Remember Ukraine, and to hell with it

Remember Ukraine, and to hell with it

Letter to an orange friend

Yesterday I bought a bottle of Ukrainian vodka at the store and drank a glass in silence, without clinking. Sorry for her, Ukraine. Who would 23 a year ago have imagined that things will turn out this way ...

In principle, after the division of the Union, the Ukrainians broke off one of the best pieces of the Russian Empire. What an enviable industry she departed ... from the aircraft factory "Antonov" and four nuclear power plants to wineries of the Crimea. And 25% of world black soil, the best agriculture of the USSR, coal, oil, metals, powerful military-industrial complex, 1400 (!) Kilometers of the Black Sea coast, ports, roads, resorts, universities, research institutes, 50 millions of active and educated population ... Not Kyrgyzstan, damn it!

Ukraine historically was the most inhabited and developed part of the empire. As stated in the famous film, "and the forge, and the breadbasket, and health resort." All possible and impossible invaders, Mongol-Tatars, Turks, Poles, Lithuanians, Prussians, French, Austrians, even the Swedish king climbed into Poltava to fight (where Sweden, and where - Poltava), rolled its lip on its tasty lands. The ideological inspirer of the current Maidan-Bandera, Hitler, when it came to Ukraine, they say, smacking their tongues and voluptuously moaning: “I, I, a, das ist fiction! ..”

In short, when the Ukrainians broke off the best part of the USSR from 23 a year ago (including the donated Crimea), all the peoples of the former empire thought with envy of black and white: “Khokhlov was lucky, it was lucky!”

And now, attention: the annual GDP of today's Ukraine per capita is 3860 dollars. For comparison: in poor Albania - 4000 dollars. Neighboring poor Poland and Russia overtake Ukraine for GDP almost FOUR TIMES - 13 300 and 15 000 dollars, respectively. The Latvians dying out and scattering from their land have 14 900 dollars per capita. And now the most annoying thing for Ukrainians: the Belarusians' neighbors (whom the wide and svidomy Ukrainians consider “stupid scoops”) are 7400. Twice as much. Here is a bummer!

You - not cattle, you - not goats?

10 years ago, during the “Orange Revolution”, the song of the Ukrainian rap group “Greenjoly” became the hit of the season: “We are rich, we are not underdone” (“We are many, we cannot be defeated”). On the Maidan they sang 100500 times. In ecstasy, people would come in, they would bang their heads against the ground, he would see. In that song, the key words were: “we are not cattle, we are not goats”. Brave claim. I would like evidence. Some facts ... At least a clear answer to the sacramental question: if you are so clever, then why so poor? Poorer Albania and half the poorer "stupid sovkovaya" Belarus.

Or maybe all the same it is finally worth to doubt? Assume for a moment that perhaps you are - cattle and the same - goats? But what if? Any version is useful to consider from both sides.

Let me spread it on your fingers. 10 years ago, you protested against “dishonest elections.” Say, Yanukovych, who then “podolal” you, - he manipulated the results. They arranged a big all-Ukrainian disco, sang and danced on their Maidan for a month. As a result, repeated elections and the victory of pimply Yushchenko and the "woman with a scythe." And only five years later you sent your coveted Yushchenko (for whom you sang and danced a month in the cold) sent to the garbage can forever. I apologize to ask: is it that way? Scho became?

And then you elected the president of the same “otmaydanennogo” Yanukovych (already without fraud, under the supervision of world experts), and the song “we are not cattle, we are not goats” got a fresh meaning. Catch? In 2004, you shouted that “you were not a cattle,” and you chose Yushchenko, and in 2010, you went back to Yanukovych. That is, they thought carefully, weighed everything ... and admitted that you still were cattle and goats ... Laughing!

Brown Maidan

Three months ago, your President Yanukovych preferred Russian 15 billions and 30-percent gas discounts to a free “association agreement” with geyropy. In my practical opinion - well done! Skillfully powdered the brains of geyropeytsam, and in the meantime actively bargained with Putin. And yet, he threw up a stingy Uncle Pu into specific babosy! Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, who are many times richer than Ukraine, such a Yanukovich would have been carried out of the Moscow plane. Golden toilet presented in lifetime use. Ten toilet bowls!

And you, the Ukrainian "not-cattle-not-goats," began to burn tires in the city center. Eh, you have not eaten even European goryushka. 23 February, I rattled on Skype with my army friend Mishka (living in Lviv), drank a glass for the Soviet army. We talked for Russian gas ... I showed him my Skype-water bill for heating in January for Skype (211 euro). He did not believe it. He said that his pension of a lieutenant colonel in the Ukrainian army is one and a half times less. And our apartments are the same.

By the way, where will you take the loot now - repair Kiev? Foul because the city is not worse than the Nazi invaders. Sorry, but your “euromaidan” is the highest manifestation of idiocy. If it hadn’t ended the 80 with corpses, I would now ride with laughter. By the way, I specifically warned about future corpses in early December: “In the light spectrum, orange stands next to red. Slightly shift the wavelength - and went. " Displaced, and went.

Yanukovych is a thief!

The main argument of the current Maidanians (who are not quite fascists) is this: Yanukovych is a thief, and his entourage is a gang. Here I will not argue with this. Of course - the thief. Yanukovych is a thief since childhood, his first conviction was in 17 years for a robbery as part of a gang, he got three years in prison and was sitting.

It was known to all Ukraine, but it was chosen anyway. Lol! Why? And it always happens when there are "orange" moods in the country with songs and dances. When people begin to vote for those who scream the loudest in a microphone in front of a crowd - the most inveterate bastards and clowns take the stage. And others there can not appear IN PRINCIPLE!

You can imagine that a sensible economist-manager would come on the Maidan’s stage and, without haste, read out a serious program to bring the country out of crisis (an hour, say, on 3-4). Who would have listened to him there between the howls of pop-singer Ruslana and the rap songs “Razom is rich”? On the Maidan, slogans are short and moronic: “Choose me, choose me - the bird of happiness of tomorrow. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!"

After the song Maidan, the people ALWAYS choose the most senseless and despicable rulers - “bortsuny” like Yushchenko. And then, if the next Maidan does not happen, “strong business executives,” that is, thieves, take the stage. However, orange wrestlers are also thieves, although not as skillful as those who replace them. We in Latvia were 23 years ago. And still go through.

Yanukovych is a murderer!

The second argument of the maydanut Ukrainian comrades: “Yanukovych gave orders to cripple and kill“ peaceful demonstrators ”. But with this I am ready to argue. Well, think for yourself who is in all this euro maid stories was least interested in blood?

If we discard the assumption that Yanukovych is an idiot with suicidal tendencies (and he is clearly not an idiot, and a very life-loving person), then it is clear that blood on the streets, even minimal, is his inevitable death. And he understood this for months, holding unarmed policemen under a hail of stones and fire.

And who specifically gave the inadequate orders to "wet the children", where did the snipers come from? That you will never know. The same question: who killed Kennedy? 23 a year ago blood was shed in Riga and Vilnius. The investigation is still ongoing. In all the song Maidan - from Riga and Vilnius to Syria and Ukraine - there are always snipers who unleash a slaughterhouse. And they are never found. The only thing that a reasonable public can do in this case is to speculate who benefits from it.

