German Marines are ready to go to the aid of the militia of Donbass

In Germany, the movement condemning the support of Kiev is gaining momentum. To a large extent, this is facilitated by former Soviet citizens who moved here during the years of tectonic change, as well as the descendants of German anti-fascists.


The biographies of the “Russian Germans” are similar, like a blueprint. German roots, some - almost from the time of Peter the Great. Childhood and adolescence in the Land of the Soviets. Army service and hot spots.

A representative of the German regional branch of the International Union of paratroopers said in an interview with the Kultura portal that he was ready to go to defend the South-East against the Nazis. The number of offices slightly more than fifty people. Several times a year, in order not to lose the skill, they gather for parachute jumps, forced marches and martial arts competitions.

Veterans in Treptow Park

The extreme gathering of the community took place in connection with the Victory Day. They invited veterans of the Great Patriotic War, soldiers-internationalists from Kaliningrad. And the previous one, in the second decade of April, was an extraordinary one: they held a rally in support of the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

“We are newcomers to such public events,” said reserve lieutenant Dmitry Marmilov to the guard. “They counted only on their own strengths and were pleasantly surprised when the Syrian community and Libyans, in general, came from those countries where the West had already tried what was happening in Square Square, responded to our call on the Internet.

As a result, more than 400 people gathered at the first demonstration organized by the paratroopers.

“Passed through the center of Berlin, once again called for friendship between Germany and Russia - everything is quiet, calm, civilized,” says Dmitry. - There have been attempts to launch a provocation against us, but in the end did not dare to get involved.

On the streets of Berlin to the Treptow Park, veterans walked in Soviet uniform and with full iconostases of awards on their chests. The police, referring to some local decree banning marches in military uniform of another state, tried to stop the procession. The paratroopers did not become involved in the battle, but showed themselves to be diplomats: they phoned the Russian embassy and settled the incident.

Throughout the procession to the monument to the Liberator Soldier, an international column of veterans of several generations was accompanied by applause and words of sincere thanks from passers-by who came to worship the memory of the fallen on that day.

Nobody except us

In Berlin, not only Russian walls stand for Russia. The veteran of the GDR special forces Alexander Kifel is ready to organize for the Donbass a volunteer battalion named after Ernst Telman.

“No mercenary,” Kifel says, uncomfortably. - As in Spain in 36-m - only volunteers. If the situation in the south-east of Ukraine is heating up, I will go there with my comrades to fight fascism.

Fight against fascism in Kifel's blood. Alexander's grandfather back in 1933 was declared by Heydrich himself a personal enemy and had to flee to the Union. Then came the war in Spain, responsible work in the USSR on the line of the Soviet counterintelligence and counter-propaganda. I rushed to the front line, but they didn’t let them go: they say, the front is not only where they shoot. He returned to his homeland liberated from fascism only in 1945. The grandson of the anti-fascist in 80-x as part of a special unit of the GDR special forces, along with the Soviet contingent, was in Afghanistan for a long time, so his words about the consolidated international battalion do not look empty.

In the airborne fraternity and former fighters from the special forces of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.

“They are all ours, Russians,” Dietzel emphasizes the last word.

No matter how good and pleasant life in prosperous Germany may be, none of the paratroopers forget about their first homeland. Cases in Russia they care seriously. Over a thousand kilometers from its borders, they still have a finger on the pulse of the Motherland.
361 comment
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  1. Arh
    25 May 2014 12: 54
    Baron Ungern Loved Russia Most of All, He Rooted in Russia with All His Soul! And he didn’t respect Europeans!!!
  2. 0
    25 May 2014 13: 05
    An anti-fascist does not divide PEOPLE into nations. Divides by conviction. And the fascist, in his inferiority, is tied to the same non-humans. Precisely because: The Anti-Fascist has many FRIENDS from different ethnic groups. But a fascist has only enemies. ANTI-FASCISTS! May YOUR FRIENDS multiply!
  3. 0
    25 May 2014 13: 31
    In Germany, the movement condemning the support of Kiev is gaining momentum. To a large extent, this is facilitated by former Soviet citizens who moved here during the years of tectonic change, as well as the descendants of German anti-fascists.

