

      so I left for the same reason ...
    2. +1
      29 July 2016 15: 17
      Mom and Dad won't come. No illusions needed. You just have to work and prove that you are a GURU. Every day. In life. And close combat leave for the street.
    3. 0
      31 July 2016 18: 12
      Noos, you're still lucky. My friend was accused of pedophilia, he barely paid off. Now she conducts physical education purely theoretically, without touching.
  51. +1
    28 July 2016 21: 28
    In Moldova it’s about the same. In a neighboring village, the school was closed; in mine, over the past 15 years, the number of children has decreased from 700 to 280.

    I was a teacher two years ago. I also thought about what all this was about. If you give grades honestly, half of the school will remain for the second year. I didn’t care about the indignation of my parents and possible proceedings with the director if I thought that I was right. But nevertheless, he didn’t give too many bad marks and didn’t leave half the class for the second year. I didn't see the point in this.

    Children from primary school “know” what democracy is and what rights they have. And many parents have changed and become stupid. Many people do not understand why a teacher needs authority, and that a teacher must always be right.
  52. Erg
    28 July 2016 21: 44
    I once asked my colleagues a question: how did Russia manage to rise after the crisis of the 90s? It’s like, take it, adversary, the country with your bare hands - no army, no ideology, the officials are all tame, corrupt, all the uranium was brought to the states for the officials’ villas and offshore companies... And yet it rose... Well, wow - what a surprise... “It’s not clear,” however, with whose money... You have to pay for everything. And children, including... You can spew out the concepts of salvation, development, etc. as much as you like. But there will be no sense, because... It’s not for us to decide what the boys and girls of Orthodox (yet) Russia should be. Stalin would have decided. And very quickly. A little blood, really... Well, it’s up to you to decide what’s worth it. hi
    1. Erg
      1 August 2016 01: 01
      I would like to hear the arguments of the “minus” people. Or comrades have lost their minds...
  53. +2
    28 July 2016 21: 58
    Who needs this school of yours? No one needs it. You can’t “cut” good money, you can’t break into the supreme power. You've learned to read - it's already good. They can sign the loan agreement - great! But it is harmful for them to count - they will be smart. And if the sons/daughters of rich parents are taught to repeat the words “innovation”, “prestige”, “development” and forced to learn the phrase “project technologies” - a ready-made government. The rest is not needed in everyday life. What's wrong?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. Erg
      28 July 2016 22: 20
      Sad sarcasm, Comrade Lieutenant. Until we tell ourselves the truth, we will remain here, grimacing, pretending to be “concerned” about the fate of the Motherland. And our children... Look what's on our TV channels (home, let's get married, interns, Malysheva, etc.), don't miss the advertisement (all of Russia is in shock, she quit her job after learning this system), we "suddenly "made peace with Turkey, turning a blind eye to the fact that Nakhimov or Suvorov would have razed Istanbul to the ground, having received "apologies" that no one has ever seen... We recognize the junta, which came to power through a coup, killing children and women , we shake hands with their representatives... I understand - politics. Well, you decide for yourself - “politics” or honor and conscience. But when you decide, then we’ll talk.
      1. +2
        29 July 2016 08: 06
        Now I'm afraid to turn on the TV in the kitchen. There, either Malysheva picks her ass and shows how to properly sit on the toilet and perform circumcision, or advertising laxatives or vice versa, as well as pads and so on. They are probably trying to fight excess weight. For more, such as honor and patriotism, the state, business and simply many people do not have the time and money. The reason is banal - honor, conscience and patriotism sell poorly and do not bring obvious profit. In my opinion, the main problem of capitalism is not the exploitation and oppression of man by man, as we were taught, but this degradation for the sake of profits, successful filling of pockets with money and consumption of tasty and spectacular things. What an abomination!
  54. -2
    28 July 2016 22: 17
    Comparison of an engineer from the tsarist era and a Soviet one is also in favor of the earlier one. The civilization of “screens and buttons” needs exactly those whom the Unified State Examination does.

    Further? Apparently, a new division into “gods” and the slave system. The “gods” will own super-technologies, and slaves will grow organic food, supply concubines for pleasure, and gladiators for spectacles.

    Perhaps Rus' will be able to break out of these universal “values”. Well, then we will all become... "gods";)
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 08: 12
      The main thing is that we stopped doing something useful with our hands and inventing things with our heads. I remember how many interesting things my parents could build from scrap materials, I had already designed using standard parts, and while working as an aircraft designer I did everything by analogy with rare improvements, my children are virtual reality without any flight of fancy. Clear degradation.
  55. +2
    28 July 2016 22: 34
    They wrote about Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus. I can add about Uzbekistan if anyone is interested. Essentially, at the moment the standard of living in our countries is not very different (with the possible exception of Ukraine - there it has fallen significantly). I will talk about large urban agglomerations - Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara, etc. The province is a separate matter.

    Unlike you, we have a very powerful incentive here - competition, due to demographic reasons. Secondary school has been reduced to 9 years. After it, MANDATORY 3-year vocational education in a specialized college (if the focus is on secondary education) or an academic lyceum (with an eye on higher education). But in any case, in both cases, you can try to enter a university, but I repeat - the competition is enormous. Therefore, young people with clearly defined goals go to study at universities with you, in Russia = about the decline in knowledge of the Russian language, forget - it is higher than ever =, and if funds allow, in the West or in the “Asian Tigers” = Sweden , Italy, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, South Korea, China - many boys and girls study there =.

