Soviet soldier broke samurai sword

Soviet soldier broke samurai sword

History We study the Great Patriotic War in all details. People who can tell about those bloody events are still alive, and the search work is being conducted very actively. Our country fought not only on the western fronts, but also on the eastern, or rather, Far Eastern. And for those who served there, the war did not end on May 9, but on September 2. Vladimir Ivanovich Trushkin, a resident of the Nikolayev farm, is a veteran of the Far Eastern Front. He spoke about what was happening then on the border with Japan.

The situation in the Far East has developed an explosive. Japan, which entered into a military alliance with Germany and Italy against the USSR, simultaneously concluded an agreement on neutrality with our country. Without attacking the Soviet Union, the Japanese nonetheless launched a war at the eastern borders with other countries. They seized Indonesia and Indochina, attacked China, and on the sea smashed American and British ships and submarines. Despite the neutrality concluded with the USSR, Japan bore plans for an attack on our country.

“The Japanese have agreed with Hitler to meet on Baikal,” says Vladimir Ivanovich. - They wanted to divide Russia among themselves. However, the aggression of Japan, just like Hitler's Germany, was not a secret at the end of the 30s. Therefore, beginning in the 1940 year, Soviet forces were concentrated in the Far East.

Trushkin was sent there.

“I was born in the farm Nifontov,” says the veteran. - Grew up without a father and mother, with an older brother, went to work early. In 1939, I graduated from combiner courses, and in 1940, I was drafted into the army. Not served and the year the war began. I was immediately sent to the Far East in the engineering part. After the German attack on the USSR, Japan, which felt support, repeatedly strengthened its military potential, leading the millionth Kwantung Army to the border with Russia.

“We were constantly on alert,” the front-line soldier continues. - We were ordered to hold the border at any cost, but the Japanese did not openly attack, although they routinely carried out sabotage attacks. Everything was there. Sometimes they didn’t sleep for days, and if they did, they wouldn’t let the machine out of their hands.

The engineering units where Vladimir Ivanovich served served to prepare crossings across numerous rivers in case of repelling attacks. Nevertheless, the Japanese did not dare to attack the Soviet Union. The defeat near Moscow and the defeat of the Nazi army at Stalingrad did not allow the Japanese leadership to start military operations here.

And although the war ended in Europe, here in the Far East, it still continued. But we believed that everything would end soon for us. Indeed, the 9 of May ended the Great Patriotic War, and World War II, the last stronghold of which was Japan, continued until September 2. The Soviet Union denounced the neutrality pact and declared war on Japan. The fighting went on here less than a month, but they also brought a lot of grief to our families: the irretrievable losses of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army amounted to 12 thousand people.

The veteran says that he happened to see the famous invincible Japanese fleet. Their part was preparing the crossing at Port Arthur, when suddenly the ships appeared at sea. They did not make a single shot: according to Vladimir Ivanovich, it was rather an act of intimidation, but he did not act on our soldiers.

Also, the Japanese considered their combat swords as an act of intimidation, which they then handed over in heaps.

According to the veteran, one of the soldiers took and, jokingly, broke one of the swords. The captured Japanese were amazed to the depths of their Japanese soul. After all, not one arms in the world, according to military historians, the existence of one’s own spirit is not attributed. The first samurai sword appeared in 10 or 15 century. The katana sword, developed in the 16 century, combines the aristocratic beauty and perfect sharpness of the blade. It is said that today, somewhere in the south-west of Japan, Katana swords are still forged. It was here that rare unique deposits were discovered, from which it is possible to obtain steel of excellent quality. The birth of the katana occurs at the very bottom of the smelting furnace, called the Tatar. This traditional Japanese melting furnace reaches about three meters in length and about one meter in width and about two meters in height.

But about all these subtleties it became known much later, but while there was a war, and the samurai surrendered to the polls in captivity.

The further sad history of Japan is known to everyone: the atomic bombs dropped by the Americans on Hiroshima and Nagasaki forced the rising sun to capitulate on conditions that were not advantageous for them.

After serving five and a half years in the Far East, Vladimir Ivanovich returned home.

Vasily Skrynnikov was born again

“They took me to the war, and after short courses, I became the divisional signalman of the Fourth Ukrainian Front,” Vasily Timofyevich said.

He remembers the spring of 1945, the Oder River and the bridgehead on a small piece of land on the opposite bank. Soon our soldiers broke through the enemy defenses in the area of ​​one of the closest cities to Berlin and reached the heights - the last stronghold of the enemy in front of the gates of the German capital.

