Latvia - Russia: military scandal of the year

From the Editor: It is difficult to say how truthful is the information posted last night on several Internet resources. It may be the usual newspaper "duck", and the purest truth. In any case, it warms the soul of everyone who is familiar with the concepts of "fascism", "patriotism", "Motherland" ...

“The ambassador of the Russian Federation in Latvia was handed a note of protest in connection with the bold antics of the Russian special forces. The military incident that threatens to turn into the most ambitious international scandal for all the latest history our countries, happened tonight.

The reconnaissance and sabotage company of the 76 Guards Airborne Assault Division, stationed in the village of Cherekha, Pskov Region, made a foray into the territory of the Republic of Latvia, during which Russian special forces destroyed the monument to the Waffen SS punitive battalion in the town of Bauska.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has already refuted information that has appeared in a number of foreign media that the order for this attack was given personally by the commander of the Airborne Forces, Colonel-General Vladimir Shamanov. Reportedly, the responsibility for the special operation was assumed by the reconnaissance company commander, guard captain Nikolai Aryukov.

According to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense, the military unit worked out the conduct of autonomous combat operations in the rear of the enemy in the border area. It is reported that for this reason the radio silence mode was activated and there was no communication with the exercise headquarters. The company commander, having abused alcoholic beverages, arbitrarily gave the order to cross the border. As you know, in the army orders are not discussed, but executed. This order has also been executed. Having made a forced march, the Russian paratroopers dismantled the monument to the SS men with the help of a tackle tool and such-and-such mother. Looking ahead, we'd better say that they would do it in complete silence, but, apparently, the wine pair still made themselves felt.

It is noteworthy that it was never possible to detect eyewitnesses to the events of the Latvian police, as the Russian reconnaissance and sabotage group worked so jewelery. It is also still unclear how and where exactly the state border was crossed.

Most likely, the local anti-fascists would be blamed for the destruction of the monument if it were not for recording outdoor surveillance cameras, on which the equipment and weapons of those whom the Latvian side has already called “vandals” are clearly visible. Worst of all, the microphones built into the cameras allowed the police to listen to what they thought of the Latvian authorities, who set up monuments for the SS riders, Russian desantaurers.

Further identification has become a matter of time - after all, rarely in the center of Latvian cities is hosted by a group of two dozen servicemen armed with machine guns in Russian uniform, dismantling a monument.
The command of the exercise refrained from commenting for several hours, but after the Latvian side provided photos of spy satellites that were transmitted to it by the allies on the NATO bloc, they were forced to admit that the Russian Federation military had violated the state border.

It is known that at present the guard captain Aryukov is in the garrison guardhouse and investigators from the military prosecutor’s office and the Federal Security Service are working with him. A barracks situation was introduced in the garrison itself and it would be impossible to interview colleagues of the distinguished officer of the Airborne Forces in the near future.

A monument to the Latvian punishers from the 23, 319 and 322 battalions of the Waffen SS was installed on September 14 in the center of the Latvian city of Bauska. The inscription on the monument says that it was set up in honor of the city’s defenders against the second occupation by the Soviet Union, and that Latvia should be a Latvian state.
However, if the former thesis had been read by the former German masters of the Latvian legionnaires, they would have been surprised a lot - Germany and had no plans to give Latvia to Latvians.

The mayor of Bauska Valdis Vape, during an interview with Baltkom radio station, said that the idea of ​​installing the monument belonged to the former Latvian fighter "Waffen SS", defender of the city from Soviet troops Imants Zeltins. According to the mayor, the monument of the SS will be restored at the expense of the city treasury in the near future. ”
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  1. Alex 241
    26 September 2012 17: 45
    Of course they live there. They have friends there at the local police department, they deny everything, but I think if anything had happened by word of mouth it would have spread anyway.
    1. +1
      26 September 2012 18: 04
      Quote: Alex 241
      Of course they live there.

      What a song they ruined!

