Why do liberals need heavy artillery?


Against the background of all that “fun” that is going on in the former USSR, one cannot fail to recall one noble Ukrainian and defector, Rezun, and not to turn over his “immortal ideas”. It is impossible not to laugh at a very old fan of Makhno’s father and not to admire his “foresight”: “Everything turned out, Ukraine became free!”.

Let me remind you of the main fabric of his science fiction novels: the Soviet system was ineffective, people flee from socialism in droves, so you need to capture the whole world, so you need mountains weapons. And even the Soviet security officers had heavy howitzers. Something like this. It is interesting. And the ancestors of Rezun were from Ukraine, and he was very tightly associated with this country. Well, he, like Ukraine, was lucky. They still managed to escape from the embrace of the USSR and begin to build their own separate life. As comrade Rezun taught us, life outside the totalitarian system (and especially the life of a simple Ukrainian) will be free, rich and happy.

I just wanted to analyze all this history in terms of freedom. You know, I completely believe in freedom of choice. And I think this is a fundamental, basic value. And indeed, a society in which people must be held by force has no prospects (here Rezun is right again). Sooner or later, such a system will fall apart. And people will flee like wildebeest from the pen. You see, the ambush of any law is that it is common. That is, it applies not only to this particular case, but also “in general”. Kai is a man, so Kai is mortal. Parallel straight (no matter whose) obstinately refuse to intersect. Although, of course, there is a unique principle: the territorial integrity of Georgia. It is only Georgia. Centuries, minutes of the millennium will pass, and only Georgia will remain unchanged. The principle is as follows. But seriously, this was all voiced after Kosovo and it was not very convenient to speak simply about the “principle of territorial integrity”, therefore the “principle of Georgia’s territorial integrity”. Funny.

So, about freedom. I agree, the basic and core value. This is me without irony. The very freedom that tempted us so long in the USSR and the lack of which was so long stabbed. A civilized person must be free. And this is true, and freedom must be fought. The problem is that the principle is common and applies to all. This is something many people don’t want to consider. Did “those who stood on the Maidan” have the right to express their opinion and to exercise their political rights? Yes, definitely. The problem is that the inhabitants of the Crimea and the Donbass had exactly the same rights. For this there is a representative democracy to resolve such contradictions. I have political rights, but my opponent also has political rights. So, in order to resolve the contradiction that arises, we use the “representative democracy” technology. And everyone is happy.

Rather, almost everything. As we remember, the south-east of Ukraine was corny richer and had more population than the north-west. Therefore, elections could be held infinitely; they did not give the “necessary” result. That's exactly the reason for the two Maidan-forcibly change the course of history. That is, it is important, not who and how votes, but who and how “jumps” in Kiev. And yes, the pro-Western / anti-Russian propaganda went on endlessly, but this all did not give the "necessary" result. By the way, I am against the second Maidan (and against the first) precisely because I adhere to liberal views. In the sense that the main value is freedom. You know, I am an extremist in terms of freedom. So, I am against the Maidan for this reason: on the Maidan your freedom is stolen. And this is somehow not good at all.

Then these complex, multi-level democratic / electoral procedures were invented to take into account the opinion of the most diverse segments of the population. And yes, in Ukraine, elections (including under Yanukovych) were held regularly and no one canceled them. There was democracy in Ukraine. Was, because there is no longer and never will be, but it was, albeit very imperfect. Paradoxically, but it is the Ukrainian example that confirms (from the opposite) the advantages of the democratic form of government: the more consensus in society is reached, the less violence is required for management. Mass executions are, of course, the best management method, and, of course, only they will save the Motherland, which has been torn by the enemies, but somehow I wanted to avoid it. Therefore, democracy. And let everyone express their opinion about the future of the country. The tragedy of Ukraine was that serious external players categorically did not suit such a “consensus”.

By the way, all claims to Russia for respecting sovereignty, which so often sound, for example from Minsk (and before that came from Kiev), frankly, I am genuinely surprised. Surprise to the depths of the soul, because it is impossible to respect what is not in principle. I, thank God, is not a politician, so I can speak directly. After all, not only the United States or Germany, but even Poland, even Lithuania (Lithuania !!), categorically refuse to respect the sovereignty of Belarus (and Ukraine, of course). Or am I wrong? Even in impoverished third-rate Vilnius, no one respects the state sovereignty of Belarus: propaganda, subversive activities and preparations for regime change are open. De facto, the official Minsk is not even recognized there.