- We just managed to restore the interrupted connection, as I was seriously injured. Then, Khoroshilov from the village of Khleborobny sent a letter to my family in which he reported that I had died in battle. Then the grief entered our house. The relatives, though they wept bitterly, were still glimmered in their hearts. They believed, waited. And no one knew that I had been in a military hospital for half a year now, I was unconscious for a long time, I lost one kidney. But I still managed to survive. Doctors joked: "You were born the second time." When he came to himself, he immediately wrote a few lines to his relatives: “Alive, I am undergoing treatment at the hospital.” And how glad everyone was when they received this news from me! Mobilized home disabled second group war. After the Victory, I was still awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, I degree.

Vasily Timofeevich carefully and carefully collects his awards, and he has more than a dozen of them along with jubilees, but because of modesty he wears them very rarely, and drops them thoughtfully, as if to sum up the conversation:

- Sometimes it was thought at the front: I must not survive this hell of war - there is no longer any strength! And then I remember my native lands, my village, Fertile, where I once lived and worked - and hope and strength reappear. I regret only that I did not manage to get to Berlin, although I was very close to him.

Ivan rose from the dead

Bogdanov Ivan Markelovich was called to the Red Army in 1941 year. He was enrolled as a private in the 902 th Infantry Regiment. He fought on the Ukrainian front from the first day of the war. He was captured by the Germans. Three days later, cutting the wire fence, ran along with a friend. Waiting for flashes of signal flares, they ran as far as possible from the camp. They managed to cross the front line, got into some village, took refuge in the shed of one of the courtyards.

In the meantime, the head of the local military enlistment office assembled a group of similarly captured soldiers and sent them to a military unit. Ivan fought on the river Mius. There were very fierce battles, killing about a million soldiers. But he survived in that hell.

- Shells exploded one by one, nothing could be seen from the smoke and dust. After one of the explosions, I was contused, I fell down, covered with earth. When everything calmed down a bit, a lieutenant and two soldiers ran across the battlefield, hoping to find the survivors. And they had already passed by, but the lieutenant noticed or felt that I was alive. I ordered to dig, send to hospital where I quickly went on the amendment, - Ivan Markelovich told.

On the way from the hospital he was lucky to be at home. He spent the whole night with his wife and children in the village of Lovely. The next morning after meeting with his relatives, he left for the military unit. And again in battle. Then a slight wound, and again in the hospital. Ivan Markelovich completed his march in Budapest, as part of the 429 Infantry Regiment.

Americans calm down "Katyusha"

When the veteran of the Great Patriotic War Minigali Minimuhammetovich Girfanov celebrated his ninetieth birthday, he confessed to me that his real birthday was February 23. It turned out that in childhood the Minigali metric was lost, and a new birth certificate was given to him only in 16 years, and with an error in the date, however, they refused to rewrite.

He said that 71 a year ago, just on the night from 22 to February 23, the crossing of the Dnieper began. Minigali and two of his comrades were sent first, because they urgently needed a connection, and he was a signalman. They chose the skinniest and lightest, because the ice was weak and the task was responsible. Communication for the army is important. They crossed over to the other side as quickly as possible: at any moment a shell could fall on the ice.

The opposite shore was steep, which made it difficult to complete the task, but the fighters climbed onto it, standing on each other’s shoulders. In 20 meters from the shore, an enemy dugout was found, showing no signs of life. The other fighters who came to the rescue opened fire at the entrance to the dugout. Thundered explosion. When the smoke had settled down, the bodies of three Germans were found in the destroyed structure. Only now the young soldier realized the danger he was exposed to, that from the moment of the beginning of the crossing his life was close to death. Looking around the Dnieper, Mingali saw a terrible picture of the crossing:

"Left bank, right bank,
Rough snow, ice edge.
To whom is the memory, to whom is glory,
To dark water.

His comrades were dying before his eyes. But the fighting continued, the Reichstag was captured, but the positions of the army were fired from the side of the Elbe. It turned out that they had landed allies. The Americans were sure that they were bombarding the fascists, then “to clarify the information” they were hit by “Katyusha”, and the fire from their side stopped. After all, everyone knew: there was no such deadly weapon in any army in the world.

A part of it remained in Berlin until the fall, then it was sent to Europe: after the signing of the Warsaw Pact, our soldiers carried service there for many more years.

Minigali returned to civilian life only in 1950.