    It’s a little late guys..something..)) Your Merkel threw a coal together with Obama..into the fire of Ukraine.! We have no friends anymore... ANYWHERE!
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. 0
    25 May 2014 13: 32
    Good news, well done wink
  6. raf
    25 May 2014 13: 33
    It’s great that in the hearts of the current residents of Germany, who were born in the Union, lived and served in the Soviet army, there remain the best memories of their Motherland and are ready to help! Thanks to them, Russian patriots living on German soil, for the memory!!! hi
  7. -2
    25 May 2014 13: 53
    Quote: raf
    It’s great that in the hearts of the current residents of Germany, who were born in the Union, lived and served in the Soviet army, there remain the best memories of their Motherland and are ready to help! Thanks to them, Russian patriots living on German soil, for the memory!!! hi

    I don’t believe them... (they’re sitting there drinking Bavarian beer) and they’re talking about Russia... It’s too late, “brothers” When everyone killed the Russians.. you were silent.. We have now “made friends” with China))) And we don’t need any “ friends".. All are "corrupt scum" as Zhirik put it.. soldier
  8. +1
    25 May 2014 13: 55
    So a great unification of nations is planned, THANK YOU GUYS, if you read it, I HAVE THE HONOR.
  9. +3
    25 May 2014 13: 59
    Our landing force has no nationality! Shout out to the guys!
  10. -1
    25 May 2014 14: 09
    Quote: regul10108
    Our landing force has no nationality! Shout out to the guys!

    This is no longer a landing party..(they cross the road when the light is green..))) It’s better if they organize a “landing day” in Berlin! They've become stupid there from fried sausages with beer... (the women command them there..) No offense, but this is a fact..
    1. Bosyak
      26 May 2014 01: 11
      Are you crossing the road when it's red? belay
  11. 0
    25 May 2014 14: 10
    If they don't understand, there will be a continuation.
  12. 0
    25 May 2014 14: 18
    People are tired of Americans, gay Europeans and their mongrels. Only a joint fight against evil can make the presumptuous trash go into oblivion. Nobody except us!
  13. +1
    25 May 2014 14: 54
    And my grandfather - a war veteran, lost his leg at the front - told me a lot that I remember, he told me how at the beginning of the war a German ran over to them (as I understand now, he was a Spartak member), he says that the day the relevant special agencies talked to him, and then the weapons were in they entrusted their hands and my grandfather said that he fought like this, he fell, in modern language, without looking. True, I don’t know what happened next.
  14. +1
    25 May 2014 15: 06
    In short, all you can do is crush the keyboard. They are bringing down your own people, you are only threatening here, picking up drool. What kind of Russians are you? Disgraceful people
  15. 0
    25 May 2014 15: 19
    The fascists need to be crushed now, otherwise, if they get stronger, they will come to us. Donbass 2014 - Spain 1936.
  16. Dima from Odessa
    25 May 2014 15: 54
    Quote: obraztsov
    There are probably only two nations in the world: Russians and Germans, who can so devotedly surrender to war. It was nice to know that Russians living in Germany continue to be Russians in their hearts.

    Russian is a state of mind ;-)

    it is very upsetting that many Russians from Ukraine sold their souls and became enemies of the Russian world. But God did not give the enemy the opportunity to take away all souls, so we now see the resistance of Slavyansk, Donetsk and Lugansk.

    And if God forbid, in Russia the Germans came to power and all Western crap. And they rehabilitated the ROA, RONA (vlasotsov), condemned the USSR, the Germans took Kaliningrad and proudly proud of it. And with the help of the tag, the Germans created, for example, the Don People’s Republic (DPR), where they considered Russia + Vlasovism, all Russians + Vlasovs, all Russian Vlasov culture, where they called for war against Russia and those who call themselves Russian, against the Russian army. Whom did you support the fascists or separatists of Russia?