The position of Western countries in relation to the same Belarus is very simple: Lukashenko is the last dictator of Europe. The regime should be changed, which is typical; at the same time, no one is interested in the opinion of Belarusians and is not going to be interested. Strange democracy, huh? A certain group of "wise men" makes decisions for ten million people, without asking their opinions. Moreover, the West is treated with great respect in Belarus: no one is going to be rude and make sharp remarks. And to demand "respect for sovereignty", too. According to the experience of Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Libya, it can be said with confidence that the "demolition of the regime" can take place with a lot of blood and a complete collapse of the economy. That's exactly what its liberal European friends are planning for Belarus. This is quite strange for me when people of “liberal” views support the coup d'etat and the subsequent mess. At the same time, no one is particularly interested in the opinion of the population to be “blessed”. His fate, by the way, too.

This is very strange, such a contradiction in the views of the “liberals”: ​​on the one hand, freedom is good, and lack of freedom is bad (with which I fully agree); on the other hand, willingness to use violence on a large scale. But after all, widespread use of violence is just a “birthmark” of totalitarian regimes? Is not it so? In the same Ukraine: there was bribery, corruption, propaganda and implementation. But it didn't work out. Then the "democratic procedures" pushed aside, made an armed coup and simply put at the head of the country those people who organized the sponsors of the coup. They were not elected at all (within the country). After that, some leaders say that Putin is simply afraid of Ukrainian democracy. Excuse me, how can you be afraid of what has become?

In Ukraine, there was a dirty and bloody (with murders, fires and mass arrests) regime change in the interests of foreign powers. What can Putin be afraid of here, what democratic model can Russians see here? Classic African coup. What is there, sorry, interesting? “Yes, it was a million times!” Here in the CAR there was something similar, in Nigeria, the Congo ... The paradox is that it happened “in the middle of Europe” and all European liberal figures supported it. In fact, in order to push through one specific solution (Euro-Association), a coup was carried out by the forces of radicals and democracy was destroyed (which Radio Liberty told us for so long). And what is it, forgive, an example and what can you learn here? Roughly speaking, if the Ukrainians dreamed so much about the “Euro-Association”, then why couldn’t they vote for it? The thing is that Europe did not need all these "games", specifically Merkel was not ready to admit defeat, even temporarily, she needed a victory, and here, now and for free. And to hell with democracy!

You see, I remember that very USSR and that very ideology, and everything was, and everything was connected, and almost everything worked. From each according to his ability, to each according to his ability (joke). I literally get lost when I come across an ideology where one is said, but something is done that is absolutely not connected with it. Freedom of choice? Perfectly! A great base for a free society. Here is the Crimea and chose ... No, not right. They could not choose. And who could? Specially trained people from the closed list. You still do not know them. And the one who does not obey the order will be shot along with his family ... Are you still sure that we are talking about the same "free society" and "liberal ideology"?

In the last decades of the USSR, a lot was said about the “convergence” of the two systems. Somehow she unexpectedly passed, this convergence. The "free world" is forced to promote freedom, democracy and economic prosperity by purely forceful means. (Just what Western burghers frightened Comrade Rezun talking about the USSR.) Coups, gangs of armed Nazis, artillery firing on peaceful cities. If this is so great, and Mercedes is so much better than Zhiguli, then why so much blood? Adherents of the Western system like to ask this obvious answer: what is better from the brands of two cars. From the experience of Ukraine, the counter question immediately arises: why then so much blood?

By the way, from the experience of Yugoslavia or Iraq there arises about the same question. A new, progressive system boldly strides forward over millions of corpses. “With an iron hand, we will pound humanity happily, speak?” And at once, somehow everything is unstable in this most tolerant of all worlds, and at once, there are many enemies, threats ... with which we must fight. This situation is somehow familiar, just painfully familiar, it was all already, not with us, but it was. You know, when you really like Karl Marx, but not really like Laurent Beria. That's about the same feeling I feel, looking at the implementation of liberal ideas in the modern world to me.

I like the liberal ideas very much, I don’t like their implementation: Donbass didn’t understand the charms of European integration? So build West Berlin with Disneyland in Kiev! The problem is what? After all, Mercedes is always better than Zhiguli! And Disneyland is much better than the Gulag! And not only the residents of Donetsk and Lugansk, but also the Russians and Belarusians will see what kind of free, rich and free life is going on in the Euro-associated Ukraine. Instead, Donetsk is endlessly shelled, and people are dying there.

It is strange when you are one of the few who share liberal ideas and at the same time use logic: why kill those whom you want to make happy? EU membership, visa-free Schengen, salaries of two thousand euros and pensions of a thousand ... Is that bad? Noble Germans want to make Ukraine a rich, free and happy country? Fine, but what's the point of shelling Donetsk? Riddle. You see, in the same Europe it is very difficult to combine liberal ideas and shelling by landmines of the Donetsk quarters. These two things do not want to fit in one reality. When freedom of choice is declared the main value and massacres of those who have made the “wrong choice” are carried out at the same time, logic begins to protest.

