The Provisional Government is lying, lying, lying, and lying. And nothing more

I was thinking of writing another article on the techniques of mind manipulation. And then Tymoshenko spoke at "TSN", which recently turned into a mouthpiece of Goebbels propaganda, and the need for an article disappeared. It remains for me to just comment on her speech, which was thoroughly deceitful and manipulative.

At first, she rubbed that "we are all Ukrainians, regardless of nationality." And what about the constant statements that I have heard all these three months that “slaves”, “dumb cattle”, “untermenshes” live in the Southeast? It is worth remembering only the broadcast with my participation on the TV channel “Zeke”, where all the guests (except me) spent an hour and a half telling that in the East of Ukraine everyone “does not climb out of the mines”, “do not watch TV” and in general, “wild Asian hordes ".

Then Tymoshenko declared that Russia declared war to Ukraine. It's a lie. There was no declaration of war. Moreover, there is no war. There are no shots, no bombing, no dead or wounded. What kind of tricky war is this? Timoshennitsa prison did not fix, she continues to lie shamelessly.

Tymoshenko said "They occupied our Crimea." No, guys, this is not the Crimea did not recognize your occupation of Ukraine, when several thousand militants led by Turchinov usurped power and create chaos.

Tymoshenko continued to lie: “They declared war to the brotherly people”. Again a lie! The Russian leadership has no complaints about the Ukrainian people. The only complaint is against the illegitimate "provisional government" and the ultra-right militants.

Then Tymoshenko lied that “the only reason for the Russian aggression is the liberation of Ukraine and the choice of the European vector by the people”. Exemption from a legally elected president? And what choice of the people are we talking about, if no one asked the people? Where is the referendum? Why did the whole “European” part of the Ukrainian political persistently hinder its implementation?

The farther away, the more nimble Tymoshenko: “They want by force weapons make us part of the Russian Federation. " And what, someone attaches someone? Or thousands of protest rallies against the usurpers - it's all "disguised Russian troops, and the indigenous people of Kharkov, Odessa, Donetsk and the Crimea-all for Maidan"? By the way, there were more Ukrainians at the rally against the “interim government” in Donetsk than at the Maidan. A lot more.

But Tymoshenko didn’t stop “They promised to stop military actions (which didn’t begin) if Yanukovych returns (why does he need Putin?)”. I liked the phrase about the “corrupt bloody gang” - she accurately described her Maidan coalition of thieves and Nazis.

Then there was propaganda, in which only completely freezed supporters of the Maidan can believe: “If Yanukovych returns, then in a few months he will join Ukraine to Russia through a fake referendum.” Interestingly, how does she know Yanukovich’s plans? Does he tell her? Or writers on the go coming up with?

And even if we allow a referendum (which, I emphasize, is not a fact), then why is it at once “false”? And the presumption of innocence no longer exists in Ukraine? You can not blame what else was not, this is nonsense!

I think that Tymoshenko’s phantom pains. She still cannot reconcile herself with the fact that she lost to Yanukovych in HONEST elections (as ALL international observers recognized). Only true losers do not know how to lose adequately (everyone remembers Tymoshenko’s hysteria with the courts, which even her supporters did not support).

Periodically, Tymoshenko gave out pearls that showed that she had not fully mastered the Ukrainian language. For example, "ogressii", or my favorite - "kaalitsii".

Once Tymoshenko did not lie. When she said that negotiations between Putin and the "interim government cannot be successful." It's true.

Firstly, because who are they to negotiate with them? There are no negotiations with impostors. And secondly, how can you negotiate with those who constantly violate their obligations? They signed a truce, and a few hours later they made an attempt to storm Grushevsky. Signed the second - and an hour later they stormed the Ukrainian House. February 21 also signed an agreement to reduce tension, and the next day they staged a bloody orgy. Liars have no faith, it makes no sense to agree on something with them - they will still be deceived.

