The State Duma will consider a package of amendments to anti-terrorism legislation

The head of the Duma security committee, Irina Yarovaya, and the head of the committee of the Federation Council on defense, Viktor Ozerov, submitted a package of antiterrorism bills to the State Duma, reports TASS.

The State Duma will consider a package of amendments to anti-terrorism legislation

The proposed changes "reflect the objective need to form new forms of legal protection of society and the state from the most dangerous crimes," said Yarovaya.

Lawmakers have proposed depriving terrorists of citizenship, to introduce responsibility for these crimes from 14-year-old age, as well as to punish under criminal law for appeals online to terrorist activities.

The agency provides a more detailed list of proposed innovations:

«Deprivation of Russian citizenship:

Convicted terrorists with two or more citizenships can deprive the citizenship of the Russian Federation
This can happen if at least one of the crimes stipulated by the 205 articles - 206, 208, 211, 277 - 282, 360 and 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is committed

New offenses:

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is proposed to supplement the new offenses. Among the crimes against the peace and security of mankind, it is proposed to fix a new corpus delicti - “international terrorism”.

For the commission of such a crime can be set the highest responsibility - up to life imprisonment.

It is proposed to establish responsibility for failure to report on the preparation and commission of a crime of a terrorist nature, to promote extremist activities.
The draft law proposes introducing independent responsibility for aiding in the hostage taking and the organization of an illegal armed group.

Reduced age threshold:

The age limit for intentional terrorist crimes can be reduced to 14 years. Now such crimes include murder, kidnapping, theft, terrorist act, hostage taking and others.

Crimes that can be tried with 14 years:

terrorist act, an act of international terrorism, training in the implementation of terrorist activities;

participation in a terrorist community, in the activities of a terrorist organization, in an illegal armed group;

failure to report a crime and knowingly false report about an act of terrorism
hostage taking;

hijacking a ship of air or water transport or a train;

participation in the riots;

hooliganism with aggravating circumstances, vandalism;

the use of vehicles or means of communication;

illegal manufacture, purchase, transfer, sale, storage, transportation or carrying of explosives or explosive devices;

embezzlement or extortion weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices
theft or extortion of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances;

encroachment on the life of a state or public figure, an attack on persons or institutions who are internationally protected.

Tightening current legislation:

Punishment for aiding terrorism, according to the package of bills, can be commensurate with the punishment for committing a terrorist act.

Committing a crime in the context of armed conflict or military action can be an aggravating circumstance.

It is proposed to raise the level of responsibility for the financing of terrorism for a term ranging from 10 to 15 years in prison.

Public calls for terrorist activities or publicly justifying terrorism on the Internet will face a fine of up to one million rubles or up to 5 - 7 years imprisonment with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to five years.

Obligations of telecom operators:

The package of draft laws obliges telecom operators to keep conversations, text messages and images on the territory of the Russian Federation for three years, to provide them at the request of special services. ”
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  1. +5
    April 8 2016 11: 43
    Well done! It is high time!!!
    Particularly pleased:
    Punishment for aiding terrorism, according to the package of bills, can be commensurate with the punishment for committing a terrorist act.

    It turns out that the relatives who sheltered the terrorists will now be on par with them ...
    1. -3
      April 8 2016 11: 47
      Well, let's move there ....! It’s hard for the specialists to work very much .. There are a lot of these devils in Russia, but they cannot take it! am
      1. +3
        April 8 2016 11: 50
        Convicted terrorists with two or more citizenships can deprive the citizenship of the Russian Federation

        It turns out that if a terrorist has one citizenship, then he can’t be deprived of Russian citizenship? In my opinion, if you are a terrorist, then citizenship must be deprived, regardless of how many foreign passports you have!
        1. -2
          April 8 2016 11: 53
          Quote: SRC P-15
          Convicted terrorists with two or more citizenships can deprive the citizenship of the Russian Federation

          It turns out that if a terrorist has one citizenship, then he can’t be deprived of Russian citizenship?