Most often in the Western press contrasted "free Europe" and "totalitarian Russia". Different countries, different history, different culture, different policies. The priority of the individual and the priority of the state, freedom and non-freedom. Europe and Asia. Everything is fine, but the example of Donetsk somehow refutes it all. You can make any choice if this is our choice. Otherwise we will destroy you. The Donetsk residents were not going to go to Lviv and deprive the Westerners of their historical choice? So what's the problem? Who are they threatening? And then there is the thesis that the most important thing is the unity of the state. At any cost, even the massacre of the "rebels". Great, Comrade Nebuchadnezzar applauds with both hands. But then what have the liberal views and democratic values? What is more important for the European Union: the values ​​of ancient Assyria / Babylonia or the values ​​of the Great French Revolution? Where is the starting point?

And we are going back to four thousand years ago, when rebellious cities were simply wiped off the face of the Earth. The more everything changes, the more everything remains the same? Sardanapal and Catherine Ashton politically - twin brothers / sisters? Of course, the real policy has always departed from the values ​​declared as basic. But not so much! Not to the same extent. It is all one thing that in the era of absolutism it is frankly and publicly “chmorye” the blood orange. It is illogical somehow, I would even say, ridiculous. Yes, of course, the real power could be in the hands of the “gray cardinal”. But then he was gray, which formally for all the head of state remained the king. No options. In the USSR, often gigantic efforts were made to squeeze one or another managerial decision into the framework of ideology. Not always, by the way, successfully.

And here everything is much simpler: some very attractive things are declared for many things, and then a very tough policy is carried out, which is NOT connected with the declared ideology. Top arrogance. And then, when people begin to resent the “humanitarian bombardments” and Guantanamo, there comes something like this: why are you afraid of democracy? That is, the ideology (very attractive) and the real politician are divorced in different directions. And that “wonderful ideology” is substituted for all the “retaliatory” blows: they are against us, because they are against freedom ... You see, it is impossible to argue with a frank liar — you just have nothing to cling to. So it is here: there are generally accepted democratic countries and governments, any actions of which are automatically declared correct, logical and legal.

And there are countries and peoples, by definition, "undemocratic" (apparently, not the proportions of the skull of the population), which have no rights and which can be robbed and killed, as much as they please. There are those who worship Baal and other “perjurers”, there are Christians and pagan savages, there are true Aryans and “subhumans”. New edition of the old ideology. But if during these times it was openly declared that there is “us and them”, now everything is done much smarter: new principles are declared universal, but, in fact, they work very differently for different nations. And there is no limit to our misunderstanding: we are trying to study their ideology and point to obvious "inconsistencies." They are in response only cute smile: it does not concern you.

Therefore, to consider “liberal ideology” today is basically pointless: it is widely declared in the West, but it does not work in any way. Real politics is not connected with it at all, not even partially connected. Take, for example, the same Abkhaz people: they exist, they live, they must somehow build a political system of governance. And elections are regularly held in Abkhazia, and the West regularly refuses to recognize them. And what forgive the Abkhazians to do? Die? Put life "on pause"? Regardless of Russia, there is Abkhaz history, culture, language. But it is not interesting to anyone. Abkhazia is considered as a territory occupied by Russia, and that's it. The territory must be returned to Georgia, and everyone will be happy. But what about the Abkhaz? With their unique culture and complete rejection of the Georgian state? No way. Their opinion is not interesting to anyone. Their very existence is denied. Well, and how to combine it with “liberal values”?

In the end, who prevented the “European Commissioners” to establish direct contact with representatives of the very Abkhaz (or South Ossetian) people? Not recognizing them officially. Find out what their demands, fears, worries and sadness are. Try to understand them. Paradoxically, this could help (in due time) to preserve the territorial integrity of Georgia. But the European commissioners did just that - they relied on official Tbilisi, issued a blank check to any actions and closed their eyes to everything. In the end, what could the death of thousands and tens of thousands of natives mean to a civilized European?

Absolutely nothing. Tolerant Europeans followed the old patterns of colonial policy: set some natives against others. And then, weakening and subjugating the locals, create a new colony. Such are the "liberal values". For the Georgian state, it ended in a terrible disaster. It has, in fact, broken up. And after all these outrages, I still can not understand: why the Abkhaz are worse than Georgians and who prevented them from taking their interests into account when creating an independent Georgia? And how does this contradict the very liberal principles? The principles of real politics is also not inconsistent. The Abkhaz were essentially driven into a corner: either a complete orientation towards Russia, or genocide. Liberal Europeans did not want to offer them any other options. The same was true of Ossetians living in Georgia.

