Zhellotossiya. How Russia tried to become the “Great Eastern Empire”

Zhellotossiya. How Russia tried to become the “Great Eastern Empire”

At the turn of the XIX and XX centuries, trying to preempt the threat of Chinese and Japanese expansion, Russia decided to implement the project Zheltorossiya. The basis of the project was the Kvantunsk region with the port Far and the naval base Port Arthur (created in 1899 year), the alienation line of the CER, Cossack troopers and the settlement of land by Russian colonists. As a result, the struggle of the great powers for Manchuria-Zheltorossiya was one of the reasons for the Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905. The Japanese Empire, with the support of Britain and the United States, was able to take up and dominate in northeastern China and Korea. Russia also lost Port Arthur, the Kuriles and South Sakhalin. In 1945, the Soviet Army will take revenge for previous defeats, and the Soviet Union will temporarily restore its rights in China. However, soon, due to considerations of supporting the “younger brother” (communist China), Moscow will give up all territorial and infrastructural rights in Zheltorossiya. Because of the anti-national policy of Khrushchev, this concession will be in vain, as China will become a hostile power to Russia.

How Russia was dragged into Chinese affairs

In 1894, Japan, which needed sources of raw materials and markets, began to build its colonial empire and attacked China. The Japanese military-political leadership, with the help of Western advisers, modernized the country, paying particular attention to transport infrastructure, the army and the fleet. However, the Japanese islands had a minimum of resources. Therefore, the Japanese decided to create their sphere of influence and drew attention to the weakest neighbors - Korea and the degraded Chinese empire. In addition, the Japanese, with the support of the Anglo-Saxons, wanted to experience the Russian Empire, which had weak positions in the Far East (military infrastructure, undeveloped communications, and small population).

Russian devotees created all the prerequisites for creating a world Russian superpower. Russia went organically to the Pacific Ocean, Russian passionaries indomitably went forward, forced the Bering Strait, mastered the Aleutian Islands, Alaska, went into modern Canada, mastering the current Oregon and stopped only in Northern California. Located just north of San Francisco, Fort Ross became the extreme point of the advancement of the Russians in the region of the Great (Pacific) Ocean. Although it was possible to occupy the Hawaiian Islands, or a part of them. In the south of the Far East, the Russians reached the borders of the Chinese Empire. Russia has become a neighbor of the two greatest eastern empires and civilizations, the Chinese and the Japanese.

The best minds of the empire understood that Russia needed, while there was still time, to gain a foothold on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. N. Muravyov, appointed by the Governor-General of Eastern Siberia, believed that the only way for Russia to remain among the great powers was a wide access to the Pacific Ocean, intensive development of the “Russian California”, and active substantiation of the Russians in the Far East. This had to be done immediately - until the great European powers and America were ahead of Russia. Ants took the initiative and created the Trans-Baikal Cossacks, attracting descendants of Don and Zaporozhye Cossacks there. He outlined the way to the Great Ocean and laid new cities. However, the sticks in the wheels were inserted by Petersburg diplomats, many of whom were Westerners and were guided by Austria, England and France. Like Karl Nesselrode, who served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire longer than anyone else. They were afraid of complications with the European powers and America. And they preferred to spend all the attention and forces of the empire on European affairs, which were often far from the true national interests of Russia, rather than mastering Siberia, the Far East and Russian America.

Strategists in Petersburg feared overstrain. While the Anglo-Saxons were building a global empire, capturing whole continents, subcontinents and regions with small forces, St. Petersburg politicians were afraid to even develop those lands that the Russian pioneers attached so as not to anger their neighbors. Although, taking into account the location of the lands of the Russian Empire, Petersburg could have become a leader in the Great Game ("the king of the mountain") and establish control over the northern part of the Great Ocean. As a result, fearing for the looseness of their possessions, for the vulnerability of the vast Russian Pacific borders, the government of Nicholas sold Fort Ross, and the government of Alexander II made a terrible geopolitical, strategic mistake, selling Alaska to the Americans. So, Russia has lost Russian America and lost enormous potential opportunities that promised these territories in the present and especially in the future.

However, the problem of the freezing port on the Pacific coast has not gone away. The Black Sea and the Baltic Sea provided limited access to the World Ocean, which, on occasion, could be blocked by neighbors. For many centuries, the aim of the Russian government was to search for a non-freezing port, for guaranteed communication and trade with the whole world. A big step in this direction was made on November 14 1860, when Beijing refused in favor of Russia from the eastern part of Manchuria - from the Amur River to the border of China with Korea. Russia received the Amur region, the lower reaches of the Amur - a powerful water giant, vast territories (larger in area than France along with Spain), up to the border with Korea. As a result, the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Empire first moved from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Then, studying the Pacific coast, the governor Muravyov founded the port with a very significant name - Vladivostok, which became the main base of the Russian fleet on the Great Ocean.

