Sevastopol fiction

The perception of the Crimean War is like an iceberg. Everyone remembers the top from school: the defense of Sevastopol, the death of Nakhimov, the flooding of the Russian fleet. They judge those events, as a rule, with cliches embedded in the heads of many years of propaganda. Here is the "technical backwardness" of Russia, and the "shameful defeat of tsarism", and the "humiliating peace treaty." The phrase “The Crimean War showed the rottenness and powerlessness of serf Russia” (V. I. Lenin. “Peasant reform” and the proletarian-peasant revolution ”) became canonical for Soviet textbooks. The true scale and significance of war remains little known. It seems to many that this was some kind of peripheral confrontation, far from the main centers of Russia.
The simplified scheme looks straightforward: the enemy landed troops in the Crimea, defeated the Russian army there and, having achieved his goals, was solemnly evacuated. But is it?

And Shamil who joined them

Three empires (British, French, Ottoman) and one kingdom (Piedmont-Sardinia) came out against Russia. What is Britain of those times? A giant country, an industrial leader, the best navy in the world. What is France? The third world economy, the second fleet, a large and well-trained land army. The union of these two states has already given such a resonant effect that the combined coalition forces had incredible power. But there was also the Ottoman Empire.

Yes, by the middle of the XIX century the golden period was left in the past and it even began to be called “the sick man of Europe”. But this was said when comparing with the most developed countries. The Turkish fleet had steamboats, the army was numerous and partly armed with rifled weapons, the officers were sent to study in the West. In addition, foreign instructors worked on the territory of the Ottoman Empire itself.

By the way, in World War I, having already lost almost all of its European possessions, “ailing Europeans” defeated Britain and France in the Gallipoli campaign. And if the Ottoman Empire was so exhausted, then it must be assumed that it entered the Crimean War as a much more dangerous adversary.

The role of the Sardinian kingdom usually does not take into account at all, and after all this country has set against us a 20,000 well-armed army. Thus, Russia was opposed by a powerful coalition.

What are the goals pursued by the enemy? According to his plans, the Aland Islands, Finland, the Baltic region, the Crimea and the Caucasus should be rejected from Russia. The Kingdom of Poland was restored, and in the Caucasus an independent state, Circassia, was created, vassal in relation to Turkey. The Danube principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia, which were under the protectorate of Russia, were supposed to be transferred to Austria. They wanted to divide the trophies as follows: the Baltic states - Prussia, the Aland Islands and Finland - Sweden, the Crimea and the Caucasus - Turkey. Cherkessia was received by the leader of the mountaineers Shamil - by the way, during the Crimean War, his troops also fought against Russia.

But "backward, powerless and rotten" Russia did not leave a stone unturned from these projects. The line under the Crimean War was summed up by the Paris Congress 1856 of the year. According to the agreement, Russia lost a tiny part of Bessarabia, agreed to free navigation on the Danube and the neutral status of the Black Sea.

Steam flow measurement

Let us turn to the second important question - to the "technical backwardness of serf Russia." When it comes to this, they recall: in Britain and France, the army was equipped with rifled guns, and our soldiers — outdated smooth-bore guns. The advanced countries of the West have long since gone over to steamboats, Russian ships sailed. It would seem that everything is obvious and backwardness is evident. You will laugh, but we also had rifled guns and steam ships. Yes, the fleets of Britain and France were significantly ahead of Russia in the number of ships. But these are the two leading maritime powers.

Sevastopol fictionIt must be admitted that the enemy had much more rifled guns. But it is also true that there were rocket weapons in the Russian army. Moreover, the combat missiles of the Konstantinov system significantly exceeded their Western counterparts. The Baltic Sea was securely covered by Boris Yakobi’s mines. This weapon also belonged to the best world models.

However, let us analyze the degree of “military backwardness” of Russia as a whole. To do this, it makes no sense to go through all types of weapons, comparing each technical characteristic. Just look at the loss ratio in manpower. Obviously, we should have them fundamentally higher if Russia is really seriously behind the enemy in armaments.

The numbers of total losses in the sources vary greatly, and the number of those killed is about the same, so we turn to this indicator. So, for the war, 10 240 people were killed in the French army, 2755 in England, 10 000 in Turkey, and 24 577 in Russia. About five thousand people add to the losses of Russia. So many were dead among the missing. Thus, the total number of dead is considered equal to 30 thousands. That is, the ratio is not at all disastrous, especially considering that Russia fought half a year longer than England and France.

Of course, in response they will say that the main losses fell on the defense of Sevastopol, here the enemy stormed the fortifications, hence the great sacrifices. That is, the "technical backwardness" of Russia was partially offset by the advantageous position of the defense.

Well, consider the very first battle outside Sevastopol - the battle of Alma. A coalition army of about 62 thousands has landed in the Crimea. To detain the enemy and gain time to prepare for the defensive structures of Sevastopol, the Russian commander Alexander Menshikov decided to give battle along the Alma River. At that time, he managed to collect only 37 thousands of people. He, too, had fewer guns than the coalition, besides, the enemy was also supported from the sea by ship fire.

“According to one testimony, the Allies lost Alma 4300 on the day, according to others - 4500 people. By later calculations, our troops lost officers and 145 lower ranks in the Battle of Alma 5600, ”academician Tarle reports in his fundamental work Crimean War. It is constantly emphasized that in the course of the battle, our shortage of rifled weapons affected us, but note that the losses of the parties are quite comparable. Yes, ours turned out to be more, but the coalition had a significant advantage in manpower. What does the technical backwardness of the Russian army?

An interesting thing: our army was almost twice as weak in number, and it had fewer guns, and the enemy’s fleet from the sea shelled our positions, in addition, the backward weapons. It would seem that in such circumstances, the defeat of the Russian should be complete. And the result? After the battle, the Russian army retreated, maintaining order, the exhausted enemy did not dare to organize prosecution, that is, his movement to Sevastopol slowed down, which gave the city’s garrison time to prepare for defense. The words of the commander of the British First Division, the Duke of Cambridge, perfectly characterize the state of the "winners": "Another such victory, and England will not have an army."

Illusion of fall

The siege of Sevastopol lasted for almost a year. At the cost of heavy casualties, the enemy occupied a part of the city. There was no “fall of Sevastopol”, the Russian troops simply moved from the southern to the northern part of the city and prepared for further defense. Despite all the efforts, the coalition has achieved almost nothing. For all the time of hostilities, the enemy captured a small part of the Crimea, Bomarzund on the Aland Islands and Kinburn on the Black Sea, but at the same time suffered a defeat in the Caucasus. Meanwhile, at the beginning of 1856, Russia concentrated over 600 thousands of people on the western and southern borders. This is not counting the Caucasian and Black Sea lines. It was possible to create numerous reserves and gather militias.

Russia was ready to fight and rose to the Second Domestic with all the ensuing consequences for the enemy. But here the alarming news came from the diplomatic front: Austria openly joined Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire and the Sardinian kingdom. A few days later, Prussia made threats to Petersburg. By that time, Nicholas I died, his son Alexander II was on the throne. After weighing all the pros and cons, the king decided to start negotiations with the coalition.

As mentioned above, the treaty that ended the war was not demeaning. The whole world knows about it. In Western historiography, the outcome of the Crimean War for our country is estimated much more objectively than in Russia itself:

“The results of the campaign had little impact on the balance of international forces. It was decided to make the Danube an international waterway, and to declare the Black Sea neutral. But Sevastopol had to be returned to the Russians. Russia, previously dominant in Central Europe, has lost its former influence for the next few years. But not for long. The Turkish Empire was saved and also only for a while. Union of England and France did not reach their goals. The problem of the Holy Lands that he had to solve was not even mentioned in the peace treaty. And the Russian Tsar annulled the treaty itself in 14 years, ”Christopher Hibbert described the outcome of the Crimean War. This is a British historian. For Russia, he found much more correct words than Lenin.
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  1. -45
    22 July 2016 21: 45
    This should be regarded as rudeness! NATO in Montenegro and Poland (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia ... Belarus !!!) what is it on the fingers? This means that after the quick third world war, a Tribunal will be created and these countries will be against Russia on it, since Russia will have to deliver tactical nuclear strikes against NATO bases in these countries (chemical weapons, that is, ordinary chemical explosives in warheads are useless). How would the US react to Russian missile defense in English-speaking Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand? Moreover, together with the nuclear forces of “containment” there, for the US nuclear weapons are located in Turkey, Germany, Poland and Romania (according to cybercercut already), Italy, Greece (to which we have delivered more hovercraft than the Russian Federation itself has, yes there, Russia and Turkey armed as best they could and what they could and even a helicopter was named after Erdogan).
    1. +21
      22 July 2016 21: 53
      Hey what are you doing? wassat
      1. +32
        23 July 2016 08: 22
        And our grandfathers, and our fathers, and we were sucked in a story where Russia was weak and degrading. Lenin came and saved the country !!!

        Earlier, the Romanovs rewrote history, where they exposed the Rurikovichs as a "weak link".
        What is characteristic is the Germans wrote the history of Russia! They Germans know more about us!
        Arrived, sat in the royal chambers and bang! there was mischief !!!
        That's how everything was in Russia! Read Russian and remember that you are barbarians and second-rate! And we Europeans pulled you out of the darkness!

        That's how we live for several centuries, as Ivan does not remember kinship.

        It's time to wake up and honor everyone.
        And be proud of everyone.
        And Rurikovich Russia gathered and glorified it for centuries!
        And the Roman impostors made the troubles and betrayed the Rurikovich and Europeans at the feet and fell in mud, but Russia saved until the 20th century.
        Thank you for the recognition by the Romanovs that Russia did not begin with them, and for the struggle against the very west to which they had prayed before stupidity.
        And remember Lenin, who even now "is more alive than all living things."
        (in fact, a pharaoh whose mummy lies in a pyramid on Red Square, who else besides a Russian can do this with a revolutionary who destroyed the country ???)
        And Stalin gathered the fragments of the country.
        And do not forget everyone after him with their deeds.
        And most importantly, you need to remember yourself - people who gave their lives for the sake of future generations.

        And fucking send the whole western world with their "truth" and their "history".
        With Hollywood, which is already five hundred years old.
        A dream factory instead of truth.
        1. -13
          23 July 2016 14: 51
          Well, the author throws some fluff. Yes, Britain and France were stronger than us, but they carried out the most difficult landing operation, they could not gather their entire "invincible fleet" there. Can you imagine how difficult it is to maintain the expeditionary force technically? If these countries had a direct land border, it would have been much more difficult for us then.
          This article is populism, in which there is no research, no numbers, no analytics, no references to historical works. What goals can the article pursue? To propagandize that the Russian Empire was wow and to accuse Soviet Russia of "cliches". And what is the evidence base? Stamps!
          Look out!
          What is Britain of those times? A giant country, an industrial leader, the world's best navy.

          What is France? The third economy of the world, the second fleet, a large and well-trained ground army.

          And not a single number!

          It is important to understand that I am not saying that the article is not true, I am only proving that a) it is not substantiated b) has no historical goals at all, but propaganda of the Republic of Ingushetia and the USSR counterpropaganda c) the author is an idle talk
          1. +1
            24 July 2016 20: 21
            Quote: cyberhanter

            What is Britain of those times? A giant country, an industrial leader, the world's best navy.

            What is France? The third economy of the world, the second fleet, a large and well-trained ground army.

