World War II - US and British War against the USSR


22 June 1941 of the year, 75 years ago, the Great Patriotic War began. The Third Reich, leading the united forces of Europe, began a war with the Soviet Union. In fact, it was a war of two ideas (concepts) of the living arrangement of people and two civilizations, Soviet (Russian) and western.

Western civilization, whose conceptual (ideological) centers at various times were Rome, Venice, Antwerp, Amsterdam, London and Washington, was originally a parasite. This civilization is a vampire ghoul that weapons or subordinates ideas to the victim and sucks all vital juices (resources) out of it. Not for nothing in many Western films vampire ghouls are presented in the form of clans-families of some kind of aristocracy, nobility, who rule the world and rise above ordinary people (slaves, victims and servants).

It was the West that began globalization, continuing the work of Ancient Rome, and gradually subjugated virtually the entire planet, including such huge civilizations of the East as India, Japan and China. India was a colony of Britain which built the slave, caste New World Order. And China is a semi-colony, whose population was immersed in a narcotic trance. Japanese civilization was also subordinated to the Anglo-Saxons, becoming a tool for the subordination of China, Korea and Russia. Virtually the entire Earth was divided into "hunting grounds" - spheres of influence, colonies and semi-colonies.

Only Russian civilization retained "autocracy." However, under the Romanovs, the West was able to control a large part of the culture, science, art, and the educational system of Russia under the control of the “cultural cooperation”. As a result, a significant part of the elite was brought up by Westerners and cosmopolitans, and the Russian people were divided into two parts - the westernized “elite”, who lived in the interests of Europe and had a European education, and the people themselves, largely enslaved, not having access to education, but retaining in itself "Russian code program." This was one of the main prerequisites of the 1917 geopolitical catastrophe of the year. In addition, the West was able to control part of the financial and economic system of the Russian Empire. However, such a weakened Russia, when Petersburg was not always aware of national interests and often acted in the interests of the Western centers, did not suit the owners of the West.

First, by the end of the 19th century — the beginning of the 20th century — no new “hunting grounds” remained. The whole planet was divided between the main "predators" and "vampires". There was a struggle between several centers of Western civilization - the Prussian-German, Romanesque and Anglo-Saxon elites. However, the leading centers of the West, and London and Washington came to this place, having pressed the elites of the Old World (continental Europe), it was not enough to crush and plunder the old monarchical empires - German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. “Fresh blood” was needed. Therefore, the main goal was the Russian Empire, the robbery of which promised fabulous profits. The resources and wealth of Russian civilization were to serve as the basis of the New World Order, which was built by the masters of Britain and the USA.

It is worth noting that The basis of the New World Order, which the masters of the West have been building for centuries, is the rule of the few “chosen” over the masses of servants and slaves, a kind of pyramidal neo-slave-owning structure. With such a system, the “chosen ones” have all the knowledge, their servants have access to fragmentary knowledge, and slaves are deprived of normal upbringing and education. Their physical, intellectual and spiritual development is distorted by all sorts of dope - tobacco, alcohol, stronger drugs, poisoned food, “zombies” using the media, etc. That is The basis of Western civilization is an unfair, immoral concept of governance. When all benefits are available to few “chosen ones” who follow the path of hedonism and Satanism, rejecting the ideals of Good and Justice.

At the same time, these “chosen ones” poison their way of life with all those around them, servants and slaves (“servants” can be of a very high rank — governors, generals, presidents), who also tend to consume and “take everything from life”. A consumer society is emerging, which is parasitic on the planet. Humanity is turning into a kind of "virus" that kills the Earth, the Garden of Eden, given to our growing up. All this led to a global systemic crisis, including the crisis of the biosphere, the crisis of man (his physical, intellectual and spiritual degradation, involution), the crisis of mankind, the crisis of the white race, the crisis of Western civilization, the crisis of biblical and Koranic culture, the crisis of capitalism. That is, the masters of the West brought humanity to the threshold of the so-called. of the apocalypse.

Second, the Russian civilization (Russia-Russia) is the only one on the planet that carries the beginnings of a different path of human development. Its foundation is a fair moral concept. This is a society of social justice, where there are no "chosen" and "slaves", parasitizing some people over others. Society of service and creation, where a person is physically, intellectually and spiritually developed. An example of such an ideal society and a person is the image of Alice Selezneva from the movie “Guest from the Future”. This is the image of "Grad Kitezh" Russian legends.

Therefore, the West since its formation leads a war against Russian civilization, open and secret, hot and cold, informational and cultural. This war has been going on for more than a thousand years. The goal of this war is the destruction of the Russian super-ethnos, which carries in itself a unique “code-program-matrix” for the creation of a planetary civilization of the “golden age”.

Russian civilization, the Russian people - this is the main threat to the West. A bet in the Big Game is the dominance of one of the concepts on the entire planet. Therefore, for the masters of the West, Russia-Russia in any form — a monarchy, a socialist state, a liberal-democratic republic — is an enemy, a threat that must be destroyed. And any hope of agreement, mutually beneficial cooperation is self-deception. Only the war until the absolute victory of one of the parties, that is, the red Russian flag over Berlin, Paris ...

It is also worth noting that the owners of the West are afraid of us not only because of the “Russian code”, which is irreconcilable to injustice, but also the invincibility of the Russians in open battle. Russian superethnos, which all its history he only did that he fought and survived in the most difficult conditions, has no equal on the battlefield. Our history proves it. All the “invincible” leaders, emperors, armies and powers who challenged us were defeated. And some of the countries have lost the status of "great", like the former Swedish empire. And it causes horror in the owners of the West. It’s not for nothing that our heroic people are constantly put to sleep with tales about the victory of peaceful cooperation, humanism, tolerance, pacifism, political correctness and other illusions. And at this time there is an invisible war against the superethnos of the Rus.

Using the internal contradictions of the Russian Empire, the West in 1917 destroyed Russian statehood. An unprecedented robbery and division of Great Russia began. However, in Russia there was a force that was able to restore the state, save most of the territory of the empire and create a new development project - the Bolsheviks. Stalin and his team were able to destroy most of the "fifth column" - the internationalist Trotskyists, who played on the side of the masters of the West, began to create a powerful national economy and, on its basis, a defense-industrial complex, allowing to defend independence. Moreover, in the Red Empire (Union) they created such an independent system of science and culture, education and upbringing, which made it possible to form a “Soviet person” - a physically, intellectually and spiritually developed person, a patriot of his country. With incredible efforts, Stalin began to create a society of service and creation.

It is enough to look at the old Soviet pre-war, military and post-war films (they were created later, after the great leader was eliminated), to notice that the heroes of that time were fundamentally different from the 1990-2010 “heroes”. Now, gangsters, policemen, harlot-courtesans, artists, singers, politicians, jesters and professional athletes dominate the minds of people. Then the characters were different. They were filled with creative energy. They were creators, creators. Material for them was not the meaning of life. In the first place they had service to the Soviet society and the accumulation of comprehensive knowledge, education. It was a society of workers, creators, designers, pilots, warriors and teachers. No wonder these people survived the most terrible war and won! It was a steel generation! Unfortunately, many have fallen, the best always stand up for the Motherland, stand in the first rows. But this fuse was enough to create a superpower and to be the first in space (not counting other amazing breakthroughs).

The masters of the West saw and understood everything perfectly. A few more generations, and the Red Empire will lead on the planet, the West will be at the tail of a solar civilization, torn to the stars. In the West, closely followed every step of Moscow. It was necessary to do something to destroy the alternative project of globalization, which came to the heart of the best people on the planet.

In addition, a new crisis began in the West. Treasures exported from Russia only delayed the crisis for a while. There was no one to rob. New arrivals were not. The plundering of the defenseless countries of Latin America and Asia could not delay the crisis. Western civilization can flourish only by expanding its “hunting grounds”. Otherwise, stagnation and crisis. The Great Depression begins, a protracted crisis, fatal for the West in conditions when the young Soviet civilization shows amazing growth and attracts the gaze of all humanity.

The masters of the West frantically searched for a way out. Japan was attacked by the Union, but the Japanese were in no hurry to attack the USSR. After receiving good lessons on Lake Hassan and Khalkhin Gol, the Japanese chose to “master” vast China and chose a southern expansion strategy. Then for the destruction and eradication of the already established Soviet society and the project "Hitler" was created. German Nazis helped take power, restore the economy and the war machine of Germany. For all the upsurges of the Third Reich, there were dozens of the richest families of the “shadow (golden) International.” The masters of the West allowed Germany to recover. To crush almost all of Europe, to create an aggressive coalition of European powers. In addition to the "protected areas" - Switzerland and Sweden. Hitler and his ideologues were allowed to use secret psychotechnologies, which make it possible for the people to become one, to create an all-destructive fighting machine of the Wehrmacht and the priestly Order of the SS, which the whole people kept in the dope until the very last days of the war.

In fact, the United States and Britain, in spite of the deceitful official history that has fallen for everyone on the losing side, became the real instigators of the Second World War (as well as of the First World War). They used militaristic Japan, fascist Italy and Nazi Europe as figures in the Great Game and started a world war. The Anglo-Saxons supported the aggressive regimes, helping them in the first stage with weapons, technology, resources and in the field of diplomacy, covering the aggressors, as in the case of the Italian attack on Ethiopia in the 1936 year or during the Munich Agreement when Hitler was ceded to Czechoslovakia. It was the masters of the West who forced France to capitulate to Germany, which had the strongest army in Europe. The French "elite" simply submitted to higher hierarchs. England ran away from Europe. Thus, the Third Reich was provided with a calm rear for the invasion of Russia.

