Money for murderers, or who in Russia can not be a patriot?

The topic of patriotism today acquires a certain topicality. Laws, programs, government decrees ... It seems that everyone is ordered to be patriots at the level of the law. But the question arises: what to do with those to whom the law is not written? With them how?

We have an original country: if you look at the letter of this most unfortunate law, then everyone should be patriots. And seemingly without exception. However, the exceptions are not just there, they are paraded, not hiding it at all. As if it should be.

If, it turns out, a business, then there is nothing personal? Money and patriotism are different things altogether?

I already wrote about how a famous Odessa restaurateur, who watered Putin’s damnable occupation regime at all corners, suddenly opens a restaurant on the Arbat. In the very center of Moscow. Normally, the occupation of the Crimea is one thing, and business is another?

All right, it would be possible to write off on a single case. Say, overlooked. Blame the restaurant will not. But here is a new feed.

3 March in Moscow will begin the premiere of the movie "8 best dates" seems to be a Russian director (well, he writes about himself, at least) Maryus Wiiberg. Well, God bless him, with Viberg. But who is in the lead role?

We look carefully. Pane Vladimir Zelensky. Yes, yes, that one. Hot patriot of Ukraine, a loyal friend and assistant to the murderers of the terbats, who regularly pay them part of their fees.

Here it is, admire.

Oh, what a brilliant actor and humorist, right? Indispensable and unique. It was impossible to invite anyone but him to this role. And the movie was filmed not 5 years, everyone was aware of how Zelensky breathes.

Yes, Zelensky is an open patriot of the fascist junta. The accomplice and breadwinner of those who bombard the city of Donbass and kill people.

Patriotism is here in Russia, in price. Perhaps that is why Zelensky is filmed in the films and the Comedy Club. For the love of patriotism.

Question: to what patriotism?

It is strange for me to look and listen to all these calls for the revival of patriotism and the upbringing of young people by patriots. In whose examples? On the examples of certain persons who allowed Saveliy Libkin to open his "Compote" in the center of Moscow? Or those who film Pashinin and Zelensky in films pay them fees for which they dress and feed the murderers of Donbass children?

Here's how for me, so all these people are the same scum, like Zelensky and Pashinin. But it is obvious that they do not care for all this patriotism three times and nine times.

And it turns out that I am obliged to be a patriot. I have to try to catch up with constantly rising prices, I must understand that there is a crisis in the world and all the rest of it. And why not all of these?

Why frank russophobe, watering my country with mud, removed in Russia? Why, more precisely, it is removed? And they earn him and him money? Nothing personal just business?

Good business. We fill our pockets with a scum who will pay for the cartridges that will fly to those whom we have helped and will help. Great And very patriotic.

So who is he for, patriotism in Russia? For me? Yes, I am a patriot without programs and laws. For those? Yes, they wanted to spit on it. They will continue to fill the pockets of those who openly support the fascist regime in Ukraine. And muddies the country that provides them a comfortable life.

And these figures from the Ministry of Culture, who sign contracts with Zelensky and Pashinin, will teach me how to love the Motherland?

The reaction of the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky:

- The requirements to “ban shows”, entry-exit artists, to deprive them of the opportunity to act, speak, speak and breathe are negative, - he said. - It is ridiculous and undignified to be like the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture in its vanities to steer culture, portraying the fateful instance, to us, Russia.

On the question of what he can say to those who urge not to watch a film with Zelensky, Mikhail Galustyan answered:

- Watch the movie in which I play!

- What do you think about what he called his Russian colleagues "zombie" and did not show up for the premiere? - the journalists did not let up.

- Opinion leave with him.

- Did he speak like that during filming?

“The topic is not discussed,” Galustyan finished the conversation.

Comrade Mikhail Alexander Revva also politely refused to speak on this topic. And the guest of the premiere Nadezhda Mikhalkova behaved in a similar way:

- You know, I think that it is not our business to discuss his position, - says the actress. - Made such a decision, and made. I cannot be held responsible for what others are saying. I believe that cinema should remain out of politics and out of time.

The only one who expressed his indignation at the position of Zelensky, was Joseph Davidovich Kobzon.

- Chasing him in the neck is necessary! He snapped. - I think he will have no career either in Ukraine or in Russia!

It's not funny anymore!
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  1. 0
    19 February 2016 19: 30
    Quote: bedinvlad
    “Kobzon is a MAN, still of the old school, not like modern “artists”: I can’t say anything”
    What is this old one, Soviet? And since when did artists of the Soviet school (meaning those who performed at official events) have their own independent opinion. What the party said, they said.