            And not a single number!

            and no numbers, no rebuttals, catch the minus, hailo from the word to blame
            1. 0
              24 July 2016 23: 31
              Quote: poquello
              and no numbers, no rebuttals, catch the minus, hailo from the word to blame

              It’s not me who writes the articles, but you :) If you write the article, please kindly argue your article, otherwise this article has a commentary level :) I’m just not a connoisseur of the history of those times and I see no reason therefore to bring my opinion, which I can not argue. I give only the opinion that I can. My argument is that you don’t have any arguments, so I don’t hay, but just open your jambs. This article is populism :)
              1. +2
                25 July 2016 12: 18
                Quote: cyberhanter
                Not I write articles, but you :)

                I don’t write them at all, and it’s foolish to demand arguments for
                What is Britain of those times? A giant country, an industrial leader, the world's best navy.

                if you have a different opinion, prove it, but don’t wave
        2. +1
          25 July 2016 14: 07
          Russians. We deify a Georgian godfather named "Gutalin", and then we are offended that they call us slaves. Ah, Sta-alin! Ah, hey! He missed the 41st year in a way that no "talentless" tsarist generals, no Gorbachev or Yeltsin dreamed of, he broke the backbone of the Russian (and also Ukrainian, and also Belarusian) peasantry. Such a black man ... I am a genius at the expense of the mind of the Russians, the work of the Russians, the education of the Russians, and their infinite patience. The practice of the last 16 years shows what can be achieved from the Russians without even raping them too much. And this, "Gutalin" - why should he? Stranger, disgusting, cowardly slaves, Slavs, who do not feel sorry for. Into their furnace !!! But a statue in the courtyard of every school, every university, and - during life! - Stalingrad, Stalino, Stalinobad, Stalinokan, and so on, and so on. etc. Shy guy. But he wore a jacket and boots.
    2. +22
      22 July 2016 22: 09
      Quote: Dobrogneva
      This should be regarded as rudeness! NATO in Montenegro and Poland (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia ... Belarus !!!) what is it on the fingers? This means that after the quick third world war, a Tribunal will be created and these countries will be against Russia on it, since the Russian Federation will have to deliver tactical nuclear strikes against NATO bases in these countries (chemical weapons, that is, ordinary chemical explosives in warheads ...

      Sevastopol then where? An interesting little informative article about the Crimean War, thanks to the author.
      1. -30
        22 July 2016 22: 53
        Learn to face veritatis (lat.)
        1. +7
          23 July 2016 08: 39
          Quote: Dobrogneva
          Learn to face veritatis (lat.)

          Lectio non reponere mentem (lat.). By the way, you are not the only one who knows about the "Translator" tab.
      2. +4
        23 July 2016 06: 43
        It is not a matter of quantity and quality, although this is not the last factor, but of psychology and self-sacrifice. These two factors turned out to be an order of magnitude higher for a RUSSIAN warrior. And these qualities of Russians have been traced for centuries.
        It was not in vain that A.S. said Pushkin; There is a RUSSIAN spirit, there it smells of Rus, or Who comes to us with a sword from the sword and perishes (Alexander Nevsky)
      3. 0
        23 July 2016 16: 48
        Excuse me, but what is cognitive?

        Cognition - a set of processes, procedures and methods for acquiring knowledge about the phenomena and patterns of the objective world.

        You just heard the point of view, which if it is based on anything, then these facts are not given. That is, there is no question of at least any attempt at objectivity, and therefore about cognition. With the same success can be called "Dom2" Cognitive TV show
    3. +11
      22 July 2016 22: 10
      Mda Of course not the topic, but how much pathos and how clever !!!!!
      To the spite of the day, so to speak. fool
      1. +4
        22 July 2016 22: 22
        Quote: Smog
        Mda Of course not the topic, but how much pathos and how clever !!!!!
        To the spite of the day, so to speak. fool

        what attacked a person? maybe pent up, nothing will be beaten
        1. +6
          22 July 2016 22: 28
          what attacked a person? maybe pent up, nothing will be beaten

          Mono think that I alone recourse . Or how was the "youngest" criticized? laughing
          1. +2
            22 July 2016 22: 38
            Quote: Smog
            what attacked a person? maybe pent up, nothing will be beaten

            Mono think that I alone recourse . Or how was the "youngest" criticized? laughing

            it's more to the minuses than to you
            1. +10
              22 July 2016 22: 41
              Quote: poquello
              Quote: Smog
              what attacked a person? maybe pent up, nothing will be beaten

              Mono think that I alone recourse . Or how was the "youngest" criticized? laughing

              it's more to the minuses than to you

              Tyk again minusanuli. laughing As Meehan-Khariton says-Pounced, liberals !!!! am fellow
              1. +3
                22 July 2016 23: 19
                Quote: Smog
                Tyk again minusanuli. As Meehan-Khariton says-Pounced, liberals !!!!

                And the lady who seems to have beguiled the 19th century with the 21th, seems much younger than you will be. smile
                1. +15
                  22 July 2016 23: 30
                  And the lady who seems to have messed up the 19th century with the 21st, seem to be much younger than you will be. smile
                  Everything in this world is relative. fellow
        2. +3
          23 July 2016 00: 30

          what attacked a person? maybe pent up, nothing will be beaten

          Somehow I happened to see people with a computer program communicate as with a living secretary. It took subjects up to 10 minutes to figure out. But there was a voice, intonation, "live" conversation ... smile
          Or am I still a dunce incredulous, eh, young lady?
    4. +36
      22 July 2016 22: 10
      ... well, well ... English, French, Italian cemeteries in Sevastopol ... Sevastopol is the most European city ... laughing

      There is neither holly nor yew.
      Alien stones and salt marshes,
      Sun-rusted cypresses
      Like sticks stuck in the ground.
      And hidden under their thin crowns
      In the ground, under the gray layer of limestone,
      Battalion and poetry
      British troops built.

      K. Simonov 1939
      ... remember England where the whole color of your cavalry lies ... hi
      1. +4
        22 July 2016 22: 17
        Very good poems
        1. +37
          22 July 2016 22: 22
          Quote: Knizhnik
          Very good poems

          ... then continued:
          Heavy bushes of lilacs make noise
          Rocking the blue of the sky
          And the watchman knelt down
          In English manner, shears the grass.

          To the soldiers in the last apartment
          The ship brought flowers from England
          A load of red tiles from Devonshire,
          Thorny thorn bushes.

          Soldiers in a foreign land sleep better
          When the hills are above their heads
          Tiled with English,
          Covered with English grass.

          On copper boards, on tombstones,
          On the dusty pomegranate pyramids
          English engraver carved in detail
          The number of soldiers and the number of brigades.

          But before you load them onto the ship,
          Afraid of the vicissitudes of a foreign land,
          All the inscriptions about the woeful events
          Translated into Russian in a hurry.

          The tramp translator is awkward
          Re-spoke Russian words,
          In which respect to the ashes of the husband
          The inconsolable widow asked:

          "The deceased sergeant sleeps here. For God's sake,
          Bow down respectfully before this cross! "
          How many miles from england how many
          Nautical knots from wives and from brides.

          In a strange land they can offend,
          And to plow the earth, and to break the coffin.
          You hear! Do not dare, for God's sake!
          Your wife and mother are asking for this!

          Vain fear. Already decrepit dates
          At the monuments to grandfathers and fathers.
          British soldiers sleep peacefully.
          We never avenged the dead.
          K. Simonov 1939 ...
          1. +7
            23 July 2016 00: 02
            The wind blew a crimson leaf
            The young warrior died in a foreign land.
            Sad autumn forest ...
            1. +1
              23 July 2016 03: 02
              Again the tank .....
              1. +4
                23 July 2016 21: 09
                From your urge, this is hoku (= haiku). Tanka is a Japanese five-poem.
          2. +2
            23 July 2016 14: 19
            Thanks inok. Balzai for the soul.
            Quote: Inok10
            We never avenged the dead
          3. 0
            25 July 2016 14: 28
            Very touching, yes. And the German film about Stalingrad is also a pity for them, the poor Reichsgrenadiers. And horrorisi when you listen to the German women who were raped in 45. And then a simple consideration comes to mind. Kutuzov's words at the end of War and Peace. Who called them here ?! We would have sat at home, the bread-makers wouldn’t cheat on someone else’s property, they would be safe, alive, not fucked. Here is everything that the Russians have done in Europe, in the reverse order, having traversed the bloody paths of the developed nations - LITTLE! It would have been back in the 18th century. the ashes on the Prussian metse - there would be no two world wars. Would have made the place empty in 1814 on the site of Paris and adjacent territories - there would be no one to go to the Crimea in forty years. Is it possible to spare at least something - incorrigible repeat offenders?
      2. +6
        22 July 2016 22: 48
        That's where the Thin Red Line came from ...
      3. 0
        24 July 2016 15: 16
        Yes, who does not remember the "attack of light cavalry". An epic thing.
    5. +2
      22 July 2016 22: 14
      As you let go, let me know what you wanted to say.
    6. 0
      22 July 2016 22: 47
      And I think, and I just can’t understand who is minus this way, about every positive news from Russia ... And here you are, gentlemen from the manuals! tongue Change the training manuals in a glimpse that scientists do not roll .. am Recognized ONCE good
    7. +3
      22 July 2016 23: 50
      The words "mustard gas", "phosgene", I'm not even talking about more intense substances. Of course, they don't tell you about anything. As well as the fact that during the Crimean War, the British used odorants - "smelly bombs"
      1. 0
        25 July 2016 04: 52
        And what does mustard and phosgene have to do with it? I’m a chemist, I’m completely aware of them, but what does the Crimean War of the 19th century have to do with it?

        As for odorants, they were ineffective, like other attempts to create a chemical. weapons before the WWII.
    8. +4
      23 July 2016 00: 11
      Judging by the rating of Dobrogneva, a person suffers from a brain disease since childhood. Here the doctor needs brains.
    9. -21
      23 July 2016 02: 00
      Learn to face the truth - to say such a philistine zealously minuscule that he is shocking and rises across his throat, it's like throwing beads in front of a pig that has consumed daily Internet, in a stable. Okay, I won’t say that I’m disappointed in the inhabitants of the ax, maybe they took the Slav Dobrogneva for the fight for the Future Russia as a Ukrainian because in Russia under the Russian Orthodox Church (which at one time tried to break the connection with the pagan roots of Russia) they were already weaned from old Slavic complex names and Greek Alexandrov is perceived as Russian names, it doesn’t matter. Just to see everything, even here they’re still not ready for the fact that NATO is methodically preparing for the third world war, thinks of winning it and placing bases on the Slavic countries paves the way for the tribunal on the principle of “the crowd is always right”, I remind you that since 1985 the Russian Federation reduced its nuclear arsenal from 60 thousand to a thousand with a small one, thereby bringing the third world closer than ever, but it is easier for the average person to think that this time will work. It’s not a ride, so stop shouting and start to think with your head and face it - the third world will be, it will be nuclear, it will be very soon, it’s not a panic, but a statement of facts, the West of Russia will not finish building the nuclear submarines, the Dead hand is an invention of people who believe that the elite will give control over nuclear weapons to some program, this did not happen, it doesn’t exist and will not, the elite always do not care what will happen after it, but it does not want to answer for program errors, so hope and believe that the captains of the submarines have real codes launches in safes, although it is rather a belief in the need for revenge.
      1. +9
        23 July 2016 03: 32
        Quote: Dobrogneva
        Okay, I won’t say that I’m disappointed in the inhabitants of the ax, maybe they took Slav Dobrognev for the Ukrainian fight for the future of Russia

        Most of the local inhabitants have .... commentator nationality, but I’m idiosyncratic to kondovy stupid propaganda.
        Are you lost on the Internet? Maybe the wrong resource was accidentally hit?
        Exit in the opposite direction.
      2. +10
        23 July 2016 07: 00
        ... And then Ostapikha again suffered ... good
      3. +3
        23 July 2016 08: 30
        The young lady is a patriot! Do you even understand the nonsense that you write here? THERE ARE NO AND WILL NOT BE ANY WINNERS IN THE THIRD WORLD WAR !!! (Sakharov) But I'm sure that in the next war the primates will fight each other with sticks !? A. Sakharov, the creator of thermonuclear weapons, understood all the destructive power of these weapons (unlike you) - there will be no Britains with France, the United States with China, and even Mother Russia! Instead of Earth - a charred extinct planet like Mars or Venus: "the planet is a piece of iron", there are no people, no atmosphere, no oceans .... What are you thinking about? "there will be a third world war", "stop cowardly", "the West will not allow the completion of the nuclear submarine"? You need to be treated, contact Kashchenko, please, before it's too late !?
        1. 0
          23 July 2016 14: 14
          Quote: KudrevKN
          What are you thinking about?

