Return to the USSR. Is there no turning back?


Ah, how I want to return ...

Previously, as we all know well, the water was wetter, the grass greener, and the sky higher. What can we say about power - it is clear that at the time of our youth it was white, fluffy and smelled exclusively of roses. Although, of course, I turned up with roses: we have only one person chained to a paddle in a galley, and then everyone was chained to him, rowing with all his might so that our socialist galley could overtake the damned capitalist ship. And that power smelled, of course, with rude masculine sweat, not roses.

Doubt it? But a very significant number of modern Russians do not doubt it at all. According to the results of a survey conducted by the Levada Center, Russians relate to the Soviet regime during the 70-s – 80-s years better than to the modern Russian one. Our fellow citizens associate modern Russian power with crime and corruption; it seems to people distant, alien and bureaucratic.

But the Soviet power of the Brezhnev period, on the contrary, was remembered by us as being close to the people (as many as 29% of respondents think so), strong (29%) and fair (22%). Which, you see, causes some bewilderment among those who remember that era at least a little. But you can be perplexed as much as you like, and the fact that the number of Russians nostalgic for the USSR is really very large cannot be refuted.

Just in case, let's clarify: alas, dear Russians are absolutely right about the modern Russian authorities. She is really associated with both crime and bureaucracy. She, as never before, was estranged from the people, fenced off from it by fences, personal protection, secretaries and assistants. So, such sensations did not arise in people from scratch, and blaming some external forces and enemy propaganda for this is useless: deserved and attitude.

But it’s still strange that people, many of whom still remember the late USSR, are trying to somehow idealize that state system and that power. Did she really deserve it?

On a booze fell from a bridge ... straight to the Kremlin

To those who sincerely believe in the good members of the Central Committee of the CPSU, in their closeness to the people, I recall how Boris Yeltsin came to power. Do you think he proposed some kind of economic program, ideas for reforming the country, excellent legislative initiatives? Not! He simply declared himself a fighter against party privileges! Maybe someone else remembers that famous PR move when Yeltsin stood in line at the clinic? Yes, it was only once, but the whole Soviet people literally choked with emotion: well, well, what a fine fellow!

Yes, at that time people very well understood how far this power was from the people and their aspirations. That the party, that the Soviet elite (I immediately apologize to those who do not know the difference) were surrounded by the same fences as the current elite. Yes, they didn’t have millions, but there were separate polyclinics (and even a separate department of the Ministry of Health), there were special food rations, which included products unfamiliar to most Soviet citizens (like smoked eel, real Finnish salami and the like). True, they did not rest in the Maldives and the Seychelles. But Crimea and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus were accessible to them, as they say, at the click of a finger, while an ordinary Soviet employee should have been very lucky to become the owner of a treasured ticket to a departmental or trade union sanatorium in Crimea.

So, then it was so boring for the ordinary Soviet citizen that it was enough for Yeltsin to stand in line once and get drunk on the Volga from the bridge so that the popular rumor instantly proclaimed him “one of us”. I repeat once again: he did not remember anything else, absolutely. Stupidly hit in one point: privileges, privileges, damned communists, return our privileges ...

By the way, one contemporary figure reminds me of the unforgettable Boris Nikolaevich. It also stupidly strikes at one point: corruption, corruption, corruption! The effect, however, is a little thinner, but this comrade is slowly gaining an electoral base, right? By the way (this is no longer directly related to the topic), did you notice how much Navalny even looks like Yeltsin? He, poor, even grew a beard so that the resemblance is not so striking in the eye. But where is it: both appearance and methods are so similar that inevitably you begin to believe in the transmigration of souls ...

That is, the thesis about a certain proximity of the Soviet regime to the people, let us leave on the conscience those who “remember” it only from the stories of Kostya Semin and dad with his mother, nostalgic for the times of their youth. But perhaps the other memories of our contemporaries are true?

What about the fact that the Soviet government was very "strong"? Seriously?! Is it power that fell apart from the actions of one person? Durable?

The old woman did not suffer for long

I will give an example of lasting power. The United States and its political system are examples of lasting power. And it is noticeable right now, when Donald Trump became president. It was worth this system to identify him as a stranger, and potentially dangerous, as she instantly tied him hand and foot, not giving a step to step in a direction other than the main one. That is, there are no steps towards Russia, no recognition of the Crimea, no global deals and new zones of influence: as Washington pressed Moscow to destroy Russia (political, of course), it continues to push, and Trump obediently integrated into the American political mainstream - not a step to the right, not a step to the left ...

And how was everything with Gorbachev, remember? The “strong” Soviet power folded its arms over its chest and calmly gave up the spirit, having made a couple of convulsions just before its death. And do not talk about betrayal: it may have been, but the fact of the matter is that the system had no margin of safety at all, and the actions of a couple of traitors and one not very competent (this is still very mildly said) leader was enough for its total destruction.