Meeting of Basil and Stalin

When I met a veteran of the Great Patriotic War fleet Vasily Vasilievich Klyzhenko had his birthday and he clearly did not want to remember the difficult war years.

The sailors presented the cake, read out the welcome address and presented a portrait of Stalin, whom Vasily Vasilyevich personally saw. Being a 13-year-old boy, in Gagra, together with his teenage boyfriends, Vasily made his way into the country house to get fruit from the trees. The unwelcome guests did not notice how a small group of seven-five men approached from behind them, headed by Generalissimo himself. Looking around, the guys, taken by surprise, froze in surprise, waiting for punishment for their tricks. However, coming closer, Stalin saw the knocked down apples, slowly, calmly, with his Georgian accent, looking at the hooligans, said: “Well, have you already ripened?” The guys opened their mouths in surprise, and then answered in unison: “Yes, they are already ripe ". He said calmly: “Good. Go on, ”and along with the others went further along the square. And the guys still could not recover. And they often recalled this meeting with the head of the Soviet state.

Vasily Vasilyevich remembered the service on the battleship Sevastopol during the war years. The story struck a description of the dimensions of the ship's guns: the length of the main caliber gun barrel on the battleship was 12 meters, diameter over 700 millimeters, weight 40 tons, projectile length more than a meter, and weight about 900 kilograms.

After the war, a veteran of several years was a prize-winner of the Soviet Navy swimming and champion of the Black Sea Fleet in water polo and football.
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  1. +6
    April 15 2016 06: 43
    Thank you, Polina, interesting memories ..
    1. +11
      April 15 2016 10: 43
      The condition for the Germans to enter Japan (as well as Turkey) in the war against the USSR was 1941 to seize the capital of the USSR, Moscow, which did not take place. Then, in 1942 - the intersection of the Volga, on which they instead fell into the boiler. They decided to divide the USSR in the Urals, Baikal is somehow far from there, and close to Mongolia with its Khalkhin Gol.
      Japan violated the pact of neutrality all the time, especially before 1944. After Germany's attack on the USSR, despite this pact, through "negotiations", she received what she fought with the USSR and Mongolia on Khalkhin-gol in 1939, as her program for the creation of bacteriological weapons progressed, she staged demonstrative epidemics in Mongolia and the Far East, and applied it on a large scale in China. Even in Detachment 731, Soviet citizens and white émigrés were used as guinea pigs to accommodate race differences in the course of disease. In addition to violating the pact, for another 50 years after the Russo-Japanese War, she violated the right to Soviet navigation through the straits, because of which minesweepers, patrol boats and submarines had to be transported to Vladivostok by rail.
      She stopped and drowned Soviet merchant ships, which American submarines also had fun with.

      The ships on the horizon near Port Arthur were American, with machine guns driving off the barges themselves. It was their attempt to land and capture Port Arthur, before the Soviet troops - failed.
      The Japanese fleet did not venture to venture into the range of Soviet coastal aviation.

      Japan was forced to surrender by the successful entry of the USSR into the war, and not by nuclear bombing.

      The Americans knew quite well who they were firing on the Elbe, it was a "test of strength", and not the only one of its kind.
  2. +8
    April 15 2016 07: 06
    What other "northern territories" are there ?? Japan has surrendered, which means it has lost its state sovereignty! It was necessary for Stalin, the occupation corps, on one of the main Japanese islands, to place - now the samurai would be silent in a rag ...
    1. 0
      April 15 2016 09: 11
      I agree! But the Americans there turned out to be faster; our main forces were in the western direction!
      1. +6
        April 15 2016 12: 09
        Our forces fought and fought in 3 weeks more than the Japanese defeated than the Americans in 3,5 years, the Americans came to their place a week before the purely propaganda signing of surrender aboard the American battleship, Japan simply let in.
        She could this battleship with the ships and landing ships escorted by kamikaze blows to carefully melt the km. for 500 from its coastline, if not further. This is against the Soviet invasion; she had no countermeasures.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +3
        April 15 2016 15: 07
        Quote: Error
        I agree! But the Americans there turned out to be faster; our main forces were in the western direction!