          "What do you think, in general," would be more accurate. Otherwise, I agree 100%!
        2. 0
          23 July 2016 21: 28
          NO AND WILL NOT BE ANY WINNERS IN THE THIRD WORLD WAR !!! (Sakharov) But I’m sure that in the next war the primates will fight with each other with sticks !? A. Sakharov, the creator of thermonuclear weapons understood the destructive power of these weapons

          Nevertheless, A. Einstein said something similar:
          "I don't know what kind of weapon they will fight in World War III, but in World War IV they will fight with sticks and stones."

          But about Sakharov: an excerpt from I. Shklovsky's book "Echelon" about the impressions of a party with Soviet atomic physicists:

          "... The reckless cynicism of the creators of the atomic bomb then deeply struck me. It was obvious that no ethical problems were burdening their disciplined souls. Six years after talking with Teller, lying in the hospital of the Academy of Sciences, I asked Andrey, who was often in my ward. Dmitrievich Sakharov, does he suffer from the Iserli complex? "Of course not," one of the most prominent humanists of our planet answered calmly. "
      4. 0
        23 July 2016 14: 29
        Quote: Dobrogneva
        in Russia, under the Russian Orthodox Church (which at one time sought to break the connection with the pagan roots of Russia), it was already weaned from old Slavonic compound names

        No, we are not used to it, and we do not meet by name, but we see them off by the degree of adequacy. So, bon voyage to your psychiatrist for an appointment.
        Yasenperets (complex, completely pagan nickname).
      5. +2
        24 July 2016 11: 55
        Prepare for a vigorous war ?! Why prepare for it - after the notification, if there is one, go out into the street - you will have from 5 to 17 minutes to prepare for a relatively easy death. Anything else will only prolong the agony. Girl, on this resource there are enough former and current military men who assess the situation much more objectively than you and perfectly represent who and what needs to be prepared. And do not be lazy to spend 4 hours look at the "Notes of a Dead Man" of the USSR and the "Thread" of the WB, you may throw less lightning into the network ...
    10. -12
      23 July 2016 02: 01
      The Russian Federation is not just encroaching on all sides with frozen conflicts, hordes of terrorists, quarreling with other representatives of the Slavic superethnos - NATO does not want to meddle in post-nuclear Russia, the Western elite is going to lead the war on private yachts from distant islands, the Russian Federation has tested the tsar bomb on its territory 60 megatons, this is an essential part of the entire modern Russian arsenal, so forget about nuclear winter too, the modern doctrine of the Russian Federation does not intend to destroy cities - retaliatory strikes will only be at NATO bases that the country can reach and which the elite of the west can spit on, they they themselves will blow up a couple of their cities only to enjoy then a world in which only they have the remains of nuclear weapons, in 1985 we had 1561 ships, in 2010 only 136, say Thank you who was in charge of the country at that time, and it’s better to go immediately to piss at their graves - according to the statement of Admiral Komoyedov V.P. (former (!) Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet): “the superiority of the Turkish fleet alone, even over the combined fleet of Ukraine and Russia, is 4,7 times, and if we compare our fleet with all the NATO naval forces in Europe, the superiority will be about 20 times ", Not only you alone know how to minus, the admiral was also quickly dismissed from the Russian Navy, although he did tell the truth.
    11. -7
      23 July 2016 02: 01
      Today, Russia is obliged to step on - it does not have the right to wait or pretend that it will not be touched and everything will work out, it will be allowed to develop peacefully, along with America, to explore space, if you know the science fiction of Americans, from boring star wars and a dull star trek to a Martian - plagiarism and Svetlyachka (good plagiarism on Cowboy Bebop), then in the know - they don’t suppose Russians there at all, the Western elite, judging by her communication publicly and secretly, is not going to compete in space with the Russian Federation or even China with the risk of losing them on their own and the invented laws of a game called the Market, they will not invest everything in space exploration, as long as they have: a bloated army and powerful enemies; they have one thought in their minds: “The XNUMXst century should be the century of the USA at all costs!” At the same time, the adviser to the current “president” of the United States wrote a book in which the end-to-end thought: so that there would be no wars in the future ... only one whole nation should get into space. Well, what nation do they offer as a gift to distant worlds? Myself of course ...
    12. 0
      23 July 2016 02: 02
      If we want our descendants to leave at least a fraction of the chances for the stars - right now Russia does not have the right not to advance, but to go on the defensive, but advancing does not mean stupidly breaking into the star-striped shield of the first avenger named NATO, you can deal a fatal blow and bypassing the star-striped shield, but time is running out, a couple of years ago only Western bankers came out in hatred of the Russian Federation and other representatives of the elite, everyone else did not care, but with each passing month of mass propaganda, more and more people begin to react negatively to the Russian Federation, therefore that through the media (which the Western elite has enough incriminating evidence and you don’t even need to bribe them), the western citizen is convinced that if something is wrong with him, then Russia is guilty when they decide that they have incited enough hatred - they will proceed to the next stage, how they’ll be sure that “no one will be particularly indignant,” instead of sitting here and boiling in your own swamp topvor plus your own self before bedtime — you better go to Western forums, on Facebook and try to do something useful there for a country named Russia ... Everything said ...
      1. Riv
        23 July 2016 04: 47
        Ek is flattering you ...
        1. +4
          23 July 2016 12: 57
          Yes, she or he simply inserts the texts without reading them and without even thinking what is written there ...
    13. +3
      23 July 2016 04: 20
      overheated ?? a tribunal can only be created in relation to the losing side, and after
      Quote: Dobrogneva
      The Tribunal will be created during the quick third world war and on it these countries will be against Russia, since Russia will have to deliver tactical nuclear strikes against NATO bases in these countries (chemical weapons, that is, ordinary chemical explosives in warheads, are useless).
      there will be no winners.
      1. -6
        23 July 2016 05: 02
        Quote: wasjasibirjac
        overheated ?? a tribunal can only be created in relation to the losing side, and after
        Quote: Dobrogneva
        The Tribunal will be created during the quick third world war and on it these countries will be against Russia, since Russia will have to deliver tactical nuclear strikes against NATO bases in these countries (chemical weapons, that is, ordinary chemical explosives in warheads, are useless).
        there will be no winners.

        You are so accustomed to saying the memorized phrases from school that there will be no winners in the third world war, that you haven’t noticed - over the past decade or two, the US and NATO have done EVERYTHING so that they won in the event of a nuclear war. Wake up already, everything that you know about WW3 was written in the 60-70s, when futurologists predicted a further increase in nuclear weapons stocks, rather than a tenfold reduction in number and a decrease in power from tens and hundreds (potentially) megatons to tens (tactical for aviation in Germany and other countries) and hundreds of kilotons. In the tsunami a dozen years ago, millions of people died on the islands of Oceania, who else remembers this? Humanity brushed off and went on. According to the estimates of those who really know the state of affairs, people in the third world in a soft version will die from nuclear weapons five to ten million and in hard - up to half a billion, if it is naughty in large cities that not a single politician will allow himself, and last but not least, his whole life for building Russia spent Putin. I’m already tired of arguing with people like you on forums, you’ll just wake up one day in a world that survived WW3, you’ll understand that you didn’t dare in your city, but the Russian Federation no longer has an army, that you need to go to work under an umbrella for pennies The Russian Federation with giblets of a company like Uniliver, producing the same Gold Standard or Pepsiko that the Orchard juices, Milk House in the Village and others does - stoop that you are now slaves, and your state is divided into parts, what if you run away with a dog and a raincoat and with a trunk into the woods they will find you from a drone, do you want this? Then, instead of trying to build something smart out of yourself, take a sober look at things and take real steps to save Russia from WW3, and the world wants to drive its dystopian world into which its US and the parasite elite ... I don’t argue anymore, get through to it’s more difficult for you than before the aliens, you only know how to insult and mock, but you know - you mock your descendants, who will ask you why you were lying on the couch and carrying nonsense, instead of going to war ...
        1. +3
          23 July 2016 05: 38
          A British critic who previously claimed that “Russian literature is dead” came down to accuse B. Akunin and imagine - the Great and Terrible Lukyanenko - of plagiarism ... He reads in English, like Boris Akunin's Pelageya, plagiarism and bragging under moralizing. We read comments: “this and Pushkin will blame Byron for plagiarism, but it’s time to ban Akunin.” Akunin will be banned in Ukraine, etc. Warren Edward Buffett allocated three hundred million for this, I don’t know how much for Akunin (I’m not interested in such personalities, I didn’t read and don’t want to read him), but for the genocide of the Slavs and the memory of the Slavs, for breaking all ties between the fraternal peoples of the Ukrainian elite , including the intellectual one - personally, only Soros singled out more from his accounts, after the brainstorming he was on a new nauseating history textbook. The head of the Valdai Club requires Russia to Gather (!), And diamond boys and girls of the Moscow elite are politely asked to drink poison in the social network of 970 thousand signatures. Glorious Morning, if not to recall that the 16th is the 17th year. Maybe it’s really time to get together, stop whining and boast here and go legs-in-hand to defend the Honor of the Russian Federation on Western portals and forums? At least…
          1. +2
            23 July 2016 18: 14
            Quote: Jean Gray
            Glorious Morning, if not to recall that the 16th is the 17th year. Maybe it’s really time to get together, stop whining and boast here and go legs-in-hand to defend the Honor of the Russian Federation on Western portals and forums? At least…

            Ehh, your words and the online translator’s ears, with such a translation there is only a shame, but I don’t speak foreign languages smile but don’t tell me a couple of portals where honor should be protected? I’m periodically in American, you can say I’m similar to ours, so it seems that the GDP has got there too, by the time American honor should be defended laughing or maybe you just went headlong into the Internet? is it all scary and soon a war, often on the street? You know, I owed a lot of work to some countries, for example, Moscow-Morocco, on my own car, I basically wear clothes with our flag and not a single foreigner told me anything bad or about Russia all the way, all the hatred comes from politicians, talk for example, you’ll be very surprised with Poles (ordinary people), before a trip to Iran we were given a whole instruction on how to behave there in a terrible Muslim state, almost none of that knowledge was needed smile conclusion-politicians are measured with pipis, ordinary people suffer to the extent of their susceptibility, someone is afraid of having children ("war is coming soon", do not believe me, but I know such people personally), someone completely scored on such threats and thinks how to make money and he has a good idea it turns out, but someone just lives and does not care, and the most interesting thing is that, in such fear (tomorrow a nuclear war) you can stay for a long time, but life has passed, and the war did not happen, and you have lived your whole life with this and so did not see hi
    14. +1
      23 July 2016 07: 35
      Dobrógneva, wake up: we are about Sevastopol, but about NATO. Your performance is called "There is an uncle in Kiev, and an elder in the garden"
      1. 0
        23 July 2016 08: 49
        Quote: Monarchist
        Dobrógneva, wake up: m

        Smile and be humorous! Mb a young creature in a role-playing game involved in the form of a troll / robot?
      2. +1
        23 July 2016 21: 36
        Yeah, now even this old harmless saying about Kiev and elderberry (Elderberry) has acquired some ominous meaning ...
    15. +1
      23 July 2016 08: 41
      Quote: Dobrogneva
      This should be regarded as ....... the helicopter was named after Erdogan).