Then a united Europe, led by the Third Reich, was thrown onto the Soviet Union in order to trample the first shoots of a new just civilization appearing on earth, a “golden age” civilization. We must always remember that the masters of the USA and England are the real instigators of the Great War, and they unleashed this terrible war, and it was they who were always our main enemies. Germany was only a ram in their capable hands. Hitler was almost always under control. And he could easily be eliminated with the help of the German generals, dissatisfied with the development of events that were too rapid. The Third Reich, as conceived by the masters of the West, launched a war in Europe, and Japan in the East.

The masters of the West have long understood that it is better to fight with someone else's hands, someone else's "cannon fodder", while simultaneously profiting from the supply of weapons and related resources. So, with the tacit support of the Anglo-Saxons, Japan occupied and robbed the main part of the populated provinces of China. The masters of the West were counting the steps of many moves ahead and knew that both the territories and the loot would go to them. For example, Americans conceded the loot in Korea and China by Japan and created their own strategic base in the Japanese Empire itself. Across the Asia-Pacific region, the Americans before the war, during the war, and after it created their bases and bridgeheads, blocking Russia and China, which, with the support of the Russians, was able to regain independence.

True, the owners of the West have miscalculated with the Japanese. The Japanese emperor and high command showed wisdom and saw through the cunning and despicable plan of the owners of the West - to use the Japanese as "cannon fodder" in the fight against the Russians. Therefore, the Japanese, convinced of the strength of the new Soviet Russia, turned to the south, did not begin to fight the USSR, but hit the main enemy and rival in the Pacific - the United States. Pearl Harbor was a brilliant victory for the Japanese armed forces. When the war ended, the owners of the United States took revenge on the most despicable way - they struck an atomic strike on the Japanese empire, although there was no military need for such a strike. As a result, Japan is still the semi-colony of the masters of the West.

In the West, Germany was again confronted with Russia. However, the Third Reich was doomed from the very first day of the war - 22 June 1941 of the year. Already, no force could crush the Soviet (Russian) civilization, the Russian people, who felt that this was "our power." For the new Soviet generations, the Motherland was more important than life, their ideal was higher than life itself. The strength of the spirit of the Soviet people turned out to be higher than the "Nordic race," intoxicated with the ideas of "chosenness." Not in vain, from the very first days of the Great War, the Germans were faced with such examples of unparalleled courage and heroism of the Soviet fighters, that we had to immediately forget about the “easy walk”. The Russians awoke the spirit of hereditary warriors, and the battle of the titans began to boil, in which the Soviet Union won up. Hence the massive heroism of the Soviet soldiers, who in the greatest of wars both “invincible” German divisions and the troops of other European aggressors — Finnish, Romanian, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish, etc. — were crushed. The resistance and courage of the Russian soldiers amazed even well-worn German generals .

In 1941-1942 Western masters have already divided the "skins" of the Russian and German bears. They anticipated the colossal profit from the robbery of Great Russia and were glad that the Soviet project would be destroyed. But Great Russia led by Stalin confused their plans. Britain and the United States had to urgently become the "allies" of Moscow in the anti-Hitler coalition and land assault forces in Africa and Europe. The masters of England and the United States were able to rob only part of Germany and subjugate the western part of Europe. Moscow extended its influence right up to Berlin, Austria and Albania, surpassing the power of the Russian Empire.

Thus, Britain and the United States, the main instigators of war, parasites and predators, following the results of the Second World War, having brought minimum casualties, became known as the main winners. But now the story has been rewritten again. Now the main instigators of the war are Russia and Germany (and Germany is already partly a victim of the “bloody Stalinist regime”), while England and the USA are the main winners. However, the Russian people still remember their ancestors - the great warriors, the winners, who crushed the all-European army and challenged the entire West, starting the construction of a "solar civilization."
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  1. -22
    22 June 2016 06: 19
    In fact, the United States and Britain, contrary to the false official history, laying everything on the losing side, and became the true instigators of World War II

    Conspiracy theory in all its glory. The Americans, with their propaganda, think that they won the war alone, and our children with such articles will think that we fought with America and England. PPC, sailed. Author, sit down, two! Article minus.
    1. +37
      22 June 2016 09: 09
      I already wrote, but I repeat. Our children need to be driven into our heads - we did not defeat fascist Germany, but the fascist European Union, model 1941. The sponsors were the SGA and England. These had money from all participants in the events.
      1. +6
        22 June 2016 09: 15
        Until 1941, WE ACTIVELY PUMPED GERMANY RESOURCES, including strategic ones. And they had a considerable profit by the way.
        1. +5
          22 June 2016 12: 17
          and the British Empire and the United States 10 years actively supported the Reich financially
          moreover, not so much at the level of governments - no one has canceled reparations, but at the level of big capital.
          1. -2
            22 June 2016 15: 41
            Quote: yehat
            and the British Empire and the United States 10 years actively supported the Reich financially
            moreover, not so much at the level of governments - no one has canceled reparations, but at the level of big capital.

            And with the other hand they built heavy industry in the USSR, selling literally everything from machine tools and turbines to tanks and aircraft engines
        2. +3
          22 June 2016 13: 54
          Quote: Kenneth
          Until 1941 WE

          WE plowed! Said the fly sitting on the neck of an ox.
          Quote: Kenneth

          Standard Oil actively collaborated with Hitler Germany. Do not believe?
          Quote: Kenneth
          And they had a considerable profit by the way.

          Remember the year in which USA diplomatically recognized the USSR. Is it not in the year of the formation of Adik Schicklgruber as chancellor?
          1. -5
            22 June 2016 17: 09
            You will remember better when the Ford plant was built in Nizhny, Stalingrad Tractor, Dneproges ...
            1. +6
              23 June 2016 11: 28
              Quote: Beefeater
              You will remember better when the Ford plant was built in Nizhny, Stalingrad Tractor, Dneproges ...

              All this was paid for by Au / metal of such yellow color /. Unlike Germany, the USSR did not give loans. So stick your long tongue yourself know in which place.
        3. 0
          22 June 2016 17: 41
          Quote: Kenneth
          Until 1941, WE ACTIVELY PUMPED GERMANY RESOURCES, including strategic ones. And they had a considerable profit by the way.

          In the form of primarily modern equipment and technologies.
          1. +2
            24 June 2016 11: 47
            Quote: Beefeater
            In the form of primarily modern equipment and technologies.

            the Saxons clearly said: the Germans will win, we will help the Russians and vice versa. And how do you think the USSR would have survived without technology? In addition, it is correctly noted that we paid extremely generously in gold.
            I personally heard the opinion about the famine, which was far from not only in Ukraine, but also in the Volga region, and in other places. That at one moment they started to take grain from here and hunger went. This is all subjective, I heard such a version.
            At the exit, the Saxons would have gained an invincible Germany with sauce 3 of the Reich with the resources of the USSR. I think that over time Hitler or his successor would doper that they are playing with them and then the whole German (fascist) machine would go on a crusade to the West. It was necessary to suck the forces of both empires, which was almost achieved.
            1. -1
              24 June 2016 19: 49
              Quote: silver_roman
              In addition, it is correctly noted that we paid extremely generously in gold.

              In fact, it’s extremely sparing and I don’t even remember exactly whether they have paid to this day. Not for Lend-Lease, no, it was free. For trade purchases during the war.
              And they paid in gold for foreign trade purchases because there was nothing to export in the USSR and there was no currency in the country. That was how it was, "the world's most advanced economy."
              Quote: silver_roman
              And how do you think the USSR would have survived without technology?

              Of course. The question is the number of victims. Moreover, until the middle of 1943. in the USSR they did not even scratch at the topic of rearmament of the army. And only the Kursk massacre forced the "wise Soviet leadership" to get off the stove and try to do something there. But in any case, the Wehrmacht was significantly ahead of the Red Army in the production of new-generation ground vehicles.
              Quote: silver_roman
              That at one moment they started to take grain from here and hunger went.

              But they saved gold. Yes?
              Quote: silver_roman
              At the exit, the Saxons would have gained an invincible Germany with sauce 3 of the Reich with the resources of the USSR.

              So I just can't understand what these are "USSR resources"? What kind of beast is this? What was so exceptional in the USSR that anyone was interested? If these same resources the USSR dragged from overseas for 4 years to at least build aircraft. And so that they also fly.
              Why would Germany suddenly become so invincible?
              Quote: silver_roman
              I think that over time Hitler or his follower would doper that they are playing with them and then the whole German (fascist) machine would go on a crusade to the West.

              Maybe you don't know, but in 1940. she went there. Just not a crusade, but to scare. Because these goners had no real forces against the Anglo-Saxons. And tales about the "invincible Wehrmacht" are just tales. The same Wehrmacht arr. 1941 and a month would not have stood against the Red Army arr. 1944
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. -3
          22 June 2016 13: 56
          Why a minus? Is it true that it hurts? The whole world Mr. only angels in Russia?
          1. +3
            23 June 2016 11: 32
            Quote: Hayer 31
            Why a minus? True eyes countиt?

            First, study the phonetics, spelling and syntax of the Russian language, then slowly start to "speak".
          2. +2
            24 June 2016 22: 20
            Quote: Hayer 31
            And why is the minus?

            I think for illiteracy.
        2. -5
          22 June 2016 19: 59
          First, you compare the attitude to LGBT people in Germany and Russia.
          1. +1
            25 June 2016 01: 49
            that you are so modest, your relationship with pederasts and lesbians will be more accurate bully
        3. +1
          23 June 2016 11: 30
          Quote: Hayer 31
          Che do not see it? P.p. Bl

          Rinse the tongue out!
    2. +24
      22 June 2016 09: 11
      Conspiracy theory in all its glory. The Americans, with their propaganda, think that they won the war alone, and our children with such articles will think that we fought with America and England. PPC, sailed. Author, sit down, two! Article minus.