        I wonder who the Japanese fought with on December 7, 1941? For the Americans, the war in the Pacific Ocean is the same as for us the Second World War. Just the Americans, with all their might, thought that the war in Asia would last 1,5-2 years. The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were purely political and political weapons to intimidate USSR and Stalin. The Americans knew what URs were on the border between Manchow-Go and the USSR and did not think that Soviet soldiers would pass them so quickly, as well as widely used naval and airborne assault forces. And in Transbaikalia they simply bypass URs through the Gobi Desert. Emperor Hirohito was forced to sign a decree to end the war, and the last Japanese soldier of that war finished fighting 14 years after the official end of the 1945nd Mrova.http: //
    2. -11
      April 15 2016 16: 23
      Quote: crasever
      Japan capitulated, which means it lost state sovereignty

      It was a long time ago and also has long been untrue.
      Quote: crasever
      It was necessary for Stalin, the occupation corps, on one of the main Japanese islands, to place

      Who would let him do it? He was not even allowed to insert "a fair wording regarding China" into the text of Japan's Surrender Act. Even when he was at the beginning of 1945. in Yalta he agreed to the Curzon Line as a border with Poland (he had to return a decent amount of pre-war lands), and the Poles in London became stubborn, then in Potsdam he was forced to cede a little more territory to them.
      The crayon was USSR and weak. And from this Dzhugashvili was absolutely not authoritative in the international arena. Therefore, little could afford on his own initiative.
      In addition, the Bolsheviks made a lot of diplomatic punctures. Who hiccup now and more than once hiccup in the future.
      1. +6
        April 15 2016 17: 46
        Quote: vvp2
        The crayon was USSR and weak. And from this Dzhugashvili was absolutely not authoritative in the international arena. Therefore, little could afford on his own initiative.

        laughing You would read history, some facts, before making such statements.
        In 1945, the USSR had a 5-ml army with experienced soldiers who went through the war. Churchill and Roosevelt wrote secret letters to the weak Dzhugashvili asking for help. But European countries couldn’t even utter a word without permission.
        Mistakes were in some decisions and concessions, but Stalin knew perfectly well that if they didn’t agree to them, our grandfathers would have had to fight another 5-7 years against the whole of Europe, Japan and Turkey, which the Americans and the Britons would heartily supply, making alliances .
        1. +5
          April 15 2016 18: 29
          What can this clever man interpret? He, go, Unified State Exam barely mastered.
        2. -7
          April 15 2016 21: 07
          Quote: Corsair
          Errors were in some decisions and concessions,

          The USA threw the USSR in 1951. in San Francisco with the Kuriles and Yu. Sakhalin? They threw it. What did the "great and mighty USSR" do in response to kidos? Did he force Japan to sign a separate "correct treaty"? No, not at all. I couldn't. I could not even later, even when supposedly "the United States did not sleep at night, because they were terribly afraid of the USSR." That's all his "power". Linden and bullshit agitprop.
          Quote: Corsair
          but Stalin knew perfectly well that if they didn’t agree to them, our grandfathers would have had to fight another 5-7 years against the whole of Europe, Japan and Turkey, which the Americans and the Britons would supply from the heart, having entered into alliances.

          In 1945. The USA stopped supplying food to the USSR. The very same stew with a snide nickname and other miscellaneous edibles. As a result, in 1946. in the USSR there was a famine that claimed many hundreds of thousands of lives. And this is in peacetime. What are 5-7 years old? In case of waging the war you mentioned, the USSR would die of hunger in six months. All, especially since there was no one to fight there, since the fall of 1943. conscription of 17-year-olds to "non-combat units" was widely used. Read the draft call for the period November 1943 - April 1944. Of the Main Directorate of Formation and Manning of the Red Army from 24.09.43.
          1. +5
            April 15 2016 21: 38
            Quote: vvp2
            In 1945. The USA cut off food supplies to the USSR. That same stew with a malicious nickname and other miscellaneous edible. As a result, in 1946. famine happened in the USSR, which claimed many hundreds of thousands of lives

            Do you think the United States delivered us stew for free? No, they paid with gold and wood. And due to all their supplies, the US economy broke out of the Great Depression, creating millions of jobs.
            1. -6
              April 15 2016 22: 16
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              Do you think the United States delivered us stew for free? No, they paid with gold and wood.

              Lend-lease deliveries were paid with human lives. Money was paid for purchased products supplied to the USSR not under Lend-Lease, but under trade contracts. And also for the supply of the same food after 20.09.45/XNUMX/XNUMX. And also for deliveries under Lend-Lease, which were not destroyed during the war and were not returned to the supplier.
              Food supplied to the USSR under Lend-Lease would be enough to feed an army of 11 million people (4000 kilocalories per day per person) for 1 days, i.e. throughout the war, subject to Japan. Therefore, without American food, the USSR was not able to fight.
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              And due to all their supplies, the US economy broke out of the Great Depression, creating millions of jobs.