    It’s just that our party said a lot and correctly, and it was not a sin to repeat it.
    Although, unfortunately, the nonsense was the same... Voluntarism, I apologize.
    Everything that is imposed on the People by force, against His will, is, as a rule, doomed to failure, sooner or later.
    And today's government will be swept away by an explosion from within or without, because... she has nothing in common with her People except territory.
    How! I said everything. am
  2. +1
    19 February 2016 19: 32
    It turns out that anyone who goes to see this film will buy a cartridge, a shell, a rocket, which will then fall into a kindergarten, school, hospital, or into a private house in Lugansk and Donetsk. LET'S take these things more seriously. At the very least, don’t go to this production. am
  3. +2
    19 February 2016 20: 15
    I recently read about the use of simulacra in ideological warfare. The point is that as soon as some news (article, review) appears that causes a clear reaction from the audience and begins to be discussed (like this very article about the Russophobic bastard and his colleagues in the shop), people appear who change the discussion to unrelated but a topic unfavorable for their opponents.
    Moreover, a template set of themes (simulacra) is used, either in general being fakes or ideological cliches.
    Look carefully at the discussion, think about what the counting of votes in elections has to do with it, and remember who is using simulacra here.
  4. +1
    19 February 2016 20: 50
    Reva and Misha, as expected, are weaklings.
  5. 0
    19 February 2016 20: 52
    I am surprised. Muscovites! Is it really so difficult to put this buffoon in his place? An ordinary jester blathers from the stage, and the people are silent. Ashamed. Don’t go to performances with his participation, you’ll see that he’ll be thrown out like a lousy cat.
  6. 0
    19 February 2016 21: 29
    in this Moscow, everything is sold and everything is bought, only there they could paint a star with the Khokhloflag and nothing, only there they can walk around with their flags, only in liberal Moscow do Khokhloflags open and these ..actors are filmed... and nothing , Muscovites are chewing, and now I don’t watch a single film with these actors, I feel sick, I’m upset when our officer’s father plays in .. Storm Gates .. and I couldn’t stomach this clown Zelensky before with his stupid jokes in the 24th quarter
  7. 0
    19 February 2016 21: 37
    It turns out that Misha and Sasha have liquid in their pants!
  8. 0
    19 February 2016 22: 50
    Quote: perm23
    For them, only one thing is sacred - their income. Everything else is not for them. They are bohemians. What do they care about their homeland, people? They revolve in their circle.

    A significant part (if not most) of the “bohemians” is a constant opposition to the authorities! This narcissistic demo in glamor is constantly dissatisfied with the underestimation of its exclusivity, its “talents”, their bruised pride does not allow them to be like everyone else, it must be different, even to the point of behaving provocatively (it also makes money on this and does not It is possible that these Ukpropithecus were specially invited to play in the film, so that onlookers eager for the “fried fact” would go to see live jumping Banderlogs)! What can he do when there are simply NO talents that attract people to him!
  9. 0
    20 February 2016 01: 07
  10. +1
    20 February 2016 01: 18
    Shariy said correctly when another Ukrainian.chm, who left us in slop, rushed to Russia to work on television - sorry guys, but you were sick
  11. -1
    20 February 2016 02: 13
    He threw mud at the state, not the country. Apparently you still don’t understand that these are different things. There is no need to write about patriotism here, this is hypocrisy. When your state buys bonds of the USA you hate, you don’t say anything, but here it is a nightmare! foshyzd!
  12. 0
    20 February 2016 07: 55
    Patriotism cannot be instilled by command! This feeling has been cultivated over the years, “from a young age,” and cannot appear suddenly, at the command of liberal rulers! And all this sociability, there is no other way to call it, in the spirit of the CPSU Central Committee - a distraction to an unsuitable object. To distract ordinary people from rising prices, declining living standards, and impoverishment of the common people. And these tumbleweeds lived without a king in their heads, without an idea, and continue to live. g.. doesn’t drown in water!
  13. 0
    20 February 2016 08: 12
    Quote: plut-k
    set a minus, explain. Channel ratings will only be real when both you and I, and in general all users of TV services, will not buy TV channel packages, but each channel individually. So I think about naivety - rightly.

    In today's digital age. The operator has 80% reliable information about who is watching what and when. So you just need to change the channel and that's it.
  14. 0
    20 February 2016 08: 45
    And it turns out that I am obliged to be a patriot. I have to try to catch up with constantly rising prices, I must understand that there is a crisis in the world and all the rest of it. And why not all of these?