Manchuria on the map of the Qing Empire 1851 g, before the accession of the Amur region and Primorye to Russia

But the main "window" of the Russian Empire in the Pacific also had drawbacks. First, for three months of the year, this port froze, and the ships stood ice-bound, plus the north wind, which interfered with navigation. Secondly, Vladivostok did not go directly into the ocean, but into the Sea of ​​Japan. And in the long term, the booming island Japanese Empire with its network of islands could isolate the Russian port from the open ocean. Thus, access to the Pacific Ocean depended on relations with Japan. The Japanese could control the Laperuz Strait (near Hokkaido) north of Vladivostok, the Tsugaru Strait (between Hokkaido and Honshu) in the east, and the Tsushima Strait (between Korea and Japan) in the south.

Russia was looking for a way out of this natural isolation. Russian navigators immediately noticed the island Tsushima standing in the middle of the Tsushima Strait. In 1861, the Russians occupied this island. However, the British immediately responded - they sent a military squadron to the region. After the Crimean War, only a few years passed, and Russia did not bring the matter to the confrontation. Under pressure from the leading Western powers, Russia was forced to give up. Later, the British seized the port of Hamilton - a small island on the southern approach to Tsushima, in order to control the maritime communications going to Russian Vladivostok. The Japanese were closely following this conflict. Seeing the weakness of Russia in the Far East, Japan immediately began to challenge Sakhalin’s belonging to Russia. However, the forces of the Asiatic Empire had not yet reached the Russian level, and in 1875, the Japanese temporarily abandoned encroachment on South Sakhalin.

Though slowly, but Russia strengthened its position in the Far East. New cities appear, old ones grow. The population of Siberia and the Far East grew to 4,3 million in 1885. By 1897, the population of the eastern part of Russia grew to 6 million people. The Russians established control over Sakhalin, forts Nikolaevsk and Mariinsk were built at the mouth of the Amur River.

An “Eastern” party is being formed in St. Petersburg, which saw the future of Russia in the creation of the Great Eastern Empire, which could become a new center of the world. FM Dostoevsky already felt this promising colossal opportunity: “With the turn to Asia, with our new look at it, we may have something like this that happened to Europe when they discovered America. For truly Asia is the same America that we had not yet discovered for us. With striving to Asia, we will revive the uplift of spirit and strength ... In Europe, we were hangers and slaves, and in Asia we will be masters. In Europe we were Tatars, and in Asia we were Europeans. Our civilizing mission in Asia will captivate our spirit and enthrall us there. ”

The poet and geopolitician V. Bryusov considered the Western liberal democratic ideal of a political system unsuitable for vast Russia if it hopes to defend its identity, its special place on Earth, both in the West and in the East. Bryusov singled out two world antagonists, the two main forces of the foreign policy evolution of the world - Britain and Russia, the first as the mistress of the sea, and the second - land. The strength of his poetic (deep) and geopolitical vision posed a “non-Western” task for Russia: “Her (Russia )’s world position, at the same time, the fate of our national ideals, and with them their native art and native language depends on whether it in the XX century mistress of Asia and the Pacific. ” Not a merger with the West, but a concentration of forces for turning the Pacific Ocean into “our lake” - this was Bruce’s view historical perspective for Russia.

It was obvious that in Europe Russia looked like a backward state as an importer of capital and technology, a supplier of raw materials (grain), calling on Western capitalists and managers. In Asia, Russia was an advanced power that could bring progress and modernization to Korea, China and Japan.

The idea of ​​one of the main builders of the "Eastern Empire" - Minister of Finance S. Yu. Witte, set forth by Tsar Alexander III in the 1893 year, was very tempting: "On the Mongol-Tibet-China border, major changes are inevitable, and these changes can harm Russia, if European politics prevails here, but these changes can be infinitely blessed for Russia, if it manages to enter into Eastern European affairs earlier than the West European countries ... From the shores of the Pacific Ocean, from the heights of the Himalayas, Russia will dominate not only Asia development, but also over Europe. Located on the borders of two such different worlds, East Asian and West European, having strong contacts with both, Russia, in fact, is a special world. Its independent place in the family of nations and its special role in world history are determined by its geographical position and, in particular, by the nature of its political and cultural development, which was carried out through lively interaction and a harmonious combination of three creative forces that have shown themselves so only in Russia. The first is Orthodoxy, which has preserved the true spirit of Christianity as a basis for upbringing and education; secondly, autocracy as the basis of state life; thirdly, the Russian national spirit, which serves as the basis for the internal unity of the state, but free from the assertion of nationalist exclusivity, is extremely capable of friendly fellowship and cooperation of various races and peoples. It is on this basis that the entire building of Russian power is being built, which is why Russia cannot simply join the West ... Russia appears before the Asian peoples as the bearer of the Christian ideal and Christian enlightenment, not under the banner of Europeanization, but under its own banner. ”