As for the justice of the Soviet regime, it is difficult to say anything definite. The most humane Soviet court and law enforcement system fostered the very criminals who later arranged a terrible bloody sabbath in Russia. But for a stolen bag of potatoes they planted!

Was it fair that a color TV, and soles not suitable for foreign counterparts, cost three monthly salaries of a simple Soviet citizen? But what about the car, the quality of which was included in the legends (and in jokes), the whole family had to put aside almost a decade? Although it was not enough to accumulate the required amount - then for this machine it was also necessary to stand in line. Sometimes it’s also five or six years old.

It was true all my life to dream of a trip abroad, because I really want to see the world, but never go abroad and never go? Alas, the Soviet government did not trust their citizens and believed that it was better for them to stay at home. There were, of course, exceptions, with a great desire to break out into any Bulgaria, but was it possible for romantic Soviet children who were reading out by Jules Verne?

True, there was still some justice in this matter: with trips abroad it was difficult for everyone, even for party and Soviet workers. The latter had easier with the latter, it’s true, but what did they not see in that Bulgaria, which they called the sixteenth republic of the USSR?

And it was absolutely true that passports to peasants in the USSR were issued only in the 1974 year. Prior to this, alas, their situation, if it differed from the position of serfs, was not very strong ...

Yes, for some, justice looks like this: poorly, modestly, with an eye on the fattening bosses. But it seems to be no worse than that of the neighbors, but how do these bosses live there, who knows, right?

To spite mom freeze our heads!

Probably, it makes no sense to try in one article to refute all the myths that have developed with us about the USSR. But it is still necessary to remind of how it really was. About "closeness to the people", about "justice", about the "friendship of peoples" and the like ...

But nevertheless, it is necessary to remind the current authorities that for the most part, such sentiments are only a completely logical reaction of the most infantile part of our population to her, this very power, mistakes and shortcomings. You see, dear rowers, our comrades, no matter how ridiculous the children’s sound is: “I’ll go outside and spite my mother’s frostbitten ears”, he’ll go and freeze! To spite you will go and frostbite!

Only now there are many millions of such “children”: we remember only the good, hate everything that is happening around here and now, and are ready at least somewhere, even to hell with horns, if only to stay away from the shame that surrounds you and what You doing.

And we already have boys with magic pipes, ready to lead this mass of people. They work on the leading television channels of our country, go on air in unchanging red shirts, speak beautifully and smoothly, as they taught at an American university - in general, they can captivate someone.

And then we will go back to the past. But since almost no one already remembers how it was actually managed and done there, we get, as usual, a parody. Or a tragedy.

And you continue to notice only Navalny ...
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  1. 0
    16 August 2019 00: 38
    The article is stuffed with cliches and some infantile laughs.
  2. -2
    16 August 2019 01: 03
    Pathetic, wretched, nostalgic Soviet wankers remind me of half-drunk white emigrants in Paris in the 20s and 30s: while those who remained in Soviet Russia, experiencing hardships and hardships, are creating a new, strong, great country, despite the difficulties, these, dressed up in smelling of mothballs and moth-eaten uniforms with epaulettes, in drunken snot they remember: “Oh, how good it was under the Tsar - Father: salmon with crouton-mohel sauce, and consommé with champagne and croissants, balls, beauties, footmen, cadets, and Schubert's waltzes, and the crunch of French bread..."
    “Why, my friend, the Soviets have nothing! No bread, no industry, no army... They are all terribly hungry there. A taxi driver I know told me... The Soviets are about to collapse!..”
    And everyone is waiting and waiting for the fall of the Bolsheviks...
  3. -2
    16 August 2019 01: 04
    My suggestions to co-wankers:

    Do you want to go back to the USSR?


    Return to the state your property, received free of charge, during the “predatory inhumane privatization” of the apartment and forget once and for all about suddenly, if you have to or want, selling them, donating them or leaving them as an inheritance to your children;

    Work not where you want, but for five years as assigned somewhere in the city of Zazaborsk, and live in a dorm;

    Go to Komsomol construction sites: like BAM, Magnitogorsk, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, while living in the taiga, work trailers, among mosquitoes and midges, without hot water, a warm toilet and heating, and, naturally, forgetting about your iPhones and iPads , tablets and other shmudaks, and, even more so, about your credit cards - there is no mobile communication there and there are no normal roads - everything needs to be created by yourself;

    Create something for the country, and don’t use what your grandparents, great-grandparents and parents created.

    And then we can talk about returning to the USSR.

    What, not ready?
  4. -3
    16 August 2019 01: 12

    We live in an amazing time of freedom. Congratulations!

    I suggest everyone who is nostalgic for the USSR to return to it. Yes Yes! For real, no fools! Right now or tomorrow. No problem. Without barriers. Without revolutions, bloodshed, without civil war and without patriotic war.

