The country needs a president!

Analysis of the situation in Russia from the point of view of the factory engineer-leader.

What is in Russia?

1. The economy is growing slower than the world average. They just got out of the pit and in 2017 achieved 2% growth (and even this due to a rise in world oil prices by 20% and a grain record, part of which has nowhere to go), and in the world the average growth has long been about 2,5% , and our main worst "partner" - about 3%. We are behind! Not only do we have material accumulations (structures, plants, agricultural complexes, roads, submarines, Tanks and so on) is smaller than that of enemies / partners (W / P), so we also accumulate more slowly than they do. But we still have quite liberalism in the export of capital. A decent portion of the proceeds from imports (oil, gas, timber, etc.) the Central Bank (CB) invests in V / P securities, in addition, our E (!) Litas legitimately invests in tangible assets from V / P, and also steals from us , and stolen massively leads to the military base. Do you see the difference, for example, in the behavior of the Central Bank and in the behavior of the government of the Moscow Region under the Governor (and now Senator) Gromov?

Our growth is like growth in tsarist Russia before 1914, when growth percentages were impressive, but profits were exported to the West, mainly to France. That is, our economic growth should be considered not ours, but American, English, etc.

But again, the forum was held named after he-dai-dar. From the point of view of a normal person, he worked as a bank director who opened the vault for a crook. The forum was marked by the unsinkable redhead Elita, who stood on the shuher when stealing from the repository, and further noted by loud victories in stealing the people's means. And with the support of GDP, the governor of the Sverdlovsk region wanted to organize an EXPO-2025 in Yekaterinburg. And then EXPO-2020 lost, and failed to spend, according to various estimates, from 3 to 20 billion dollars (!). After all, what next pyramids, oh, excuse me, the wards, could be built, and then, once every five years, to the glory of the peoples of Russia, hold rallies of market economists from neighboring galaxies!

To those who say that the author is lying (they say how many new cars the people have, and even came up with child support benefits), I answer: with a certain level of development of society, there will be savings even in the absence of economic growth. So we have them, but which are scanty in comparison with those of our Western B / P (I remind you that these are enemies / partners)!

Sad joke to the topic:

If our development depends on oil prices, sanctions and similar crap, then what does the government do?

2. Culture and ideology. I don’t know what to say if the presidential press secretary, the real state adviser of the 1 class (the highest civilian rank in the Russian Federation), goes to a performance directed by Serebrennikov, who is under investigation for the disappearance of state money in the theater. The performance is dedicated to the lower spinal preferences of the dancer Nureyev and the color of the country's intelligentsia was noted at the premiere. And the press secretary considers Venediktov from Gazprom Echo of Moscow his friend. Here they are, spiritual bonds! Artists with the help of the state (do not confuse the state and the country!) Are completely detached from their mission - to sow sensible, good, eternal. And we wonder why these children in school go with knives, light a cigarette from the Eternal Flame and mock their classmates and animals.

There is no need for a sad joke. Or go like this:

What are the times, such and songs. Culture at a meeting in the Central Committee of the CPSU: "Yes, we have not done everything for our people, for our audience, for our culture." The cultural figures of the president of the Russian Federation: “Yes, the state and society have not done everything for us, cultural figures!”

3. The medicine. On my site there is no fixed therapist. She quit from huge loads and with a salary of about 25 thousand for one and a half of the rate, and this is a doctor, not a paramedic. In clinics, girls-paramedics work as general practitioners; they try, but experience and knowledge are few, and often these girls, when receiving patients from patient, run to the senior therapist for help — and back to the patient. And the nurses receive 15 thousands, many of them raise a child ... According to statistics, more and more doctors, and according to the Ministry of Health, more and more doctors ... not enough!

Sad joke to the topic:

The little imp on the left shoulder is angry:
- Get out of medicine, who needs you here with your humanism? You'll go crazy!
On the other shoulder, a tearful angel whispers:
- Hey, but he says it.

