The war is coming!

The situation in the economy and financial sector seems to be more and more annoying, depressing and frightening ordinary citizens. This is noticeable in the number of articles and posts on this topic. They say different. Who closes his eyes and shouts that everything is fine. Who, without further ado, blames the one who has long been appointed in the world guilty in principle for everything. Who scratches his head and, looking down, mumbles something about "let's see how it will be." And who just frowned and silent.

The war is coming!

But nothing surprises me in this situation. Everything goes in a completely logical way. It only surprises me a little that nobody openly calls things by their proper names. Well, with rare exceptions. None of the really weighty personalities in politics and public life. In this sense, in Ukraine there is a very similar situation somewhere, but the opposite is true. In Ukraine, the authorities and public figures are screaming that there is a full-scale war with Russia. And, as it were, the common people believe, as usual, but somewhere inside they do not really see this war. And in Russia, on the contrary - there is a war, and the authorities and society pretend that there is none. And people believe, as usual, but somewhere inside they feel that everything is not so simple.

I will not state unconditionally, but still I will say that, in my opinion, today there is really a war. I do not discover America with this, many have talked and talk about it. But judging by the mood in the society, by publications and simply by discussions at the "VO", no one takes this into account. I emphasize once again: there is a war! Let the undeclared, let the hybrid, as you wish to call, but this is war. It is terrible initially because it is implicit, it is not announced, it is not clear who exactly is fighting, and what are the parties, strengths and goals. But Russia is really in a state of war, it needs to be accepted and realized. Then all the questions about the ruble exchange rate, the price of oil and the general decline in living standards, rising prices, etc. will disappear by themselves. There is a war! What did you expect during the war? What will be as usual?

Imagine how it was in the rear, somewhere in Kazakhstan or in the Urals in the 42 year. They did not shoot and did not sit in the trenches. But the deprivation was - more than enough. And everyone understood that there was a war, and there was no good life until there was a victory. And people suffered hardships and deliberately made sacrifices. And today, virtually all of Russia is in the rear. It does not shoot (yet), but the explosions are already audible. In the meantime, the country is under siege, and, of course, everyone suffers. One thing is not clear: why it surprises you, and why no one speaks about it out loud from high tribunes.

I understand that the president or the head of parliament probably cannot come out now and say from the TV screen that Russia is at war. And simple citizens will not understand, and they will take advantage of this in the world, and there are other considerations. But on the other hand, it seems to me that it would be somewhat clearer to many if someone authoritative explained that, they say, brothers and sisters, we are at war, so it will not be good in the near future, and there could be much worse so forget about the resorts and imported cars - that's all after the victory. But then, of course, it is necessary to call their names and enemies. And this is also hardly possible, they are also “partners.” And many of them, in general, are citizens of the Russian Federation, and even go and figure out what level ... Having called openly the enemies, they will have to be somehow destroyed, for that she and the war. So the situation is a dead end. But you, conscious citizens, should have guessed about such things, without prompting. And explain to less developed others.