      Plus, in my opinion, you forgot how to read. How do you think how Hitler was able to restore the entire military industry after the 1st World War? You knew all the main German factories belonged to the Rockefellers. The Roggenfelders / Rockefellers, Germans by birth, were allies of Germany. The syndicate funded Hitler through the Warburg-controlled Amsterdam Bank of Mendelssohn and the Bank of J. Henry Schroeder (an agent-bank of the Nazi government with branches in Frankfurt, London and New York). It was the Rockefellers that acquired a controlling stake in IG Farben (an American company). This company was the main supplier of the German military machine, a producer of high-quality coal fuel. In 1933, the Standard Oil Company of New York gave the German government a loan of $ 2 million, and after that began to earn $ 500 a year from the production of ersatz gas. " for military purposes, ”but she could not export her income. IG Farbenindustrie funded the election campaign by 45%, as a result of which the Nazis came to power in Germany. In 1933, the Syndicate financed Hitler through payments made by IG Farben (a Rockefeller-controlled company) and General Electric. In 1936, the Rockefellers partnered with the key institution of the fascist “economic miracle” - Schroder Bank of New York (and the Dulles brothers, who were in the service of Schroeder). In 1939, the Rockefeller-controlled Chase National Bank provided Nazi Germany with $ 25 million and supplied Berlin with information on ten thousand Nazi supporters in the United States. Throughout the war (with the exception of a few months), the Rockefeller Standard Oil of New Jersey supplied the Nazis with oil through Spain.
      Hitler was financed by Krupp and (indirectly) by the Rothschilds. Reichsbank President Dr. Hälmar Schacht was the mediator between Hitler and Wall Street. Father Mine worked at the Morgan Trust Co. subsidiary. in Berlin.
      There is evidence that both the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds indirectly financed Hitler through the intermediaries and contributed to the arming of his armies, which means that all power is in fact, and both then and now at the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and the Morgan, they own all the finances and they have a printing press. Judging by all their gestures, both in the past and in the present, it’s not difficult to guess that they have plans for complete domination on earth, and only Russia has not obeyed throughout history, which means that, both in the past and in the present, they are trying to to break whoever does not understand this is his problem. The article is definitely a plus
    3. -7
      22 June 2016 09: 17
      I agree. The Anglo-Saxons, of course, s-chi, but they were allies, not enemies. Temporary, but allies. And - I do not like that our paranoid patriots give the Anglo-Saxons signs of omniscience and omnipotence. And they were deceived, and beats repeatedly, and they made fatal mistakes. Notice! Where they had to deal with a serious cultural and state tradition, their counterparts survived. In different ways, military, peaceful, combined, but they knew how to survive. China (about 4000 years of management tradition), Iran (3000 - 3300), Japan (1400 - 1500), India (3500). This observation is interestingly confirmed by Egypt, the only country that has managed to recover from the "colored" plague in the Middle East. For this it is necessary and sufficient to be aware of oneself, the rest will follow.
      1. +3
        22 June 2016 10: 18
        Such allies that such friends are behind the figs and out the door ....
      2. +7
        22 June 2016 12: 18
        Quote: Azitral
        Anglo-Saxons, of course, s-chi, but were allies, not enemies.

        Ahha ... They became allies when they realized what kind of monster they themselves had raised in the person of Hitler.
        And then there was nowhere to go. We had to quickly fit in to grab a piece of the pie. These scum raped the loot from both the Germans and the Russians.
        Allies were exactly until May 10, 1945. Nothing personal ... Just business ...
        1. +2
          24 June 2016 22: 23
          Quote: 1rl141
          Ahha ... They became allies when they realized what kind of monster they themselves had raised in the face of Hitler. And then there was nowhere to go.

          Definitely, as one politician says. I have already quoted the words of Churchill to the USSR Ambassador to England, I. Maisky. In general, I advise you to read his book "Who helped Hitler", which is quite interesting.
      3. 0
        22 June 2016 12: 21
        Quote: Azitral
        I agree. Anglo-Saxons, of course, s-chi, but were allies, not enemies. Temporary, but allies. And - I do not like that our paranoid patriots give the Anglo-Saxons signs of omniscience and omnipotence.

        The British controlled very seriously international trade and diplomacy.
        you underestimate their power, and I remind you that, pursuing a policy of encirclement and strangulation, they actually left the Reich in isolation in the first world and provoked an attack. They also provoked an escalation of the incident in Serbia. So do not say that England is only a small island.
      4. +3
        22 June 2016 21: 33
        Quote: Azitral
        This observation is interestingly confirmed by Egypt, the only country that has managed to recover from the "colored" plague in the Middle East.

        We will not say to whom Egypt owes its "recovery", although it was ...
    4. 0
      22 June 2016 11: 17
      Thanks to the author for the article! Once again I am convinced that Alexander Samsonov writes very competently, while not distorting a single fact.
    5. +2
      22 June 2016 13: 38
      But you're not a kid, are you? Of course, if an adult begins to assert that Red Russia was at war with England-USA, then this is not true. In this case, such a pseudo-teacher himself will be an idiot. But, to say that behind the back of the Reich = the Nazi European Union were its breadwinners - the ELITES (!) Of the USA and Great Britain - this should and should be said. Children, they are not stupid. A sensible explanation will be learned at once. But you don't need to play the fool. People start "conspiracies" from the age of 5, you are our anti-cospirologist. This is a natural application of the man's ability to combine and manipulate. And big uncles, then, are incapable of this? Basically? In short, it's good to play the fool. For such an American plan "Peancer" of December 14, 1945 cries personally with nuclear "tears".
    6. +4
      22 June 2016 21: 46
      Quote: BIP PS FSB RF
      Conspiracy theory in all its glory. The Americans, with their propaganda, think that they won the war alone, and our children with such articles will think that we fought with America and England. PPC, sailed. Author, sit down, two! Article minus.

      Again. The author then wrote a bunch of hoaxes. Yes, Hitler came to power not without the help of the Anglo-Saxons and with their active participation. This is their project.
      1) Adolf Hitler was introduced into high society, the Austrian Hitler was promptly given German citizenship to participate in the elections. The National Socialist Workers' Party from a marginal vegetation gang has become an influential force with generous funding.
      2) The impoverished Weimar Republic suddenly almost immediately became a strong Reich, having the opportunity to carry out financial operations and transactions through the British Bank that were prohibited to it after the First World War. Why all of a sudden? Unclear.
      3) Hitler, under a dubious pretext, is allowed to complete anschluss of Austria.
      4) American shareholders sell the Germans shares of their industrial enterprises in Europe or exchange them for preferred (fixed income paper). Why suddenly such generosity? Unclear.
      5) German enterprises receive technology and equipment from the USA and England. In this case, aviation engines and alloys, and other similar things. Why all of a sudden? Unclear. Germany is becoming a powerful nation and even has television at the beginning of the 1936 Olympics. Somehow famously for 5 years. Is not it? Then the same trick will be done with the Marshall plan, for 10 years everything has been rebuilt better than before thanks to a dollar pump.
      6) Hitler, and in general in Europe, is given the opportunity to develop creepy puppet dictatorial regimes like the Latin American ones and no churchillies are yelling about the violation of European democracy. Why all of a sudden? Unclear.
      And such riddles are immeasurable.
      1. -4
        23 June 2016 01: 38
        It seems that Germany was your bast village. Meanwhile, a huge number of inventions were made in Germany, and it was Germany that helped the USSR build a modern military industry.
        1. 0
          23 June 2016 08: 22
          Quote: Beefeater
          It seems that Germany was your bast village. Meanwhile, a huge number of inventions were made in Germany, and it was Germany that helped the USSR build a modern military industry.

          It seems that you still consider the world economy to be a cluster of subsistence farms and exchange offices, enclosed in themselves, and not large industrial economies actively exchanging technologies.
        2. +1
          23 June 2016 11: 36
          Quote: Beefeater
          it was Germany that helped the USSR build a modern military industry

          How many aircraft and tank factories did Germany build in the USSR?
          1. -3
            23 June 2016 19: 23
            Quote: V.ic
            How many aircraft and tank factories did Germany build in the USSR?

            Not much. In those days when she was actively selling something in the USSR, they did not have a tank industry. And the aircraft was in its infancy.
            But Germany sold in the USSR :.
            1. An anti-aircraft gun, which later entered service with the German Armed Forces under the name 8,8 cm FlaK 18. For the USSR, the hole in the barrel was made smaller by 76.2 mm, and the barrel was shortened. The result was a Soviet 3-K cannon.
            The most valuable thing there was not the anti-aircraft gun itself, but the equipment for its production. For the USSR, this equipment was unique, he himself could not produce it, and they did not sell him abroad.
            Without this plant in the USSR there simply would not have been anti-aircraft artillery of medium caliber. Before the war, the trunk was drilled to a larger diameter, and its length was increased. So in the USSR there was a new 85-mm caliber. The Germans then throughout the war, Soviet anti-aircraft guns drilled in their 88-mm caliber.
            2. The Germans, by order of the USSR, converted the Hotchkiss 47-mm naval gun into a 45-mm ground anti-tank and tank gun. Work of exceptional engineering beauty. Especially against the backdrop of the Soviet "modernization of three-inches."
            3. The Germans sold a cartridge factory for the production of pistol cartridges. The TT cartridge itself was pretty shitty. But without him it would have been worse.
            Quote: Uncle Murzik
            I trust the sources!

            In vain. They will not help the liver.
            Quote: Prometey
            When the war ended, the US masters took revenge in the most vile way - they launched an atomic strike against the Japanese Empire, although there was no military need for such a strike.

            Are you a great expert in this field? What ranks and which fronts led?
            Some countries prefer to protect the lives of their fellow citizens. Therefore, any bombardment of any enemy that has not yet capitulated for the leadership of these countries is justified. And they are absolutely right. And I do not recommend you to parrot for the Soviet agitprop.
            Quote: 1rl141
            Allies were exactly until May 10, 1945.

