China sent ships of the PLA Navy to the shores of Syria

Despite the fact that the political decision to send ships apparently was taken a long time ago, it is only now becoming known about it from unofficial sources. So the Chinese military blog, which specializes in articles on military equipment of the United States, Russia and China, reported that several Chinese ships are already approaching the shores of Syria, citing their sources in the PLA.

China sent ships of the PLA Navy to the shores of Syria

At the same time, the authors openly admit that the ships will not participate in any way in a potential conflict, but only observe the actions of NATO and Russian ships.

What kind of ships were sent to the shores of Syria is unknown. Meanwhile, on the social network Vkontakte, with reference to a confidential source, information appeared that the Chinese ship of the Jinggangshan project was seen while passing the Red Sea towards the Suez Canal.

“2 hours ago, this pepelats passed us in the direction of the Suez Canal. The board number is 999. The speed of 14 nodes, judging therefore, has specific instructions to be at a certain point. We are now in the Red Sea somewhere in the center, ”the author wrote.

According to the boarding number, it was later possible to find out that this is the Chinese universal landing ship-dock Jinggangshan, which can carry an air-cushion landing craft on board, or other large cargoes.

Recall that according to a number of sources in Syria, there may be Chinese counterparts of the C-300 systems. Meanwhile, no one has officially confirmed this information, and the Chinese landing ships were not seen in the ports of Syria.
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  1. 0
    5 September 2013 22: 31
    [center]Come on RUSSIA, help. Come on RUSSIA, kill more amers. Come on RUSSIA, win. Come on RUSSIA, don't let us down. Come on RUSSIA, show your enemies your strength. Come on RUSSIA, don’t let your allies down. And one beautiful day. Flag RUSSIAN tricolor. Will rise above the white house.
    What strength? I don’t understand the euphoria of some comrades. Well, ours are stuck in the middle of nowhere, so what? They will watch and record missile launches. I don't think things will go any further. The Great and Terrible One clearly said that we will not get involved in the conflict. And how can a person of his level afford to behave differently? I read in the vast expanses that Russia’s stabilization fund is kept in America. The honestly stale cabbage of the Great and Terrible Band is also in various offshores and again in America. The daughters live - one in Germany, one in Holland. What do you think, gentlemen - this gentleman in this situation - who is on the hook? So he shouted as a warning, instilled fear - well, so as not to look pale - and was blown away. Although in reality a lot of things can be done. But Mr. “She Drowned” is not ready to exchange his well-being for some Syrian people, just think about it!!!! - not a member of the CSTO. Moreover, wait, if the UN recognizes the chemical attack as the work of Assad, then we and the Amers will stand up to arms! Otherwise, the UN won’t lie too much! The UN is so independent!
    When there was the Caribbean crisis - (I wasn’t there yet, and I, like most people, get information about this from the online newspaper space) - Khrushchev quietly smuggled missiles into Cuba right next to the Americans. And they itched. I think they realized that even if one of them reaches Washington, it will be bad for all of them. And they changed their minds about stirring up this very crisis. We came to an agreement and quietly parted ways. The war didn’t work out, and of course they couldn’t buy or sell Khrushchev. It was immediately clear that, although he was not very perspicacious as the leader of the country, he was honest and did not sell out to anyone. Although they say that the missiles were weak in power and did not pose a real threat. But the meshniks got involved. We could help the Syrians fight against these scoundrels. To these persistent and courageous people, who remind me of ourselves, alone fighting a horde of jackals in 41. But unfortunately there are too many traitors in our country this time. But it was impossible to throw them away. There are so many people speaking Russian. This is our brotherly country. Like Yugoslavia. From which we quietly ran away...
      5 September 2013 22: 42
      Here I gave free rein to my imagination. Otherwise, I agree the situation is not the best.
  2. +1
    5 September 2013 23: 34
    US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a briefing today that at least 10 countries have expressed their readiness to take part in US military operations in Syria. It is known that the American military operation was publicly supported by Australia, Albania, Canada, Denmark, France, Poland, Romania, Turkey, as well as Kosovo, Interfax reports.

