Color revolution as the “star of death”

The color revolutions exported by the United States to independent countries are considered by experts as special operations to “change the regime” to pro-American through revolutionary technologies, with the inclusion in the revolution-coup d'etat of significant masses of people who are pro-Western media suggest that they deserve the best, and only the “corrupt” regime and retarded, is this obstacle.

At the same time the scale and destructive power of color revolutions amazes: they usually begin as peaceful protests and carnival, and end with a bloody civil strife with unforeseen consequences even for their organizers. In Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Georgia, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine - everywhere we see, under a curtain of revolutions, assault groups of extremists, from Al Qaeda, Pora and Muslim Brotherhood to ISIL and Bandera's Right Sector, who, by the way, willingly cooperate with each other.

The fact is that revolutions, by virtue of their extremism, give rise to anti-systems, real “death stars” for the maternal national ethnic systems, according to the passionary theory of L.N. Gumilev. The national systems that have been invaded by the death stars are literally threatened with destruction to the ground, since the “star” is a social parasite that exists at the expense of the resources of the affected ethnic group, but does not create anything.

An anti-system, according to Gumilev, is “the integrity of people with a negative attitude, striving to simplify the maternal system, that is, to reduce the density of its systemic connections. In the limit, the density of system links is reduced to zero, which means the destruction of the system, whether it be a state or an ethnic group.

The antisystem develops a common worldview for its members. Regardless of the specific ideology, it produces one unifying attitude: the denial of the real world as a complex and diverse system in the name of some abstract goals. Among the members of the anti-systems are dominated by people with a futuristic sense of time, in which the future is considered the only real, the past - gone into non-existence, and the present is regarded as a threshold of the future. Thus, the realization of the goals of the anti-system is always related to the future.

The ideology of an anti-system always opposes itself to any ethnic tradition, which is understood as the hierarchy of stereotypes and rules of behavior. Consequently, the anti-system always strives for the moral destruction of the ethnic group, from among whose representatives it incorporates its new members. ” In fact, the anti-system simplifies the culture of the ethnos in Ukraine today to the folklore, embroidery and ideological consumer goods.

Due to the circumstances of the Soviet era, Gumilev explores anti-systems of deep antiquity, their characteristic feature, due to the underdevelopment of communications, was that they were born in the body of the system, and fought the maternal system one-on-one. This did not, by the way, give particular advantages to the maternal system, since the split of society could be very deep, and then the anti-system had chances of winning, and sometimes won. But then, in view of its destructiveness, it inevitably split up, gave rise to passionate consortia, which were reborn into a new, already creative system.

American colored "death stars" are distinguished by the fact that they are of a borderline, often intercivilizational nature, created for the abstract purposes of justice, human rights, but according to Western and American, "universal standards", by this their ideologists justify foreign intervention. Generally, it is not a big secret that the universal human rhetoric of the United States covers up the goal of subjugating independent countries and turning them into colonies; moreover, part of the indigenous elites and population agrees with this, hoping to receive benefits from the “civilized choice”, albeit colonial, American superpower. And betraying the national interests of his country, turning into a pro-American "fifth column".

However, the superpower's good intentions do not cancel the nature of the invasion of the “death stars”. It all depends on the size of the country: here size matters a lot. Sometimes the antisystem storm troopers (the so-called “bitch sons and“ moderate terrorists ”) Washington manage to pacify, as in a small Kosovo, but in large ethnic groups and states this turns into Al-Qaeda, ISIS and the“ Right Sector ”.

The first, and the largest, the size of a civilization, was the red “star of death” of the Russian revolution 1917 of the year. However, by virtue of her birthright, and since she was part of the planned even more ambitious World Communist revolution, her story unique: it repeated the path of the victorious anti-systems of antiquity: it was reborn through the split and “devouring the children of the revolution” of the anti-system (the Trotskyist permanent revolution) into the constructive Soviet system.

