Stalin's metaphysics

Stalin's metaphysics

Nowadays, the names of the leaders of the Soviet era are increasingly heard at the highest level. They sound in a critical, then in an approving manner.

In one of his recent public speeches, the Russian president negatively assessed Lenin’s policy in creating the USSR. About Stalin really very bad today is not often remembered. The wave of violent hysteria that peaked a few years ago was somewhat subsiding. In our opinion, this expresses something more than just a change of mood in that liberal intellectual environment, which, in fact, gave rise to terry anti-Stalinism. Other, more weighty, fundamental factors are piling up that encourage both our society as a whole and the country's president, in particular, to increasingly turn to the experience of building the red empire and look for clues and answers to the pressing questions of today's Russia. Is it not from this series that there is a revival of the TRP and vocational schools, attempts to recreate quasi-pioneer and personnel reserve, which “decides everything”?

Who was Joseph Stalin for Russia and for himself? Who is he - a tyrant, a misanthrope, a mass murderer, how do all these Fedotovs and Svanidze paint him with foaming at the mouth? Or the great and still not fully comprehended savior and creator of the Russian state, from the phenomenal experience of which it is possible to draw the necessary decisions and revelations for centuries? The question is exactly that, edge. Otherwise, it cannot be put today, for, no matter how sounding the timpani in the Kremlin trumpeted, every sane person realizes that the neoliberal model imposed on Russia from the outside is bursting at the seams and pulling us to the bottom. It is clear that the inevitable collapse of this model is unacceptable neither to the ruling class, nor to the masses of the people, that it is necessary to change something, moreover - on a large scale, decisively and meaningfully, without waiting for it to reach the bottom. This is precisely the reason for the lively interest expressed and unspoken by Putin to the legacy of the patriarchs of the USSR.

But for a start, both Putin and all of us need to clearly distinguish between stages — Lenin and Stalin. Being for an inexperienced historian in the same ideological bundle, they, nevertheless, due to polar differences, are essentially diametrically opposed. If the Leninist-Trotsky regime tried to destroy the cultural and religious soil of traditional Russian statehood to its foundations - devastated temples, implanted frenzied satanic rebellion, turned every page into a glorious stories Russia, from Prince Vladimir to the last Romanov, a multi-ton roller of proletcult drove into the asphalt the names of the great Russian commanders, writers, thinkers and spiritual seekers, propagated throughout the country fornication and emergency, issued orders for the destruction of the clergy (and, the more, the better), the gradual rise in the communist hierarchy of Stalin was accompanied by a steady reversal in this policy along all lines.

It was Stalin who buried the Comintern, whose task was to incite the world fire of the proletarian revolution with the help of Russia as an expendable material. It was he who returned the honor and dignity to the slandered names of Alexander Nevsky and Pushkin, Suvorov and Ushakov. According to his will, the great Russian science was resurrected and strengthened, and the dignity of the officer class rose. A gigantic industrial breakthrough was completed, which laid the infrastructure for victory in the Great Patriotic War. On behalf of Stalin, it is impossible to tear off the victory of the Soviet people in the nuclear confrontation in the USA and the conquest of space. It is necessary to completely lose objectivity and honesty in order not to understand: the security of today's Russia is entirely built on that powerful foundation with a 10-multiple safety factor, which was laid in the era of Stalin. This also applies to the formal authority of our country in international politics.

But there is another, hidden, mysterious, metaphysical side of this person and this stage in the history of our Motherland. The side that is deliberately or unintentionally forgotten, as ardent haters, so sometimes sympathizing with the "great leader." It is all the more important that it is precisely in our days, when a wave of rabid Satanism and Westernism covered Russia weakened after the collapse of the USSR, this metaphysical mystery of Stalin begins to show more and more clearly to the surface, disturbing minds. In fact, as one person who did not have an academic education, he managed to grasp the immensity, defeat countless enemies within the country and around the world. He did not suffer, like Suvorov, a single serious defeat in both civilian and military areas. Here opinions differ. Some speak of the monstrous working capacity of Stalin, who did not know the weekend, slept six hours a day and read 300 typed pages a day. He kept in his mind thousands of names, owned encyclopedic knowledge in various fields. He knew and appreciated the Russian language brilliantly. At the same time, according to eyewitness accounts, he was unusually patient, polite and infinitely merciful to ordinary people. As for the leader’s iron hand, the bloody trail of repression, the red line passing through his entire fate, this blood for many spiritually enlightened people was not the blood of torture and shame, but the inevitable result of the surgical operation that God’s Providence after 1917 had performed over fallen troubled Russia. Stalin in this immensely complex, protracted and painful operation Stalin, as is becoming increasingly clear, served as a scalpel in the hands of God. Hence the word “steel” in his party pseudonym. Like a scalpel, Stalin burned, destroyed the cancer cells of Lenin's nihilism from the prostrate body of the country. Waves of repression rolled from Smolensk to Vladivostok, collided with each other, raising the bloody foam of denunciations and settling accounts ... In the course of this struggle, the Stalinists fought the Trotskyists to death, and using their dominant position in the NKVD, they reciprocated. A terrible great unrest in which it is impossible to do without a huge number of innocent victims.

