Forbidden topic

Forbidden topic

Recently, the host of the Russia-24 channel, Evelina Zakamskaya, in an interview with Alexander Prokhanov, dropped the phrase that the Jews themselves were approaching the Holocaust. The journalist from the channel was fired, and the unfortunate quote from the air went all over the Internet. We addressed Stanislav Kunyaev, the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Our Contemporary”, asking what the “Holocaust religion” is and why this topic is tabooed.

Stanislav KUNYAEV. The concept of "holocaust religion" was formed in the middle of the 60s. Israel needed a cult of what was called the Holocaust. Continents began to become covered with Holocaust museums, dozens of films devoted to this topic appeared on the screens. A huge propaganda machine, the meaning of which was contained in the aphorism, earned: “Whether our striving for a new world order is being crowned with success depends on whether we learn the lessons of the Holocaust.”

The possibility of a new world order was made dependent on whether the cult of the Holocaust would be perceived. And it happened: in America there is not a single state in which there was no Holocaust museum. Gradually, the Holocaust gained religious traits. The idea that Christianity is in crisis, the Calvary sacrifice of Christ is meaningless, has become the lining. Her place in the modern world was taken by the six millionth victim of the Jewish people. Therefore, the museums of the Holocaust are the temples of the new religion.


In order to create the state of Israel, a large number of immigrants were needed, but after the First World War, European Jews did not want to leave their homes. The idea of ​​returning to the original homeland suffered a complete collapse. And then the future President of Israel, Ben-Gurion, called for the creation of groups of people who would terrorize the Jews and force them to go to Palestine, and one of the leaders of Zionism, Chaim Weizman, said the terrible words: “I ask the question: Are you able to resettle six million Jews to Palestine? I answer: No. From the tragic abyss I want to save two million young ... And the old ones must disappear ... They are dust, economic and spiritual dust in a cruel world ... Only the young branch will live. "

The old ones are the branches of the Jewish people that are not worthy of living in Israel and are not needed by Israel, as they are spoiled by European life. By the time Hitler came to power, and the views of the Zionists turned to him, the Weytsman Haim Arlazor's Companion prepared an agreement with Hitler, the so-called "Haavar Agreement". The purpose of the agreement was to assist in the emigration of German Jews to Palestine. The contract was signed in August 1933 of the year, but Arlazorov had already been killed by that time, because all Jewish leaders, for example, Vladimir Zhabotinsky, who strongly condemned such plans for relocation to the East, did not like his plans. However, the monuments of Arlazorov stand on almost all areas of the major cities of Israel. In the Havar agreement, the forces of the Nazis, the ideology of Weizmann and Ben-Gurion were intertwined.

Then it turns out that half a million Hungarian Jews were actually sent to death camps with the help of their leaders, only a part was saved and sent to Switzerland. It was this price that purposefully created the state of Israel. Many honest Jewish authors wrote about this — the author of the book Holocaust Industry Norman Finkelstein, Hannah Arendt, who noticed that all the places where Jews were sent for extermination were coordinated by representatives of the Jewish street.

It is believed that the topic of the Holocaust today is inviolable, like a kind of "sacred cow." No doubt stories Holocaust, the number of victims. Some historians received criminal sentences, were prosecuted, exploring the topic of the Holocaust.


It is impossible not to recall Alla Gerber, who at the end of perestroika was inflaming rumors that persecution was being prepared for Jews in the USSR. They say that later she came to Israel and stated that she deserves the highest award, because, thanks to her activities, about 1 million Jews moved to the Middle East. In the nineties there were already a lot of articles in which, on the contrary, they wrote that Jews nowhere live as well as in Russia. All the rumors about riots and persecutions subsided, as if they never existed.

Now the peak of interest has passed, the project Israel is not supported by the forces of world Jewry, and in Jewish society there is much disappointment. They see how America has lost interest in the project of the Jewish state. The well-known publicist Israel Shamir predicts a rapid process of degradation of the state, which grew up on terror and violence. After all, Israel was built and at the expense of the Arab peoples, the UN has once committed a huge injustice when it decided to create Israel in the Middle East. Yes, initially it was about the state of two peoples, Arab and Jewish. But in fact it turned out that Jewish society simply ousted the Arabs.


