"Eurohohly", or What should think about GDP


Part one
"For our and your freedom"

I would like to immediately say that this is not analytically weighted material. This is an attempt to recognize the threat. I elected President Yanukovych, and I therefore have the right to ask him before he began to act. Then he will not care, like me.

Yanukovych is offered to sign a charter with European integrators. Russia takes a step and agrees with him. The people, encouraged by the prospect of entering a better life (without corruption, kickbacks, cronyism, gangster lawlessness, arbitrariness of officials, theft of the elite, etc.) for some reason goes out and begins to protest ... peacefully, according to all the rules of a civilized society. The power spits and out of habit beats the first person on the head, which includes the mechanism of radicalization of the protest movement. Next, the “painful reflex” of the pressure and temperature of the medium starts to work by mutual fight. Some do not want, others can not, and someone starts to solve the "eternal" problem of "Muscovites and Jews". Molotov cocktail is actively used by society, intoxicating with its permissiveness. The process involves intermediaries in the person of Ukraine’s friends from Europe and the USA. The process is gaining momentum.

Outwardly, everything is just primitive. Russia gets a headache in the face of a dying brother. Europe delays a part of the territory, and perhaps the whole territory. The United States finds a tool of influence on recalcitrant Russians and two sore points for control: Ukraine and the Caucasus. And it doesn’t matter at all whether Ukraine will eventually share it or it will become part of Europe entirely. The main condition is that it should not be part of Russia as a whole (this probability already tended to zero at the moment, but perhaps the situation would change in the distant future).

If you look through the prism of the USSR, we have fifteen points of pressure on Russia, of which five are activated (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Georgia), and also internal points, purely Russian (in the form of the Caucasus, for example). This is neither good nor bad. It just has a place to be. Such conflicts within the society have occurred in the recent past not only in Ukraine. These are England, Latvia, Georgia, the USA, and everywhere these events were given an unequivocal interpretation (illegal actions). In the situation with Ukraine, everything is exactly the opposite. As in Syria, Serbia, Iraq. There is a regime and there are people. Not the power chosen by the people, but the regime. It follows that any movement towards democracy on our part is a derivative of the surrender of the interests of the country. The only difference is how bloodless the process goes. Everyone remembers the nineties and millions of dead. They cannot be sewn to damned capitalism, whereas with bloody deaths everything is much simpler. Blame the leader of the country, which began to kill. The cynicism of the situation is that if millions died during the accumulation of capital, this is statistics, but if one was killed, for any reason, this is a tragedy.

What is bad "leader" of Ukraine? Everybody. And the fact that maneuvering between bad and very bad. And the fact that he is trying to solve an unsolvable problem from the West, in which the correct answer is everything except the solutions offered by the country's leader. And by the fact that for many years in power he did not create support among the people, ignoring the interests of some (many), condoning the “insignificant” of others (the smaller ones). By allowing the foreign arena to think that his country does not live by its own laws, and still does not fulfill the “common”.

The general trend is clear. Change the foothold of the people on a narrow circle of people, governing the state and vice versa, depending on the tasks to be solved. Managers can, and most importantly, need to change. Here you will not trample, as against the laws of physics. Against the people, too, not trample. The main thing is to correctly shift from "foot to foot", from one point of support to another, power-people-power-people. Formally rested, the president resists the law of this “trampling” and therefore always loses. The authorities and the people here are a contradiction, not a symbiosis, as in the USSR.

A set of detonators of public opinion is known. This is what was discussed at the beginning: corruption, nepotism, theft of the elite, and so on. Probably, this is where the GDP should be thought of. Because “Eurochovers” is simply a contradiction and another point of support, bypassing the “power elite”.

Personally, I deeply doubt that GDP rests on the laurels of its successes of a foreign policy nature, of internal political “consensus” - a balance of interests of different groups, shows for the people in the form of the Olympiad and the world football championship in the not too distant future. American politicians rightly say that in Ukraine they are testing the technology of the change of power in Russia. (Mr. Kissinger, if anyone is interested.) Yanukovych maneuvers between the hammer and the anvil. Lukashenko took away the hammer, resting on the anvil. Putin needs to take the anvil out from under him (avoid controversy), take the hammer off (seize the initiative) and, after the enemy snaps into the ground, twist it and cover it on top of this anvil (solve the problem).