    For most of us in Southeastern Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine, Russian and Ukrainian are dear to us. Representing ourselves what a child feels when his parents
    get divorced and mom says that you should give up dad and dad says give up mom. That we feel.
    We will deal with our fascists, and you will deal with yours, which you have no less than ours and the Germans, let yours deal with yours first.
    Our grandfathers liberated Ukraine from the Nazis, and did not fight against Ukraine and all Ukrainian.
  17. +1
    25 May 2014 15: 56
    Das ist Gut! Zer Gut!
  18. 0
    25 May 2014 16: 15
    Fascism has no nationality.
  19. +3
    25 May 2014 16: 22
    So go ahead they are waiting for you
  20. 0
    25 May 2014 16: 49
    In Berlin, not only Russian walls stand for Russia. The veteran of the GDR special forces Alexander Kifel is ready to organize for the Donbass a volunteer battalion named after Ernst Telman.
    I wonder how the middle-right side, who considers Europe the navel of democracy, and Europeans to be very, very important people, will react to the appearance of a German militia battalion. I can imagine the situation: it’s night, a right-wing saboteur is crawling to the outskirts of Slavyansk. suddenly a face in camouflage, clearly a militiaman, emerges from the bushes, and in pure European language declares: “Halt! Hyundai hoch!” and how should the poor man react? winked
  21. Daemon
    25 May 2014 16: 54
    Here Obama cries bitterly. He wanted to play the ball, Only Putin (howling - not howling) He does not give the whole globe of the earth, He takes away from Obama, He erases the dirt from Ukraine. Then Obama sobbed. He ran for help. Here the six jumped and cried to Vova: “Why are you hitting Obama? Do not give a ball in your hands? Erasing blue from the ball And do not respect Bander? Right now, give the ball to Obama! "And she stomped her feet:" You can’t object to us! You and I are now enemies! ”Vova waited a little, And then he said like this:“ Your friendship is not needed - Two cents is worth it. I won’t give the ball, at least dine, Although you all cling to me. So far, none of you have touched slightly. But I don’t need to be angry: I can bite. You played enough, And trampled upon the borders, Smeared with blood and dirt, Flooded with different scum, Drove rockets, That white light is not visible. No, you don’t think so! God will not leave Russia! I will wash the globe! Who is the world? Come with me!
  22. 0
    25 May 2014 17: 09
    But there weren’t enough German paratroopers yet. It seems that events in Ukraine are developing according to the plot of the computer game Stalker. “Duty”, “Monolith” squads and desperate lone fighters will appear soon.
  23. Ivan 63
    25 May 2014 17: 42
    WE are Russians, what a delight! (A.V. Suvorov)
  24. +1
    25 May 2014 17: 47
    Somehow I don’t believe these statements. Either the Israelis or the Germans...
    Anyone who decides to fight will not publicize it, especially in Germany.
    We have already read articles about the Army for the Liberation of Ukraine, which will soon march...
    1. 0
      25 May 2014 18: 41
      Russian Paratroopers, in full combat, would not be a bad thing to decorate Berlin.
    2. INFOLegioner
      25 May 2014 23: 20
      I think so. In GERMASHKA, I think there is a hefty sentence in prison or deprivation of citizenship for participation in such matters. I could be wrong about the German shirt, but I hope you get the idea
  25. Cpa
    25 May 2014 18: 42
    I’m not surprised, my classmate was not accepted into the GRU special forces by assignment, because of his German fiancée (and he always wanted to serve in intelligence), he now lives in Dusseldorf, I think if you look in Germany for such guys, there will be enough for the regiment.
  26. +1
    25 May 2014 19: 47
    “They are all ours, Russians,” Dietzel emphasizes the last word.