Why do liberals need heavy artillery?

At the same time, following the widely declared European principles of state-building eliminated all these contradictions: the Abkhaz and Ossetians would gain wide autonomy and self-government (like Switzerland), while Georgia would maintain its territorial integrity. And everyone is happy. Lepot But our dear European partners went a completely different way, from European liberal values ​​very far away. Instead of searching for an international compromise, the Clean Field operation was proposed. What kind of hints. Why do I write so long and hard about Abkhazia: they are not Russians, not Slavs, and they were not going to Russia at all. They just wanted to be heard. But they did not want to listen. The whole West was very "worried" about the problems of the Georgian people, but nobody noticed and did not notice the Abkhaz there. Again it is not clear, and why are Georgians “better” than the Abkhaz? And in general, where can you see the "gradation" of nations by their qualities? Well, to better navigate politics.

But an interesting task for an adept of liberal values: what should the Abkhaz do? How do they live in this beautiful world? That same foolish and amateurish policy that we observed in Ukraine, much earlier and in a much smaller volume was implemented in Georgia. By the way, Ukraine could also be easily saved on the basis of European liberal values. Surprised? In the meantime, it is. The implementation of the very principles that are obligatory in Europe (respect for the language and culture of national minorities) completely rescued Ukraine from the threat of internal armed unrest. And all the glory would be given to European politicians, and Ukraine would become, no, not France, but the second (or third after Georgia) Switzerland, which undoubtedly shares the same European values ​​that they were refused to give.

The situations are similar both in Georgia and in Ukraine: for many years Western politicians have listened attentively to ONE side of the conflict, completely ignoring the other. And looking for a way out of the impasse. The second side of the conflict within Georgia and within Ukraine does not exist for them - there is a Kremlin policy with which to fight. What is the point of discussing “human rights” if they are not available to all nationalities? You know how at one time Soviet dissidents called on the authorities of the USSR: “Observe your own constitution!” This is about the same thing. I really like “liberal values”, I just don’t like that all this doesn’t work, at least outside the EU.

By the way, analyzing the foreign policy of the European Union, you can come to a rather amusing conclusion: this is a weak opponent. No, of course, he has a lot of muscular (financial) mass. But the policy: stupid, aggressive and straightforward. No tricks, dodge, plans B, C, he does not have and close. The tactics and strategy of "direct heap" - what he blames Russia for (according to Freud) - frank lies and direct aggression. For the last seven years, there have been virtually no attempts by the West to “drag” the Russian audience onto its side. There is a stream of threats, insults and other dirt. So these people understand politics and propaganda. At the level of marketplace swearing. The plan is that the Russians need to understand how bad they are. Even so.

Propaganda, lies, an attempt of a coup ... In theory, they planned that everything would happen easily and quickly in Ukraine, and no one would notice a brief moment of fraud. In fact, everything turned into an endless bloody nightmare. At the same time, the European commissioners, having once made a bet on "their scoundrels", are forced to continue to cover them in everything. With the support of standard Nazis and scumbags in Kiev, talking about liberal values ​​in Russia has become quite difficult. The people see everything. The Europeans gave the Huntik carte blanche, and they went all in. And they could not win. Now both the “gentlemen” in Kiev and the “gentlemen” in Brussels are sitting stupidly and waiting for Russia to collapse, they have no other options. And yes, the very first projectile in the Donbass nailed, no, not the truth (it was nailed much earlier), they were nailed by the very “liberal values” that Echo of Moscow had been telling us about for so long and popularly.

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  1. +2
    15 March 2016 12: 39
    EU membership, visa-free Schengen, salaries of two thousand euros and pensions of one thousand ...

    Yeah, and the cowards are painted! laughing
    To the Ukronatsik that give, that throw it out - the same. Let them already dance on their rake, not long left. laughing
  2. +13
    15 March 2016 12: 42
    I think liberal values ​​- this is basically a tool for the robbery of non-Anglo-Saxon peoples by the Anglo-Saxons. And so they are good for the Anglo-Saxons and trouble for everyone else.
    1. +3
      15 March 2016 17: 35
      Quote: Uncle VasyaSayapin
      I think liberal values ​​- this is basically a tool for the robbery of non-Anglo-Saxon peoples by the Anglo-Saxons. And so they are good for the Anglo-Saxons and trouble for everyone else.