With many here you can agree and even subscribe. The problem was that Russia was already late with the mission of the cultural and material enlightenment and progress of the East. This needed to be concerned about a few decades ago, when it was possible to build friendly, mutually beneficial relations with Japan, before its “discovery” by the West and westernization under the influence of the Anglo-Saxons; when they still did not sell Russian America, when they joined the Amur region and could expand the sphere of influence in China without the resistance of competitors. However, in the 1890-s - the beginning of the 20th century, the West already conceptually controlled the Japanese empire and sent a “samurai ram” against China to enslave it even more. And against Russia, to slay two great Asian powers and knock out the Russians from the Far East, once again sending their energy to the West, where the Anglo-Saxons were gradually preparing the great war between the Russians and the Germans. He beat the celestial West in the “opium wars”, turned it into its semi-colony, and it could not independently choose the course of strategic rapprochement with the Russians. Russia could not rely on China. Thus, Petersburg was late with the project of active development of Asia. Intensive penetration into China and Korea led to a war with Japan, behind which stood the mighty British Empire and America. It was a “trap” in order to divert Russian resources from domestic development, “bury” them in China and “donate” Japan, as well as pit Russia and Japan. The conflict led to the destabilization of the Russian Empire, a revolution that was supported by backstage world centers, Western intelligence services and Japan. De facto, it was the dress rehearsal of the First World War, whose main goal was the destruction of the Russian Empire and civilization, the seizure and looting by Western predators of the resources of vast Russia.

However, this did not embarrass the representatives of the "eastern" party. Russia followed the path of the capitalist countries, but was somewhat late. Russian capitalists needed markets, sources of cheap raw materials and labor. Russia could teach all this only in the East, since the Russian Empire could not compete on an equal footing with the Western powers in Europe. Proponents of the expansion of Russia in the East believed that trade with China would be one of the cornerstones of Russian power: the link between the West and a large part of Asia would depend on Russia, and this would raise its strategic importance. With the help of economic and diplomatic ties, Russia will become an actual protectorate of China. Ahead saw bright prospects for guardianship over Asia. In St. Petersburg, they forgot that England and France have already placed the Celestial Empire under their control, that America, Germany and Japan are bursting into China. They did not intend to let Russia go to China, except perhaps as a “junior partner” to whom the Japanese, and indeed the Chinese, could be set upon.

Relations with Japan did not develop. The Japanese empire was “discovered” by Westernizers at gunpoint and followed the path of Westernization, its policy was in line with the global policy of the Anglo-Saxons. Russia's early attempts to improve relations with Japan did not lead to success. Last chance missed Nicholas II. He had a personal reason to dislike the Japanese. Tsarevich Nikolay made a world tour, and 1891, a small squadron of the heir to the throne, arrived in Japan. The unexpected happened in one of the Japanese cities. Tsuda Sanzo attacked Nikolai with his sword and wounded him. As a result, the impression of Japan as an irrational hostile force was laid down in the memory of the future king. Even in official documents, Nikolai, who was a very polite man, called the Japanese "macaques". Japan, on the other hand, copied not only Western technologies, but also its policies. The Japanese began to create their colonial empire, claiming to be the main predator in the Asia-Pacific region. To begin with, the Japanese decided to knock out the "weak links": the main Asian rival - decrepit and located in the bondage of the West Heavenly Empire, and Russia, whose main economic centers and military forces were in the west of the empire. China, Korea and Russia should have provided the Japanese predator with the necessary resources for further growth and expansion.

Japanese skillfully adopted western experience. The fleet was modernized under the guidance of the British. The ideas of Admiral Nelson - suddenly beating the fleets of the enemy in their own ports, were revived by the Japanese. The army was improved by the Prussian-German instructors, from whom the Japanese adopted the idea of ​​Cannes - maneuvers to reach and surround the enemy’s army (this concept was skillfully applied by the Japanese generals against the Russian army, forcing it to consistently retreat with its workaround maneuvers). Thus, the West created the "Japanese ram", which should stop the movement of Russians in the Pacific.

In Russia, almost everyone except the most far-sighted (Admiral Makarov) missed the phenomenal growth of Japan. In St. Petersburg, they did not notice how Japan, after a period of explosive and successful Westernization in the sphere of economics and military affairs, became our main opponent in the Far East. The Anglo-Saxons did not intend to fight with the Russians in the Pacific, but they prepared and used the Japanese as their “cannon fodder”. The transformative role of the Meiji Revolution in Petersburg was underestimated. The ease of conquering feudal slave-holding Turkestan, the victory in the last Russian-Turkish war, the looseness and weakness of China played a cruel joke with the Russian imperial machine. Plus, the traditional calculation on the "chance", "hats". They say that huge Russia can easily cope with small Japan, which did not see a serious threat. Even the quick and easy victory of Japan over China (1895) did not lead to an overestimation of the capabilities of the island empire. This underestimation of the enemy and even contempt for him (“macaques”) cost Russia dearly.

To be continued ...
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  1. +5
    11 August 2016 07: 26
    Quote: Alexander Samsonov
    Well, firstly, for the sake of truth, there was no such term, there was Manchuria or the Far Eastern protectorate.