            It’s amazing. People are completely unaware that in the fall of 1945. something happened on the Far East. And the fact that Lend-Lease for some reason lasted until the second half of September 1945, people also do not know.
            Quote: Altona
            And in general, in comparing the economic share in the world, the USA has 41%, Germany 17,2%, the USSR 16,9%.

            Gee-gee. The Soviet slave economy before the war, in principle, could not be at the German level. So do not make up.
            Quote: Beefeater
            It seems that Germany was your bast village.

            You have the right feeling. In fact, Germany only in 1942. started rearmament, which gradually turned her army into a fairly powerful mechanism. Prior to this, the level of weapons of the Germans from the bast shoes did not differ much. No, in the USSR this situation was even worse, that's where the “bast shoe level” was. But why compare with the backward USSR?
    7. +4
      23 June 2016 00: 27
      Absolutely correct article, study the historical material, lieutenant colonel, it was the Anglo-Saxons who nurtured Hitler's Germany and precisely for the destruction of the USSR. Another thing is that the "beast" raised by them turned out to be not so docile and obedient, did not want to be just a puppet of the Anglo-Saxons, as they planned, at first he, though not very much, "bit" them, and then only rushed to Russia. Seeing the triumph with which Hitler began the war against the USSR, the Anglo-Saxons realized that if Hitler did away with the USSR, then they would not get it, and in order to curb their "pet" and they had to become our ally. However, until the age of 44, they fought mainly with lend-lens supplies (and at the same time privately helped Hitler through the so-called "neutral countries"). So everything is correct, our fathers and grandfathers fought not against Germany, but against the European unification under the leadership of Hitler's Germany, created by the Anglo-Saxons.
    8. 0
      25 June 2016 22: 53

      I suggest you read the book by Guido Giacomo Preparation "Hitler Inc". I think after reading your point of view will change and you will not leave hasty comments. As for the "conspiracy theory", you are right, it simply does not exist, but there is real politics, which is covered by a mass of lies and half-truths.
  2. +12
    22 June 2016 06: 22
    The article is definitely a plus! Now the followers of the Gozmans, the Nadezhdins, the Nemtsovs will flock with shouts of "all lies and nonsense"
    1. -9
      22 June 2016 08: 39
      Quote: Uncle Murzik
      The article is definitely a plus! Now the followers of the Gozmans, the Nadezhdins, the Nemtsovs will flock with shouts of "all lies and nonsense"

      and the USSR wanted to pit Germany and the Britons, and the Britons Germany and the USSR
      nobody wanted to get into trouble himself
      politics sir

      but in general such a sad day in the history of our country and such a rotten stuff.
      It is necessary to disassemble not in the style of the Russian bibisi service, but everything on the shelves
      True, the Westerners miscalculated somewhat with the Japanese. The Japanese emperor and the high command showed wisdom and figured out the cunning and vile plan of the masters of the West - to use the Japanese as "cannon fodder" in the fight against the Russians

      ah wisdom, cunning plan, and 30 million Chinese are the same cunning plan?
      they shared resources. and not a cunning plan, "the game was equal, two played ..."

      Thus, England and the United States, the main instigators of war, parasites and predators, after the Second World War, having made minimal sacrifices, began to be called the main winners.

      as a result of the war, england actually lost world leadership, which passed to the United States, and the USSR also received it, and they began to be considered the main winners. created two camps - East and West.
      Something I think the shit was at the Britons. First they bombed them in London, then they drowned the ships, and then they also lost their leadership.
      1. 0
        22 June 2016 21: 56
        Quote: Stas57
        as a result of the war, england actually lost world leadership, which passed to the United States, and the USSR also received it, and they began to be considered the main winners. created two camps - East and West.
        Something I think the shit was at the Britons. First they bombed them in London, then they drowned the ships, and then they also lost their leadership.

        In general, the Britons had a wonderful plan. A "war of patrols" was waged with Germany, two groups of soldiers-cyclists entered the demilitarized Ruhr zone, it was declared almost a brutal military operation. England was initially bombed with leaflets, or rather, at first, they were so mutually "bombed". Then the Germans decided to drop bombs, but they bombed the people, contrary to the agreement, and then it rushed like an adult. The Britons generally turned the steering wheel of Hitler on Stalin so that he would not climb into Africa, would not stare at Iran, but weaken the geopolitical rival. But something went wrong. And in general, in comparison with the economic share in the world, the USA has 41%, Germany has 17,2%, the USSR has 16,9%. And it seems to be clear who benefits. Who needs to realize their economic opportunities?
      2. 0
        23 June 2016 11: 39
        Quote: Stas57
        they were bombed by London, then the ships were drowned, and then they also lost their leadership.

        Yes, yes "at exactly four o'clock London was bombed and it was announced that the war had begun."
    2. 0
      22 June 2016 09: 26
      They might have wanted to. Here are just a mistake made the most characteristic: "We will loosen your stranglehold, we will give you something to eat, but remember from whose hands you eat. You will bite whoever we say." But the dog, having eaten, first of all strives to break the leash. And bites the former owner in all seriousness. And Hitler. And Lenin. And Zhora Washington at one time. And they fight in blood, and when someone - whom. And plans, which are a hundred years ahead, are being modified in an excellent way. including that - in the direction of "trimming the sturgeon."
    3. -1
      22 June 2016 21: 33
      Plus you can’t bet, in my opinion. The Second World War is a continuation of the First World War, again the division of the world cap pie. countries. But as for the USSR, there is no clash between Russian and Western civilizations, what kind of nonsense is this? Russia has always been a part of European civilization. The West, whether you like it or not, played a major role in influencing our culture, and not Asia, in which our cultural figures (with the exception of Goncharov) had never been to Chekhov. But here there was a clash of the country, which followed the path of socialist construction and the ruling elites of other countries. And as we remember, in those years socialism was very fashionable, the experience of its construction in the USSR was studied.
  3. +1
    22 June 2016 06: 25
    Its foundation is a fair moral concept. This is a society of social justice, where there are no “chosen” and “slaves,” parasitizing some people over others. A society of service and creation, where a person is physically, intellectually, and spiritually developed.

    Yes, we just live in paradise! laughing
    1. 0
      22 June 2016 06: 38
      and what paradise has come in Romania? belay laughing
      1. +1
        22 June 2016 06: 52
        I do not know. I never have been there. fellow
        1. 0
          22 June 2016 07: 04
          and the flag is apparently a dream laughing
          1. +1
            22 June 2016 09: 31
            This happens. I was surprised to see myself flying the British flag, although I had never been there. It was here and there, but, unfortunately, no.
            1. 0
              23 June 2016 11: 42
              Quote: Azitral
              I was surprised to see myself flying the British flag, although I had never been there. It was here and there, but, unfortunately, no.

              Well, modders are tracking your secret thoughts ... Repent, take communion and you will be rewarded.
  4. +5
    22 June 2016 06: 32
    The Third Reich, leading the combined forces of Europe ...
    ... to destroy and eradicate the already created Soviet society, the Hitler project was created

    Great article. In addition to the basic task - the final destruction of all Russian, there was a second, not very noticeable task of the American elite, that is, the continuation of the one set in the First World War - this is a monopoly on sole power over the world, an ode to the country - the USA, which was not fully achieved in the years of the MV On this internal contradiction between such monsters as the United States and the British Empire, Stalin managed to play, which greatly helped to save our country, eventually becoming one of the winners. After the 1nd MV, the British Empire gradually lost almost all of its colonies, which the USA successfully used, becoming the sole ruling country in the new conditions, under neocolonialism.
  5. +5
    22 June 2016 06: 40
    Western civilization, whose conceptual (ideological) centers at various times were Rome, Venice, Antwerp, Amsterdam, London and Washington, was originally a parasite.

    Was a "parasite" and is! angry
    Western rot, for centuries dreamed of enslaving the Russian land! angry
  6. +11
    22 June 2016 06: 46
    If before, the main indicator of culture and civilization was: the presence of colonies and slaves. Today, the basis of civilization is considered * democracy *. Here are just a definition of * democracy * for each country give different. The only thing that unites all democracies is the presence of an American military base. It turns out that only the presence of the US military creates * democracy *, there are no other criteria uniting the concept of * democracy *, it’s enough to read everything that is written in the USA about * democracy * and other civilizational definitions. It turns out that * a semi-colony * with the occupying forces is a prerequisite for belonging to a * civilized world * and * democracy *? It turns out that way.
    1. +5
      22 June 2016 08: 43
      Let me complement it. As a form of state. Democracy devices originated in ancient Athens. Warm climate, abundance of food - there was time to philosophize. BUT democracy was not for slaves! Those. The principle of inequality was originally laid down. So, we can safely say that democracy is an illusion. B. Shaw about democracy put it this way that democracy is a balloon that everyone is forced to look at, but their pockets are cleaned.
      1. 0
        22 June 2016 09: 39
        Attica was a place of the poor, by the standards of other countries the poor. You must be confused with Italy. In Greece, there is little fertile land, and winters are serious. Like, with certain amendments, in Scandinavia. Get rich through robbery. And - yes, democracy and civil society are inseparable from slavery. Situations when there is a group of people receiving several times less benefits for the same job. Whatever they are called: slaves, migrant workers, migrants, proletarians, residents of overseas colonies. Without slaves, classical democracy does not exist. And it won’t, because the slaves ended.
        1. +3
          22 June 2016 12: 23
          Quote: Azitral
          because slaves are over.