      Absolutely correct conclusion. And so it has always been, well, in any case since the 17th century, they have been impudent, and so far this has no end and end!
  3. +9
    15 March 2016 12: 44
    Pretty long and confusing, but right.
  4. +30
    15 March 2016 12: 49
    And lastly, distinguish liberals from liberals:

    Who is a liberalist? Liberast is a moral castrate and scum.
    Liberast hates dictatorship - but only because it is NOT HIS dictatorship.
    He calls on the people to resist the authorities and the police - but only until the CAM becomes the power and the police.
    He is sincerely upset that the people are subordinate to the authorities and the police - no matter how liberal the state, no matter how toothless the police are.
    Liberast, with both hands, advocates freedom of speech - but meaning by this freedom and precisely HIS OWN word.
    Liberast fiercely criticizes Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Zedong, because, alas, it is not he himself who is Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Zedong.
    Liberast CANNOT BE a patriot - because he sincerely considers his people to be a herd and cattle who need a shepherd with a strong stick.
    Moreover, under a shepherd, a liberalist naturally means only himself, his beloved.
    But if someone else is a shepherd (no matter how good or bad) - this is already a dictatorship.
    Liberast sincerely hates his country - because this country (by some inexplicable whim) does not call him to the throne, does not elect him president, does not give him divine honors.
    If a liberalist comes to power - this is a new copy of Hitler.
    Moreover - a degraded copy, because Hitler, in his own way was a romantic and idealist, he committed atrocities for a certain higher purpose.
    Why does a liberalist do evil - he himself cannot explain.
    As a rule, liberals are people with mental disabilities.
    A striking example of liberals is the audience that seized power in our country in 1991, and strengthened in power in 1993, having shot from the tanks, in front of the eyes of the whole world, a popularly elected Supreme Council.
    A striking example of the liberals is the idiotic political bureau of the perestroika era, who fouled the Soviet Union without firing a shot + Gorbachev and Yeltsin + the crowd who chant the same slammed slogans at US liberal meetings every time.
    Liberators are also a collection of individuals who do not need anything in life except to devour, have sex, "prick themselves and forget themselves and fall to the bottom of the well." Liberast is of two sorts: a meek liberast and a violent liberast.
    The peaceful Liberast - walks through life silently mumbling, breeding, eating and drinking in clubs and parties, often gets drunk, sits on a needle, and often diversifies his existence by participating in sects. He is not capable of anything else.
    A violent liberast - he does his best to do harm to his country - openly or secretly, at the command of American puppeteers and for their own money, he is ready to actively sell and betray the country in which he lives. This scum harms everywhere and where his hands or his tongue can reach (for example: "Rain", "Echo of Moscow", "Novaya Gazeta", etc.).
    These people have done more damage to our country than the Hitler invasion.
    Moreover, when liberals are reproached for genocide, they make big eyes and are sincerely offended.
    Because a liberal is a moral castrate. There is no such thing as "conscience" for him ... Liberast with all his soul fully approves of everything that comes from the West, without thinking about whether it is useful for his country.
    1. +16
      15 March 2016 12: 50
      During the reign of Yeltsin, millions of Russian people were liberalists turned into homeless people. These homeless people wandered through basements, train stations and heating mains, lived in landfills, dying from hunger, cold, beatings, from illness and refusal to provide medical assistance on time.
      And something I did not hear the repentance from those liberal scum who turned people into homeless people, who beat these homeless people, poisoned dogs, refused to hire, or refused medical assistance to them.
      In the nineties, prisons and camps were liberally packed full of beggars sitting at the top of a bag of cucumber or a can of cucumbers stolen from starvation. After the nineties - you can not remember about the 1937th year. The Russian people survived their 1937 year during the time of the liberal Yeltsin. In the nineties, it was the efforts of the liberals that Russian mothers had few children, because the Russians were placed in conditions where it was difficult for many to survive - not to multiply. And I didn’t hear anyone apologize publicly to Russian women who could not have children because of the extreme poverty arranged by the liberals.

      It was the liberals who were destroying industry, depriving people of work, tearing a piece of bread out of their mouths from people ...
      And can anyone demand from me that I forgive those liberalists who do not even think to ask for forgiveness? So that I forgave those who did evil not only to me personally, but also to many other people - without repenting at all? ...
      The only thing that can be done for such a public is to remind them of their crimes and of the inevitable, inevitable responsibility. That someday, they will be dragged "to the wall" and will have to blame only themselves ...

      The text is not mine, I repeat again ...
      1. Riv
        15 March 2016 13: 16
        Millions of homeless people? Right?
        1. +2
          15 March 2016 13: 58
          Quote: Riv
          Millions of homeless people? Right?