Take a patty from the shelf

Turn on the brain and think about it. How did the Maidan start? With the refusal of Yanukovych to sign "European integration". Who has been stirring up Maidan sentiments all these three months and has brought the Ukrainian people to a bloody madness? Harmful Putin? Australian aborigines? Martians?

No matter how wrong! Various “emissaries” —by Lithuanian, Polish, Swedish, German, and American politicians — ministers, deputies, commissioners, senators, state secretaries, and their deputies, poured into Maidan. And everyone got out onto the Maidan stage between revolutionary songs and shouted something meaningless, but incendiary (rousing), like “We are with you! Ukraine glory! Glory to heroes!"

And the more idiotic was the foreign person and its slogans, the more Maidan differed. Even the chief idiot and loser of the past decade came - the ex-president of Georgia Saakashvili, a man who sifted through a third of his own country, killed a bunch of people, a man whose name the Georgian people would curse for centuries. And this eater tie was released on the scene, and Maidan applauded him. Brothers Ukrainians, you want the fate of his country?

But the most disgusting sight, for me personally, was when the old toad, US Under-Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, distributed maydanutymi pies. And these maydanutye pies snatched from her hands and bowed. The state is on the verge of default, the people are on the verge of civil war, and she brought American pies. Not money, not help, not advice, how to save the country, but - pies! Feed the stupid and grateful trash. Glory to Ukraine, glory to the heroes, here's a pie for you! I would give her these pies in the well ... (crossed out) in the face threw. Sorry for non-parliamentary expressions.

Boys, you were bred like children. Do you think that you yourself have arranged their Maidan? Naive children! This they gave you the Maidan, the second for 10 years. Your Yanukovych tried not to follow the instructions of the Washington and Brussels regional committees - and he was punished with a bloody maidan. As previously punished Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc. In the same scenario, one to one. And you in this submission are not heroes (who are “glory!”), But - dancers and cannon fodder. For the pie.

Democracy Bandera sample

What are you doing now ... oh, superfluous! There is no government, there is no police, there is no money in the treasury and there is no place to take, in the country - Makhnov's Gulyai-field in half with Bandera's lawlessness, Crimea has already raised the Russian flag, and even there blood has been shed ... And your Rada cheerfully passes the law banning the Russian language. There is no more relevant issue at the moment? Oh, the garneau, oh, the “state thinking” of the Ukrainian people! Glory to Ukraine!

Yesterday evening on the Maidan they asserted a new government - from the stage, to the music. Complete surrealism - Gogol, "Taras Bulba", Zaporizhzhya Sich ... What is the millennium in the yard? Pinch me, I sleep ...

By the way, do you keep yelling “Glory to Ukraine!”? At the very least, this is immodest. It sounds like I would go out into the street and start yelling: “Glory to ME!” These are other people, staring at you, should exclaim with delight “Glory to Ukraine!” And now other people, glancing at you, whisper in horror : "n ... t Ukraine". Smacks, you maydante every 10 years - and you will be overtaken by Somalia on GDP.

And although I feel sorry for the close people (he himself is by blood - a quarter a crest), but in this case, I still think that this cup you must spill to the bottom. With bankruptcy, with the complete collapse of the economy, with the collapse of the country, with hundreds of thousands of economic refugees, with humanitarian alms from the rich neighbors ... In short, with all that should happen after a great nationwide madness. Peoples, even big ones, from time to time you need to hit the face with a face on the table.

Otherwise they will never become wiser.
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  1. 0
    28 February 2014 13: 13
    article ++++
  2. +1
    28 February 2014 13: 14
    Cool article!
  3. +1
    28 February 2014 13: 24
    Ukraine appealed to the UN Security Council due to the situation in Crimea
    The organization is asked not only to conduct monitoring, but also to “take measures in the event of a violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine.” I support! Bring Russian peacekeepers there, and at the same time to Donetsk, Lugansk, Odessa, Nikolaev, Dnepropetrovsk and Zaporozhye! URGENTLY INTRODUCE the Polish contingent into Western Ukraine! Hungarians in Transcarpathia, Romanians in Chernivtsi!!! And leave a little real Ukraine around Kyiv!!!!! AND HOLD REFERENDUMS EVERYWHERE ON WHO WILL CONTINUE TO LIVE AND WITH WHOM!
    1. 0
      28 February 2014 15: 07
      Great idea!!!
    2. The comment was deleted.
  4. 0
    28 February 2014 13: 36
    Excellent! Everything is on point! Thank you !
  5. +1
    28 February 2014 13: 39
    but in this case, I still think that you should drink this cup to the bottom. With bankruptcy, with the complete collapse of the economy, with the collapse of the country, with hundreds of thousands of economic refugees, with humanitarian alms from rich neighbors...

    Do you think we'll get anything? Do you think the Ukrainian people will understand something, realize something???????????????????

    No matter how it is. After the 1st Maidan all this happened, so what? did anyone understand something????

    The main thing is not WHAT happens, but HOW it is explained.
    The crowd-elite system rules...
  6. +2
    28 February 2014 13: 41
    The Rada proposed to cancel the Kharkov agreements on the Black Sea Fleet!
    It’s high time to cancel these agreements, along with the big friendship agreement, along with the decree on the transfer of Crimea, and FINALLY STOP THIS MESS WITH RENTING YOUR OWN CITY!
  7. parus2nik
    28 February 2014 13: 46
    they will never grow wiser... Let's remember...
  8. +1
    28 February 2014 13: 57
    Yuriy Ilyin, recently appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was relieved of his post by decree of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, acting. President of the country Alexander Turchinov.
    Well, the time has come to raise the flags of Crimea on Ukrainian ships!! Why do people change so quickly!!! Probably in a minute they will make Yarosh the chief of the General Staff! drinks
  9. Perm59rus
    28 February 2014 14: 23
    This article would go to Kyiv and on the big screen. Don’t put them to shame, let them burst with anger bully
  10. +1
    28 February 2014 14: 24
    It's time to ask them like adults!good
  11. Andrey44
    28 February 2014 14: 32
    BRAVO Yuri! Very sensible and instructive for everyone. I’m afraid that Russia will again begin to make excuses (it’s not clear why) and help, receiving spitting in its direction and lawlessness towards the Russian-speaking population of the Nezalezhnaya. America would have already started yelling at the whole world, at the same time moving its fleet and army to protect “its sons of bitches” from the “bad guys” under any pretext. We're weak, aren't we?...
  12. 0
    28 February 2014 14: 35
    Quote: Evgeniy-111
    do not ask others: “Save!, Help!” This is YOUR country, after all!