I am very entertained by the speeches of some people who speak in Ukraine: “Aha! Would you like Krymnash? Nate, get it! Here is your oil! Here is your course! Here you have isolation with sanctions! Here are the resorts in Turkey! Here are the prices for the products! ”And that's all. I say to this that I do not know who two years ago counted on the fact that the Crimea returned to Russia, and now everything will gorgeously heal there. I had no such thoughts. I understood that this is only the beginning, these are only the first volleys of artillery preparation, and the main forces are not only not thrown into battle, but also not clearly marked. I understood that it would be bad and hard. And if they do not start shooting, there will be problems primarily in economics and finance. And therefore, what is happening now does not surprise me at all. You just need to understand that the war is already underway. And nothing good will wait for all of us in the near future, alas. This is a war, and if we want to win, we must realize it as soon as possible, accept and prepare for the hardships that accompany any war. Then all the talk about the reasons for the growth rate and prices, falling living standards, etc., and also about who is to blame, and whether Putin is to blame personally, and whether we should change it, all these questions will disappear by themselves, and will simply ridiculous to raise them. The country is fighting!
601 comment
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  1. -3
    30 January 2016 18: 00
    I read the comments here and how many potential presidents we have, everyone knows how to CORRECTLY lead the country. Just like in football, there are millions of specialists in front of the screen and everyone knows what needs to be done for ours to become champions, but these “” coaches do not understand anything or deliberately cause harm and ours lose again. In order for the country and people to live happily ever after, half of them must be shot, and their money taken and divided among the rest. The feeling is that you see the world in black and white, some believe that everything is lost, turn out the lights, others that everything is fine and we are about to arrive at a bright future. This is how the attitude towards Stalin is: some consider him a great leader, the creator of Soviet industry and science, the winner of fascism, while others consider him a tyrant, a killer of millions from hunger and in camps. And is it really so difficult to combine both of these versions? The world is not black and white, it is colored with different shades and you know nothing about shadow governments or what is discussed in the highest offices, but you talk about politics based on articles on the Internet that no one knows who writes. Do you want to live better? Do not give bribes, if you have violated something serious while driving, do not give a bribe to a traffic cop, travel for 1,5-2 years on public transport, do not give bribes to a teacher or dean, officials, etc. Report corruption to the prosecutor's office, the People's Front, join public organizations such as pigs against, stop boor, etc. Otherwise, the majority didn’t lift a finger, but sit and whine about how bad everything is, do you think a good uncle, the king, will come and everything will be fine? Well then sit on your butt straight and wait. And if Putin is so bad, then what is the name of the one who will replace him and make a “candy” out of the country?
    1. +2
      30 January 2016 19: 32
      Quote: Pontemonmon5230
      And if Putin is so bad, then what is the name of the one who will replace him and make a “candy” out of the country?

      Shamanov Vladimir Anatolyevich, Shemyakin Valery Leonidovich will be no worse...

      How different officials behave during war:
    2. Erg
      30 January 2016 20: 24
      Pontelei, what planet are you from? stop
    3. The comment was deleted.
  2. +3
    30 January 2016 18: 18
    “the most important traitors, in my opinion, are involved in matters of education and science”
    And who are those “Duma members” who recently refused to vote for Livanov’s resignation? It is written on his face about our education and science.
  3. +1
    30 January 2016 18: 21
    Who gave me this striped mattress?
    1. Erg
      30 January 2016 20: 26
      The CIA is not asleep. Maybe he blurted out something wrong? wassat Come to yours quickly. soldier
  4. -2
    30 January 2016 18: 45
    You seem to be thinking, but thoughts never come to mind, but there is a smart thought nearby, why is there war? Yes, because Russia living in the 19th century wanted it that way, you unleashed it yourself.
    1. 0
      1 February 2016 06: 56
      Re-read your comments from bottom to top, you don't have many of them...
  5. +1
    30 January 2016 20: 16
    Quote: Vadim237
    “And now, how can we really hope for the will of each individual bourgeoisie that he will intensively develop the economy in his individual enterprise? Spend a lot of money on purchasing the latest equipment and invite talented people to the newest design bureau he created” - How can it be - I’m one of them, and if the entrepreneur does not invest anything in his production, he will go bankrupt.

    Good evening, Vadim. Sorry for being in such a derogatory manner. I respect entrepreneurs, they pull a back-breaking load, take risks and work hard (this is not an exaggeration - just not necessarily with their hands...) Rapid renewal and bringing up science to business is not something many owners can handle on their own. Previously, in the USSR, enterprises mastered limits on equipment, accessories, etc. Was it necessary to count the money?
    We need to remember the Soviet experience, restore branch headquarters and help, help. It won’t be long before the state’s help is no longer needed and we’ll be free to swim again!
    Vadim, do you think the arrival of a stranger in a habitable place is only a problem for the owners? And for us yourself know the new broom, the consequences are unknown, everything depends on the person.
    But how long can you stand still?
  6. +6
    30 January 2016 21: 02
    Now in the Vesti on Saturday program on Channel 32 they said that ours paid XNUMX million euros to PACE,
    No words only emotions. They kicked us out, they won’t give us a word.
    In the fall, everyone was trying to pay or not pay. They said that if we are not there, then there is no point in paying.
    And here is the result - they still paid.
    Yes... our rulers are not distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence.
    Contemporaries do not have iron eggs. And we get the corresponding result.
    1. +2
      30 January 2016 21: 44
      Quote: Consul-t
      Contemporaries do not have iron eggs. And we get the corresponding result.

