In the museum of the Gulag hung a mannequin with a portrait of Solzhenitsyn

Museum director stories Gulag Roman Romanov today said that "the vandals desecrated the museum." Desecration of the museum, namely, this interpretation is used by the custodians of the exposition and the management of the object, resulted in the fact that unknown persons hung a dummy on the territory of the museum, to which a photograph of Alexander Solzhenitsyn was glued.

A sign was posted on the dummy's chest, stating who was the author of this “performance”:
Mr. SOLZhEnitsyn from the communist youth of Moscow.

On the same tablet, Solzhenitsyn was called an enemy of the Motherland and a traitor who liked to mock at the truth.

In the museum of the Gulag hung a mannequin with a portrait of Solzhenitsyn

From the note about the action on Online this organization:
Many citizens will now wave their hands: they say, leftism, the fight against windmills, etc. And in our opinion, everything is correct. The theme of political repression of the past has today gained some painful popularity from our authorities. The Gulag Museum, monuments to Solzhenitsyn, memorials to the victims of Stalinism ... At the initiative of the Russian bourgeois authorities, the year 2018 has been called the “year of creativity” of this writer. Moreover, this is done not from some sincere sympathy for that part of people, which is not as huge as they like to shout, who have truly become victims of the mistakes of Soviet justice. Such objects are an attempt to cover up their own political inconsistency, tightening the screws and torn up in the state. It is most convenient to do this to the bourgeois government, pointing at the past: “Do you want socialism? You are crazy! There's a solid Gulag! Don't like the Spring Pact? And with a scoop, there was even less freedom, so thank for that too! ”

This action is not the first act of the will of the Russians regarding Solzhenitsyn. A year ago, in Vladivostok, a sign with large letters “IUDA” was already hung on a newly opened monument.

From the text it follows that the action is political.

Roman Romanov said that he would complain about the actions of representatives of the organization of the Revolutionary Communist Youth Union to the police. Museum Director quotes "Interfax":
We have a record from surveillance cameras and information on the website of this organization that they conducted it. We have every reason to appeal. From the point of view of the average person, this is horror, blasphemy and some obscurantism. From the point of view of the police, I think this can be interpreted as hooliganism.
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  1. +3
    12 October 2016 09: 26
    It would be better if they built another Gulag instead of these museums. But no, we have stinking liberals in power - otherwise we wouldn’t have built these museums to denigrate our past and fool the youth.
  2. +2
    12 October 2016 09: 54
    I heard something about cannibals. Oh yes, I heard somewhere that if we had been conquered, everyone would now be drinking Bavarian beer...
  3. +2
    12 October 2016 11: 00
    Quote: fennekRUS
    the victim of repression is in no hurry to name the case number and the article under which the grandfather was convicted. Although he boasted about the names of the investigators.

    “Officers’ daughters”, “kulaks’ granddaughters” and other “victims of the bloody regime” have such a property - marvelous selectivity of vision and memory laughing
  4. +2
    12 October 2016 11: 09
    Quote: veteran66
    and who are the Liberoids?

    They are also called liberals. A kind of anti-Soviet freak. They usually act under the guise of fighting for individual rights, but at the same time they have a wonderful selectivity of vision: they “do not see” crimes against individual rights in our times and in capitalist countries, but any speck of dust in the USSR makes them hysterical. K.O. always happy to help laughing
  5. +1
    12 October 2016 11: 37
    The Liberoids started howling, did you smell something fried?
  6. +2
    12 October 2016 11: 41
    Quote: the most important
    My grandfather was shot in 37. My grandmother died of grief in 38 at the age of 42. My father (he was 8 years old) was hidden by relatives under a false name... So don’t blah...blah...
    did you find out why you were shot? and about la-la, I have the opposite example, in the family before 17 there were priests and officers and wealthy peasants, and I don’t know any stories about repressions, but well, they took away the mill for the collective farm, but they didn’t shoot anyone in the gulag were not exiled.