Looking for at least two super efforts. Raise and cover. Take away is work. We are not Belarusians or Ukrainians. We are not uniform even more and scattered over one seventh of the land. There are only 140 million of us. We allow for multi-vector development. We are raising our standard of living due to population decline. We have a low speed of social, protective, non-state-initiated communication. And this low speed, oddly enough, is one of the bases for the stability of our state. We absorb blows. At this positive points end. Our president is bad not because he is bad, but because the country after him is guaranteed to be in turmoil. The mathematician Berezovsky was wrong for himself and was not mistaken for the motherland, for which he probably hung himself in the bathroom, in the most legally “fair” country in the world of England. Hope for luck a second time is stupid. Operation "Successor" will not. As the grip weakens, the country will begin to crawl into chaos. GDP is not eternal, and therefore the balance of interests, too. The hook on which Russia hung on its flight to the abyss, unbent. Slow and implacable. The people do not have a golden parachute. Therefore, there is such a fierce struggle inside for the opportunity to get it individually. Everyone understands this temporary lull precisely as a lull before the storm and tear each other’s means of salvation, which means they sink a ship that is already breathing its last. Which floats! Do not sink! And under a fur coat, rust still reveals a high-alloyed steel of ohrenitelnoy thickness. That is, the flooding of our ship "Russia" will again happen not because IT sank, but because it was drowned, having opened the Kingston in a panic or maliciously.

Events in Ukraine can be considered as torpedoing our ship. There is nothing to close this hole. As the process is gaining momentum and involving more and more new masses, there are already voices that it is time for Russians (following the example of the Ukrainians and, most importantly, fraternally, together) to resolve the issue of their criminal regimes. And it is true. This question has matured and it must be addressed. Half measures, based on the understanding that the demolition of the head of the state is not a way out of the situation, no longer solve the problems. The problem triggers a self-destruct mechanism. She does not ask if she wants this GDP or he has a different vision of the situation, she is on the drum, the guard is tired and the people are tired too. No one is interested already, whether they roll back or not, steal or not, etc. In society, when dubbing the amount of rollback in 90%, the image of silent “fucking” and understanding that this is “finita la comedy” naturally occurs, there is no place to go. We really steal and roll back the whole viaducts during the construction of roads, entire backup lines in the construction of communications, etc.

Formally, for Ukraine, the external perimeter of control simply suggests rolling the system back to some control point in the 2004 year. In reality, they simply change the power in the country because they agreed to it in this form, in 1991, after the calls of Yeltsin, Shushkevich and Kravchuk in the USA and the collapse of the USSR as a result. The period of gangster capital accumulation due to the robbery of everything and everything, including the country's budget, is over. The first step towards capitalism has worked. The second step will be deeply forced. The West is guaranteed not to make a step “back” in the USSR under the threat of the Third World War.

So, the conflict in Ukraine is a compulsion to conformity. Forcing everyone without exception, and us too, and, naturally, no one will abandon the archaization of one-sixth of the land called the “post-Soviet space” to the level of the Middle Ages, and better still lower, finally and forever.
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  1. 0
    24 February 2014 19: 41
    Quote: Reasonable, 2,3
    Yes, what are you saying? We won’t have this. For a reason: Russia is not Ukraine. Whoever gets into power will get such lyuley that he will choke with Aleksey’s pen.
    Three months ago, at our VO only the lazy one didn’t say, “Ukraine is not Syria, not Libya, etc.”, but it turned out that everything is much simpler... We need to fight for it! Send in the troops! This is a zone of vital interests of Russia. And let the Americans and the Gay Europeans write chypre.
  2. 0
    24 February 2014 21: 06
    ABOUT!!! It’s a shame I didn’t recognize right away... this one... in the gurney.
    1. Alex 241
      24 February 2014 23: 58
      1. Alex 241
        24 February 2014 23: 59
  3. 0
    24 February 2014 21: 11
    the author is the enemy!
    The title for those who don’t want to delve into the text is too much and complicated, but the whole text is saturated with hatred of Russians, or rather Russia!
    What is the author, euphoric from the victory in Ukraine, rushing?
    slow down, it’s not over in Ukraine yet, everything is just beginning!
  4. 0
    24 February 2014 21: 27
    Controversial article. There are a couple of points that I liked. But in general, there is a lot of defeatism and despondency. And it would be better for the author to keep them to himself.
    “The cynicism of the situation is that if millions died during the accumulation of capital, this is a statistic, but if one was killed, for any reason, this is a tragedy.”
    This is not cynicism, this is not an understanding of the value of life, which has been strengthening in people since the 17th century, starting with the West. They believe that the value of life is simply in the very fact of existence. That's all.
    This is more of a philosophical question - to whom is form or content more important?
  5. 0
    24 February 2014 21: 30
    Quote: 31231
    Wow! Add Berkut officers and our Cossacks there and that’s it. Autonomy will become independent.