    Quote: Alexander Samsonov
    In the south of the Far East, Russians reached the borders of the Chinese Empire. Russia has become a neighbor of two of the greatest eastern empires and civilizations - Chinese and Japanese.
    Again, for the sake of truth - back in the 17 century, we became neighbors of China and Japan, going to the Pacific Ocean. Just in the 19 century, Russia already took a large piece of the territory claimed by China, and then actually annexed part of its empire. It is the same with Japan - we were the second after the Americans, who concluded an agreement with it and forced it to break out of strict isolationism.

    Quote: Alexander Samsonov
    Already F. M. Dostoevsky felt this opportunity, which promised a colossal change: “With the turn to Asia, with our new look at it, we may have something like something that happened to Europe when America was discovered. For truly Asia is for us the same America that was not yet discovered by us. With the desire to Asia, we will revive the upsurge of spirit and strength ... In Europe we were engrafters and slaves, and in Asia we will be gentlemen. In Europe we were Tatars, and in Asia we are Europeans. Our civilizational mission in Asia will bribe our spirit and carry us there. ”
    Fedor Mikhailovich, one of the pillars of our national culture, as always turned out to be right. But the project was not successfully implemented.
    1. avt
      11 August 2016 09: 03
      Quote: Warrior2015
      Well, firstly, for the sake of truth, such a term

      In truth, for the sake of just such a term, he walked in a circle of ugly people.
      Quote: Warrior2015
      But the project was not successfully implemented.

      laughing It remains to find out - WHO
      Thus, Petersburg was late with the project of active development of Asia.
      “Petrburkh” and Niki # 2 personally was not just “late”, but made ALL imaginable and inconceivable mistakes in this field. Starting from the fact that they flashed the opportunity to settle in Korea in Mozanpo, ending with the fact that they foolishly squeezed the Liaodong Peninsula from the Japanese with a mouse button -Port Arthur. For the freaks of Kuropatkin, Witte, who cut funding for the fleet, and in view of how the Angles with amers lent to the Japanese, and a completely disorderly concentration, or rather its complete absence, of the available ship composition. As a result, the macaques "piled on koekakam" with all the heroic efforts of the rank and file of the Russian army and navy. request The loss is entirely on the conscience of the top management and personally Alekseev, Kuropatkin, headed by Nicholshka No. 2. For losing this war had to really try to be wise. I didn't even have the sense to be consistent in my relationship with the Chinese! Joint with the "common people" of the future of China in suppressing the uprising of "boxers", in the presence of a signed agreement on mutual assistance, eventually resulted in the fact that the 300 thousand Chinese army calmly watched the Kuropatkin tricks over the personnel of the troops entrusted to him during the hostilities with the Japanese.
      1. +5
        11 August 2016 10: 43
        Quote: avt
        “Petrburkh” and Niki # 2 personally was not just “late”, but made ALL imaginable and inconceivable mistakes in this field. Starting from the fact that they flouted the opportunity to settle in Korea in Mozanpo, ending with the fact that they foolishly squeezed the Liaodong Peninsula from the Japanese with a mouse button -Port Arthur.

        In "Gangut" there were several articles on the history of choosing a non-freezing base for the Pacific Fleet. The sailors and the Foreign Ministry acted in the style of the unforgettable swan, crayfish and pike - every man for himself, without coordination, the fleet does not take into account all political moments, the Foreign Ministry spits on strategic and operational ones. As a result, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs won - and the fleet was presented with the fact that it would have to be based on Port Arthur, which was chosen as a base by a whole deputy consul.
        Quote: avt
        For the tricks of Kuropatkin, Witte, who cut off the financing of the fleet, and in view of how the Angles and Amers credited the Japanese, and the completely careless concentration, or rather its complete absence, of the available shipboard

        If St. Petersburg cut only naval requests ... Yakovlev's "History of Fortresses" briefly describes the state of affairs with the construction of the Port Arthur defense system: how allocations for long-term structures were cut, how all projects were rejected that provided the core of the fortress and the fleet with protection from artillery shelling (forts are too far away, too large a perimeter - expensive, cut!). As for the sake of economy, concrete thicknesses in permanent structures were constantly being reduced. And how, as a result, the line of defense of the fortress was adjusted to fit the garrison reduced for the sake of higher political reasons:
        An interagency meeting, which this project came up for consideration, trying to save costs on Kwantui both by people and money, spoke out against the project, and the latter was not approved. At the same time, a wish was expressed that, in general, the Qantong garrison should not exceed the number of bayonets and sabers available there, namely 11 people, so that "organizing the protection of the peninsula is not excessively expensive and politically dangerous."