    Quote: Asadullah
    It is jarring that a generally honest man and Russian patriot is being defamed for inaccuracies and artistic embellishments.
    so the point is that his works are presented as the truth, as a historical fact. This is one of the stages of ways to change history, when after some time works of art begin to be used as sources of the “truth” invented by the writer about the past time. And now he gets it only because of this.
  7. +1
    12 October 2016 11: 49
    I have a very mixed impression from this event, sometime at the beginning of perestroika, when Solzhenitsyn was suddenly “allowed”, everyone just rushed to read him and heatedly discussed his books. No one really tried to judge the scale of what he wrote - then any negativity and nonsense were in fashion and were immediately taken on faith.
    But years passed and, based on other sources, it became clear that the uncle had lied “a little” for the sake of impression, or maybe under dictation, who would ask him now...
    As a result, I don’t want to believe anyone for the reason that all this, both what happened in the late 80s and what is being declassified now, seems to be just another wave of divorces to please the current course of the party and government, as they used to say.
    But one interesting thought comes to mind: the church, both Catholic and Orthodox, has a good tradition of canonizing even especially honored people not immediately after their departure to heaven, but a little later, when their lifetime merits become obvious to several generations and formations, but with icons you can wait, as they say, God has many days...
    Against the backdrop of such reflections, it becomes somehow unclear about the houses of Yeltsin, Solzhenitsyn, etc., we were probably in a hurry, it’s too early to include them, otherwise we wouldn’t even have to demolish them...
    And the hanging of a scarecrow by schoolchildren, as the media claim, that is, a contingent that is easily amenable to ANY agitation, is an unnecessary argument.
  8. +2
    12 October 2016 11: 55
    Quote: Soviet Union
    70 years reached the pen however

    along the way they became superpowers and went into space, the first in the world laughing
    but what space is for the bakers - they are not able to tear their snouts away from the feeder and look even a little higher.
  9. +2
    12 October 2016 12: 20
    It’s funny to me when they talk about repressions in this context: Here Stalin and Beria are sitting, drinking tea, discussing how many people they should shoot and how many they should put in camps, and so on around the clock. Our liberals claim that repression was carried out for the sake of repression. Well, and other nonsense. At the same time, liberals proceed from the postulate that Soviet power was not legitimate. My opinion is that the majority of those convicted actually committed criminal acts. Take for example the Leningrad case, they argued that these citizens were innocently condemned by a bloody tyrant. But when I found out what these citizens were offering, my hair stood on end.
  10. 0
    12 October 2016 12: 39
    Why did they attack Solzhenitsyn. One of the first to describe the actions of the authorities, otherwise we would have lived in “darkness”. We ourselves are indignant that not the whole truth goes to the people and immediately support those who create chaos by pushing their views on the actions of the writer.
  11. +3
    12 October 2016 12: 56
    Quote: veteran66
    and there is no need to lump everyone into a heap, he slammed the chairman, so there was a reason. Under the chairmanship of such “chairmen” how many people were killed. And he set fire to his own grain, only previously selected by such “chairmen”. But the enemy’s accomplice got what he deserved, that’s completely different.

    Wow! That is, in your opinion, it’s the norm to overwhelm a person????? belay
    1. 0
      14 October 2016 10: 53
      For such freaks as the fascists, their opponents are not people, they can “get rid of”.
      But when the same rule is applied to them - immediately howl to the heavens, “what’s wrong with us” lol
  12. +3
    12 October 2016 13: 57
    You can love your people and not do nasty things to others. Or do you think love for one’s own must include hatred for the “stranger”?) And grotesquery in the direction of “shit” is always much more “smelly” than in the direction of Love. (Not sex, as many today associate love with)
  13. +2
    12 October 2016 18: 42
    Quote: Romanenko
    Even especially honored people should not be canonized immediately after their departure to heaven, but a little later, when their lifetime merits become obvious to several generations and formations, and you can wait with icons, as they say, God has many days...