      1. Alex 241
        26 September 2012 18: 06
        Eh, don’t say it!!!!!!!!!!! Damn!!!!!!!
  2. 0
    27 September 2012 00: 39
    If it’s true, then I’m proud of the men, but it’s a pity that they were exposed. Now they'll drag you down the tracks!!! good
  3. AAA
    27 September 2012 05: 17
    If this is a duck, then you need to bring it to life.
  4. 0
    27 September 2012 17: 32
    This is 100% a joke, but with 100% hint. Ours can do anything!!!
  5. botur2013
    28 September 2012 10: 20
    Bravo!!!! Nonsense of course. But maybe the Latvians will think about it.
  6. Paskal
    28 September 2012 16: 03
    This, of course, does not fit into any framework, but there is such a thing as Russophobia. This has been rumbled by these satellites, and the litter of the West, why the hell kiss the SS in the ass, and then you will get change. The inaction of authorities at various levels towards the Baltic states is the result
  7. to4kavserdce
    28 September 2012 17: 14
    If true!! Those are handsome!!! FOR THE AIRBORNE FORCES hi
  8. 0
    28 September 2012 20: 17
    The International Court of Justice has recognized the SS as an organization that has committed war crimes (war crimes have no statute of limitations). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation does not comply with the decisions of the international court - If they had filed a case with the international court on the fact of: appearing in the SS uniform, paying benefits, holding memorable days, installing monuments to the SS, etc. Perhaps the Airborne Forces would not have to restore legality in foreign countries. state.
    1. 0
      28 September 2012 20: 32
      Quote: d.gksueyjd
      The Russian Foreign Ministry does not comply with the decisions of the international court

      Cool, but the fact that Latvia is a member of everything that is possible in Europe is nothing, and our Foreign Ministry is to blame?
  9. 0
    28 September 2012 20: 38
    Quote: Cynic
    , and is our Foreign Ministry to blame?
    The inaction of the law gives rise to crime!
    1. 0
      28 September 2012 21: 04
      Quote: d.gksueyjd
      The inaction of the law gives rise to crime!

      Mmm ?
      Who is stopping you from doing this personally?
      It's about
      Quote: d.gksueyjd
      If they filed a case in an international court based on the fact:
  10. 0
    29 September 2012 11: 07
    Beautiful landing party!!! our grandfathers - the winners of the Second World War. descendants,

    admin why do I have the stars and stripes Mr. put the blue sky and the heavenly body
  11. 0
    29 September 2012 13: 49
    Duck of course.
    But the kind that evokes positive emotions. smile
  12. 0
    29 September 2012 21: 39
    Ha-ha! laughing Well done guys, you did the right thing! good Monuments to SS soldiers just need to be demolished! I can imagine how angry our leadership was, but it serves them right! bully Only I feel sorry for Aryukov, he should be given a reward for this.
  13. karimbaev
    30 September 2012 14: 51
    glory to the Airborne Forces!!!!!!!!!!! nobody except us.
  14. I-16M
    30 September 2012 15: 19
    If this is true, Aryukov and his guys are HEROES. How many more fascists will we tolerate?
  15. pavlo007
    30 September 2012 19: 05
    Damn, it’s so nice that there were real officers and ordinary paratroopers left who didn’t start talking bullshit about the “criminal” order. I would really like everything to remain without negative consequences for the guys and their commander!
  16. 0
    30 September 2012 23: 17
    It's good if it's true. If not, that’s also good: “we were born to make a fairy tale come true!”
  17. 0
    1 October 2012 10: 49
    Glory to Russia! Good health to MAJOR Artyukov
  18. 0
    1 October 2012 18: 41
    At the “funeral celebrations” in Lestaing, those who at the end of World War II voluntarily fought in the uniforms of the fascist SS as part of a three-hundred-thousand-strong German group were honored. The Nazi command began forming Latvian volunteer units from the beginning of 1943. 150 thousand Latvians stood under the banners with the swastika, forming 3 divisions (12 full-strength SS regiments: 1 armored, 1 self-propelled gun regiment, 2 motorized, 2 artillery and 6 grenadier). All newly minted legionnaires swore on the banner of their unit and on the blade of the SS dagger “to unquestioningly carry out all orders of the Fuhrer, the Reichsfuhrer SS and the commanders appointed by them.” 50 thousand of them were killed in battle. Most of the Latvian SS men - 14 thousand - died in the famous "Courland Cauldron".