    The level of teaching, I won’t say that it’s high, but it’s not very low either. A huge plus in the education system, patriarchal way of life in the country, implying respect for elders, which are vaccinated from the cradle. Great competitive advantages come from serving in the army, where, by the way, we have a huge competition... to serve, even an alternative, you have to pay = an alternative, it seems to cost 4.5 million, that’s about 700 bucks =... *)

    Due to my occupation, I watch with interest young people who are in one way or another related to the intelligence services =from 28 to 35 years old=. It’s very interesting that just 10 years ago the trend was “sit down, grab your money” in almost 100 percent of cases. Now, somewhere around 70 to 30 - “Lawfulness and honesty, above all” outweighs. This is good news.

    In the outback, with everything I wrote above, the situation is many times worse. The main contingent of people coming to you to work comes from there, from the provinces, with all the “bouquet” of accompanying “charms” - ignorance of the language, low level of education, general culture, low level of socialization, etc. and so on. At the moment, the State is trying to take control of migration flows - I really hope that it will succeed in this soon. People will come to you after a period of adaptation, language training, and strictly at the request of employers.

    Look something like this ... *)
  56. +1
    28 July 2016 22: 43
    I CANNOT be silent! “there are about 700 children studying now, when I was studying - in the 90s, there were 1200 students” A school in a small Siberian town. Dynamics: 1913 - 858 students, 1914 - 912, 1915-1008, 2016 - 1130, 2017 expected to be up to 1200. “The physical condition of the children is somewhat flimsy and painful.” As a life safety teacher for many years (more than 10 years), I monitor the health status of all students, because I teach from 5 to 11, in all grades: there is such a health sheet in the class magazines. No significant changes in health status. That is, there is a deterioration from grades 5 to 11, but this has always been the case! And not even 10 years ago, but much earlier, a similar situation arose, back in the 90s. And the physical condition of the children is close to normal. Many, many people are fond of sports, although there are exceptions. There are no cadet classes - there are police classes from 7 to 11. “In the same class, several students already in the 9th grade were alcoholics in the initial stage - they drank for several years 2-3 times a week,” I declare with all responsibility: there is not a single alcoholic, period. Did you have a drink somewhere? Well, back in 1976, I tried apple wine for the first time in the 5th grade on November 7th. “Particularly “gifted” children smoke from the 2nd-3rd grade, the percentage of smokers is growing every year, it’s especially scary that girls also started smoking.” There are 2-3 children who have been smoking since about 4th grade, but they are all “under control.” By the way, out of 8 male teachers, only one smokes occasionally. The school is being ruined by impunity and irresponsibility - a student can swear, curse the teacher, and then say what he heard, and others will confirm that it was so. Complete nonsense, even without comment, but it happens somewhere far, far away, for self-affirmation, but even the most criminal elements do not do this in front of teachers, much less on them. If you give a straight D for a quarter, it will be worse for you - you spoil the reporting. This was the case many years ago, if you don’t know, now they transfer with deuces. With girls the situation is worse, they have fallen completely under the power of Western culture - their idols, representatives of pop music, heroines of various TV series, ideals of male beauty Timberlake, Brad Pita. Complete nonsense, the author is 20 years behind the times, by the way, my daughter went to 6th grade. Children's general passion for popular music, diluted with criminal romanticism (chanson) and rap, visiting discos from grades 5-6. No chanson, rap—rock or pop. And don’t think that such a school is an exception, our school is still one of the best in the area - our school is one of the usual ones in the city and region. We also have a lot of victories in sports competitions, 2nd place in the region in floorball, 1st in police competitions. A frantic competition for police classes, closely connected with the 74th Motorized Rifle Brigade. Etc.
  57. 0
    28 July 2016 22: 44
    Breaking is not building, that’s how the government sees reforms.
  58. 0
    28 July 2016 22: 56
    Quote: Army 2
    This is real nonsense. Pedagogy during this time almost 70 years advanced.

    Let me ask - where has pedagogy advanced in almost 70 years? To what heights and to what peaks? As the task was to make it out of the Human body, it remains so. And no damn “shmoutbooks” will help hi
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 18: 32
      I understand that you don’t need my answer, but since you asked, I will answer. Over the years, new forms, methods and technologies have been developed and adopted in pedagogy. Let me give you an example. If in the 30s a physics or chemistry teacher explained to students complex physical or chemical processes on their fingers and showed posters, then in the 79s I, as a laboratory assistant in a physics classroom, showed educational films to students, and now interactive physics classrooms are supplied to schools, chemistry and other subjects where students can clearly see, for example, the interaction of atoms during chemical reactions.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  59. -1
    28 July 2016 23: 25
    Your words, Alexander Samsonov, should be in the ears of the government....., I’m ready to sign every line.
  60. 0
    28 July 2016 23: 29
    Return male teachers to schools, creating all the necessary conditions and benefits, and their percentage should be at least 50%.