    I completely agree. Everyone should clean their own house.
  13. 0
    28 February 2014 14: 40
    Eight military helicopters from Anapa landed in Sevastopol on the morning of February 28.
  14. +1
    28 February 2014 14: 54
    And the result is this: that Russia will again restore Ukraine, judging by
    government statement. That is, the army of loafers walked for 3 months, and we
    Shall we support them? I recently looked at cartoons from Ukraine on Yandex and a diva
    was given how much anger there is against Russia.
    And it seems that we will always have to help the enraged sister.
  15. 0
    28 February 2014 14: 56
    Dear author, a big plus for your article, but I want to correct you a little.... "And now the most offensive thing for crests...." Don't you know how a Ukrainian differs from a UKRAINIAN? ... Let me explain - Ukrainians live in Ukraine and crests live throughout Russia. And you explained everything perfectly THANK YOU!
  16. 0
    28 February 2014 15: 15
    Quote: fregina1
    Probably in a minute they will make Yarosh the chief of the General Staff!

    no, Yarosh has his own SS (security detachments) and is already armed, now he wants to create his own SD (security service) and therefore he wants to become the head of the SBU, when and if he becomes, he will create his own structure and then the guard will be real
  17. +2
    28 February 2014 15: 32
    At various times there were only 1 to 2 thousand scoundrels, Nazis and Banderlogs on the Maidan; the rest, as psychologists say, are a “controlled crowd” that became firewood for the fire. The people are simply tired of the incessant social squabbles. ever-increasing unemployment, rising poverty levels - this is what the instigators and their owners took advantage of, throwing out generally understandable slogans to the people and green slogans to the “foremen.” So the Maidan was initially provoked by the actions of the authorities and oligarchs. And until the so-called “elite” stops stealing from the state, people's protests will only increase. We need to think about this not only in Ukraine! Those who hold power and money need to wise up!
  18. 0
    28 February 2014 15: 45
    By the way, regarding the Riga barricades, when the riot police took the Ministry of Internal Affairs and unarmed people stood on the barricades, then in the center of old Riga (within the perimeter of the barricades) I saw with my own eyes in one courtyard people with machine guns and they clearly had nothing to do with the riot police... plus these strange snipers on the roofs... these are the oddities... or maybe not.
  19. 0
    28 February 2014 16: 20
    Yes, gentlemen, there are a lot of words, but the main thing is ahead. Be prepared.
  20. +1
    28 February 2014 16: 20
    It must be admitted that the local authorities of the entire Southeast have sold out and sided with criminals who illegally seized power in the country.

    The authorities are governors, mayors of cities, chairmen of local councils. Police leaders of regions, districts, cities. Relevant leaders of the SBU. Heads of local financial institutions - treasuries. Heads of local prosecutors and courts. Etc. In general, the entire state vertical. Only in Crimea did they manage to turn the tide. And that's not everywhere. All were "under Mueller's cap." And do not be misled by the protests of the population. They are well controlled and allowed only to let the population "let off steam".

    But there is a center, specific people from whom they receive orders.

    In such a situation, as long as the local authorities are on the side of the junta, there will be no widespread liberation struggle. Only a focal "partisan" movement is possible.

    This is how it is without embellishment in the South-East of Ukraine.
    1. 0
      28 February 2014 20: 08
      I will subscribe, the leaders carry out the will of the center - although in ODESSA they are all removed from the prosecutor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Either they will send their own Gauleiters or something. Well, they don't trust them.
      in people’s minds I will say two things - everyone is waiting for something - an example of something like Crimea (in terms of political affiliation) that if Sevastopol succeeds, then there will be an example, Crimea is the same. All of us are calling Russia to find out where their guys (Russians) are in Crimea...
      quote - I heard “yours” already there.
      We don’t have a lot of anyone - only people who are looking after us... the measure hasn’t been around for a long time..
  21. +1
    28 February 2014 16: 22
    !!! Perhaps the best thing written recently!!!
  22. 0
    28 February 2014 16: 26
    Western Military District troops conduct exercises in the Arctic
    Maybe a mistake? Maybe in Zaporozhye? laughing
  23. 0
    28 February 2014 16: 34
    and you should blow the trumpet...
  24. Deonisiy
    28 February 2014 16: 42
    Strange provocative article by the author, sorry
  25. 111 soldier
    28 February 2014 16: 49
    If we just remember and forget, then we’ll be next in line! You can't give up anymore!!! behind Moscow!!
  26. +1
    28 February 2014 17: 07
    I already thought that I was one of the few who came to the conclusion about the “face about tableball”. Thank God the article and the comments to it show that I am far from alone. I feel sorry for the brothers, but we must let them drink the cup of shitocracy to the dregs.
  27. +1
    28 February 2014 17: 21
    Respect to the author. I'm jealous that I couldn't make a text like this.
    In addition:
    Quote: Wax
    It was ALL OF US who were bred in 1991, like kittens. Then all the former republics have a carbon copy, with national flavor. A personality appeared in Russia - Putin - and he managed to besiege the oligarchs, BUT NOT CHANGE.

    Vaksa and Magadan also articulated bitter but fair words. We have made our choice. Ukrainians are their own.
    In Russia, all this is a little softer due to oil and gas. But we have nothing special to be arrogant about.
    And it would be nice for us to make stricter demands on ourselves. So as not to mumble later: “What could we do?...” We should have been able to. And let's hope we can.
  28. +1
    28 February 2014 17: 52
    There is a press conference of Yanukovych....vomit!! How could such a person be president?! It was in vain that we accepted him on Russian soil; he is not worth the dust on the sole of his boots. Lies and shame.
    It would be better if he died... he would at least be worthy of commemoration.
    1. 0
      28 February 2014 23: 31
      the fool is itching...I would buy an island, but crack the lard. No, politics is still a disease, it seems. IMHO
  29. 0
    28 February 2014 18: 09
    "Boys, you have been cheated like children."

  30. 0
    28 February 2014 18: 52
    Damn, who is Yuri Alekseev?
    Please send it to me.
    I want to make friends more specifically.
    I watched now twenty hour performance - Yanukovych ...
    what to say...???
    Bliiiin what to say?
    There is nothing to say.
    Man is clearly not intended for crisis situations.
    Unable to even tie the shoelaces, with a strong noise around.
    A man is not able to offer something.
    A person for whom planning work (choo-chup me, foresight) is aerobatics with critical resources.
    A man used to being a performer. With a small letter.
    I already wrote in early posts - he tolerated.
    I myself did not even expect how right I would be.
    Everything around him is to blame - except for him.
    And he himself - "... continuous provocations around ..."
    Everyone's only dreaming is to provoke the "iron Felix" -Yanukovych, to rake the stars to the fullest and roll back with the feeling that Yanyka ... we will not cheat.
    And then such a bummer ...
    His .... Putin V.V. - did not accept .... believe?
    although they talked on the phone.
    Well, spitting out showdowns - the foreman gives an instruction to the "torpedo" ...
    I liked only two points.
    Pressconfu was led by GUSMAN .... O_O_O_O_ - worthily spent! Given the references to Israel.
    And, the final repentance of Yanukovych .... - at least here is worthy. You feel competent directing the GDP.
    And that’s all ....
    In short ... Crimea is not ours.
    It's a shame.
  31. +2
    28 February 2014 18: 55
    The coolest thing is that you don’t even have to knock this country. She herself persistently searches for “tables” and, having found them, immediately begins to hit them with sadomasochistic pleasure. , sorry, face.
    But when he wakes up, he begins to blame others.
  32. +1
    28 February 2014 18: 59
    Quote: Vasilenko Vladimir
    I really did not see geniuses on the Maidan

    Maybe some romantics (from the high road) were hiding somewhere in the bushes of the Maidan?
  33. +1
    28 February 2014 19: 30
    I completely share and support. Talented, imaginative and intelligible, appropriately ironic. Thank you.
  34. +2
    28 February 2014 19: 47
    I liked the article. In it, the author accurately described the tragedy of Ukraine.
  35. stranik72
    28 February 2014 19: 50
    Quote: stroporez
    they are in their repertoire ........ point a. make a coup ------ done. now there is the implementation of point b .--- force Russia to pay all this party .......... .

