The failure of youth policy and the lack of a vision for the future

The failure of youth policy and the lack of a vision for the future

Imitation instead of idea and real deeds

What does the situation with the youth subculture of "anime people" and the so-called. PMC Redan?

Firstly, young people, despite all the problems, are active and passionate. However, she is restless, she has nowhere to put her energy. The entire youth policy in the Russian Federation has failed.

Moscow City Duma deputy from United Russia Andrey Medvedev recognized:

“... they are not interested in the dusty Komsomol in a new wrapper, they are not interested in imitations of activity, they are not interested in concerts with Gazmanov, they do not find Yunarmiya attractive. They want a live, real case where they can feel that they are almost adults and that they are useful.

The state can offer them nothing but lifeless formal organizations. There were already quite a few of them, all kinds of “Walking Together”, “Ours” and others.

Why is Japanese anime, elements of the culture of Japan, Korea or China more attractive than the official youth movements of the Russian Federation or Ukraine? The answer is simple. That was all. In the late USSR, when the state pioneers and the Komsomol degenerated, they became lifeless, unattractive. The leaders of these organizations themselves did not believe what they were saying from the stands. And the youth organizations created in the Russian Federation are just a copy of the late Soviet organizations. And young people prefer bright, lively.

Therefore, in the late USSR, subcultures of the Western type arose - punks, rockers. The youth went to semi-underground sections of oriental karate. All this was tried to be banned, but to no avail.

Secondly, this situation shows that the current government is unteachable. These people can only imitate, but also prohibit. Hold on and don't let go!

So the head of the Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina, believes that the entire anime subculture is destructive in general.

“It’s time to stop turning a blind eye to this. It is enough to ask who the "spiders" are, after whom the "Redanovites" named themselves, so as not to be under illusions. Not the best role model. A significant part of anime people, despite the stereotypes about the attractiveness of this subculture, professes violence and is ready to use it,”

- notes she is.

Russian style

Like, ban everything, change foreign words to Russian, and everything will be fine. However, the problem is that in the Russian Federation there is no idea, no own. Only remnants of Russian and Soviet culture. A holy place is never empty. The void was filled by a Western surrogate for culture—pop culture, mostly American. Elements of oriental culture also came.

In general, in the Russian Federation over the past 30 years, in the field of culture, youth policy, they either slept or mastered money and imitated. After all, children and youth are our future. What did you get? The fact that children and teenagers in kindergartens and schools know perfectly well who Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man and the heroes of the Marvel universe are. They know the current idols of the scene, imitate them. Although usually they are degenerates, alcoholics, drug addicts, debauchees and perverts.

But they don't know who Svyatogor, Sadko or Vasilisa Mikulishna is. Heard from Hollywood films about Thor, but do not know Russian gods. They don't know Russian stories. For them, the names of Lenin, Stalin or Suvorov are an empty phrase.

According to polls, half of the youth wants to go to the West as soon as they can. After all, the West gives them the image of freedom, the American dream. There are also projects aimed at the future, and not a project of a universal “pipe”, as in the Russian Federation. Even in the Arab monarchies, cities of the future are being built. There is a focus on the future, new technologies. And in the Russian Federation there is a dead void. Only money is the golden calf.

Therefore, when the special operation began, thousands of young people simply ran away from Russia. And the run continues. These are the consequences of the youth, cultural policy, which actually did not exist. There was only imitation and cutting.

It is obvious that part of the youth in this situation will leave for China or Japan. Since she does not see any future in the Russian Federation. In fact, it will be the end of our civilization. Because youth is the future.

No restrictions will solve this problem. As well as the creation of new formal organizations. In the information age, this is meaningless. This did not work out even in the late USSR. Children quickly perceive falsehood and lies. You tell them about Gagarin and the Crimean bridge, and you have children abroad, property in the UAE. Therefore, the treasury is doomed.

To kill the images of the West and the East, you need to create your own. Attractive, captivating and captivating. Lively and energetic. Learn from the USSR of the 1930s.

What did they take in the Stalinist USSR? There was an idea - a big, common cause! We were building a society of the future, a society of knowledge, service and creation. Just society. The cult of knowledge and creativity. Focus on the future. Gliders, airplanes, motorcycles, exciting competitions. The depths of the ocean and space. All this was consolidated by the real achievements of the national economy, science and technology.
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  1. +1
    6 March 2023 05: 37
    Quote: Bolt Cutter
    In our country, damn it, the basement in your house cannot be dug deeper than it is written in the laws
    In England, too, so that the gnomes-diggers, greedy for square meters, do not bring down the house due to lack of engineering knowledge.