          It can be shot ...! Dibilov (in networks) a lot of divorced and it's time to learn ....
          1. +5
            April 8 2016 12: 02
            And one would like to equate it with anti-Russian, which means terrorist activity, propaganda, negative, disgusting remarks addressed to the people. Vatniki, Colorado, bydlo ..., to take for ... all these Sobchachek, and other vile creatures, such as the Kasyanovs, those who gathered in Vilnius, who pour mud, humiliate and insult Russia and its people!
    2. +7
      April 8 2016 12: 58
      The State Duma will consider a package of amendments to anti-terrorism legislation
      And what could not be considered before these amendments? The question is vital.
  2. +5
    April 8 2016 11: 44
    all this had to be done about 15 years ago. but better late than never
    1. 0
      April 8 2016 11: 46
      Quote: vkl.47
      all this had to be done about 15 years ago. but better late than never

      It was impossible, then all sorts of liberals would raise a stench to the whole world, plus the HRC would calmly repeal this law ...
      1. +3
        April 8 2016 12: 12
        Stink to be afraid, not toilets to bomb ...
  3. +2
    April 8 2016 11: 48
    it is proposed to consolidate a new corpus delicti - "international terrorism"

    Oh yeah, now all sorts of fighters who go to help in the ATO, Syria, etc. will not give them the right to live quietly in the Russian Federation.
  4. APS
    April 8 2016 11: 52
    That's right, all this is needed, but interesting, but how is it to keep records of conversations for 3 years? ETOGES what amount of information, is it really possible for our operators?
  5. +1
    April 8 2016 12: 00
    The proposals are good, but should have been accepted yesterday. But better later than never.
  6. +1
    April 8 2016 12: 06
    I totally agree. It’s time to make terrorism the most serious crime. And all that feeds him.
  7. -1
    April 8 2016 12: 30
    They wrote in the news that the National Guard (the keyboard gets stuck from this name) will be allowed to use weapons without warning. Don't fucking judge a terrorist. And, accomplices (including close relatives) should be given deadlines. Otherwise, in Dagestan, CTO will continue forever. After all, they knew how to deal with such a phenomenon (the forest brothers are an example). As soon as the majority were evicted, the "resistance" died down. Today, the court and the zone, it is more "civilized". You will not undermine. All the same, eviction under I.V. Stalin, the Criminal Code was not specified.
    1. 0
      April 8 2016 16: 32
      Do not repeat the nonsense that the media carry. This fucking bill is a collection of various provisions from the "Law on Police" and "Law on the Interior Ministry of the Russian Federation". And the norms for the use of weapons. special means and physical forces are completely copied from the "Law on Police", including the case of application without warning.
  8. +1
    April 8 2016 12: 49
    Good law, I would add to each point: drugs, without any compulsory treatment, at the expense of the state, as well as sects of various kinds
  9. 0
    April 8 2016 12: 56
    Librastic masks reset?!. Or another fake? Words can only be confirmed by deed. And if a fee is assigned for the issuance of these ghouls, things may move from the dead center of liberalism.
  10. hartlend
    April 8 2016 13: 33
    Here is a model of statehood introduced to us from the west. Any sound initiative takes a long time and all the steam goes into a whistle. So with this undertaking. It has long been necessary to enter and say - that’s all working. Need more authority to the head of state. One person makes a decision and is responsible for it. Collective irresponsibility is best studied by the example of other states.
  11. bad
    April 8 2016 13: 54
    Lawmakers have proposed stripping citizenship of terrorists,
    ... citizenship must be deprived of liberals .. terrorists just to wet without bringing to trial .. imho ..
  12. +1
    April 8 2016 20: 19
    participation in the riots;

    hooliganism with aggravating circumstances, vandalism;

    the use of vehicles or means of communication;

    From the age of 14. Juvenile football fans and graffiti players, if desired, go under this article almost without exception. Terrorists damn it.
    The UN does not approve of the complete deprivation of citizenship, some should remain. The Russian Federation naturally supports all international treaties in this regard.
  13. 0
    April 9 2016 00: 08
    Cool! it is also necessary to introduce the same penalties for complicity with the 5th column, etc. And then having heard not long ago from a colleague at work that the quote - "It would be better if Germany conquered us, now they would live in Germany", eh, I would have been imprisoned for that! Our grandfathers gave their lives, and these bastards .... I simply have no words. angry