              You stop listening to fairy tales. In 1933, the Great Depression in the world basically ended in the United States as well. economic growth began.
              1. +5
                April 15 2016 22: 51
                [quote = vvp2]

                I do not want to argue with you, because I risk falling into your deep American demagogic swamp. I caught your erudition long ago. And how do you differ from political instructors? To be honest, I have long considered you an American spy. (no kidding) Let's go our separate ways.
                1. -6
                  April 15 2016 23: 09
                  Quote: mordvin xnumx
                  And how do you differ from political instructors?

                  How what? I am writing truth based on facts. And do not tell tales. Please, I gave the numbers. Want to refute.
                  In September 1941, the State Defense Committee established the following rations: for the units of the army and navy - 3450 kcal per person per day, for aviation units - 4712, for the wounded and sick in hospitals - 3242 kcal per day (Rear in the Great Patriotic War. M., 1971. P.191). I took, as an average, 4000 kcal per day.
                  The total calorie content of the delivered food amounted to about 67 502 474,4 million kcal. You can easily count everything yourself.
                  Quote: Mordvin 3
                  To be honest, I have long considered you an American spy. (no kidding)

                  Of course. Everyone who is not for Dzhugashvili, all spies. This we are in the know, passed back in the 30s.
                  I recommend that you recover from all this spy mania. And try to operate with facts, not sovagitprop propaganda, which is innumerable. Such was the system, in fact, "socialism" itself, it is also one of the propaganda of this very sovagitprop.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                  3. +3
                    April 16 2016 01: 38
                    I will try to explain my position.
                    You do not have Russian citizenship.
                    You hate the USSR and adore the USA.
                    You are well trained in military subjects.
                    In this case, you are operating in purely American terms.
                    You do not hell do not understand the prices of 1990 of the year, from which I conclude that at that time you did not live in the USSR.
                    You have great composure.
                    From all this I conclude that you are an employee of one pretty office in Langley. Interest on 60. I really want to make a mistake.
                    1. -1
                      April 16 2016 11: 12
                      Quote: Mordvin 3
                      Percent as 60. I really want to make a mistake.

                      You are lucky, you are mistaken.
                      But on my own I can add that with fantasy you are all right.
                2. The comment was deleted.
              2. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
      2. +3
        April 15 2016 18: 28
        The crayon was USSR and weak. And from this Dzhugashvili was absolutely not authoritative in the international arena. Therefore, little could afford on his own initiative.
        Follow the bazaar!
      3. +4
        April 15 2016 18: 59
        Quote: vvp2
        The crayon was USSR and weak. And from this Dzhugashvili was absolutely not authoritative in the international arena

        Do you think with your mind what you are writing?
    3. The comment was deleted.
  3. +7
    April 15 2016 07: 15
    Lieutenant General K.N. Derevianko, on behalf of the USSR, signs the Japan Surrender Act, aboard the American Missouri battleship.
    1. -3
      April 15 2016 10: 52
      Why didn't the Japanese shoot at this battleship while he entered the harbor? The surrender was not yet signed ... laughing
      And didn’t they bomb him when he approached her?

      Or was there a single battleship, and before the end of this show did it under the white parliamentary flag?
      Completely overgrown with their productions, damn it.

      Derevianko was a liaison officer at the American headquarters. Vasilevsky commanded Soviet troops at the "theater".

      Japan, having received Lyuli in Manchuria, separately surrendered to the "allies" on August 15-18, 1945, which did not prevent it from fighting with us on Sakhalin and the Kuriles, where American troops also tried to land in the middle of the Kuril ridge.

      On the western front, they signed the surrender at Reims two days earlier, an agreement was reached in March in general through Dulles in Switzerland.
      1. +2
        April 15 2016 19: 15
        [quote = FooFighter]

        Wow, what did the Japanese prime minister justify the amers who smashed Nagasaki and Hiroshima? He stated that if not for this, then the evil Russians would have captured all of Japan.
        1. 0
          April 15 2016 19: 52
          He said everything correctly, except that the Russians are not evil ...

          Americans smashed 60 with more than Japanese cities
          1. +2
            April 15 2016 20: 03
            Quote: FooFighter
            He said everything correctly, except that the Russians are not evil ...