  36. +2
    28 February 2014 20: 01
    Quote: georg737577
    Stupid and provocative article. Judah to the author - burn in hell.

    What is stupidity and provocation? Why is the author “Judas”?
  37. Orel
    28 February 2014 20: 21
    "Let's remember Ukraine and to hell with it." Only an enemy of Russia and Ukraine can write this way. In principle, it is necessary to bring the author, Yuri Alekseev, to justice for insulting the national feelings of Russians and Ukrainians. I wonder where the moderators and admins are?! The title of the article deeply offends the national feelings of Ukrainians and Russians!
    1. +2
      28 February 2014 20: 54
      Quote: Oryol
      In principle, it is necessary to bring the author, Yuri Alekseev, to justice for insulting the national feelings of Russians and Ukrainians.

      Not really. Attached normally. Sometimes you have to punch a friend in the face to come to his senses. Although the Ukrainians don’t need this, they really made a bloody mess of themselves.
    2. frol
      1 March 2014 00: 06
      He is not an enemy of Russia or Ukraine, he just saw how it was with us in Latvia and does not want a repeat of it in your country. Yuri, if you wrote such an article about Latvia, it would be interesting for the people.
  38. The comment was deleted.
  39. 0
    28 February 2014 21: 11
    People, even large ones, need to hit the table with their faces from time to time. Otherwise they will never wise up.

    I sadly state: YES.
    I communicate a lot with students, and lately I have been haunted by the thought: “Was I (we) really the same in my student years?”
    The specific educational policy of Ukraine has manifested itself in current events. Who's on the Maidan? The majority are young people. What do they want? They themselves cannot really formulate, cannot answer simple, specific questions. But this does not make you think, look for an answer - it only makes you angry. Brainwashed so much that it’s already creaking! No associative thinking! Logic - no more than two moves. They perceive only simple phrases and use them to express themselves. The phrase: “You are fighting to have your benefits canceled and housing and communal services tariffs increased,” remains misunderstood. Such people can only understand something by experiencing it in their own skin.
    Don't get me wrong: I'm not being malicious. The guys are, in general, normal. I feel sorry for them.
  40. mvv
    28 February 2014 21: 11
    The article should be given not 1 plus but 500 at least. Copied.
  41. 0
    28 February 2014 21: 34
    Huge respect to the author. The article is wonderful.
  42. walker
    28 February 2014 21: 50
    Thanks to the author! Yura, bravo!! Write more!!
  43. 0
    28 February 2014 22: 44
    Got a deuce today in Ukrainian literature.
    There is such a poet - Ivan Drach.
    Well, I was a little late, apologized, sat down in my place.
    And the teacher says, they say: children, we read poetry fighter!
    - I asked again: what are you doing, sorry?

    Russian presenter at a Ukrainian concert.
    He looks at the list of concert numbers with bewilderment ...
    Then he hesitantly announces:
    - Pisenka hung?! ...

    Brothers Ukrainians, beware of fakes!
    Chewing gum is a symbol of the American lifestyle.
    White, tasty, smells good, but it is not fat !!

    Ukraine. A radio is working in the minibus: there is a children's quiz with a geographic bias. The announcer asks the question: "The name of which city in Ukraine consists of two parts: the first is what a person cannot live without, the second is what brings people peace." Answer: "Zhitomir". Aunt in the salon: "Why not Kherson ?!"

    Russia laid a sewer pipe through Ukraine.
    I wonder if they will steal or not?
  44. 0
    28 February 2014 23: 57
    Quote: georg737577
    Stupid and provocative article. Judah to the author - burn in hell.

    When the drunken stupor passes and you try to turn on your brain and think (provided you have a brain, and I’m not talking about the spinal one) - God willing, you will understand something from this wonderful article. No matter how sad it is for you
    Thanks to the author for the article!!!!
  45. 0
    28 February 2014 23: 58
    Ukrainians are up to their ears in shit... and most of them don’t know about it. Neither about what is in the shit nor how deep. The fault, IMHO, is competent pro-Western propaganda and Bandera heredity plus the stagnation of youth education. Russia could easily suffer the same fate. With our education, a similar thing is happening, the “fifth column” is actively present, there are provocateurs, in the wake of the Kiev putsch, “bulk” motley heads are raised and they are discussing in the echo of Moscow how they will go to the presidential elections, “in columns of two or three.” .. Our President’s choice is very difficult - if we fit in for “brotherly Ukraine,” we’ll need wagons of money, if we don’t fit in, we’ll have a fascist/pro-Western neighbor nearby who, under various pretexts, will, never mind, “milk” us... I’m for it , to help Ukraine restore state power and economy. Although I understand (not to the “full depth”, of course) that at my personal expense, (including) as a taxpayer. I sincerely hope that Russian soldiers will not be concerned about this ( for the umpteenth time) to water “nenka Ukraine” with your precious blood... soldier
  46. +1
    1 March 2014 00: 01
    Quote: Deonisiy
    Ukraine appeared earlier than Russia....

    Is it true? And what was THIS called, what appeared earlier than Russia, within what borders?
    Quote: Deonisiy
    ....and only Ukrainians need a strong Ukraine

    That’s why in Soviet times they poured resources into it... they wanted to weaken it...
    A STRONG and FRIENDLY Ukraine as an ally of Russia would not hurt at all. But the West is even very... It seems like an obvious idea, but....
  47. 0
    1 March 2014 00: 02
    Guys, this kind of material can bring you to your knees. Thank you.
  48. 0
    1 March 2014 00: 22
    The article is right on point. Ukraine has always amused me, to be honest. All these years there was a feeling that they were not working, but only on strike)) Especially their Rada)) Every day, every week, one part of the deputies blocked all entrances and exits, thereby disrupting meetings.
    And indeed, among all the former Soviet republics, they have the richest heritage in the form of industry, the military-industrial complex, and the climate, black soil, they should live better than all the former republics. But in reality? We screwed up everything that is possible and what is not. Who are they after this? It seems to me that the Ukrainians themselves have proven that independence is not acceptable to them. Why do they need independence if they themselves cannot do anything worthwhile?
  49. 0
    1 March 2014 00: 35
    Quote: varov14
    Russia 24: Putin instructed to consult with the IMF and the G8 on financial assistance to Ukraine. All gentlemen are the curtain.