          Yes? 5 years of zombies in Ukraine and here you have millions of really convinced slaves.
        2. +1
          22 June 2016 12: 33
          Nifiga! Slaves - all who are beyond the MKAD.
          Slaves worked for food. We, too...
  7. +3
    22 June 2016 06: 55
    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    screaming "all lies and nonsense"

    You know, there have been a lot of speeches lately about a new census of history in the West. Yes, I agree. But our "historians", in turn, rewrite it in their own way. Maybe you don't need to go too far! , well, they could not love, which is alien to them. BUT AND ARRIVAL ANTI-BOLSHEVIK CHURCHILL, immediately after June 22, 1941, came out in support of the USSR. And it is not necessary to put such BRIGHT titles of articles-the USA and England were our ALLIES in the war. Let's leave the brackets "Lend-Lease" and the second front. The USSR took over the main part of the ground war against Germany. Two coalitions fought. The Germans had allies, Italy and Japan. And the war was fought in Africa and the Pacific Ocean, and in the Atlantic. actions against the Germans OUR ALLIES in other sectors of the fronts have achieved a lot. Well, for the stew, "Airacobra" and "Studebaker" - thank you! hi
    1. +6
      22 June 2016 07: 00
      Western supplies are their selfish interest, also selfish! They were paid for with gold and the blood of our soldiers! In addition, the USSR paid for gold with allied supplies. So, only on one British cruiser "Edinburgh", which was sunk by German submarines in May 1942, there were 5,5 tons of precious metal.

      A significant part of the weapons and military equipment, as expected under the Lend-Lease agreement, the Soviet Union returned after the war. Having received in exchange an invoice for a round sum of $ 1300 million. Against the backdrop of the cancellation of Lend-Lease debts to other powers, this looked like an outright robbery, therefore JV Stalin demanded that the “allied debt” be recounted.

      Subsequently, the Americans were forced to admit that they were mistaken, but added interest to the total amount, and the final amount, taking into account these percentages, recognized by the USSR and the USA under the Washington agreement in 1972, amounted to 722 million greens. Of these, 48 million were paid by the United States under Leonid Brezhnev, in three equal installments in 1973, after which the payments were discontinued due to the introduction of discriminatory measures by the American side in trade with the USSR (in particular, the notorious “Jackson-Vanik Amendment” - author).

      Only in June 1990, during new negotiations between Presidents George W. Bush and M.S. Gorbachev, did the parties return to a discussion of Lend-Lease debt, during which a new deadline for final repayment of debt was established - 2030, and the remaining amount of debt - 674 million dollars.
    2. +2
      22 June 2016 09: 45
      I will add something that the Westerners themselves for some reason forget. Yes. For almost four years, the main part of the Wehrmacht was densely occupied by us, almost to nothing. But throughout the whole time in the West was almost half of the Luftwaffe. This is a serious help to our fronts.
      1. +1
        22 June 2016 10: 37
        As can be seen from the Flensburg archive, by November 30, 1944, more than 70% of the losses of Nazi troops fell on the eastern front. And this is only the German troops. If we take into account the losses of the German allies, almost all of whom (except Italy) fought only on the Eastern Front, this ratio will reach 75% (it is not clear where the Wehrmacht’s losses in the Polish campaign are attributed to this document, but taking them into account changes the overall balance by only a quarter percent).
    3. +1
      22 June 2016 14: 56
      Let me remind you, our enemies were put on a Lend-Lease (do not be President Roosevelt, but say if Truman is the president - do not see us these supplies):

      Only the Americans (without the British) were delivered to the USSR:
      18 thousand combat aircraft, 52 thousand Wilis, 12 thousand tanks and self-propelled guns, 7 thousand armored personnel carriers, 520 ships of different classes, 375 thousand trucks and 35 thousand motorcycles, 2 thousand steam locomotives, 11 thousand cars and 620 thousand tons of railway rails, 7 thousand on-board aviation radio transmitters, 16 thousand tank and 53 thousand various other radio stations, 619 thousand telephones and 2 million km of telephone wire (you can wrap the Earth around the equator 48 times), 3 thousand km of a fire hose, 10 million radio tubes, 170 ground and 370 onboard radars, 12 tons of precious cesium and 10 thousand tons of graphite electrodes, 45 thousand metal-cutting machines and 104 heavy presses, 8 thousand small-caliber anti-aircraft guns and 18 million shells for them , 6 thousand sets of semi-automatic anti-aircraft sights and 903 thousand detonators of various types, 603 million rifle-caliber cartridges and 3 million rounds for 20-mm air cannons, 6 thousand tons of tetraethyl lead (anti-knock additive for aviation gasoline) and 1.170 thousand tons of finished aviation gasoline (with including high-octane "light fractions"), 13 million pairs of leather army boots and 40 million grams of streptocide ...
      And also 3,6 million tires, 123 thousand tons of gunpowder, as well as about 150 thousand tons of chemicals for gunpowder production, 266 thousand tons of brass, 46 thousand tons of dynamite, 146 thousand tons of finished trinitrotoluene (TNT ) and 114 thousand tons of toluene ... 13,8 thousand tons of metallic nickel were obtained from the USA under Lend-Lease, another 13 thousand tons were supplied by the British. In absolute terms, this is enough for armor of 45 thousand tanks, in relative terms - three quarters of the nickel resource in the USSR. The Americans sent 16,9 thousand tons of molybdenum concentrate, which covers the needs of the entire tank building industry in the USSR. Received under Lend-Lease in the amount of 1.100 units. ... self-propelled anti-aircraft guns M-15A1 and M-17. For example: The barrel for the T-35/85 tank was bored at factory # 92 with machines sent under Lend-Lease, the enlarged T-34/85 tower "turret ring" (increased from 1420 to 1600 mm) was also processed on boring machines according to Lend-Lease (the only plant with domestic machines in the Moscow region, which could make guns for the T-34/85 tank, made anti-aircraft guns and there was simply not enough power). The Americans sent 14.203.000 kg of high speed tool steel. Drills, cutters, cutters for processing armored steel - I have no exact data ..

      In addition, during the Second World War in the United States, the "Russia War Relief" was created, which donated medicines, medical supplies and equipment, food and clothing worth more than $ 1,5 billion. In England, a similar committee operated, but the amount it collected was much more modest.
      1. +1
        22 June 2016 15: 03
        The USSR was subject to the US Lend-Lease Act, based on the following principles:
        - all payments for delivered materials are made after the end of the war
        - materials to be destroyed are not subject to any payment
        - materials that will remain suitable for civilian needs are paid no earlier than 5 years after the end of the war, in the manner of granting long-term loans
        - US share in Lend-Lease - 96,4%

        Deliveries from the USA to the USSR can be divided into the following stages:
        pre-lease lease - until September 30, 1941 (paid in gold)
        first protocol - from October 1, 1941 to June 30, 1942 (signed on October 1, 1941 - after the Moscow conference of representatives of the USSR, USA and Great Britain.)
        second protocol - from July 1, 1942 to June 30, 1943 (signed on October 6, 1942)
        third protocol - from July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1944 (signed on October 19, 1943)
        fourth protocol - from July 1, 1944, (signed on April 17, 1944), formally ended May 12, 1945, but supplies were extended until the end of the war with Japan, into which the USSR undertook to enter 90 days after the war in Europe (that is, August 8, 1945) . On the Soviet side, he received the name "October 17 program" (1944) or fifth protocol... From the American - "Program" Milepost. Japan surrendered on September 2, 1945, and on September 20, 1945, all deliveries under Lend-Lease to the USSR were stopped.
        1. 0
          22 June 2016 15: 04
          The United States decided not to pretend to pay military supplies under Lend-Lease, but it was proposed to pay for civil supplies of the USSR, but Stalin refused to disclose the results of an inventory of the goods received in the national economy. (Stalin correctly did not give data on material resources in the national economy ( the same jeeps, studebakers) that worked for the economy destroyed by the war). Although the Americans, referring to Article V of the Agreement of June 11, 1942, could demand data and a return on civilian equipment.

          In 1948 The USSR agreed to pay only a small amount. (By the way, before 5 years old, those stipulated by Lend-Lease) In 1951. The United States twice reduced the amount of payment to 800 million dollars, and the USSR at that time agreed to pay only 300 million.
          Partially, the debt was repaid during the time of N. Khrushchev, the rest of it amounted to about 750 million dollars in the era of L. Brezhnev. By agreement of 1972 The USSR agreed to pay 722 million dollars, together with interest, by 1973. 48 million were paid, after which payments ceased. In 1990 was A new maturity period of 2030 has been established. in the amount of 674 million dollars.
          Thus, of the total volume of American lend-lease supplies of $ 11 billion to the USSR, and then by Russia, it was recognized and then partially paid, $ 722 million, or about 7%. However, it should be noted that today's dollar is "lighter" than the dollar of 1945 by about 15 times. The benefits of American capital, you will agree, are not very obvious, although they certainly enriched themselves in this war and at the expense of us too. But it could have happened (if you are an American capitalist) that the USSR is losing the battle to Germany, from whom to take this money ($ 11 billion for that money !!!) - from Germany?
          1. 0
            25 June 2016 02: 14
            "The United States decided not to claim payment for military supplies under the Lend-Lease" you can't be a little pregnant, here we take money here we don't take money! Give at least a reliable link?
      2. 0
        22 June 2016 15: 51
        Aluminum forgotten. Yak-9, Yak-3, La-7, appeared only due to the supply of this metal.
  8. +2
    22 June 2016 06: 57
    Russian civilization (Russia-Russia) is the only one on the planet that bears the beginnings of a different path for the development of mankind. Its foundation is a fair moral concept. This is a society of social justice, where there are no “chosen” and “slaves,” parasitizing some people over others. A society of service and creation, where a person is physically, intellectually and spiritually developed ....
    Is it about the past or the future?
    1. -2
      22 June 2016 07: 04
      This is the present.
      1. -4
        22 June 2016 07: 23
        Sleep, I also want this present.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      22 June 2016 08: 15
      Quote: Igor39
      Its foundation is a fair moral concept. This is a society of social justice, where there are no “chosen” and “slaves,” parasitizing some people over others. A society of service and creation, where a person is physically, intellectually and spiritually developed ....
      it's about the USSR. And so ... Wasn't there serfdom? And the noble qualification already in the 20th century? Now show me where it is: "A society of service and creation, where a person is physically, intellectually and spiritually developed. And there is no parasitism of some people over others." So, this is only about Soviet times.