    Well done. I took it off my tongue, there’s no better way to say it... How insulting and painful it is, after the joy and hope of February 2014, to end up in the sad shit of 2016...
    I feel like they’ll wait and sort things out... It’s true that it won’t be enough for us. To paraphrase the “master”: “Today, not only everyone will be able to survive until tomorrow” am
  15. 0
    20 February 2016 09: 18
    Such people, if I may say so, believe that their homeland is where they paid more. I won’t lie, for some time I liked watching films and programs with the participation of him and all the other “Kvartalshchikov”, but I saw this “solo” of his last summer. It wasn’t that I was upset, it was just that some kind of disgusting attitude appeared and my involvement in this shame was due to the fact that I considered him “my” artist, everyone has those. Very unpleasant. Alas, the cause of Judas, as they say, lives on and, so far, in many places, is victorious. He is not the only one who is so greedy for silver coins that are being stamped not far away... over the ocean. Well, yes, in Judas’ profession there is an ending, and for all Judas it is the same - aspen, rope, contempt..... And there is no doubt, it will be the same with him, if not in the literal sense, as with “a man “It’s exactly like with an artist.
  16. 0
    20 February 2016 09: 39
    Let's not make a scarecrow out of patriotism! Patriotism is in the heart, and if Zelensky is such a bastard, don’t go to see this film, let it fail at the box office and they won’t invite him again, Vote with your feet. Don’t be like the Ukrainians who ban films with Porechenkov. And I’ll note that patriotism is a personal matter for everyone, even though it is assigned by ideology , but still, a true patriot begins not from the brain, but from the heart. Before opening a business, let the businessman think about how this will be combined with patriotism? This means that the restaurateur is not a patriot of Nenko, but a patriot of at least Moscow. And let them sort him out Ukraine, don't go to this restaurant? agitate your colleagues not to go there... let it burn out? But no, there will be those who will go there. Perhaps simply without knowing its history, since the food there is delicious. So fight, but if patriotism is implanted by force, as in Ukraine (and there it is implanted by force), then you yourself see what kind of herd you can turn into
  17. 0
    20 February 2016 10: 29
    But you seriously didn’t know until now with what money and under whose secret supervision these “Comedy Clubs” and the like exist?
  18. 0
    20 February 2016 10: 59
    Zelensky - a solution of brilliant green, four liters, through an enema.....There will be time to think, about four minutes...
  19. 0
    20 February 2016 11: 56
    All this is particular. Isn’t it time to turn to the President of Russia with a question: Who is our Minister of Culture? ...
  20. 0
    20 February 2016 14: 03
    Quote: Author
    Money for murderers, or who in Russia can not be a patriot?

    Quote: Kobzon
    - Chasing him in the neck is necessary! He snapped. - I think he will have no career either in Ukraine or in Russia!
    who is arguing?
    It's just not done that way.
    About Zelensky and Co....this whining is empty smearing of snot.
    1. Ukraine believes that it is at war with Russia

    This is confirmed by the official authorities of Kyiv.
    2. The mood of the kaklov: “in Ghilaku” is known
    3.Ukraine destroyed the Russian Embassy in Kyiv

    4. Shelling of Russian territory, sanctions, ban on traffic and transit flights, Odessa, DPR, LPR and so on.
    1. 0
      20 February 2016 14: 09
      WHAT else do you need?

      - war has been declared on us and unfriendly actions are being carried out

      We (OUR GOVERNMENT) must and have every right (Constitution, "International Practice") and OBLIGATION:
      ***declare war on them as well
      ***withdraw embassies, consulates and other representative offices
      ***block everything (goods, services, money transfers, supplies of gas, fuel, electricity) that is related to Ukraine
      *** all Ukrainians are internalized, before being processed, in filtration camps, then deported to their nenka (if they are not involved)
      *** when approaching territorial waters (Crimea), airspace (Crimea), the border strip (isthmus, Rostov) Ukrainian armed forces, terbats, and generally kakly are DESTROYED WITHOUT WARNING (war is war)
      *** in the event of the expropriation of any property in Ukraine, the immediate expropriation of Ukrainian property on the territory of Russia is carried out, and targeted painful strikes are carried out on military installations in Ukraine.
      Yes, yes, just say that since “war” has been declared on us, then we declare (in response) war.
      *** and so on.
      And the “artists”, Zelensky, restaurants, everything is demagoguery.
      You can't cultivate patriotism with this.
      Is our government ready for this?

      Threat, let me remind you that WE DID NOT DECLARE WAR,and UKRAINE to us, SENIOR OFFICIALS AND THE LEGISLATIVE BODY OF UKRAINE (all 3 branches of government), I don’t even remember about all sorts of statements by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. SBU and other tricks.

      So let’s look at the zrada with perEmoga.