          If you count for all fifteen former Soviet republics, then surely millions! In Moldova, half of the homeless probably.
          1. Riv
            15 March 2016 19: 57
            If there are millions of homeless people, then at least one hundred people have lost their homes. Well, homeless and means: without a fixed place of residence. That is, right now I can look out into the street and see a couple of those there. But I don’t see it. Why? Probably in Russia we have some kind of wrong homeless people, not Moldavian ... :)

            Count all republics, add Israel ... Guys, do not repeat the stupid gossip of the perestroika times. Those who work in Russia and do not drink much, that will always work for themselves.
            1. 0
              15 March 2016 23: 29
              Quote: Riv
              Those who work in Russia and do not drink much, that will always work for themselves.

              And for how many years, taking into account inflation? Or take a mortgage? So take an interest in what it will cost! How is it with arithmetic? Bold minus!
            2. 0
              15 March 2016 23: 30
              Quote: Riv
              Those who work in Russia and do not drink much, that will always work for themselves.

              And for how many years, taking into account inflation? Or take a mortgage? So take an interest in what it will cost! How is it with arithmetic? Bold minus!
              1. Riv
                16 March 2016 05: 52
                I have a familiar bailiff, this year I took a mortgage for three years, on a one-room one. She used to live in a communal apartment with her daughter. Kamnata 3x3, cost 300 thousand, one-room in total will cost 2.5 lyam. What is her salary there? But the garden, vegetable garden, own potatoes, save on everything, my sister helps her.
                I myself moved a three rubles a year ago, without any mortgage. Now I’m doing a little repair.

                So you still try to work, instead of telling how everything is bad ...
            3. The comment was deleted.
        2. 0
          15 March 2016 14: 08
          Lyam minimum!
        3. +2
          15 March 2016 22: 37
          Quote: Riv
          Millions of homeless people? Right?

          We officially had a million with something street children ... Who do you think this is?
          1. Riv
            16 March 2016 10: 31
            Who has this "you"? I say it again: do not believe the tales that refer to "official statistics." And, for that matter, don't confuse neglect and homelessness. The UNICEF statistical compilation names the total number of homeless and neglected children at 64 393 people. in 2005 and 60 903 people. in 2008.

            Million, right? The tale of the Kolobok has long been opened?
            1. 0
              16 March 2016 12: 18
              Quote: Riv
              The UNICEF Statistical Digest lists the total number of street children and street children as 64. in 393 and 2005 60 people. in 903.

              Million, right? The tale of the Kolobok has long been opened?

              And who did this collection take into account? You are aware that only on the territory of Africa there are several large-scale wars about which no media write, and in which whole armies of children, tens and hundreds of thousands, are drawn. But according to your logic, they are under the supervision, even of notorious cannibals.
              1. Riv
                16 March 2016 14: 40
                Well! They also dragged Africa ... Now, please tell me, what have African children got to do with it? Or are you from there? Then it is clear what it means "with us" ...

                But I, if for garlic, Africa does not care at all. Less blacks - more clean air.
      2. +2
        15 March 2016 13: 36
        I subscribe to every word.
  5. 0
    15 March 2016 12: 50
    Heavy artillery in the form of s and fascists.
  6. +6
    15 March 2016 12: 55
    ".. It's all great, but the example of Donetsk somehow refutes it all. You can make any choice if this is our choice. Otherwise, we will destroy you.." This is their value: "if your opinion does not coincide with ours, then we go to you (and not in peace)." And after them even a flood.
    1. +1
      15 March 2016 13: 44
      Quote: vobels
      ".. It's all great, but the example of Donetsk somehow refutes it all. You can make any choice if this is our choice. Otherwise, we will destroy you.." This is their value: "if your opinion does not coincide with ours, then we go to you (and not in peace)." And after them even a flood.

      Yes. "We will fight for peace so that no stone remains unturned." sad
      1. 0
        15 March 2016 14: 11
        Yes. "We will fight for peace so that no stone remains unturned."

        And this, dear, how the card will fall!
  7. +2
    15 March 2016 12: 56
    I have heard many times, but I have never seen everything at once, as a whole, with an exhaustive list of these very "European liberal values".
    Maybe there are none at all, so - a concussion. I won’t be surprised.
  8. +3
    15 March 2016 12: 59
    Bitter truth is better than sweet lies (C). Everything that was thought of, rethought in recent years - laid out on the shelves. Thanks Oleg.
    1. +9
      15 March 2016 13: 55
      A very interesting article, not in terms of information, but in terms of presentation. The author, as it were, takes on the opposite side, “I, a liberal,” and then begins with the same ideas, on behalf of a liberal, to turn the opponent into a land. A very interesting presentation and a method that I have not seen in the press for a long time. If anyone remembers, dear, how, this technique is called, write. The article is a huge plus, I read it with great pleasure!
  9. -3
    15 March 2016 12: 59
    And where does the mentioned Rezun? And in general, a lot of bukof is not about anything.
    1. +1
      15 March 2016 13: 38
      And where does Rezun mentioned here?