      Thoughtlessness without mind is equivalent to insanity from thoughtlessness.
    16. +1
      23 July 2016 09: 50
      After nuclear strikes have been delivered, no one will be afraid of any court, everyone will be brought before the Supreme Court! Turn on your head and read a book, chemical weapons are not chemical explosives, but better not go to a serious site with such dung in your head and sit "in contact".
  2. -9
    22 July 2016 21: 45
    Bridlaw, before replacing him from the post of commander-in-chief of NATO forces in the EU, stated that the United States has many different plans for a war with the Russian Federation, but there is not one for peaceful coexistence with it in the twenty-first century, Scaparotti in general is a maniac of post-apocalypse in general and post-nuclear in particular The Fallout series and the films about Mad Max, among my favorites on Facebook, dreamed of seeing ruins all over the planet from my school bench - the English-speaking elite knew who to appoint for the Total War, this is not something that will not be doubted, it's just waiting for when it will be given the order attack Russia, so think. The only way out is to personally plant all those who make up the Western (primarily English) political, intellectual, business (oligarchic) ​​elite, only a blow to bypass the star-striped shield from trembling American hamster inhabitants will help to avoid a third world war world, save the planet from "Quick victorious nuclear war", which is ripe in their minds. To steal and imprison after a public hearing, which means Russia needs a total mobilization, which no Russian politician is capable of at the moment. Dot. WW3 to be ...
    1. +6
      22 July 2016 21: 57
      Stealing and planting after a public hearing
      On stake? Yes
    2. +17
      22 July 2016 22: 04
      I don’t even know, dear stranger, how to relate to your fiery speech. True, it has nothing to do with the topic of the article. But very pathetically expressed. You are disobedient ...
      1. +20
        22 July 2016 22: 14
        You are disobedient ...

        Not that word
        1. +7
          23 July 2016 00: 38
          Also as delirium.
    3. +3
      23 July 2016 03: 12
      Baby, it's time for you to sleep at 21:00. "Good night kids" is over. Do not catch you Pokemon at night looking, eka you get carried away. Also, God forbid, if you see something in your dream, shout it out. You should see suitors in a dream, and you mean the third world war. Me too, Cassandra!
    4. +4
      23 July 2016 07: 02
      Colleagues, have pity on Dobrognev! There are not so many females at VO. Maybe she’s not allowed to talk at home? [B] crying
      1. +3
        23 July 2016 14: 05
        Quote: Abbra
        Colleagues, have pity on Dobrognev! There are not so many females at VO. Maybe she’s not allowed to talk at home? [B]

        Although she expresses interesting thoughts, but something worth comprehending ...
        Are we now in a state of war (hostility, confrontation, mutual political and economic aggression)?
        Are we fighting, albeit with the wrong hands, but with our weapons in the wrong hands against each other?
        Do our soldiers die during the conflict between us?
        Do we feel hatred for our “partners?” Are we preparing for an open war with them?
        Now, if you do not wiggle verbiage, but honestly answer these questions, then you can come to the conclusion that all the same ... we are at war.
        And once we’re at war, it’s perfectly permissible to multiply especially zealous activists in the ranks of the enemy by zero. Accidents, illnesses, and all kinds of techno-genes there should not stop for one second in the enemy’s wall. Well ... for example, as in Turkey, France, the USA ... They should have neither time nor energy left for us.
        And then we are fighting some kind of mythical terrorism. And terrorism is just a way of conducting hostilities ... well, like the rail war of our partisans. Well, the Germans fought against the partisans, and not with the "rail war" it really helped).
        1. +2
          23 July 2016 14: 45
          Let him apply for an article, write it, we will read and discuss "some of her interesting thoughts." And here, instead of discussing an article about Sevastopol and the Crimean War, we are discussing its flood. It is not right.
  3. +1
    22 July 2016 21: 54
    I know, not in the subject, but the soap ru posted the news of another loss in Syria (Nikita Shevchenko ... Why are we helping them on earth? They themselves can’t cope chtoli? (
    1. +13
      22 July 2016 22: 15
      Quote: Muvka
      I know, not in the subject, but the soap ru posted the news of another loss in Syria (Nikita Shevchenko ... Why are we helping them on earth? They themselves can’t cope chtoli? (

      And unfortunately, the truth is that a Russian contract soldier died in the Syrian province of Aleppo, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense. “In the province of Aleppo, a Russian contract service soldier, Nikita Shevchenko, was killed while escorting a convoy of cars from the Center for Reconciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian Arab Republic. ", - the ministry said. According to the Ministry of Defense, a soldier accompanied a convoy with provisions and water for the local population and was seriously injured as a result of an explosion near a car laid by militants. Doctors fought for his life, but could not save him." Private Nikita Shevchenko was presented posthumously to the state award, ”the Ministry of Defense noted. Eternal Memory and Kingdom of Heaven to the son of Russia! crying
      1. +11
        22 July 2016 22: 53
        Eternal memory to him and the kingdom of heaven ... My son participated in 08.08 .. So I gave birth to hedgehogs, God forbid, bring anyone (GRU special forces)
      2. +9
        22 July 2016 23: 45
        And what is negative, unfortunately the truth

        Eternal memory to the fallen soldier.
        And probably minusanuli for this
        Why are we helping them on earth?
  4. +12
    22 July 2016 21: 57
    smart learn from other people's mistakes, but it's smart !!
  5. +23
    22 July 2016 22: 03
    Dear Dmitry, my ancestors fought in this war, about which you write.
    You forgot the North, where the British tried to capture part of the Russian territory, but received a worthy rebuff. Also in the Kamchatka region they inherited from the Russians. It is worth writing about this so that our youth will be proud of their ancestors. I have the honor.
    1. +9
      22 July 2016 22: 20
      No one writes about this, but simultaneously with the Crimean campaign, the Angles attacked Vladivostok. We threw much superior enemy forces into the sea! And! Only after that, in Crimea, the Angles concluded a truce. Unfortunately, in our country, until now, a UNIFIED history textbook of RUSSIA has not been created.
      1. 0
        23 July 2016 03: 56
        Yes there was, there was a single history textbook. I learned from it. Fortunately for me, I came across wonderful teachers, and I'm interested in the story. But almost everything that I know from history is not from textbooks.
  6. +3
    22 July 2016 22: 06
    Plus, they retained their positions in the Far East.
  7. +18
    22 July 2016 22: 06
    Anglo-Saxon aggression has ever been subjected to the territory of 171 of the 193 states that are today in the UN.
    Anglo-Saxons are a flawed and evil nation with a slavish mentality.
    1. 0
      23 July 2016 21: 44
      Anglo-Saxons - a flawed and evil nation with a slave mentality

      Maybe the flawed, maybe the evil Anglo-Saxon nation, but why with a slave mentality?
      1. +2
        24 July 2016 00: 54
        The fact is that England is a two-layer state, similar to a building, the walls of which stood on the foundation of the former building. The rule of the Normans in England relied solely on brute and foreign military force. By the 1080s, the indigenous Anglo-Saxon nobility was completely destroyed as a social layer and replaced by foreign chivalry. At the same time, the people, as an ethnic slave, remained. His language was supplanted from the sphere of administration, and the Norman dialect of the French language became the language of administration and communication of the dominant social strata. For about three hundred years, the Anglo-Norman dialect dominated the country and had a great influence on the formation of modern English. The Anglican Church - essentially Catholicism, subordinate from the pope to the KING AS PAPE - is an example of the most shameless mockery of religion, the political prostitution of religion and abuse of the people's soul
    2. 0
      24 July 2016 15: 59
      Quote: Atlant-1164
      Anglo-Saxon aggression has ever been subjected to the territory of 171 of the 193 states that are today in the UN.
      Anglo-Saxons are a flawed and evil nation with a slavish mentality.

      What did the North-West Germans and Dutch do not please you? The top of England from William the Conqueror is Norman (this is even a textbook you can not read but read "Ivanhoe"), if you dig deeper into the DNA, then according to the latest research, the ancestors of the smerds of the Isle of Britain is a mixture of the ANCIENTS! Spaniards and Vikings (MODERN SCANDINAVIANS), in the white population of the United States, most of the genetic descendants of the Germanic tribes that form the people of modern Germany (otherwise there would be as many white Americans as Australians or Canadians, because there are only about 25 million Puritan ancestors there), however, all are English-speaking.
  8. Alf
    22 July 2016 22: 06
    The author raised a very interesting topic, but forgot to mention a small fact. During the Crimean War, the British also attacked Petropavlovsk. After the bombardment, an assault force was landed, but Russian soldiers, together with the crew of the frigate Aurora, dropped the assault force into the sea.
    And what's interesting. If during the siege of Sevastopol the Allies can claim at least a microscopic victory-capture of the southern part of Sevastopol, then the British did not break off anything at the Far East. Apparently, for this reason, nothing is said about actions on the Far East. What to brag about?
    1. +8
      22 July 2016 23: 05
      There was also a curious episode with the shelling of the Solovetsky Monastery. The pilgrims and monks, among whom there were a couple of retired soldiers, managed to hook one of the English steamboats by knocking down a pipe to him by returning fire from two 1812 model guns. And in Kamchatka, the Governor-General Muravyov even mobilized convicts, giving them weapons. Against the background of this, the regular army of Russia in the Crimea looks bitterly bitter.
      The reasons for this are darkness. But the most curious one was liked by my teacher-historian - "The Crimean catastrophe is a consequence of the lack of COMBAT EXPERIENCE from the Russian officers and, first of all, the generals." In principle, it is reasonable - the previous serious war for Russia was the thunderstorm of 1812.
      1. +1
        23 July 2016 09: 11
        Quote: von_Tilsit
        In principle, it is reasonable - the previous serious war for Russia was the thunderstorm of 1812.

        Have you forgotten the Balkan War of 1828-1829? Nikolai Pavlovich did not give the title in vain! 1829 - the title "Trans-Balkan" and the rank of Field Marshal / Johann Karl von Diebitsch /, in Russian Ivan Ivanovich / Diebitsch.
        1. 0
          23 July 2016 23: 15
          No, I haven't forgotten!) That war was fought by the forces of a "limited contingent", the main losses of the Russian army were not combat, but sanitary, from the plague epidemic. I could be mistaken, but in my opinion General Diebitsch himself put his wild head down.
    2. +6
      22 July 2016 23: 24
      There was also a blow to Solovki and other Pomeranian cities on the White Sea. The most sensitive loss of the entire war is the ruin of the city of Kem.
    3. +4
      23 July 2016 03: 09
      So ours do not say much about it. The textbook had only two lines. Until I arrived in Kamchatka, I really didn’t know. And here even the Admiral Naglitsky either shot himself or helped to shoot himself. And the grave of their landing as a reminder for the enemies ....
      1. +3
        23 July 2016 08: 17
        Absolutely. Such uncomfortable comparisons. In Kamchatka, 800 people fought off the squadron with the landing. By the way, the Kamchadals murmured two years later on the Russian government and wanted to go to America, because they felt completely humiliated and abandoned. After the sale of Alaska and the liquidation of a trading company, Kamchatka was occupied by arrogant Anglo-Saxon merchants.
    4. +1
      24 July 2016 15: 46
      Quote: Alf
      Apparently, for this reason, nothing is said about actions on the Far East. What to brag about?