      Apparently, it’s not enough yet... as with them, the first, second and all together 24 channels
    2. The comment was deleted.
  7. +2
    30 January 2016 21: 05
    The war, of course, is already underway and only those who are mentally retarded or already bought can deny it. However, this is not the 41st or even the 39th. If we use a historical analogy, we are somewhere in the year 35-36: separate Anschluss, tests of strength and civil war (Spain ---> Syria). So it’s not too late to prepare for the 41st. And, by the way, between the 35th and 41st the 37th was somehow squeezed in....
  8. 0
    30 January 2016 21: 19
    The minus of the article is bold. He compared the hardships in Kazakhstan in 42. Then they knew why they were suffering deprivation and hunger. Question ? Why now? To sink America and drain the dollar? Complete madness. This is not our war. They want to blame mistakes in economics and politics on anyone. If you take a knife, hit him. If there is war, fight! Don’t worry about future shocks, otherwise half the country will suddenly “throw off” their assets and rush over the hill.
    1. +1
      30 January 2016 21: 36
      No half of the country will rush anywhere, neither sharply nor gently.
      1. +1
        30 January 2016 21: 51
        Of course they won’t rush, why would they do that? Maskvastan plebeians may rush, well, a stick in their way and I’m not even afraid, this word is not alone good
  9. 0
    30 January 2016 21: 35
    Quote: mordvin xnumx
    And who did you crush in the 91? Supporters of the Emergency Committee, or Yolkin? Just wondering.

    Who is closer to you?
  10. +1
    30 January 2016 21: 38
    When Crimea happened, I was not particularly delighted, because I understood that this was not Berlin on May 45th, this was Iran on August 41st, the same was needed, but the whole war was still ahead.
  11. +1
    30 January 2016 21: 53
    Russia is officially in a state of war as soon as it began fighting in Syria, and our “beloved” president has never hidden it. The author of the article considers everyone to be fools, like while the war is on, tighten your belts, and this is Poroshenko’s slogan. It’s a pity that our president followed his path, justifying the criminal actions of Nabiulina and her entourage. And now they are trying to distract us from widespread impoverishment, either Crimea needs to be helped, then the war in Donbass, then the war in Syria, or swine and other flu, although if a person does not, there was a flu last winter, and there were just as many deaths from this infection, but the cry must be raised precisely this year, when the ruble is depreciating, and the stupid people need to be distracted from impoverishment with something. Let's rebuild Crimea, help Donbass, defeat ISIS, defeat Influenza, and then we'll live! And people are hogging it. Personally, this reminds me of the Baltic states and Ukraine with such slogans. But this will not happen as long as we have such a “central bank”. There will be a bunch of other invented reasons to distract the masses. And our president said that they are all professionals, so he will not change them.
  12. 0
    30 January 2016 22: 27
    Quote: Rarog
    And still, it was necessary to name in the article those who are fighting against Russia and its People, both inside and outside, since the author raised such a question! Why beat around the bush?

    In my opinion, external enemies are the USA individually and at the head of NATO + Japan; The European Union; Saudis with allies in the person of Turkey, Qatar and others like them, possibly China, because he doesn’t really need a strong Russia either (from one point of view), on the rights of the same raw materials appendage and market (as is the case with the West) we will be good for him, and in the role of an equal or even more leading partner ... it is unlikely.

    Internal enemies - A good half of the government headed by Medvedev, mainly talking about the social and economic blocs of the government, the most important traitors, in my opinion, are engaged in education and science, judging by their occupations ... they finish them off completely, and education and science - our future. This is the state. officials like Chubais and all the former Gaidar reformers have remained in power. This is the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with Nabiulina, who, in essence, is an agent of influence of the US Federal Reserve, since at the legislative level it is removed from the framework of our Russian jurisdiction. These are embezzlers, corrupt officials and high-level bribery in the person of Taburetkin and his women's battalion and numerous bureaucrats of lower and "much lower" ranks, whose names we, unfortunately, are not allowed to know. This is the banking system, which we are once again saving at the expense of the people (yesterday, if my memory serves me correctly, the issue of saving "affected" banks at the expense of taxpayers was discussed) ... we save these usurers, and they continue to choke us in the best traditions of the Torah about goyim and "God's chosen", although the names of many bank owners are another confirmation of this. Well, and about our "beloved" oligarchs, one should not forget of which a few can go under honest and decent people, real sons of their fatherland, about the rest it has already been said hundreds or thousands of times - the stolen must be returned ... and the forest in Magadan was waiting for new ones woodcutters.