But the question arises involuntarily: why did the patriarchs Sergius and Alexy, Metropolitan Nikolai (Yarushevich), Saint Luke, and hundreds more, if not thousands of devotees, praise and honor his name. Who was he really? Great overlord or, nevertheless, a warrior-monk who did not know rest and self-interest. Just myself, to the last second, who gave service to the Russian people. The answer is already very close, and it comes to the surface more and more clearly through the dirty ripples of idle speculation and the swamp of paid publications. May God find the saving hand of Stalin, reaching for him from the great epoch of victories and accomplishments in the sorrowful hour experienced by Russia!
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  1. +4
    20 February 2016 14: 02
    If today we had Joseph Vissarionovich, then the geyropa and the Americans would now even be afraid to fart, let alone tell us what and how to do... And our local “liberals” would massively ennoble the nature in Kolyma... That’s right ,sometimes our old people say: “You don’t have Stalin...”
  2. 0
    20 February 2016 14: 09
    How much liberal-faggot scum has descended on the topic of Stalin... the poor students of the nineties
  3. msm
    20 February 2016 17: 49
    Away with the liberal fagot little hands from the bright name of Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (party nickname “Stalin”)!
  4. +1
    20 February 2016 18: 42
    It is difficult to judge through the prism of the Khrushchev era. But people, especially statesmen, are judged by their deeds - and what’s the bottom line? The back of Hitlerism was broken, atomic and space projects were implemented. Free education and medicine. By the way, every year after the war several thousand enterprises were put into operation.
    You can talk a lot about foolishness, but sentiments were inappropriate at that epoch-making time.
    What happened recently? Peaceful life, heaps of years, the entire top is relaxed, the “nightmare” of the subsoil, sell hydrocarbons and get bucks. What do we have now as a bottom line? - we are sitting in the main prison and someone Ulyukaev explains to us that the economy has reached the bottom? Ha, ha! Calmed me down. We can talk and write a lot more - we can only hope that the curve will lead in the right direction.
    1. 0
      20 February 2016 19: 04
      Quote: Vladimir K
      Free education and medicine.

      The rabbits thought so too. But in reality they were being bred.
      Quote: Vladimir K
      By the way, every year after the war several thousand enterprises were put into operation.

      There is such a story "Dubrovsky". There, master Troekurov's slaves were very proud that their master was richer than master Dubrovsky. Apparently you are one of these, Troekurov’s. Slaves. Otherwise, what difference does it make to you, what else does the master have? What's in it for you?
      1. 0
        20 February 2016 19: 43
        You can imagine those people as you like, either as rabbits or call them scoops, but a one-sided judgment about life is the lot of short-sighted people. And yet, thanks to these “slaves”, you, dear one, sit warm and have the opportunity to reason using knowledge possibly acquired at school.
        1. 0
          20 February 2016 20: 44
          Quote: Vladimir K
          but a one-sided judgment about life is the lot of short-sighted people

          Showcase your versatility. Teach the right approach.
          Quote: Vladimir K
          And yet, thanks to these “slaves”, you, dear one, sit warm and have the opportunity to reason using knowledge possibly acquired at school.

          Are you sure that I got all this thanks to some of your slaves? Is it possible without this? Do you think free citizens can only drink vodka and lie on the ground? Are you wrong?
          Quote: Vladimir K
          Peaceful life, heaps of years, the entire top is relaxed, the “nightmare” of the subsoil, sell hydrocarbons and get bucks. What do we have left now?

          What are you talking about? Please clarify, about 1946 or 1974? Or maybe about 1979? I’m talking about the initial years of oil price surges, in case you didn’t understand. Just in case, I’ll let you know that in 1980. In comparable dollars, the price of oil was about $120 per barrel. And in 1986 it collapsed to about $35 per barrel in comparable dollars. Tell me more?
        2. The comment was deleted.
  5. Erg
    20 February 2016 23: 10
    Quote: Azzzwer
    Remember Egr, all historical processes were carried out by peoples, and individuals could only lead these processes. A person without a mass of people is nothing.

    If stupidity is your way, at least show it to others. lol
  6. Erg
    20 February 2016 23: 54
    I keep wondering: will Putin take power into his own hands? How long can you play “democracy” and “liberalism”? Maybe it's time to get down to business?
  7. 0
    24 February 2016 17: 53
    Not a single historical figure was unequivocally assessed by descendants. All of them, depending on the time, were erected on a pedestal or thrown off it. In my opinion, any historical figure deserves the main thing - a sober, calm, balanced assessment!