Flagpole and “Aryan Culture Years”

This year, the CIS countries unanimously and pompously celebrate the anniversary of the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20 century. The celebration of the anniversaries of independence is reminiscent of dancing on the bones, impetuous orgy, imbued with window dressing and kitsch for “achieving independence”. Citizens of a shattered great country who do not want to accept the 20 catastrophe that took place years ago as a given or even a blessing, these celebrations do not cause anything but sadness and sincere disgust. The festivities are lush and loud, and therefore expensive. Still, the USSR, which means Russia oppressed us, squeezed all the juice out of us, and now we are independent and thriving. This idea is inspired by the leaders of the former Soviet republics to their citizens. Tajikistan has also succeeded in such propaganda as the greatest Central Asian power. The apogee of this propaganda was the construction of the world's highest flagpole in Dushanbe: the construction of 165 meters in height should be a real embodiment of the greatness of Tajikistan and its achievements over the years of independence.

There are a lot of reasons for unrestrained joy over the celebration of the twentieth anniversary of independence: education has been almost completely destroyed in the country, a considerable part of young people read and write with difficulty, if not completely illiterate. The unemployment rate exceeds the limit, which is the reason for the mass departure of citizens of the republic beyond its borders in search of any kind of work. In addition, Tajikistan has won the notoriety of the intermediary country of drug trafficking.

A distinctive feature of the propaganda of the ideas of twenty-year independent prosperity is the literal sucking of achievements from the finger, multiplied by the idea of ​​the origin of the now independent people from representatives of the great ancient Eurasian civilization, the status of which is claimed by all titular peoples of the former USSR, including Ukrainians. This is written in textbooks. stories, written by the latter-day luminaries of historical science, massively manifested in the territory of esengovii.

The Tajiks, who really are descendants of the Aryan civilization, as well as all Indo-Europeans, went the furthest. But now is not about that. The Aryan idea in Tajikistan claims the status of a national one. In the year 2005 in the country, on the personal initiative of President Rakhmon, even the Year of Aryan Culture was held, posters with a swastika, an important ancient Aryan symbol, appeared on the streets of the cities of Tajikistan. What kind of Russian language and friendship of the peoples ...

In the meantime, despite their Aryan origin, the citizens of Tajikistan, by hook or by crook, rush to work in Russia, and no restrictive measures and deportations can reduce the flow of Tajik labor migrants to our country. This phenomenon is the most important symbol of the deepest independence of Tajikistan. It is known that the most important prerequisite for state independence is economic self-sufficiency. Unfortunately, Tajikistan initially does not possess this quality. This is due to a number of reasons, primarily of a geographical nature: features of the relief and climate: most of the country is located in the zone of high-altitude zone; underdevelopment of mining; infrastructure crisis. Not a single decade usually resolves these problems. Tajikistan also has no tourist prospects and, given the “good” neighborhood with Afghanistan, it will not appear in the foreseeable future. Thus, the independence of Tajikistan is largely based on the incomes of Tajik hard workers who come to Russia and working people sometimes in inhuman conditions.

With all the unenviability of the economic and geographical position of Tajikistan and the current picture of labor migration, this country is extremely important in geopolitical terms. Tajikistan is the last outpost of Russia in Central Asia, the last frontier that separates our largely shared civilization from the “wild” East: the Taliban and medieval Afghanistan, whose very existence does not promise anything good for our civilization. Therefore, control over Tajikistan is so important to our strategic adversaries, it will allow turning the situation in the whole of Central Asia in any direction that is beneficial for them.

The situation with the Rogun hydropower station, the construction of which has caused disputes between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, is quite indicative. The fact is that in case of successful implementation of this project, Tajikistan will be able to influence the security of Uzbekistan with water resources and thus undermine its ecology, at least this is what Uzbekistan insists on. The solution of the issue with the construction of hydropower plants is able to determine the balance of power in the region for many years to come. The Americans, represented by the World Bank, are already ready to conduct an environmental impact assessment of the project and make a positive verdict on it. This will mean unequivocal support for Tajikistan and Rakhmon personally, which will give him confidence that he needs the Russian foreign policy only to transfer funds from Russia through the hands of his hardworking subjects.