      About the article ... Well, as they said in one movie "The truth is somewhere nearby." A little less emotion and a little more facts, for a solid plus. Until then, just the right vector.
    3. -1
      22 June 2016 23: 40
      This is about the dreams of Vera Pavlovna.
  9. 0
    22 June 2016 07: 36
    strange and where is the professor ??
    1. 0
      22 June 2016 08: 21
      Quote: kumaxa
      strange and where is the professor ??

      It would seem where do the Sons of Sinai? Although, I also like his comments. Sensible, not unfounded, competent and seasoned. So, I would love to hear the opinion of this respected (without any irony) representative of an extraordinary and ambiguous (again without any irony) people.
      1. -2
        22 June 2016 16: 17
        "Sensible, not unfounded, literate and consistent" ///

        There can be no comments on such articles.
        from competent and seasoned people hi .
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      23 June 2016 11: 47
      Quote: kumaxa
      strange and where is the professor ??

      So, after all, they haven't mentioned in vain the "chosen people", so they are sitting in ambush in the zoo.
  10. +6
    22 June 2016 07: 38
    There are a lot of emotions, in the case, actually nothing .. But it's a pity the topic is good
  11. +6
    22 June 2016 08: 12
    Thank you Alexander for the article. Today is the significant date of June 22. But the Finns were already 21 June, following the order of Hitler began a military operation on the BBK.
    Today, we honor the memory of those who died in World War II and defended the freedom of our country.
    My father died on December 27 of 1941 of the year on the Leningrad Front. I remember the first bombing. My mother and I returned to Leningrad of their Belarus. Station Bottom, night, fascist aircraft attacked retreating military trains to Leningrad. From our family, almost all the men and part of my mother’s sisters died in that war. Bright memory to them and the earth rest in peace. I have the honor.
  12. +2
    22 June 2016 08: 12
    Quote: Uncle Murzik

    Uncle Murzik

    Today, 07: 00

    ↑ ↓ New

    Western supplies are their selfish interest, also selfish! They were paid for with gold and the blood of our soldiers! In addition, the USSR paid for gold with allied supplies. So, only on one British cruiser "Edinburgh"

    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    A significant part of the weapons and military equipment, as expected under the Lend-Lease agreement, the Soviet Union returned after the war.

    Uncle Murzik, learn history! Firstly, "Lend-Lease" is an agreement with the United States, and what Edinburgh was carrying is payment for supplies from England (which also needed supplies, and used the same "Lend-Lease" ) Moreover, these are the first deliveries, very insignificant, then England supplied us under "Lend-Lease"
    Secondly, the equipment that failed in the fighting was NOT PAID (do you know how long tank attacks or plane sorties last?) Almost all the equipment died in the battles! The equipment that was returned was NOT PAID, or the equipment that after the USSR remained at the disposal of the victory, and they set the score. Well, they forgave the debts of other allies, I mentioned in the previous comment, WELL THEY DO NOT LOVE THE USSR! ), and billed more modestly (in devalued green pieces of paper) wassat hi RS, yes, Ukraine alone (without gas debts) owes five more to us!
    1. +1
      22 June 2016 08: 30
      you yourself understood what you wrote! There was no payment, but still there wasn’t much! belay laughing
      1. 0
        22 June 2016 08: 53
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        you yourself understood what you wrote! There was no payment, but still there wasn’t much!
        He says
        there were both paid deliveries and sobsna lend-lease = "lent", where the lost and returned equipment was not paid.
        There was also a reverse lend-lease.
        there were separate things that were paid for piecewise rare devices and machine tools, etc.
    2. +4
      22 June 2016 11: 30
      Moneylenders and bankers never forgive debts !!!!!
  13. -1
    22 June 2016 08: 15
    I sincerely respect and envy the author. I don’t drink so much.
    1. +4
      22 June 2016 08: 40
      oh well! liberals are not at their own expense, or for other people's money can drink indefinitely! laughing
      1. 0
        22 June 2016 08: 49
        Well, drink with your liberals. I have to do with it.
        1. 0
          23 June 2016 11: 52
          Quote: Kenneth
          Kenneth Yesterday, 08:15
          I sincerely respect and envy the author. I don’t drink so much.
          Uncle Murzik (1) Yesterday, 08:40 ↑
          oh well! liberals are not at their own expense, or for other people's money can drink indefinitely!
          Kenneth Yesterday, 08:49 ↑
          Well, drink with your liberals. I have to do with it.

          YOU were the first to say about booze, and then you try to stick your head in the sand and tongue in a "known place" ..
  14. +1
    22 June 2016 09: 00
    allies mother their hoot
  15. +2
    22 June 2016 09: 38
    a project was created to destroy and eradicate the already created Soviet society "Hitler

    Project "kaiser"also went to Russia, like the project "Napoleon" with "Karl" 12, but no "first shoots of a new, just civilization emerging on earth" lol -Did not have.
    German Nazis helped take power, rebuild Germany's economy and war machine

    To think to the author: WHERE was Russia at that time, WHY did not interfere with the armament of Germany? The answer is simple - Russia was not admitted to the international control over the implementation of the Versailles Agreement, because of the signed separate Brest betrayal (made in the name of "sprouts"). There would be no him-Russia I would never allow arms of Germany and WWII did not have in any case, in that terrible variant for Russia.
    We must always remember that the masters of the USA and England are the true instigators of the Great War, Germany was only a battering ram in their able hands.

    How else did the author dodge the wonderful words "incited", "nudged" or "played off" lol In his (and many similar) articles, Germany looks like a dull, obedient yard mongrel. But this "mongrel" for some reason very sensitively bit the movers in both wars, but the author modestly bypasses this, did not fit into the concept. Meanwhile, Germany has always pursued exactly its own interests - expanding its territory, access to new resources and sales markets.

    The world is much more colorful than it seems to the author: each country (including Germany) has its own interests (primarily economic) and fights for them. And objectively the Anglo-Saxons rivals of Russia and, accordingly, opponents, like Germany, were and will be. At some stages, interests may coincide. Finding a balance, using the contradictions of all players to their advantage is the art of politics.
  16. -4
    22 June 2016 09: 46
    Myth: The Soviet Union has always fought for peace. England, France and the USA unleashed World War II against the USSR.

    Truth: The underlying and main cause of World War II was a totalitarian ideology.

    After the seizure of power by the bearers of the hateful communist ideology - the Bolsheviks in 1917, millions of people became victims of this ideology in Russia. Having come to power under false fraudulent slogans (“Peace to the peoples!”, “Earth to the peasants, factories to the workers!”, “All power to the soviets!”), The Bolsheviks did not fulfill a single promise. The Bolsheviks seized all power, not advice. Factories began to be led by the Bolshevik government, not the workers. The land was taken from the peasants, driven into collective farms, and millions of strong peasants were simply destroyed. As a result of the Bolshevik coup, a civil war broke out. In total, 1917 million people died in the Civil War in Russia (from 1922 to 1923/10,5). Including: soldiers killed and died from wounds - 2,5 million (more than the entire First World War - 1,7 million), died as a result of terror - 2 million (The number of victims of red terror amounted to 1,2 million people.), died of hunger and epidemics - 6 million and 2 million people emigrated.

    The proletarian revolution was considered by the leaders of the Bolsheviks as a “civil peace break”, with which the “civil war” should begin, as a manifestation of the “acute”, “higher” phase of the modern class struggle - the struggle of the international proletariat (which has no fatherland) and the bourgeoisie . Therefore, the Bolsheviks were not only ready, by virtue of the theoretical postulates of their doctrine, to conduct a "civil war", but even wanted to bring its start closer, putting forward the slogan "Turn the imperialist war into a civil war!" In the period after the October Revolution before the start of the period of active hostilities in the Civil War (May 1914), the leadership of the Soviet state took a number of political steps that became the cause of the Civil War:
    - the nationalization of the means of production, banks and large real estate, and the solution of the agrarian question in accordance with the program of the Socialist Revolutionary Party, contrary to the interests of the landowners, which, taken together, provoked resistance from the previously dominant classes, which had lost property;
    - dispersal of the Constituent Assembly;
    - way out of the war by signing the devastating Brest peace with Germany;
    - the activity of the Bolshevik food detachments and kombedov in the village, which led to a sharp aggravation of relations between the Soviet government and the peasantry.
    The desire of the Bolsheviks by any means, primarily by force, to stay in power, establish the dictatorship of the party and build a new society, based on their theoretical principles, made a civil war inevitable.
    1. +1
      22 June 2016 10: 04
      so why the average life expectancy under the father of the king was 30 years, and under the "beasts" of the communists in 1940, 42 years! hi
      1. 0
        22 June 2016 16: 01
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        so why the average life expectancy under the father of the king was 30 years, and under the "beasts" of the communists in 1940, 42 years! hi

        This is a Bolshevik balancing act with numbers. It really is not clear that the daredevil who published the real state of affairs would have sat down for 10 years without the right of correspondence. How it turns out - 99% of voters vote for the leader? At the same time, they themselves say that the country is full of internal enemies. So tsifirki wrote not those that were but those that need.
        During the war we lost only 7mln - the official data of those years. Who doubted it, sat.
        1. +1
          22 June 2016 19: 19
          Quote: Beefeater
          During the war we lost only 7mln - the official data of those years. Who doubted it, sat.

          horror stories about the bloody regime again?
    2. +3
      22 June 2016 10: 43
      Quote: robbihood
      The underlying and main cause of World War II was the totalitarian ideology.

      Your application is illiterate. You do not understand what ideology is.
      Ideology is only a superstructure that arises to justify the economic order.
      The economic world order is established by a cluster of monopolies, which is based in the United States. After 2 MB, these monopolies became transnational. All ideological forms, including and totalitarian, serve the interests of TNCs. The US government is an administrative body created by TNCs. All other governments are dependent on the US administration and are forced to implement TNC policies.
      War is a continuation of politics, and politics is a concentrated expression of the economy.
      1. 0
        22 June 2016 20: 57
        Quote: iouris
        Your application is illiterate. You do not understand what ideology is.