    You can also ban the sale of knives, in case they cut themselves, there’s no need to talk about grinders and circular saws, we urgently need to introduce certification of their users for money, of course)))
    I propose to ban everything!!!
    And then allow everything, but for money, it will be more honest.
  2. The comment was deleted.
  3. +1
    6 March 2023 06: 18
    Quote: ZeeD
    Have you heard about Thor from Hollywood films, but don’t know the Russian gods?

    What? Forward to paganism?

    Obviously, in this situation, some young people will leave for China or Japan.

    Strongly doubt.
    Complex language, completely different culture. A closed society (in Japan) that is not easy to fit into.

    What does the situation with the youth subculture of "anime people" and the so-called. PMC Redan?

    That teenagers have a new group. Which were always enough. But they made a big deal out of this. But it’s unfortunate for the competent authorities that they didn’t track and stop it!

    Why stop? Because it's not allowed? Is everything based on the principle of keeping and not letting go?
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +1
    6 March 2023 08: 30
    Quote: evgen1221
    Do not worry, this layer successfully replaces Japanese and Chinese anime. Whoever wants dirt finds it, and many watch romance and comedy.

    Why do you call anime dirt, have you watched a lot of anime?
  6. +2
    6 March 2023 09: 32
    And in the Russian Federation there is a dead void. Only money is the golden calf.

    Money is again only for a select few, but for the vast majority of the population there are only prospects for a semi-impoverished, hopeless existence....

    So, the part of the population that voted for United Russia and GDP without exception on the principle “as long as the pension is paid on time” is sharply declining “thanks to” COVID and the “best” medicine, the new electorate, including young people, have long been disillusioned with this bureaucratic-oligarchic octopus, straddling the export pipe and trying to create the appearance of prosperity in the country.
    1. -1
      6 March 2023 10: 09
      Minus "mine". As a person who spent a month and a half dealing with COVID, I ask you to keep your sarcasm regarding our medicine to yourself. She may not be the best, but she is one of the best. hi
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. +1
    6 March 2023 10: 35
    Quote: Ivan Ivanych Ivanov
    It started in the late 90s. Then smiling methodologists “from Sores” appeared in educational organizations with the key requirement “to create a situation of success for the child” no matter what the cost. Then school psychologists appeared who explained that if a child does not succeed in something, then it is not the child’s fault and last place in competitions is also good, the main thing is to get a diploma of “participation”. But a child should not achieve success through work and sweat, but should try himself in something else, because somewhere he will be lucky to finally achieve success. But you can’t give bad grades because it lowers the child’s self-esteem.
    All this is intertwined with films where any jaded loser must wait until he is bitten by a spider or hit by a meteorite - and here you are - without work or worries - the idol of millions - SPEEEERMAN.
    As a result, we get generations where the majority have excessively high self-esteem, a complete lack of desire to work (no, well, for the sake of a situation of success, they are ready to “work” even for an hour if it is simple and easy) and the expectation of a “spider bite”.
    This completely suits the majority - as an example, Sberbank entered into a contract not with some winner of the World School Olympiad - but with an incomprehensible creature named Danya Milokhin. And what other ideals can these generations of “snowflakes” embrace?

    In fact, the methodologists are right; all people achieve different things differently. It’s impossible to be lazy and do different things, although sometimes they have a fine line. Not every good engineer can become, say, a good writer, just like vice versa. Some people are bad at foreign languages, others at physics. And even though I personally don’t like him, I have to give him credit, at least he’s not stupid, that’s how the world is set up today: the ability to make money, the ability to read Schiller without a dictionary, if it doesn’t bring money, is not in fashion these days, whether that’s good or bad is another question, but as it is that's it.
    1. +2
      6 March 2023 12: 06
      The methodologists are right (but they are from Soros) and the devil, as always, is in the details - the “situation of success” has become an end in itself, and not the result of the path to success. Just as any homeless person in the United States considers himself a potential millionaire, who is only prevented by some little thing from achieving success, most children now believe that victory anywhere is the result of luck, not hard work. Therefore, they are almost never ready to work seriously anywhere - neither on themselves nor on anything. Majority.
  9. 0
    6 March 2023 12: 01
    -Any state, regardless of system, will strive to educate young people within strictly defined frameworks... Within these frameworks, everyone must be like everyone else... otherwise it is impossible to create a monolith of the state system.
    - Now think about it - which of the young people wants to be “like everyone else”?
    - This and that... A couple of officially permitted currents, and that’s it! The rest are, at best, ignored, at worst, persecuted...
  10. +4
    6 March 2023 15: 00
    What's the idea? What are you talking about? The main idea in Russia is that you were cheated twice. It is crystal clear to any person that in the Russian Federation there is no opportunity to make a quick leap from rags to riches. And when yesterday’s student realizes that upon leaving school/university he is “nobody” and cannot afford anything, this causes conflict and flight. Seriously, what kind of strategy can we talk about if you need to buy your own home and buy a car? A young family in Germany can simply take out an interest-free loan from the municipality to purchase a home. I want to live now, not later. And yes, everyone understands that it will be difficult in a foreign land, but there is a light there and there is hope. In the Russian Federation there is little hope since 2008, every year it has become a little worse, since 2014 it has gotten stronger, you can see the trend for yourself.
    1. 0
      6 March 2023 17: 22
      Quote: ۩NRed۩
      The main idea in Russia is that you were cheated twice.