    Lul. While senile people and schizophrenics a la Mizulina and Milonov are in power, not a single sane male person will become a teacher. Nobody wants to be accused of pedophilia.
  61. 0
    29 July 2016 01: 12
    A teacher is first and foremost a psychologist. If you are a zero in psychology, then no matter how well you know your subject, they will bully you. (Except perhaps in primary school). Such characters have nothing to do at school. And this is not a problem of modern school, I remember my own (the first half of the 90s) - it was all the same. 90% of the class drank and smoked, the teachers were given a big and fat one (but not all), except that there were no mobile phones, as well as security and fences around schools
  62. +1
    29 July 2016 01: 46
    It is necessary to increase the prestige and salaries of teachers. Return to the teacher the right to give ones and twos, including for behavior and diligence. Retain negligent students for the second year. Return to the school the right to expel a student after the seventh grade. Cancel the Unified State Examination, return exams on tickets. In each the school should have a gym. The school should educate children. And also, to disperse the bureaucracy, it will always initiate paperwork, justifying its own existence.
  63. +1
    29 July 2016 02: 32
    I haven’t read all the points, I’ll just say that separate education for boys and girls is extremely necessary and, importantly, it’s easy to implement. Due to early puberty and the extremely low age of onset of puberty, already in the 5th grade, students begin to chase the role of the alpha male within their class. To assert themselves, they usually bully other students of the same sex “for show”, try to behave defiantly with teachers, etc. All this pursues the same goal. According to personal observations, even a short-term division of the class by gender greatly reduces the overall tension and aggressiveness within the class group. It is not for nothing that most elite Western schools with centuries-old histories have a separate education system. Some people notice that there was no separate study in the councils and everything was within limits. But the fact is that the entire social structure at that time was different. There was no cult of consumerism, no wild capitalism. Nowadays, any person at a young age is perceived by other children as a commodity. This is how I see the situation.
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 08: 19
      You cannot live in society and be free from it. They introduced wild capitalism with remnants of socialism, which we are successfully fighting. We vote for United Russia, so why be indignant. Everything is a commodity. Only some things sell better, and some things sell worse. And so - man is a wolf to man, everything is logical, everyone is in their cells!
  64. 0
    29 July 2016 03: 20
    Why is there no point in arguing? The fish rots from the head, first of all, with ours and, as a result, with our leadership! We don’t want to do anything! We’re afraid to even say a word to someone’s face! The main debates take place while sitting (lying down) at the keyboard, but bought guys in a box.
  65. 0
    29 July 2016 05: 01
    The general dialogue of the need for education disappeared. And it disappeared even during the union. An ordinary worker at a factory received the same, somewhere even more, than an engineer. I’m not saying that it was bad, but there is a big “BUT”! In the USSR there was an elevator system cadres and an ordinary person could, having received an education, go to the top. In 70, everything ended. In “stagnant” times, without connections, even if you were a genius three times, you would not get anywhere. And having connections, it was possible to advance even with a purchased diploma. In the end, we have what we have .Attitude towards teachers, a consequence of the 90s. Actually this is the absence of cultural canons common to all. The West has almost no business here, they have a similar problem.
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 08: 27
      The ideology of the need for education is absent in nature; there is an eternal human need - curiosity and the need of society for specialists. And IDEOLOGY is a kind of religion, it determines what is good, what is bad, what we should strive for. Our Constitution stipulates that in Russia there cannot be any main ideology that determines the lives of people and the state. That is, the right to confusion, collapse, and swaying and chattering is enshrined. What this leads to was described by Krylov in his fables about the Orchestra or the Swan, Cancer and Pike. In short: “They fight, but there’s no point, and Voz is still there!”
  66. 0
    29 July 2016 05: 40
    If I could, I would give the AUTHOR a million thumbs up.
    My wife is a teacher with 20 years of experience. Everything that is written is the True TRUTH!!!!!!
    Today's children, for the most part, are young bastards who yell at teachers at every opportunity, and as soon as you point at him, mom or dad immediately flies to school and starts downloading his license. There should be an IRON RULE at school - THE TEACHER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. And the teacher should also teach and not copy papers on the computer for the Department of Education.
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 08: 31
      Your spouse is not strict if she doesn’t force you to be strict and strict!))
  67. -1
    29 July 2016 05: 50
    Indeed, a modern school looks both bad and funny, but everyone wants to have a higher education, even those who are not initially capable of it, and why do we need such shoe polish...
  68. 0
    29 July 2016 06: 16
    The current problems in Russian education are caused primarily by the so-called. “state order” - what kind of people the country needs, this whole multi-stage system of Russian education makes them like that. Recently, one of the top government officials, Kholmanskikh it seems, said that the country does not need many educated people. And he's not the only one who thinks so. It is visible - more and more so-called. "educational services" become paid. And what is given for free is of very low quality. Let me emphasize once again - what is the order, so is the implementation. Once upon a time, Stalin said: “Cadres decide everything!” This was an order, and huge changes took place in the country in the field of personnel training. The USSR needed highly educated personnel, and the country trained them en masse. In the Russian Federation, the huge mass of lawyers, economists, managers and other merchandisers simply have nowhere to apply their acquired knowledge - there are not enough jobs for all of them. And the system has long since changed to the opposite. This is where all the problems come from.
    1. +1
      29 July 2016 08: 40
      It’s not only bad that it’s given for free, I don’t understand what (and in different schools in completely different ways), but that such G is also sold for a fee, no matter what in a fairy tale.. Education now is absolutely not tied to work, they bake pies far from pies. Plus, the system of gradual career growth of specialists has been disrupted, continuous antics and jumping with grimaces of capitalism.
    2. -1
      16 August 2018 20: 27
      The current problems in Russian undereducation are DUE TO THE PRESENCE OF CAPITALISM IN THE RF!
  69. +1
    29 July 2016 06: 35
    I completely agree with the author. I have the same problems myself. None of my daughters graduated from school, but at school the children don’t know how to write an essay. They didn’t teach us and there was complete confusion. I remember my school and how we were taught. To this day I am grateful to my teachers.
  70. -1
    29 July 2016 06: 51
    Quote: Chariton
    Quote: siberalt
    Well yes. Nick is Hariton, and the name is Mozart. Then I Gai oglu Gregory ibn Pythagoras laughing

    I changed Mozart .., take it easy on the name!

    ... one-on-one monks and generals began to be “damaged” with negative minuses... Maybe soon a tribe of orthodox minusoids will get to the marshals...
  71. +2
    29 July 2016 06: 53
    Judging by the number of comments, the article is relevant. I suspect that if it had been in the form of a petition, many would have signed.
  72. +1
    29 July 2016 07: 13
    Quote: PHANTOM-AS
    Money has become for the majority the ideal and measure of everything.