The US interest in Tajikistan is also confirmed by the frequent visits to this country by various American figures, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Commander of the 3 Army Army of US Central Command, Lieutenant Vincent Brooks, Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake. According to some reports, secret negotiations took place between representatives of the United States and President Rahmon about the deployment of American military bases on the territory of the republic.

Another test ball abandoned in the direction of Russian influence in the region was the statement by Lieutenant General Brooks about donating to Dushanbe and Tashkent a huge amount of the latest weapons, including modern communications and UAVs after the withdrawal of the Western coalition troops from Afghanistan. Otherwise how aggressive this possible step of the American command cannot be called. The flood of Central Asia with modern weapons - a direct threat to peace in the region and the national security of Russia.

So, it would be nice to limit the independent fervor of Tajikistan, at least with the help of duties on petroleum products. Unfortunately, over the past 20 years, our leaders have not had any other means of influencing their neighbors.
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  1. +7
    12 December 2011 07: 29
    We are glad that they are independent but at the same time in poverty they are also linked by spindos. It will not bring them to good.
    1. +1
      12 December 2011 15: 49
      ... education has almost been destroyed in the country, a significant part of young people read and write with difficulty, or even are completely illiterate. The unemployment rate is surging, which is the reason for the mass departure of citizens of the republic beyond its borders in search of any job.
      The same can be said about Uzbekistan.
      ... a statement by Lieutenant General Brooks on the gratuitous transfer to Dushanbe and Tashkent of a huge amount of the latest weapons, including modern communications and UAVs after the withdrawal of Western coalition troops from Afghanistan.
      And why Pindos give them the latest samples? Dreaming ... Over Georgia they handed M-4 ... Never Pindos share anything new with us ...
  2. Lech e-mine
    12 December 2011 07: 35
    ha - they have golden eggs of fate. winked
    1. kostya
      13 December 2011 05: 41
      so let them scratch them, and then, as summer, all the Khachiks are rushing to Russia to earn money, although they do it all through one place they saw it, they can only be trusted to dig the earth
  3. vadimus
    12 December 2011 07: 42
    Haha Hold me seven! Tajiks are blond Aryans ... “An orange plague has swept Europe! Columns in aprons with brooms filled the streets of European capitals! ” I already see the headlines of major newspapers ... wassat
    1. lightforcer
      12 December 2011 18: 12
      You obviously don’t know that Tajiks are Aryans. And the fact that they (the Aryans) should be white is Hitler’s invention.
  4. +3
    12 December 2011 08: 55
    Was there enough money only for the flag stock?
    1. Sergh
      12 December 2011 10: 33
      I was there before perestroika, how powerful the weaving carpet factories were, I even had to walk one at a time. Everything was gouged, but in fact it was woven for export and quite expensive.
      1. +4
        12 December 2011 15: 54
        In Tashkent, the Aviation Software, which under the USSR assembled IL-76 for the whole country, died, the TashSelMash Plant was literally razed to the ground, the cities of Chirchik and Almalyk - chemical industry enterprises in these cities died long ago, the wind is walking, the Bekabad Metallurgical, Navoi Mining and Metallurgical, in general, thousands of enterprises are looted, dilapidated ... People in areas without gas and electricity ... STSUKA, Independence, ЕПРСТ ...
  5. 0
    12 December 2011 10: 32
    With the supply and maintenance of bases in Tajikistan and in Uzbekistan, there may also be problems
  6. ivachum
    12 December 2011 10: 33
    Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake will soon register here in Tajikistan. a feeling that he does not travel to the United States.
    And they ALREADY started to transfer weapons, while the truth is only for the local special forces (by the way, do not laugh - good soldiers, and in the Russian Armed Forces there are many Tajiks since the times of the USSR .... and far from ordinary ...) It is noteworthy that the RT Air Force generally commanded by a Russian peasant. True, the Air Force is less than two dozen aircraft of all types.
  7. nnnnnnnnn
    12 December 2011 10: 41
    laughed, the complex of a small and poor country, greatness and significance are sought in the past and there are many ...
  8. mar.tira
    12 December 2011 10: 45
    Two years ago, our analysts gave the president a summary of the Americans' further actions in Asia. It confirms the forecasts exactly. And the first forecast is their bases in the border areas of Afghanistan, near our borders. The Taliban is secondary. Under the guise of protecting the borders from drug trafficking on commandos are sabotaging these bases and recruiting supporters for the pro-American government in our former neighbors.
  9. ivachum
    12 December 2011 10: 52
    By the way, if someone thinks that the local population is delighted with Rahmon and his ideas .... then he is very mistaken. I would say even very strongly. therefore, he dispersed where he could (mainly to Russia) the majority of the able-bodied. So dangerous for him personally.
    1. +3
      12 December 2011 15: 58
      One customs officer admitted to me that out of 28 million inhabitants of Uzbekistan, about 12 million (!!!) are located outside it ... including me. I have been living and working for 9 years in the Krasnodar Territory, so I have to get a residence permit. how can they tear them all up, the kings are fucking ... I mean, to the people this INDEPENDENCE is not needed on _____, you can’t spread it on bread. This independence is needed by the kings so that Moscow is not afraid, as was the case under the Union.
  10. toos_1799
    12 December 2011 16: 59
    Good article written by a literate person.
    Comments are good too.
    Tajiks have a very glorious history - they will be richer in Russia! Only their land was plundered more and more and devastated everything from Alexander the Great to the very Uzbeks ... And right up to Rakhmon himself!
  11. ivachum
    12 December 2011 18: 13
    toos_1799, I understand that many people find it unpleasant (and funny) to hear, but really, their history is ancient ... Somonids (Persians). But ... the time of their civilization is over. For its time it was an advanced culture, and it remained in the very early Middle Ages, mainly thanks to the "fraternal, humanitarian" assistance of the Mongols. they also brought their "world order" to the masses. and literally trampled the whole of Central Asia into the Stone Age.