      I don’t think all of Russia, but Russians. That they were abandoned and raped by all and sundry in all ages and under all authorities. In my opinion, this is already a brain disease.
  11. +1
    6 March 2023 20: 20
    All the talk about how to establish youth policy in the Russian Federation is akin to discussing how to force a cat to eat mustard. But the cat just doesn’t want to eat mustard. What is the state trying to impose on young people? “Traditional values”, quotes from some fascist a hundred years ago, official religion, widespread bans and censorship. When, in what country was this interesting for young people? Well, you can’t format 15-25 year old boys and girls to suit the tastes of 70 year old grandparents. It just doesn't happen that way.
  12. 0
    7 March 2023 07: 09
    Quote from stelltok
    I'm trying to understand why we don't have Russian anime that can captivate young guys and girls.

    Instead of anime, it would be better to do circles on aeromodelling, or robotics.

    One does not interfere with the other; by the way, there are enough circles in more or less large settlements, but they are not free.
  13. +3
    7 March 2023 18: 08
    From a cultural point of view, anime is made of better quality than all this jingoistic husk that they are trying to feed us all. When you go out into the street and see the devastation and dirt, then all these propaganda songs about greatness crumble into dust, there is no greatness except total lies and theft. The Russian government is unable to give anything other than poverty, degradation and slow death, because in fact this is all it does, which multiplies the devastation around itself - this is why all these thieves were brought to power in 91.

    The USSR was a great country with achievements, but what achievements do modern Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan or Latvia have? Palaces and yachts of the local elite? All post-Soviet countries are in fact a real “scoop” in which there is no future.
  14. 0
    11 March 2023 11: 18
    what did you expect if Kiriyenko is there?? a unique phenomenon: I received an indulgence for default and, supposedly, young people are spud
  15. 0
    13 March 2023 17: 18
    Having read all the comments, I happily note that we have smart, fair and observant readers and forum participants and that no one except the author of the article blames the teacher. Everyone basically understands that the current situation is determined by political realities. The next logical step is to come to the conclusion that political realities need to change. The next step is the understanding that this change must be carried out by us ourselves - the chosen and devoted citizens of the divided Soviet people. That is, the need for Soviet restoration.

    Every revolution has its own Thermidor, well, if Putin calls 1991 a revolution, then let them call the restoration of the USSR Thermidor.

    А consciousness, as is known, is determined by being. And if, on average, in the Soviet Union there were more decent, creative and selfless teachers, and fewer arrogant, lazy and corrupt ones, then this is primarily explained by existence - by the political and socio-economic realities in which they live and work. AND changing these realities must be carried out by people who have such an opportunity and desire, namely intelligence, honor, conscience, dignity, organization and, of course, weapons, that is, the army.

    Therefore, in order to correct the situation, including in the field of education and upbringing, it is necessary now to take concrete steps to restore the USSR and to confiscate stolen Soviet property.

    And attempts to denigrate and blame our teachers are attempts to shift responsibility from a sore head to a healthy one. At the same time, this state of the teaching corps is also a wake-up call in the sense that the country’s population and its qualities are a product of interaction with society, including, to the greatest extent, with such parts of society as the family and school. And therefore, the worse the teachers, the worse the country’s population in the near future. Therefore, if teachers are already as bad as the author of this article writes, then all the more hope should be placed on us, and not on waiting for the next generation.