Then Tymoshenko came to her senses and returned to Goebbels tactics. She said that Putin wants to escalate the situation in the Crimea. And this is also a lie. I have seen dozens of photos and videos from the Crimea in recent days. There, calmly, the civilian population is photographed with self-defense units and the "Golden Eagle", people are smiling, walking with children. And even if self-defense takes control of some objects, it does so without violence, politely. In fact, the Crimea today is the most peaceful place in Ukraine. There are no marauders and far-right militants, no pogroms, Sasha Muzychko does not walk with a gun and does not hit anyone in the face. So there is no question of any kind of pumping up, there is peace.

After that, Tymoshenko declared that Putin wants to sow panic and cause a declaration of martial law. Here are just no panic. Only the “provisional government” and their closest supporters panic (because there was a real prospect to answer for the crimes of the last time).
Further more, Tymoshenko said that "the aggressor is seeking price increases and the hryvnia exchange rate to fall." I wonder how Putin from Moscow can influence prices in Ternopil? This is something new in economic theory. If he can, then Khan America tomorrow.

And I thought that the problems with the dollar rate are the result of the corrupt actions of Kubiva, who, for kickbacks, issued refinancing to “thugs” banks, which they allowed to speculatively buy up dollars to cause panic and panic. Or, scary to think, Kubiv - is Putin disguised?

The flow of bredopropaganda, meanwhile, continued, and Tymoshenko said that Putin wanted to stage a coup in Ukraine and return the dictatorship to the country. Strange, but I thought that a coup d'état had already taken place, and the dictatorship appeared in the person of Pastor Turchinov, who simultaneously heads both the legislative and executive branches (just like Hitler, who, being chancellor, stamped decrees equal in force to the laws).

Following Tymoshenko tried to deny that the official reason for Russia's intervention in Ukrainian affairs is an attempt to protect Russian-speaking people from an “incomprehensible threat.” In fact, the threat is quite obvious and understandable - it is the usurpation of power by a handful of swindlers, with a pronounced ultra-right slant and violation of all democratic procedures. This is called the "junta."

But Goebbels in the skirt did not stop. "Ukrainians are destroyed by Putin economically." Is it possible to paint the mechanisms of economic destruction of the Ukrainians? Gave a discount on gas? A loan at low interest rates (lower than from the IMF and, moreover, without a lot of additional conditions)? Contracts for shipbuilding, aeronautics, the space industry - is this also “economic destruction”? Then "destroy" us more often and more, it will give a bunch of jobs in high-tech industries.

Then there is a completely inexplicable nonsense about the fact that Russia sacrifices the Russians in Ukraine (how?) For the sake of restoring the empire.
And then my favorite part began. "The aggressors use fake rallies in the eastern regions and the Crimea, which are organized and controlled by the special services of the Russian Federation, to destabilize." By itself, “fake rallies” from a person who started paying for participation in rallies to “maydanbaybers” back in the 2006 year is incomparable. Or is there only one “true rally” - is it Maidan? Sect of the true rally - it's cool!

And the statement that the rallies are organized by the Russian special services is also amusing. I personally know many of their organizers. Sasha Vasilyev, Pasha Gubarev, are you already there generals of the SVR (foreign intelligence service) or even colonels? I can with the same reason argue that the Maidan is organized by Western intelligence services. Rather, I have much more reason for this.

But Tymoshenko did not stop at that: “These meetings are not supported by people either in the eastern regions or in the Crimea.” And those who participate in them are not people (it would have choked and choked, choked and choked).

Further, Tymoshenko firmly said that the Russian leadership "will not succeed at all." And as for me, so far, "and enters and goes." And even "great goes." Politely, peacefully, and not aggressively and in a boorish way, like the ultra-right militants of the Maidan.

After that, Tymoshenko asked the Ukrainians to be calm and confident. I am generally calm. And the inhabitants of the southeast, too. But the junta hysterical for several days.