        As a result, the money was actually thrown to the wind: the defenses of Port Arthur could not even theoretically fulfill their main task - to protect the core of the fortress from enemy artillery fire:
        In the end, Port Arthur did not satisfy, first of all, the theoretical conditions of the then normal fortress, since some of the fortifications of the outer contour were less than the minimum limit of 4 km from the city; since fort No. 3 was 2,5 km away from it, and forts No. 4 and 5 were even 1,5 km from the outskirts of the new city. Even if we consider only the eastern basin, where the Russian squadron was hiding, to be protected area, then it turns out that the land forts line was only 1 km away from the border in places (for example, forts No. 2-3). It is clear that such proximity of the fortifications to the city caused the bombing of the latter and the port from the very first shots, with ships, warehouses, hospitals suffering, and not only shells, but also gun bullets flying through the city streets. Such a narrowing of the contour, as we saw above, was caused solely by economic considerations and the desire to adjust the length of the contour in accordance with the manpower strictly allocated for Port Arthur.
        1. avt
          11 August 2016 10: 49
          Quote: Alexey RA
          As a result, the money was actually thrown to the wind: the defenses of Port Arthur could not even theoretically fulfill their main role - to protect the core of the fortress from enemy artillery fire:

          Forgot to add - a row was built in no way and is not protected by anything Dalniy - a commercial port! It’s an direct invitation from the Japanese, who have already taken Port Arthur for a while, they say, here’s a haven for you - calmly land. What actually they have successfully done! request
          Quote: Alexey RA
          As a result, the money was actually thrown to the wind: the defenses of Port Arthur could not even theoretically fulfill their main role - to protect the core of the fortress from enemy artillery fire:

          However, Kuropatkin, who inspected the construction site and overlooked ONE constructed fort, sent excellent feedback to Nikolashka - the fortress was not criminal from land! wassat
          1. +3
            11 August 2016 13: 51
            Quote: avt
            Forgot to add - a row was built in no way and is not protected by anything Dalniy - a commercial port! It’s an direct invitation from the Japanese, who have already taken Port Arthur for a while, they say, here’s a haven for you - calmly land. What actually they have successfully done!

            So in theory, everything was fine: the fleet dominates the sea and hinders landing, which means the enemy will not be able to transport large forces by sea and will not be able to supply, and the existing garrison will also cope with small ones.
            As a result, one hand relied on the navy and began to save on the army, cutting off the garrison and the fort belt, while the other, in parallel, saved on the navy. And the Japanese managed to do it earlier, squeezing the war into the interval when Mikasa and So were already ready, but our Borodinians were not yet.
            The army had a theoretical chance to prevent the Japanese from taking Dalniy. But for this, a fleet was needed - to support the flanks of the position on the isthmus.
            Quote: avt
            However, Kuropatkin, who inspected the construction site and overlooked ONE constructed fort, sent excellent feedback to Nikolashka - the fortress was not criminal from land!

            And according to pre-war reports, everyone was always doing well.
            In fact, on the land front in Port Arthur there was a complete fifth point:
            On the land front, only one fort was completed - No. 4, 2 fortifications (4th and 5th), 3 batteries (lit. A, B and C) and 2 nutrient cellars. The remaining structures were either not completed, or just begun by construction, or not started at all. Among the unfinished, but which were just of paramount importance in the defense of the fortress (since a land attack was carried out on them), forts No. 2, 3 and temporary fortification 3rd belonged.
          2. +2
            11 August 2016 19: 30
            Quote: avt
            Far - a commercial port! It’s an direct invitation from the Japanese, who have already taken Port Arthur for a while, they say, here’s a haven for you - calmly land. What actually they have successfully done!

            the team of hunters did not manage to blow up anything. The order went too late. Given that he was given by the commander of the district (subsequently accused of treason), this is not surprising. His friend generally ticked from the position without becoming anything to do to harm the Japanese.
            That war was generally remembered by such mediocrity and outright betrayal (however heroism was enough). And the surrender of the whole Dalniy (for which they paid 10 million rubles for the construction) predetermined the delivery of large-caliber artillery to the besieged Port Arthur.
        2. 0
          11 August 2016 19: 16
          Yes, all the same, the main defense of the naval fortress is still a battle-worthy fleet. And judging by Port Arthur, so one Cliff was worth more than the entire TO1, although it was only 5 (10 d) trunks and 2 sighting trunks.
          Everyone can smoke the sky. But so the sea fortress cannot be protected. She did not fall from the sea (although the blockade), but was taken from land. The fleet’s fault is in the landing, in communications.
      2. +2
        11 August 2016 12: 24
        Quote: avt
        Starting with slamming the opportunity to settle in Mozanpo in Korea, ending with foolishly squeezing the Liaodong Peninsula with a mouse trap, Port Arthur, from the Japanese.