    That's right!
    A person who understands the Russian soul becomes RUSSIAN himself. And no matter where he lives, he always worries about Russia, because his SOUL remains there, in Russia, and for HER, for Russia, THE SOUL ACHES...
  27. waisson
    25 May 2014 19: 56
    if you got it, then bring it to the end - if you said you’re ready, then look at it, what’s the question - this advertising PR is unnecessary soldier -here I am ready to give my life for the independence of the fraternal people, but there is no guiding hand and sponsor - at 90 they helped me get to Bosnia, I fought for the Serbs, which I don’t wish for -3RDO
    1. INFOLegioner
      25 May 2014 23: 27
      steel words. honor and respect (without a hint of irony). but few people will understand drinks
  28. Abelix
    25 May 2014 20: 19
    Everyone says - We are ready... Or maybe just go? So the Union of Russian Paratroopers said, we are waiting for an order... What order? Sorry...
  29. The comment was deleted.
  30. 0
    25 May 2014 21: 17
    And yet a Russian must live in Russia! The energy here is just crazy. Those who left Mother Rus' begin to wither away in soul and mind over time, and become ill with Russia. With a long separation from their homeland, the condition of such people gradually worsens, they begin to “live out.”
  31. 0
    25 May 2014 21: 39
    Today, on the day of the presidential elections in Ukraine, the VOSTOK battalion entered Donetsk
    "Free Chechen Riflemen" arrived to support the people of Donbass. Now I will not envy the National Guard and the right sector! And America has stepped on a rake again.
    Once they (the United States) raised and fed Al-Qaeda for the war against the Shuravi in ​​Afghanistan, so they then had to fight this Al-Qaeda, now the same thing happens with the Chechens - the Americans fed and supported them during the period the first and second Chechen wars, and now they are receiving from them in Ukraine.
  32. 0
    25 May 2014 22: 51
    If international brigades from all over the world began to fight in the Southeast now, like in Spain against fascism, it would be very difficult to explain to the dogs why the peoples of the world stood up against fascism. It would be good to form a Lincoln battalion from Americans like in Spain. The salute is comrade! Glory to the Troops of Uncle Vasya and the soldiers of the Soviet Army who remained faithful to the Oath.
    1. INFOLegioner
      25 May 2014 23: 33
      Are you an idealist, my friend?
  33. 0
    26 May 2014 00: 39
    Quote: Artem1967
    ...When will you figure it out, Dima?
    Don’t ask him - he hasn’t finished school yet, but maybe he can tell you about Ukrov if he remembered about DNA?..
  34. 0
    26 May 2014 01: 15
    Quote: 290980
    For Russians and Germans, the haplogroup R1a is very prevailing in DNA and in percentage terms is very similar. Even with Poles and other Slavs, kinship with DNA is further than with Germans. The Anglo-Saxons are dominated by the haplogroup R1b, and therefore there is a century of hostility.

    let's start measuring skulls laughing

    My DNA, DNA to everyone! laughing
  35. Mrassy2012
    26 May 2014 03: 41
    Thank you so much!
  36. 0
    26 May 2014 03: 51
    Or here is an excerpt from the literary poems of Evgeny Dolmatovsky:
    Mysterious Russian soul...
    If you are friends, I’ll tell you a secret:
    The whole secret is that there are no secrets at all,
    She is good in openness.
    The one who built insincerity and a lie
    In the rank of virtues, understanding is powerless,
    That directness is always wiser than convolutions.
    Where there are no locks - you will not pick up keys.
    And for those wandering in the darkness of sunset,
    Fallen leaves with gold rustling,
    May it remain a mystery forever
    Dawn in April -
    Russian soul!
  37. 0
    26 May 2014 07: 25
    And someone else said, they say, Friendship of fraternal people is just words, a myth. The true spirit of internationalism can never be killed; it is the result of the “correct” “Soviet” “upbringing”. Of course, I wouldn’t want a repeat of Spain in the 30s, but the civil war in Ukraine is already underway.
  38. 0
    26 May 2014 07: 25
    And someone else said, they say, Friendship of fraternal people is just words, a myth. The true spirit of internationalism can never be killed; it is the result of the “correct” “Soviet” “upbringing”. Of course, I wouldn’t want a repeat of Spain in the 30s, but the civil war in Ukraine is already underway.
  39. 0
    26 May 2014 09: 12
    I’ll add to the photo: No one but us and Where we are, there is victory!
  40. +1
    26 May 2014 09: 54
    Such actions once again confirm that Russia is on the right path. And this is not a longing for one’s youth, but a civic position! Thanks to the "German-Soviet" paratroopers!
  41. 0
    26 May 2014 11: 30
    So are you ready or already there?
  42. Respect
    26 May 2014 12: 27
    Quote: Dima from Odessa
    Quote: obraztsov
    There are probably only two nations in the world: Russians and Germans, who can so devotedly surrender to war. It was nice to know that Russians living in Germany continue to be Russians in their hearts.