    Not a very large number of people organized themselves.
    There are few of our Berkutavs, they are a symbol of strength and honor, but already outside the rightful status. They should be given the status of the Security Detachment of the Sevastopol Council.
    The Cossacks, of course, are great. But they need to be legitimately armed.

    And, most importantly, someone must be the leader of the armed formations - the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
  6. platitsyn70
    24 February 2014 21: 41
    I read it a second time, it's bullshit. It feels like the United States wants to push Russia into this Ukrainian mud and drown it in blood, like in Chechnya at one time. Putin is great and he will outplay everyone.
  7. 120352
    24 February 2014 21: 46
    Bad actress from Yulka! I do not believe!!!
    He’s sitting in his stroller, playing the poor little girl, shedding crocodile tears. And if someone throws a grenade (even a fake one) at her feet, she will jump up and run. And all her acting will be revealed.
    Although it won’t be easy for her to run around with her bra and panties full of stolen diamonds.
  8. shatu
    24 February 2014 21: 53
    I don’t like Putin’s silence, I have a suspicion that we will once again endure the insult and humiliation of the Russian people, getting off with politicians’ phrases “about inadmissibility” and other crap, instead of, not giving a damn about the fits of hatred of all the crap-cratic scum in Washington, our comrades, and defending our people in Ukraine.

    Found an interesting comment on another resource:
    "- the Western press began to suspiciously praise our president, not a good sign
    - Stalin said that if your enemies praise you, it means that you are doing something completely WRONG

    I will refrain from insulting Putin for now, but this silence is depressing and makes me think that someone is on the hook of the Pindos (daughters? bank accounts?).
    1. 0
      24 February 2014 22: 02
      Quote: shatu
      I don’t like Putin’s silence

      You are not Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin yet.
      Quote: shatu
      there is a suspicion

      And besides, you are not yet the president of Russia, when you become one, which I deeply doubt, then you will suspect someone of something.
      Quote: shatu
      that once again we will endure the insult and humiliation of the Russian people, getting off with phrases from politicians “about inadmissibility” and other crap,

      It may be you who will bear the insult, but not him. He always fights back.
      1. shatu
        24 February 2014 22: 20
        Quote: Apollon
        You are not Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin yet

        Where did I say something like “if I were”?..
        A lot of people are waiting (no, I don’t speak for everyone, I’m just judging by the activity of people on the Internet) that some action will be taken, but so far they have only heard a statement about the illegitimacy of the authorities in Ukraine from Medvedev.

        And the more time passes, the more it feels like a betrayal.

        Quote: Apollon
        It may be you who will bear the insult, but not him. He always fights back.

        And YOU seem to be his relative, are you responsible for him?!

        PS I am not insulting Putin, yesterday I was wrong and am ready to apologize for calling him “Pu”, there were too many emotions against the backdrop of the events on the Maidan and bewilderment from his silence. But, SO FAR, there is nothing good to say about our guarantor.
  9. +2
    24 February 2014 22: 11
    Putin is silent because the West is simply freaking out at his silence... And everyone is freaking out... well, why is he silent?.... Well, why doesn’t he knock on the table, or blather menacingly at the TV, huh?... He won’t shout - divisions - forward... All your checkers-waving writings are already starting to stress me out....

    The work is going on, recalling the ambassador today is a slap in the face... As soon as the boot of the first Russian soldier sets foot on Ukrainian soil, everyone will immediately rally around the one who points his finger to the East - and there he is, the adversary, the enemy.... And they will forget about everything disagreements and rush with frenzy, venting all the accumulated anger... The horrors of Chechnya will seem like children's fairy tales on a rosy evening, when gangs of Bednerites begin to burn down villages in the Bryansk region, and Geyropa and the United States will fart notes at best....

    Writing about the troops here is grist to the mill of the provocateurs who have filled all the pages of all the media... They are already publishing photographs of the loading of armored vehicles in Novorossiysk... Never mind that these are six-month-old photographs of the loading of equipment for Assad... The crowd is gobbling it up, and more how he eats...
    1. shatu
      24 February 2014 22: 30
      Maybe you are right about provocations.

      But “ordinary” people, who are not aware of all the political nuances and whose souls simply hurt for what is happening, are shaking with hatred for these Western assholes, and our government is silent.

      Just to tell people not to be fooled by provocations about sending troops into Ukraine, is it possible to at least say something to OUR people, and not just remain silent?
      That’s why people are confused, and all posts and videos have questions like this.

