LIH is already in the US?

The United States has embraced a real shock. It was first of all experienced by those people who believed that the threats from the ISIL militants operating in the territory of Iraq and Syria were something ephemeral, very distant and impracticable. However, the Islamic state has shown that its supporters are in the United States.

LIH is already in the US?

A picture appeared on Twitter in which a small “poster” was displayed with an inscription in Arabic “We are already in your country, we are already in your city, we are on your streets. You are our goal everywhere ”, which (the“ poster ”) was shown against the backdrop of one of the Chicago buildings (the Old Republic Building). He writes about it RT.

Some American media rushed to reassure ordinary Americans by claiming that tweeting was the work of a “prankster” who decided to simply frighten gullible people. However, after the execution of the American journalist James Foley by a British citizen in the ISIS terrorist organization, and after ISIL threats of new reprisals against American citizens, Americans are not inclined to consider publishing a photo in the microblog as a failed black humor rally.
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  1. 0
    25 August 2014 21: 32
    Americans bring trouble upon themselves. SUCCESS!
  2. 0
    26 August 2014 11: 37
    Mattress makers will soon have to fear not only ISIS but also their own shadow.