Led by a consistent supporter of the “world revolution” L. Trotsky, the red anti-system was, in part, destroyed in the gulag by Stalin, with the help of his “Bolshevik Party”, partly joined the Stalinist “socialism in a single country”. The rebirth of the red anti-system became possible due to the fact that the Russian revolution did not receive support from the World revolution, as a result of the blockade by the capitalist world, and, on the other hand, it mastered the resources of the entire Russian Empire.

By the way, the first blow to the red anti-system was delivered by its leader V.I. Lenin, when the catastrophic situation at the beginning of the 20s in Russia, after the victory in the Civil War, forced him to introduce the NEP, in fact, return to the old economic system. In this sense, having finished off Trotsky's "permanent world" antisystem, Stalin continued the "work of Lenin," and built, in fact, planned state capitalism under the control of the Bolshevik Party. The victory of Soviet Russia over German and European fascism in 1945 showed that Stalin had fulfilled his historic mission.

Today's colored "death stars" are not original and not independent in their development, unlike the first red "star", and are commonplace instruments of foreign intervention. One of the developers of the technology of color revolutions, the notorious American professor Gene Sharp, directly pointed out in his writings that he relied on the experience of the Russian revolution 1917 of the year.

The works of Gene Sharp can be found on the Internet, but, in general, the technology of creating a colored "death star" consists of literally five steps to make a revolution in any country, based on the "fifth" pro-western column inside the country. To this puppet, the US is demanding that they hand over power, blackmailing anything: from Western values ​​and the visa regime, to the threat of bombardment in order to protect "the interests of democracy".

After the fall of the USSR, a long list of countries that Washington was throwing "death stars" was formed. The world’s exclusive superpower has put production of “color revolutions” under the pretext of “spreading democracy” in the world. The expansion of the USA that is happening before our eyes through the production of anti-systems has no precedent. In the words of the English historian A. Toynbee, this is “the archiagression of the West.”

Few countries were able to reflect the "death stars" because behind them was the financial and military might of Washington. If necessary, it is applied, as in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya and Syria. Among the few who managed to reflect the "death star" - Egypt, whose army weapons destroyed the "moderate terrorists" Muslim brothers Mursi. Syria has also survived, but it provides substantial assistance to Russia, the civil war in this country is still going on.

The largest “death star” was Bandera’s Ukraine, here its implementation and maturation operation, supported by 5 billion, according to V. Nuland, was successful and ended with the “national revolution” of February 22 of the year. Including thanks to the Bandera underground, preserved since World War II with German-European fascism. However, the Bandera "star" is also unique in that it is on the borders of Russia and the civilizational fault.

Western and Bandera strategists do not hide the fact that it is directed against Russia, with the aim of spreading the Bandera "star" to Russia. And, according to Gumilev, they have chances for “Maidan in Russia”, since the anti-system always seeks to destroy the entire ethnic group, and the Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians are just one superethnos. (Therefore, “Russian nationalists” adjoin Bandera, so there will never be peace between Bandera and Russia: this hostility is deadly for each of the parties.)

However, the Bandera "death star" collided with Russia, which has not only its own drive, but also the technological and military might of a great power, such as Yugoslavia did not have.

From the theory of passionarity it follows that any successful revolution creates an anti-system, thanks to which it, in fact, defeats the maternal system. But the color "death star" consists of two parts: the external anti-system, practically, the western agents, and the internal anti-system, the original, in this case, Bandera, which she uses, and then she needs to get rid of her.

After the victory of the “national revolution”, the internal anti-system always unfolds, and it starts to demolish everything wrong for it. Including the Western puppets of the external anti-system, when they find themselves in her way (“the regime of internal occupation”). A "regime", in turn, brings down the repression of Bandera Nazi-patriots.

This is the notorious phenomenon of “devouring its children by revolution”, according to another classification, the “night of long knives”. The deadly struggle between the revolutionary parties of the anti-system for the "real ideals of the revolution" is inevitable, no matter how it was postponed by external American curators.