    If anyone does not know fellow :

    Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdallah ibn Sina [1], taj. Abul Ussain Ibni Abdullo Ibni Sino), Ibn Sina (in Latinized form - Avicenna (Avicenna); born in the village of Afshana near Bukhara on August 16, 980 - died in Hamadan, June 18, 1037) - Tajik philosopher and doctor, representative of eastern aristotelism.

    Abu Nasr Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Tarkhan ibn Uzlag al-Farabi at-Turki, the abbreviation for the name is al-Farabi (in Latinized form - Alpharabius; 873 [1] —950) - philosopher, mathematician, music theorist, presumably Turkic or Persian ( and Tajiks are also of the Persian group) origin. One of the largest representatives of medieval eastern philosophy.
    1. 0
      12 December 2011 19: 09
      For some reason, Al-Farabi also consider Kazakhs to be theirs, too, on old money (tenge) until 2006 the profile of Al-Farabi was depicted, in Almaty there is an avenue of his name.
  12. lightforcer
    12 December 2011 18: 14
    The article is more like a provocation. Not only the story with the pilots influenced.
  13. ivachum
    12 December 2011 18: 17
    Yes, I forgot .... Tajiks consider (and not without reason) Bukhara not as an Uzbek city, but as a Tajik one. And Samarkand too. There was a very large percentage of ethnic Tajiks (after the census, he urgently became Uzbeks) wink

    Now look at the map ...
  14. ivachum
    12 December 2011 18: 42
    By the way, what happened and is happening in Tajikistan is what some of the super-independent national republics of the Volga region were striving for so much in the early 90s (under the wise leadership of the "fraternal" special services of Turkey) and ... Chechnya (but then the fire was filled with blood Russian soldiers and fill the coals with money, again, of Russian taxpayers). So, admire .... what Turkey was preparing for us, according to the plans of the United States. The Tajiks were lucky that those (Western "brothers") were not able to crush Russia to the end and she did not allow all the rest to self-destruct to the end. Again, for our blood and money.