I think we should rely on the work of honest Jewish authors who condemned the well-known practice of creating the state of Israel. And if our television was striving for objectivity, then the Holocaust would be spoken openly, with the involvement of various points of view. This topic should be covered: where can you get from the historical truth?
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  1. 0
    April 3 2014 22: 19
    Na danyj vopros vnjatno otvetsajet KOB A fairly general theory of control
    Danyj vopros nado rassmativat bez lisnich emocij,plochi ne evreji a to sto navjazyvajesa im i nam zakulisnyma zapravilama.Obolvanenyje ljudi vseho lis instrument
  2. -5
    April 4 2014 00: 50
    As a Soviet person, I was completely amazed by this discussion.
    The Holocaust is the mass extermination of Jews solely and solely because they are Jews. Adults and children, mechanics and professors, men and women - it doesn’t matter. The only reason for their death is that they are Jews.
    And now members of the forum are discussing en masse whether the Jews themselves brought their Holocaust closer or not. The general opinion (thank God, there are exceptions) is that they were getting closer. In other words, it’s their own fault.
    There was no need to discuss it. Hitler and his associates voiced this opinion eighty years ago.
    Shame on you
    1. +4
      April 4 2014 01: 36
      Quote: Private Stock

      Shame on you

      The one who organized these murders should be ashamed. and more importantly, continues to organize.
      You either forgot how to read or think. hi
      1. -5
        April 4 2014 01: 43
        Did you really not notice the Nazi language in this thread? In it, no one really blamed Jews for being Jews? Wasn’t it really about indiscriminately denouncing an entire nation? If so, then I really just learned to read.
        Ashamed. Especially the military. Even if they give me a thousand minuses.
        1. +3
          April 4 2014 07: 30
          Why are you ashamed, Mister Jew? probably because Israel took the “heroes” of the Maidan for treatment? or because your state doesn’t see point-blank that the Nazis have come to power in Ukraine? otherwise it’s an eternal cry-plak: you know they don’t like us... WHAT IS THERE TO LOVE YOU FOR?
          1. +2
            April 4 2014 09: 18
            Let me explain to you again. I am ashamed that my compatriots do not like people based on their nationality. If they start to criticize Russians in front of me, I will definitely stand up, I won’t pass by, don’t hesitate. This is how my mom and dad taught me, the teachers at school and the books we read. Apparently you were taught differently.
            1. +3
              April 4 2014 11: 56
              Quote: Private Stock
              Let me explain to you again. I am ashamed that my compatriots do not like people based on their nationality. If they start to criticize Russians in front of me, I will definitely stand up, I won’t pass by, don’t hesitate. This is how my mom and dad taught me, the teachers at school and the books we read. Apparently you were taught differently.

              you say correctly, but the conversation is not about who loves or dislikes whom (for political, religious, racial or any other reasons), but who kills whom and why! do you feel the difference?

              PS, a Jew is not equal to a Zionist, they are not the same thing, as you cannot understand.

              Life is hard and no one loves me! maybe I'm Jewish?! and if they don’t like me, maybe they are anti-Simites??!
              1. +2
                April 4 2014 13: 01
                Quote: twviewer
                PS, a Jew is not equal to a Zionist, they are not the same thing, as you cannot understand.

                Let's paraphrase a well-known expression:
                Not all Jews are Zionists, but all Zionists are Jews.

                Quote: Private stock
                I am ashamed that my compatriots do not like people based on their nationality.

                What about Iran? Why can you hate the Persians on national and religious grounds?
          2. +3
            April 4 2014 12: 57
            Quote: awg75
            probably because Israel took the “heroes” of the Maidan for treatment?

            Let's not forget about the Syrian militants. Also unfortunate victims laughing warmed by Israel.
        2. +1
          April 4 2014 12: 20
          And I'm ashamed to read you. You will never understand that we are not talking about Jews, but about Zionists. The Zionists benefited from the persecution of the Jews. They wanted to create a separate state in the biblical homeland. Israel. The Jews did not support this idea and no one gave money. Should I explain further?
          I’m a sadist, and I won’t give you a minus, don’t even hope for it.
    2. 0
      April 4 2014 14: 51
      Quote: Private stock
      The Holocaust is the mass extermination of Jews solely and solely because they are Jews. Adults and children, mechanics and professors, men and women - it doesn’t matter. The only reason for their death is that they are Jews.