        “The protocol, signed on April 11, 1898, obliged both Russia and Japan to refrain from any direct interference in the internal affairs of Korea, demanded a preliminary agreement between these states if Korea would seek advice or help from one of them, and entrusted the Russian government’s commitment not to impede the development of trade and industrial between Japan and Korea
        At the same time, she (Japan) carefully protected Korea from penetrating foreign influence there, and mainly from the Russian people. Thanks to her persistent insistence and the efforts of her agents, we were unable to acquire either a large land plot in Mozampo or a concession for the construction of a railway from Seoul to Yizhu. ”

        Which is easy in words, not just put into practice. In addition, Port Arthur was considered a secondary theater of operations. Only the presence of the fleet gave him such significance. At military maneuvers before the war, it was found out that the fleet would not be able to prevent, in case of war, the landing of Japanese troops in Korea and Port Arthur would be cut off in any case. The fleet was supposed to be assisted by a Russian squadron based in the Mediterranean, but there was nothing to assemble from.
        1. +3
          11 August 2016 13: 26
          I fully support! The entire cabinet of ministers of that time, coupled with the weak "Liberal" tsar and the fear of "losing" face before the Western countries, led to a shameful defeat in the Russo-Japanese war, revolution and economic impoverishment of the population.
          Witte reminds me of Kudrin.
      3. +1
        11 August 2016 19: 08
        Quote: avt
        Quote: Warrior2015
        Well, firstly, for the sake of truth, such a term

        In truth, for the sake of just such a term, he walked in a circle of ugly people.

        absolutely right. Bezobrazov’s party rushed with the idea of ​​Yellow Russia. And they were able to rub in confidence.
      4. +2
        11 August 2016 19: 10
        Quote: avt
        As a result, the macaques "piled on" koekakam

        Also read Port Arthur smile (quote "if there is not a large numerical superiority, then the macaques will be stuffed with koekakam ..)
        The trouble there is in the opinion that the Japanese will not be able, hesitant, will not achieve. In general, they do not pose a threat, but if something is so "small victorious war"
        1. avt
          11 August 2016 20: 51
          Quote: Retvizan
          There is trouble in the opinion that the Japanese will not be able to, not be decided, will not succeed.

          request It's not just some kind of “trouble”! It's just some kind of ... competition was direct dignitaries in front of Nikolashka # 2! After he received a saber in the head for his drunken miracles in a Japanese temple, there are different versions from the extreme - by going into a Shinto shrine, drunk to amazement, they just pissed on the wall, the middle one - drunks played on temple bells, well, the most harmless - they said something like a loud voice, so the campaign simply hated the Japanese in general. So dignitaries directly competed in disdain for the Japanese at all official levels Such frankly offensive in neglect of his attitude to diplomatic moves (This is with Asians, and the Japanese in particular, for whom the ceremonial will generally elevate to a cult!) And generally bringing the opinion of their mental abilities to insanity! Well, you have to think of showing the unfinished ships of the country's attache who was one step ahead in mobilizing the fleet wassat Kuropatkin exercises in an categorical, but erroneous assessment of mobilization potential of one and a half .. yes, almost almost twice ... Yes, all this also went on against the background of direct competition with shaved for the Pamir and the Himalayas request Well, the right word all these Orthodox voivods completely forgot that pride is the gravest sin .... but it was necessary to pay for it to the rank and file of officers and officers.
  2. +5
    11 August 2016 07: 35
    In Russia, nothing has changed over the centuries, then there were pro-Westerners (national traitors) in the government and now they look longingly at the "European values" and, as it were, not to offend the "partners".
  3. +1
    11 August 2016 09: 27
    By 1897, the population of the eastern part of Russia had grown to 6 million people. The Russians established control over Sakhalin, built forts Nikolaevsk and Mariinsk at the mouth of the Amur.

    Let me not believe it, because in 2016 the population of the Far Eastern Federal District is 6,4 million people.
    Wishlist should be separated from opportunities. Russia did not have resources (economic, military, demographic) for expansion to the east.
    1. 0
      11 August 2016 19: 25
      Quote: Army 2
      Let me not believe it, because in 2016 the population of the Far Eastern Federal District is 6,4 million people.
      Wishlist should be separated from opportunities. Russia did not have resources (economic, military, demographic) for expansion to the east.

      And the train went a month from St. Petersburg. Fortunately, the telegraph was already. But traditional slowness (even Peter could not overcome it) made it clear.
      But communications and communications did not allow the rapid transfer of resources to fight for a new theater.
    2. 0
      17 August 2016 22: 11
      Quote: Army 2
      By 1897, the population of the eastern part of Russia had grown to 6 million people. The Russians established control over Sakhalin, built forts Nikolaevsk and Mariinsk at the mouth of the Amur.

      Let me not believe it, because in 2016 the population of the Far Eastern Federal District is 6,4 million people.
      Wishlist should be separated from opportunities. Russia did not have resources (economic, military, demographic) for expansion to the east.