    Why not talk... We can talk... Conduct consultations. Lukin also came... to talk... But he didn’t sign anything... Smart, smart...
  50. waisson
    1 March 2014 05: 06
    The United States called on the UN Security Council to urgently send an international mediation mission to Crimea
  51. waisson
    1 March 2014 05: 17
    On Friday, US President Barack Obama publicly warned Russia for the first time that if reports of Russian military movements across Ukraine were confirmed, it would constitute "a clear violation by Russia of its assurances to respect Ukraine's sovereignty, independence, and international law." "Any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine will become a serious destabilizing factor, which is neither in the interests of either Russia or Ukraine.
    13 IL-76 aircraft with Russian paratroopers arrived in Crimea
  52. Alex US
    1 March 2014 17: 31
    Does anyone understand what they are writing about? Is there at least ONE sane person on the site? *Deutschen, Deutschen Uber Alles...* Doesn’t remind you of anything? Just replace Deutschen with know! Is Ukraine interfering? Forget about this country!!! Let the Ukrainians figure it out themselves!! Did any of those writing loudly serve in the NORMAL army and fight? Where do you get this desire for war? Do you want to drink blood? Free Russian speakers in Crimea? How many are there? 50-200 thousand)))) Is it worth splurging on small things? Check out Israel! There are more than a million of them, Russian-speaking! This is where you can show off the brave girl!!! Unfold your shoulders!!! Play with muscle!!!! The truth may not work out...Tanks are nonsense...Jews don’t know how to fight...But what experience and situation in the world!!!!! It's worth more!!!!!
    Russians! Wake up and stop hurting your neighbors!!!! Live and multiply in peace... for the benefit of your Motherland!!!
    1. 0
      5 March 2014 21: 38
      Do you hear, Americans, go back to your own mainland and don’t poke your nose where you shouldn’t. Otherwise, we’ll come to save the Indians. What have you forgotten in Ukraine?
  53. 0
    1 March 2014 21: 12
    Your Yanukovych tried not to follow the instructions of the Washington and Brussels regional committees - and he was punished with a bloody Maidan. As Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc. were punished before. According to the same scenario, one to one.
  54. kelevra
    2 March 2014 10: 53
    Very reasonable and intelligible! These words would be hammered into the heads of these stupid revolutionaries!
  55. Arh
    2 March 2014 20: 15
    The Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine must protect the people from Bandera’s bitches, I don’t believe that the Army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine are intimidated. The army and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine must take power into their own hands, if Russia helps. I hope Reason Wins! ! !
  56. dunkhelzan
    3 March 2014 08: 13
    hi, i m sorry i m going to answer in English, since my Russian is not good enough. i got here after asking a Russian friend (from volgograd but now living in germany) what is her view on the current situation in ukraine. she told me she supported putin on that decision to send troups. and she sent my a link to that page. I've read the article. Basically, you are making fun, with a clear pity tone, of the Ukrainian choices and actions about politics. And on the conclusions i would agree with you, since all what is going on is really tragic. but i do not agree on many points of your analysis, which is shared by all my Russian friends who answered my questions about the events.

    There was an orange revolution, and people were singing. True. they got Yushenko at the top position, and he did nothing, not even solved the gongadze murder, which is a shame, even more when the police concluded that the former interior minister committed suicide with two shots in the head (which might certainly be the only case in the world) before being interrogated on the matter. anyway, so he did nothing as promised and, outside a more free press, not much, far from enough, was achieved. So, some years later, people put back into power the one they rallied against earlier... and it's certainly one of the saddest thing in the country's recent history.

    But there is a reason why ukraine had revolts, orange then euromaidan. it's about the country's management and its effect on people's life. as one of the commenters wrote about, ukraine's gdp is pretty low, and life conditions are not good. so yes, people want a better life, and they get angry on politicians. especially when those are obviously corrupted, and with often high wealth obtained on the back of the people they should serve.

    I agree, so far, has lead to nothing good. but what should they do? in January 2005 i was on maidan with friends from Dnepropetrovsk, i ve videos from the crowd, people really belied they were there for a good reason, to change destiny and get rid of bad history and regime. i remember russian media claimed it was kind of anti russia, but there, people had a completely different set of mind, for them, it was about changing history toward a better future. Few years later the same friends voted for yanoukovitch. another friend, from kiev, who also supported orange revolution, also voted for yanoukovitch. when i asked him why, he said "well, at least we know how bad they are, and we are so disappointed with the oranges that we give the blue another chance." Tragic.
    1. 0
      3 March 2014 09: 54
      Arnaud, as I got your position, you are mostly with west part of Ukraine, stick to their points, and against east pro-Russia position, right? But you do not understand that most people consider west Ukraine politics as a fascism.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  57. dunkhelzan
    3 March 2014 08: 26
    So, you view them as fools. but again, what should they do? stay quiet while the country is bleeding and so many people have shit life? Elect someone better? well, that's what they tried to do when they elected yushenko... sadly it seems the country is not lucky with its politicians. Some bad tongues will say that, like in Greece, you get the politicians you deserve. Ok, and then? You end with a president who is obviously tending to stick to power in his own private interest. and the country is bleeding... what do you propose? wait and die of hunger? Of course going to the streets and making a revolution is not a good solution. but what else do they have?

    Remember Berezovsky and Yeltsin family? Putin put some order and brought back stability. So how can you look at the corrupt government in ukraine, and not understand the reaction of the people there? They have to get rid of these bandits if they want the country to go back on tracks.

    You say there will be an economic hangover after the revolution. True, but this hangover is the end of a way which started many years ago. It s not the new self proclaimed government who created the situation, but it s the one who has to deal with it. If Putin wanted the good of ukraine, he should have pushed to get rid of yanoukovitch and favor the rise of honest politicians. But no, he kept supporting yanoukovitch in 2004 while he knew he tried to cheat, and now again he supported him while knowing he s acting the same way as the Russian oligarchs Putin promised to fight in Russia. When i look at it, i cant help thinking about the USA supporting friendly dictators in south america in the 80ies : Putin vowed to fight oligarchs and to protect the interests of the nation, but in ukraine he supports a guy that he knows is a bad guy.

    About fascists, yes it is sure that you have strong, dangerous extremists among the ones who led the protests. And their influence was clear when they voted for canceling the law about Russian being a second official language. I think the more moderate politicians should never have accepted that. Not only did it generate lots of anger in the Russian speaking regions, but it also stupidly creates a problem with the EU, of which a primarly rule is to respect minorities rights, and especially culture and language.
    But the large majority of the people who supported the protests are normal citizens who just want to find a way toward a brighter future, and they did not like the violence and dont mind having Russian as a second official language.