      What is the reason for the death of everyone else in the concentration camps, or do you think that if everyone else there was killed not because he was a Jew, then that’s normal?!
    3. 0
      April 4 2014 19: 18
      Quote: Private stock
      The Holocaust is the mass extermination of Jews solely and solely because they are Jews.
      Hitler, as far as I know, considered two peoples incorrigible: Jews and Gypsies. The Nazis also destroyed the latter, but, again, according to my information, the Roma were not included in the Holocaust. Or, from your point of view, the Gypsies should not be included in the Holocaust, because they are for the cause, but the Jews - “exclusively and only”... But I think that neither the Gypsies nor the Jews should have been destroyed, both are worthy of sympathy and pity, and there would be no need to assign them to different categories after death from one enemy.
      1. 0
        April 5 2014 12: 02
        Quote: Stanislav
        Hitler, as far as I know, considered two peoples incorrigible: Jews and Gypsies.

        however, for some reason he destroyed the Russians
  3. Admiral 013
    April 4 2014 05: 00
    My dad told me when he served in Germany in Gardelegen, there was a synagogue there at the end of the 19th century. untouched by anyone. And also rich Jewish families lived there, which no one touched during the Second World War. Politics is a dark matter.
  4. Akimichs
    April 4 2014 06: 33
    download programs for office computers
  5. +4
    April 4 2014 08: 47
    The whole point is to first send your compatriots under the knife of the Nazi butchers, and then (having created the state of Israel) trumpet the Holocaust to the whole world and at the same time rip off a lot of money from defeated Germany. The state was created and who will now remember how it was created and who is guilty of millions of victims, and who will actually allow us to remember. This is where the system of double standards was born, back at the time of the emergence of the first state of Israel and with the declaration of Jews as “God’s chosen people,” and we can now see what this leads to. Now the “special ones” are bombing and destroying unwanted people all over the world. And Israeli politicians need the topic of the Holocaust to cover up their disgusting deeds! Of course, I feel sorry for all 50 million who were destroyed by the brown plague, and it doesn’t matter who they were: Slavs, Jews, French or others, it’s important the fact that they were PEOPLE And everything else...
  6. +5
    April 4 2014 09: 27
    Well, at least someone finally told the truth on air. Nothing more will happen. To answer the p.e.y.s.a.t.y.x holocaustists. Ernst Zundel proved in his book “Six Million Lost and Found” that there was no Holocaust. The Supreme Court of Canada with all the Jewish lawyers could not refute this . But more than 30 million Slavs were destroyed, and more than 70 percent were civilians. By the way, A. Merkel noted that “every year there are more victims of the Holocaust,” i.e. The German people, please note, are paying more and more, not Germany!!!
    1. +1
      April 4 2014 15: 59
      It’s like the White House Defenders in the 90s, there were more and more people every day. Or now - the number of V.V. Putin’s classmates has probably already reached thousands :)))
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. Sadikoff
    April 4 2014 10: 34
    For those in the know
    "QUESTION: What is the reason why, for example, in the Jewish nation, incarnation goes purely into their nation?
    ANSWER: This is a long conversation.

    QUESTION: No, but in general, if we take it. To prevent it from spreading?
    ANSWER: Unlike other nationalities or even races, the people you call Jews are supervised by a certain deep space structure.

    QUESTION: Gray?
    ANSWER: Do you mean great? No.

    QUESTION: And by whom?
    ANSWER: This is one of the powers of the second ring.

    QUESTION: I see. Let's move on, for example, purely from the soul.
    ANSWER: We also wanted to add that as for the Jews, they are not conceded to any other forces under any circumstances.

    QUESTION: Why such a privilege?
    ANSWER: This was agreed upon when the spheres of influence were, as it were, divided and at the initial stages most of society was taken away from the destructive ones, they agreed upon a certain number of special, let’s say, incarnations for their people.

    QUESTION: Is there any other nation or state where a similar method of incarnation occurs?
    ANSWER: No, only this.

    QUESTION: I see. And excuse me, I’ll add, since they consider their kinship to be on the maternal side, if we are talking about the father’s line, are they considered to be half-breeds? In this case, how does reincarnation occur?
    ANSWER: There are, as it were, pure carriers of that information, those curators, and there are mixed ones. The management of the net is maintained 100%. And the rest are, we would say, additional attempts to attract certain people.Проект_Душа._Часть_5.
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. +2
    April 4 2014 11: 37
    Two strange countries do what they want, bomb, send in troops, if the United States is somehow criticized, then everything is quiet about Israel, the media either Israel bombs Palestine, then Syria, then Lebanon. This is the case with the “famous” Turkish flotilla.... etc. Even with regard to the nuclear bomb, it seems like there is no, but it seems like there is!