Since the anti-system essentially does not give birth, it can only shout out slogans and fight, the Bandera anti-system will sooner or later rise up against the “internal occupation regime”, this will be a variant of the revolutionary civil strife, the second stage of the “national revolution”, it can also be called “Stalinist” a continuation. The second option: Bandera Ukraine will declare war on Russia, it can be called a permanent “Trotskyist” continuation of the anti-system revolution. Theoretically, we should see one of these scenarios soon. Is their combination possible? While the story does not know the answer to this question ...
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  1. Riv
    16 March 2016 06: 04
    This is what I call: the predictor is in the mood.
    1. +21
      16 March 2016 07: 03
      Quote: Riv
      This is what I call: the predictor is in the mood.

      If not all of you, then many as a child read Volkov’s wonderful book, "Urfin Juice and His Wooden Soldiers." The soldiers of Oorfene were good to all, brave, tireless, did not require food and drink, but had the only drawback. They were impenetrably stupid. Doesn’t resemble anything? As a child, I, of course, did not suspect that Volkov was a brilliant predictor, before whom Vanga and Nostradamus should take off their hats. Because there was another book about which not everyone knew. It was called the Fiery God of the Marrans. So, the Marrans once lived next to hardworking miners, but they longed for a better life and they left their neighbors. For a long time of wanderings, the Marrans went wild to the point that they forgot how to even handle fire. But they learned to jump great. So that all neighboring countries began to call them the country of jumpers. And then, descending on an eagle (John Biden), Urfin Juce brought them fire and taught them how to build wooden houses and make alcohol. For this, the inhabitants of the country had to hard work to extract precious stones for him.
      If the modern rulers of the country of jumpers and their overseas patrons did not rob young children in childhood, but read good books. Then they would have to know how that story ended.
    2. +7
      16 March 2016 07: 23
      I sympathize, there is nothing more to say, so at least "spit in borscht" ...
      1. Riv
        16 March 2016 08: 01
        Yes, if only in borscht ... But there, since we are talking about children's fairy tales, the famous French soup "burdo".
        Well, nonsense. Still the Jedi would be dragged. Imagine Medvedev riding a spaceship and dropping a bomb from ten kilometers straight into the enemy’s toilet.
  2. +13
    16 March 2016 06: 28
    The revolution devours its creators - history teaches. Perhaps Russia was the first to succeed in destroying the energy of destruction (Trotsky) into the energy of creation (Stalin). As a result, a powerful power (USSR) offered the world an alternative development path, won the Second World War, mastered space, etc.
    1. +6
      16 March 2016 06: 54
      Any revolution requires pennies, and considerable ... But where they came from is known, this is not a secret. And in Ukraine there would be nothing without external intervention ... This, in principle, is clear to everyone
      1. +7
        16 March 2016 07: 50
        This is for sure - money, money, money, from time immemorial. From foreign sponsors who care about the welfare of your people. Let us recall once again the Second Congress of the RSDLP with which the history of the CPSU begins. At first, they gathered in Geneva, from where they were kicked out so that they would not engage in subversive activities. But they were immediately attracted by London and provided a not weak amount of money from "private donations of English gentlemen". And the French Revolution was certainly not made without British and German money. Experts will easily confirm or (which is very molar-believing) refuted.
        1. +2
          16 March 2016 07: 58
          Quote: Blondy
          . Specialists with ease will confirm

          And on whose money the counter-revolution was made in 91, when the current ones came to power ???? wink
          1. +3
            16 March 2016 08: 37
            Actually, the counter-revolution is a bit from another opera. Yes, I’m not a specialist, there are so many foundations and public organizations that arose after 85, and all for grants. And then there is such a category as an agent of influence, Lenin, Yakovlev (although Yakovlev would not do harm, they say that he was recruited, but Kryuchkov was afraid to arrest).
            1. +2
              16 March 2016 12: 06
              Well, some kind of agent of influence, Lenin, he achieved his goal, possibly with foreign money. So he shod foreign suckers in full. Stalin completed the work of Lenin, building the great Soviet empire and also did not hesitate to take money and technology from foreign capital. But we can repeat this while we ask for the great deeds of our ancestors and don’t take the money, but store it in foreign cash desks, act as notebook lohs, a big difference.
              1. 0
                16 March 2016 15: 35
                Quote: varov14
                Well, some kind of agent of influence, Lenin, he achieved his goal, possibly with foreign money.