    I think the author could at least list the main enemies of the Fatherland.

    I completely agree. And one moment. One of the high-ranking amers said something like the following: “I don’t see any reason why at hour X the Russians decide to pull the trigger. Because all the accounts of their oligarchs are with us. Here they have mansions, all their relatives, etc.” They would rather overthrow the commander-in-chief than allow this to happen.
  13. +2
    30 January 2016 22: 39
    surrounded, you bastards
  14. +3
    30 January 2016 23: 01
    May God grant our soldiers Victory in the war.
  15. +4
    30 January 2016 23: 26
    I completely agree with the author of the article - there is a war against Russia against our “partners” in all directions, and it is high time for our leadership to start calling a spade a spade and begin to pursue foreign and domestic policies that correspond to the realities of the day.
  16. +2
    31 January 2016 04: 41
    There is an old Russian word! Such is the pop, such is the coming! Everyone knows who rules us! And there is no need to make a saint out of him like some site marshals! Essentially, it’s worse now than under EBN, but the media doesn’t cover it. Because everyone’s mouths have been closed for a long time. The so-called 5th column are puppets of GDP! This is not the US State Department, look at the root
  17. +1
    31 January 2016 05: 44
    The premise of the article is strange. It feels like the author woke up from a long-term hibernation (like from H.G. Wells’s “When the Sleeper Awake”) or did not study at all in kindergarten, school, or university. He doesn't know the history of the state at all. Wars have been going on since the creation of the world, for survival, a warm place, for territory, resources, etc. and so on. It doesn’t matter in what area, politics, economics and so on, it went, goes and will go. An open armed clash is the last argument in resolving a dispute between opponents. We already know that there is an irreconcilable struggle with our country. Apparently, the author woke up, having learned the reality, and sat down on the hedgehog with his bare butt. IMHO. Yes
  18. 0
    31 January 2016 07: 14
    Yes, Russia has been living in this state of war for more than a thousand years. However, other countries too. If you look carefully at history, this is the normal state of neighborhood of states. And Manilovism with a cocktail on the sofa is either dreams or ideas about an otherworldly paradise.
  19. 0
    31 January 2016 07: 52
    Is there a war going on? It’s somehow selective and strange, for the common man it’s going on: prices are rising, wages are being cut, workers are being laid off (by the way, workers are always being laid off during a war?), and the top people are getting fatter and getting fatter, Putin invested his money he invests it in American papers. Just as Putin’s friends stole, they continue to steal. The war is going on, so why weren’t the notorious Serdyukov and Vaslieva punished in any way, showing the farce of an “objective” investigation? The war is going on, and Putin continues to supply raw materials at bargain prices. This is all, I guess, as I understand it, according to the laws of war? People’s minds are “soaring”, urging them to tighten their belts, but for some reason Miller or, for that matter, Peskov refused to give up their multimillion-dollar earnings per day and did not give (did not sell) multimillion-dollar watches to the victory fund.
    1. 0
      31 January 2016 11: 16
      “The war is going on, but Putin continues to supply raw materials at bargain prices.” They will not buy oil from us at other prices, especially since our oil companies are now getting rid of low-grade oil. “Putin still invests money in American paper.” If he invested these 82 billion in the Russian economy, it would not affect the well-being of citizens at all. Miller’s salary corresponds to his place - not everyone can manage a huge corporation and he is responsible for his work at the government level.
  20. 0
    31 January 2016 11: 03
    Quote: Sirocco
    Well, the cherry on the cake, it is not for nothing that they often went to Novosib, goodwill ambassadors from the State Department, and our other liberals.