    However, the priests from the Russian Orthodox Church were in a hurry with Nikolashka.
  14. 0
    12 October 2016 19: 13
    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    only the "lumpen drunks" won the war, flew into space,

    blah, blah, blah... thank God, not all normal people were exterminated, although many were still exhausted, how many bright minds perished in camps or went into exile. By the way, our space is the merit of the inhabitant of the “sharashka” and more than one, and the special conservatory also worked on the atomic bomb.
  15. 0
    12 October 2016 19: 37
    Quote: gendir.grifon
    Yes, if it weren’t for this “totalitarian” regime, Russia would not exist now in any form...

    that's enough already! Where does the information come from? If only.... Under the “bloodsucking tsars,” Russia grew in number of people and territories, but after the Bolsheviks, what was left of it?
    1. +3
      12 October 2016 19: 48
      Quote: veteran66
      Under the “bloodsucking tsars,” Russia grew in population and territory, but after the Bolsheviks, what was left of it?

      Is history tight?
      the first losses after February 17, that is, under the liberals, after the Bolsheviks were just returning what they had lost, although to be precise, the first losses under Nikolashka after the Japanese war
    2. +1
      12 October 2016 21: 42
      What is left, please clarify?
  16. 0
    12 October 2016 19: 45
    Quote: murriou
    They are also called liberals.

    so who are they? Where did they even come from? Did you come from Mars? The scoops just need to stick a label, and there’s no need to think about it. These “liberists”, “liberoids” or whatever they were called grew up with us, were brought up in our wonderful Soviet schools, armed with the “advanced ideas” of “progressive humanity”, moreover, they were our leaders... yes, those same commies , they haven’t gone anywhere, they’ve just changed their colors, it’s not the first time for them to waver along the party line. Who came to power after 91? Secretaries of the Komsomol, city committees, regional committees, KGB members, all of them began to manage banks, head holding companies, sell Russia wholesale and retail. Gorbach, EBN, those around them are all party members. And now who is at the helm? More than half had party cards. Only they are even worse, the communists (ideological) at least stood until the end, but these betrayed their party. What are we talking about? What liberoids?
    1. 0
      13 October 2016 09: 27
      Don’t you know that all the criminals, how many of them there were on this planet, were born on it, and not sent by the Martians? lol

      That everyone in the world is called a traitor because they went over from one side to the other - but this shouldn’t be blamed on the side that they betrayed?

      Is it strange to call those who betrayed the ideas of communism communists, and to blame for this betrayal not the traitors themselves, but those whom they betrayed?

      Every family has its black sheep. What category of people are considered impeccable for you? Name it - and then try to challenge the stream of accusations against them, no less serious than your accusations against the USSR.

      And liberals are our reality. No matter where they came from or who they were in kindergarten.
  17. 0
    12 October 2016 19: 47
    Quote: sibiryk
    That is, in your opinion, it’s the norm to overwhelm a person?????

    This is the norm according to you, Russia was drowned in blood, and now we are moaning for the murderer chairman
    1. +2
      12 October 2016 21: 35
      Upside down again.
      The Chairman is not a murderer, but a victim. Him and his family.
      We do not know the motive for the murder. There is little information about the identity of the killer.
      Perhaps the criminal was an ordinary swindler, judging by the impudence with which he demanded benefits.
      And he set the barn on fire to hide the evidence?

      You are ready to justify any murder, even of women and children, as long as it involves those you do not like in their position (nothing is known about the chairman at all).
    2. 0
      13 October 2016 09: 18
      You are trying to swear at the “closed-mindedness” of everyone who disagrees with you, but you yourself are showing extreme blinkeredness, for the sake of hatred for the USSR, which blinds you, you are trying to fence in any nonsense - and you “don’t notice” any reasonable arguments.

      You are trying to turn everything upside down, just to justify your delusional fictions.
      You are trying to justify a murderer, and a murderer of women and children, who received a well-deserved punishment.
      You are trying to declare the chairman a murderer, although you do not have any facts to justify such slander.

      This is where your “hundreds of thousands of innocent victims” come from - from your blatant fraud. From attempts to pass off criminals as highly spiritual ideological fighters, convicted of real crimes as innocent victims, dismissed or evicted as defendants, defendants as executed, and so on, with multiple additions at every stage of your speculation.

