We have forgiven the Germans, but not the Russians. Why?!

We have forgiven the Germans, but not the Russians. Why?!

On Polish territory in Katyn, the Russians committed a crime by shooting 15 thousands of Polish prisoners of war (and possibly more). Just as a stone cannot be returned once a stone is thrown, words cannot be returned. The past cannot be returned, as well as events that took place in the distant or not so distant past, cannot be returned or changed. The Russians apologized for their crime.

Also on Polish territory, only in Auschwitz, the Germans brutally tortured, killed and gassed at least 1,5 a million people, including women and children (most likely there were more). I think, rather, I want to believe that the Germans apologized for their crimes too. But is it possible to excuse such horrors as the first and second ?! Okay. Compared with the crime of Russian Germans have done in Auschwitz alone in 100 times big atrocious and terrifying crimes !!!

We forgave the Germans for this (we are Czechs and Poles), but not for the Russians. And I ask WHY? !!

On our own Czechoslovak territory, the Germans committed crimes and brutal terror in order to completely destroy the Czech, and even the Slovak, peoples by moving people far to the east, killing and “re-educating” (but this is only in the case of several “suitable” individuals). In addition to other atrocities and terror committed by the Germans against our people, they burned and razed Lidice, Lezhaki, Yavorichko. The defenseless, innocent inhabitants of these villages were either shot or forcibly sent to concentration camps for a sure, albeit somewhat delayed, death! Including women and children! The Germans killed, executed and cruelly torn to pieces in the concentration camps over 320 thousands of Czechoslovak citizens! And we, the Czechs, have forgiven the Germans !!!

And the Russians, our only old, best and real friends, Slavic brothers, allies and defenders, for bringing peace and freedom to us and saving the Czech and Slovak peoples from the planned, but not carried out by the Germans, genocide. thinking, they sacrificed their own lives, for the fact that more than 160 thousands died for our freedom in Czechoslovakia, we scold and blame? !! Are the Czechs really such scoundrels? !! Ungrateful, not worthy of good nihilists who do not know what gratitude, respect, admiration for the savior and faith in him, what is long-standing and even stronger friendship, sealed with blood? If yes, then be a Czech - shame and a curse !!!

If not, then let us be friends of Russia, let's restore our friendship with Russia, which was betrayed by our own policies, which we dismembered against the will of the popular majority, and which we replaced with a fake self-destructive alliance with the US criminal. Let's help Russia, and it will return us all a hundredfold! I WANT a radical change in the foreign policy orientation of the Czech Republic. And certainly NOT to the West, which has always disappointed and betrayed, NOT to Brussels, NOT to Berlin, NOT to London, NOT to Paris! And certainly not on the USA !!! For the freedom of the Chechen Republic, friendship and full cooperation in all areas (military and defense too) with fraternal Slavic RUSSIA, as well as with all the BRICS countries, should play a decisive role! Russia is the only guarantee of our secure future, Russia is the only strong ally and defender of the Slavic peoples, Russia is the guarantee that the Czech people will survive.

With Germany and other "WESTERN" countries that have always betrayed us (France, Great Britain), and which we do not care at all: for them we are a subordinate and unequal people. We are false, hypocritical and forced to fraternize and "friends" in the common snake's nest, and the one who has always supported us, defended and helped us, not only in words, but also actions, we reprove, scold and turn back to them! How freaking it is!

Since I am not a scoundrel and not a nihilist, because I have my own pride and honor, I know historyI have my unchanging faith and convictions, and certainly not a “chameleon”, I remember a lot, I have sincere gratitude, admiration and respect for the Russian people, for the Russian Federation, for Russian President Vladimir Putin, I openly declare that if a political a party that proudly, publicly and directly will call for an alliance, friendship and cooperation with the Russian Federation, I will immediately become happy to become a member of this party. Truth cannot be hidden, and history cannot be falsified forever.

On Polish territory in Katyn, the Russians committed a crime by shooting 15 thousands of Polish prisoners of war. Also on Polish territory, only in Auschwitz, the Germans brutally tortured, killed and gassed at least 1,5 a million people, including women and children. To the Germans, we — the Czechs and the Poles — have forgiven this, but not the Russians. And I ask - why ?!
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  1. 0
    24 January 2016 22: 15
    And in general, “the Czech and the Pole took Berlin, the Russian helped a little.”
  2. 0
    24 January 2016 22: 42
    Katyn is sewn with white thread, and as far as I know, logically and without far-fetched facts, everything again points to the Germans.