    Russian is a state of mind ;-)

    it is very upsetting that many Russians from Ukraine sold their souls and became enemies of the Russian world. But God did not give the enemy the opportunity to take away all souls, so we now see the resistance of Slavyansk, Donetsk and Lugansk.

    And if God forbid, in Russia the Germans came to power and all Western crap. And they rehabilitated the ROA, RONA (vlasotsov), condemned the USSR, the Germans took Kaliningrad and proudly proud of it. And with the help of the tag, the Germans created, for example, the Don People’s Republic (DPR), where they considered Russia + Vlasovism, all Russians + Vlasovs, all Russian Vlasov culture, where they called for war against Russia and those who call themselves Russian, against the Russian army. Whom did you support the fascists or separatists of Russia?

    For most of us in Southeastern Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine, Russian and Ukrainian are dear to us. Representing ourselves what a child feels when his parents
    get divorced and mom says that you should give up dad and dad says give up mom. That we feel.
    We will deal with our fascists, and you will deal with yours, which you have no less than ours and the Germans, let yours deal with yours first.
    Our grandfathers liberated Ukraine from the Nazis, and did not fight against Ukraine and all Ukrainian.

    Agree. If you read a couple of these on the forum, it doesn’t just smell like Nazism, it stinks.
    And the topic of discussion boils down to the fact that in Ukraine Benderites are everywhere and fascists both in the Rada and on the streets
  43. Gexzloy
    26 May 2014 12: 54
    Another crazy article from this site and everyone has already gone wild.
  44. Vtel
    26 May 2014 13: 43
    Quote: Kopvin
    Russian is a state of mind ;-)

    Agree. Russian - he is Russian in Germany.
  45. wef
    26 May 2014 17: 06
    Quote: Zauralec
    The Germans, by the way, fought well for Russia in many wars, although we also fought with them. At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, there were more than 35 thousand ethnic Germans in the ranks of the spacecraft; the majority, of course, were removed from the front line, but many, hiding their nationality or simply ideological communists, fought shoulder to shoulder against fascism