    Please explain, please! Who do you call liberals? Opposition to the president? Or the government?
  21. +1
    31 January 2016 11: 44
    That's right, the war with us did not end even with the Victory in Berlin. It went on all the time, with periods of sharp exacerbation. Now is exactly such a period.
    Something else struck me in the note: "And today, virtually all of Russia is, as it were, in the rear"Unfortunately, not all of Russia, but only ordinary people in the deep rear and deprivation. But where is ours, is it our power?, which is far from deprived and is still in the liberal desires to lie under the West so beloved by it? Writhing in agony ?
  22. 0
    31 January 2016 12: 05
    I agree with the author of the article.
    Only the truth says: you need to know the enemy by sight. And especially not to call them “partners”, as VVP and CO do...
  23. +1
    31 January 2016 12: 21
    People understand perfectly well that there is a war going on, it is not yet hot for the country, it is somewhere far away, but it is already going on, namely for our security and sovereignty.
    War in the humanitarian sphere, in international sports, in politics, economics and propaganda, the media is heated to the limit, everything is for real. The next stage is a currency war, they are already talking about it. We must remain patient and respond wisely. The United States really wants to drag us into a direct military conflict, or with anyone, just to launch its propaganda at full capacity.
  24. 0
    31 January 2016 14: 23
    Quote: Mahmut
    And the best commander leading us to victory must certainly be a US citizen.

    I gave you a plus for your comment. Because it feels like you are “offended for the state.” But, if the rest of your text may be based on real facts (I personally do not undertake to judge whether all the facts you presented are true... maybe in some places they are exaggerated), then your last phrase causes obvious bewilderment! What other US citizen?
  25. +1
    31 January 2016 15: 15
    I don’t understand, who doesn’t travel abroad and buy cars? The author lives in a different reality.

    Ordinary people never had this before. And wealthy Muscovites-St. Petersburgers and bandits-oligarchs, of whom there are a total of 10 million in the Russian Federation, buy cars in the same way for a few lyams and fatten up. Where is their war? During war, people unite and help each other. And among us, some are dying of hunger, while others have led a divine life and continue to do so. It turns out that this is a war of majors and officials against their people. Their deprivation is nothing, it will only affect the tip. Meanwhile, others have to give up not cars and tours, but alcohol, tobacco, clothing, equipment, any purchases except food, rent, and gasoline. All. We love our country and Putin, but what the hell if there is a war - some of our citizens continue to spend more on themselves in one day than I have in several years? This is not a war for sure, we need to look for another word here.
  26. 0
    1 February 2016 03: 15
    Damn, these "everyone who's gone missing" are screwed! Why the hell should we escalate it?
  27. +1
    1 February 2016 03: 30
    AVP518 - you are a piece of shit, and the youngster is not a reasonable degenerate. Without evidence, take it on faith...
  28. 0
    1 February 2016 06: 26
    Tell me at least one criterion by which the current jostling with our “partners” goes beyond geopolitics and becomes war?
    IMHO, the article contains an unreasonable expansion of the concept of “war”.
  29. -2
    1 February 2016 09: 58
    I will not say unconditionally, but I will still say that, in my opinion, there is really a war going on today.

    You leave Russia for a vacation, even to the sea, even to Europe, and the war ends immediately.
    Last year in Egypt I played excellent football and water polo with the British and Germans. We drank together in the evening. The most interesting thing is our channels. You click there while lying on the couch, there are channels all over the world, and their channels are different shows. you get to ours - Iskander testing, new teachings, etc.
    So all this is nonsense, which is sowed by propaganda TV and such articles in order to distract the people from the failed government policies.
    And the people are not concerned about the war. people watch and read exactly what they are shown on the media, they will show how to grow corn and everyone will grow corn.
    The article is paranoid, in my opinion, although I’m sure it’s stupidly ordered, conspiracy theories and all that.
    The world has lived and continues to live. And Russia has lived and will continue to live.
  30. +1
    1 February 2016 10: 07
    Oh no no no! The war is on! Wow! Who is fighting with whom, who is the enemy? And we are our own enemy. They got hooked on gas/oil, began to build shopping centers instead of factories and through them provide profits to foreigners, and ruined their production. Well, of course: it was easier to bring it from over the hill than to tinker with the “ground” ourselves. Yes, take out cheap loans there and charge interest on your own here. As soon as they turned off the “faucet” there, everything, war, siege, everything disappeared. Of course: a country in which banal speculation is considered a business cannot provide for itself without external support. This is where the cries about war come from. There is no war. Our grandfathers saw the war. And after the war, without any petrodollars or loans, we rebuilt everything ourselves so that we are still using it. Devastation in the head. So if we fight now, then first of all with ourselves. It's time to get off the credit "stove" and stop dreaming of getting on it again.
  31. 0
    1 February 2016 11: 09
    But the author wrote everything correctly. This is no secret for me either. Everything is simple here, either us or us. And all these statements like “why, for what...”, it’s like for some imbeciles who during the Second World War believed that if we had surrendered to the Germans, we would all have driven Mercedes, etc., and would not have been slaves. It’s the same thing now, if we give up, we’ll be slaves... so only Forward, only Together.
  32. 0
    1 February 2016 12: 57
    We live on the defensive...
  33. 0
    1 February 2016 13: 00
    Quote: gv2000
    They got hooked on gas/oil, began to build shopping centers instead of factories and through them provide profits to foreigners,