    Just think about it... and by the way, one of the main sponsors of the Maidan in Kyiv? Kolomoisky I.V.

    Цитата. -
    Kolomoisky has been a member of the Board of Trustees of the Dnepropetrovsk Jewish Community since 1998.[22] In 2008, he became president of the All-Ukrainian Union of Jewish Public Organizations “United Jewish Community of Ukraine”[23][24].

    In 2010, he was elected for a 5-year term as President of the European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC).[25][26].

    In 2011, he was elected president of the European Jewish Union (EJU), created to coordinate the activities of Jewish communities in Europe, for five years.[27]

    Kolomoisky is a citizen of Ukraine and Israel[30][31

    and here is the result: - March 2, 2014, by decree and. O. President of Ukraine, Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Alexander Turchinov, Igor Kolomoisky was appointed governor of the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine.[4][

  11. Sadikoff
    April 4 2014 11: 54
    This is how it happens, they start the fire themselves..
  12. 0
    April 4 2014 12: 04
    Quote: Sid.74
    Quote: Alexander Romanov
    people who are in the know-Zakamskaya really fired or so make some noise.

    In my opinion, so make some noise! ​​Liberals only ask her to be fired!

    Shame on the management of RTR for not tolerating a real “different” opinion! Evelina Zakamskaya is a top-class professional! She needs to be returned, no matter the cost.
  13. 0
    April 4 2014 12: 43
    About Zakamskaya. Yesterday I saw it in a box.
    1. 0
      April 4 2014 13: 12
      Because she was not fired and will not be fired, at least for something like this. I don’t see anything “forbidden” in this topic at all.
      1. 0
        April 4 2014 14: 23
        More accurately, they weren’t fired. and why didn’t they try? and what is this message from Vladimir Varfolomeev from the echo of Moscow
  14. -1
    April 4 2014 14: 27
    Rich overseas and European Jews sent beggars from Europe and the former USSR to slaughter, and they themselves have been reaping the benefits for 70 years. It’s not for nothing that many in the Arab world deny the Holocaust. Together with the Wehrmacht troops, more than 10000 Jews who fought on the eastern front were captured by the Red Army.
    1. -1
      April 4 2014 15: 32
      Source of information please tell me.
  15. +1
    April 4 2014 16: 37
    And the coolest thing is that there is not a single comment from Israel.
  16. Alexei
    April 4 2014 16: 52
    You cannot equate Nazism with Germans, Zionists and Jews.
  17. 0
    April 5 2014 14: 46
    The result is always the same... We think, analyze and counteract as best we can! The truth is with us!
  18. 0
    April 6 2014 07: 54
    Our former fellow citizens, now living in Israel, decided to respond to the latest events in Ukraine. And this is what came out of it:
    “The neighbor lives in Energodar (Zaporozhye region), and her father named Dodik (he’s nearly seventy) has been living in Israel for a long time. And in a conversation on Skype, he appeared in front of the camera, pressing a compress to his left eye, under which a decent bruise “glowed” The daughter got excited:
    - Dad, what happened?
    - Eh, daughter, I still got off well, but my neighbor Marek was definitely unlucky, they hit him on the head with a brick.
    - How, I don’t understand anything, do you have Arabs rebelling again?
    - No, daughter, it’s worse, we’re being beaten by the damned Muscovites!
    - Who??? Can you really explain what kind of “Muscovites” are in Israel?! - the daughter exclaimed in alarm.
    - You understand, Marek and I went to the Ukrainian embassy yesterday, we are from Ukraine. And what did we do? We only managed to shout “Glory to Ukraine!” twice before the Russian Jews who were for Russia began throwing stones at us. We call them Muscovites. What struck me most was my neighbor Sofa, with whom I have lived in the same area for twenty years, because she and her son also threw bricks and stones at Marek and me and shouted that we were “Bandera muzzles.” Someone hit me, I barely managed to run to the car, and Marek was finally taken to the hospital! You can imagine, in the Union I was a “Jewish face”, and now in Israel I have become a “Bandera face”! How do you like it? Okay, I'll go change the compress."
  19. Bugiman
    April 9 2014 19: 30
    Jews, Jews, blah, blah, blah. Oh my God, it turns out I don’t give a damn about this, about the Holocaust, about the 6 million victims. Yes this is nothing!!! How many of ours were killed?!, and if it weren’t for our glorious fathers and grandfathers, the matter would not have been limited to 6 million. hi