Lenin's mausoleum is again sheathed with plywood for May 9. Correct solution? Poll


To sheathe Lenin's Mausoleum to 9 May - the right decision?

Yes - 687 (17.06%)
No - 3339 (82.94%)
Moscow is preparing to host the main parade of the year - the Victory Parade, timed to coincide with the 73rd anniversary of the defeat of Nazi troops. IN the news have already discussed new samples of military equipment that will pass (pass / will be transported) on Red Square. These are unmanned aerial vehicles, the latest in arctic colors, and much more.

However, there is a question that needs separate discussion. Moreover, the relevance of this issue is connected with the systematic statements of individual authorities that it is inappropriate and dangerous to engage in rewriting stories. If it is dangerous to engage in this kind of activity, then how to explain annual events, in which one of the most recognizable objects of Red Square is sheathed with sheets of plywood with patriotic slogans and paintings of the Great Victory. This, of course, about Lenin's mausoleum.

Lenin's mausoleum is again sheathed with plywood for May 9. Correct solution? Poll

It is possible to relate to the figure of Lenin himself as you please, but it is at least strange to try to “cover up” the mausoleum for several days a year. It is possible to treat the most Bolshevik period in history in different ways, but the fact is that the politburo did not even roll at the peak of the so-called "stagnation" to plywood and boards, for example, the Pokrovsky Cathedral (Victory Basil the Blessed) or even the Kremlin towers - because they like had a direct relationship to the "history of Tsarism" in the country.

The mausoleum is a grave, many say. But the grave is the Kremlin wall. Does she also need to be blocked?

Or is the closure of the “outside observers” of the mausoleum on Red Square - an expedient solution that aims to “not disturb” the people with politically incorrect types? If so, then why isn't the USSR coat of arms closed on the building of the State Duma?

On this occasion, we offer our readers to express their opinion on whether it is necessary to close Lenin's mausoleum from the eyes of the people by May 9 or not.
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  1. 0
    2 May 2018 10: 57
    The survey showed that we have sawdust in our heads. Yes Yes Yes!
    1. 0
      2 May 2018 12: 49
      So leave the “blue” category and exchange sawdust for brains...
  2. 0
    2 May 2018 11: 49
    Quote: hdgs
    And where does the USSR? He has already been 26 years old, but not, and sluts there are growing and growing. You are not friends with logic, unfortunately. And unnecessarily zombified by Soviet stamps.

    example in the studio
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  4. 0
    2 May 2018 14: 39
    This is Idiocy! Why was the victory parade started? And in 41, where were you and where did the country’s leadership stand? Lenin's Mausoleum is also a symbol of victory....and what is happening now is double standards for the sake of something. Rewriting history IS. Our patriotism is really strange.
  5. 0
    2 May 2018 15: 42
    It’s high time to remove it from the square to the cemetery. remove all the graves from there and all the urns from the wall. They have a place in the cemetery. And instead of the body of Ulyanov-Blank, put a wax copy. Cheap and cheerful!
  6. +1
    2 May 2018 15: 45
    If you don’t want a split in society, don’t touch Ilyich. You didn’t build it and it’s not yours to break.
  7. +1
    2 May 2018 16: 01
    This is wonderful - our local Nazis, Belodelists and other Russophobic trash are hysterical with a fountain of drool up to the ceiling.

  8. +1
    2 May 2018 16: 05
    Quote: LSA57
    Quote: tomket
    If you think, or your grandfather, that in this camp it was easier to survive than ours,

    firstly, I don’t think anything, I wasn’t there.
    but where do you get knowledge of our and their camps? both were there ???
    read the memories of those who passed the Gulag. not solzhenitsin. Varlam Shalamov

    How simple it would be. My grandmother told me under what circumstances my grandfather ended up in the Millerovsky pit of death. She told how she walked 70 km, trying to give him food. And she also told about the circumstances of death in this camp.
    As for Shalamov, I don’t remember that he sat in the open air for several months, before the onset of cold weather, with serious wounds, eating grass.
  9. 0
    2 May 2018 16: 59
    Quote: LSA57
    he said that the Germans had a better chance of surviving.

    I doubt it.
    Read the memoirs of German prisoners of war.
  10. 0
    2 May 2018 18: 28
    Quote: hdgs
    Russia in 1913 was at least third-rate, but a power. Moreover, in 1918, she had a real chance to become a second-rate power following the results of WWII.

    after February 17, she had no chance of surviving until 41
  11. +1
    2 May 2018 20: 00
    Itching for liberal CANNIBALS! To tear apart and devour Russia is their task.
    They crap on the USSR, Lenin, Stalin and what? There is only one republic left from Russia (RSFSR).
    For me, Russia is the USSR within the borders of 1945 - 1990. And that “stub” that is now the Russian Federation with the flag of the traitor Vlasov is not Russia for me - a stub!
    Come on, desecrate it, take out Lenin’s “mummy”, sell it, put it up for auction (see if you can replenish the budget).
    Look at Putin's behavior... I won't live, thank the Creator. But all of us face the fate of the indigenous peoples of Africa (South Africa), the USA, New Zealand, Australia...
    Do you want that???!!!
    Then “drape” the Mausoleum, remove Lenin’s body, and generally liquidate the NECROPOLIS on the main square.
    At the same time, demolish the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.
    And you will be HAPPY...
    Those who lie down under Europe will live in RESERVATIONS.
    Give over the GREAT VICTORY!...
  12. The comment was deleted.
  13. 0
    3 May 2018 03: 53
    Quote: just explo
    and Lenin is already an object of religious worship?

    object of political cult. political is no worse than religious
  14. 0
    3 May 2018 05: 29
    They walked in parade at 41 and saluted the mausoleum and died for the country that he created and with his name went on the attack and he was saluted at 45 at his feet by the banners of the defeated formations. We simply do not have the right to do this. They - yes, but not us.
  15. 0
    3 May 2018 06: 57
    It’s stupid to hide historical monuments, don’t be ashamed of your history, stop suffering from inferiority complexes about historical events.
  16. 0
    3 May 2018 08: 52
    And, as I see, you are not quite able to think, much less learn.
    The front swept across our country twice. Secondly, for what reasons did you compare the MILITARY losses of the victorious countries with our TOTAL losses? Do you think this is smart? How many civilians died in the USA, Britain, France? If you do the math, come and talk.
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  18. 0
    3 May 2018 18: 51
    It seems to me that we speak different languages. Listen to you, in the “West” there are no leaders at all, only performers. Well, of course, they are not children. They themselves know what to do, why and when. There is no point in continuing a conversation with a person thoughtlessly in love with the “West”
  19. 0
    9 May 2018 19: 26
    Of course, closing the Mausoleum = desecrating the memory of the Second World War. It was to the Mausoleum that the flags of the defeated fascists were solemnly thrown. Stalin received the Victory at the Mausoleum. Putin is an envious C student who is simply pathetic in comparison with the great Stalin! So he is ready to spit on history if it is personally beneficial for him!
  20. The comment was deleted.