    Are you and I hooked on ourselves? So we are talking about those enemies who planted us ((((((((
  34. 0
    1 February 2016 16: 03
    "According to the results of the war game presented at the Pentagon at the end of last year, with the help of 3,5-4 thousand precision weapons, the United States can destroy the main infrastructure facilities of the enemy in 6 hours and deprive him of the ability to resist," Rogozin said.

    Read more at RBC:
  35. 0
    1 February 2016 16: 08
    That's right, the war is on. And again, as in the Great Patriotic War, we were attacked. So you don’t have to wait for the enemy to deal a crushing blow. We didn’t start it, but it’s up to us to finish, as always. It is difficult to win a hybrid war; we are not ready for such a war. It is necessary to escalate, right up to a military conflict with the United States. They don't understand otherwise. It's time to show that we have nuclear weapons for a reason. We are left with no other choice. This time the United States should not stand aside; it is time to put this empire of lies in its place.
  36. 0
    1 February 2016 16: 48
    Haven’t you just tried not to fight? Scribblers. They are trying to act as mouthpieces. Why do you suggest sitting there with your eyes closed? Everything was done and is being done before our eyes. It will not be possible to heal.
  37. 0
    1 February 2016 17: 23
    Listen, author of the article, don’t whine that we live poorly, you want a lot and steal at once, you won’t earn a lot of money in any other way. fool
  38. 0
    1 February 2016 17: 44
    the fact that the war is already underway is not big news, I would consider permission to carry a short-barreled gun, and simplification of the procedures for registering firearms in general, to be good news! otherwise there is a war going on and we are without weapons, at least we are not tired.....
  39. 0
    1 February 2016 17: 56
    The war has been going on since the attack on South Ossetia, it’s just that there are no direct military operations on the territory of the Russian Federation yet. But it’s a matter of time.
  40. 0
    1 February 2016 20: 42
    60s barefoot childhood, crowded trains, disgusting roads. 70s empty shelves, no sausages. 80s fights from yard to yard, district to district, roundups of parasites. 90s racketeering, murders, food stamps. The 2000s seem to be good. 2010s sanctions, secret war, crisis, the whole world doesn’t like us. It’s time to die, but I haven’t lived in a quiet, normal, respected country where everyone is rich, because of advanced production, developed agriculture, the smartest rulers, a country like Switzerland.
  41. 0
    1 February 2016 22: 27
    Quote: Chaos
    60s barefoot childhood, crowded trains, disgusting roads. 70s empty shelves, no sausages. 80s fights from yard to yard, district to district, roundups of parasites. 90s racketeering, murders, food stamps. The 2000s seem to be good. 2010s sanctions, secret war, crisis, the whole world doesn’t like us. It’s time to die, but I haven’t lived in a quiet, normal, respected country where everyone is rich, because of advanced production, developed agriculture, the smartest rulers, a country like Switzerland.

    I agree, it's a shame. But there is not and never has been a country where everyone is rich... Even if there is advanced production and the smartest rulers.
  42. 0
    1 February 2016 23: 05
    Agree. We really are already at war. And there will be no peace treaties in it.