        Are you, by chance, not a retired political officer? Sets of shovels stamps do not affect me - I eat peas.
  17. -7
    22 June 2016 09: 48
    The internal policy of the dictatorship of one party and the construction of a “socialist” (essentially fascist) state, pursued by the Bolsheviks in Russia since 1917, was accompanied by a corresponding foreign policy of exporting the revolution and communist ideology, preparation for war, aggression and annexation. And just as this Bolshevik policy became the cause of the civil war in Russia, this policy and ideology became the cause of the hostile policy of Western countries towards the USSR. Western countries quite justifiably feared the export of revolution, and subversive propaganda and direct Soviet aggression. The culmination of this deadly confrontation imposed by the Bolsheviks around the world was Hitler's rise to power in Germany and the outbreak of World War II in 1939.

    War is a continuation of politics, only by other means. In addition to economic and geopolitical interests, the political actions of both the USSR and fascist Germany were determined and dictated by misanthropic ideologies. The ideology of the Bolsheviks emphasized the class struggle, and the ideology of the Nazis on the German race. However, for free western countries (USA, England, France, etc.) these differences were not of fundamental importance. For them, both the USSR and fascist Germany were equally dangerous.

    Numerous adherents and advocates of the Stalinist Bolshevik politics are constantly trying to prove that there is nothing and never was between Nazi and Soviet ideology, and the very concept of totalitarianism is declared far-fetched and non-existent. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers of paper were explored and terabytes of texts were written proving the evilness of the West, and with endless discussions about the insidious policies of the United States, Britain and France, which were either preparing for a war against the USSR, then did not open the Second Front, now they allied with Hitler, and then they just fought with the USSR. An attentive reader at the end of the article by an amateur, hateful man-hater motivated by an illiterate pseudo-historian-graphoman Samsonov will find a bunch of comments imposed by crazy lovers of this pseudo-historical manure.
    1. +1
      22 June 2016 10: 08
      your rating and says who carries pseudo-historical dung! laughingso "free democracies" are now afraid of the export of revolution, surrounding Russia with military bases laughing
      1. +1
        22 June 2016 14: 38
        Honorable, if I had a positive rating on this site, I would understand that I am falling into soviet insanity.
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        your rating and says who carries the pseudo-historical dung! so "free democracies" are now afraid of the export of revolution, surrounding Russia with military bases
        1. 0
          23 June 2016 16: 48
          Quote: robbihood
          Honorable, if I had a positive rating on this site, I would understand that I am falling into soviet insanity.

          Thin Robin, outright rudeness on this site is not welcome! Therefore, even the influence of moderators is not required, you are "straightened" by those comrades who proudly wore shoulder straps. People who can distinguish enemy from enemy. So "soviet insanity" is the only thing that paints you! hi
      2. 0
        22 June 2016 16: 09
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        your rating and says who carries pseudo-historical dung! laughingso "free democracies" are now afraid of the export of revolution, surrounding Russia with military bases laughing

        Comrade Murzik - pure epaulettes, a clear conscience. A wise soldier's saying.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +1
      22 June 2016 14: 14
      Quote: robbihood
      this policy and ideology became the reason for the hostile policy of Western countries towards the USSR. Western countries quite justifiably feared the export of revolution, and subversive propaganda and direct Soviet aggression

      And in 1812 (the invasion of "twelve" languages), 1914, etc., they also feared
      export revolution, and subversive propaganda and direct Soviet aggression

      And who destroyed the international security system (League of Nations), having committed, encouraged and RECOGNIZED the aggression in Manchuria, Abyssinia, Czechoslovakia, Austria, who financed and nurtured Hitler and Franco, who recognized the fascist fascist coup in Spain? Is it not the West? These him crime-also from fear of the USSR?
      From one extreme - Samsonov (the West has one desire - to destroy "the shoots of the most just society"), you rush to the other extreme (the white, fluffy and BUGY West defended itself from all totalitarians).
      The West (all!) Decided, first of all, its economic problems: capture, split, add, etc.
      And for this he did everything the above CRIMES , that led to WWII.
      The USSR has nothing to do with them.
      1. -5
        22 June 2016 14: 42
        Mr. Field Marshal! You simply do not know the story.
        Patriotic War of 1812 is a commonplace myth, of which thousands of Russian pseudo statehoods are woven. Before Borodino was, the Russian Empire itself attacked France twice and shamefully suffered defeats. From a military point of view, in 1812 the French defeated - for they defeated the Russians in all the main battles, from the point of view of political and economic benefits, England defeated. Russia, as always, remained a loser, losing catastrophically in all respects: in the war zone, the landlords lost their estates, the peasants lost their homes. In the war of 1812, the authorities raped the Russians! The mediocre monarch Alexander I sold 1250 pounds each hundred Russian “cannon fodder” of England, and this was profitable for the Muscovite monarchy, which does not know how to earn. Out of jealousy of Napoleon, Alexander made of his people a biological raw materials appendage, trading soldiers!
        1. 0
          22 June 2016 16: 22
          Well this is not true.
          After the victory of the revolution in France, the sans-culottes rushed to Holland and Italy, bringing the light of justice and purifying revolutionary fire. Hang the last king on the guts of the last priest!
          The reaction of European countries, especially Russia, is natural, for which France was an enemy throughout the 18th century.
          In this struggle, England and Russia were allies, it is strange to call allied financial assistance the sale of cannon fodder. The British, by the way, really fought on the seas and in America and in Spain and near Waterloo. Russia emerged from the war as a powerful world-class power, holding this status for at least 40 years.
          1. -2
            22 June 2016 20: 54
            Quote: Beefeater
            Well this is not true.

            Straight from Chekhov - "This cannot be, because it can never be!" Strong argument. You will not argue.
        2. The comment was deleted.
        3. +2
          22 June 2016 23: 29
          Quote: robbihood
          Mr. Field Marshal! You simply do not know the story. World War II »1812 of the year - commonplace myth,

          How many tantrums, beauty! lol But ... What are you refuting, but what are you arguing with? belay lol

          We state: to object to something essentially you are not able, as required.

          PS Yes, be treated for Russophobia, a disease. How does it bother you ...
        4. +1
          23 June 2016 16: 51
          Quote: robbihood
          Out of jealousy of Napoleon, Alexander made of his people a biological raw materials appendage, trading soldiers!

          Is this not insanity?
  18. +2
    22 June 2016 09: 58
    WWII is the US war against Britain. There is such a point of view.
    Expounded in the book by Vladislav Trushnikov "Atlantic Wars of 1939-1945".

    If Germany was armed by Great Britain and the USA, then in the USSR ALL large industry, including ALL the military industry, with rare exceptions, was built according to American projects and American specialists. In that war, the USSR objectively helped the United States to destroy the British Empire (another question is that it only benefited from this). But Stalin showed, or tried to show, independence in many issues, which cannot be said about the subsequent rulers. Not for nothing, there is a point of view in the West that the Cold War is a performance in which the parties acted according to pre-agreed rules. Even under Khrushchev, rewriting of national history began in the general course of falsification of world history, under new masters, following the results of WWII.
  19. +2
    22 June 2016 10: 08
    Conspirologists arrived. And in the USA, liquid masons, yes.
  20. -2
    22 June 2016 10: 37
    Quote: Samsonov Alexander
    World War II - US and British War against the USSR

    After reading such a crazy heading, I don’t even see the point of reading what was written.
    WW2, this is the war of the Germans against the Anglo-Saxons. Moreover, each side had its own allies.
    1. 0
      22 June 2016 16: 27
      Quote: overb
      Quote: Samsonov Alexander
      World War II - US and British War against the USSR

      After reading such a crazy heading, I don’t even see the point of reading what was written.
      WW2, this is the war of the Germans against the Anglo-Saxons. Moreover, each side had its own allies.

      The article then should be called differently.
      "World War II as a reflection of the struggle of the pro-German and pro-Soviet clans of the United States with the aim of the collapse of the British Empire"
  21. 0
    22 June 2016 11: 07
    If you look at the results, the Second World War is a war against the British Empire for turning the United States into the only superpower. It is generally recognized that the Second World War is a logical continuation of the First World War. In WWI, the United States managed to pit and destroy all the superpowers of the Old World, with the exception of the British Empire. Japan is a vassal of the United States. With the help of Japan, the United States won its main trophy - the Asia-Pacific region and China. The collapse of the British Empire was carried out by the efforts of Germany, Japan and the USSR. This process continued after the formal end of WWII, when the USSR supported national liberation movements in countries that subsequently became a market for transnational corporations. In addition, after WWII, the United States took complete control of Europe and Japan.
    Japan became dependent on the United States before the Russo-Japanese war. Japan and the USSR are recipients of technologies created in the USA that were necessary for organizing WWII.
    Thus, the friendship of the United Kingdom with the United States, Japan and the United States is the friendship of a plucked chicken, which presses on the boot (Stalin's expression).
  22. +3
    22 June 2016 11: 18
    Alexander Samsonov, write better normal historical articles - you do it better.
    It is better for site administrators to create another section on the site - on an alternative story, where they can upload such streams of thoughts.
    The author would answer the question why the United States first helped the USSR carry out industrialization, and then suddenly realized it and decided to remove the USSR with the help of Germany? And then they caught on again and began to supply Lend-Lease to the USSR with materials that he didn’t have - aluminum, high-octane gasoline and even car tires, which became a deficit in the US domestic market. Well, by golly, nonsense.
    Pearl Harbor was a brilliant victory for the Japanese armed forces.
    And on June 22 - a brilliant victory of the Wehrmacht over the Red Army. In both cases, the lonely scenario is to hit the sleeping man with a club and boast about his courage.
    When the war ended, the US masters took revenge in the most vile way - they launched an atomic strike against the Japanese Empire, although there was no military need for such a strike.
    Well, how did it end, the United States and Japan were at war. And it’s very funny - a blow to Pearl Harbor without declaring war is a brilliant victory, and a blow to the infrastructure of your enemy is a meanness. Where is the logic?
    Now the compassionate ones will come running and start crying over the "innocent victims" of Hiroshima. And do not care that the samurai massacred the population of Korea and China without regret.
    In short, the article is in a shredder.
    1. -1
      22 June 2016 13: 10
      If we see that Germany wins the war, we should help Russia, and if Russia wins, we should help Germany, and let them kill as much as possible, ”US President Harry Truman, 1941 Senator. The United States adhered to this doctrine all the time! But what about the attack on Pearl Harbor killed civilians like Hiroshima? Where is the logic? Or was Hiroshima the main base of the Japanese fleet?
      1. +1
        22 June 2016 16: 48
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        If we see that Germany wins the war, we should help Russia, and if Russia wins, we should help Germany, and let them kill as much as possible, ”US President Harry Truman, 1941 Senator. The United States adhered to this doctrine all the time! But what about the attack on Pearl Harbor killed civilians like Hiroshima? Where is the logic? Or was Hiroshima the main base of the Japanese fleet?