    “Money is dirt, but you can’t live without it.”

    I hate sanson, especially the “prison” one, but even in it there are interesting phrases and statements.

    The article is undoubtedly good, I gave it a plus.

    They only remember about education (and the like) only in the year of elections, and even then not even at the beginning of the year, but on the eve...

    Therefore, the conclusion is this: the topic is “hot” and urgent, but I “don’t believe in the sincerity of the person who wrote it”!
  73. +1
    29 July 2016 07: 56
    The country has become very liberal. Everyone was so oppressed under the USSR that they went to great lengths. As soon as censorship, ideology, party and people's control, together with the OBKhSS, were abolished, euphoria, confusion and vacillation set in. Now many people have a bitter sobering up - they have to pay for imaginary freedom, for the plunder of the country, but the train has left - many of the children and grandchildren are simply DB. At the same time, there are no breakthroughs in culture, science and technology. Only proven methods will help to correct the situation quickly and fundamentally - terror for enemies, camps and sharashkas for lazy people and... And everyone has their work cut out for them!
    1. -1
      16 August 2018 20: 46
      All Power to the Soviets! For the Dictatorship of the Proletariat! Comrade, you are not alone!
  74. 0
    29 July 2016 08: 22
    Gentlemen, no one kills anything. Everything goes strictly within the framework of the market economy according to the laws of capitalism. Everything now has a price. Education now is a service; upbringing ranks third at the bottom of the list. The main thing is to teach the electorate to write, read and think a little, in order to know where to put a cross on the ballot. In the USSR there was a plan and everything was prepared for this plan, including the population. Now only one thing has changed: instead of building a bright future, we have the goal of increasing capital (not ours, but a separate caste who was lucky in dividing the property of the USSR). There will no longer be an abundance of people of broad consciousness, dreamers. Further degradation of the majority of the population is absolutely not a problem for a market economy. And Medvedev has nothing to do with it, the country has chosen capitalism and is developing within its framework. If someone doesn’t like basic state medicine and education, then what’s the problem, visit private clinics and private educational institutions, where they will do everything for you. No money left? And what does Medvedev have to do with it?
  75. +2
    29 July 2016 08: 30
    How many people, so many opinions. I live in the village. Pirogovsky. We have secondary school No. 19. When I was studying there were 4 classes a/b/c/d, and now there are 8 of them!!! The school has been equipped with another wing and a swimming pool is being built. It has doubled in size. There are no problems with teachers, I don’t know about the children’s health.
    I asked my wife, she is from the other end of the country, the Primorye region of Spassk, the distant village of Chkalovskoye. When she was studying in the village there were 1500 people (according to Wikipedia), she had 4 classes of 12-15 people, now there are also 4 classes but already 20-28 people per class (my younger sister is studying) In our village when I was studying I started first grade in 94, there were 4 classes of 20-26 people, now there are 8 classes of 26-32 people. The population was 7 thousand and became about 12 thousand.
  76. -1
    29 July 2016 08: 35
    The collapse of education is the most terrible sabotage and the most powerful time bomb planted by our Jewish government, under the leadership of the United Russia party!
    Shooting and hanging are the mildest punishments for such acts.
    The current government and legislators are purposefully depriving the country of the future, guided by immediate personal gain or being mentally disabled individuals.
  77. +1
    29 July 2016 08: 44
    It’s really such a mess that it’s disgusting to read.
  78. +1
    29 July 2016 09: 22
    Well, Obama is a scoundrel - what is he doing!!!
  79. 0
    29 July 2016 09: 27
    “It’s a bad omen to return,” and there’s nowhere to go. First you need to decide: What is school? SERVICE, as the successful school director claims, PRODUCTION, as Anatoly Wasserman suggests, or something third? I strongly disagree with the director! It’s somehow awkward to see a school in the same ranks as a bathhouse. Another thing is with the plant. Yes, but only from the level when career guidance begins. Until the eighth grade, this is the same process as conception, gestation and birth of a child. And consider this production...? Don’t stuff your child with information, but develop it. After the eighth grade, please sort by interests and start producing techies, humanists, artists. Native speech, physical education, music, fine arts - these are the main subjects. All other “pleasures” for an hour a week. Why does a football player’s wife need to know what revolves around what?! Once I asked to formulate Archimedes' Law "Eureka!" their colleagues. Not one out of twenty could do this. One half are engineers with higher education, the other half with secondary technical education. The golden time, when a child grows up, is used completely mediocrely! It is necessary to cultivate an interest in knowledge, in the world around us, in life, then the necessary information itself will cling like a burr to a sheep, needed by each specific person, and not by the Minister of Education. The modern school is a school of violence. And it’s no wonder that children resist. However, the forces are unequal!
  80. 0
    29 July 2016 09: 54
    Everything is wonderful, everything is correct, but only feasible under socialism. Under that socialism, which is built on the basis of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Political power must be in the hands of the working class! Then all this will be resolved.
    1. -1
      29 July 2016 11: 11
      Quote: AkselRuur
      Political power must be in the hands of the working class!

