WADA introduces new sanctions against Russian sports


Urgent messages come about the decision of the World Anti-Doping Association on new sanctions against Russian sports. The reports said that WADA functionaries, "having discussed the application of the college of athletes", decided to remove Russia from hosting the World Championships, the Olympics and from submitting applications for their holding for a period of 4 years.

It is further noted that the WADA commission decided to ban Russian officials (including representatives of the Russian Olympic Committee) from attending international sports tournaments for the same period.

Moreover, WADA Vice President Linda Helleland literally stated the following:

In my opinion, all Russian sport deserves the most severe sanctions from the World Anti-Doping Association.

It is noteworthy that earlier WADA itself completely restored the rights of RusADA - the Russian Anti-Doping Association. And now, without actually offering any explanation for its decision to ban the Russian Federation from accepting world championships and submit applications for their holding, it broadcasts a statement from the same Helleland, which says:

The decision to restore RusADA in rights was a mistake.

The WADA claims that some manipulations were allegedly detected in reflecting the results of doping tests. And again we are talking about the time when Mr. Rodchenkov worked at RusADA.

It turns out that Russia is going to be punished again for violations, if there were such violations at all. This is an amazingly absurd precedent in international jurisprudence, not to mention sport.
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  4. +1
    10 December 2019 09: 16
    "There are specific culprits in this story. People who wanted to curry favor where no one asked them to. They easily sacrificed the fate of athletes, and now the sporting prospects of the whole country. It seems to me that it is time for us to bring them out of the gloom, punish them throughout the severity of the law and at the same time begin the restructuring of all Russian sports. "
    Fair words from the general producer of the federal sports channel Match TV. Not supposedly Russophobia, etc. It’s necessary to blame, but first of all to sort it out.
  5. 0
    11 December 2019 13: 00
    Everything is very simple here - when “gentlemen” cannot win in a fair fight, they urgently change the rules of the game
    1. -3
      11 December 2019 17: 58
      Four-time Olympic champion in biathlon Alexander Tikhonov commented on WADA’s decision to ban Russia from international tournaments for 4 years.

      Today, the WADA Executive Committee agreed with the compliance committee, which recommended depriving RUSADA of its status, as well as banning Russian athletes from competing under their flag, and the country from hosting major international competitions. The reason was manipulation of the database of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory.

      “We have a ton of athletes who sit in the State Duma, more than twenty Olympic champions! Could they change the doping law? They accepted, that's all! The severity of the law speaks of his love of law.

      What we deserved is what we got. I said right away that I am on the side of WADA,” Tikhonov said.
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  7. -1
    11 December 2019 18: 20
    Our officials made only three mistakes:
    1) continued to work with the database after Rodchenkov’s escape, although they should have immediately stopped using it and turned off the server.
    2) They did not immediately attract IT security specialists from the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs to analyze the database
    3) it follows from the first that it was necessary to recognize the database as compromised and refuse to consider it as evidence