    Russia's government claim it is acting to protect people. Strangely, the troups came in after some strange reports, like this bus full of hooligans who came to crimea from Kiev, with masks and kalachnikovs, and did nothing else than beat some random persons and one journalist before going away... sorry, but that does not add up, it s such obvious pointless action would cause angry reactions, it really looks like a bad set up. Set up, like this guy in kharkiv on saturday who took a picture of him replacing the Ukrainian flag with the Russian flag. A way to say "look, people in kharkiv wants to join Russia", or at least get help from it. Except it appears this guy is in fact not Ukrainian but Russian from Moscow. Did he come here and did it because he beleives Kharkiv should be Russian? Or was he sent by Russian government to manipulate information? If he came for personal reason, how a Russian citizen can allow himself to chose the destiny of a part of another country? Same question for the few buses of people who came from Belgorod to assist at the "pro Russian" rally in Kharkiv.
    1. dunkhelzan
      3 March 2014 08: 49
      my point is that big powers are trying to influence Ukraine's destiny, especialy Russia and USA, and present the protests as either prowest or prorussia, but in reality it s more anti-corrupted system and pro-ukraine!
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        3 March 2014 10: 35
        Quote: dunkhelzan
        my point is that big powers are trying to influence Ukraine's destiny, especialy Russia and USA, and present the protests as either prowest or prorussia, but in reality it s more anti-corrupted system and pro-ukraine!

        Arnaud, in some questions you are of course right, but wrong in conclusions. Yes, corruptions in Ukraine is too high but it was the same in Russia and even some years ago people in Russia were also too angry with our government. But there were no any revolts in Russia, Russia got able to manage peak os situation. That is like an example of possibilities.
        Than, Arnaud, you are as a new person here at pretty esteemed forum, wouldn't you be so kind to tell a couple words about yourself?
        The matter is, next to all people here has weather military education and experience or just beleive they have them :) Anyway for all of us it is obvious that the situation in Ukraine is not simple "Ukraine people revolt". Some of us had experience in fomer Soviet special army, police and K G B forces and we clear see that what was happened in Kiev - pretty simple classic operation, C I A had provided more masterful, clever, proficient, etc operations in Latin America and others as it is described in school books :)
        Would you answer the question: how many "people anti-corrupt revolts" do you know whith paticipation of professional snipers tha shot police?
        So the matter is, you are looking at the situation from the wrong point of veiw.
        By the way one more question: France (as I undestood your flag) also intervenes in Ukraine home busines along with Poland and Germany. But why, I can't understand it? OK, Poland is a neighbor country and has business relations with Ukraine. Germany as we say "is a plug in every barrel", but what contacts has France with Ukraine? And your country and people even have an impudence to say Russia has not to interfear?! Next to everyone in Russia has relativites in Ukraine and on the contrary, most of Ukrainian industry is oriented to Russia - so I believe this is our matter not Europe!
        PS also sorry for bad English :)
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      3 March 2014 10: 04
      Quote: dunkhelzan
      So how can you look at the corrupt government in ukraine, and not understand the reaction of the people there?

      Do you really believe that USA or Franch government is not as corrupted? :))
      Quote: dunkhelzan
      to respect minorities rights, and especially culture and language

      You are talking about Slavinic people in Ukraine?! Minorities?! I'am shure everething exactly just the opposit!
      Quote: dunkhelzan
      like this bus full of hooligans who came to crimea from kiev, with masks and kalachnikovs, and did nothing else than beat some random persons and one journalist before going away.

      hooligans with war automatic weapons? That' cool! :))
      1. dunkhelzan
        3 March 2014 16: 37
        "Would you answer the question: how many "people anti-corrupt revolts" do you know whith paticipation of professional snipers tha shot police?"
        right, but as with the guy taking of the Russian flag, and those masked coming in bus just to put some mess in one hour, it is difficult to know if they are extremists opponents or if they are here to rise the tension and give reason to intervene, as your text books certainly talk about too.
        Behind either those extremists killers, or big power manipulation, you can not reduce the will of the majority of the non violent protesters, and again, the real cause of their anger against the government. Please dont tell me you beleive Tatiana Chornovol was beaten by random drunk guys? Doubtfull by itself, the fact that she was investigating Yanoukovitch corruption and his then alleged, and now proven, ownership of a second palace being constructed, is more realistic, even now that her name was found on Yanoukovitch black list.
        So you have clearly manipulation on both sides, and killers, but the majority of the huge crowds of non violent protesters were here for their own national ideals, not because of foreign powers. right?

        "you are looking at the situation from the wrong point of veiw"
        Ah, so what is the good point of view? that the hundreds of thousand non violent supporters of the move
        were all paid thugs? that this movement is only about getting rid of Russian language and influence? that it has nothing about hope of a desperate population but only and exclusively bad CIA style intervention? Go to maidan and ask retired soldiers, babushkas, nurses and other normal people, if they are all part of the right sector, and if their presence is about anger on russia. they will definitly answer you that what they want is a better future without corrupted leaders, and they dont give a shit about other things, and you will even find many of them friendly with Russia as a nation, as i know my friends in Kiev are .

        About european flags. my comment about Russian flag in kharkiv was targeted on the guy who put Russian flag on the kharkiv city house, meaning this is Russian terriroty. I dont think any French person took a French flag and put it in place of the Ukrainian flag on Kievcity house to claim Kiev is a French terriroty. I think we both can do the difference between the meanings of waving flags in support of someone, and to put a flag on the top of an official building.
        About links, well it seems you had also Brazilian flags. so people, i suppose expats, waved the flights in support of changes. i suppose, as you, that some of them are here on behalf of big powers. but i m also quite sure that many expats also support the will of change, and you should not take it as a blunt attack on russia.

        I think it s a pity Putin supported Yanoukovitch. A positive action would be to support the emergence of a new, honest, pro Russia maybe, personnally i dont care as long as it is someone honest, that will put the nation ahead of his personal bank account, as any good president should do.
      2. dunkhelzan
        3 March 2014 16: 37
        "You really believe that USA or Franch government is not as corrupted? :))"
        that s not the topic here, the subject is wether or not Yanoukovitch corruption was bringing the country to a dead end, and we both now it is. As a nation who barely escaped the control of the country by mafia style oligarchs ring, you certainly understand it.
        And clearly French and US government are not "as" corrupted. You have greed and corruption in every country, but when the corruption is too important, it has a visible influence on the functioning of the country. Yanoukovitch level of corruption looks more like African banana republic dictators.

        "to respect minorities rights, and especially culture and language
        You are talking about Slavinic people in Ukraine?! Minorities?! I'am shure everething exactly just the opposit!"
        no, i m talking about the fact that when the parliament, under pressure from extremists elements of the crowds, like right sector, voted to end the position of Russian as a second official language, that s again the EU policy on respect and safe keeping of culture and language of minorities. Under legal point of view here, Ukrainian is the state language and Russian a "minority language" (legally, not practically). So the new government claims he wants to sign an agreement with the EU, but his first move is to do something against EU law. And if you noticed the EU commission and parliament criticzed the move and asked to protect the rights of Ukrainian citizens to use Russian language. You should not see the EU like you see the US government. it's a different organization, with other principles. You certainly noticed the Americans were angry about the soft European position, as their main diplomat said "and fuck the EU". In Russian media they always say "the west", but from Europe in general, and France in particular, we view ourselve quite distanced from US policies on many topics. Remember france opposed the war in Iraq? it's just one example. have seen the german anger about US spying ? If you ask my dad, he ll tell you he does not like putin for being too much authoritarian, but if he had to chose a new nation, he would chose russia over america.