      When did he have it? Power has always belonged to the party elite and nomenklatura...
      And this despite the fact that now there is no working class as such - it has been replaced by “office plankton”...
    2. -1
      16 August 2018 20: 49
      So, let’s return Socialism with the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, comrade!
  81. 0
    29 July 2016 09: 57
    Develop a consumer society.
    1. -1
      16 August 2018 20: 54
      More like uncomplaining zombie slaves! These Elzingolites grabbed everything valuable earned by the peoples of the USSR in December 1991... and now... let the young people and some older ones work for FREE (SOMETIMES - FOR FOOD) so-called. VOLUNTEERS i.e. = working for free for the benefit of capitalists RF!
  82. 0
    29 July 2016 10: 00
    “I see no hope for the future of our country if it ends up in the hands of today’s youth, frivolous and carefree beyond measure. When I was young, we were taught prudence and respect for elders, but today’s youth are too smart and do not tolerate any kind of constraint.”. Hesiod (XNUMXth century BC)

    I felt like such an old 32 years old laughing
    1. 0
      16 August 2018 20: 55
      Verily, as it is!
  83. +1
    29 July 2016 10: 17
    The West has long realized that they cannot take us by force, and for this reason it has been for a long time, and with the collapse of the Union this only intensified, they came from the other side, i.e. through education, science, culture, healthcare and based on what is happening in them now, nothing good awaits us in the future.
    1. -1
      16 August 2018 21: 00
      We sold ourselves! I always compare my emerging problems with the omissions that I myself made. This is where the principle comes from: “If you don’t want anything bad to happen to yourself, don’t make mistakes! Think!”

      All Power to the Soviets! For the Dictatorship of the Proletariat!
  84. 0
    29 July 2016 10: 45
    “They can use contraceptives and do abortions, and the more the better.” We do not want them to be educated. It is enough if they will count to one hundred. Such idiots will be all the more useful for us. Religion, we leave to distract attention ... "
    Martin Bormann about the future of Russians and other Slavic peoples in Russia

    We will raise ideal consumers...
    Dmitry Medvedev about the population of Russia.

    for those who took the EG - Martin Bormann - the highest functionary of Hitler's Nazi Germany. The middle of the last century, World War II.
    Dmitry Medvedev - Chairman of the Russian Government. Modernity.

    The Nazis won.........

    As Americans like to write - no comment.
    1. -2
      16 August 2018 21: 06
      As a Bolshevik, I will say that fascism is at the gates of the Russian Federation! After Pu Ti Na will come, and today, already, the form of state structure in the country, as in the 3rd Reich... Fascism is also an ideology, when the broad masses begin to see the light and, moreover, prepare a fight for the capitalists and the system... it will be necessary misanthropic ideology can be based on religion!

      All Power to the Soviets!
  85. +1
    29 July 2016 10: 46
    Well, the article is not clear-cut. Firstly, the Soviet system had to be remade anyway. What was good should be left and improved, but everything bad should be eliminated or modified. Relationships between people change depending on the state of society. New trends lead to new relationships. Next about smoking and drinking. Well, that's a lie. My child goes to school in a regular school. I see everything, because I know all my classmates and periodically run into them on hikes and on some excursions. Yes, and I live next to the school. If such a thing with smoking existed before, now it doesn’t exist at all. Children also say that this is not fashionable now.
    Although I also have comments about the current system, in general, I think that the system is not very damaged, although I agree that it is necessary to increase funding and change some approaches.
    In the USSR, women's influence on children was even greater. It has now become fashionable for children to communicate with their father. Previously, everything depended on the mother.
  86. -1
    29 July 2016 11: 06
    I'm sorry, but this is some kind of crap, not an article! What region, what school??? Name it, please!!! Clearly not typical. The whole school is ass... you, mentally retarded and slow, only one healthy person per class, while everyone drinks and smokes right at school from a young age! It looks less like reality and more like the film Gaius Germanika!
    My son studies at school 165 in Yekaterinburg. There is only one in the class who is exempt from physical education, the rest are quite healthy - they skate in the winter, walk around the football field in the summer, they usually study, if excesses happen, they call the parents, I went and inserted the glass myself, after my hooligan prank, he too was “inserted”!! ! Nobody drinks, doesn’t smoke, let alone in the toilet, and I’ve never seen anyone on the street! Although we used to run around the corner to smoke)))
    The only differences from our time are that there were guards at the school and there were a lot of “children of the mountains” - at least five people per class. Oh, well, mine also pointed to an eleventh-grader who supposedly, according to rumors, lives with an adult man... I didn’t notice any more differences from my time request
    As for the lectures mentioned in the article about the harm of computers and cell phones, it smacks of insanity!!! There, along the way, the teacher is not all right in the head!!!
    PS. I forgot to clarify: although my son studies in a school that is “in good standing,” he is not in any elite school - an ordinary high school...
  87. +2
    29 July 2016 11: 29
    Everything depends on Ideology. There is no ideology and the teacher does not know what, how, and most importantly - in the name of what, to teach the younger generation.
    1. -1
      16 August 2018 21: 07
      Be patient! You will have an ideology... under fascism!
  88. +4
    29 July 2016 12: 22
    Worked at a school in the 90s. I still work there now. Two of our own graduated from school. His wife is a teacher, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation.
    I agree with how the current state of the national school is described. Almost 100%, everything is exactly like that.
    Yes, there are fewer children.
    Yes, children have almost completely no interest in learning and no amount of antics and jumping can excite it, since life itself shows them that it is not those who know a lot who live well, but those who think little about those around them.
    Yes, teachers are overwhelmed with piles of meaningless reporting and documentation.
    Yes, the teaching staff is degrading and the school actually relies on the latest generations of teachers trained by the Soviet pedagogical system. Universities. The new generation is less prepared and many times smaller in number, since many ped. Universities either closed, repurposed, or reduced enrollment in teaching. specialties.
    Yes, the system of student-school relationships has been brought to the point of complete absurdity, in which the student is not responsible for anything, be it insulting the teacher or damaging property.
    Yes, the educational methodology left over from the USSR fundamentally contradicts the doctrine of the Unified State Exam test and it is necessary to either change the concept of the Unified State Exam or change the teaching methodology. But no one is working on the technique today. What the RAO does is generally unclear, but what is reliably known is that the function of methodological support for teachers has been completely removed from the RONO. Everything is given to the method. associations of teachers, functioning in fact in the mode of amateur performances.
    Yes, teachers are not only powerless and low-income, their social level has been reduced to the status of auxiliary workers. The latest developments of the Federal State Educational Standard remove from them the right to direct teaching, that is, transferring knowledge to students. Now they are actually service personnel at a meeting of young children, obliged to provide the latter with some CONDITIONS.
    Yes, teachers are forced to lie to themselves, others and children by inflating grades. It costs yourself more to give a well-deserved bad mark to a teacher. Everyone is chasing reporting indicators, ratings, etc. As a result, current school assessments rarely reflect children's actual learning. A C grade was not a grade at all, but a kind of compromise between the reluctance of children to know anything and the lack of real rights and methods of influence on the part of teachers.
    Yes, no one is really involved in the material and technical base of the school. The distortions in this matter are terrifying. They push computers into schools, but completely forget, for example, about maintenance and modernization. The school where I work for a fleet of 70 computers and laptops of different years of production receives only 30 thousand rubles. per year for modernization and repair. But that's not so bad. For some reason, everyone has forgotten that in addition to computers, you need peripherals. TVs, interactive whiteboards, projectors, wide-format or simply high-performance printers.
    The regulatory framework has not been prepared at all. For example, teachers who frequently and constantly use interactive whiteboards with projectors are in permanent conflicts with Sanpin, since, it turns out, shading of classrooms is prohibited.
  89. +4
    29 July 2016 12: 30
    A lot depends on the teacher. Physics at our school was taught by a so-called teacher. Nobody understood anything, there was noise in the lesson. But Russian and literature were taught by a real teacher. Thanks to her teaching, 6 people entered the pedagogical institute. Thanks to the physical education teacher, 5 of us guys were engaged in classical wrestling right up to the army. The results were not high, second place in the region, but it was interesting for us. The summer was spent in a sports camp. There were competitions with judokas in wrestling, judo and even boxing)) Thus, the role of the teacher is paramount. The military instructor, the police major, brought a pistol to class)) so we took it apart and put it back together for a while. the pants were full of joy))
  90. +2
    29 July 2016 12: 49
    But that's not so bad. The trouble is that NOBODY undertakes to teach teachers! There are courses, many of them, but they are all paid and are designed only for reporting. They read the material there, but do not teach it. No one cares about the results, since they charge money for hours, not for training. But the latest generations of Soviet teachers are already under 50 or more. These are tired women, tormented by everyday problems, with a bunch of school illnesses, for whom it is very difficult to understand the computer as a tool, and they are required to create specialized forums on the Internet, use Google Docs, be present on social networks, and prepare reports using graphs, tables and diagrams. For the most part, they don’t know how to do this and they have no time to learn.
    In addition, the school's technical staff is constantly being reduced. The salaries of laboratory assistants, technicians, and workers are being reduced. They are constantly being restructured and optimized, as a result of which they find themselves transferred to some external outsourcing structures, selected according to any principle other than the adequacy of capabilities to the assigned tasks. And no one has canceled bonuses for the accounting departments of ONO for “saving the wage fund.”
    In the last two years, the situation in the natural cycle has deteriorated sharply. In order to increase the hours of physical education in schools, they reduced the hours to 1 per week.