And she began to list why you need to be calm. First, “we are not alone, foreign countries will help us, the west will be with us.” Ostap Bender is immortal!
Secondly, “in 1994, Ukraine signed the Budapest Memorandum with the United Kingdom, the United States and Russia.” True, it has not been ratified by any of the countries, so they can only wipe themselves (although the stamp paper, in theory, is tough).

There came a lengthy argument that "declaring war on us, Putin declares it to Britain and the United States." But the United States has already stated that they “understand the interests of Russia in Ukraine and are ready to take part in suppressing manifestations of banditry,” and NATO said that “they have no action plan in case of Russian intervention in the Crimea.” Remember how in 2008, Bush made the handle of his puppet Saakashvili? "Mentally we are with you."

After that, Tymoshenko declared that “if Ukraine had joined NATO before, such aggression would have been impossible.” And after that, someone else will doubt the anti-Russian and anti-Russian nature of Maidan? I already wrote that if now NATO troops enter Western Ukraine, then they will be greeted with flowers, like Hitler in 1941. Since then, nothing has changed in their mentality.

Having completed the crucification of “foreign countries will help us,” Tymoshenko continued to broadcast that we should not sow panic and instability in Ukraine. Instability in Ukraine can only be sown by ultra-right militants, and no one else.

Tymoshenko said that "our main weapon is calm." Drink three times a day, a hundred grams of alcohol tincture of valerian - and there are no nerves at all. However, you can take a liqueur tincture of anything.

On the next phrase, I just slipped under the table laughing. Tymoshenko said that "there is a war of nerves and intelligence, and we must win." Did she see her associates? If there is a war of intellect, the Maidan and the "interim government" can immediately write unconditional surrender.

After a portion of unmotivated optimism, Tymoshenko urged "not to support fake meetings." Indeed, stop feeding Maidan!

The next step Tymoshenko wanted to urgently become part of Western society, signing an association agreement with the EU (the one that the Europeans themselves have already recognized as unprofitable for Ukraine). The only trouble is that the association agreement is a purely trade agreement, in which there is not a word about military cooperation. And in this, as in everything else, Tymoshenko brazenly lies. And it’s not lying to the Southeast, this appeal is not intended for it, but to its own support in the Maidan and in the West of the country.

After all the rants about "calm, only calm," Tymoshenko stated that the armed forces of Ukraine were put on full alert. That's just fleet Ukraine hasn’t had anything since yesterday (he completely subordinated to the Crimean government), and many army and police units just think about joining the Crimeans as quickly as possible.

Tymoshenko stressed that “the morale is as high as ever, and our men are ready to defend Ukraine.” Yesterday I watched a video from a dozen military registration and enlistment offices. Under the majority is empty, under a couple of 3-5 people, most either silently sabotage the "mobilization", or frankly declare that they will not fight against the Russians. No, the country is not without descendants of Nazi shortages, but they constitute a small minority.

Tymoshenko’s next statement was that “Russian aggression united Ukraine.” What are you talking about? And the Crimea, and the Southeast only dream that polite people come to them, who will protect them from the mayhem of the ultra-right scumbags. And it was the Maidan, its anti-Russian and anti-Russian rhetoric, the portraits of Bandera at the Kyiv Council, the Nazi symbols on the shields, walls and armbands that split Ukraine. Or Tymoshenko and here will claim "do not believe your eyes, believe our propaganda?"

By the way, the phrase “Russian aggression” in Tymoshenko’s speech is repeated every twenty to thirty seconds throughout the entire video. This is such a suggestive, hypnotic method, when through a repeated verbal message a certain interpretation of events and value judgments are imposed. Like "titushki", "provocations", "peaceful protests", "malicious Vlada" - all this is intended to turn off critical thinking. They try to think for you, to put the thoughts they need into your heads.