        "hooligans with war automatic weapons? That' cool! :)"
        dont you consider this group's action, with no political revendication, and harsh actions, strangely right in front of Russian TV, is a bit strange? either they were just stupid hooligans from western ukraine. but then they came in nice buses, they wore masks and had war weapons?? just to put a mess in crimea few hours and go away? i find it really, really strange.

        ps: your english i think is really clear :) mine is not perfect also
  58. dunkhelzan
    3 March 2014 16: 35
    Thanks for the constructive discussion

    "Arnaud, as I got your position, you are mostly with the west part of Ukraine, stick to their points, and against east pro-Russia position, right? But you do not understand that most people consider west Ukraine politics as a fascism."

    I m not with the west part of Ukraine, i m saying that so called "pro-Russia" focuses mostly on the results of the influence of some nationalists, which is obviously not good, while missing the big picture of the majority of the silent supporters of the movement : get rid of bandits. you know the country was going nowhere, yanoukovitch was asking everyone money, and Russia agreed for a 15 billions loan, while in the same time he and all his group had organized a regular stealing of the nation wealth. so even that money would not have gone to the public good, but to their new collection of limousines, as you saw the pictures. It is not possible to say if any new guy who will be elected will be honest, but what is sure is that Yanukovitch was stealing even more than previous heavily corrupted presidents. Do you agree about the need to stop this organized mafia before getting any exterior money?

    "Russia has been able to manage the peak of the situation"
    Yes, because Putin came and did the job. That's what people expected from the Oranges. and they fucked up. That's why when Tymoshenko arrived on Maidan some days ago, after being freed from jail, big part of the crowd left, some told journalists she s part of the old system, like two sides of a coin, and should now stay in the past . I agree with it, especially that she herself got rich in the same way that her political ennemies, as her nickname "gas princess" indicates. So, no Ukrainian Putin to put the country on track and clean the government, again, what should the population do? wait for a national repeat of 98? i think you remember how bad it was, so it s understandable people dont want to repeat it.

    "Than, Arnaud, you are as a new person here at pretty esteemed forum, wouldn't you be so kind to tell a couple words about yourself?"
    I guess you think i could be some paid propagandist or something. well, it's easy, you can find me easily online, my name's Arnaud Viguié, i m 34. I ve studied IT, worked in IT, i met a Ukrainian couple from Dnepropetrovsk before the orange revolution, and i went there during the revolution. After that i took one year of Russian class in Paris at the Russian cultural center, then took a one eyar break to go to a master on post Soviet era geopolitics. I have been in contacts with people in russia, in volgograd, saint petersbourh and moscow. Half of them are strong supporters of Putin, the other half is not but still they support the intervention in Crimea. Wanna know more or that's enough? :)
  59. The comment was deleted.
  60. 0
    3 March 2014 18: 51
    Indeed, the first law that the new government adopted was a ban on the Russian language! Apparently they really think that they are to blame for everything!
  61. 0
    3 March 2014 21: 24
    Thank you, Yura, for the article, a smart, with the proper degree of humor, presentation of the thoughts of a normal person. These are not yesterday's students from the western regions of the so-called. Ukraine, who have two convolutions in their heads: one is called “Holodomor”, the second is “glory to Ukraine”...
  62. 0
    4 March 2014 06: 45
    Comrade moderators, why did they delete the posts of a simple French programmer? :) I understand that it’s in English, but it’s easy for anyone interested in translating it. IMHO our people should read it to understand how different our Russian mentality and position are from the West. It follows from this that we can coexist with them, drink a bottle, even to some extent make friends with them, but in our understanding of _friendship_ - never, they have a different concept, they are different in spirit, they will only give their last shirt to a friend if they have a credit card in their pants pocket...
    In general, thanks to Arnaud for the posts, someone else’s opinion and outside view are never superfluous.
  63. Shav1
    4 March 2014 11: 16
    There is a category of states for which Russia is always to blame for everything, it’s a pity that they are trying to drag Ukraine into this circle
  64. The comment was deleted.
  65. pedrisheva.klavdeya
    4 March 2014 15: 10
    ...Hmm...It’s reasoned, truthful, and there’s humor...Respect to the author!...I only disagree with one thing - “to hell with it”...Although, if you think sensibly, rescuing drowning people is the work of your own hands the drowning people themselves...Russia has spoken its word, and not only the word is the deed of the Ukrainians...God grant that everything will happen without bloodshed and without "face on the table")...
  66. vodolaz_0
    4 March 2014 15: 23
    Neither reduce nor add!
    The author voiced my thoughts
  67. Tatjana
    4 March 2014 15: 56
    Hello, dear users.
    I don’t understand at all why such aggression towards the Ukrainian people!!? Do you care what our financial situation is? We want to join the EU and what’s wrong with that, what do you care?
    The same article can be written about the Russian people! Is not it!?
    We are rebuilding our point of view, rebuilding our rights. We are not protesting against the Russian people!!!!! We want another government!!!
    And what is now happening on the territory of Crimea from the Russian side (from the Russian government) is real rudeness and impudence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crimea is the territory of Ukraine, and everything that happens on the territory of Ukraine is Ukraine’s personal business. We will figure everything out ourselves without the help of Russian troops. All those who do not want to live on the territory of Ukraine for some reason can leave it and live on the territory of Russia!!!!
    You are very evil!
    I truly feel sorry for you!!!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      4 March 2014 16: 53
      Quote: Tatjana
      All those who do not want to live on the territory of Ukraine for some reason can leave it and live on the territory of Russia!!!!

      Hello there :) The majority of the population of Ukraine just wants to live on its territory, it’s YOU who don’t want to live with them :) But because... You are a minority, so you leave - don’t you want to? :) But only in Russia no one is waiting for fascists, sorry :)
      Quote: Tatjana
      You are very evil! I sincerely feel sorry for you!!!

      Are we the evil ones?! :) Tell me the address where to find you, we’ll meet - then you’ll see how kind we are NOW :)))
      And thank you for being sorry, otherwise no one takes pity on us poor people, neither the Americans nor the Bandoros, that’s how we live :( :)
      In general, thank you, Tatyana, you cheered me up for the night (at our place) :)))
  68. 0
    4 March 2014 16: 52
    Quote: Tatjana
    Hello dear users

    And the same to you, but it would be possible to go into more detail about who is hiding behind the name Tatyana and, most importantly, why :)
    Quote: Tatjana
    Why such aggression towards the Ukrainian people?

    And we don’t understand where you found aggression towards the PEOPLE, it seems to be quite the opposite...
    Quote: Tatjana
    Do you care what our financial situation is?

    It doesn't matter, because... a) how will you pay salaries and pensions to our relatives in Ukraine and b) how will you pay for gas :)
    Quote: Tatjana
    We want to join the EU and what's wrong with that?

    the fact that fascism is an unacceptable way, the way of “wanting” in the EU :)
    Quote: Tatjana
    The same article can be written about the Russian people! Is not it!?

    Let's go, it will be interesting to read :)
    Quote: Tatjana
    We want another government!!!