      Thank you for the clarification, I will not touch on this issue anymore - I will stock up on patience and faith that we will not allow the fascist scum to humiliate and kill Russians!
  10. 0
    24 February 2014 22: 18
    Quote: 222222
    Sergey Razumovsky. CASCADE: peacekeeping. 23.02.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX

    ...it seems to me that the guy is CUMMY...
    1. shatu
      24 February 2014 23: 54
      I saw a great comment on the video, I just couldn’t help but repost it:

      "My father is Russian, my mother is Ukrainian. In the current situation, it’s amazing what kind of anger, what kind of brainwashing the Ukrainians (still, I hope not all) have towards the Russians. It’s getting to the point of insanity; they no longer consider us Russians. All attempts to reach the mind that WE ARE ONE - RUSSIANS, RUSSIANS are met only with anger.
      If we turn to the Heritage of Our Ancestors, then Russian is (Rus + Skit), i.e. a man from the monastery of Rus'. Russian is an adjective, not a nationality. We can say: Russian Georgian, i.e. living in the monastery of Rus' and under the patronage of the Rus (in the Russian Empire, many peoples were part of it and served under its flag). The core of the Russian state is Great Rus', whose people are called Great Russians, i.e. Russians. The people of White Rus' are called Belarusians or Belarusians, and the people of Ukraine (the southern outskirts of Russia) - Little Rus' - are called Little Russians or Ukrainians. Now the creatures, implementing their slogan: “Divide and conquer,” are trying to separate the peoples of Russia with the aim of enslaving and destroying them.
      I understand that this problem is not today, I wanted to understand the reason.
      This is how our Russian writer Georgy Sidorov explains. Austria-Hungary specially created an ethnic group at the junction of the borders, the so-called Westerners are an explosive mixture of Judeo-Romanian-Hungarian-Psheks with up to 20% Neanderthal blood, and from the Little Russians they only have a highly distorted language. Like all Mudbloods, Ukrainians hate Russians and everything Russian.
      Razumovsky has the right position - to preserve an integral Ukraine, but will those who staged this bloody coup allow him to do this?

      By the way, Stalin is credited with the words “I am not Georgian - I am Russian of Georgian origin!”
  11. 0
    24 February 2014 22: 33
    Sevastopol may de facto secede from Ukraine

    Note that Sevastopol is not part of the Crimean Autonomy
  12. Platov
    24 February 2014 23: 40
    A good thing is the Internet, you sit in the kitchen with a mug of tea, like the antediluvian times, over a bottle in the kitchen with friends about politics about politics about politics and so on... until the drink runs out, and then again.
  13. +1
    25 February 2014 00: 44
    By the way, I saw it on the forum itself, but it should be. I’ve been watching Razumovsky for a long time, he’s an interesting guy. You can agree with him or disagree - but he has a position. And in Ukraine they know him. He is a colonel of the SBU... Not the army, he was dismissed in 2012. It is advisable for everyone to watch.

    February 8 recording... Everyone watch carefully 32:31 time - Razumovsky clearly answers everyone why Russia is silent and why Putin is silent. It seems to me that it couldn’t be clearer.

    See 37:25, about the army...The units from which all the officers escaped and the mothers came and are taking the soldiers home.... And you are the Army of Ukraine.....

  14. 0
    25 February 2014 05: 42
    “Outwardly, everything is simply primitive. Russia gets a headache in the form of a dying brother. Europe takes over part of the territories, and maybe the whole territory.”

    Why is Ukraine delighted with the fact that it is becoming a “lever” of pressure on Russia?
    Why did greed, vanity and envy become an integral part of the Ukrainian?
    Why are Ukrainians so zealously running away from their past?
    1. 0
      25 February 2014 08: 25
      I will answer -
      first, those who came to power always dreamed of becoming a lever of Europe, from the time when tens of thousands of Galicians joined the SS Galicia division and similar units.

      secondly, I cannot say about all Ukrainians, but what you wrote has always accompanied many of them. To a certain extent, every person has this.

      third - and they know their own, different past, in which Ukrainians are a separate ethnic group that does not belong to the Slavic world, which they consider the last descendants of the Mongol-Tatars. And that’s why they don’t run away from him... The infection of Nazism blossomed there in a riotous color, and the lion’s share of the efforts for this was made by Yanukovych personally and his entourage.
  15. 0
    25 February 2014 12: 47
    Quote: russia_vp
    And where did you get that Kremlin policy is mediocre? It’s incompetent from your hamster’s vision, and in Russia, whole institutes are engaged in analytics. Do you really consider yourself smarter than those who have been engaged in geopolitics all their lives?

    And here in Russia, if a word is in brackets, what does it mean, learn Russian, you are our geopolitician.