      And after that you are surprised and indignant that there is no faith in your nonsense, and there is no respect for your words lol
  18. 0
    12 October 2016 20: 33
    the main,
    In addition to the number of the article itself, she also had about ten (if not more) approx. PP number please, if you can.
    For example, my grandfather was arrested in 33, the head of the regional police department tried his best, my grandfather was the director of a commune (orphanage), and he offered to “push” part of the products my grandfather received, my grandfather refused, and so on. I don’t know the number of his article, because... I couldn’t find any information anywhere, neither in the Memorial nor in the archives. True, my grandfather survived, he was lucky, they sorted it out, and he worked in schools for a long time.
  19. +1
    13 October 2016 07: 59
    the main,
    Quote: the most important
    I AM??? Veterans of what ??? No need to juggle! Veterans are those who fought at the front, and there are those in our family too !!! They are honored and respected, and still alive - long life! And those who shot the innocent are called executioners. And there is no respect for such, but only contempt! No need to put all in one line! True heroes - WWII veterans will be offended!

    you are now starting to get out of it, you insulted EVERYONE who served in the NKVD
  20. 0
    13 October 2016 09: 07
    veteran66, well, who would say! laughing
    You, anti-Soviet crunch-bakers, are blinkered yourself - but blinkered in your mythology, which shatters into pieces with sufficient familiarity with the facts of real history.
    You are blinded by hatred of the USSR, which was the pinnacle of the power of our country, our people, incomparably surpassing everything that came before.

    Your opponents, whom you call “commies,” can be said to be blinkered - but in reality. This is how knowledgeable people are blinkered when arguing with ignoramuses and simply stupid people - they are blinkered to the fact that 2*2 = 4, exactly 4, nothing else - and not what miracle workers who have not mastered arithmetic are trying to pass off as the correct result. laughing
  21. 0
    13 October 2016 10: 26
    Quote: PTS-m
    Why did they attack Solzhenitsyn?

    What, what... Are you at least familiar with his nonsense?
    And if you know each other, can you confirm it with real facts?
    Or at least explain how, out of the 190 million pre-war population of the USSR, according to Solzhenitsyn’s writings, 110 million died from repression and 44 million died in the war, and after that there was still enough left to make the post-war USSR a superpower? laughing
    And that’s not all that’s worth giving this freak a bad word about.
  22. +1
    13 October 2016 16: 08
    Quote: the most important
    Quote: Gray Brother
    They did everything right.

    They fell into insanity, Comrade Colonel ??? My grandfather was shot in the year 37. Grandmother died of grief in 38 at the age of 42 years. The father (8 years old was him) was hidden by relatives under a false name ... So do not la ... la ... The personality cult never brings to good. Or himself from the NKVDeshnikov ?? By the way !! The modern militia-police has nothing to do with executions. He served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for many years.

    Stalin. Defeat of the fifth column
  23. The comment was deleted.
  24. +2
    13 October 2016 21: 34
    Quote: the most important
    Quote: Caretaker
    So, you don’t know the history and structure of the NKVD even superficially, otherwise you wouldn’t use such terms.

    Criminal investigation, line police departments, railway troops (including crews of armored trains), border guards, security of facilities, escort troops. Which of the following do you consider “abnormal”?

    Can you read? Can you understand what you read??? What difference does it make where a person served or is serving? A policeman is an honest employee, a cop is a bastard in uniform, an NKVDeshnik is an executioner. The division does not occur based on belonging to any department. Who is Zakharchenko with 9000000000 rubles? - bastard! And Evsyukov? - this executioner! And who are those who believe that the executioners were right in 37???

    For most people, an NKVD officer is an employee of the internal affairs bodies (during a certain period), regardless of the type of activity and degree of decency.
    Following your terminology:
    MIA officer is a “very bad” employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
    Airborne Forcesman - “very bad” Airborne Forces fighter,
    BMPshka - “faulty” BMP,
    BMDshka - "out of service" BMD...

    PS The term itself: NKVDshnik is not offensive.
    The meaning you put into it in a certain context is offensive. Perhaps because they are not sufficiently informed about the structure of the NKVD. Read it, it will be interesting.
  25. +2
    13 October 2016 21: 59
    Solzhenitsyn was imprisoned for having a “long tongue.”
    In a country at war, call out the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in writing and develop plans for reforming the system!
    Even luckier, 1941-1942 would most likely have been shot. And so Victory, forgiven.
    If he had not later become a traitor, it would have been possible to sympathize. Still, it didn’t come to action, just words.