      This is together with Siberia.
  4. zav
    11 August 2016 12: 18
    Probably, the man was vypimsy when he said that the Great Ocean should become the Russian inner puddle. Or never looked at a map. To gain a foothold in the ocean, you need a fleet. And with the construction of the fleet, Russia was delayed not for two hundred years, but for all five hundred. Until the time of Peter there was not a single technical vehicle, beside the carts. A hundred years later, when Europe explored almost everything in the ocean that could not be counted as sea battles, Catherine said that we have ships and crews, but no fleet.
    And the fleet, by the way, is a technical civilization. Engaging in the fleet is taking care of the country's technological progress and training technically competent personnel. Was Russia able to deliver ships and bases at every strait in the Pacific Ocean with an almost illiterate population? Neither Russia nor anyone else — it was too big.
    As for the Japanese Westernization, it had a place to be. I note only one of its features. In the process of reform, the state itself, with its own money, built the factories and plants necessary at that time, and, having established production for them, transferred (sold) property to private individuals, of course, on certain conditions. It believed that it was easier for a private trader to find the right language for communication with hired personnel and make the car spin at full speed.
  5. +2
    11 August 2016 15: 04
    Yellow Russia is a well-established term that is more than a hundred years old.
    According to the given map of J. Tallis in 1851 - here the thing is ambiguous. Yes, nominally a territory under the jurisdiction of Qing (China is only part of the Qing Empire). But how much were the Chinese present (Qing administration)? The willow palisade, for which the Chinese were not allowed at the time of compiling the map, was at Liaodong himself. On the map there is the city of Furdan (modern Ussuriysk), which was described by the French Jesuits in 1709 as destroyed. And what, 140 years ruled the land and were not aware that there is no city in the country? There is an equally curious, also English, map of 1818. Everything is painted a little differently there.
  6. +2
    11 August 2016 15: 09
    And for a snack about Dalniy or Dalian. I will not write about the tourist Russian street, and various beautiful brick buildings built in the Neo-Russian style - well done, that they saved and use. A month ago, I decided to cut the road and trampled on some partisan back streets in the old part, and I was surprised when I saw this building! ..
  7. The comment was deleted.
  8. +3
    11 August 2016 15: 30
    Quote: Alexander Samsonov
    At the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, trying to forestall the threat of Chinese and Japanese expansion, Russia decided to implement the project "Yellow Russia".

    There was no Chinese expansion, since China was then an extremely weak state. This was shown by the "boxing uprising", in the suppression of which, by the way, the Russian Empire participated.
    Quote: Alexander Samsonov
    The Anglo-Saxons were not going to fight with the Russians in the Pacific Ocean themselves, but they prepared and used the Japanese as their "cannon fodder".

    Wrong. Yes, Great Britain used the goals of the Japanese to achieve their own. But the Japanese were not "cannon fodder", as they pursued their own goals in the Russo-Japanese War. Thanks to the Russian-Japanese Empire, the Japanese Empire was able to eliminate the rival Russia, and in subsequent years to extend its power over Korea and Manchuria (which would not have happened if the Russian Empire had retained its influence in the region).
  9. +3
    11 August 2016 19: 10
    For some reason, the article does not say anything about such an interesting shot as A. Bezobrazov. But in vain. The famous "forest concessions" in Korea are precisely his idea, partly because of which Russia and Japan collided. Here is what VI Gurko writes: “Immediately after the formation of the timber industry society, the state importance is attached to the development of timber in the mouths of the Yalu. This is expressed in the fact that the company employs persons who are in the public service, but who are exempt from any other occupation and still continue to receive government support. Moreover, for the armed protection of the enterprise, the Chita Cossack regiment is transferred to the very Korean border - in Fyn-Huvno - Chen. Bezobrazov even got the idea to form soldiers 'workers' artels for cutting wood, dressed in Chinese clothes and having weapons hidden in the train. When this absurd assumption, at the insistence of Kuropatkin, is rejected, Bezobrazov forms the same artels from ... hunkhuz, which are armed with state-owned guns. "
    Interestingly, the uneducated company did not bring any profit. And why do you need profit if you can pump money from the state? It is simpler.
    1. avt
      11 August 2016 21: 06
      Quote: Rastas
      For some reason, the article does not say anything about such an interesting shot as A. Bezobrazov. But in vain. The famous "forest concessions" in Korea are precisely his idea, partly because of which Russia and Japan collided.

      No. After the victory over China, almost all the fruits of Japan were taken away, and after the suppression of the uprising of the "boxers", something like that unfolded ... the principle that the Japanese considered their prey by right - the Liaodong Peninsula, and even broke off the contribution, partially repaying the money paid to China for the peninsula.
      Quote: Retvizan
      I will say this - RI already wanted to grab something that was difficult to keep.

      Liaodong - yes, Manjuria - a debatable, controversial issue. Stalin refused, in spite of the request of the first secretary, but there were already completely different layouts of the Big Game.
      Quote: Retvizan
      I drank it on a state scale, yes (in vain did they involve the maid of honor and many dignitaries in the case).