    Long live our Slavic brothers!
  3. +1
    24 January 2016 22: 44
    Unfortunately, it is now fashionable for the Polish elite to base all foreign policy propaganda solely on Russophobia, mythology and the most vile lies.

    And I recommend an article on Polish topics:

    And in general, a very smart Belarusian site.
  4. +1
    24 January 2016 22: 46
    I’ve been to Poland 19 times, and even though I really want to, I can’t say anything good about the Poles.
  5. 0
    24 January 2016 23: 01
    Russia does not need to listen to what “friends are traitors” say.
  6. +1
    24 January 2016 23: 23
    “On Polish territory in Katyn, the Russians committed a crime by shooting 15 thousand Polish prisoners of war.” Wow! I went fishing for a day, and then the world changed: the Smolensk region is already Poland... Why, people, haven’t you heard anything about mobilization in the country?
    The article is funny, nothing more, a Polonized look at history. I recommend to anyone interested (so that they don’t call them “Zamukhinets”): http://expert.ru/2014/03/5/skuchnaya-pravda-katyini/. Short and clear.
  7. +1
    24 January 2016 23: 41
    So it’s the Russians - they are always to blame for everything. winked
  8. +2
    25 January 2016 00: 14
    Quote: Bulls.
    And it’s not at all that they forgave the Germans, but that they are afraid to bark at them.

    Apparently we and the Poles need to behave this way. I don’t remember who said, “If you’re not sure that you can bite me to death, then let alone growl at me, and even bark in my direction,” the Poles should think about this
  9. +1
    25 January 2016 00: 35
    What do you want from a Czech who also lives in exile? He taught history using “his own European” textbooks. For him, the Smolensk region is Poland. At home, the authorities hardly publish him and don’t allow him access to the media.
  10. 0
    25 January 2016 01: 33
    We don't give a damn whether they forgive us or not, we will never forgive you. The death of 27 million people cannot be washed away from the bloody European paws.
  11. 0
    25 January 2016 03: 15
    This is the problem of the Russian people!!!! - We try to see a friend in every scumbag.
  12. +1
    25 January 2016 03: 27
    Dear Peter, in my amateurish opinion, a Russian who has relatives who died and were buried in Eastern Europe, not because they went to conquer or liberate you, they simply defended themselves and their land. Well, it just so happened that you too were liberated from the fascist occupation. Well, forgive our fathers and grandfathers who gave their lives on your land - they didn’t know that you were better off under Hitler, well, forgive them! ONLY I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU!!!
  13. Zaq
    25 January 2016 03: 27
    Or maybe we could declassify all the archives on this topic? What do you think?
    1. 0
      25 January 2016 04: 17
      "Katyn. A lie that became history"? Program "Moment of Truth" dated June 18.06.12, 90. For you Panov, everything was already declassified back in the 90s. The period of declassification of documents of the Politburo and the CPSU Central Committee was carried out in the early XNUMXs by a government commission led by Mikhail Poltoranin.
    2. 0
      25 January 2016 09: 12
      Quote: Zaq
      Or maybe we could declassify all the archives on this topic? What do you think?

      After Mr. Yakovlev's sticky little hands walked over them, what was the point of the discovery?
  14. +1
    25 January 2016 04: 05
    Don’t think that it was Soviet Russia that attacked unfortunate Poland, it’s exactly the opposite. On the basis of the revolution, the civil war, some people decided to play a secret game and squeeze out the land, the idea of ​​​​"Greater Poland - From sea to sea" is deeply rooted in the lords.
  15. 0
    25 January 2016 04: 12
    "Katyn. A lie that became history"? Program "Moment of Truth" dated June 18.06.12, XNUMX. It should be on the Internet, just type and look. Draw conclusions about the events that preceded Katyn and about the Poles in general.
    I hope you know who Poltoranin was in the 90s and what he did. If you don’t know, don’t be lazy and look at the “good gentlemen”.
  16. +1
    25 January 2016 04: 13
    “Dear editor! Maybe it’s better about the reactor? About your favorite lunar tractor...” smile
    However, interesting footage came to light...