            Americans smashed 60 with more than Japanese cities

            So it’s not me who said it, it’s the Japanese man who said it. Then wildly apologized to his compatriots.
            1. +4
              April 16 2016 00: 42
              Quote: Mordvin 3
              So it’s not me who said it, it’s the Japanese man who said it. Then wildly apologized to his compatriots.

              I have to imagine Japan of that time. I mean dwellings. Everything is made of bamboo and rice paper. One plane with incendiary bombs broke through to the city and the city was burned out by the blocks. By the way, the Americans did so. Maybe someone will consider this not proof, but the Japanese believe on the other hand. This is V. Efimenko's book "Wind of the Gods." Efimenko himself worked for many years with Japanese prisoners of war in the USSR from 1945 to 1956, then several times was in Japan. The book is art, but it truthfully describes the life and life of ordinary Japanese during the war. And V. Ovchinnikov's books, journalism about the countries of the Far Eastern region, where the author worked for over 20 years. If you wish, you can find a lot of literature about this region: Japan, Korea, China, Southeast Asia. The region is original and interesting. Even such a book. like the novel by Yu, Korolkov "Kyo Ku Mitsu! Top secret - in danger of burning" can give a lot about the top of the Japanese military in those years
  4. +8
    April 15 2016 07: 30
    Great article! Thanks to the author for the next reminder of the audience about our brilliant victory in the Far East in the year 45.
    I consider this victory over samurai - an act of justice and revenge for the treacherous actions of the Japanese in 1904
    "... the crosses whiten are heroes sleep-sleep heroes -
    we will avenge you and celebrate a bloody feast ... "
    The country has been waiting for this for forty years - the samurai spirit and will are defeated forever - glory to the Soviet (Russian) weapons!
  5. +2
    April 15 2016 07: 40
    Although the article does not have accuracy and historical cliches, the soldiers' memories are always worth their weight in gold, even despite the author’s blunders.
  6. +7
    April 15 2016 07: 48
    Thanks, Polina. Timely article. It would be nice for the Japanese to read such. They have a perverted concept of the Second World War.
    1. +8
      April 15 2016 09: 10
      By the way, about perversions and perverts. Once I watched an overseas "documentary" film about the end of World War II. negative The version is something like this: the samurai honor did not allow the Japanese to surrender and they were forced to fight to the last, which could lead them to disappear as a nation. The "good" Americans showed "concern" about the fate of the Japanese people and planted a couple of nuclear bombs on them in small provincial towns. This "lucky circumstance" gave the emperor an excuse to sign the surrender without "losing face." crying Apparently, the Japanese, in a particularly perverted form, were forced to accept this version as an official justification for the American barbarism. angry
      1. +1
        April 15 2016 21: 52
        Quote: Castor
        The version is approximately the following: the samurai honor did not allow the Japanese to surrender and they were forced to fight to the last, which could lead to their disappearance as a nation.

        Western versions as usual nonsense. The warrior caste is above the peasant, and dying for the emperor is the highest honor. However, they found each other-nedokovoby and nedosamurai. The real warriors fought to the last, and did not look for themselves miserable excuses.

        On the morning of March 10, 1974, a fit elderly man in a semi-rotten uniform of the Japanese imperial army came to the police department of the Philippine island of Lubang. With a ceremonial bow to the surprised cop, he carefully laid the old rifle on the ground. “I am Lieutenant Hiro Onoda.
        "I obey the order of my boss, who told me to surrender." For 30 years, this Japanese, not knowing about the surrender of his country, continued to fight in the jungle of the Philippines.

        “I spoke to him shortly after his surrender.” This man could not recover for a long time, ”Imelda Marcos, the former“ first lady ”of the Philippines, said in an interview with AiF. - Onoda suffered a terrible shock. When he was told that the war ended in 1945, his eyes just darkened. “How could Japan lose? Why did I care for my rifle like a little kid? Why did my people die? ” He asked me, and I did not know what to answer him. He just sat and cried sobbing.

        The story of the long-standing adventures of a Japanese officer in the Philippine jungle began on December 17, 1944 when the battalion commander Major Taniguchi ordered Onoda to lead a guerrilla war against the Americans in Lubang: “We are retreating, but this is temporary. You will go to the mountains and will make sorties - lay mines, blow up warehouses. I forbid you to commit suicide and surrender. Three, four or five years may pass, but I will come back for you. This order can only be canceled by me and no one else. ”
  7. +2
    April 15 2016 09: 02
    Japanese swords during the war were factory-made, no better than our sabers, for cavalry. With normal iron in Japan, it was always sour, so the best swords were forged from imported material.
    1. +1
      April 15 2016 12: 40
      There were insignificant deposits of unique rich iron ore containing molybdenum. It seems that it was only the 18-19th century.
    2. +3
      April 15 2016 19: 29
      Quote: Kenneth
      Japanese swords during the war were factory-made, no better than our sabers, for cavalry. With normal iron in Japan, it was always sour, so the best swords were forged from imported material.