    Everything is done simply. LET'S ORGANIZE A COLLECTIVE FARM!!! The most real, Soviet one. With a red banner. With the reading hut, with the chairman, general housekeeping and druzhodny.
    1. Each collective farmer transfers ALL his property to the ownership of the collective farm.
    2. We sell everything. Moscow real estate will provide huge starting capital!
    3. We are buying land in Transbaikalia. Or in Altai, that’s also good...
    4. By our own example we demonstrate to the whole world how good it is to be a collective farmer. People look, envy, ask how they too can become collective farmers? We accept them. We assign it to felling. We supply everything you need. Balanda, padded jacket, barracks... No problem! I am sure that I will find sponsors who are ready to supply future lumberjacks with this simple material to pay for future logging. Yes, we can handle it ourselves! The sale of one Moscow apartment can provide for an entire camp of lumberjacks. Former owners of Moscow apartments. Everyone knows that a Soviet, and even a Russian, person is extremely unpretentious, he doesn’t need comfort, he thinks about the wrong things...
    5. So be it, I agree to become the chairman myself. I will decide who eats what, who sleeps with whom. Only I and a few other commissioners chosen and appointed by me should have the Livolution Livolvert.

    So, gentlemen, let's sign up together!
    (Or did you think that logging under the USSR2 would be done by someone else, NOT YOU? That someone else should become a collective farmer and work hard for long days in a pigsty, and you will be engaged in the greatness of the country, sitting in cozy Moscow offices with a personal driver and a beauty secretary? But gentlemen, you’re not some kind of baker who sees yourself as brilliant officers at balls, and not as slaves in the master’s stables, right? You are honest, Soviet people, ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of a great goal, for the sake of the common good, for the sake of the future generations? Well, go ahead! Sign up right here and now! In the comments below. The notary will come one of these days, as soon as there are 10 people)
    1. 0
      16 August 2019 12: 18
      Drink valerian or tea with mint). Calms.
    2. +1
      18 August 2019 23: 09
      Hey bije in the USSR, every collective farm had a school, a first-aid post and a Club in which there were musical instruments!!!!! And now in the villages of Georgia there are cafes of adherents of the West and the rest are only jealous!? And in general, if it weren’t for the USSR, many would not have known about your culture!!!!! But for that, we would remember about Jason, thanks to whom you Georgians entered the history of mankind as mugs from whom the Greeks (Europeans))) stole the Golden Fleece and the woman too wow-ha-ha!!!!
  5. 0
    16 August 2019 15: 47
    The meaning of the article is in its title - no matter how much we argue about the USSR, returning there is impossible, therefore all efforts should be directed towards the development of modern Russia. Yes, it is necessary to improve the political system and government, accelerate reforms in the economy, and continue to fight corruption. The main task is to improve the well-being of the people, this is what needs to be discussed, and not live in the past and enjoy criticism of the existing government.
  6. The comment was deleted.
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    18 August 2019 02: 06
    Author, is Kostya Smina really scared? For your information, Russia 24 has already thrashed him. On April 1 of this year, this became known to the general public, and in the latest TV episode of “Agitprop”, Kostya, instead of the usual corporate “goodbye”, made a poker face. Well, that's for the better. The broadcasts went online. Kostya began to speak more freely. The number of formats has increased. Enlighten yourself, comrades. Well, take the next logical steps.

    Kostya and others like him are doing a great job. After all, quantity, sooner or later, will turn into quality. Thinking people are slowly dealing with the murder of Stalin and Beria, and with the arrival of Khrushchev, and with the Novocherkassk execution of workers and with Kosygin-Liberman.

    However, you shouldn’t be afraid of Kostya or comrades like him just yet. The creation in our country of alternative powerful trade union “action movements” and the organization on their basis of combat cells capable of raising power when it again falls out of the hands of the next gougers is still a long way off.

    But the day will come. This is an objective historical process.

    Life is short, be patient a little. (With).
  9. The comment was deleted.
  10. 0
    18 August 2019 22: 56
    The USSR at least had its own telephones, televisions, clothes and even computers!!!!! And you rogues even buy modified tomatoes from Turkey, ha ha ha, and even vermicelli from China!!!! So don't tell us about the USSR!!!! Then Alpha and Vympel were not engaged in robbery!!!!!! Buga - ha-ha!!!!
  11. 0
    20 August 2019 10: 14
    Quote: NEXUS
    The USSR collapsed due to the betrayal of the elites, but not because of the people, or lack of money, or because of the idiotic hypothesis of mattresses that could not stand the arms race.