But at this Tymoshenko did not stop lying. “For centuries we have been seeking independence,” the mistress of lies tried to appeal to historical experience. But historically, we have been together with Russia for centuries, resisting the “European integrators” raids: Poles, Swedes, French, Germans. The greatest leader of Ukraine, Zinoviy Bogdan Khmelnitsky, bequeathed HINDERS WITH RUSSIA, and no corrupt mongrel can change this.

In general, all the rhetoric and tactics of the “interim government” (since they were “euromaidan”) are simply rewritten from Communist Orwell’s “1984”, where it shows the horrors of western “democracy”. Doublethink, distortion of the meaning of words and concepts - this is their main weapon.

Orwell’s description of the propaganda of the totalitarian dictatorship was “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is power. ” In the "temporary" it is expressed in the naming of armed militants as "peaceful demonstrators", assassination attempts by "peaceful protests", speeches of those who disagree with "fake rallies", usurpers "people's government" and so on. They consider us idiots incapable of critical understanding of reality. They seek to make us such idiots with the help of the media oligarchy. But so far it has been possible to do this only with supporters of Maidan, the rest of the people (most of whom) do not give in to it.

Orwell argued that the totalitarian dictatorship required the image of the enemy. And the "temporary" make such an enemy from Russia. From Russia itself, which politely helps to protect citizens of Crimea and Southeastern Ukraine from the rampage of crime (I would not refuse such help, because in Vinnitsa, about 40 cases of pogroms and looting occur every day, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs actually destroyed).
In general, I just showed an alternative interpretation of events. And whether it is up to you to be conducted on cheap and primitive manipulations of Russophobes. Everyone chooses for himself.
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  1. +2
    6 March 2014 22: 28
    I want everyone to know that we are dealing with non-humans:
    Read Glen Donovan's article "I Hate All the Russian People."
    American writer Glen Donovan, author of two novels, "The Patsy" and "All in", as well as a major figure in the US libertarian movement, in a guest appearance by The Wall Street Journal, when discussing the topic of the return to "Freedom" of many years of KGB agents, spoke about the position of American libertarians in relation to Russia.
    Let us recall that the very small Russian libertarian movement invariably advocates the liquidation of Russia by dividing it into historical parts (that turns out to be approximately 100 independent states).
    The representative of libertarians in Russia is, for example, Permian Andrei Reshetnikov with his motto “Don’t be Russian - be free!” The general motto of the Russian libertarian movement is “Death to Russia!” The slogan was proposed by the libertarian Virchow, who lived in exile in Berlin.
  2. +2
    6 March 2014 22: 44
    But let’s somehow get together and try not to give in....even though I really want to smear the mattress covers!!!....The history of mankind is taking another turn.
  3. 0
    6 March 2014 23: 40
    I wonder where she picked up these tales, not in prison. When she was wheeled out of prison in a wheelchair, she went straight to the Maidan, and from the Maidan she rolled off to Germany and was never seen again in Ukraine. All her life under Yushchenko she stole and then lied. She has a good amount of capital in Germany; she probably borrowed it from the people of Ukraine. Now she will live there happily, she will not give a damn about the people of Ukraine and will shout out incriminating evidence against us with her slobbering splashes.
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +7
    7 March 2014 00: 16
    Heir to great ideas
  6. +1
    7 March 2014 00: 22
    In reality, everything is about money. If there is a lot of money, the new Ukrainian government will remain calm. There will be no money - the new Ukrainian authorities will allow the maydauns to rob the population in order to hold out until the last. So the main thing for Russia is to hold on. Crimea is already ours. Europe will definitely not give money before the May European elections. I think that in the western regions the population is already being robbed, we just don’t know. So the main thing for us now is just to wait until Ukraine says its firm “fuck” to the new Ukrainian authorities. And by the way, this could very well be a civil war.
  7. Shaki's memory
    9 March 2014 16: 10
    I will write questions after which they will ban me on all Ukrainian resources..