    And as for the fighting qualities of the Tajiks (NOT the Tajik Army as a whole), then remember - and who by nationality was Ahmadshah Masud (Pasher Lion). At first he gave a light to ours, and then to the Taliban. And not bad, he did it. And now in the Russian army there are many Tajik officers (although they are mostly in 40 years). Apart from Basmachism, the Tajiks almost never fought with the Russians. Well, if only as part of the Tatar-Mongol troops, but there were enough Russians there .... And Afghanistan.
    1. 0
      13 December 2011 10: 56
      As far as I know, Ahad Shah Masoud was the only person in the history of the wars of Afghanistan who sat at the negotiating table with the Soviet Union, it was he who wanted to put an end to the war and create a normal state, but he was removed ... ((
  15. 0
    12 December 2011 21: 35
    At the expense of comparing Tajik history with Russian, it’s in vain. Nobody can get to our history, especially pendos)))) But at the expense of bases - it is likely. Pendosy for a certain amount will receive permission to build these bases. and then they will suck out from Dushamba three to four times more under various pretexts and become full owners for the appeared ephemeral debt. Sorry ....
  16. Lustrator
    12 December 2011 22: 08
    The United States is intensely copying the Roman Empire to ALL, respectively, and will inherit its fate. But it will become a little expensive for our planet, perhaps even prohibitively expensive ...
    They are not needed there, oh how they are not needed.
  17. Mr. Truth
    12 December 2011 23: 30
    By the way, about the Tajiks.
    I have 14 Tajiks working at my place, with 8 Russian citizenship.
    A funny situevina happened to them when a couple of weeks ago aircraft carrier George W. Bush had not yet left the Mediterranean Sea, I discussed with them the possibility of a military conflict and the use of nuclear weapons (just for fun)
    One then came up, asking me they say 22 years old, am I a citizen of the Russian Federation if the war wakes me in the Russian army? Yes, I’ll be taken away to him as a citizen is obliged to protect.
    On the director’s table are 3 applications for dismissal and 8 for leave and sick leave. They wanted to dump everything to themselves.
  18. ivachum
    13 December 2011 15: 46
    wink There are enough cowards everywhere. wink I am sitting now in the very center of "Eternal Monday" tongue Well, on the outskirts. And I currently have 5 Tajiks, 2 Russians, 1 Uzbek, 1 Korean, 1 Azerbaijani (calls herself a Persian), all citizens of the Russian Federation, all (except Russian) former military personnel of the RF Armed Forces, and believe me, there are no cowards among them .

    It is believed that Farabi was born in the area of ​​Farab (modern Otrar, South Kazakhstan), where the Arys river flows into the Syr Darya [2]. A contemporary It is believed that Farabi was born in the Farab area (modern Otrar, South Kazakhstan), where the Arys river flows into the Syr Darya [2]. A contemporary of Farabi, Ibn Haukal, pointed out that Vesij belongs to the number of cities in the Farabi district, from which Abu Nasr al Farabi originates.

    To unambiguously determine the ethnicity of Farabi, the facts are not enough [3]. The origin of Farabi from the Central Asian Turks is considered traditional. At the same time, there is an equal version of the Persian origin of Farabi. Since the middle of the twentieth century, some authors have also been conducting a discussion that has no scientific basis about the affiliation of Farabi to any particular nationality of Central Asia.

    in IX - X centuries. on the territory of Greater Iran, especially in Khorasan (which included both Maverannahr and part of modern Afghanistan), an ethnic community of "Tajiks" was formed, which included the ancestors of modern Persians and Tajiks, as well as some other Iranian-speaking population (for example, who spoke Azeri in Azerbaijan). Much later, already in the post-Mongol time, under new conditions, this community, part of which (in Azerbaijan and Maverannahr) was Turkized, began to break up into two independent ones - Persians and Tajiks. Nothing of the kind in IX – X, and even in the XI – XIII centuries. there wasn’t, and Tajiks of that time - the common name of the mass of Iranian-speaking population, connected by a single culture, ethnic identity and language ...
    1. Galina
      14 December 2011 02: 39
      Interesting information, thanks.
  19. ivachum
    19 December 2011 17: 57
    According to some reports, about a month ago on the Tajik-Uzbek border there was a shootout between the border guards of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, during which one Uzbek border guard was killed. In recent days, there has been a concentration of troops of the Armed Forces of Uzbekistan on the border with Tajikistan. In addition, Uzbekistan blocked the transit of all goods for Tajikistan by its railway, allegedly in connection with the repair of tracks. Draw your own conclusions. am
  20. Georg Shep
    29 February 2012 00: 27
    I must say that Tajiks, and primarily young people who work as janitors and cleaners in housing and communal services in Russian cities, behave with dignity and modesty. This is especially noticeable against the background of the provocative behavior of the Novoarishes from the Caucasus and other "fraternal" republics. And their appearance is calm, with the correct facial features compared to other representatives of the former Soviet Central Asian region.