    Personally, I decided a long time ago: “We forgave the Germans, but not the Russians. Why?!” - this and similar questions are not for the Poles-Czechs-Russians, but for the good PSYCHIATRIST!
    And, yes, minus the article
  17. +1
    25 January 2016 04: 19
    We have forgiven the Germans, but not the Russians. Why?!

    Ducks are not treated because... another of my favorite topics is why Stalin did not help the pro-British Warsaw Uprising
    Should he? It might. was it agreed with the Soviet command? Why, having suffered defeat, did not the Poles retreat east to join the Soviet units?
    And what happened to the Greek communists who liberated themselves (the Germans simply retreated from there for fear of being cut off by the Soviet army), after the British, for some reason, occupied this country?
  18. 0
    25 January 2016 06: 38
    Because the creatures are corrupt.
  19. -1
    25 January 2016 06: 39
    Sometimes it’s disgusting to read comments, do you people even hear yourself???? The article was written by CZECH!!!!! And you immediately got hooked on Poland... Did you even read the article???? I am in no way saying that the memory of the Polish campaign should somehow be forgotten, but the article is about something else, and the comments do not seem to be related to this article.
  20. 0
    25 January 2016 08: 27
    Admitting mistakes is a good thing, you also need to repent, but it’s not worth it to become cancer. And all nations have historical grievances towards their neighbors the size of a wagon and a small cart. But we (the Slavs) are probably the only ones who know how to forgive (the Russians are not that kind of nation; there were the Drevlyans, Polyans, Rus, Rusyns, etc.).
  21. 0
    25 January 2016 08: 35
    In fact, there are big doubts that the NKVD shot the Poles in Katyn.
    They shot with German cartridges, from German weapons. Only Poles from those camps that were occupied by the Germans were shot. Poles from camps that did not fall into the occupation zone were safely transported through Iran to Britain and then fought against Germany. Etc., etc.
  22. 0
    25 January 2016 11: 02
    who said that the Soviets did the Hitlerites in Katyn and now we can’t wash ourselves away for their propaganda and agree to something we didn’t do.
  23. 0
    25 January 2016 11: 31
    If there are still any doubts about Katyn, then if at least one more monument to Soviet soldiers-liberators is damaged in Poland, then “during the reconstruction of the monument in Katyn” a monument to those killed in Polish captivity should be erected instead soldier It’s just a pity that under the current government everyone will continue to support this mantra
  24. VB
    25 January 2016 11: 53
    This Czech is great!
  25. 0
    25 January 2016 11: 59
    We, Czechs and Poles, forgave the Germans for this, but not the Russians. And I ask - why?!
  26. 0
    25 January 2016 12: 37
    It's simple, brother: there is no greater fanatic than a convert and no greater enemy than a brother.
  27. 0
    25 January 2016 14: 48
  28. 0
    25 January 2016 19: 22
    No good deed will go unpunished. And why? Tamerlane knew the recipe, showing it in one invincible country. When his son was killed in a campaign in Afghanistan, he ordered the destruction of all life in that locality. The soldiers clearly and painstakingly carried out the order. All people and animals were killed, vegetation was uprooted and burned, the water was poisoned, the earth was covered with a layer of salt. After which the rebellious people began to toe the line. If I didn’t mess anything up, everything was something like this. The Nazis also did not stand on ceremony with anyone.
    The slowly advancing age of humanity and nobility from Salladin to Tolstoy and Gandhi (I just picked them up as examples) never came. Although, fortunately, the world now does not approve, at least outwardly, of crimes against humanity. But it seems that humanity in general is accessible only to a select few, while others interpret it incorrectly. That's nature. Don’t give anything to beggars and don’t feed a wild animal in the forest, otherwise it will come back with a knife in your back or claws. Not for you, but for others. If you don't step on your throat in time, they will definitely do it to you. Recent events in Germany and in Europe in general confirm this. And we were weak in spirit, and we had big terrorist attacks.
    It was not worth keeping captured fascists and traitors in relatively good conditions then; there was enough ammunition. They spread, multiplied, and now the Gorgon is even more dangerous.
    And now, through joint efforts, the future is being laid no better. There, in Ukraine, some say that they will never be brothers, others that they will never forgive. In general, the same thing. We are not enemies with Germany now; they are even friends for Israel. And here we have the same song that happened with Katyn.
    1. 0
      25 January 2016 20: 07
      Quote: partizan86
      We are not enemies with Germany now,

      During the Cold War, 3/4 of NATO ground forces in Europe were West German
      in the 90s, the attitude of tourists changed and most of them began to come not with a feeling of guilt, but with the fact that then they “didn’t get it right” with us
  29. 0
    26 January 2016 00: 51
    We, Czechs and Poles, forgave the Germans for this, but not the Russians. And I ask - why?!