    “Among the EU countries, Denmark, Croatia, Romania, Greece, Latvia and Cyprus clearly support a military operation against Syria without a UN mandate,” a European diplomatic source in Brussels previously said. >

    Here it is - a list of sixes. All those whom I expected to see in him. But still someone is missing. Probably for the first time there are no small Britons on this list, although they are still assholes. Where are Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova? Have you really started to have your own opinion? The rest who have not yet joined the “peacekeepers” will be put under pressure at the meeting of EU countries in Vilnius on September 6-7. Cyprus t v a r i! We lend them money, but they turn their backs on us! am
  3. +1
    6 September 2013 00: 34
    I don’t believe that the opinion of the UN Security Council suddenly became very important to other countries that had previously always approved of any US adventures. This is either a failure of US diplomacy, or everything will be much more serious than everything that has happened over the past 20 years.
    1. Icestar777
      6 September 2013 01: 40
      Agree. The bottom of this whole undertaking is clearly not double or even triple. There's something wrong. I’m looking forward to the outcome more than ever and I’m afraid at the same time. Intuition really screams.
  4. +2
    6 September 2013 00: 40
    I wouldn't count on the Chinese. What's going on? Melt. doc. For what? In order to load it with fragments of advanced weapons after the mess for further copying. Probably so.
    Although for Americans they will be an extra hemorrhoid at hand.
  5. +1
    6 September 2013 00: 46
    At least 10 countries have expressed their readiness to take part in US military operations in Syria, US State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a briefing on Thursday.

    Answering a question about which countries publicly supported a possible US military operation in Syria, Psaki mentioned Australia, Albania, Canada, Denmark, France, Poland, Romania, Turkey, and Kosovo.
    ha ha assholes!!! where is the Ivory Coast?
  6. -1
    6 September 2013 01: 21
    no one will interfere with America. No matter what kind of ships go to Syria, they will just stand there. And if there is help, it will be small, remote. Because because of some kind of Syria, no one will give in to such a bison as America.
    One thing I can’t understand is the interest that Qatar and Saudi Arabia have. Syria doesn’t seem to bother them. Saudi Arabia, by the way, I really feel like they are sponsoring terrorists all over the world.
  7. Icestar777
    6 September 2013 01: 33
    Quote: Sergey_K
    When will people in Russia begin to value their own people!

    As soon as “our own people” learn to value themselves.
  8. +2
    6 September 2013 03: 45
    Quote: AndreyAB
    The news is positive, but it seems to me that this probably won’t stop Obama and other Makeins, because they have convinced themselves and the Congress that they can kill with complete impunity, and here the air defense factor should come into full force, both of Syria and the Russian Navy and the Chinese, otherwise all the worst forecasts will come true, the situation becomes worse than the Caribbean crisis. And the pocket PG Moon with the pocket UN is still only threatening the finger, and the states are “terrified”

    This story is on topic here:
    After NATO’s aggression on Serbia 1999, one American general visited the military museum in Belgrade.

    General went to one of the museum’s coats, a young retired Serbian officer, and asked a question:
    "Well, was it difficult to fight with the biggest and most powerful force in the world?"

    The officer replied:
    "I don’t know, we never fought against the Russians."
  9. romik67
    6 September 2013 09: 44
    Our fleet will help support the defense of Syria, because it is not profitable for Russia to lose partners like Syria.
  10. 0
    6 September 2013 10: 58
    China rarely takes real action.
    This step, in conjunction with our efforts, will be a huge argument in the Syrian dispute.
    If it’s true, and the neighbors have put forward their fleet, Syria’s prospects are growing.
    Thanks to the People's Republic of China.
  11. Politician
    6 September 2013 14: 58
    Thank you all for your kind words. My father really did a lot, creating the nuclear shield of our homeland. Well, as for Burdenko, my father was hospitalized there many times, the hospital is not very different in equipment from all other hospitals, except for the professional attitude of the staff and doctors towards patients. Treatment of the Syrian military, if there are any there, is an important matter, and Russia must help its friends in all possible ways. Putin is great! He is seriously fighting for Syria. Somehow it seems to me that things will not work out there without a major mess!
  12. D_L
    7 September 2013 14: 54
    What was to be expected from China. The Chinese army and navy are developing at a very rapid pace and they simply have to “keep their finger on the pulse.”
  13. 0
    7 September 2013 20: 20
    If not to help Syria, then why? If only to show that it is becoming a major naval power.
  14. Peaceful military
    8 September 2013 16: 46
    The appearance of the PRC ship is impressive, ours look older, or even more primitive.
    It's a shame! sad
  15. 0
    8 September 2013 21: 10
    At the same time, the authors openly admit that the ships will not participate in any way in a potential conflict, but only observe the actions of NATO and Russian ships.

    Yes, yes, only and only “observe”, for example, as our military adviser in China from H.F. “observed” and spoke only Chinese (not!). "Officers"
  16. 0
    9 September 2013 15: 45
    Doesn't Senator McCain remember his past? It’s a pity that he was released then, apparently captivity did not do him any good