    ... well, we can continue further.
    In general, the school is in a deep systemic crisis and the current policy of the Ministry of Education only aggravates this crisis.

    And, by the way, YES in modern schools children with mental disabilities are educated on a GENERAL basis, next to normal ones. These are the new "accessibility" requirements. Teachers must somehow adapt everything they need to suit them, how and at what cost is of no concern to anyone, but the school cannot refuse to teach a child due to mental disorders or even disability. It’s good if you can get such students to study at home.
    1. 0
      16 August 2018 21: 13
      The trouble is that in the Russian Federation there is capitalism!
  91. +1
    29 July 2016 12: 56
    Now here's what I don't agree with.
    [quote]1. Education at any level should be free. There should be no “elite” educational institutions, because from birth all people are equal before God, “elite” schools distort the very idea of ​​enlightenment, divide children into “elite” and others, into the chosen and not.[/quote]

    Against. In my opinion, it would be better to force the children of wealthy parents out of the free education system. This, firstly, is more fair under the conditions of a flat income tax scale. And secondly, it will remove the most gaping problems of social stratification among students in classrooms.

    [quote]2. Transfer the education system from coding pedagogy (which has operated virtually unchanged since the Middle Ages) to methodological, that is, to put it simply, do not burden children with masses of heterogeneous information, but teach them to obtain it independently as needed. This will reduce the course of a complete secondary school to 8-9 years, and a higher school to 3-4 years.[/quote]

    This is absurd in the spirit of the new Federal State Educational Standards. This completely contradicts the basic postulates of developmental psychology and physiology. Independent intellectual activity is available to a person only from a certain age. And this is the very end of the school period.

    [quote]3. In high school, it is necessary to return to separate education for boys and girls, because boys must be trained as men, and girls as women.[/quote]

    First you need to prepare teachers for separate education. Who will cook them and when? Even in the Soviet system there is only one ped. the specialty of the Trudoviks was divided by gender. The advance of the physical development of girls in adolescence does not at all mean an advance of intellectual development.
    And, most importantly, it is not the school and university that should prepare a girl for a woman, but her mother and grandmothers. It is impossible to replace a mother as a teacher.