    1) Why, having forcibly entered into power by the “will of the people”, are all other speeches openly declared “outlaw”? Or according to the game “I am the first in the house”?

    2) Why are the first laws and decrees of the new government clearly provocative and causing a powerful split in their own country (yes, that same language... to equate the Russian language spoken by 45% of the population with the Hungarian language spoken by 0,05%..

    3) The provisional government seems to have confirmed all of Ukraine’s early international obligations. Then it makes sense to spit in the direction of Russia if Ukraine, firstly, owes it money, and secondly, asks it for more!??! (I immediately remember, don’t spit in the hand that gives)

    4) Where is the announced plan for getting Ukraine out of the crisis, other than the IMF guarantee recommendations for the loan?

    5) Why are the new authorities recklessly flirting with the nationalists? Why are “party” troops being legitimized?

    6) Why are no investigations being carried out into the victims of the Maidan, although criminal cases are being opened in batches against the “former” ones and against everyone who is not with the new government?

    7) Under what international rights or at least under what article of the Constitution of Ukraine does the provisional government have the right to conclude long-term treaties with other powers?

    8) What to do with the statements of the largest politicians of the new government about NATO, the European Union if they themselves are not legitimate, and the country is in a monstrous crisis. Why will Tymoshenko not announce the amount that Ukraine needs to join NATO, as well as the financial losses of Ukraine (due to the complete rearmament of the army and navy)
  8. 0
    10 March 2014 14: 53
    Quote: Borz
    So this has been going on for several years. Plus, moderators for absolutely correct and censorship statements are ungodly. That is, opponents (Bandera) can do anything (I remember the promise to outweigh the inhabitants of Odessa on lampposts), but with obscene language, and for you just expressing your opinion - a stream insults and ban. Freedom of speech and press, however!

    The most interesting thing is that guess who adds a drop of gasoline to the fire in the dialogue? Jew..Ray from Israel....the Slavs are just starting to communicate and then oops, he poured poop and gave answers for the Ukrainians
  9. W1950
    11 March 2014 12: 39
    What should we take from Yulia? It looks like she was pumped with LSD in the pre-trial detention center, since she has such latrines in her head.
  10. bercut
    11 March 2014 19: 33
    Eh, gather all these brethren in the Rada and send them to Kolyma
  11. bercut
    11 March 2014 19: 35
    I wish I could gather all the brethren together and send them to Kolyma
  12. bercut
    11 March 2014 19: 56
    Yulka, Yulka! Where is your smile full of deceit and lies!?
  13. bercut
    11 March 2014 19: 58
    The humpbacked grave will fix it)))
  14. kelevra
    11 March 2014 23: 33
    She seems to be terminally ill, she does everything she can and everything is on her head!!!!!
  15. 0
    12 March 2014 18: 32
    tryndechikha and not a politician. A lapdog with bad manners shits everywhere.
  16. 0
    12 March 2014 21: 54
    The new “government” of Ukraine is like that hare from the cartoon; only these people know how it will all end.
    The cartoon is from 1949, but it was filmed like yesterday. "Mr. Boa constrictor offers 7 new skins"
  17. +2
    13 March 2014 00: 04
    The newly created “Lesya the Mallard”, portraying a disabled person in a wheelchair, shakes her fist, curls her lips and in a shrill voice threatens Russia with guerrilla war... ...Apparently the wrong place is healing. Bring it to us - to the Buckle. fellow
  18. 0
    13 March 2014 01: 27
    People need to be told: the media are lying on orders from the Washington regional committee. The script has been written, the libretto has been distributed to the actors, and the actors are performing the roles. An ordinary person has only one way out - to turn on the brain, analyze incoming information from different angles, and draw conclusions. And act to save your way of life. Unfortunately, the brains of many of us are polluted by alien values ​​and the choice of priorities is not entirely our choice... The plot from the film "The Matrix" fits well with the current situation.