    I have two grandfathers who died in WWII. The father was a “participant” from 1942 to 1949, served as a marine until Khrushchev’s decree in 1955. For his “strange” surname in childhood, he was called both “Fritz” and “fascist”; he was beaten for this and was beaten himself. But I’m proud of my ancestors. I approve of their choice 300 years ago.
  46. 0
    26 May 2014 19: 07
    Yes, not only the Germans, but many other Europeans are already beginning to understand what is happening. I live in Luxembourg - one of the capitals of the European Union, close to Germany, Belgium and France. I communicate a lot with locals, of different nationalities, and no one wants to see Ukraine in the European Union. Nobody wants to quarrel with Russia, and business is simply shocked by the behavior of European politicians. I recently went to a French forum, and the French directly say that they would like a president like Putin. They compare him with their De Gaulle and feel nostalgic. And there’s no need to talk about local Russians (I mean the entire former USSR)... We all here, regardless of nationality (I myself am only half Russian), support Russia.
    1. 0
      26 May 2014 20: 53
      Thank you, brother, for worrying about and following Russia from an overseas country, and I want to repeat for you a piece from the verse that I read on the first page of our “defense industry”:
      They instilled and nurtured love
      From centuries-old origins and roots.
      He is a Russian whose soul lives in Russia,
      Whose thoughts are about mother, about her.
      Patriotism does not sell to the load
      To berets, boots or coats.
      And since you are ashamed to be called Russian,
      You, my friend, are not Russian.
      You are nobody.
      ...... completely found above! Here it is excellent to talk about the strength and reliability of the Russian person, regardless of his surname or nationality!!!!!!!!!
  47. The comment was deleted.
  48. Bormental
    26 May 2014 22: 36
    Comrades - fireworks.
  49. tukko
    27 May 2014 09: 00
    The war has been going on for 3 months. and they are just ready. so go already, since you are ready.
  50. tukko
    27 May 2014 09: 10
    I don’t understand, where are my posts? Are Ukrainians moderns here too?
  51. Gexzloy
    27 May 2014 13: 07
    Germans, Chechens and Russians are fighting against Ukrainians, they have survived.
    1. spd2001
      27 May 2014 14: 21
      Ugh, isn't it a shame?! How can you fight against those who practically do not exist. Those. theoretically there are, but neither the government of Ukraine, nor the Verkhovna Rada, nor the National Guard actually have them. They began to type Ukrainian surnames and immediately became Ukrainians. Hey, Ukrainians, where are you?
    2. Quantum Phases
      27 May 2014 17: 57
      No one is fighting against your fascists yet, but you are already sick of us! By the way, Antifa is very strong and very dissatisfied with what is happening in Ukraine!
  52. tukko
    27 May 2014 14: 20
    Well, where are all these German paratroopers?
  53. Gexzloy
    27 May 2014 14: 45
    most likely they weren’t there, they planted this article on you for moral support.
    1. Quantum Phases
      27 May 2014 17: 53
      Boycott your Gasters! It would be better if the Romanians worked as farm laborers with us.
  54. wanderer
    27 May 2014 15: 26
  55. Quantum Phases
    27 May 2014 17: 52
    Yes we will come! The Germans don’t abandon their own either!
  56. +1
    27 May 2014 18: 40
    Quote from GexZloy
    Germans, Chechens and Russians are fighting against Ukrainians, they have survived.

    And Ukrainians against Ukrainians?! We made it!
  57. s1н7т
    27 May 2014 19: 19
    This is the first time I’ve heard that the GDR fought in Afghanistan - respect if so! It was not for nothing that they were considered the most reliable ally of the Union, vilely loyal to the filthy Gorby in exchange for who knows what. I don’t know about the special forces of the GDR, I went to read.
  58. shurahan
    27 May 2014 19: 44
    Well done boys!
  59. s1н7т
    27 May 2014 21: 01
    I searched the Internet for “GDR special forces” and found nothing. From memory, the equivalent of “special forces” was units with the abbreviation FAZ, it seems. They wore badges - a UAZ under a parachute and an ordinary orange beret. If in our opinion, then a deep reconnaissance platoon, sort of. Once I was sitting with a friend in Mitropa in Potsdam, drinking beer, of course drinks Soldiers in orange berets sit at the next table and also have beer. One - to us: like, Fertsaen Zi mir bitte (H.Z., I forgot how to do it correctly), comrade paratrooper officers of the fraternal army will not object if the NPA paratrooper soldiers allow themselves a glass of beer in their presence? (well, how? - that's right) We were crazy! laughing No, the GDR had a great army! So they won’t be superfluous in the DPR, for sure!
  60. zvo
    28 May 2014 08: 45
    Dima is either another version of the “officer’s daughter from Crimea”, or, worse, a brainwashed young guy who has seen enough of UkroSMI