    [quote]8. Dramatically increase the prestige of the profession of a school teacher, university and technical school teacher, educator and vocational training master - decent pay, in rural areas where there is no developed public transport, as in cities, personal car, free housing (after 15-20 years of work), rented apartment (house), if there is no housing for young professionals. But before that, of course, there is a “cleansing” of drinkers, those with a criminal record, and low-skilled workers.[/quote]

    Here you can simply change the distribution of powers. Teachers need to be brought to the level of the federal budget. Like the military. And all powers and responsibilities for the logistics of schools should be given to local budgets. A good teacher can work without a computer. And a computer without a teacher is a useless piece of hardware. You could even introduce ranks for teachers, like officers. And in order to return men to schools, it is enough to declare school work as an alternative state job. service. Or introduce the position of officer-teacher in the army for training, and train them in pedagogical universities.

    [quote]9. Return male teachers to schools, creating all the necessary conditions and benefits, and their percentage should be at least 50%. Make an effort to ensure that military retirees, preferably military officers, get into schools. This will immediately solve a lot of problems - with male education
  92. +1
    29 July 2016 13: 01
    Sorry. The forum doesn't like my verbosity :)

    I'm finishing it up.
    God forbid that retirees be written off to schools. From the point of view of an ordinary person, retirees are people with a deeply deformed psyche. Especially military officers, who themselves need long-term rehabilitation. A school filled with former military personnel is anything from a barracks to a training ground, but not a school.
    Children should be taught not by professional killers, but by professional teachers. There is no need to replace one with another. Let everyone mind their own business.
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 20: 40
      - Let’s say you’ve given up on professional killers... There should be people present who have at least some idea of ​​discipline and order - as opposed to endless freedom and “freedom”...
      - Otherwise it turns out that military schools are simply nurseries for bloodthirsty monsters! laughing
    2. -1
      16 August 2018 21: 23
      "Sorry"??? You shouldn't litter here!
      You are in pedagogy as I am in oranges! On the shoulders of unprincipled mediocrities like you, the Union was demolished!
      Professional killers are sent to prison and under special conditions!
      My military instructor who taught NVP is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, three times wounded DEFENDER of the Soviet Motherland! My Motherland! You are simply moral, just think about putting warriors - defenders of the people and criminals on the same level! A SHAME! A SHAME! A SHAME!

      For Our Soviet Motherland!
  93. -1
    29 July 2016 13: 57
    I hope Putin will come to these problems soon
    1. The comment was deleted.
  94. +2
    29 July 2016 14: 17
    Regarding health groups, one should not draw unambiguous conclusions like “children have become sicker than in our time.” Both formal and actual approaches to assessment have changed. Especially in cities. They began to examine them much more thoroughly and, as a result, more pathologies began to be identified. If earlier mild scoliosis could either be overlooked or outright ignored, now they will notice it and write it in the medical record with the corresponding consequences. We have already learned (incredibly!) to distinguish scoliosis from postural defects! Previously, stooped guys were diagnosed with “scoliosis” due to illiteracy. As a rule, only in words. So, in this matter, everything is much more complicated and I personally will refrain from making definitive conclusions. Speaking of which: Previously, during a medical examination when enlisting in the army, they could easily identify an 18-year-old boy with one testicle. Cryptorchidism, the second did not descend. How so? Where were the parents and doctors looking?! This is easy and extremely effective to operate in the first years of life! And those same doctors (and usually with a Soviet education) could say that it’s too early for surgery (and at 18 years old it’s actually too late and it’s just a matter of removing it), surgery isn’t needed, let me prescribe you some injections (which are useless), he and with one guy, etc. Now, what is described is an incredible rarity in any developed settlements. A pediatrician who worked in the USSR and successfully upgraded his qualifications to modern ones can talk about this much more thoroughly and in detail.

    They smoked, drank, and were born with mental pathologies always, including in the USSR. Sometimes more, sometimes less, very serious unevenness in distribution, etc. but always. If anyone doesn’t remember, then in the USSR there was a time of a surge in teenage and youth crime with all the consequences, and this is the USSR where everything was supposedly perfect. So here, too, I would advise drawing unambiguous conclusions, especially for one school.

    They are attracted by external shine, they have no idea of ​​spiritual beauty

    In my memory, it has always been like this and it’s not for nothing that the saying “You meet someone by their clothes...” appeared. Appearance is visible first of all, and at all times beauty has attracted (at least young people, many older people are no longer that old) much more than some “inner world” with which you are not even familiar. That is why all these archetypes about princes on a white horse and damsels in distress were born. And “inner beauty”, “inner peace” becomes important only with closer and longer contact, when you don’t just look at a person, but at least coexist. The only difference is in the beauty standards prevailing in society. You know, they were in the USSR too. But what I agree on is that in Russia they are in many ways absolutely Western, the industries that form them are considered exclusively Western, domestic ones only copy them. The same applies to the heroes: In Russia, they stopped making good children's and teenage films a long time ago and, as a result, their place was taken by Western ones, and the current media community, due to its creative impotence and the pursuit of money, prefers to copy Western ones. How fashionable it is now to say “content localization”.
    1. 0
      29 July 2016 14: 17
      3. In high school, it is necessary to return to separate education for boys and girls, because men should be trained from boys, and women from girls.

      It’s really just a piece of cake, and here you can give a strong thumbs down to the author himself. No matter how much they studied, no incredible difference was found between the sexes in mastering basic academic subjects. In biology, they should have studied gender differences and should have been aware that cognitive abilities in humans do not belong to those, and therefore it makes no sense to make different textbooks or even systems for genders for the same subjects. 2+2 always equals 4, regardless of whether a boy or a girl decides. And this is without organizational issues when, for example, more teachers are needed, which even now is not very good. By the way, this didn’t happen in the much-beloved USSR, it’s all the spirit of that same Geyropa in which all sorts of perversions and obscenities were happening in separate educational institutions...