      Do not stars. Our checkers Zlatoust were much better than Japanese, German, Polish. This I declare to you as a knife maker. With 25 years of experience, and read a bunch of literature on this subject.
  8. -1
    April 15 2016 09: 05
    By the way, Polina believes that the Americans forced the Americans to capitulate with their bombs, which is at variance with official propaganda.
  9. +2
    April 15 2016 10: 21
    Interesting memories. I immediately remembered my uncle, an artilleryman, who had finished the war on Sakhalin. The defeat of the Kwantung Army is a unique military operation, of which we do not know as much as we would like. As for the samurai swords ... The Japanese had keisentai units operating behind enemy lines. So those enemies were killed with their bare hands - they tried to bring horror ...
  10. 0
    April 15 2016 12: 46
    And how characterizes the last story of Stalin! Here he is all in this last memory, Father of the people. As for me, Uncle Vova is something like him. Probably in 30-40 years they will also be exhibited tyrant everywhere.
    1. 0
      April 18 2016 05: 55
      It is quite possible that repressions will come up with some kind of mass executions.
  11. +3
    April 15 2016 13: 53
    Oh! Polina, Polina! After the Japanese left the territory of the Soviet Far East in 1922, they remained on the territory of China. And the provocations, sabotage, poaching, the desire to arrange provocations constantly kept the OKDVA troops and border troops in constant tension.
    In 1929, a conflict was provoked on the Chinese Eastern Railway. Although it is believed that the conflict was provoked by the Chinese, the Japanese were behind them. Then, there was a direct conflict on Lake Khasan in 1938 and in Mongolia, on the Khalkhin Gol River in 1939. V.V. Klyzhenko is well written, but the history of our Far East and the events that took place here should be known. V. I. Lenin said: Vladivostok is far away, but the city is ours. "I will paraphrase his words: the Far East is far away, but the land then rich and nashensky.
  12. +5
    April 15 2016 15: 20
    After taking Berlin, my grandfather fought with Japan. But the war with Japan was very short-lived. Soviet troops from a simple soldier to a general were already VERY experienced. If during the offensive an enemy fortified zod came across, then the Soviet soldiers did not take it in the forehead at the cost of heavy losses, but simply bypassed, cutting roads and communications. Fuel for tanks was dumped from aircraft. And the loss in China of Soviet troops to the Japanese was 1 in 10.
  13. +2
    April 15 2016 15: 30
    "However, the aggression of Japan, as well as of Hitler's Germany, was not a secret back in the late 30s."
    It’s something like - everyone knows that winter will come, but its arrival is unexpected as always?
  14. +1
    April 15 2016 16: 51
    A katana is not a sword, a sword implies a mutually sharpened blade. And a katana has only one edge sharpened, it turns out a katana is a saber or a saber, but not a sword!
    1. 0
      April 18 2016 05: 57
      A falsion then what is a sword? What about the Norwegian single-blade swords? Katana sword, just so original Japanese.
  15. +6
    April 15 2016 19: 07
    I apologize if I say something wrong, but nevertheless it’s better not to touch the respected author on the military-historical subjects, because there are a lot of mistakes at once.

    Only at the beginning of the article:

    Without attacking the Soviet Union, the Japanese, however, unleashed a war with other countries at its eastern borders.

    I would say more - Japan and the USSR traded peacefully, Japanese companies even received concessions for oil production and fishing, while the USSR was an ally of the United States, and Japan of the Third Reich. And the fighting took place thousands of kilometers from the Soviet-Japanese border (in reality, the Soviet-Chinese).

    Americans calm down "Katyusha"
    I specifically tried to understand what kind of Americans Katyusha hollowed on the banks of the Dnieper in the 1943 year, and did not understand ... In general, as I said above, the author is contraindicated in military-historical subjects.

    They captured Indonesia and Indochina, attacked China, and at sea they smashed American and English ships and submarines.
    It seems to me that the dear Polina was mistaken, confusing CHINA and INDOCHITAI. And as they say in Odessa - "these are two big differences!" French or colonial Indochina as a whole included modern Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia. And Japan actually attacked China - as already noted - in 1922.