      He wrote infinitely much on the topic of freedoms in general, and Ukrainian in particular.
  10. +1
    15 March 2016 13: 09
    Dumbasses and half-educated people. In his work on the evolution of species, C. Darwin wrote that the strongest survive. And if you take and transfer this to the development of society, it turns out that the strongest and most active survive, the one who is able to convince and lead the masses, and not the one who its insults causes a feeling of denial and loathing.
    1. +1
      15 March 2016 17: 24
      Quote: Amurets
      Dumbasses and half-educated people. In his work on the evolution of species, C. Darwin wrote that the strongest survive. And if you take and transfer this to the development of society, it turns out that the strongest and most active survive, the one who is able to convince and lead the masses, and not the one who its insults causes a feeling of denial and loathing.

      Nonsense, the old Leo who lost the ability to reproduce offspring according to Darwin, easily gnaws at the 3-month-old Cheetah, so that when he grows up he does not take his prey on their territory because the aging Leo is decrepit and losing his grip. But does that Leo lie spiritually stronger than the 3-month-old Cheetah, whose life reserve was higher than that of the old Leo, and he still had ahead. And yes, the strong defeated the weak, because he was very young and weak, before the old and strong. Well, as for society, we had a king, but in World War I he lost a lot to the Germans and Austrians, and then someone found a brave one and told him - but do you often lose to your enemy?
      We can be time for you and leave, and for this I will give your soldiers "freedom" from executing the orders of their commanders. So the "strongest" according to Darwin and in society was "found".
      1. +1
        16 March 2016 04: 04
        "The strongest was found", you mean Ulyanov chtol, then yes, with German money and promises to the peasants of golden mountains and land, they followed this scum, having received a hole from a donut and collective farms.
  11. 0
    15 March 2016 13: 10
    The EU accepts only those countries that more or less correspond to the generally accepted values ​​of the post-Christian Geyropa.
    Bulgaria, Romania and the Baltic countries have small populations. Therefore, it was not difficult to plant these same "values".
    Another thing is Ukraine. It didn’t work out there. Most of the population adheres to the values ​​of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
    It was not for nothing that the puppeteers declared that the Russian Orthodox Church (Russian Orthodox Church) is the most dangerous enemy for them.
    In Ukraine, the practice of seizing churches belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church. But in the media this is almost not paid attention.
    There is a struggle for the souls of people, not for the possession of natural resources ...
    By the way, Turkey is not admitted to the EU for this very reason.
  12. +2
    15 March 2016 13: 13
    The questions in the article reminded a fairy tale about Peter Pan:

    "... Not the pain of the bite, but the injustice, completely disarmed Peter.
    He stood and looked at Hook, unable to raise the hand in which the knife was. Every child reacts the same way when faced with injustice for the first time in his life. And no one is ever able to then forget this first injustice ... "

    What is freedom in the west? When was she there?
  13. +1
    15 March 2016 13: 27
    Quote: aszzz888
    To the Ukronatsik that give, that throw it out - the same. Let them already dance on their rake, not long left.

    I agree for a short time, only the 200s with ukrobardak 2.0 will be much larger.
  14. +1
    15 March 2016 13: 27
    There is such a profession - Granto $ o $ bully
  15. +7
    15 March 2016 13: 30
    Great article! This is how the discussion should be: evidence-based, calmly ironic. And all the while returning to the "fundamental principles". I will omit the word "democracy", because and from the principles for a long time nothing remained. Rather, the principles have always been the same: I am the master, you are the slave. And the methods are appropriate: how to cheat the native. Colonial principles cannot coexist in any way with the principles of good neighborliness and honest cooperation.
    From the recent past, I immediately remember the catch phrase of the stubborn one: "Promise them everything. And we will hang them later." Oh, how this "partner" was wrong! The planet will no longer tolerate parasitism. The end.
  16. +5
    15 March 2016 13: 48
    Thank you, good, quite thoughtful article. I read it with pleasure. Largely agree with the author.
  17. 0
    15 March 2016 14: 02
    To hammer a nail into the head and bend it under the chin. And this is the least worth doing with it. And it’s best to remind him of the first scene from his book. The entrance is the ruble, and the exit is two. And the coffin in the crematorium ... And the verdict , he has no statute of limitations .....
    1. 0
      16 March 2016 04: 08
      Quote: Kunar
      To hammer a nail into the head and bend it under the chin. And this is the least worth doing with it. And it’s best to remind him of the first scene from his book. The entrance is the ruble, and the exit is two. And the coffin in the crematorium ... And the verdict , he has no statute of limitations .....