  21. 0
    20 February 2016 15: 17
    The whole point is that our bohemian beau monde COMPLETELY supports this rabble!!!!! We need to start **with our own** ---- we need to clean them out, and only then take on the newcomers. This is a long but vitally important matter.
  22. 0
    20 February 2016 15: 20
    Actors, “stars”, “celebrities”, somehow there are too many of them in life, they are everywhere. Young people want to become singers and dancers, actors, by and large, not produce anything, not invent, not research, but jump half naked on the stage of a restaurant for money! Simple, easy and fun.
    I once watched “Blue Light” from the sixties: the invited guests were cosmonauts, scientists, workers (advanced production workers). Like the Blue Light now: solid “stars”, singing to themselves, clapping, getting money, from whom, it doesn’t matter. At the anniversary of the owner of "Cherkizon" they sang sweetly to him, if he had paid a little more, they would have protected him!
    And these are “respected people”? They're old, but they're still climbing. These are trash, you don't need so many of them.
  23. 0
    20 February 2016 15: 43
    Quote: CON
    Yeah! Need to stock up with eggs ...))))

    No, someone needs to be hanged by the balls.
    1. 0
      21 February 2016 12: 11
      Quote: Orionvit
      No, someone needs to be hanged by the balls.

      It does not interfere. Some people have enough eggs for a jacket, while others need to slam the door, only then it will come.
  24. +1
    20 February 2016 16: 50
    A question for Mr. Medynsky, Mikhalkova and other liberal patriots - the guest who said that your wife is a jerk, who shit in your living room, who told your guests at your table that you are a goat's face, who wiped his fat face with yours after your meal curtains, and who shook off the ashes and extinguished the bulls into the cake prepared for the guests, will you let him into your house again?
    So why do you think that all this can be done in relation to our country? This is our home, and all sorts of rags have no business in it.
    And respect and respect for Kobzon.
  25. +1
    20 February 2016 18: 48
    I will do only one thing about this! And I advise everyone to do the same. not to carry your money to the cinema, with which this “miracle” will buy cartridges to kill my friends and colleagues in Donbass and Lugansk.
    It's so simple! Moreover, Russian cinema does not know how to make good films. I watched the announcement. Guano too!
  26. +1
    20 February 2016 23: 05
    Why did they only pay attention to him? Here Pavel Volya promotes second-rate humor that vilifies the country and everyone (comedy club). There are many other programs, this is only a special case and you need to talk with the owners, not the performers - the sixes.
  27. +1
    21 February 2016 12: 23
    Pashinin’s films are still shown on Russian TV. And here you are stuck with Zelensky. His Jewish nature takes its toll. He will always act like a prostitute. The main thing is that he be allowed to earn money. If 100% pro-Russian forces had come through the revolution, he would have rushed to our side without hesitation and disowned everything Ukrainian in favor of money and promotion.
    I like the actor Zelensky, I like the group Okean Elzy. I believe that cinema, music, and sports should be outside of politics. But what can you do if these comrades dared to speak out?
    I remember the words of one of the modern classics: “You are artists, like the last prostitutes, you lie down under every ruler...”
  28. 0
    21 February 2016 12: 51
    Acting - or acting, is a “profession of passion and sin” and is also essentially a perversion in relation to one’s own feelings. Actors such as Zelensky, Pashinin, Akhidzhakova and the like should be shown more often and “promoted” on Russian TV, with their right-wing position in relation to the state that gave them a job and a name. Let the country know its “fifth column heroes” who, in difficult times, will run across the other side of the barricades..... The actor “experiences” on the screen something that he may have never experienced in his life and does not want to experience, it is no coincidence that this explains it, here why were actors previously buried behind a fence... Yes
  29. Maz
    21 February 2016 13: 26
    Don't touch the artists. They are tumbling in the shit there, not you. The latest broadcasts indicate that the Quarter has taken a neutral position.
  30. 0
    21 February 2016 14: 36
    All that remained was for Makarevich to pay financial compensation for moral damage and publicly apologize. And also to pay from the Russian budget for all his failed concerts. Why waste time on trifles?
  31. 0
    21 February 2016 17: 43
    There is only one recipe - only GCD, there are no options after Crimea!
  32. +1
    22 February 2016 05: 39
    You can, of course, show intolerance towards Russophobes and persecute them, but I don’t think that this is a civilized path. It would be more correct to hold people accountable for specific crimes, including propaganda. As long as a person has not crossed the line of what is permitted, he has the right to correction. Who knows, one morning the brain may turn over in one direction or the other. Of course, if someone has undisguised adiotic Russophobia, then these people must be monitored and, of course, measures must be taken to protect society.
  33. +1
    29 February 2016 09: 59
    He's not alone there. You can’t call “these” clean!
  34. 0
    April 5 2016 19: 47
    Our Minister of Culture looks a lot like a mediocre official who accidentally fell into a social elevator rushing upward. I never saw him smile. Smile, Comrade Medinsky, they commit the greatest stupidities with a serious expression on their face.