    It is true that the USSR won the arms race back in 50-60. It is true that there was plenty of money and there was enough for everything.
    It is true that the quality/price ratio of most products in the USSR was better than in the West. As an energy specialist, I’ll just say that the cost of one kilowatt-hour was 1 kopeck in the USSR, when in the USA it was 5 cents. Cost (not price) is 1 to 5 with the official exchange rate approximately 1:1.
    But, unfortunately, it is not true that the USSR collapsed only because of the betrayal of the elite. The majority of the people also betrayed him. They were eager for the West, loved the West, adored it. They are so smart and talented, and the USSR only prevents us from living in cottages, driving foreign cars and vacationing in Spain. Look at some of the comments - this has not yet passed for many and is in their heads.
    The war has already come to Donbass and they have not yet understood what happened and what awaits them.
  12. 0
    20 August 2019 10: 26
    Quote: Date tutashkhia
    Are you honest, Soviet people, ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of a great goal, for the sake of the common good, for the sake of future generations? Well, go ahead! Sign up right here and now!

    In the USSR, the main and new thing was logging? No, dear, you’re confused. Logging happened much earlier than the USSR, and in the USSR the new thing was electrification + Soviet power. So give us at least one large Soviet power plant - water, nuclear or coal. They are all built in the USSR. Then I’ll sign up first and dial you 10 thousand.
    1. 0
      22 March 2020 11: 28
      Just learn Russian properly first.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. 0
    22 March 2020 11: 29
    Did you know how much washing powder was produced in the USSR? How much are they producing now? A? That's it...
  15. 0
    25 July 2020 22: 50
    We live in an amazing time of freedom. Congratulations!
    I suggest everyone who is nostalgic for the USSR to return to it. Yes Yes! For real, no fools! Right now or tomorrow. No problem. Without barriers. Without revolutions, bloodshed, without civil war and without patriotic war.
    Everything is done simply. LET'S ORGANIZE A COLLECTIVE FARM!!! The most real, Soviet one. With a red banner. With the reading hut, with the chairman, general housekeeping and druzhodny.
    1. Each collective farmer transfers ALL his property to the ownership of the collective farm.
    2. We sell everything. Moscow real estate will provide huge starting capital!
    3. We are buying land in Transbaikalia. Or in Altai, that’s also good...
    4. By our own example we demonstrate to the whole world how good it is to be a collective farmer. People look, envy, ask how they too can become collective farmers? We accept them. We assign it to felling. We supply everything you need. Balanda, padded jacket, barracks... No problem! I am sure that I will find sponsors who are ready to supply future lumberjacks with this simple material to pay for future logging. Yes, we can handle it ourselves! The sale of one Moscow apartment can provide for an entire camp of lumberjacks. Former owners of Moscow apartments. Everyone knows that a Soviet, and even a Russian, person is extremely unpretentious, he doesn’t need comfort, he thinks about the wrong things...
    5. So be it, I agree to become the chairman myself. I will decide who eats what, who sleeps with whom. Only I and a few other commissioners chosen and appointed by me should have the Livolution Livolvert.
    So, gentlemen, let's sign up together! (Or did you think that logging under the USSR2 would be done by someone else, NOT YOU? That someone else should become a collective farmer and work hard for long days in a pigsty, and you will be engaged in the greatness of the country, sitting in cozy Moscow offices with a personal driver and a beauty secretary? But gentlemen, you’re not some kind of baker who sees yourself as brilliant officers at balls, and not as slaves in the master’s stables, right? You are honest, Soviet people, ready to sacrifice yourself for the sake of a great goal, for the sake of the common good, for the sake of the future generations? Well, go ahead! Sign up right here and now! In the comments below. The notary will come one of these days, as soon as there are 10 people).
  16. 0
    25 July 2020 22: 52
    1. Polystyrene foam was made from milk foam. it was possible to feed the children.
    2. The force of gravity was 80 percent weaker. People jumped onto the house with a running start.
    3. A person lived on average 150-190 years. There were no diseases except work calluses.
    4. If you tripped and fell on the street, people would run up, put money in your pocket, kiss you on the lips, offer you a drink, to become related.
    5. Hares and partridges immediately flew into the frying pan.
    If you buy bread, they also pay you extra.
    It was scary to approach the river: burbots jumped into the bowler hat.
    6. Grandfather said: people woke up at night from happy, good laughter. In the morning, everyone doused themselves with ice water from a bucket.
    7. The gestation period was 4.5 months. Children were born weighing 12-15 kilograms with blond hair and clear blue eyes and strong-willed, intelligent faces - they immediately asked to be produced.
    8. The water in the Volga was as sweet as molasses. And the Yenisei consisted of dark beer.
    9. In winter it was minus three hundred, everyone walked around rosy-cheeked.
    10. The berries grew on the edge of the forest the size of a cat. The cats were the size of a dog, the dog was the size of a cow, and the cow was like a workshop, and in the workshop the men played chess according to Botvinnik’s method - checkmate with the knight on the first move!