    Why... Why... There was no command from above to forgive.
  30. 0
    26 January 2016 02: 21
    The beginning and end of the article is a lie. 4 thousand corpses were found in 4,5 burial places. Where did the figure 15 thousand come from? That those executed were taken away or burned? How fooled the Poles are.
  31. 0
    26 January 2016 02: 55
    This is just another fragment of “derussification”. Germany is de-Russified, and Poland is still in the process.
    The video reveals the concept of de-Russification.
  32. 0
    26 January 2016 08: 07
    Because the Poles have always had imperial ambitions, hence the constant interventions on the territory of Russia (the times of the false Dmitry, Napoleonic, Hitler). Russia is the main and main rival for the ambitious and stubborn Poles
  33. 0
    26 January 2016 13: 53
    Golden rule: Never apologize to anyone or sprinkle ashes on your head - example of the States: they threw a nuclear bomb on Japan and no apologies, but the Japanese have no complaints....And a feeling of DIGNITY ALWAYS.
    1. 0
      27 January 2016 23: 15
      Did they also throw them with DIGNITY? More like a feeling of IMPUNITY!
      If there was dignity, there would be such a feeling...

      The Japanese also have about the same problem with “feelings” and with their brains, they believe that they did not surrender to the USSR, and that it did not defeat them (and Manchuria is not Japan and is somewhere far away). And even before 2007, the overwhelming majority of them believed that it was the USSR and not the United States that bombed them with atomic bombs, to which they therefore, having made peace, went under the protection... hence, by inertia, an unhealthy concern with the islands.
  34. 0
    26 January 2016 15: 23
    In honor of the 70th anniversary of the death at Katyn, the Poles wanted to stage a ostentatious flagellation of the “criminal” regime of the USSR. However, on April 10, 2010, a miracle happened. The plane with the Polish elite suddenly crashed into the forest.))))Ashes to ashes. Amen.
  35. 0
    26 January 2016 15: 59
    1) You are slaves. And they always have been, mongrels of the Catholic Church.
    2) There is no way to forgive someone you have harmed. Would you like to start by answering for the several tens of thousands of tortured prisoners during the Soviet-Polish war?
    3) Your scum in London began to become hysterical about Katyn in 1943, after the Germans who killed prisoners who did not leave with their guards (there were such, and their names are found in connection with other events at a later time) in 41- oh, another propaganda dump was needed. Before this, there were many attempts to blame the NKVD for their mass murders of Soviet citizens in various places, but none of them worked.
  36. 0
    27 January 2016 00: 46
    Dear author! I am sure that you have not forgiven the Germans and are showing them the gun, but only in your pocket. Having a very strong and well-equipped army, you calmly allowed yourself to be occupied by Nazi Germany, and then, until your liberation by the Red Army, you worked slavishly for the Germans, producing military equipment for them. What do you think?
  37. 0
    27 January 2016 09: 23
    the author is somewhat disingenuous (doesn’t explain everything) ... if we were to carry out “a certain new Nuremberg” where everything was done honorably without any criticism of the winning countries and the losing countries (and NOT AS it was in the post-war tribunal where some were PUNISHED for which others were pardoned) then the role Poland, as a country that suffered, will look a little different from what was depicted to us. The year 1934 generally receives little attention in history textbooks, and yet this is the year of the signing of the Pilsudski Pact with Hitler (on friendship and cooperation)... but the liberals are “poking us in the face” (strange why only Russian?))) Pact of 1939, but they are absolutely silent about the events that happened five years earlier... And then came the Wehrmacht invasion of Czechoslovakia... and what’s more, Poland’s NOT WISHING to let the Red Army troops through to help the Benes government, but and the MOST LIVE participation of the “Rzeczpospolita” in the division of Czechoslovakia itself... so the author, trying to try on someone there, is disingenuous.... The USSR never chopped off the Czech lands
  38. 0
    27 January 2016 15: 52
    God is with us! For Holy Rus'! We always forgive everyone... But don’t interfere with us!!!