Russian television 9 May 2013 of the year disgraced Russia


I am ashamed of those who lead Russia. I am ashamed of those who run Russian television. And it hurts me so much for the heroes who defeated fascism.

So, 9 May, during a minute of silence, a phrase about the victorious heroes was heard on all the main Russian TV channels:


Probably, the authors of this text are very close relatives of the notorious de-Stalinizer Mikhail Fedotov, who for some reason misunderstanding, still holds the post of chairman of the Human Rights Council.

For even the underdeveloped idiot knows that now in Russia there are as many in prisons as they were under Stalin. And in the US even more.

But most importantly, because of this phrase, you can only draw three conclusions:

During the war, each soldier, officer and general someone sat. In total, about 37 million people passed through the Red Army. Therefore, sat the same. But this is a blatant lie.

Fascism was won not by free people and heroes, but by relatives of prisoners, for whom the fear of entering the camp was stronger than the fear of death. But this is a blatant lie.

Only those from whom someone was sitting fought well. But this is a blatant lie.

It turns out that there was no Victory ... But not heroes fought against fascism, but slaves, for whom the fear of entering the Stalinist camps was worse than the fear of death.

Disgusting. Disgusting. Disgusting.

I really want this article to be considered an official appeal to the UK and the Prosecutor General's Office.

And with great pleasure I will drink front 100 grams, when someone is removed from work and convicted of the betrayal of the heroes of his people.
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  1. loisop
    12 May 2013 13: 47
    Quote: bezumnyiPIT
    my great-grandfather was imprisoned because he told his collective farm that you can earn money at the railway station, and that they give out food rations there

    as a result, the whole village flocked to the piece of iron for rations. Instead of sowing (or harvesting). At the station it turned out that there was nothing of the kind. Angry from such violence (and at the same time from the fact of the impending punishment for absenteeism), fellow villagers came to hit the joker’s great-grandfather’s face, and he began, jokingly of course, to shoot at them with a gun. For which he received a sentence.

    Was it not by chance that they were innocently repressed? But as? Have you read the case materials?
  2. loisop
    12 May 2013 14: 18
    Quote: zart_arn
    another Asian once again did not put hundreds of thousands of Russians in the name of a great idea

    Oops, this is news!
    [carefully examined the portrait of A.A. Schicklgruber aka Hitler]
    nothing! You're all lying! Asians have characteristic cheekbones and eye shape. I declare with authority: Hitler is NOT Asian!
  3. vicvs39
    12 May 2013 15: 23
    The text was written by pro-American “liberals” who either do not know history or deliberately distort it. Buchenwald and Dachau liberated American troops. Apparently their relatives went through some kind of camps???
  4. 0
    13 May 2013 12: 00
    According to official statistics, about 14 million passed through the camps. Whether this is good or bad is difficult to judge now. There were also innocent people whom “kind and vigilant” neighbors knocked on in order to move into the room... The fault is with the system that Stalin and Beria could not (or did not have time) to debug so that it worked not according to plan, but as expected. Well, a considerable share of the blame for innocently convicted people hangs on banal self-interested people, everyday informers and careerists... IMHO, of course
  5. +1
    13 May 2013 18: 37
    It’s disgusting to make a cocktail of the sacred and the provocative and shameful.
    It's like singing a punk prayer in church...

    Sure. what was done "from the heart".
    Only the souls of authors, editors, directors... have been crippled by twenty years of the apocalypse.

    One thing calms us down, the Heroes no longer see this.
    And all this is a punishment for us for not standing up for the USSR and the CPSU in time.
  6. +1
    13 May 2013 20: 28
    Somewhere I have a link regarding the repressed: according to a letter to Khrushchev dated 01.02.1954/1918/1954. in the period from 3 to 36, more than 660 million were convicted of counter-revolutionary activities (over XNUMX years), of which XNUMX thousand people were shot (the numbers are not small, but not tens of millions as they sell us)
    The Great Patriotic War was won by the Soviet people, and not by a bunch of dissidents.
  7. 0
    14 May 2013 11: 03
    Whether the reservation was said intentionally, it’s not for me to judge.
    We just need to pay tribute to those who were involved in the Great Victory.
  8. 0
    15 May 2013 07: 31
    I really want this article to be considered an official appeal to the UK and the Prosecutor General's Office.

    Hmm...what’s stopping you from actually writing a statement to the Prosecutor General’s Office???
    Otherwise, it’s easy to write everything on the forums.