New Chinese hypersonic submarine will be able to reach San Francisco in 100 minutes

Chinese scientists have managed to find a way to create a supersonic submarine that can bridge the distance between the PRC and San Francisco in just 100 minutes, reports The project of the new submarine was created thanks to new discoveries in the field of supercavitation.

New Chinese hypersonic submarine will be able to reach San Francisco in 100 minutes

Initially, this technique was developed for the Soviet torpedo "Squall", created during the Cold War. It could reach speeds of up to 500 km / h, however restrictions were imposed on the size of the used torpedo bubble and its maximum speed.

Now, Chinese experts have stated that they have found a way to generate large air bubbles that reduce water friction even with large underwater vehicles. They note that thanks to the new technology, you can create a full-size super-cavitation submarine capable of accelerating to the speed of sound.

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  1. 0
    27 August 2014 13: 34
    You can declare anything, but so far there are only words, not even a project (drawing)
  2. 0
    27 August 2014 13: 43
    I wonder what will happen to the submarine when the air bubble collapses (for technical reasons) at a speed of 700 knots?!
  3. Reasonable
    27 August 2014 13: 56
    After the invention of the squall, it is logical to assume the creation of a submarine.
    Who will invent first?
    How will the sea inhabitants cope with this?
    Is it like a depth charge that also moves, a continuous explosion for 100 minutes?
  4. +3
    27 August 2014 14: 07
    Chinese scientists have found a way to create a supersonic submarine

    Doubts torment me request
  5. Reasonable
    27 August 2014 14: 33
    In the air, the plane overheats above 3300 km/h
    What about in the water?
    Who knows?
  6. bergberg
    27 August 2014 14: 39
    The project was developed jointly with the manufacturers Doshirak and Pizza Hut, for quick delivery of hot meals to any part of the globe. And most likely, heating will not be needed either, since the submarine itself will be like an iron and it will not need unloading either, since it is one-time and after hitting the rock, all the goods will fly by air directly to the addressee!
  7. 0
    27 August 2014 14: 55
    Apparently the gentlemen from the People's Republic of China recently read "The Secret of the Two Oceans" and looked at "Squall" again...
    maybe it will work :)
  8. 0
    27 August 2014 15: 05
    Yes, fairy tales are starting to be told, soon underground boats will be made, they will follow in our footsteps, all this is not real yet
  9. 0
    27 August 2014 15: 28
    Their planes can’t really reach that speed (the engines haven’t learned how to make them), but here’s a submarine...however
  10. +1
    27 August 2014 15: 49
    Even if it’s a crazy idea, don’t scold it with passion... (c)
    It doesn’t have to be a boat... you can also build an underwater missile... the stranger will not fall from above, where they will be waiting for him, but will jump out from under the water... it is almost impossible to intercept such a thing under water, unless the TYAZ is jerked along a possible trajectory of movement. ..
  11. 0
    27 August 2014 16: 00
    And what exactly did we start discussing, technical aspects? I realized that the Chinese had substantiated the purely theoretical possibility of moving a large object underwater at high (in theory, hypersonic) speed. But, "the devil is in the details." In this example: engine, propulsion, hull strength, control, overload, thermal barrier, you can list for another week.

    Theoretically, many problems have already been solved, even thermonuclear energy. Yes, some practical issues have been going on for decades now... everything is being resolved... and being resolved...
    Professor Schneider taught me technology at the institute. So, in his opinion, the main law of technology sounded like this: “Everything can be done. The question is how much it will cost.” And this is where the dog is buried. And we began to discuss small technical details.
  12. 0
    27 August 2014 16: 04
    [quote=Wedmak]The speed of sound in the air near the ground is taken to be 1 MAX - 1100 km/h. But this is a very approximate value, since it depends on the density of the air.
    I don't agree. The speed of sound depends only on temperature, if my memory serves me correctly, something like seventeen square roots of temperature in Kelvin.
  13. +1
    27 August 2014 16: 30
    Nonsense, nonsense and more nonsense. At the moment this is not possible. Although I do not rule out that this will happen in the future.
    Why don't I rule it out? Because he himself witnessed something unknown.
    This happened in 1990. I served as a hydroacoustic on an anti-submarine ship. They were standing on the database. Kamchatka district of m. Kozlova. Watch in noise bearing mode. Lowered GUS Shelon. The antenna is lowered to 70m. The ship has "Silence" mode.
    At maximum range (approximately 10 km) I detect the target. I report to the police station and turn on the tape recorder to record. I can’t classify the goal. The noise is similar to the operation of a jet engine (whistle, hum), rather than propellers. I receive an order to switch to bearing echo mode. I'm moving on. The target is clearly visible, the object is large (no smaller than a submarine). I record it with a tape recorder and a thermal recorder. Last contact at a distance of 40 km. In this case, the object passed from the contact to the horizon in about 5 minutes (about 50 km). This turns out to be about 600 km per hour. At this time there was nothing and no one on the surface; the object was clearly underwater.
    Then they scratched their turnips for a long time, what could it be? Cap said not to make an entry in the logbook. And in general, nothing happened.
    But I know what happened and then I listened to the recording 100 times.

    What am I talking about? If this is an underwater civilization or some kind of aliens, and they succeed, then in the future ours will get there too.
    But at the moment, no way...
  14. 0
    27 August 2014 20: 20
    The adversary's nightmares laughing
  15. 0
    27 August 2014 21: 48
    the Chinese, on the wave of economic growth, are ready to position themselves as a super technological power, which only shows that they no sooner become grapes than they turn into raisins)
  16. 641111
    29 August 2014 00: 10
    Why is everyone so nervous, we'll wait and see!