        The Japanese just had little hands to reach America. Otherwise, we would have witnessed the barbaric bombing of San Francisco and Los Angeles.
      2. +1
        22 June 2016 21: 20
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        US President Harry Truman, Senator 1941 USA and adhered to this doctrine throughout the whole time!

        That is, in 1944, the Americans landed in Normandy to help Hitler, but he did not understand them?
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        that during the attack on Pearl Harbor civilians died as under Hiroshima? where is the logic? or was Hiroshima the main base of the Japanese fleet?

        Striking in the back, suffered retribution. What is the difference, where was the main base of the Japanese fleet, which already in 1945 almost did not exist. Japan was at war with the United States. The Americans needed to persuade the Japanese to surrender with little blood for America itself and possibly for the Japanese themselves. And what is better - carpet bombing of cities with phosphorus bombs or 1 hit with a low-powered atomic bomb - let the Japanese themselves argue. But the will of the Japanese to resist was then broken and the goal was achieved.
    2. +1
      22 June 2016 17: 32
      "Alexander Samsonov, better write normal historical articles" ////

      Alexander Samsonov is not an author, but a collective pseudonym of different authors
      with different - often opposing - political opinions (and different
      Therefore, the articles of "Alexander Samsonov" are very informative and balanced,
      then completely hallucinogenic. winked
  23. +3
    22 June 2016 11: 24
    Quote: Uncle Murzik
    you yourself understood what you wrote! There was no payment, but still there wasn’t much! belay laughing

    Once again, learn history! Open the FULL list of Lend-Lease supplies to the Soviet Union. We were billed for the equipment that did not die in battles and was not returned. And these are thousands of machines (on which hundreds of Soviet factories worked), many oil refineries, thousands of kilometers of rails, thousands of cars, locomotives (which were not produced at that time), and much more! This equipment worked until the 60-70s! As a bonus, the USSR received millions of tons of metal - all Western technology, and manufactured made of armor steel and aluminum supplied under Lend-Lease, although it was damaged in battles, it was good for melting. hi
    1. -2
      22 June 2016 13: 15
      I trust the sources! drop the link to your source! hi
      1. +1
        22 June 2016 17: 05
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        I trust the sources! drop the link to your source! hi

        A familiar feint.
        Then you will make fun of the source subjecting it to every possible doubt
        Type in a search engine and select the source yourself. Of several hundred.
        Or visit the Central Archive. Zlegendirovana purpose of the visit and getting the appropriate information.
  24. +4
    22 June 2016 13: 27
    World War II - US and British War against the USSR

    It's just ... no words. And we still cackle something on the USA that they misinterpret the history of WWII. We don’t notice the logs in our eyes.
    1. +1
      22 June 2016 21: 25
      Quote: Hammer
      It's just ... no words. And we still cackle something on the USA that they misinterpret the history of WWII. We don’t notice the logs in our eyes.

      Unfortunately so.
  25. -1
    22 June 2016 13: 45
    The article is too general, but absolutely correct. There is no room for controversial details. The objective of the article is to "raise over the forest" those who have not yet felt their own skin that a many-thousand-year conceptual war is being waged against Hyperborea / Russenia / Rus / Russia. And the author successfully solved this problem.
  26. 0
    22 June 2016 13: 46
    And if this is true?:
    In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Albert Pike outlined to the head of the Illuminati Mazzini a plan to conquer the world through the three world wars and establish a “New World Order”. The First World War was to be unleashed in order to put Tsarist Russia under the control of the Freemasons. It was necessary to overthrow the tsar in Russia, and then use it as a “scarecrow”. The Second World War should be staged, through the manipulation of German nationalists and political Zionists. The ultimate goal of the war is the creation of the state of Israel in Palestine and the increase in Russia's global influence. The Third World War should begin due to differences of opinion caused by Masons between Zionists and Arabs.

    Here’s Pike’s short letter: “For the full triumph of Freemasonry, three world wars will be needed ... Illuminati agents must rekindle the third world war, taking advantage of the differences between the Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war will be fought in such a way that Islam and the Zionists mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, other countries, having once again divided on this issue, will be forced to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic decay. War must be unleashed by nihilists and atheists, after which we will provoke a gigantic social upheaval, the horrors of which will show everyone the death of unbelief. "The revolutionary minority will be destroyed, and the majority disappointed in Christianity ... will receive from us the true light of the teachings of Lucifer."
  27. 0
    22 June 2016 15: 03
    Naglosaksa must be destroyed.
  28. -1
    22 June 2016 19: 05
    Quote: Kenneth
    Until 1941, WE ACTIVELY PUMPED GERMANY RESOURCES, including strategic ones. And they had a considerable profit by the way.

    What strategic resources? How did it happen that the Soviet Union pumped Hitler with resources, and already had to get resources for its war through Lend-Lease? You already decide, gentlemen-liberals, either we gave everything to Hitler, and then there was nothing to ask the USA, or we should kiss the legs for a land-lease, but then Hitler couldn’t get anything.
    And then compare how many resources Germany gave the United States and Britain. That land lease to Germany, which, from the 20s, bleeding to a great depression, the economies of suppliers themselves expressed in 35% of GDP (not from collected taxes, but from everything that was produced!) Of Germany’s annual military budget. And did the USSR give it all? Do not hold on to fools.
    And with the help of Hitler, from somewhere we turned our economy into a superpower. What kind of people were we heroic, that his labors were enough for two superpowers?
  29. -1
    22 June 2016 19: 37
    Also forgot about this:
    Supply Agreement February 11, 1940 [edit | edit wiki text]
    February 11 1940 in Moscow the signing of an economic agreement between the USSR and Germany took place. It stipulated that the Soviet Union would supply Germany with goods worth 420 — 430 million German marks for 12 months, that is, until February 11 of 1941. Germany was obliged to supply the USSR with military materials and industrial equipment for the same amount in 15 months, that is, until 11 in May 1941 of the year. At 11 on August 1940 of the year (six months after the signing of the agreement), as well as at 11 on February 1941 of the year (one year later), German deliveries should have lagged behind Soviet supplies by no more than 20%. Otherwise, the USSR had the right to “temporarily suspend its supplies.”

    The agreement provided that the USSR would supply Germany

    1 000 000 tons of feed grain and legumes worth 120 million Reichsmarks
    900 000 tons of oil worth about 115 million Reichsmarks
    100 000 tons of cotton worth about 90 million Reichsmarks
    500 000 tons of phosphate
    100 000 tons of chromite ores
    500 000 tons of iron ore
    300 000 tons of pig iron scrap and pig iron
    2 400 kg of platinum
    To ensure the fulfillment of its orders, the USSR undertook to supply Germany over the next 18 months with 11 tons of copper, 000 tons of nickel, 3000 tons of zinc, 950 tons of molybdenum, 500 tons of tungsten, 500 tons of cobalt.

    In addition, the USSR provided a discount to Germany on the transit of its goods along the Trans-Siberian Railway.

    The USSR, in exchange, received the unfinished heavy cruiser Luttsov and the equipment necessary to complete its construction; samples of naval artillery, mines, torpedoes, periscopes; samples of the latest aircraft models; samples of artillery, tanks, communications. Also, samples of more than 300 types of machine tools and machines: excavators, drilling rigs, electric motors, compressors, pumps, steam turbines, oil equipment, etc.
    1. 0
      23 June 2016 01: 49
      The unfinished heavy cruiser Lutzov means super modern. He fought well, having shot the entire resource of his guns.
  30. The comment was deleted.
  31. Erg
    22 June 2016 23: 20
    Article plus. There are moments where you can debate, but these are the nuances. The inset is Pearl Harbor, it’s the purest water of a crossbow, carried out through an artificial leak of information about the location of the fleet ... Just think, two thousand dead, and several ships. Pennies ... But what is the reason to knock money out of the Senate, and to justify the bombing ... The Yankees in their repertoire, nothing new ...
  32. 0
    27 June 2016 21: 50
    Quote: BIP PS FSB RF

    Conspiracy theory in all its glory.

    Two cows are standing on a farm in the stalls. One is chewing grass, and the other is thoughtful. The first and says: what are you not eating? The second answers: it seems to me that the people who collect our milk and calves do not feed our calves, but kill them and eat them, and they drink our milk, and the time will come, we won’t be able to give milk, and we will be killed and eaten! Then the first one answers: oh this conspiracy theory, how did you get us all, eat
  33. 0
    April 15 2017 10: 55
    Very well written! I read it without breaking it. Thank you! drinks