                So this is the agent of influence, he does not need to be recruited, he does everything that is necessary for the benefit of the interested party, he is helped with money (and sometimes does not help), and if necessary, he is pushed in the right direction in a gentle manner.

                After all, there are many carriers of all sorts of different ideas, you just need to choose the most suitable one and create "competitive advantages" for him - a purely directed selection from biology. Let us recall, for example, "Pussy Riot" - from the same opera, no one would have dealings with their own kind, but for the destruction of Russian moral foundations - a completely different matter. Nobody recruited them either.
          2. +3
            16 March 2016 09: 32
            Quote: afdjhbn67
            And on whose money the counter-revolution was made in 91, when the current ones came to power ????

            laughing And this is called "The circulation of money in nature" !!!
          3. 0
            16 March 2016 12: 09
            And on whose money the counter-revolution was made in 91, when the current ones came to power ????

            Among other sponsors of "democratic" transformations in Russia, and these well-known gentlemen.
            1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          16 March 2016 09: 31
          Quote: Blondy
          Yes, and the French Revolution certainly not without British and German money was made.

          The French revolution of 1870 of the year was made with the money of Rothschild IV and he had a pretty good fuck.
        3. +1
          16 March 2016 09: 53
          Quote: Blondy
          Yes, and the French Revolution certainly not without British and German money was made.

          The 1870 revolution of the year was made with the money of Rothschild IV. By the way, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, being in the depths of Siberian ores, transferred 53% of his share to Lord Jacob Rothschild what
          1. 0
            16 March 2016 12: 12
            A Jew and a fool.
        4. 0
          16 March 2016 11: 52
          The whole question is in the goal, and the means, they are the means - money does not smell. If the elite is rotten and expresses the interests of a foreign state, then we get the destruction and liquidation of their own nation, or at least enslavement. Well, good intentions, relying on the majority of the nation, lead to good results, although initially they probably relied on foreign capital. Simply, the foreign capital was blown away and did not achieve its goals. Unfortunately, a consumer society can now be bought for ordinary cookies and the ability to jump, so this indicates our degradation and debilitation, well, here we are blaming foreign capital, he is looking for new consumers for his beads and glass and is looking quite successfully. The rotten elite and the people are degenerate, one is always connected with the other.
  3. +2
    16 March 2016 06: 31
    I think it’s more complicated.
    1. 0
      16 March 2016 11: 59
      I think it's harder

      Or maybe everything is much simpler. Do not complicate the obvious. Obviously, in all situations that seem complicated, confusing, unsolvable, a natural question arises:
      "What's the reason, what's the matter?"
      The answer is always one:
      "It's about money."
      The more complicated the situation, the more money is spent on its complication.
      It also becomes obvious who is creating this situation and who is supporting. Anyone who has enough money to create a new "death star" and to whom these "stars" always bring only profit, super profit, despite the "small" costs for them, amounting to billions of green bills.
      With that kind of money, it's hard to remain unknown. You can stay in the shade for a while. But at the same time keep on a short leash everyone who serves the main interest of their real owner, their breadwinner, their roof. Each, on its own step in the hierarchical ladder. This whole staircase, with all the steps, in our age of information technology, is becoming more and more obvious, that is, visible to the naked eye.
      Everything is simple and obvious!
      The article about the "death stars" is good for those who can think and want to see, to the best of their ability, cause-effect relationships in the chain: "yesterday-today-tomorrow."
      "Tomorrow" is not always obvious and can be completely unpredictable, especially for those who do not want to look there.
      But in the recent "yesterday" you can look and think about our "tomorrow".
      Here are excerpts from a speech Margaret Thatcher, made a few weeks before the treacherous Bialowieza Agreement, in November 1991 in Houston, USA, at a meeting of the American Petroleum Institute
  4. +5
    16 March 2016 06: 34
    Gumilyov’s antisystem is “the integrity of people with a negative attitude,

    We have such people ... they feel good when others feel bad, they are sure to try to spit their neighbor in a bowl of soup during dinner and feel fine after that.

