Poroshenko: The Russian delegation should be deprived of the right of veto in the UN Security Council

Russia needs to be deprived of its veto in the UN Security Council, since it effectively blocks the work of the organization, Petro Poroshenko said in an interview with Voice of America.

“I think that they (the delegation of the Russian Federation) may remain in the Security Council, but I think that Russia should be deprived of the right of veto in those conflicts in which it is a participant. Such a step will not only make Security Council mechanisms more effective, it will return efficiency to these mechanisms, as now the Security Council is simply blocked and unable to fulfill its role. ”
- quotes the Ukrainian president newspaper Look.

He recalled that thanks to Russia, the creation of an international tribunal for the Malaysian Boeing was disrupted.

Indeed, in July, the Russian Federation imposed a veto in the UN Security Council on the adoption of a resolution on the establishment of a tribunal "to try those guilty of the crash of a Malaysian MN17 airliner in eastern Ukraine", because it considers such actions premature.

As Sergey Lavrov said about this, “Russia still has a lot of questions to the ongoing investigation.” According to him, Moscow hopes that the investigation will be conducted objectively, and "its results will be comprehensive and will allow punishing those responsible for this tragedy."
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  1. 0
    7 September 2015 21: 05
    The bastards are pressing their line on the mattresses, through all sorts of political clowns, and they will soon jump to it. If things continue like this, we will no longer have anyone to sit with, but we won’t have to agree on anything, we want to invade, we want to not, a veto is not a veto - we are blocked lol
  2. 0
    8 September 2015 00: 02
    I'm starting to believe in the theory of evolution. The powdery primates began to talk. However, it is not the monkey's fault that one of the representatives of their family headed the circus.
  3. Mih
    8 September 2015 00: 25
    Quote: Vladimir 1964
    ALL drove to minus concerned Petruha.

    Well, don’t do that - you + love
  4. 0
    8 September 2015 03: 55
    “...He recalled that thanks to Russia, the creation of an international tribunal for the Malaysian Boeing was thwarted...” - Russia will recall the ATO tribunal. "Ku-ku, Grynya!" Sushi crackers - idiot.
  5. 0
    8 September 2015 16: 24
    And this ΜΡΆЗb also spoke about three ways to achieve peace in the southeast.
    1. Conquer the South-East and march victoriously to the walls of the Kremlin.
    2. Give up the territories in the South-East. (!!!) And then (when everything settles down) with the help of the world community, return the South-East to the yCPA.
    And only in last place, ΜΡΆЗb is considering the option of complying with the Minsk agreements.