Opinions of the first viewers about the film "T-34"

A big movie premiere is timed to coincide with the New Year holidays - the new Russian film “T-34”, created based on the real events of the Great Patriotic War, writes the publication Vesti.ru.

Opinions of the first viewers about the film "T-34"

Director of the film Alexei Sidorov, known to viewers for such works as “Fight with the Shadow”, “The Brigade”, etc.

According to the director, the Soviet film “The Lark” became the initial impulse. “I was crying terribly when all of our people died, and I recently realized that this was some kind of compensation. That is, I, being already a director, decided to present a more joyful version, ”he said.

The main character of the film implements his plan of escape from fascist captivity: he collects the crew and tank The T-34 challenges the German tank aces led by commander Jager.

On the eve of his picture saw the first viewers in Moscow. Sayings of some viewers leads resource Megacritic.

User Yakovlev: "If you want to evaluate the scenario, then in modern Russian it is better not to evaluate it, so as not to be upset." According to him, the “stupid” Germans, having put the Russian crew in a tank, provided for ammunition and fuel, “not expecting” that tankers could cause them trouble. And, of course, no protective measures are not provided. And in pursuit of the escaped tank instead of a pair of attack aircraft sent other tanks.

Not bothered to stamp such nonsense, such as this “pseudo-realistic fantasy based on national pride?”, Asks the viewer.

Timur: “As usual, they licked and made a fairy tale. Watch "Lark" - this is a movie! ".

Stepan: "The film" T-34 "is based on real events - escape from the concentration camp of our prisoners of war. But this is only a remake of the Soviet black and white film. "

Another user, Natka, noted that the studio "Amedia" is known to the public as the creator of the only product - the cartoon "Our Masha and the Magic nut", which "did not kick only the lazy." And now the studios have given out $ 9 million. “And you know what, so that they should re-shoot the good film“ The Lark ”from 1964 of the year,” writes Natka. In her opinion, modern directors are not able to create anything of their own - just to write off from the original, like the losers in the control.
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  1. 0
    9 January 2019 22: 21
    Quote: Simple
    And Vitman burned in the tank Despite his regalia and experience, Fate somehow fell into battle in the wrong direction and against those

    Colleague, a lot of people were burned in tanks on both sides of the front line, the whole question is how many enemy lives and armored vehicles, which of them was able to destroy before their own death. That's why Whitman is remembered, but some Sam Pupkin is not. As for regalia and experience: with such dominance of enemy aviation, a simple daytime march on a tank is already an act. And regarding “he fell out in the wrong place and against the wrong people”... and you, what will you have a choice of where to “fall out” in the event of a war?
    1. 0
      10 January 2019 00: 10
      Regarding where to fall out and the choice And I’m talking about the same thing While I was lucky - I was an ace sniper, and then one day - and burned like an ordinary Sam (Ivan or Jacques or Janek) Pupkin And in war, every minute -
  2. 0
    10 January 2019 00: 39
    Quote: Simple
    Regarding where to fall out and the choice And I’m talking about the same thing While I was lucky - I was an ace sniper, and then one day - and burned like an ordinary Sam (Ivan or Jacques or Janek) Pupkin And in war, every minute -

    I can’t vouch for the accuracy of the quote, but Suvorov said: “Luck... luck... well, give me at least a little talent...” So I’m talking about the same thing: I burned like an ordinary Sam (Ivan, Jean, Janek), but his They remember the name, but somehow the others don’t remember their names very well. Maybe it's talent after all? The Germans lost the war, and it was the very same Ivan and Sam who defeated them, but to give credit to a skillful and brave enemy - this, in my opinion, shows a certain condescension of the victors. Although Whitman was an SS man, he did not serve in a concentration camp, and different people come to his grave in France, and not only Germans. hi
    1. 0
      10 January 2019 19: 08
      And I don’t at all belittle Whitman’s skill. And if you consider that he started on the Stuga, and quite effectively, then you need to respect him even more. And then some only became aces on the Tigers. But luck is a necessary thing. My friend’s father went through three wars: the Finnish Patriotic and the Japanese. I don’t think he was a super talented warrior, especially in the infantry. Just lucky
      Yes, there can be no condescension from the winners towards Vitman, only respect as an opponent
  3. 0
    10 January 2019 21: 32
    Quote: Simple
    And I don’t at all belittle Whitman’s skill. And if you consider that he started on the Stuga, and quite effectively, then you need to respect him even more. And then some only became aces on the Tigers. But luck is a necessary thing. My friend’s father went through three wars: the Finnish Patriotic and the Japanese. I don’t think he was a super talented warrior, especially in the infantry. Just lucky
    Yes, there can be no condescension from the winners towards Vitman, only respect as an opponent

    Everything is correct! hi And I wrote about “lenience” exclusively for the site’s jingoistic patriots, so as not to hear their barking. This has nothing to do with you. hi