      Well, they stole in ,, Russia, which we lost "so .... the engineer who supervised the construction of bridges at the end of the contract, either for a week, or for two rented ALL prostitutes in Khabarovsk for a walking company.
  10. 0
    11 August 2016 19: 36
    I drank it on a state scale, yes (in vain did they involve the maid of honor and many dignitaries in the case). The fact is that if it would burn out --- the Russian Federation would have access to the nascent center of Asia and the Pacific Ocean without obstacles (however, there was still civil and world war II - so the conclusions are premature)
    I will say this - RI already wanted to grab something that was difficult to hold. Given that the rivals were not weak. Yes, and if all the acquisitions in China were left, it would be very difficult now with him (revanchism, claims would have been much more)
    As correctly noted in the book Port Arthur - why do we need this Yellow Russia - when we have not developed Siberia?
  11. 0
    11 August 2016 21: 32
    My father served in 50's in Port Arthur, precisely during the transfer to the Chinese. He told me like locusts. 20-30 Russians leave one building, and then 200-300 Chinese come.
  12. +4
    11 August 2016 23: 25
    And where is the story about the true reasons for this whole shameful story called the Russo-Japanese War, RI managed to lose all the battles, surrender Port Arthur when he could resist for a long time and, in general, this could change the outcome of the war to exactly the opposite ... Where is the story about the "Bezobrazovskaya clique"? Where is the story about the fact that the Japanese have long and tediously tried to agree on the division of spheres of influence to the very limit? But Nikolai Dva and the company stupidly ignored all their proposals without reading. Where is the story about the fact that RI simply did not give a damn about the Chinese and, instead of getting a loyal ally in place, with a fairly large army (although significantly weaker than the Japanese one), received a conditionally neutral "partner" who did not help in the war with Japan. The Russo-Japanese War is simply the apotheosis of stupidity, shortsightedness, and debelism of the RI leadership. In fact, it was a crisis of power and control of the Republic of Ingushetia, and the subsequent three revolutions soon confirmed this.
    1. 0
      22 August 2016 11: 54
      In agreement with your opinion as a whole, I must object: before the surrender, Port Arthur was deprived of the possibility of resistance, there was no sense in this resistance for a long time either. The Japanese constantly bombarded the fortress with heavy guns without hindrance; there was nothing to answer them with.

      13, 8 thousand defenders were in hospitals and hospitals, about 6 thousand more should have been there, but remained in service: more than 4 thousand scurvy, 1,3 thousand lightly wounded, disabled people, etc.

      There was still food in the warehouses, but it was not full-fledged, so most of Port_Arthur's defenders were sick with scurvy. Already after the surrender of 39 thousand prisoners, about 2 thousand died from wounds, illnesses and exhaustion, although they received sufficient medical assistance.

      It is not surprising that Stessel, who was tried to make a scapegoat for all the failures of tsarist Russia, was acquitted of most of the charges at the trial, and 2 years after the verdict was passed, he was granted amnesty.
    2. +1
      22 August 2016 12: 08
      In our country, the "especially talented" people usually like to lie, as if Japan suffered many times more losses than ours in the RYA, was exhausted and ruined by the war, wanted only peace at any cost, and so on.

      In reality, usually such a lie is based on a comparison of different categories of losses: for the Japanese, the total losses are given without categorization, and these losses are given out as the number of people killed. On the Russian side, only the number of those killed in battle, officially recognized as such, is given for comparison (approximately the same number in the majority of battles turned out to be unaccounted for the killed, the so-called missing).

      In addition, we like to "forget" about the prisoners, who on the Russian side were in the amount of about 79,4 thousand who were in Japan at the time of the conclusion of the Portsmouth Peace, from the Japanese side - up to 2,5 thousand, some more Russians were caught captured wounded / sick and died from this already in captivity (including about 2 thousand after Port Arthur).

      According to official figures, the official number of losses in the Tsushima battle is huge: more than 6 thousand prisoners, about 5 thousand dead. However, the death toll was announced before receiving sufficiently complete information, and actually turned out to be one and a half times underestimated. On the Japanese side, the losses are ridiculously small: 3 destroyers, 117 people, including those who died from wounds after the battle.

      Taking into account all the factors, despite the active offensive actions of the Japanese, their irretrievable losses turn out to be fewer than Russians at times: both in the vast majority of battles and in total.
  13. +1
    22 August 2016 11: 44
    The article is very superficial and biased. The author presents the Russian Empire as "white and fluffy"; in fact, it differed from other colonial powers only in weakness and decrepitude, but tried to take an example from them in everything.

    The territory of Manchuria and Korea was first occupied by Japan during the war of 1894/95, but then taken away by Russia, France and Germany during the so-called. "triple intervention" in 1895. under the pretext of concern for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of China. However, control over these territories was not returned to China, in 1897. China was imposed on the so-called. "lease agreement", and in 1900. after the suppression of the ihetuan uprising, which is usually called "boxing" in our country, Russia threw off any constraint in colonizing Korea and Manchuria, which led to a conflict with Japan.

    With China, too: although no one asked his opinion then, but formally Russia and China were in a military alliance. However, the 300-strong army of China did not take any part in the REV, and if it did, it is still unknown how and on whose side.

    With a sufficient understanding of the problem, relations with Japan could still be settled on mutually beneficial conditions. However, the dismissive and openly boorish attitude towards Japan of the tsarist politicians and the tsar himself made a peaceful decision impossible: in 1902, having not received even an audience from sufficiently serious people for a long time in Russia, Ito's diplomatic mission departed for England, where a hostile Russian Union.
  14. 0
    12 December 2016 20: 31
    Thank you for the article ... Let Yellow-Russia be!