    It’s dangerous to ignore them ... they can sit on your head,
    hit in the face ... not tolerant ...
    contact the police .... there they try not to mess with such ...

    generally hemorrhoid ... difficult to treat.
    1. +2
      16 March 2016 07: 22
      Quote: The same Lech
      Gumilyov’s antisystem is “the integrity of people with a negative attitude,

      It’s dangerous to ignore them ... they can sit on your head,
      hit in the face ... not tolerant ...
      contact the police .... there they try not to mess with such ...
      generally hemorrhoid ... difficult to treat.

      ... except perhaps - "death squads" ...
      ... or Cheka ...
      And here it is - you can try!
    2. +7
      16 March 2016 07: 28
      This is called the "fifth column", in general, one democratic medicine is known: in ancient Greece, such, even philosophers, were ostracized and expelled from the country, Socrates was offered to leave, but he chose a stronger continuation ...
    3. +1
      16 March 2016 12: 15
      The funny thing is that they try to spit on the bowl of soup, as it were, the most successful ones, morality however.
  5. +6
    16 March 2016 06: 38
    The first, and largest, the size of civilization, was the red "death star" of the Russian Revolution of 1917... Here is more detailed .. in February 1917..on what color was it ... When the then elite forced the abdication of the emperor ..?
    1. +2
      16 March 2016 07: 45
      More ... The anti-system was already there, because it doesn’t call itself a revolution like that, and doesn’t even feel itself as such, and never covers the whole revolution, there are a lot of romantics at its beginning.

      Of course, the abdication of the emperor was not demanded by the leaders of the anti-system, although they demanded it too. However, Kerensky was already very anti-system. "What a snot, he will ruin everything," Academician Pavlov said about him, and he ruined his government, and the already red anti-system took power in his hands. Any theory is dry, life is more diverse ...

      In general, the intelligentsia had been preparing the Russian revolution for 100 years, so what happened was inevitable for internal reasons, Russian Marxists came to a well-manured field. For the same reason, that the Russian field has already "burned out", a new revolution in Russia seems impossible.
      1. +1
        16 March 2016 12: 32
        A revolution in Russia may not be possible, but the task of Western capital and the further collapse of the state is very easy. We are enthusiastic remodelers, import substitutes, etc. but we don’t like to work, enthusiasm ran out along with the golden age of Brezhnev. It was there during the stagnation period that my city and the country itself grew by leaps and bounds, personal well-being grew. Throwing his coffin into the grave, we apparently rejected our success.
      2. +2
        16 March 2016 12: 45
        For the same reason, that the Russian field has already "burned out", a new revolution in Russia seems impossible.