      I agree with this, only I doubt that he will see this crematorium, they forgot about Rezun along the way, if they would like to have banged a long time ago.
  18. 0
    15 March 2016 14: 09
    In the West, there is no concept of "people" in the sense in which we represent it. For them, the people are the population of the country and nothing else. "And whoever disagrees with me, that has no place in my region" - said GV Boos, having arrived from Moscow to the post of governor of the Kaliningrad region. Where is this Boos now? The population is an object - if you want - put it, if you want - put it. And the people are a society that itself can put on you. So they get angry, so they fail because of their theory curve.
  19. +6
    15 March 2016 14: 09
    "I always thought that democracy is the rule of the people. But Mr. Roosevelt explained to me that this is the rule of the AMERICAN people." I. V. Stalin.
  20. 0
    15 March 2016 15: 02
    Poor old man Makhno, what has it to do with it? How much can you say that Makhno was not a Ukrainian nationalist and "self-styled"?
  21. MSL
    15 March 2016 15: 46
    Author Oleg Egorov
    Ah well done! Great!
  22. 0
    15 March 2016 16: 43
    Epigraph to this article: "It is difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if it is not there."
  23. +1
    15 March 2016 17: 19
    Values: freedom, democracy, human rights are just words that cover up the essence of crimes, money is just a paper that helps them to be implemented, but power in the hands of the Anglo-Saxons, power over the world is a terrible thing, I don’t want to live in a world created by them .. ..Article +.
  24. +1
    15 March 2016 17: 37
    Quote: vobels
    You can make any choice if it's our choice. Otherwise, we will destroy you .. "This is where their values ​​are:" if your opinion does not coincide with ours, then we go to you (and not in peace). "And after them even a flood.

    Ready to sign your every word. But 90% of Ukrainian society today will not accept it and, I think, they will not even understand it, their brains and eyes are so blinkered with Western and their home-grown Bandera propaganda. Yes
  25. 0
    15 March 2016 17: 40
    The freest on this earth was Robinson Crusoe. Here is the island and the water element that protects it and the island from extravagant constitutions with even greater extravagance whatever super-duper war in which horror knows how many people died, and therefore "don't judge" any "winner". Someone was lucky, I think if he got to this island with his wife, then he would not have gouged a boat out of the largest tree on the island.
    It is a pity that the author was a fictional hero in the struggle for his survival on an uninhabited island.
    1. 0
      15 March 2016 20: 19
      Quote: Captain Nemo
      It’s a pity that the author had a fictional character

      Not entirely fictitious - there was a person who lived in BUT for three years.
    2. 0
      15 March 2016 21: 11
      On all these European and other Robinsons of the islands you will not save!
  26. +3
    15 March 2016 18: 28
    Wonderful article. Bull's-eye. Thank.
    If I had the talent of a writer, I would have written such a thing myself. laughing
  27. +2
    16 March 2016 00: 40
    Quote: Riv

    Count all republics, add Israel ... Guys, do not repeat the stupid gossip of the perestroika times. Those who work in Russia and do not drink much, that will always work for themselves.

    Really working and not very hard, in St. Petersburg you can get 25-50t.r. At least 15-20 you will give for a rental housing, 10 thousand for food, travel, etc. small expenses. Clothing shoes an average of another 5 per person. Take the average young family M + F with salaries of 50 + 25 = 75t.r. We calculate the costs: 20 + 10 + 5 * 2 = 40 Total per month, such a family can postpone 30-35t.r. per month. Those. 330t.r. in year.
    We store the savings in the bank. The interest on deposits with Sber is now in the region of 5%, inflation - 15%. As a result, our savings are losing about 10% per year. Those. real annual savings can be reduced to 300t.
    The average price of an apartment, the minimum acceptable, for a family with an eye on children, and not) | (О П Е Е of the world - 2,5 million rubles, i.e. 2,5 million / 300 thousand = approximately 8 plus years.
    All calculations are given approximately, without taking into account the constant increase in housing prices. Of course, such a family will postpone the issue of reproduction until the housing problem is solved. That is, if the wedding is at 25, the apartment, then at 33, the first child is at 34-35 years old, and the second is already under forty (this is if you are lucky).
  28. 0
    16 March 2016 10: 46
    Shine. I applaud. Svoyo. Can?
    1. +1
      16 March 2016 11: 38
      Slow down ... lol