      I can’t name the source - the memory is not the same - but I read that the words of the governor of Palmerston became the result of the Anglo-French expedition to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. They say that in the Pacific Ocean there is not enough water to wash away the shame that the subjects of the British crown have covered themselves with. Could, of course, and our authors embellish. But ... beautifully written. In the information war, victory.
    5. +1
      24 July 2016 16: 27
      Quote: Alf
      And what's interesting. If during the siege of Sevastopol the Allies can claim at least a microscopic victory-capture of the southern part of Sevastopol, then the British did not break off anything at the Far East. Apparently, for this reason, nothing is said about actions on the Far East. What to brag about?

      Yes, but you didn’t mention that after some time they returned, even Zadornov doesn’t mention it, although it will be ridiculous for the performance, the garrison of the city (you’ll probably not marry and battery positions because you can’t do this with modern Petropavlovsk), the crews of the ships procure the furs and freely determined until the second the parish of the British dismantled all the buildings, hid them in the forests, demolished the fortifications, which shocked the second landing force, which, after a short stay on land and numerous reconciliations of the maps, loaded onto ships and departed back home (the warrant officer from DMB has historical grounds laughing )
      1. 0
        24 July 2016 21: 22
        Quote: UNKNOWN
        demolished the fortifications, which plunged the second landing force into shock, which, after a short stay on land and numerous reconciliation of maps, plunged onto the ships and departed

        cool, but where to read
  9. +6
    22 July 2016 22: 08
    and these people consider themselves peacekeepers .. and others call for peace — In 2004, the Congressional Research Service attempted to establish the total number of military conflicts the US has ever participated in.

    If we add to these calculations the recent events (like Operation Serval -2013, when the US Air Force assisted France during the war in Mali), we get an astronomical figure of 261 acts of “aggression” (or, depending on our sympathies, “Defending democracy”) around the world.

    That is, on average, since independence in 1776, the United States has fired or bombed someone outside its borders every year.
  10. +1
    22 July 2016 22: 20
    What is characteristic:
    Their historians say the Eastern War, meaning war in the vast eastern territories.
    In our country, historians say the Crimean War and everything reduces to the siege of Sevastopol ... Because the capture of half of Sevastopol is essentially the only more or less serious success of the interventionists.
    One of the prominent participants in the revolutionary movement of the second half of the XNUMXth century, Nikolai Shelgunov, recalled the behavior of the literary critic Pyotr Pekarsky:
    “When it became known in St. Petersburg that we were defeated near Chernaya, I met Pekarsky. Then he was not yet an academician. Pekarsky walked with his head bowed, peering from underneath and with repressed and ill-concealed contentment; in general, he had the appearance of a conspirator, confident in success, but in his eyes ill-hidden joy shone. Noticing me, Pekarsky strode larger, shook my hand and whispered mysteriously in my ear:
    “They beat us!” ”
  11. 0
    22 July 2016 22: 27
    The defeat in the Crimean War led directly to the loss of positions in the Pacific Ocean (Alaska and California)
    According to Mao, "Russia captured the most from China ...", but without the Crimean war, how much would it be?
    We have lost the pace not so much of the seizure of new lands as the development of the empire already included in the Russian Empire.
    and old com: by train
    The population density, the distance between the main economic centers and the railway density per 10 or 1000 sq km (or miles) and the presence of railway between these economy centers.
    Everything indicates a lack of attention to infrastructure.
    Moltke (?): "Don't build fortresses, build railways"
    Not a hero.
    1. The famous route from the Varangians to the Greeks (from the Baltic to the Black Sea) - there is no railway. Losing the Crimean War.
    2. The road to the Urals, for the export of weapons, cast iron. iron and t p -No Railway. Lost the race for the Pacific Ocean. (Alaska-California, Kuril Islands-Sakhalin).
    3. Railway were mainly in Poland and the western provinces.
    But who can do more now?
    And if the United States conquers us, they will not dare to demolish this monument.
    1. 0
      23 July 2016 09: 20
      Quote: antivirus
      "Do not build fortresses, build railways"

      Assume the existence of the Warsaw - St. Petersburg railway in 1812, in the form of parallel reality ... And then, where would Alexander 1 with his family be?
      By the way, without covering the Brest Fortress, how long did Brest last in 1941? The Germans were worse than the locomotive, what else did they fight for the fortress for two or three weeks when the Brest railway station was already in their hands?
      By the way, think about the fact: the decision to start the construction of the Stalingrad rocket railway was made in January 1942, and six months about the first bombing of Stalingrad.
      Railway tracks are very expensive. Dumping of a cloth, ballast prism, laying of sleepers and rails is AWESOME money. In Russia, there was always not enough money at the state level, so there were few roads.
      1. 0
        23 July 2016 11: 26
        Quote: V.ic
        In Russia, there was always not enough money at the state level, so there were few roads.

        Not certainly in that way. When talking about railway, they usually do not take into account the fact that their construction in the Republic of Ingushetia required much more effort than in European countries — huge and often sparsely populated territories, severe climate in Siberia, etc.
      2. 0
        24 July 2016 15: 53
        Quote: V.ic
        Dumping of a cloth, ballast prism, laying of sleepers and rails is AWESOME money.

        You missed the PSD. Feel free to multiply "AWESOME money" by 2. In the case of a / d with an improved hard surface, this is also true.
    2. +1
      24 July 2016 15: 50
      Quote: antivirus
      And if the United States conquers us, they will not dare to demolish this monument.

      They have pshek and bastard. Demolished at a time. Even for free.
  12. +9
    22 July 2016 22: 34
    Yes, the jackal essence just manifested itself in the West then in full measure, that's all. "The Turks have won," yeah. Puny with a knife at the grand flit.
    Not a single Russian count or prince, even if he was the last carousel-scumbag, would allow himself to make a stuffed animal out of an Indian-African Indian and put him on a hacienda. It's just unthinkable. And these have happened.
    And today it’s impossible to come to an agreement with these, someone alone will not survive. But we are right in life.
  13. +2
    22 July 2016 22: 46
    For some reason, the failed siege of St. Petersburg and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky is not mentioned, as well as the true reason for the sale of Alaska, surrounded by Anglo-French Canada, the then Russian ally - the United States. Either Zadornov (father), or Markov had a mention of the gold found in Alaska. The discovery was kept secret, so that the Anglo-French troops simply did not take the territory for free. Because the landing in Alaska, as happened with Petropavlovsk and in Sevastopol did not happen.
    And further. Do you remember what a secret the left-hander was carrying from England: "The British do not clean guns with bricks!" But he died of a fever, and such an important remark was not introduced into the arms business. Here is what Leskov wrote in the preface:
    “I can't say exactly where the first planting of the steel flea fable was born, that is, whether it started in Tula, Izhma or Sestroretsk, but, obviously, it came from one of these places. In any case, there is a tale about the steel flea. a special armorer's legend, and it expresses the pride of the Russian masters of the rifle business. It depicts the struggle of our masters with the English masters, from which ours emerged victoriously and the British were completely shamed and humiliated. Some secret reason for the military failures in the Crimea is also clarified. a legend in Sestroretsk according to a local tale from an old gunsmith, a native of Tula, who moved to the Sister River during the reign of Emperor Alexander I. Two years ago, the narrator was still in good power and in fresh memory; he eagerly recalled the old days, greatly honored Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich, he lived "according to the old faith," read divine books and raised canaries. People treated him with respect. "
    Here is an excerpt from the description of the armament of the British:
    In England, due to the high state of industrial development and the correct assessment of the combat qualities of rifled weapons, more Mignier rifles were made, improved by Pritchett, more than in any other country. During the fighting in the Crimea, a significant part of the British infantry was armed with rifled guns. Cavalrymen were armed with sabers and pistols.
    Of course, there is also a powerful fleet ... but when your gun fires half a kilometer farther and more precisely ... the enemy becomes unarmed.
    1. -1
      22 July 2016 23: 37
      For free England would not then lose, for example, India?

      Alaska was leased for 99 years, it was 12 years after the war.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      23 July 2016 00: 00
      Every third Russian infantryman had a threaded fitting.
      1. +1
        25 July 2016 01: 00
        The biggest problem was that the army was "professional", that is, recruiting laughing there was no conscription, and mass military training of the population.
        As a result, after the guroz of Austria and Prussia, a repetition of the war of 1812 was threatened, but still with the appendage to the European coalition in the form of England, with its powerful Navy at that time.
    4. +4
      23 July 2016 00: 17
      Quote: pafegosoff
      Of course, there is also a powerful fleet ... but when your gun fires half a kilometer farther and more precisely ... the enemy becomes unarmed.

      Well, what about? We have Vasya Berezutsky in every England. He yelled so much after the stupid goal that they announced an orange hurricane in Calais. Everyone read Leskov, a lot of letters, and EVERYTHING. The plot is extraordinary, nothing more ... But about the "true sale of Alaska" in more detail, please. What the hell is that again, huh? There was pushing by the ass of the swindlers, and all this was drowned in the ocean. And again, the louse is edren, the "knowing" ones emerge. Where does knowledge come from?
      Their rifle "shoots half a kilometer further." What, did they shoot a lot? Jackals are the British in life. The sun never set over their empire, you see, but even the sun can get tired.
  14. -3
    22 July 2016 23: 09
    Cyber-ebut hackers intercepted the information from NATO’s communication - they wanted back in 2012 in China, India and other overpopulated countries to spread a virus that causes invisibly infertility in girls and boys, that is, racial viruses that sterilize children until the children grow up and this doesn’t will become noticeable - an invisible epidemic. Previously, almost from the beginning of the century, there were many publications on this subject, but direct audio and video evidence (except for constant replicas of the Western elite about the need to reduce the Earth’s population as soon as possible from poor backward countries in the style of: “Only successful ones have the right to reproduce - Darwin we were allowed to sterilize those who earn less than us ”) appeared only recently, however, judging by the videos on YouTube, which are banned every few hours, and they pop up again in another place - they already conducted these negotiations in 2012, the CIA recorded, hackers hacked the CIA.
  15. -3
    22 July 2016 23: 10
    They want China to notice too late that among them, the Chinese — the next generation is completely and completely barren — flew off the coils and gave them the right to a preemptive nuclear strike, while the Celestial Empire is silent about a hidden epidemic of infertility among adolescents, only allowed child, and then India with 2 billion inhabitants almost overtook China with 1,3 billion. For comparison, 1,4 million live in Russia, of which about 140 are normally spoken in Russian. In tiny Japan, 100 million. There are already 120 million in the USA. They want the campaign to completely exterminate and dissolve the Chinese and Indians in other peoples. In Russia, they have already tried more than once to incite the Chinese, the latter in the same 360 was angry because of the impending default and the collapse of the United States, the CIA agents, together with MI-2012 (British intelligence), launched a single ICBM from the waters between the PRC and India, maybe it was a Chinese one, maybe an Indian one, or maybe a NATO missile in general - everything was classified.
  16. -4
    22 July 2016 23: 10
    After the elimination, one of the warheads detonated by accident (in theory, it should not have been, but the critical mass was exceeded as a result of exposure to chemical explosives) in the stratosphere over the southern Urals, at a great height, almost still in space - between the airbus routes (10 km) and the ISS orbit (100 km). In total, the explosion was half a megaton (500 kilotons - this is the power of NATO warheads, however, this is almost the standard for most modern ones), due to the influence of a strongly weakened shock wave, windows were knocked out all over Chelyabinsk, the brick wall of the factory was demolished, and a little lower the city's khan. They hushed up the matter, made a video from the registrar in 3D, after which they even showed it in some Hollywood movie — they joked, wrote off an unaccounted-for meteorite, flown from the radar’s blind zone (back then there weren’t our donated S-300s and S-400s in Kazakhstan, there was one and a second NATO base was planned, so this is partly true), but the United States and Britain dream and see a nuclear war between China, Russia and India (preferably nuclear Pakistan (in which there are more people than in Russia) with North Korea (which has the same army size as the Russian Federation) - in general, only NATO will remain on the planet, wonders). This is for their 20 trillion debt as a lifeline, and so they decided - since the Apocalypse is scheduled for 2012, let everyone fight in the east, but we will take a look. Not a ride ...
    1. +9
      22 July 2016 23: 22
      Dobrogneva RU Today, 23:09

