Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada will consider a bill on the legalization of prostitution "in order to better fill the budget"

News, far from a direct connection with geopolitics, military realities, but it is difficult to ignore it, if only because it is a case of another Kiev “peremoga”. The new "Peremoga" is that the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, preoccupied with the fullness of the state budget, has registered a bill on the legalization of prostitution. The initiator of the submission to discussion of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada “The draft law on the regulation of prostitution and the activities of sex institutions”, made by the people's deputy Andrei Nemirovsky, representing Industrial Policy and Business Committee. Does this mean that Nemirovsky is going to bring prostitution in Ukraine to an “industrial” scale? ..

Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada will consider a bill on the legalization of prostitution "in order to better fill the budget"

Andrey Nemirovsky, 1983, born, is a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the “Self-help” faction. In the electoral list was held as a "expert in moto transport", "self-employed".

According to the statements of the Ukrainian people's deputies, the legalization of prostitution will significantly increase the occupancy of both state and regional budgets. If so, then in the near future in Ukraine we can expect the emergence of deputy initiatives on the legalization of firearms weapons and narcotic substances in order to “fill the country's budget”.
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  1. 0
    22 September 2015 06: 19
    Сильный стратегический ход видного национально-ориентированного политического деятеля из Верховной Рады. Девушки на Украине очень красивые. И выносливые. Приходилось удостоверяться. Вывезут страну. Стоя ли, на коленях ли, по пластунски ли, но - вывезут! Браво. Жаль, что отношение к нам подпортилось, а то летом можно было бы почаще туда заглядывать, совмещать несколько видов туризма, так скажем. Киев - очень красив! Дамы - еще краше! Лето, море, ветерок)