    About the English and American submarine fleet in the Pacific Ocean - this is a special topic. They absolutely surpassed the Japanese in the number of destroyed tonnage, having arranged for the Japanese ships a terror far greater than the same Germans arranged for the Anglo-Saxon merchant fleet in the Atlantic.
    1. 0
      April 16 2016 00: 58
      Japan did not attack the USSR (almost - Lake Hassan)! But to Mongolia - p. Khalkhin Gol! Capture of the merchant ships of the USSR! Captures of citizens of the USSR! Violations of the air, land and sea borders of the USSR!
      1. +1
        April 16 2016 01: 41
        Quote: hohol95
        Japan did not attack the USSR (almost - Lake Hassan)! But to Mongolia - p. Khalkhin Gol! Capture of the merchant ships of the USSR! Captures of citizens of the USSR! Violations of the air, land and sea borders of the USSR!

        In principle, it is true. But do not forget that this is the junction of the borders of Mongolia, the USSR and Manchukuo. And the Japanese planned, with the capture of Mongolia and a successful coincidence of circumstances, to cut off Transbaikalia and the Far East from the USSR, cutting off Trassib. Only the defeat of the Japanese at Khalkhin Gol and "betrayal interests of Japan by Germany, "so the Japanese assessed the Molotov-Ribbetrop pact and kept Japan from further encroachments on our territories.
  16. 0
    April 15 2016 19: 41
    I would like to add one interesting point. Japanese steelmaking technology and the size of sabers date back to 1254, when part of Genghis Khan's horde landed in Japan. At that time, the Japanese fought according to antediluvian rules, which can be called knightly duels. Their swords were slightly larger than a table knife. The battle with the Horde did not bode well, fortunately only a small part of the army landed, the rest were destroyed by the Kamikaze. After several battles, realizing that even this small group of warriors could inflict significant damage on them, the Japanese requested an armistice. Until the next unsuccessful landing of the Horde, in 1281, the warriors of Genghis Khan taught the Japanese the art of steel, taught how to build blast furnaces, which you can see in abundance in Arkaim. The Japanese also adopted the size of the sabers, now a little more than a meter. The art of smelting damask steel in small blast furnaces, lost on the mainland, has been preserved by the Japanese to this day, and now everyone considers it to be Japanese art.
    1. +4
      April 15 2016 19: 58
      Atigay, I’m going to write an article about checkers, I’m just not sure if it will work out or not. It's scary like that, I never wrote anything. laughing
      1. Alf
        April 15 2016 21: 39
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        Atigay, I’m going to write an article about checkers, I’m just not sure if it will work out or not. It's scary like that, I never wrote anything.

        Do not be afraid, not the gods burn the pots.
        1. +3
          April 15 2016 21: 48
          So this is the first time in front of a girl. And you don’t know how to undress her. laughing
      2. +1
        April 16 2016 01: 09
        Quote: Mordvin 3
        Atigay, I’m going to write an article about checkers, I’m just not sure if it will work out or not. It's scary like that, I never wrote anything. laughing

        Look on the net: Gurevich. "Riddles of damask pattern", Magazines about knives "Cut", "Japanese whetstones". For this you can find a lot of material. I will advise you Bazhenov: "History of the Japanese sword", "Cold weapons of the Kuban Cossacks", Richard Francis Burton: "The Book of Swords". These are all books about the history of knives and checkers, including. And write? It is not the gods who burn the pots. The main thing is not to make mistakes, as the author of this article. Good luck to you.
  17. 0
    April 16 2016 00: 25
    vvp2 - you gray-winged pigeon "kicked" and piled it into a warm attic! On a warm perch!
  18. +1
    April 18 2016 13: 08
    Indeed, not one weapon in the world, according to military historians, is credited with having its own spirit. The first samurai sword appeared in the 10 or 15 century.
    Only here, in very many peoples of the world, it is precisely the long-blade weapon that gives sacred properties. The first samurai swords appeared a long time ago, probably in the era of the first emperors (when Antiquity was in the Mediterranean), but classical katanas are the period of the Late Middle Ages according to European classification.

    And yet - besides katana, the Japanese had many other types of swords.

    The katana sword, developed in the 16 century, combines aristocratic beauty and perfect sharpness of the blade. They say that today, somewhere in the southwest of Japan, katana swords are still forged.
    Actually, there are MANY different traditional workshops where they make katanas and other types of swords using medieval technologies, their addresses are known and advertised.