      Dobrogneva RU Today, 23:10 PM New

      Dobrogneva RU Today, 23:10

      Has it rolled? Doesn’t let him go? Clinic ....
      1. 0
        23 July 2016 00: 02
        rolled minus the hungry trolls - pounced on fresh ...
        1. +4
          23 July 2016 00: 07
          nakinilisb freshly

          And what about us, mossy hemp? The more "fresh" heresy carries uttermost, well, not at all on the topic.
          1. +3
            23 July 2016 00: 20
            There is almost no heresy on the topic - everything repeated after 85 years and now they are trying to repeat it again.
    2. +2
      22 July 2016 23: 42
      Quote: Dobrogneva

      Have you read anything here, or just write it yourself? laughing
    3. +1
      23 July 2016 00: 39
      Quote: Dobrogneva
      since the Apocalypse is scheduled for the year 2012, let everyone fight there in the east, but we will take a look. Not a ride ...

      If anyone there is next to this Eve, select the syringe-coke-jamb, it is socially dangerous in this sec. time. Pack in scotch tape, until better times.
      But it’s interesting, almost without grammatical errors, he writes, leads to reflection, in any way - not a victim of ege. And what kind of instance?
      1. +1
        23 July 2016 01: 13
        Who said it was "she"? And the habitat is the invisible city of Kitezh. everyone trolls as best he can.
        1. -1
          23 July 2016 01: 22
          Quote: housewife
          Who said it was "she"? And the habitat is the invisible city of Kitezh. everyone trolls as best he can.

          And this, for an hour, isn’t Chariton dissident again? AU, restless.
          1. 0
            23 July 2016 07: 14
            Dobrogneva - trained pokemon ???
            1. +2
              24 July 2016 09: 32
              Maybe he (a) is emotional, and does not quite clearly and intelligibly speak for some, or maybe someone does not understand her in terms of his mental ability and worldview, but her general message is basically correct.
    4. +1
      23 July 2016 08: 47
      Unlike you, I watched the flight of the Chebarkul meteorite with my own eyes: a fireball rather low above the ground (at the level (altitude) of an ordinary plane - 10-20 km parallel to the ground) flew, but at an unusual speed (according to my calculations, the distance was 300 km flew in 5-6 seconds, that is, at a speed of 50-60 km per ... second?). Please tell me, "weapons expert", which countries have hypersonic weapons capable of flying at such a speed? You understand that if the ball (meteorite) flew not parallel, but perpendicularly or simply fell, then the explosion would not only knock out the windows and break the wall of the zinc plant, but also wipe the millionth Chelyabinsk, and the millionth Yekaterinburg, and the floor of the Urals from the face of the earth. (not only south)! still take my good advice: before it's too late, see a doctor, psychiatrist ?!
      1. +1
        23 July 2016 09: 02
        Quote: KudrevKN
        Unlike you, I watched the flight of the Chebarkul meteorite with my own eyes: a fireball rather low above the ground (at the level (altitude) of an ordinary plane - 10-20 km parallel to the ground) flew, but at an unusual speed (according to my calculations, the distance was 300 km flew in 5-6 seconds, that is, at a speed of 50-60 km per ... second?). Please tell me, "weapons expert", which countries have hypersonic weapons capable of flying at such a speed?

        I read comments from other countries (in translation) on the Internet. Some Venezuelan is sure that the Russian air defense worked out (not otherwise, the S-700 is a top-secret drinks) And the question is: why do they not have this yet? Oh how. Already the whole of Venezuela still doesn’t, here is a disgracelaughing laughing laughing
      2. +2
        23 July 2016 09: 15
        Listen son, with a nickname Kudrevkn! Here in VO, people don’t talk like that. nevertheless accept my good advice: before it’s too late, consult a doctor, psychiatrist ?! This is most likely for you. The door is to the right, the second to the left.
        1. -2
          23 July 2016 12: 45
          Grandpa, how old are you? If I am fit for you? I am 52 years old and it seems to me that you are either a lawyer for the nickname "Dobrogorav" or know this provocateur? And regarding the "door - to the right, second from the left" - where is it? In Dad Carlo's closet behind the old fireplace or in the Odessa bardel on Malaya Arnoutskaya "exclusively for sexual perverts - starters"? Maybe you should visit a specialist of a narrow profile?
      3. 0
        24 July 2016 16: 04
        Quote: KudrevKN
        Please tell me, "weapons expert", which countries have hypersonic weapons capable of flying at such a speed?

        Well, you are told
        Quote: Dobrogneva
        but the critical mass was exceeded as a result of exposure to chemical explosives
        What else is not clear? Just to find fault with trifles. Enjoy it. How witty, most importantly - competently. And it does not lend itself to criticism, it remains only to ignore it.
  17. +2
    22 July 2016 23: 20
    Why can an ordinary person be prosecuted for libel, while all these historians who write "textbooks" cannot be accused of slandering the state and our heroic ancestors? To revise history in accordance with the existing documents, and to lie to the West to please the West (there are many of them in the Russian Academy of Sciences), just judge in an open court. People should know the true history, I understand that it is impossible, but I want to, otherwise any nonsense like the Mongol-Tatars in the form they are presented has already got out.
    1. +1
      23 July 2016 01: 09
      Quote: Orionvit
      Why can an ordinary person be prosecuted for libel, while all these historians who write "textbooks" cannot be accused of slandering the state and our heroic ancestors? To revise history in accordance with the existing documents, and to lie to the West to please the West (there are many of them in the Russian Academy of Sciences), just judge in an open court. People should know the true history, I understand that it is impossible, but I want to, otherwise any nonsense like the Mongol-Tatars in the form they are presented has already got out.

      "People need to know the TRUE story." The stump is clear, the criterion is where the "true story"?
      The scary thing is that people did not give a damn about everything, they would survive. For 25 years now, everyone wants to fuck each other with money, so they run after each other, and they want to fuck each other. The western plague has broken through. As you walk down the street, some Mormon will bother you about your real estate (well, from afar, of course), or even an apostle from, figuratively, "Ukraine without Ukrainians" about your real estate. No, well, buy a vacuum cleaner for a start, and then ... Yo, I know for sure that my great-grandfather buried a Mauser with butter oil in the 20th, but where? Necessary thing .
  18. +2
    22 July 2016 23: 23
    Read the US Law Public Law 86-90 (PL86-90) “On enslaved nations” .. Sorry I can’t laugh laughing That's where the legs grow laughing Law No. 86–90 They appointed themselves exceptional 50 years ago
  19. +6
    22 July 2016 23: 25
    Technical backwardness was still present. If there was a railway to the south, then the reserves would come on time, and there would be no heroic defense. That is, not from a good life had to restrain the siege. Not for nothing, after the war they began to build railways at strategic expense in strategic directions. Conclusions have been made.
    1. +1
      22 July 2016 23: 37
      Quote: Igor V
      If there was a railway to the south, then the reserves would come on time, and there would be no heroic defense

      Simply, no one expected anything like this, therefore, they did not prepare for war. A railway was built, but starting from the central regions of the country.
      1. +1
        22 July 2016 23: 55
        After the unprofitable construction of the railway St. Petersburg - Moscow, where under an honest leader money was stolen from below, the government did not want to build at public expense, only in a consortium. But after the Crimean War - it was necessary.
  20. -2
    22 July 2016 23: 37
    As for the American territories, for some reason no one mentions one interesting fact. Our Siberia lived in its own code of laws and could very well separate from Russia. And in the middle of the nineteenth century, pro-American sentiments were very strong. American freedoms were opposed to serfdom in European Russia. Having sold the American territories, the Russian government avoided their voluntary accession to the USSA and preserved Siberia.
  21. -1
    22 July 2016 23: 44
    Inappropriate article .. Either an attempt to get away from the truth or to stir up and imagine the East (it’s the East War and not the Crimean War, it’s more correct, since Crimea was not done there) -so insignificant in losses for the Republic of Ingushetia! Although defeat really helped in realizing the change.
    I would not be ashamed of my defeat. In the first, the winged expression - defeat teaches (the German teacher defeated France, and the Japanese teacher defeated Russia); secondly, the company itself was both defeat and victory (although the allies won by points) and revealed a lot of heroic pages in the history of Ingushetia.
    But as usual, the heroism of some is sloppiness and the mediocrity of others.
    The objectives of the war in the article are generally strange. There, in general, the destruction of the Black Sea Fleet of RI and Sevastopol. The allies did everything under the guise of helping the OI from the attacks of the terrible RI. The British defended the OI from attacks on the straits. France Nicholas 1 his snobbery is a feat for the coalition. Sardinia was just gaining political weight. All those who are neutral, Belgium and Holland, implemented a military order and participated in a loan for France, Prussia just made money on both of them .. The industry spent on mobilization and forced RI too.
    I will say that the patchwork coalition had not uniform plans. They had a lot of disagreements. The Turks, the worst part, were despised by everyone, and they also infected them with cholera before landing. Only the Egyptians were worse. The French have proven themselves best. In fact, we fought with France and the English money and navy. The rest were too insignificant (the British generally limited themselves to one bastion and were thus unable to take 4 bastions during 3 assaults)
    According to fables - rifled weapons have been since the time of Catherine. Useless then! The army had a stick system and smoothbore weapons. Too few fittings! And the French, and especially the British, have the latest fittings from Sheffield and Belgium. The difference is 300 steps and 1500! Yes, poor recruits sometimes simply mockingly destroyed from afar!
    The main defeat of that war is not even in the fittings! The main defeat of the Republic of Ingushetia was that the allies landed in one of the most important center of the Republic of Ingushetia (Crimea Sevastopol) and the Republic of Ingushetia could not do anything with them! Not only that, they paralyzed the whole south (except Odessa, but it went through the Greeks there) and they wanted to do something (for example, in the Sea of ​​Azov-Kerch and Anapa, for example)
    What could RI do? If for thousands of kilometers the enemy can carry hundreds of guns and gunpowder and ammunition and RI from the Shostkinsky state plant with difficulty! And it is much closer! The road through the isthmus was terrible! Where is the railway line to Sevastopol. They were driven into the oxen, everything was drowning in the dirt .. Corruption that Nikolai himself was horrified. Millions spread and people were not constrained by war and death.
    Generally. The war showed that Nicholas in general is "naked" And "a million spectators in gray overcoats" will not help him! And on a par with this, the peoples of Ingushetia showed that heroism in the absence of talent among tsarism and its hangers-on: Khrulev and Totleben, Nakhimov and Istomin, Kornilov and Shchegolev and others (even Metropolitan) sailor Koshka and Novosilsky, Sisters and Pirogov ... that's who is remembered. .. well, certainly not the state system, which was not ready and could not ..
    Although as soon as Paris received its "capture" of Sevastopol, it immediately calmed down (yes, it became expensive in general). We must pay tribute to the capture of Malakhov and his retention from Khrulev - served as a withdrawal from the south. And the assault was repelled everywhere! But 3 assaults and according to the rules it was possible to leave (fortunately there were only stones)
    In general, despite everything, our ambassador sat at the congress and achieved such honorable conditions that it was as if he were not a representative of the conquered, but the winners.
    It is not worth hushing up the flaws of the RI and showing that everything was "good" there. Heroism cannot save forever! I didn't save you in RYAV!
  22. +10
    22 July 2016 23: 55
    The loss author is wrong. There are different sources. After all, it is necessary to consider the general losses of the army, and not just those to whom a bullet hit in the forehead or a shell blew off a head. So in the Crimea, the Allies lost 170 thousand people. One attack by the cavalry brigade of Lord Cardigan near Balaclava led to the destruction of the entire color of the English army. A huge number of adult children of the English elite. They came under dagger fire. They took the battery, but lost more than half of the brigade.
    The Russian army lost 110 thousand.
    Other more independent sources indicate that both armies lost 250 each. And these figures are closer to the truth. I met them often. By the way, such huge losses with minimal seizure of territory. (A piece of Crimea and Sevastopol) later led to a shock in Europe, and in Russia too. It is believed that Nicholas 1 committed suicide.
    The Russian army conducted very active military operations. Every day they went on sorties and brought hundreds of rifled weapons. And then the author did not see this. One sailor cat dragged rifles over several mouths. So they resisted very desperately. Not in vain in the mass grave on the Malakhov Kurgan lie both Russians and French and British all together. Not ours were buried. This is a tribute to the feat of the Russian soldier.
    In short, the author wanted to debunk someone’s myths, and he wrote them even more. It's a pity.
    By the way, and in Kamchatka, Zavoyko had 6 times fewer troops and even more in artillery. Despite this, he did not give up Nikolskaya Sopka. He threw the English and the French. The English admiral shot himself in shame. There is his grave on the shore. And in the village of Tarja (from the French cemetery), the dead French are buried. Not only that, having gotten their teeth in Kamchatka, the ships left with nothing on the way home, they lost more than half of the remaining personnel from scurvy.
    1. +4
      23 July 2016 00: 41
      One attack by the cavalry brigade of Lord Cardigan near Balaclava led to the destruction of all the colors of the English army