      10. Return to the first stage (stage - restoration), to the program and educational standards of the Stalinist period 30-40-s, textbooks of that time can be republished (then the intellectual development of the USSR youth occupied 1-2 places in the world), with the inclusion of the best practices recent times (for example: the experience of the Schetinin school).

      Now let the author of this open a mathematics textbook for the 40s and a modern mathematics textbook for the last grade. And he will see that in the first there is less material, to put it mildly... The same thing happened, for example, with algebra. And not only in the 40s: Those who were born in the 70s are now horrified to discover that they did not study what grades 10-11 are now studying. That is, does the author understand that by doing so he is proposing to reduce the amount of material being studied?

      And that’s just me, superficially. In fact, this article simply does not stand up to criticism that does not fit into the character limit.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  95. 0
    29 July 2016 15: 09
    The author had a reference to the fact that we were catching up with the American school.
    For comparison, I suggest reading Airat Dimiev’s simply excellent story “Cool America” describes the educational process in an American school from the inside in great detail. Airat worked as a teacher and wonderfully described all the intricacies of organizing the educational process.
  96. -1
    29 July 2016 15: 11
    Thus, almost the entire school is passive smoker.
    If we talk about me. Started smoking at age 7. He started tying shoelaces at the age of 7. Drink beer 0-7 years. Swearing for 7 years. And somehow nothing. He rose to the rank of deputy director of the company. It could be higher, but personally it’s not necessary.. A specialist in his field - What else is needed??? Like removing the differentials??? Yes, complete nonsense. It is necessary for the student to become a human being. Whether he smokes or not doesn’t matter. Personal opinion.
    1. +1
      29 July 2016 15: 17
      There is only one thing: Smoking is a human mistake. And if an adult has the right to make this mistake due to an adequate awareness of reality, then an immature child of 7 years old does not, because he still does not understand anything.
  97. +1
    29 July 2016 16: 20
    Connected with schools in Belarus (for fans - Belarus) for five years. Moreover, with very different ones - simple urban, rural, gymnasiums. Everything is one to one, just like the author. The point of view of any parent can be immediately discarded, since now there are simply no those who are trying to deeply understand the situation - all parents look from the “bell tower” of their beloved child, so their point of view is clearly inadequate. The article, interestingly, presents the point of view of not only the teacher (they also look at it somewhat one-sidedly). Here the ears of an outsider are clearly “sticking out”, who, nevertheless, is closely connected with the education system. In fact, and unfortunately, the picture is 100% correct. These are the schools we have now, the children, parents and teachers (and the Ministry of Education officials there too). So this article is a definite plus.
    P.S. I only disagree with one thing - separate education does not make much sense, except perhaps for cadet-type institutions.
  98. 0
    29 July 2016 16: 32
    Absolutely correct article. He himself worked at the school for 25 years. Education is degrading, people are becoming wild and ostracized, especially in the countryside. I voted for the author's opinion, like 280 readers before me. But here’s the question: who are the 32 people who downvoted the article?
  99. 0
    29 July 2016 17: 43
    In my opinion, it's overly emotional.
    1. Is there a risk of overproduction of higher education holders? The output of workers must also be large enough. In addition, the stupid fat man who rivets prosthetic eyes capable of seeing and prosthetic limbs capable of feedback from the brain evokes only respect from me.
    2 The child basically does not know what exactly he will need. In addition, heterogeneous information is precisely a protection against dullness. The main thing is the correct presentation and training in information processing skills.
    3. Nonsense at the house-building level. They could have written right away: to all the women of the KKK.
    4. The test system has its own niche. You just don’t need to rely only on them.
    5. Sports are of course important. But in any case, the main role here will be the role of parents.
    6. The right idea. But here you still need to work with motivation.
    7. Dreaming about space is not harmful. And so we need a reorientation of science towards clear results.
    8. Prestige will not increase dramatically in any case. You need to earn it, long and hard.
    9. And again some kind of house-building. I don’t want to upset anyone, but it doesn’t matter who says: 2+2=4. Whether a man says this or a woman says this, the answer will not change in any way.
    10. In some areas of the exact sciences and psychology, humanity has advanced somewhat since those times. So in any case, re-checking will be required to ensure compliance with the current level of knowledge.
    11. Sounds good, but where can I get the money?

    PS: And the legs are beautiful.
  100. +2
    29 July 2016 18: 26
    I repeat, the article is a provocation. The school has many problems, the main ones now being funding.
    1 There is a great desire to place a decent portion of the funding on the shoulders of the parents.
    2 Teachers are deprived of any real influence on students; their hands are tied. Even in kindergarten, a child who beats children bloody is “protected”; he cannot be removed from the group and kindergarten. And then they come to school.
    3 Mothers come with the aroma of smoke and beer..........
    4 They give the school a bus - but no one knows where to get money for gasoline and repairs. They set up a computer class, but the licenses, antivirus, ........ run out. They provide balls and equipment. Balls need to be replaced 80% after a year of classes, as they wanted to provide Russian schools with balls. We calculated that schools purchase all the equipment themselves.
    PS I have been working as a teacher since I was 82. Physical education, NVP now life safety. If I come to a tractor driver, an engineer, ........, and start teaching them how to work, then they will simply send me to ....... For more than 30 years I have only heard how to teach and what problems there are in education and how to solve them. This is the most terrible loss of Soviet education, the authority of the teacher has dropped to nowhere. Only in my class there are 30 - 25 people and there are about a dozen such classes. And I'm achieving something. And those who decline the school: 1 - 2 children and “I can’t do anything with him.”