4. Education. Eleventh grade is engaged only in preparation for the exam. Who has problems - forward to paid tutors. And no free circles! No money - no development for your child! High school is a separate song. The bulk of graduates with engineering degrees pulls only on the 70 — 80's technical school. And young people, in my opinion, are smarter than we are at the same age, but there is at least a minimum of engineering knowledge and skills after university. Yes, and reluctantly go to the engineers. It’s not for nothing that the humanities scholarship dean of the Moscow State University (MGU) journalism department said: “And this year we recruited aliens.” It is about the twos in the dictations of the first-year students at the beginning of their studies. Yes, you listen to the announcers of TV and radio, they do not know the declination of numerals! I, who has a triple in Russian at school, is ashamed of them! And not teachers are guilty, they were put in such conditions. Remember that in 2016 our prime minister advised a young teacher to do business if the state pays little money?

Sad joke in the subject. Even two:

Right from Fursenk and Lyavanov. The head of the adin about Ruski language is how to explain: “here” or “here”.

The Society of Young Teachers, Doctors, Educators and Nurses believes that the basic salary of parliamentarians and ministers in 400 is thousand rubles. redundant, because the living wage they set about 10 thousand rubles.

5. Foreign policy. Our main "partner" spent 5 billion dollars and received from Ukraine an evil enemy for us. Only since 2000, we allowed to steal and gave Ukraine much more than 100 billion dollars. And what did we get? At the end of last year, our president forgave Kyrgyzstan the next debts. And Kyrgyzstan immediately made 7 November the day to commemorate the victims of the Russian tsarist regime. Our president even forgave debts for Gaddafi, and in those days ANY Libyan could study at Eton or Cambridge at the expense of the state. Show me our foreign policy successes. I see that we have one good comrade (but not friend) - this is Belarus. And just a friend - China. And there are no friends. Now, if we were economically developing at 7% per year, then there would be a line of people willing to learn and make friends. In the meantime, the irrepressible desire to please everyone and not to offend anyone leads only to contempt for the willing and the desire to “shod” and “bend”. Our main "partner" respects North Korea more!

Sad joke to the topic:

Report by Minister Lavrov:
- The attitude to Russia of our foreign partners is still very complicated.
Question to the speaker:
- Sergey Viktorovich, and you definitely do not embellish?

6. Defense. Enraged by the constant postponement of the commissioning of new ships, rockets, airplanes, etc. I remember that in decent organizations when they repeatedly failed to fulfill promises, the perpetrator was asked to write a statement of his own accord. This is the best scenario for the culprit. A "success" in space - with billions of losses! This is already beyond the limits!

Sad joke to the topic:

After what Rogozin did with the space program, he should marry at least Tereshkova.

* * *

Recently I argued with a familiar, honest and intelligent man. He is more than 80 years old and, naturally, receives information on the first and second buttons of the TV. He believes that in the country of disgrace from top to bottom, but it is necessary to choose the GDP, which is about to cope with idlers, thieves, talkers, enemies. On questions about the non-fulfillment of the GDP of their promises, about who put forward these useless ones, why the “Kudyshnye” did not appear over the 18 years, the acquaintance replies that you should vote for the GDP for the people. That's what life-giving TV does! It obligingly and competently brings the ready conclusions from the constant allocation of one person in the country.

Sad joke to the topic:

- Vitek, as the plant was closed, and you can not get a job?
- Well.
- As Serdyukov and Vasilyev were punished for grand theft, you know?
- Well.
- And what conclusions?
- Obama and Trump schmuck.

* * *

Question to the author: “And what?”

Author's answer: “Nyche!” This is only information for consideration.
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  1. +1
    24 January 2018 19: 47
    Quote: uskrabut
    So this is Chubais pissing in elevators!!!!
    Don't confuse culture with corruption. It's about different things.

    For me, it’s better that people become more cultured and morally healthy than their mythical fight against corruption, which has not yet been defeated in any country in the world. But we must fight corruption - otherwise we will become some kind of Haiti.
  2. 0
    7 February 2019 09: 57
    I completely agree with the author, everything is to the point.