      I, of course, understand that there is no mind, we don't read books, well, it will be a revelation that the EMNIP brigade has 500 people from the beginning, our team has successfully counterproduced a hundred and something, plus horses, at a price no more expensive than these shot barchuk. From the point of view of numbers, such losses were not to scare anyone, but it hurt many sons from well-known names serving there, so a howl arose and an insignificant tactical failure became a proverb in Britain "Attack of light cavalry". But "the whole color of the army" is excuse me, but something about schizophrenia.
      1. +2
        23 July 2016 16: 21
        Let me disagree with you. Not only the color of the army, but also the color of the state. This is indeed a very sensitive loss for the British. From such losses, degradation of the state gradually grows over time. Unfortunately, for us today, the state’s elite used to be really an elite, that’s how the state will lose a thousand young citizens devoted to the country who have education, fortitude, courage, and most importantly, in adulthood, the opportunity to rule the country and everything begins to gradually decrepit state, because their place in public administration is occupied by less courageous, less volitional, in general, they are less and less, they are inclined to compromises and so on and so on with each generation less and less. Unfortunately, we now have the elite of the state, without which we would have degraded, it is very difficult to find. Basically, only in the common Russian people does the embedded feeling of Patriotism remain. Despite everything, his long-suffering history of humiliation, from his own elites. And now, if it happened that it was a simple, poor, tortured by life problems and turmoil Russian, not when he had no Mercedes, no smart mansion, it was he who was gray, in the eyes of the West, a little man, would pick up a rifle and again go to the West or to the other side, and then it will be a shy smile at the square near Westminster Abbey, looking at the bewildered faces, local polished inhabitants. Excuse me, they say, but again I’m at your place, I’m standing tired and wounded on the square, but satisfied and I ask you never again, well, don’t go to us with a sword, gray and wretched, but don’t understand how we put these on place YOU SUCH? And, what concerns our elites, I think they will love their homeland from the cliff, because they are not fools, they are smart and they should not, smart and happy, risk themselves, because this is stupid, because you could agree and give way ,something. However, these clever, forget that these agreed and destroy their rulers later. (For example, the commander of the Byzantine fleet agreed with the Ottomans, but later his son was taken to a harem, a concubine, and he was executed, or he killed himself, forgot, unfortunately, but this is not important). The most offensive thing is that a simple Russian person will come home and the elites will return home the same way and will be elites again, and the peasant will be gray and wretched. And so we lived, we live, we will live. So we are, do not anger us please. Sincerely.
  23. -2
    23 July 2016 01: 00
    Satirical and patriotic reportage with Lines of Stalin
  24. +1
    23 July 2016 01: 23
    Quote: iliitch
    There was a push by the swindlers' asses, and all this was drowned in the ocean.

    If you are aware, then money was already transferred by bank transfer. And some railway were put into construction For example, as the Americans are doing now: we give you money, but you buy locomotives, steam excavators and other iron for it from us. By the way, in Siberia in 1967 the telegraph was already operating. And the boat is drowned, well, drowned. Bark Orkney. No one saw gold on it.
    There is also a "Chronological list of the most important data from the history of SIBERIA 1032-1882" Compiled by IV Shcheglov
    Edition of the East Siberian Department of the IMPERIAL Russian Geographical Society, edited by member of the Department V.I. Vagin
    Printing house of the Headquarters of the East Siberian Military District.
    According to the Russian-American possessions of the chronicle of 1867, the second paragraph.
  25. +2
    23 July 2016 01: 25
    Do you know about Novorossiysk? How did he fight? It was not a city then, but only a fortress. The British then smashed all the Black Sea fortifications along the Caucasian coast. Except for the Novorossiysk fortress. Three ships, it seems, were sent there. They decided to strike on the move on the fortress, where there were not very strong guns. But the cannons were high, and the gunners hit straight. As a result, the British "walked" back and forth in the distance, never once did they dare to approach so as to seriously shell the fortress. We did not manage to cope with the small fortress. But then, under the agreement, our own were forced to tear down the fortifications. True, after a few years everything was restored, and then the city began to grow rapidly.
  26. -1
    23 July 2016 05: 45
    The IAAF Council received through offshore (Seychelles and Panama) from Charles and David Koch two hundred and thirty-seven million dollars over two years, all materials are public in the same leak of compromising materials from Assange. In 2012 alone, the billionaire brothers spent 400 million US dollars to counter Obama’s re-election for a second term, they have more than one hundred billion, for them they are pennies broken, one of the main sponsors of conservative ideology in the United States in general and the Republican party in particular. A video where Obama dances against the background of Fallout and their agents ordered to sing, and much more - all the correspondence in Wikileaks over the past five years, including instant encrypted messages and most of the transactions, including through cryptocurrencies. They also invested in breaking the relations between the USA and the Russian Federation to the fullest, however, and the democrats wished it, there they tied it all up in such a Gordian knot - everyone is trying to play to increase the degree of tension in the world, substitute the Russian Federation, kill Russian-speaking children in Ukraine with Nazi hands with SS zippers in the buttonhole and at the same time substitute each other for a retaliatory strike of the Russian Federation.
  27. +3
    23 July 2016 06: 32
    The article is a plus, but I think the exceptional significance of the Crimean War, of course, not in the meager territorial losses of Russia, but in the change in the principles of Russia's foreign policy.
    The goal was not only leveling the consequences of the war, but also the desire to "respond" to the participants in the aggression: Russia favorably watched how Prussia defeated Austria, did not respond to France's requests for help in 1870 against Prussia. As a result, was born german monsterthat unleashed two world massacres.
    A fragmented Germany and Europe have always been beneficial to Russia, and the promotion of a unified Germany has proved to be a terrible mistake.
    The cancellation of the Berlin Treaty is a slight comfort: it collapsed not because Prussia supported it, but because Russia gained strength and no one dared to object ....
  28. +1
    23 July 2016 07: 06
    It was decided to make the Danube an international waterway, and declare the Black Sea neutral. But Sevastopol had to be returned to the Russians. Russia, which previously held dominant positions in Central Europe, has lost its former influence over the next few years. But not for long. The Turkish empire was saved, and also only temporarily. The alliance of England and France did not achieve its goals. The problem of the Holy Land, which he had to solve, is not even mentioned in the peace treaty. And the Russian tsar annulled the treaty after 14 years, ”- described Christopher Hibbert as a result of the Crimean War. This is a British historian. For Russia, he found much more correct words than Lenin.
    Lenin, of course, is far from the author. Not mature. And the victory came in 14 years. Patriotism is a good thing. but not to that extent.
    1. +2
      23 July 2016 08: 29
      Lenin only voiced the thoughts of Nicholas the First. The king was understanding and did not survive his powerlessness before the environment. The defeat in Crimea is the defeat of the bureaucratic apparatus that Nikolai created. When the militias fight better than the regular army, naturally, it speaks of the rottenness of the state.
  29. -1
    23 July 2016 08: 05
    The Englishwoman shits in slippers (Anglo-Saxons). Hundreds of years dream of sharing Russia. Albright marked Siberia for America))).
    Quote: Atlant-1164
    smart learn from other people's mistakes, but it's smart !!

    Quote: Simpsonian
    There was also a blow to Solovki and other Pomeranian cities on the White Sea. The most sensitive loss of the entire war is the ruin of the city of Kem.

    And fear of the Tolerasts:
    Quote: Atlant-1164
    it turns out an astronomical figure of 261 acts of “aggression” (or, depending on our sympathies, “protection of democracy”) around the world
  30. +2
    23 July 2016 08: 48
    Quote: Dobrogneva
    This should be regarded as rudeness! NATO in Montenegro and Poland (Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia ... Belarus !!!)