    He became a traitor when, while in exile, he agreed to cooperate (and actively collaborated) with enemy intelligence services and promoted hatred of his homeland. (Photos and texts are presented above in the topic)

    Like General Vlasov. He fought, then betrayed.
    1. 0
      14 October 2016 10: 51
      During the war, Solzhenitsyn commanded the sound-metric unit of the artillery. That is, he was a technical specialist, not a combat officer. He received awards for the combat actions of artillerymen who acted on a tip from his =unit= - and not for personal merits, and especially not for combat ones.
  26. 0
    14 October 2016 14: 27
    A great writer and the best man of his time. I stirred up the viper so much that it is still hissing.
    1. 0
      15 October 2016 07: 30
      If you measure greatness by spitting on a grave, then the first places will go to freaks from Herostratus to Hitler. And Solzhenitsyn will be there too.
      1. 0
        15 October 2016 08: 52
        Does Solzhenitsyn belong next to Stalin and Hitler? It’s unlikely, don’t fantasize.
        With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Solzhenitsyn was not immediately mobilized, since he was considered “limitedly fit” for health reasons. Actively sought conscription to the front
        He sought to be sent to a military school, in April 1942 he was sent to the artillery school in Kostroma [K 8]; in November 1942, he was released as a lieutenant and sent to Saransk to a reserve artillery reconnaissance regiment to form artillery instrumental reconnaissance divisions.

        In the army since March 1943 year. He served as the commander of the 2th sonic reconnaissance battery of the 794th separate army reconnaissance artillery battalion of the 44th cannon artillery brigade (PABR) of the 63th army on the Central and Bryansk fronts.

        By Order of the Armed Forces 63 A No. 5/n dated August 10, 1943, Lieutenant Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd degree, for identifying the main enemy artillery group in the Malinovets - Setukha - Bolshoy Malinovets sector and identifying three camouflaged batteries, subsequently destroyed by the 44th PABR[ 10].

        15 September 1943 year awarded the rank of senior lieutenant.

        Since the spring of 1944, the commander of the sonic reconnaissance battery of the 68-th Sevsko-Rechitsa cannon artillery brigade of the 48-th army of the 2-th Belarusian front. The battle route is from Orel [11] to East Prussia [To 9].

        From May 7 to 1944 of the year - captain [8]: 906.

        By order of the 68th PABR No. 19 of July 8, 1944, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the sound detection of two enemy batteries and adjusting fire on them, which led to the suppression of their fire [12].

        At the front, despite the strictest ban, he kept a diary. He wrote a lot and sent his works to Moscow writers for review.
        At the front, Solzhenitsyn continued to be interested in social life, but became critical of Stalin (for “distorting Leninism”); in correspondence with an old friend (Nikolai Vitkevich) he spoke abusively about “Pakhan”, under which Stalin guessed, kept in his personal belongings a “resolution” drawn up with Vitkevich, in which he compared the Stalinist order with serfdom and talked about the creation of an “organization” after the war to restore the so-called "Leninist" norms.
        You should be ashamed little man.
        1. 0
          16 October 2016 22: 15
          It seems that you have not read the previous messages and texts of Solzhenitsyn’s speeches in exile.
          He betrayed his homeland by emigrating!
      2. 0
        15 October 2016 09: 41
        To put Herostratus and Hitler on the same level, and even to attribute Solzhenitsyn there, is some kind of schizophrenic nonsense. It feels like the person wrote this in a drug stupor.
        1. 0
          16 October 2016 22: 10
          Quote: Raspiliarder
          Does Solzhenitsyn belong next to Stalin and Hitler? It's unlikely, don't fantasize...

          They winced.
          It was about Herostratus and Hitler.
  27. 0
    15 October 2016 07: 28
    Quote: the most important
    Is insulting from a distance, knowing that you won’t get punched in the face in return, a worthy act of a man?

    Well, you yourself do this all the time. Do you think that you have the right to insult your opponents?
    And only when the same methods are applied to you, do you remember the rules of honor and start yelling “what’s wrong with us?!” laughing