    Yes, you want to be healthy, who doesn’t let you want? :) With a weapon in your hands - this is no longer a “want” but a crime :( If you were the majority - the PEOPLE - you would “want” through elections, and since there are only 1-2 of you, you chose the method of violence, “unless not so"? :) But we just don’t like fascists...
    Quote: Tatjana
    And what is now happening on the territory of Crimea from the Russian side (from the Russian government) is real rudeness and impudence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Actually, everything happens there from the SIDE OF THE RESIDENTS OF CRIMEA, I have relatives in Evpatoria, first-hand information today, no need to hang noodles :)
    Quote: Tatjana
    Crimea is the territory of Ukraine

    It’s generally interesting - since when was THIS and since when did Ukraine become a whole, but this is a separate question...
    Quote: Tatjana
    We will figure everything out ourselves without the help of Russian troops.

    Well, well, we’ve already sorted it out - but YOUR people didn’t like this showdown, and even YOUR legitimate president :)))
    1. Tatjana
      4 March 2014 18: 48
      "Hello to those :) The majority of the population of Ukraine just wants to live on its territory, it is YOU who don’t want to live with them :) But since you are a minority, you don’t want to leave? :) But only in Russia there are fascists no one is waiting, call me :)"

      I just don’t want to leave Ukraine; I live in Dnepropetrovsk. I have an absolutely normal attitude towards the Russian people, I don’t mind living with them (we have Slavic roots - this unites us). Now there is a provocative rally going on in Donetsk and Kharkov, (~2% of the population) allegedly want to join Russia. “Putin help” and so on. But why join forces, send troops, or quarrel with Russia because of these 2%? if they can just leave Ukraine (if they really can’t live with us). Moreover, now Russia provides such an opportunity.
      Why is it that if a Ukrainian loves his country, then he is a Bandera nationalist, a fascist!?
      Why is it that if a Ukrainian holds a rally, he is working off American money paid to him for anti-Russian purposes!?
      Have you seen people who stood on the Maidan (before that very bloody day) take up arms!? I have many friends who live in Kyiv, they were on the Maidan, they saw everything that happened there. We were there on that very dark day. This is scary ...
      I repeat, but people defend their opinion, their right. And some people don't like it. So they are trying to stop people. The fascists are those who shot at disarmed people. They still remain unpunished.
      Where was our president all these three months!? He never once went out to people and talked to them. And then he fled to Russia - a pathetic coward.
      And our elections only want the best.
      Crimea is part of Ukraine. I don't think they were in any danger. Just an excellent reason to completely disconnect and not belong to anyone, or a reason for Putin himself to take away what once belonged to Russia. Then he, in turn, is the same “fascist” as we are!!!!! Instead of dialogue, he brings in armed troops and issues ultimatums!!!
      First of all, you need to ask local residents where they want to stay. And not to send troops.

      "Are we the evil ones?! :)"
      I'm generalizing now. there are a lot of bad comments addressed to us under this article. And the article itself “Let’s remember Ukraine, and to hell with it”
  69. 0
    5 March 2014 02: 06
    Quote: GSH-18
    It’s just in everything contradicts the generally accepted non-fall, maidan version

    He got bored on the Maidan, so HE showed up here... Yes
  70. Old Man
    5 March 2014 04: 30
    yes, the article is to the point... And if after the first Maidan I doubted returning to “Ridnaya Nenka Ukraine”, then after this gathering with mass psychosis... holy, holy, holy. Bitter and pathetic. After him, even bigger thieves will come and steal. Although they don’t need these crumbs, if now the EU and the IMF pour in tens of billions, no one will count how much will stick to their hands. Only the special services will quietly count and carefully place the protocols on the shelf. For the time being, for the time being.
  71. +1
    5 March 2014 13: 46
    Good article. Alas, laughter through tears.....
    P.S. : The story about the pies is really disgusting!
  72. White5
    5 March 2014 14: 59
    I support everything that is written, but remember Gorbachev and Yeltsin. AND NEVER FORGET!!! They themselves... recently crawled out... Although I live in Russia and not modestly, but still. Thanks to Putin (and his team in particular Lavrov and Churkin) Notice how the surnames came together like puzzles. Truly inscrutable are the ways of the Russians.!!!
  73. 0
    5 March 2014 15: 07
    Quote: GSH-18
    It’s just in everything contradicts the generally accepted non-fall, maidan version

    He got bored on the Maidan, so HE showed up here... Yes
  74. 0
    5 March 2014 21: 32
    Author Author Yuri Alekseev
    There is a fight for the Black Sea Fleet. Do you understand? There is a struggle to ensure that Russian ships sail there, and not NATO ones. In the best case, we’ll get a NATO naval base right next door, in the worst case, we’ll get mercenary camps. Do you understand this?
    And the stupid Yanyk, having all the trump cards in his hands, would screw up the country. He would bring out a division of tanks, special forces - and calmly, quietly, peacefully, without blood, without killing anyone - to seize these Maidan pigs like pigs. What kind of idiot does it take to be Enemy exiles walked around the country and pointed out what needed to be done: all sorts of Americans, Poles, and all these rascals. Yanyk should have been with Russia a long time ago.
    in short, having everything, it’s stupid to screw it all up....
  75. +1
    5 March 2014 21: 34
    From a purely human standpoint, I feel sorry for Ukraine. But nothing just happens. Apparently they have to go through difficult times so as not to sit at home watching TV, not to watch from the sidelines. this is science for us
  76. pyrrhos 9
    6 March 2014 09: 27
    Ukraine has a crazy chamber, but the key to it is lost. The author is 98,5 percent correct.
  77. Dronik3113
    6 March 2014 16: 23
    Hello!!! It is written, as they say, “not in the eyebrow, but in the eye”, everything is very accurately noted... Somewhere in the same way it was spinning in my brain, but I read it as I wrote it myself... Thank you!!!
  78. Luizadrevs
    10 March 2014 23: 19
    "...And your Rada cheerfully passes the law banning the Russian language. Couldn't you find a more pressing question at the moment?.."

    of course there was none... The language will bring it to Kyiv...
  79. 0
    10 March 2014 23: 38
    Quote: Wax


    28 February 2014 12: 20

    ↑ ↓

    In 93, a bunch of people finished off the country. And it was necessary to finish off a bunch. In embryo. In 1991, August, or in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. And it would only cost two lives (and even then it is not necessary - 25 years of imprisonment would be enough). And we wouldn’t lose a million people a year. In Ukraine, too, first one group seized power, now another group - already nationalistic - has seized power, the third seizure, logically, will be fascist. And are you sure that without Putin, the country will not disintegrate in Russia? Global financial capital does not recognize national borders.

    Sorry, I'm late with the answer. In 93 they chose between Kozlischki and Kozlischki. It's scary to imagine how the daring Khasbulat and his company would have screwed up. I still remember how the combat(!) pilot(!) Rutskoi with his deep pants called out on the radio to his colleagues - he was going to bomb Moscow. And the army carried out the order of the commander-in-chief, otherwise there would be endless chatter in the Supreme Council, the same theft, the collapse of Russia. And they wouldn’t be discussing now - whether to overwhelm the Americans or they’ll go down on their own. Yeltsin - thank you for your farewell New Year's gift.
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