    Fig yourself! I just woke up and it turns out that NATO is already in Belarus! I looked out the window - everything seemed to be the same ... I’ll go to work, I’ll look out for where the Navy SEAL divisions and aircraft carriers with submarines are hiding.
  31. +1
    23 July 2016 09: 07
    "By the way, in Kamchatka, Zavoiko had 6 times fewer troops and
    more on artillery. Despite this, he did not give Nikolskaya
    hills. He threw the English and the French. English admiral from
    Shame shot himself. There is his grave on the shore. And in the village
    Tarja (from the French cemetery) the fallen French are buried.
    Not only that, having received the teeth in Kamchatka, the ships left with nothing
    on the way home, more than half of the remaining
    personnel already from scurvy. "

    Tarja was named so Stepan Krasheninnikov in 1739, long before the events described, the cemetery has no relation to the French translation, you still say that it is so named after the Finnish rock diva). Taray is a local secret, an Itelmen leader, who was subsequently baptized and named Michael. And David Price, the English rear admiral, is really buried somewhere here after he shot himself, but the exact location is unknown.
    Who are interested in the events of the defense of Petropavlovsk and in general the entire forerunner with a description of the political situation in the region as a whole, read the historical essay by G.I. Shchedrina Peter and Paul battle, everything is described in great detail.
    Interestingly, the burial place of the murdered Anglo-French, but it is not the "Wasp's Nest", as NATO schnicks call it
  32. -3
    23 July 2016 10: 23
    The sale of Alaska is also the result of this war sad
  33. +1
    23 July 2016 12: 41
    Here about the Russian losses - the figures at St. Nicholas Cathedral, which at the Bratskoye cemetery on the North side of Sevastopol give significantly greater significance. Some regiments on 3-4 times updated their personnel. If we assume that the regiment then was about 2500 people. That defense of Sevastopol cost Russia not 30 000 soldiers and officers, but much more. It is enough to walk along the Fraternal Cemetery. There are so many mass graves (namely the 1th defense) that it takes a horror. Well, add up the numbers - then you can find out the truth ...
    1. +1
      24 July 2016 13: 26
      But according to the description (Sevastopol Starada, Sevastopol Boy, etc.) of bombing - "at the expense" sometimes 5000 went for the bombing. The bastions suffered losses day and night (during restoration). According to the description, it was this figure that served as the beginning of preparations for the battle on the Black River (logic, we lose 5 thousand each and this is a good battle where the enemy will suffer losses and so a waste of people)
      I won’t believe in the figure of 30. Although if you do not take into account a lot of things, it may come out.
      Losses were not only during the defense (assaults) of Sevastopol ... Alma, Inkerman, Chernaya, Balaklava and the little things ...
  34. +2
    23 July 2016 21: 55
    Quote: cyberhanter
    If these countries had a direct land border, then it would be much more difficult for us.
    This article is populism, in which there is no research, no figure ...

    Well, Britain and India have no land border - in 1757, the Bengali navabu Siraj ud-Daulu at the Battle of Plessis helped a lot)))
  35. +2
    23 July 2016 22: 04
    “Another such victory, and England will not have an army”

    Article plus, for example when the so-called. liberals consider the ratio of losses in the Second World War ("filled up with corpses"), then there is often a rigging - they consider the ratio of Germany-USSR, without taking into account the losses of the coalition (Finland, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Slovakia and other "brothers") on the Eastern Front, mix accounting -statistical method with balance, bringing to a ratio of 1:10, while combat losses actually 1: 1,3.
    Quote: Author
    ... the agreement that ended the war was by no means derogatory. The whole world knows about it.

    Well done author.
    1. 0
      24 July 2016 21: 36
      Quote: Gunter
      consider the ratio of losses in the Second World War ("filled up with corpses")

      it is rather a perverse interpretation of one of the real reasons for the German miscalculations - the mobresource of the USSR turned out to be much higher than expected
  36. +1
    24 July 2016 09: 42
    Quote: KudrevKN
    Grandpa, how old are you? If I am fit for you? I am 52 years old and it seems to me that you are either a lawyer for the nickname "Dobrogorav" or know this provocateur? And regarding the "door - to the right, second from the left" - where is it? In Dad Carlo's closet behind the old fireplace or in the Odessa bardel on Malaya Arnoutskaya "exclusively for sexual perverts - starters"? Maybe you should visit a specialist of a narrow profile?

    Judging by your vocabulary ,, grandfather 52 years old, you have a very large set of words and phrases inherent in an undeveloped and inexperienced brain. Maybe I'm wrong? But my conclusions lead to two possible answers: 1) You are a youngster. 2) You are an elderly man but undeveloped. I apologize but this is purely my opinion. hi
  37. 0
    24 July 2016 21: 51
    I read my comment and links to it.
    Human blood is like water.
    The capabilities of the belligerent parties are immediately determined: "how quickly to hang in grams" - how much will we hold or capture from one and the other side (based on rifled weapons and a steam fleet, etc. + FANTOM "BATTLE SPIRIT" and SACRIFICE (how much %% adds: 3 or 5 or 1 or 0,5%?).
    Different nations have different ways.
    And what to do with 95%?
    The struggle of the Brit empire was for a stay and a free path to India and the Pacific Ocean. That would not intersect the courses of "friendly" squadrons in the Mediterranean.
    Our current "negotiating partners" succeeded then, and returned the Black Sea and access to the Danube (without access to the Straits). Let the Turks manage themselves (and there was also an Austro-Hungarian empire) - you cannot appease everyone.
    And now the same, and in the First World War the same, and in the 2nd World War
    But the 2nd World War is "something went wrong." We broke out of the usual circle outlined for us and again in 1991 returned to it
  38. 0
    24 July 2016 22: 01
    Railway tracks are very expensive. Dumping of a cloth, ballast prism, laying of sleepers and rails is AWESOME money. In Russia, there was always not enough money at the state level, so there were few roads.
    Now there is no demographer. explosion and we sit quieter than water (there is no one to populate the path from the Varangians to the Greeks - the path along the Dnieper and the railway along the right bank of the outskirts. Yes and D East and Transbaikalia are empty. How can you influence other countries through the diasporas show the Chinese (and who else?) but not Russians or Russians. "Russian mafia" does not count.
    And then there was not enough technology and a competent population
    I apologize: The struggle of the Brit empire was for a stay and a free path to India and the Pacific Ocean. For simple and free. Great logisticians. "Maersk" 19th century
  39. 0
    24 July 2016 23: 25
    Duc Kankrin, although he was a "financial" genius of the time - but he is a terrible conservative. And then there's the expensive canvas ... money in the ground ...
    Nikolai complained that he personally insisted on the roads. He ordered them to be built (and nobody knows how much they stole there)
    Menshikov quipped about the Minister of Roads and Communications (P. A. Kleinmichel) ... However, he quipped to the end even after his resignation.
    In fact, if you choose from those three (Raglan, Saint Arno and Menshikov - he is not the worst option .. better than Gorchakov but worse than Khrulev, Bosque, Pelissier)
    The trouble is that even Bosque could not jump higher than the old ones and Khrulev was all the more ... A pity .. But he also fought off the storms of the garrison (After the death of the admirals) because Saken was not capable of anything at all.
    Distracted - railway was expensive but pays off! But the Minister of Finance did not want to spend money ...
    As a result, Sevastopol was left without a J branch .. and if it were ... oooh .. defense history would know other options ...
    Now let's think ... how so for the empire not to have a railway branch to the main Base and outpost of the South? And to have a terrible road ...
    And about the costs ..
    The cost of building the first railway in Russia was estimated at 5 million rubles (almost 10% of this amount was spent on the purchase of rolling stock and rails). In 1838, the road transported 700 thousand passengers and began to generate income, which made it possible to recoup all the costs of building and operating all vehicles in five years
    RIA Novosti
    And Kankrin and then Vronchenko ... did not know how to wait ..
  40. 0
    25 July 2016 04: 29
    "in the First World War, already deprived of almost all of its European possessions" sick Europe "defeated Britain and France in the Gallipoli campaign"
    1. In this campaign, the Entente countries underestimated the enemy’s strength and tried to storm the strait with coastal batteries in the forehead, for which they paid.

    Nelson said that a sailor trying to storm the coastal defense head-on is * an unreasonable person *. He himself used to break his own rules, but each time he knew what he was doing and why there might be exceptions to the rules.

    2. Turkish defense, incl. in the Dardanelles, the Germans organized very well under the command of Sushon Pasha. The Turks themselves kept her in an extremely neglected state, as did their fleet, which was also led into a lock by Germans.

    "That is, the ratio is not at all catastrophic, especially considering that Russia fought for six months longer than England and France."
    So what? With whom did Russia fight these six months? With Turkey. Are her losses on the list? There is. Well, what's the difference?

    "The treaty that ended the war turned out to be by no means humiliating. The whole world knows about it."
    Does this "whole world" know that Russia was forbidden to have a navy at the World Cup and build warships?
    This is not humiliation, but so, a trifle, sm?

    Theoretically, the demilitarization of the Black Sea concerned Turkey, however, it could hold and build warships in the Mediterranean Sea, the Straits and the Sea of ​​Marmara as much as desired. Therefore, the restriction was valid only against Russia.

    "And the Russian tsar canceled the treaty itself after 14 years"
    What a trifle, 14 years in a knee-elbow position.
    And then, yes, rose from their knees wink

    By the way, Germany, after the WWII, also only complied with the restrictions of the Versailles Peace for 15 years. It didn’t seem enough to them.
  41. 0
    25 July 2016 10: 19
    about railway and GDP.
    The third or fourth comment I write about the Sevastopol fables.
    The external environment and the train expressed an opinion (this opinion does not change anything in our century and does not teach anything)
    how Avt-Weng, our ally, in the Holy Union wanted to fight against Nicholas the 1st + Prussia (4th section of Poland?).
    The peoples surrounding Russia have grown (both miles and miles and km of growth w / d; omnibuses, etc.; the coverage on country roads (with us) has changed — it has become complicated = already a highway.
    It is necessary to watch GDP growth in central Europe .. There, export developed developed markets for the sale of their products.
    And now the same eggs ...
    Russia Nicholas 1 on these indicators is backward (as mines did not have enough money to reach the level of Europe)
  42. 0
    25 July 2016 11: 10
    I do not want to be a Prophet. Article comments many times in 3 days.
    But still, still ...
    The main thing is in the middle of the 19th century.
    In 1847, the Great Expedition left the Brit Islands. The expedition (they stuck the word themselves !!!) looked for the northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean. Travel time -2 navigation and 1 wintering (in my opinion, based on those speeds) In 1848-49, no one was discovered.
    In the Pacific Ocean, in Alaska, (the Bering Strait belonged to Russia — the HORROR for the English Admiralty — see the Danish Straits and Gibraltar) there are none in a year or two.
    They died halfway in the winter, wiped with ice, and by 51 documentary evidence appeared (boats, diaries, corpses)
    -technologies are not ready for swimming in high latitudes and +
    - no passage.
    - everywhere, even in summer ice.
    - even now in the 21st century, the "Great Canadian Mariners" do not go there.
    The demand to overtake Russia in the race to the Pacific Ocean passed from cabinet disputes and turned into an order on the decks of battleships.
    Where was the occasion- In Turkey, in the Black Sea.
  43. 0
    25 July 2016 12: 58
    The industrial expansion in England was accompanied by the rapid development of transport, especially railway. The entire territory of the country was covered by a dense network of railways. Between 1840 and 1870, their length increased from 1,4 thousand km to 25 thousand km, or 18 times. Particular attention in England was given to shipbuilding and shipping. Here, for the first time among the developed countries of the world, not wooden sailboats began to be produced, but all-metal steamers. The total tonnage of the merchant fleet from 1800 to 1870 increased from 2 million tons to 5,7 million tons, which amounted to almost 60% of the world level. This allowed England to become a "global carrier" and thus earn a lot of money.
    What do we have in Russia in the middle of the 19th century:
    By the beginning of the war, the length of railway roads only from St. Petersburg to Moscow, and then on foot. The operation to transfer troops from the Danube Front to the Crimea took six months. The transfer of troops from France for several weeks.
    It is constantly emphasized that during the battle the lack of rifled weapons affected us, but note that the losses of the parties are quite comparable.
    Well, yes, in principle, why rifled weapons when you can fight with batons
  44. +1
    26 July 2016 09: 06
    I liked the article. Not by historical material, but by fact itself. It is interesting to reflect on all these events. Comments read. Protected the same land.