Dmitry Medvedev called the head of the SBU, who saw the “Russian trace” in Brussels attacks, a moron

It is difficult to deny the Ukrainian leadership in the presence of a special "talent" to take out even the most seemingly calm representatives of the political sphere in Russia. So, a special talent was revealed just as today - at the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasyl Gritsak, who said that a “Russian trace” can be traced in the terrorist attacks in Brussels. Speaking at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Gritsak said the following:
I would not be surprised if this is an element of the hybrid war of Russia. This is my assumption.

This “assumption” of Mr. Gritsak quite emotionally commented on his page in Facebook Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. This is Dmitri Medvedev’s statement about the Brussels attacks:
The terrorist attacks in Brussels - a barbaric crime against civilians. Deep condolences to the relatives of the victims. What happened once again underlines the need for coordinated efforts by the international community in combating the threats of terrorism.

And this is the addition of Medvedev to his post:
The head of the SBU Gritsak, who announced Russia's involvement in the terrorist attacks in Brussels, is a jerk.

Dmitry Medvedev called the head of the SBU, who saw the “Russian trace” in Brussels attacks, a moron

Perhaps, this is the most emotional comment of the statements made by representatives of Ukraine, which the head of the Russian cabinet minister ever allowed himself to do on a social network. Apparently, they even got Medvedev ... And the main thing: isn’t the Russian prime minister wrong in this case?
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  1. -1
    24 March 2016 10: 49
    Men! Then I decided to give moonshine still to your holiday, they write that this is good, your opinion is interesting, what say?
  2. -1
    24 March 2016 18: 12
    Dima go get some sleep, don’t call her a piece of shit, she’ll stay, they’re just doing their job
  3. 0
    24 March 2016 21: 45
    Why is it so delicate? This creature is not an idiot. He is an insect and a degenerate!!!