        This is comforting, if Kuchma is to be believed, who claims that "Ukraine is not Russia."
        But it is also alarming if we remember that the pseudo-state "Ukraine" is a severed part of the Russian world. It was the Russian people who supported the "revolution of dignity" and followed the "death star". We cannot relax! New generations are entering the world under conditions of information terror. And new ghosts that "roam Europe" can beckon the young, given over to the system of state pro-Western education.
  6. +4
    16 March 2016 06: 45
    The great French Revolution and the National Socialists in Germany were also anti-systems. It was from them that the expressions "the revolution devours its children" and "the night of long knives" came from. As a result, in each case, the dictator, Napoleon and Hitler, came to power, and after restoring order, they began to seize territories. And this is also a possible option for Ukraine.
    And if we talk about the introduction of antisystems, then it must be said about the USSR - it did not collapse on its own, Western "values" were successfully introduced to the leadership.
  7. +4
    16 March 2016 07: 08
    Actually, the author did not discover anything new, especially about the situation in the second-hand. Everything was predictable from the very beginning, the scenario was played out according to the classical scheme. The question was only in terms of implementation of the stages of "piesa", but there were certain moments in the form of possible forks. And so everything went exactly as they said to the skulks since December 2013: instead of one "panda" came another, more greedy one, the "Darwin's hundred" were ritually slaughtered by the "maydanuts" themselves and their puppeteers, a split in society and civil war are present , utilization of "passionaries" is proceeding gradually and in different forms (who are smarter, those quickly jumped off the steam locomotive: from radical militants to party building), the economy is in ruins, and sponsors are no longer giving money, the collapse of the country has actually taken place, but has not yet been completed, the process of sale of land and other state-owned assets begins / continues.
    By the way, if you don’t know, then they all call it a victory over Russia.
  8. +3
    16 March 2016 09: 11
    In dill, there would be no first or second maydaun if there weren’t some part of the stubborn, stupid, brown Lord God forgive the population. With a Nazi screech, destroying their own country, they believe that they make pits very painful.
  9. -1
    16 March 2016 09: 38
    But is Russia an antisystem for the whole "civilized" world, a death star? According to Gumilyov, it turns out that this is so. Yes, and in relation to the Russian Federation, the West too. I want to console myself with the fact that all relations are created artificially, based on the interests of the parties. If there is no compromise in relations, then the strongest side, in contrast to the rest of the community, creates an anti-system to completely subordinate itself to the “backfired” side.
    1. 0
      16 March 2016 12: 01
      It is impossible to agree. Intercivilizational relations are complex, they can be hostile and friendly. They are not "death stars" for each other, because they feel themselves, identify themselves as strangers to each other.

      The "death star" is always "own" for the mother system, to a greater or lesser extent, the same is true for the Bandera "star" in relation to Russia.

