In the Volgograd bus a suicide bomber exploded

In the Volgograd bus a suicide bomber exploded

A terrorist act in Volgograd was allegedly committed by a suicide bomber who recently converted to Islam. This opinion was expressed in the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. It is known that the documents of this woman were found not far from the site of the explosion.

“She recently converted to Islam and was the wife of one of the leaders of the gangs,” Interfax was told in the TFR in the region.

According to the latest information, among the victims of the explosion in a bus in Volgograd there is one child. As specified by ITAR-TASS in the Center for Disaster Medicine of the region, his condition is assessed as moderate severity. A baby aged 1 year and 8 months, received a concussion.

In total, the explosion killed 5 people, 27 suffered. The condition of the 19 injured is assessed as mild and moderate in severity, eight people are in intensive care. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, the majority of victims of mine explosive injuries. Injuries caused by interior trim and glazing bus. The injured doctors are sent to 15 and 25 city hospitals in Volgograd. There were about 40 people on the bus at the time of the explosion.

Information about the explosion in the bus brought to the governor of the Volgograd region Sergey Bozhenov. An operational headquarters has been established in the region, which will be engaged in providing all the necessary assistance to the victims.

In the main department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Volgograd region there is a “hot line”, which allows you to clarify all the information about the victims and those killed during the terrorist attack. Her phone: 8-846-338-9656.

EMERCOM of Russia sends to Volgograd for evacuation for treatment in Moscow of victims of an explosion in a bus. As the ministry spokesman Irina Rossius told reporters, in the near future an IL-76 aircraft equipped with five medical modules will fly from the Moscow Ramenskoye airfield to Volgograd. The evacuation of the victims will involve a medical team of the All-Russian Center for Disaster Medicine “Protection”, doctors of the “Centrospas” Detachment of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia and the Emergency Operations Task Force and psychologists.

The terrorist attack in Volgograd was committed on October 21. The explosive device worked in the passenger bus "LIAZ" route number XXUMX about 29 hours 14 minutes, near the stop "Lesobaza". As a result of the attack, 5 people died, more than 5 were injured.

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  1. +1
    22 October 2013 04: 53
    They completely identified us as suckers, again there were documents lying around, they would later find the Koran and instructions for using IEDs on? what language? This reminds me painfully of something, again ordinary people suffered, may they enjoy the kingdom of heaven and health to those who survived. This is no longer handwriting, but simply the signature of both the customer and the performer. Again - how conveniently it coincided with the unrest in Biryulyovo, it seems that a wave of “random Muslim terror” has begun
  2. dredging
    22 October 2013 07: 49
    I’ve read a lot of heresies. It’s simple, my friends. The North Caucasus, under the influence of radicals, has long wanted to separate itself from the sermons of the muftis of the center of Russia, Tataria and Bashkiria, who preach fundamental Islam, in which other religions can coexist. This is an example of the secular states of North Africa and the Middle East. .they want their own muftis and imagine what they can put into the heads of young people in every village. This is what terrorist attacks are pursuing (either in our opinion or so). Isn’t it clear?
  3. +2
    22 October 2013 07: 50
    executions, we need public executions. so that every scum sees their fate for their deeds. for terrorism, drug trafficking, pedophilia. and don’t give a shit about the gayrops, with their human rights, their rights have already descended into the anus. This is our HOME, we need to put things in order.
  4. +3
    22 October 2013 08: 19
    The fact that explosions and terrorist attacks are an echo of whispers in Muslim mosques is indisputable.
    Other churches in Russia do not call for terrorism.
    It is also indisputable that Islam is controlled by the secret services of our sworn enemies.
    But why is there no adequate response to their lawlessness in Russia from our special services?
    Yes, because everything was bought, everything was sold, everything was built into the model of enrichment and personal gain, where there was no room left for the self-preservation of the nation, the self-preservation of Russia.
  5. Boot under the carpet
    22 October 2013 09: 14
    Intelligence services should be developed everywhere, and not just in a state called Moscow. I sympathize with all the loved ones of the dead and wounded.
  6. 3935333
    22 October 2013 10: 04
    information by the way (it was operational), because For three days now (from 18 to 21) there has been an interception on “ISU and Musa”, but I feel they are no longer there. and the guys from the FSiB TV channel missed this fool.
  7. 0
    22 October 2013 10: 24 old is the suicide bomber? - 30 years?, i.e. She was 90 years old in 7, i.e. she learned life exactly in the 90s....
    here is the answer - an echo of the era
    and in order to stop this, it is necessary, first of all, to stick the vertical of power into the brain - into the education system, so that children, learning about the world, think that Russia is a brother who helped, developed, defended, and together we have done a lot of good things and will continue to do and will continue to protect and help , and all the well-wishers - naf.ig - their interest is to quarrel between us..., and not about the fact that we are so cool, individual - and all the troubles are from our older brother, an alcoholic.
    see the root
    and eradicate that weed that sprang up in the garden in the 90s
  8. +1
    22 October 2013 10: 32
    The authorities are inactive.
    Meanwhile, overcrowded trains and planes from Central Asia and the Caucasus continue to arrive in the country's major cities every day. What do they bring us other than the Middle Ages?
    The youth there have lived for more than a decade in a war zone and, as a rule, do not know the language and do not have working skills. They are pushed out of their historical homeland by need and they assert themselves in Russia using wild, barbaric methods, huddling in flocks of outcasts with primitive communal survival instincts.
    Our snickering officials at all levels repeat that crime has no face like chewing gum and immerse us in the mantra that we need to create a new commission, a new ministry or increase funding for old outdated structures.
    The recipe is always the same: “Elimination of hotbeds of national confrontation.”
    When you should not iron, shave.
    NOTHING has been made with this recipe.
  9. Fox
    22 October 2013 11: 17
    Guest workers and terrorists cannot be mixed together.
    Some come to Russia to earn money to support their families.
    (Russia, by the way, also supplies a lot of Gasters to America and Europe).
    Others are “ideological fighters” of Russian origin.
    They themselves raised monsters.
  10. geto123
    22 October 2013 12: 46
    in general, Musin correctly says what will happen if we don’t take action
  11. geto123
    22 October 2013 12: 49

    in general, Musin correctly says what will happen if we don’t start acting
  12. +1
    22 October 2013 20: 35
    ...They were both on the federal wanted list. The "Black Widow" was known as an active recruiter of Wahhabist supporters. She met Dmitry Sokolov in Moscow, after which they left for Dagestan together. It is possible that it was Sokolov who prepared the suicide belt for Naida Asiyalova...

    Why can such “widows” calmly walk around and recruit?