      Another civilization for hostile purposes can use and create "death stars", as the United States is doing today. Therefore, it is easier for Russia to come to an agreement with the customer of the "star" - in this case with the United States, than with the leadership of the "star". It is impossible to come to an agreement with him at all until it grows wiser, that is, inter-party strife does not occur, and the "star" explodes, transforming into something adequate.
      1. 0
        16 March 2016 15: 57
        One can agree and no. An example is the collapse of the Union with the further development of events.
  10. 0
    16 March 2016 09: 40
    Gumilev "studies anti-systems of deep antiquity" not "due to the circumstances of the Soviet era", but due to the term "closeness aberration" he himself introduced, the essence of which is that the observer is not able to adequately assess the events of his day. And these are not years, or even decades ...
    1. +3
      16 March 2016 11: 46
      The proximity aberration is, of course, but the force of circumstances, too, Gumilev could not say out loud about the red anti-system, although he gave a full description of it. The third time in the camps is death, and there was no one to say, no one would understand this, due to the aberration of vision.
      However, realizing that he fell under the "wheel of history", in the form of an anti-system, Gumilev did not become a dissident, did not fight with its consequences in the form of the Soviet system, already creative, but, on the contrary, helped this new system, worked for it, and spoke against the democrats at the beginning of perestroika. "I am not a democrat, I have a profession."
  11. +1
    16 March 2016 11: 39
    First of all, Ukraine was not lucky with the national leader, as was lucky for Belarus, Kazakhstan, and later Russia.
  12. 0
    16 March 2016 13: 00
    The development of methods for displacing objectionable leaders in other countries of the United States has been engaged for a long time and thoroughly.
    There are several US government-funded institutions that focus on this particular business.
    As long as the color revolutions bear fruit, they will continue.
    Then other mechanisms will be launched.
    There will always be "hot spots" on our planet as long as the United States continues to pursue a predatory, anti-human foreign policy.
  13. 0
    16 March 2016 13: 03
    Leader - will become a leader only when he expresses the consolidated beliefs of the elite or the people. In the first case, he successfully rules; in the second, he is either quickly killed or sent to exile.
  14. 0
    16 March 2016 13: 05
    Color revolutions arise not because "enemies paid", but because their own "guarantors" have lost confidence.
  15. +1
    16 March 2016 16: 38
    The most effective way to suppress the color revolution, when the crowd of protesters is already ready for "great" accomplishments, is the opening of fire from small arms, (possibly from grenade launchers, too) point-blank and from the flanks until the complete elimination of everyone and everything.
    Then there will be a lot of screeching from all cracks, far and near, but it works well. All who speak will be from all so-called. The media, by the morning of the next day, should disappear from the "event horizon" the next morning.
    Cruel? NOT SMART? Inhuman? But the country is safe!
    Minus .... He said that I think.
  16. 0
    16 March 2016 16: 54
    Again about the sea .....
    Don't make ends meet, despite the fact that the concept itself is interesting.
    Here's a look:
    "... The ideology of the anti-system is always contrasts itself with any ethnic tradition, which refers to the hierarchy of stereotypes and rules of behavior. Consequently, the antisystem always strives for the moral destruction of the ethnos, from among whose representatives it incorporates its new members ”
    "... a blow to the red anti-system was struck by its leader V.I.Lenin, when a catastrophic situation ... forced him to introduce the NEP, in fact, to return to old management system. "
    Well, how exactly is it connected - ANTISYSTEM as a destroyer of ethnic groups and the economic system?
    Lenin was afraid of the destruction of the ethnic group of Russians? Or what ethnic group? Marxist-Leninist, for example, with problems in pronouncing the letters -r-?
    Or am I misunderstanding something?
    Well done L. Gumilyov was. He knew what he was doing. Tight knew.
    Therefore, he considered exclusively ANCIENT ethnic groups and passionaries. With their passion.
    How did they manage there - to the bulldozer.
    The main thing is that it’s a whim that got into the head, it’s impossible to knock it out of Ottudov ... etc. like there at Nekrasov.
    I do not believe that a whole country can suddenly go crazy.
    I do not believe.
    1. 0
      16 March 2016 17: 31
      It turns out that you are a believer ... so much so that you do not believe in the power of the media and television, backed up by storm troops. As for Lenin, he was a practical politician, and saw that following the Marxist dogmas leads to disaster, the beautiful theory in which he believed did not come true in practice, the policy of "war communism" failed.

      That is why the anti-system explodes, splits, giving rise to creative consortia looking for a way out. Lenin was the first such splinter, but he only managed to say: NEP, and left for a better world. His business was literally continued by Stalin, the "gray business executive", he was able to destroy the talented leader of the revolution Trotsky and his "permanent star of the world revolution."
    2. 0
      16 March 2016 23: 13
      "... The ideology of the anti-system always opposes itself to any ethnic tradition ...
      --- That's right, just a little clarification,
      in its formation, the antisystem is based on ethnos and national ideas, and the conflict matures later, it can be 5 and 25 years old, but it is inevitable.
      ... a blow to the red anti-system was delivered by its leader V.I. Lenin, when a catastrophic situation ... forced him to introduce the NEP, in fact, to return to the old economic system. "or, ... Well, how is it specifically connected - ANTISYSTEM as a destroyer of ethnic groups and the economic system?

      --- The system will ensure its survival in all ways,
      and no need to try to standardize them, it is unpredictable and always original, the main result.
  17. Fat
    16 March 2016 18: 27
    And I just liked the article, though not indisputable, but extremely interesting. Thanks to the author, excellent, I would say "elegant", the version turned out, which has all the rights to attention.
  18. wow
    16 March 2016 20: 15
    "vilna that nezalezhna" went into the blast! Today, on ukroradio (in the car): "... to all citizens who have noticed suspicious people in the city of Nikolaev or Niko-oh region who are inclining people to SEPARATISM and terrorism, report by phone. ...). Alles Khandets, as our German said "partners" in April-May 1945 ....